THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YBAR FIERY_&ESSIONS BPR1NQFIELÍ), LANE COUNTY, OKKOON,THURSDAY, NOVMBER 17, 1932 Decorate Dentist to r Valor in War Springfield Dentiet Recipient Newly Elected Member« of i of Purple Heart From War Department This Week County Court Find Their ’ Every Effort I« Blocked To Fight W et Vote Hr. W. N D. w licelved not ce > from the war department till« week of hta having been awarded the Purple Heart with hla name en graved on It In recognition of a wound received while In action In Frunue on July IS, IBIS Tbl» wa» the (trat day al the battle of Hol«aona at the «tart of j the Chateau Thierry drive. The notification received by Ibc local dentlat waa worded aa fol Iowa: "1. The Secretary of War directs that a Purple Heart, engraved with the name of the recipient, bo la aut-d to William N. Dow. Spring- field. Oregon, on account of wound received In action July lit, IBIS while aervlng aa a private tat rlaaa. -impnny 23rd Infantry.'’ FIRST STHTEMEHI SCHOOLS PLAN TO I a »« i ^ mo „ o , bòa OF BANK GIVEN OFFERJWT OISH No. 45 [ Receiver Start« Cliam Taking P.-T. A. Room Representa­ tive« Complete Necessary of Depositor« on Monday; Arrangements on Monday Banking Hour« Usad 1 Swarts h as New Plans for S h e riff LEBANON GAME IO tUSEASO N Next Officer Would Place Enforcement Work in Hand Powerful Linn County Team of State Police Force Opponents of Springfield in i Closing Game Friday Crimlnal law enforcement in county will be left In the hands of the state police and only NAVE VICTORY RECORD one deputy will vlll be employed for Actunl Framing of Document Statements of Condition to be Donations of Freeh afd Cured criminal work In the county If Dean Anderson Dashes 35 present plane of C. A. Swart«, sher­ Yarde for Touchdown at Issued Quarterly During Fruits, Vegetables and Milk Scheduled to Start Friday; iff-elect, can be worked out with Are Needed By Workers Silverton Armistice Day Agent«' Hearing Set Liquidation Period Charles P. Pray, superintendent of state police. This will mean the Just one game left on the football Kirnt real ai t Inn on the part of First statement of the First Na-| The hot lunch committee of the Hprlngfleld Parent-Teacher's asso- elimination of two deputies now . schedule for Hprlngfleld high school hudgnt committee of I .ano county tlonal Bank of Hpr'ngfleld giving Mrs. Klizabrth Tilton, chairman, hfiaa Elizabeth Reeve doing criminal work from the «her- fur 1932 and the equipment will be now Puny considering means of r» announce» that the Women’» Commit­ condition as of date of suspension, ctatlon plans to serve hot soup or ter of M ra C h arta A. 1 Iff* force according to Swarts, who stored away for another season, tee lor Education Against Alcohol October 8. 1932. waa Issued this cocoa, free of charge, to every child during laxes (or 1933. la expected soon to be the brida oí , will omvene af (he capital to fight week by Lloyd H. Kelley, receiver. who must bring a «old lunch to expects to effect a total saving of Friday at 12:30 the team, local to l«> taken Friday, when an effort M orcan oí Lazados, j the wet vote when Congres» meet» io more than *«,500 Io hla office for business men. and students will The statement shows the bank t o ! school daring the bad weather per will l>f mad" to reach a decision In December next year. The new sherirf has leave for Lebanon where Spring- have assets of *108,330.72 and llabl i lod. They plan to atart serving on the mailer of eliminating or re­ been In conference with Pray this field will meet the toughest compe­ lltlea amounting to »100.998 49 . Monday, November 28. to approxl- taining office» of thf Home Do- week. tition of the season. School will Caali on band amounted to »4.00«.«« j mately 126 children at the Lincoln: nilnalratiou agent and the County The office of sheriff will confine proceed the same as usual at the Agricultural agent. There were approximately 860 school and 86 children at the Brat its activities to the collection of \ hlgh »am among alumni boys Helene Richmond and Mrs. Grace past four years. The publication Is issued by the of Springfield during hla entire lite- The adoption without protest ot C. IVilndexlPr who spoke on "Chum­ from Hprlngfleld high erhool was ljtnsberry. The regular lodge meeting waa Junior class and has the following the City budget Monday night, and tfme. having been born In a bouse LANE C. E. MEETING completed here la»t week and regu­ Mrs. Minnie Girard and her ming With Dad.” staff: Lucille Clearwater, edltor-in- on South Second street. Just two held at 8 o'clock with members ot the school budget last night, means TO START SATURDAY P. J. Bartholomew. Brotherhood lar practice periods are being held daughters. Dorothy and Doris, were chlef; Ethel Parsons and Bruce blocks south of his present home. the Blue River chapter from Eu­ president, presided at the meeting. at the high achool gymnasium named on the refreshment com­ gene aa guests. Eighty persona at­ Squires, news editors; Everett that the taxpayers of the city and Thn Lane County Chrlatlan En district will have to raise a total mittee for December. every Monday evening. Chetwood. cartoonist; Lamer Brat- deavor homecoming program will ot *74.739.02 by direct taxation for PERMIT BLANKS HERE The Frtduy evening meeting was tended. A practice game between the tain. buslnees manager; Harry Wil­ I. O. O. F. NAMES OFFICERS A social meeting with a program be held at the Central Presbyter­ school and city expenses alone next FOR ALCOHOL DEALERS fln t and nocond team» of the new­ directed by Mrs. Clara Taylor. Mrs ian church In Eugene Saturday AT MEETING LAST NIGHT ly formed group was held at the Findley, and Mrs. Nellie Pyne. including several vocal selections son. and Verltn Posey, advertising year. managers; Robert Brown, circula­ First effect of the repeal of the by Mrs. W. K. Baroell with her afternoon and evening. A program Last year the city taxes coupled high school gym Monday evening Krneal Black wa« chosen noble will be given at 3:30 and will be daughter. Barbara, as accompan tion manager; DeEtta Sandgaihe, with those of the school district prohibition enforcement laws of In which the first team defeated RED SOCK GIRLS LOSE typist, and Everett Lajole. mechan­ followed by a covered dlah dinner grand and Fred Hinson, vice-grand, the second string boys 17-10. 1st. and games was enjoyed. amounted to slightly more than 80 Oregon in the recent election was ical supervisor. BASKETBALL CONTÈ3T of Hprlngfleld 1. O. O. F lodge felt here this week with the receipt at 6:30. The big program of the percent of the entire levy. Refreshments were served in the Mi-ralteni of the team Include number 70 at their meeting here by local doctors and druggists of day will atart at 7:30. dining room by Mrs. Edward Prl­ George Thatcher, Richard Procb Members of the 9 Red Socks, a application blanks for permits to FINE FISH TAKEN FROM Chrlatlan Endeavor waa organ- last night. Oswald Olson, re-elected now. Gilbert Ernsting, William Cox. vat, Mrs. J. E. Cross and Miss CITY COUNCIL PASSES girls' basketball teem organised prescribe and handle alcohol and lied In 1881 mid an effort la being secretary, and Knrk Girard re­ LeRoy Nice, Freeman Squire», ller- UMPQUA BY LOCAL MEN among Eugene and Springfield Evelyn Buell. NEXT YEAR’S TAX L E W other Intoxicating liquors. made to have nil the early mem elected treasurer. Appointive of »«y Tom»eth. Lloyd Mattison, Don­ girls, lost their game at Lowell All Springfield doctors have re­ bera of thia organization who live fleers will not he announced until ald Hawk, and Dule Sumners Some fine specimens of steel­ No one appeared at the City Hall against the girls teem there lad ERGATHA CLASS HAS in thia vicinity to attend the gath­ the Installation of the new officer« head and salmon trout were taken Monday night to question or dis ceived the blanks, which were They will meet an Independent night 29-20. at the first meeting In Jnnuary. SOCIAL ON WEDNESDAY from the Umpqua river during the pute the budget for the City of mailed out from a supply house In ering. team from Pleasant Hill thore to­ The personnel of the team In­ Announcement wa» nlao mude Kentucky. They are asked to fill Member» of the Springfield week-end by Springfield anglers. night for the first game of the Rea­ cluded Eunice Gerbor and Abbie Mrs. R. L. Drury was hostess to One party comprising W. K. Bar- Springfield as prepared for the year out the request blank which would Chrlatlan Endeavor are planning to last night that Glen Haruden. «po­ son. Next Monday evening they will 1933 and the City Council, sitting Ellis an guards; Evelyn Bentson members of the Ergatha class of rtal district deputy grand ma»ter, precede the actual application for attend In a body. nell, H. O. Dlbblee. and H. E. meet a team front Thurston on the and lone Rhodes, centers; Marj­ would make an official visit to the the Methodist Sunday school at her Maxey fished near Elkton. Mr. as a levying board, passed the tax. such permit. local floor. A total of *41.408.28 must be raised orie Snyder and Maxine Snodgrass, home. 841 North Fifth street Wed­ lodge at their meeting on December Barnell brought back a steelhead LADIES AID SENDS SIX Walter Hcharen 1« business man­ forwards. 7, at which time refreshments will nesday afternoon. Mrs. O. H. Jar­ which weighed more than eight for expenses of the city government LEGION POST PLANS FOR ager for the Hprlngfleld team. and previously incurred obligations TO CONFERENCE MEET be served. rett and Mrs. Gardner were assist­ pounds. by direct taxation. SOCIAL MEET TONIGHT BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE ant hostesses. During the roll call Dr. W. C. Schaffer of Eugene and Hix membera of the Methodlat Only routine business Including P. T. A. MEETING SET • each member respondixl with a ATTEND WINTER RALLY MAYS SELL OUT FARM Dr. W. *1 Dow of Springfield left the allowing of monthly bills was A potluck dinner at 6:30 In Tay­ 'ladle» aid were In Eugene Tueaday Thanksgiving verse or poem. FOR FRIDAY AFTERNOON Friday for Scottsburg on the same lor's hall will precede the regular attending the aiib-dlatrlct («infer­ RETURN TO SPRINGFIELD A targe number of young people Members of the class planned river and made some nice catches transacted by the council at their ence. Representative» from the business meeting held the same semi monthly meeting of Spring- Regular meeting of the Spring from the Hprlngfleld Baptist church several Thanksgiving baskets for during the week-end. Mr. and Mr». L. E. May have «old field American Legion post num­ evening. churrhea at Harrisburg, Junction field Parent-Teacher association were In attendance at the two-day. needy families and worked on a ber 40 this evening according to City, Hprlngfleld, Cottage Grove the old Imhoff place In the A’hur«- will be held at the Lincoln school mid-winter rally held at the Baptist quilt. Twenty-or*e members were notices mailed out this week by P. THANKSGIVING DANCE and Eugene wore present. Those ton dlntrlct to a Mr. Beachers of Frfdny afternoon at 3 o’clock. church In Eugene on Friday after­ present. BALLOT COUNTING AT J. Bartholomew, adjutant. Thia will attending front Hprlngfleld were Eugene who ha» taken poshphs I oii . Mothers and teachers of students noon and Saturday. Prominent PLANNED BY LEGION COURTHOUSE COMPLETE be a regular «octal meeting for the Mra. Frank Bartholomew, local aid Mr. and Mr». May have moved back In the third and fourth grade» will clergymen and church workers BENEFIT CARD PARTY members. president, Mrs. P. A. Wooley, Mrs. to Springfield. The first of the series of Ameri­ were on the program for the vari­ have charge of the program. Official counting of the ballots The H. E. Morris ranch has been McKay, Mra. John Vaughn. Mra. U. FOR IUKA IS FRIDAY can Legion dances sponsored by cast in the recent general election ous sessions of the meeting. G. McElhnney, and Mra. Jay Ftah rented by Mr. Hufford of Ixiwell the finance committee ot the was completed at the courthouse MANY MASONS ATTEND CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS who 1« now locuted on the farm. A benefit card party to be spon­ Springfield post will be held next Tuesday noon according to C. E. SECOND SOCIAL NIGHT HEAR BOOK REVIEWS LINCOLN SCHOOL STARTS sored by members of Iuka circle. Thursday evening, Thanksgiving Wheaton, member of the counting FOUR-H COOKING CLUB Ladles auxiliary of the G. A. R. day, at Thurston hall at 9 o'clock LIBRARY FEATURES BOOK ASSESSED VALUATIONS board. Others on the county count­ Approximately 46 members of Reports on various prominent DISPLAY FOR CHILDREN book» of the present time were A Four-H cooking club has been will be held Friday evening at the It was announced this week by J. ing board were Manning Leonard, Liberty Masonic lodge and mem­ FOR CITY DECREASED home of Mrs. Wanda Barnes, circle M. Larson, finance officer. Music Mrs. Mabel Henry, Mrs. Raup, and bers of Cascade chapter. O. E. 8 given by membera of the Civic organised among the eighth grade president. Mra. Edith Laxton, Mrs. will be furnished by Ted's orches­ Judge Murphy of Junction City. were entertained at the lodge hall A »pedal dl»plny of book» »alt Tho BHHCHaed valuatlon of the club at their regular meeting held girls at the Lincoln school with city of Hprtngfleld decrenaed from nble for children has been placed Tueaday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ethel Jolliff as leader. Offi­ Stella Lewis, and Mrs. Ethel Jol- tra. All ballots cast in the election here last Thursday evenlDg for the *740,226 for 1931 to *704,06 for at the city library thl» week by M«r. David Haltsmun, president. cers of the group are Bernice llff are membera of the committee were recounted to make sure that second social meeting of the season. 1932 accordlng to nti announcetnent Mr». David Hnltamnn, librarian. The Mr». J. Fulop and Mra. L. K. Page Smith, president; Marjorie Jolliff, In charge of the playing and of the MRS. REBHAN HOSTESS there were no mistakes made by The affair began with a *: 30 cover­ refreshment«. ed dish dinner and was followed display has been made In connec­ laaued yeatorday (min tho Office of were hostesses for the afternoon. vlce-preuldent; and Deloree Nice, TO KENSINGTON CLUB the precinct boards. Mrs. Barnes' home Is at 4th and by cards and dancing. Harry Stew­ Ben Keeney, aaaeaaor. The valun­ tion with Natlonnl Book Woek be­ secretary. Meetings will be held B streets. art and Carl Wyman were In utin of School dtHtrlct 19 wa» set ing observed now In all parts of the PAST MATRONS PLAY each Tuesday. Mrs. W. C. Rebhan was hostess IUKA MEETING IS AT charge. United Htates. at *1,006,400. at her home here last Thursday LAXTON HOME TONIGHT BRIDGE HERE MONDAY MAN INJURED TODAY (lor members of the Kensington GIRL SCOUTS PLAN TO MANY ARE ENROLLED IN PRISCILLA CLUB HAS NEEDLECRAFT MEETING Bridge was enjoyed by membera BY FALLING LIMB club. Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew and The regular meeting of Iuka cir­ MEET TH IS AFTERNOON Mrs. D. B. Murphy were assistants. cle, Ladies auxiliary of the G. A. MARKETING PROJECTS TO BE TH IS AFTERNOON MEETING HERE TODAY of the Past Matrons club of Cas­ George Brewer of Fall Creek was Mrs. M. R Iri»'?. was a guest of the R., will be held tonight at the cade chapter. O. E. S. Monday after­ Regular meeting of the Spring- A total of 407 boys and girls In Mrs. Harry M. Stewart will en­ Mrs. W. 11. Hlenrmer will enter­ noon when they were entertained field Girl Scout troop will be held painfully Injured this morning club. home of Mrs. Edith Laxton on East tertain at her home thl» afternoon tain members of the Priscilla club at the home of Mra. W. C. Wright. at the Methodlat church this after­ when a limb from a tree fell, strik­ The next meeting of the club will Main street. Cars will stop at Eggl- Lane county are enrolled In market­ for members of the Needlocraft at her homo here thl» afternoon, Mra. C. E. Bwarts will entertain noon at 3:16. Further work on ing him on the head. He sustained be held on December 9. when Miss mann's to take members to the Lax ing projects for 1931 according to a club. She will be naalated by Mra. The meeting will start at 2:30 It the member» of the club at her scrapbooks being made by the stu­ a gash on the forehead and a cut Edna Swarts and Mrs. C. E. Swarts ton home prior to the meeting It statement Issued this week by B. C. Knehner, coanty club leader. W. N. Goaaler. lias been announced. will entertain at their home. haa been announced. home at their December meeting. dents will occupy the afternoon. Up. START INVESTIGATIONS BANK HAS 850 ACCOUNTS MORE THAN 200 NEEDED SCHOOL HUS PLAN GAINS JN FAVOR FINAL RUES ERR JOHN GAIES HELD MEK SEEK 'EPEAL DELAY REREKKR’S PLAN LODGE CONFERS FLORAL DE6REE City Basketball learn Organized