THE SPRINQPira.n NEWS PAO« POUR LIONS SPONSOR BOSKET SOCIAL Hrst honor Roll At high School Join the Red Cross and Help The Distressed and Needy Fall Creek Men Hena—Ray and THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 10. 1 » » « Mrs. Swarts In Birthday Event TAXES EXPLAINED HERE 61 BARNARD Friand* of Long Tim * Resi­ dent Honor Her on Seven­ N*c***ity of Levying Sufflci- ty-Fifth Anniversary ol*nt to Retain Credit of Miss Edna Swarts was hostess County Held Vital Need Collects Bounty— I .co K Hummer Average of Two or Better I Charles Brewer of Fall Creek were of Springfield collected the 82 coun ty bounty on one bobcat pelt at the Everybody Invited to Attend Necessary to Win Place on visitors in Springfield on Friday. cffico of the county clerk Monday : Scholarship List at School Harrisburg Man Here—Oren Mtl- Benefit Affair; H. S. Stu­ Released from Hospital Mrs " ! ler »f Harrisburg was a business dent* Are in Charge Honor students at Springfield TU1|or ,n s pr(ngfi,|d Monday «I a surprise potluck luncheon held Clarlue Putman returned to her a t the home of her purent* Mon Reasons for the tax problems of who have completed their first six A basket social at Taylor's hall weeks of work with grades averag- ' Boy la III—Joel Chaee has been home here Friday following two tiny lor her mother, Me», C. E. Lane county were outlined hers weeks spent at a hospital in Eu will be the outatandln* social func tng two or above were named In: quite 111 at his home here this week K warts on the occasion of her Friday to members of ths Lions tloe In Springfield Friday svenlng. the honor roll released last week He is recovering now according to gene. seveuty-flfth birthday anniversary. club by County Judge U. P. Barn­ Armistice night, starting at 8 Guests who citine for the noon ard. Taxua are In direct propor­ Teacher is III — Miss Helen C. end by Ina Clement, secretary at his physician. o'clock. luncheon sud social afternoon In tion to the demands of the public, High, teacher at the Brattain the high school. Comes to Vote— Miss Doris Gra- school Is III this week. Miss Edith Muditi »1rs g I \»ii,;hl. Mra. M he declared, showing how In Thia affair la being sponsored The students who have their J. McKlln. Mrs. L. K. Cage. Mis. Springfield the city and school dis­ by the Lions club of Springfield, names on the roll are as follows by ham returned to Springfield Tues­ Ayer has been substituting for Iter day to cast her vote. She left on the entire week. II. W. Whitney, Mra N. W. Emery, trict taxes consumed slightly mors but la being planned and directed classes: Wednesday for Portland. Mrs. C. K. Wheaton, Mrs. Mary thsu eighty cents of each dollar by member« of the Girls' League FRESHMEN— Lester Anderson, Parents of Boy— Mr, and Mrs Keasey, Anna Ko sey. Mrs J. T assessed against property. and the Lettermen’« club at the Barbara Barnell. Charles Clement, Ill at Daughter's Home — Mrs. Mtlo Casteel are the parents of a Moore. Mrs. A. Swarts. Mrs. M high achool for the purpose of rais­ Roy Crandall. Edward Hensen. Bosserman. mother of Fred Bosser The expenditure of large sums M Pcery and the honor gueat. ing money with which to purchaae John Kickbush, Florence May, man, is quite 111 at the home of her baby son born to them at the Pa of money for highways has neces­ citic Christian hospital in Eugene needed athletic equipment. sitated high taxes, but they also Evalyn Robley, Wayne Tullar, War­ daughter in Eugene. on Thursday. November 3. 1932. offer a ray of hope because as MOB New and novel entertainment ren Vail, Back from California—E. A. Ter- as these highways have beau com SOPHOMORES — Charles Cole, S tart Christm as Music— Elrst re features Including skits, aouga and man returned Saturday from a hearsal of Christmas music for the pleted they are turned over to the readings will be given under the Irvia Darr, Lucile Davis, Clair Had­ three weeks' visit irf Southern Cali­ coming season was started by the state and the county Is at no fur­ ley. Marjorie Hart, Margaret Jar direction of the Girls' League com­ ther expense to maintain them, Baptist choir Wednesday evening mittee beaded bf Virginia Chris­ rett. Helen Marx. Margaret Millet, fornia. thereby making possible tbe grad tie. Others aaelstlng her are Bar­ Verlln Posey, Doris Robinson, Mary Visitors Friday— Mr. and Mra. at their regular weekly meeting. uni reduction of taxes, the Judge bara Barnell, Lenore Coper, and Trotter, Mary Elkow. Frank Snyder of Carter station Vlait in Portland— Mr and Mrs said, unleas there la a heavy de- JUNIORS— Erma Easton. Beat­ were business visitors in Spring- Colleen Cornell. Carl Olson returned the end of last mand for more road construction Harry Wilson is general man rice Elmer, Evelyn Kickbush. Doro­ field on Friday. week from Portland where they Keeping the credit of the county thy Nice, De Etta Sandgathe. Elisa­ ager for the event and has an­ Mr. and have been visiting with friends and Since 1819 when a certain New good was held to he a vital matter Leaburg People Her beth Vail. nounced that the program will last York savings hunk opened, 1.178 under conditions such a» we find SENIORS—Donald Brown, Vlr- Mrs. A. N. Hanson of Leaburg were relatives for several days. one hour after which baskets will Mary Smiths have opened amount* at the present tim e This also glnia Christie, Robert Elmer. Zula business visitors in Springfield on be auctioned off to the highest Class Sees Water Plant—Mem lu the hank. The Mary Murphys means Increaae In taxes sa much Nathalie Edtniston, Tuesday morning. bidder by none other than Dr. W. Kickbush. bers of the general science class of , tax mouey is not paid In and the run second with 998. C. Rebhan. There is one catch, Ethel Parsons. Dorothy Mse Robin­ Coburg Man III—H. H. Hall, em the high school were taken to the County Court Is required to budget son. August Rodakowskt. Marceline however to the highest bidder ployee of the Mountain States water plant Friday morning to The city of New York has un all the money It Intends to expend. clause, because high school stu- Seavey. Florence Vail. Marjorie Power company Is ill at his home learn how the city water supply Is | ttruiy of 147.000 men anil woin»»u Music for the program was furn Prochnow. dents will not be permitted to bid at Coburg. obtained, stored and distributed. Ishod by Mrs C. F Barber, violin on Its payroll. POST GRADUATES — Lucile above 50 cents for a basket brought • • • 1st. and Mrs. Walter N. Gossler, Class Party Friday—Members of Son is Born— Mr. and Mrs ItTcK by a member of the Girls' League. Clearwater. The T N. Koffey I’O.. Inc., of pianist. of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxahs Sunday ard Kittell of Dexter are the par­ There will be no limit on bids re­ Brooklyn, have ou (heir truck» school class of the Methodist ents of a baby son born to them at ceived from others, according to !T. N. Koffey—"Tea * Coffee " MORE GRAIN USED TO church will hold a party Friday 1392 Villard Street in Eugene on Wilson. • • • FEED WESTERN CATTLE eventog at the home of their teach­ Saturday. November 5. 1932. Representing the Lions club on On the vast stretch of ground oc­ er at 8 o'clock. the committee are Dr. Rebhan The heaviest vole ever polled cupied by New York's radio city Use of grain along with hay In Choir Adds Members—Seven now John Anderson, and Thelmer Nel­ Conference Held— The monthly II I this section was recorded In now under construction, ten build­ fattening beef cattle is now becom- . o . . . members have been added to the | NEIGHBORS ELECT NEW son. __conference of Sunday school work­ ing units will stretch skyward. The the Tuesday election Several un­ ing a much more general practice! - Methodist church choir since Ken-1 OFFICERS WEDENSDAt I largest of these will be a 88-atory popular nieaauree and political fer­ , . . . u ers at the Baptist church was held Everybody In Springfield is In­ in the west than ever before, says " neth Roduner became the director , .. . . , .1 Monday evening with discussions vited to attend this gathering „ E. L. office building with a 18 story wing vor served to Influence an unus­ Potter, head of the animal a few weeks ago it was announced New officers for Pin ■ circle This structure will have a gross ually heavy registration. At Loa . . at Oregon on several problems, Wives of the Lione and members husbandry department last week. Neighbors of Woodcraft w«ro (loor space of 3.500,000 square feet burg out of 184 registered 118 of the Girls' League have promised State college. Grain has never Returns from Medford— Mr. and to prepare baskets. All ladies been fed in the west in such liber- Mra w F Walker returned the named her* W ednesday evening nearly half a million square feet In votea were cast. In Camp Creek Envoy is Visitor— Envoy Lillian ! should bring baskets for thé men al amounts as is customary in the at a regular meeting. They are excess of the gross area ot any precinct 385 voters registered. M l o( last week from Medford Gray McCormick, representing the , to purchase as there will be no corn belt, but where a few years | wyjere they had been visiting with Salvation Army in the Oregon Special Armistice Day Card Juetta Taylor, past guardian; other office building In the world voted; at Thurston regletrstlon was 316 and 367 voted. Hut 11 of other food for sale. Coffee and back It was unusual for a feeder h|j brother. Joy Walker, Southern Idaho district was in [ Slated by Herb Owen; Glean Stone, guardian; Ai Pohl, today. s s s tbe 841 voles In the 1 precincts Cream will be furnished. Springfield Friday conducting a advisor; Daisy I'ugh. magician; to use grain at all. now the prac Show to Start at 7:45 Tljere are 57,000 printers in New favored tbe grab bill. tice is becoming quite general, he Drive to Bend — Mr. and Mrs. C. campaign on behalf of "War Cry" Minnie Girard clerk; Sadie Bald­ Mr. and Mrs Felix Sparks have F. Barber and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. official Salvation Army periodical. George “Wildcat'' Pete and win, banker; Doris Girard, musi­ York city. WHEAT HOMINY PROVES says. • • • returned after a weeks visit with “Where a cornbelt feeder would Gossler drove to Bend Saturday Mrs. McCormick has many friends Walter “Sneeze" Achiu. two of the cian; Melba Mellon, captain of the GOOD, CHEAP FOOD teed from 15 to 18 pounds of grain afternoon They took Mr. Barber's here, having been stationed in Eu­ most popular wrestlers to stay guards; Sam Sweeney. Noah Hel- If you are coming to New York their son's family at Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. 8. 11. Putnam have to live you can get a I G room apart and seven to eight pounds of hay mother. Mrs. H L. Barber, home. gene some years ago. about this country for any length terbrand. and Manito Richmond^ Ever hear of wheat hominy? inent with six baths for 8142.000 returned home after spending s 'managers; Jewel Hetterbrand. flag a day, the western feeder will give She had been visiting here for two of time have been matched to­ month In central Oregon If you haven't tried this easily only a third to a half as much weeks. gether again for the Friday night bearer; Myrtle Eggimann, corres­ rental a year. s s s Mrs. Francis Elston will enter­ homemade Oregon food you have a grain and three times the quantity ponding secretary; Racheal Thu- Armistice card at the Armory. Clothes for the Needy Entertains at Dinner— Mrs. Rus­ The right arm of the figure of tain the leaburg l-adtea* Aid at pleasant surprise In store, says of hay,” Potter explains. “The bulk trher. attendant; Linn Stone, In­ They will wrestle at catchwelghts the Statue of Liberty In the Upper her home Thursday afternoon. Miss Lucy A. Case, nutrition spe­ of our steers on hay and grain will sell Myers entertained at her home and there will be no belts at stake. ner sentinel; Alex Stevens, outer Women volunteers sewing tor the at Hayden bridge Monday evening November 10. cialist in the Oregon State college get from fire to eight pounds of sentinel; and Stella Findley, sen Bay Is 42 feet long s e e Mrs. Clarence Elston of leaburg with a dinner for Mr. Hayes needy under direction of the Red extension service. Bargain prices of 40 cents for ior guardian. grain a day. Cross produced 298.000 garments any seat in the house will prevail was hostess for tbe "500 club" St Miss Case heard about wheat Taken from an early New York “Experimental results at the Guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Ethel Itousch was Initiated into her home Wednesday. November 9 hominy several years ago but only Livestock Branch experiment sta- Carson and Mr. and Mrs. H. H. last year, and will produce millions with first come first served. The diary ; Mrs I-eo Tennis whose home le of garments in the winter of 1932 show will start at 7:45 to make the circle at the meeting. followed It up recently, when she tion at Union Indicate that five j Myers "1819 A piratical vessel was seen Installation of officers will be 33. These will oe from tbe millions way for the American l.eglon com­ near the Waltervllle power plant made up several batches and tried pounds of grain is about the small­ otf Sandy Hook." Boundary Change Asked—A peti­ of yards of cotton cloth distributed • • • w a s hostess to a group of her it out on her friends, getting un est amount that can be fed satisfac­ munity dance set for the armory held on January il. tion! asking for the transfer of by the national Red Cross from tbe I When a baby rattlesnake was Thurston friends Wednesday. Ths animous approval for Its excellent torily. while eight pounds has pro- later in the evening. territory from the Upper Mabel 500.000 bales of cotton turned over born at the Bronx Zoo 300 women afternoon was devoted to quilting flavor and quality. TREASURY DEPARTM ENT duced in most cases reasonably school district to the Mabel dis­ to tbe organizatioi by Congress. Participants In the special event The Waltervllle grange will telephoned asking for the rattler Wheat hominy, of cause, is Just satisfactory results at lower cost has been filed with the Conn- Cloth was sent to ail chapters re­ have not been decided upon, ex Office of the Comptroller of the omit the meeting scheduled for as a pet. whole wheat without the outer than if larger amounts are used. ty School Superintendent. The questing it. and late. It was pro- cept the fact that Art O'Rrellly will Currency. Washington. D. C., Friday night. s s s coating or bran. It d'.>es not have “This experimental work has change would enable several stu- posed to send r m e simple ready be one of the wrestlers. The Waltervllle Aid Society Is November 10, 1932. There is a "duije ranch" within the vitamin or mineral content of shown that one pound of barley, for dents to attend school nearer to made garments, including trousers, meeting with Mrs E 1. Heynolds Notice I hereby given to all tier an hour's ride of New York City untreated whole wheat, but is real­ example, is equivalent In feeding the|r homes. overalls, underwea stockings and SCHOOLS GET VACATION sons who may have rlulnis against The ranch consists of 1.000 acres at Thursday P. M. ly preferable for young children value to three pounds of good al­ sox. Dale Kooser'e 11th birthday an­ "The First National Bank ot 1.000 feet elevation. FOR ARMISTICE EVENT and adults haring digestive diffi­ falfa hay. Ordinarily the barley will Bridge is Completed—The 60-foot niversary was celebrated when a Hpringffeld." Oregon, that the same culties. It is neither so irritating sell for more than three times the bridge across the south fork of the group of 16 friends gathered at tbe Springfield schools will be closed must be presented to Lloyd H. or laxative as plain whole wheat. price of hay, but last winter was McKenzie river below Frissell CIVIC CLUB MEETING Kooser home Tuesday evening. all-day Friday In observance ' Kelley, Receiver, with the legal Blind Readers Get Books To make the hominy Mis- Case a marked exception to this rule. ' crossing was completed Saturday TO BE NEXT TUESDAY Armistice day It was announced proof thereof within three months says to place a quart of clean “Even with the cheap hay of this by the forest crew which has been Both Ixiulslana Collage and thia week by the principals. I. .« from this date or they may be dis­ wheat in an agate or enamel ket­ coming winter it is likely that the ! working on It. The bridge is 22 Books in braille for reading by Regulur meeting of the Spring- Southwestern Iamlalana Institute tle (never use aluminum or tin) grain will be lees than three times miles from the junction of the tbe blind are made by women under not expected that the day will be allowed. F. O. AWALT, Acting Comp­ field Women's Civic Improvement play ths University of Mexico foot­ and add one level teaspoon of con the price of hay, and under such South Fork and McKenzie high- Red Cross direction. Last year declared a holiday with the gen­ club will be held Tuesday afternoon ball team In Mexk-a City thia fall. troller of the Currency. eral clo Ing of business houses In oentrated lye. Add cold water to conditions there is likely to be a ways at Belknap bridge. 2,813 such books were produced In • • • at 2:30 at tbe home of Mrs. David ( F 10 ) this city. cover and boil 10 minutes or until more liberal feeding of grain," Pro- j -------------------------- j single copy, and 3.538 In double Sultxinan, president. The meeting During 18 years of play. Babe busks come off. Stir with a clean fessor Potter added. ; copies. Fiction, biography, history, N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G was to have been held this week Ruth has slammed out 652 horns O F F IN A L A C C O U N T wooden stick. economics aDd school books were Ground or steam rolled barley is blit wan postponed because of the runs. His 1927 record of 60 in one NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN: I among those priuted In braille. The The liquid with the more or less an excellent feed, little less valu- ¡national election on Tuesday. neason «till stands. rtiRaolvfHi hunks dlssoived busks is is then tnen nonred pourea o'f o I ab,e than corn except ... , hat . „, ■ That tQr Qf the thg undersigned egUteB Qf w administra- „„ „ j Red Cross gives them to libraries rtuded on Page 4) 432 110 128 106 88 Prohibition Repeal Yes and the lye ie cleaned from the gtraight combination of barley and Roach, deceased, has filed his ac- ior , free distribution to blind wheat by adding twice as much alfalfa has a tendency to cause count for the final settlement of i realers. 124 454 98 95 No 137 cold water as wheat which is then cattle to bloat. Any other mixture | said estate in the County Court 163 484 93 124 104 Yei Bus and Truck Bill for Lane County, in the State o f 1 N O T IC E O F L A N D SA LE brought to a boil and drained. This 381 86 100 No 73 122 of grain with the barley seemsi to Oregon, and that Saturday th e)NOTICE is hereby given that the process is repeated with clean reduce if not actually eliminate this 10th day of December, 1932, at the state Land Board of the State of School Moving Bill 10 41 13 Yes 6 13 water. Add boiling water, one danger, according to Professor Pot- Court Room of said Court In the t Oregon will receive sealed bids at 253 210 910 No 191 256 tablespoon of salt to each quart of • er founty Court House, in Eugene. ¡t8 office in the Capitol Building In Tax and Debt Control 90 59 91 302 Yes 62 F in d e r n r e s e n t lo w hav and beef OreB0"’ at ten ? dock in the fore- s aiPm, Oregon, up to 11:00 o'clock dry wheat used, and boil for about 118 416 114 81 105 No , ' . « _„r nn a been by sald pooft lixed a . M.. November 21, 1932. for all the I an hour. 93 100 68 69 330 Yes prices, feeders need to figure on a as the time and place for hearing stat»'H interest in the old river i Tax Supervision......... The hominy may then be served margin of about one dollar per objections thereto, and for final | ¡,ed IandH hereinafter described,! 384 112 No 73 92 107 as a cereal with milk and augar. as hundred between feeder and beef settlement of said estate. 463 139 143 94 Yes 87 ! giving, however, to the owner or Income Tax ................. C. A. Pryor. Administrator of owners ot any lands abutting or' a side dish with butter, cream or prices in order to carry a four to 90 82 313 No 64 77 the estate of William “ •: fronting thereon, the preference white sauce, as a dessert with but­ five months feeding period, experi­ 120 406 90 119 Yes 77 State Water Rights Roach, deceased. : right to purchase said lands at the ter and brown sugar syrup or in al­ ments show. Much data on this L. L. RAY. Attorney for estate. 105 108 No 77 87 377 highest price offered, providing most any way that ordinary whole and other phases of feeding of beef (N 10-17-24— D 1-8) I such offer is made in good faith wheat may be used. Where cracked cattle have been collected at the | also with the understanding that r, i branch k h station u-hi^h the gijrypv purchaser to pay the expense whole wheat is called for in a Union which m»» may ha be , Estate reMWj of Charles E. Brattain, De- (f anf| is adv^ t,; ing ,n ”ad(J). recipe, chopped or ground hominy had by any stockman for the ask- ' NOTICE tion to the amount bid also reserv- may be used. OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ¡ing to the Board the right to reject ing. Wheat hominy lg but one of many Notice Is hereby given that Elva any and all bid«: M. Brown, administratrix, with tbe The said lands are situated in ways of using whole wheat in the Guests a tHotel— — H. C. Conn, H. will annexed of the estate of Lane County, Oregon, and are de­ family diet described in a new ex­ Charles E. Brattain, deceased, has as follows: tension circular, “Uses of Whole B. Moody, F. X. Beal, and Van filed in the County Court of the scribed Beginning at a point on the Wheat In the Home,” by Miss Case Coates all of Albany are at the State of Oregon, in and for Lane meander line of the right bank which Is now ready for free dis­ Springfield hotel. They are doing ’ County, her final report as such of the Willamette River, S. ¡¡7° E. and that ten TS m « modeb «M fnfl •l««d 6.60 chains and 8. 66' E. 6.08 tribution from the college or from work In this vicinity for the Moun- j M O N T A O r a n « M . . • •«*