T H U R S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 10. H»3 , ? “JASON LEL ' H IS T O R IC A L N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE S O C IE T Y PR IZE SJU JE C T IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE H TATE OF OREGON FOIt THE fe«d; thence North «’ 30 rain West, 318 feet to the South line of the Suld Kirkland Donation Land Claim; thence West on said South line 1616.9 feet, to the place of beginning, containing 12 68 acres. In Lane county, Ore­ gon NOW. THEREFORE, by virtu, of said execution, Judgmeut, order, decree and order of sale aud In compliance with the commands ol -aid writ, I will on Saturday, the 28th day of November, 1932, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M . at the front door of the County Court Houae n Eugeue, lAine County, Oregon, sell at public auction (aub Ject to red-’inptlon, to the high- net bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title god Interest which the within named Defendants and each and nil of th ’’iii In the above en- tllh d suit had on the 15th day of March, 1929, Ihe date of the more gugc herein foreclosed, or since that date had In and to (he above described property, or any part thereof, to satisfy the said execu­ tion, Judgment order, and decree, j Lou tkhrw, home-run hitting «log­ Interest, costs and accruing costs. ger of the chump Yankee«, i> pnaider Dated this 22nd day of October, of "l>e»t dug” and "be»t o f breed" 1932. ribt««u won by hi« German thepherd, First publication October 27. 1932. “ A fro ," than hi« own In «eha II crown Last publication November 2«. 1932. II. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. F A R M E R S O IL C O M P A N IE S (O 27— N 3-10-172«! INVESTORS GIVEN SAFEGUARD TIPS Laodcd die J OREGON S TA TE W ILL MARE EASTERN TOUR COUNTY OF LANE. ''Joann 1.«»“ h mt bi t’ll I ’hqNnn it HIIEItMAN IIARKHON. TRUSTEE. Oregon Slat« College. Corvallis, • he Nulijoct for tin- 1933 c tj tiouk Plaintiff, va IIOHTON LUM Nov. >— Faced with three tough man blifury prize» »ml medal» *•:»»» BEIt AND TIMBER COMPANY, , gamee lo 11 davs the Oregon State a Corporation; CREDIT HER ,(M | conducted annually by th I,re college football team will end prac­ VICE COMPANY, a Corp..ration; I Ron hlnlorlml ho ' i l t lt*„ur oris.. NATIONAL HOH I'l,TAL AHHG- tice and leave here Thursday Analysis of Offerings Usually oho em-h of *1) ami CIATION, a Corporation; HTATE afternoon on one of (he longest Reveals Probab.e Chance th irty dollar» i INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COM rilad tours ever made by a Pacific coast MIHHION; and EDWARD C R A ZY C R Y S T A L S or iho beet oi for Investment Success th i Ix conference team. TRAPP, Defendants. A M lucrai Water Treatment, numed H iilijo ii, miti in Ua I By virtue of an execution. Judg Oregon State will wind up Its bring« n I Ivaitti It «mor I to You When I.’’.vesting, use your com !>• over 16 under mont order, dectee and order of conference season against Montana mon sense! Investigate first! 20 t£ 7th, 32 W Mli, Kugaua* rb 17u< eighteen yaara ami lie aalt- Issued out nt the above entitled udliiK in Missonis Saturday afternoon, Personal study to balance coun­ aoiiiH urhoni nr ucinleni i. lirons» i Court >u the above entitled cause, sad on the following Saturday will H A N ., HAI«1AIN L et. mod.., mwla„ w |„ , I to me directed uud dated the 22nd sel of advisers and argumenta of Animi 1 urli of th<’ day of October, 1932. upon a Judg go Into action against Fordham on pi*lio located born In tile vicinity IpiiSM wlnnerx. F glib salesmen Is always desirable r Inform ation merit rendered and entered In »aid the Polo grounds In New York. On of Hprlngftidd will aell for thn before making any Investment de concurn Ina the coii't" t I» ir", luid • I Court on the 22nd day of October. Thanksgiving. Just five days after, «mall balance due on contract at tb« H p rln afl'', I ’ cl»lon, says state corporation com­ I 1832, In favor of Hberntan Harkaon. the Orangemen will complete their with term» like rant. If Internal- the office of HprtiiRfli I Tru tee, Plaintiff, and again»! Ihe missioner James W Mott. Certain season’s play against Detroit In Horton Lumber and Timber Com oil write at once In C. A. It. nilna tests for worth can be made by any pany, a Corporation; Credit Hervlct Detroit. ton 1021 Jay St., Hacrmnetito, one, be »aid. Company, u Corporation; National N O T IC E TO C R E O IT O R S Coach Paul J. Schlsler Is taking C alif. Hospital Association, n Corpora "Dtvspite the fact that Invest­ three teams with him. For the | In th e County Court of the Htote Itlon; Hlato Industrial Accident ment and stork selling concerns of Oregon, for Lime County. first time since the opening game ! Co’iim'aalon. aii .1 Edward Trapp C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S operating under the atate blue sky ■ In Hie Mailer of the Katalo of ; Defendants, for the sum of 360.000 of the season the Orangemen laws undergo rigid scrutiny for Joseph II. Fergun on. Deceased. tu«. liter with the Interest thereon Notice la hereby Riven that Nolle.. 1» hereby given that Dorothy Jean T fanultoo, two y«M should be able to enter the game their credentials, probabilities of Hchool llialrlcl No. 19, In Luu Xiutnti Winy ter and lleaale William I at the rate of seven per cent per old, ga««ed m the expulsan oJ tha against Fordham at full battle ' a; n.ini from the 16th day of March fortune vary greatly, Mott ex­ County, Oregon, will puy ut Ihi have been by the above entitled j 1929, until paid; and the further strength. Norman Franklin's arm piai nes. o ffice of clerk of aald district. ull ro u rt appoint.’.I as executrices of I uni of 12.600.00 Attorney's fees, has been mending fast and he will "The wise Investor will first con­ tered and woo over 150 i warranta to and Inclu.llnR 2322 the above entitled m a ile r. All per ■ .u.| the costs un.l disbursements of probably be In shape to give the • C°n»vac« in duldregfs »one bavin« claim» Mgnlust »aid, | this suit, and ths costs of and up C A IN H E A D W A Y IN S T A T E sider the Intrinsic feasibility of edie». She now moport« ths ‘ written June 1. 1932 Interest 1 aatatn are required to present the j ..it tills writ commandlriR me to New York fans a glimpse of his the project Itself.” the commis­ «'»asea after November 12, 1*33. 1 same properly verified to aald exe- j I make sale of the following des- playing ability. M IS S IO N C R O U P S PLAN Cooperative buying of oil. gaso- sioner suggests. "What demand ex- J cutrlce« at the law office of Howard . rllie.l real property, situated In C. F. HAltliKit. Clark. The trip will havo Its education­ M Brow nell, 72* W illamette S tre e t,' the County of Lane. Stale of Ore- M O N T H L Y L U N C H E O N S line, und other petroleum products 1st» for the new venture's service D R ESS A C C O R D IN G T O I Eugene, Oregon within six month» vmi. to wit: W E A T H E R FOR H E A L T H al phases as well as the football ■ ‘ le gaining considerable headway or product? What la the competi­ background for the players. A N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ,r " " ' ,b l* ’- 0,h “ t October. 1832 Monthly potluck luncheons will among Oregon fanners, reports tion? 1« there reasonable risk that 1. Beginning at the quartar faculty man Is making the trip and Daily Changes to Conform w ith NO TIC E IH IIE H K IIY G IVEN KM M A BLA Y TB R , section corner, Ix-tweeii Section« be held by members of the com Oieirge O. Gatlin, extension market- the product to be turned out will will help the Beavers while away That the County Court of th.- H tu t.. ‘ BESSIE WITIIAM. Executrlcea C lim atic Conditions Advoca­ 1 und 2. Township 16 South’ blued Foreign and Home Mission Ing specialist at Oregon State col- be usurped by some new develop­ of Oregon for Lano County liua ap : HO W ARD M. IIIIOWNKI.L. At- three hours a day with their ted by H ealth O fficer Range 7, Woat. W illamette Meri soclettes of the Methodist church It lege, who has Imen called upon to ment? pointed lle»alu F. Howard aa -JR- Ex , ,l,r Kxecutrlcea ___ ___ studies. dian, Oregon, and running thence was decided following the first assist in organization of several ( 0 20 27 N 3-10-17) ecutrlx of the Estate uud Last Will “History of other similar at­ West 18.66 chaina, lo the center The football players will take in The most important way In which and Testament of Jeanie U How­ of the main iTiannel of Luke Joint meeting and luncheon held a t ! such concerns. The movement tempts often will give a good indi­ several sight seeing tours during ard, Deceased. All persons huvin« clothing affects health Is by its N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Crock, thence, along the center Ihe church last week. Programs ' started about two years ago, since cation of risk. For Instance, every- claim s against said estate are tu re effect on temperature regulation, the trip. On the Journey east the Notice Is hereby given that the, of said channel, up stream. North Will be presented for each meeting then three associations have been by notified to present the Maine. one knows that a large percentage to the Oregon sta te Beavers will stop in Chicago for 39 degrees 67 min. Euat «83 duly verified, to the undersigned jm'lerslgned W W Calkins, has J The officers of both groups form a operated successfully in eastern of oil wells never produce. Indus chains, thence North 38 degrees Board of Health which makes the workouts on Stag« field at the Executrix at the Law Offices o f ) ” " , “ ’ „ ^ J ’0 J Executor of 19 min. West, 6.16 chains, thence cabinet to handle busine s for the Oregon and one In the Willamette trial locations In some sections following suggestions regarding the University of Chicago. Main points Harris. Muilth « Bryson, Miner iL!"’ I “*, ‘" " l, T estam ent of valley, North «0 degrees 26 mtn. East combined membership. Building. Eugeue, Lano County B M‘» " * • ’•1. deceased, by may be too expensive, raw material changing df clothing from season of Interest In the Windy City will 3.56 chains, thence North 1 de­ Oregon, within six mouths from ¡i1" ' ,,un*y Court of lhp 8 u t “ of I'nder the plan followed In this Icadequate. power supply defici­ to season. be taken In by the team during the date of this notice 'Oregon, for Lane County, and has' gree 06 min West 6.18 chains, Th" average weight of players In state the farmers form stock com­ ent or municipal ordinances oner­ After leaving Chfcago The body maintains its constant Its stay. Dated this 3rd day of November ! <,u,ll,l"d "" "u, h Executor, and alt I thence North 16 degrees 13 min the National Professional Football panies under the cooperative laws, ous. We it, 3.89 chains, thence North 1932 ' persons having claim against said, the team will stop over in Wash­ temperature by a very Intricate «9 degrees 02 min. West, 3.16 League la 203 pounds. sell to members or the public at BE88IE F. HOWARD Execu ‘,r*' hereby notified and re- "Perhaps most Important Is to mechanism which is changed by ington. D. C. for a day and then ■ hain» to the Junction of Luke Irlx of the Estate of Jeaale 11 >'• “•"<"*< Present the same, verl N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E re* U‘a r " U b ll«h«» • “<« determine character of the men the addition or removal of clothing. go on to New York. Creek with a smaller creek com­ fled as required by law. with Ihe Howard, Deceased. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the" re,Ur" or ing In from tho North, thence who are promoting the project. Re- i proper vouchers, to the said Exe- Clothing aids the natural processes llA ititts S M I T H A B R Y S O N , along the center of the smaller HTATE OF OREGON FOR THE "’»'"’•»ers as patronage dividends. putationa for questionable dealings <>( keeping warm. Clothing should j cutor at the office of Calkins and Attorneys for Executrix. HOW ONE WOMAN creek North «6 degrees 69 min |Calklns, attorneys at law. In the i COUNTY OF LANE. Most operate bulk stations only and inefficiency, or for energy and be chosen to assist rather than (N 3 10 17-2« —D 1) East. «.10 chains, thence North j Bank of Commerce Building, at LOST 10 LBS. IN A WEEK F. N. AVERILL. Plaintiff, vs. CAS- though some handle retail sales. success are good Indications of hamper the efforts of the body to Eugene, La tie County. Oregon. | 26 degrees 15 min. East « 29 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE < ADE I IIL IIIE 9 < MI’A S i , a Reports from the middlewesl chain', thence butvlng the creek. wbat again may be expected. adapt Itself to changing weather within six months from the date REAL PROPERTY eorporatlon, and CLYDE E. CAR- u Mrs. Betty Lnedeke of Dayton, Houth 76 degrees 68 min. East LOS. Defendants where the movement is widespread NOTICE Is hereby given that by I ° f thlw notice T-ack of working capital may conditions. Enough clothing should writes: “I am using Kruschen to «12 chains to Ihe center of the virtue of an execution lasued out of Hate of fir t publication and date By virtue of «« execution, Judg- 1,ho* ,hat 1,,09 companies have Indicate probable eventual failure be worn in cold weather to spare reduce weight—I lost 10 pounds In county road, thence, along the ment order, decree and order of saved their members some 38.000.- the Circuit Court of the State ol ,d Notice. October 20, 1932 one week and cannot say too even of concerns fundamentally the body to som e extent the task center of the county road. South sala Issued out of the above entitled ooo according to Gatlin. W W CALKINS, Executor of Oregon for Lane County this 13lh <2 degree« 12 mtn. Blast 2 90 court In the above entitled cause good.” Mott points out. “Many of producing beat, and a sufficient much to recommend IL” the l,ast Will and Testament day of October, 1932, In a suit __________________ To take off fat easily, SAFELY. chains, thence Ikiuth 60 degrees to me directed aud dated the 13th of Frank B McDowell, de­ pending thoreln In which N. F. manufacturing plants and Industrial iy small amount In hot weather and HARMLESSLY—take one half 07 min. East 6.87 chains, thence X t° re n d e rM aid’ t t ^ ceased Newhouse was plaintiff slid Ito lier I O REG ON B U T T E R SH O W S venture« initiated during the last to enable the body easily to gel teaspoonful of Kruschen In a glass East 7 57 chains to the East line Holmes was defendant, which exe CALKINS and CALKINS. At­ of hot water In the morning before several years have resulted in loss rid of excess heat. of Section 2, of said Township, Court on the 13th day of October. cutlon was to me directed and torneys for the Estate. Q U A L IT Y IM P R O V E M E N T because of insufficient funds to thence North 17.19 chains to the 1932. In favor of F N. AVERILL, (O 20 27—N 3 10 17» Comfort Is an important guide breakfast go lighter on fatty meats, commanded me to sell the roal potatoes, butter, cream and past- place of beginning, containing plaintiff, ami against CASCADE get going’." property hereinafter described to and, to a certain extent, should die-1 rles—It Is the safe way to lose un Steady Improvement In the qual­ 37 58 acres, together with all UTILITIES COMPANY, a corpora­ satisfy certain liens and rharges Above all. warned the corpora­ U te tbe choice of clothes. Too sightly fat and one bottle tbat lasts buildings and equipment thereon. tion and CLYDE E. CARLOS, de­ ity of butter made by Oregon N O T IC E OF I will on Friday the 2nd duy of 3. Beginning at the Northeast fendants, for the sum of Four creameries Is shown in a compila tion commissioner, listen critically1 much clothing may do as much | « weeks costs bnt a trifle. Get it at December, 1932, at the bour of 10 F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T to sales talks. corner of 8ectlon 2. Township 16. Thousand ' harm as too little. Too much cloth­ any drugstore in America. It this o c lo c k , A. M. at Ihe southwest and no-100 Dollars first bottle fails to convince yon Nolle«’ Is hereby given that Houtli Range 7 West, W illamette 114000 00) with interest thereon at lion of 3V9 years results of butter “Prospective Investors should ing causes an excess of heat, and this door of the County Court House Is the safest way to lose fat— Merldtau. Oregon, and running the rate of 7% per annum, from scoring conducted by the dairy de­ beware of strong appeals to self In Eugene, latne County, Oregon, Berths Wetxel, Executrix of the results in perspiration, which in Its money back. thence along the North line of September 17. 1931 and the further partment of Oregon State college offer (or sale uud sell at public Estate of Mary Ann Barnes, de­ But be sure and get Kruschen Section 2, South 88 degrees 00 sum of Four Hundred and no-100 as a service to buttermakern of the interest. Psychology of selling is to turn predisposes to chilling. Too auction for cash, subject to redemp­ c s ed, has filed her Final Report appeal to the buyer’s greed. Points much clothing causes dullness, Salts—imitations are numerous and min. Weal 8.21 chains, to the Dollars. (360000), with interest tion as provided by law, all of the and Ai count as such, and the Court center line of Ihe county rood, thereon at the rate of 6% per an­ state. in favor of a project are empha­ drowiness. headache, and a lack yon must safeguard your health. right, tllle and Interest of the has act Saturday, the 19lh day of thence along the center line of num from October 13. 1932 and the Plaintiff In said suit and of all par­ November. 1932 at 10:00 o ’clock The first year of the scoring sized. dangers belittled. j „( energy. The overclothed child is the county road. South 32 de­ further sum of Thirty Three an d ! approximately 20 per cent of the N E W P R E S S U R E T A N K ON ties claiming by, through or under In the forenoon, nt the County “A good salesman, regardless of apt suffer from indigestion. The Court Room In the Court House grees 00 mtn W est «88 chains, him or any of them. In or to the ill lu ll Dollars (333,70), costs . nil 4ampieg submitted tor scoring what he is sponsoring, has some infant and the aged need m ore, F IR E T R U C K IN S T A L L E D thence South 68 degrees 30 min. disbursements, and the costs of and following described real property, at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, as the time and place to h.-nr ob- East 11.61 chains, to the East upon this writ, commanding me to «raear of 8*»'8 1)r ° H- for that evening. Mrs. Edward less likely to happen if too little Is truck is pumping. Before the D USlIlCSS L J irtiC lO ry settlem ent and allowance of the quarter (NIA NWV»). und the electrical energy In and about Wllster, head of dairy manufactur- set Privat. Mrs. J. E. Cross and Evelyn habitually worn. Too little cloth­ change was made in the equipment Southeast quarter of the South _________________________________ final account of Ihe undersigned Oakrldge. I.ane County, Oregon, ing at the college. “In the latest east quarter (SE>4 of 8 E U Í of ! Administrator of the estate of Buell are In charge of the dining ing max cause too much energy to It was possible to pump «0 gallons It" lading all franchises, permits, month’s sample«, only 10 per cent be used in keeping warm. It used to | Floyd Wilson, deceased, Section Thirty-four (3«l; the room. rights of way. buildings, poles. , .. . . . of chemicals on the fire and then Northwest quarter of the North­ F. N McAlister. Administrator. transmission lines, transformers, Gelou 90. be the custom to change the weight Mrs. Gertrude Wilson has been stop and reload the tank. Only one west quarter (NW»4 of N W (i) FRED E. SMITH. Attorney for JEWELER meters, machinery, tools, equip- - ' appointed to serve on the flower of clothing twice a year. In spring reload could be carried. of Section Thirty-five (36); and Administrator. ment and property of every kind. . . . __ u Repairing a Specialty the heavy clothing was put away the East half of the Southwest (() 20 27—N 3 10-17, and sick committee during the nature or description used In con- VALUE OF V A R IO U S M IL K quarter (E*k of 9W>4), the In moth balls and taken out again month of November. Springfield, Oregon nectlon therewith, on Ihe 17th T f) PDI1I T R V T O 1 D Back in 1916 Georgia Tech de­ Southeast quarter (SBV«) and day of September. 1931. and also 7 0 POULTRY TULU in the fall. It has been found feated Cumberland 220 to 0. the Southeast quarter of the F IN A L H E A R IN G such property as may have been J healthier not to make such abrupt Northeast quarter (8E% of thereafter acquired by said de Which is best for poultry—dried M RS. J A R R E T T H O S T E S S Notice Is nereby given that the seasonal changes but to change N E H ) of Section Thirty-six (36), Dr. JO S E P H IN E C. BRAUN fendant. j skim milk or creamery buttermilk? FOR N E E D L E C R A F T C LUB clothing from day to day to meet undersigned as Administrator with all In township fifteen (16) N a tu ro p a th ic P h ys icia n C A ^ C ^ D E ^ 'u T lL IT IE S ^ ’cSM^j a,,a* er‘n»t ““ ** <’uesUon F E Will annexed of tho eetate of Es­ South of Range Seven (7) west xieather conditions. Dress accord­ telle I,. Dlmond. deceased, has filed Phone 91J of the Willamette Meridian. Fifteen members and two gueets ing to the season. PANY in and to a certain hvdro- Kox' “88O‘ l“‘e professor in poultry In court his final account as such 6. All timber of every kind Office Hours: 1 to 6 P M elee'rlc plant on Salt Creek, near .husbandry at Oregon S late college, were present for »he regular meet- administrator, and that the court Girthing equalizes the tempera­ milli J b f a and nature situated and located w i t h í in Oakridge. Lane County. Oregon, says has fixed 10:00 A. M. of Friday, . skim milk and buttermilk have Ing of the Needlecraft club last ture between the body and the sur­ «06 Fourth Street on the following described pre including all rights of way. per 1 practically the same feeding v a lu e,, Thursday afternoon when Mrs. O. November 26, 1932, ns the time mises: The Northwest quarter rounding atmosphere. In cold wea­ mlts, flumes, and property used when suld account will be taken up of the Northwest quarter (NW>4 In connection therewith, on the and whether It Is in dry or liquid H. Jarrett entertained at her home ther clothing Is needed that will for examination and allowance. of NW14) of Section Thirty-one G " n e r» l l.s w P ra c tic e 11th day of September. 1931. and form is largely a matter of choice Guests were Mrs. L. K. Page and I hold eir In the raeshe« and absorb | Any person Interested In said ac­ (31), In Township Fifteen (16) TO AST OVEN also including snch property as or convenience. count may uppenr before the coun­ Mrs. M. J. McKlin. Mrs. W. H. Poll- j perspjrat|on from the body. Loose South of Range Six (6) West of I. M. P E T E R S O N defendant het>r" R<'<,UlrP<1 b' sa,f Section Eleven (11), 19th day of November, 1932, at 10:00 with heavy clothing. The kind of at O na Timal EUGENE— 11th SPRINGFIELD County Court for Lane County, and the South half of the South­ o’clock A. M.. at the front door of underwear worn as well as outer stid (iharnelton, 228 Main i In tho State of Orognn. All those west quarter (S Vi of S W ^ ) of the County Court Houae In Eugene, garments should be decided by the ¡having bllla against said estate are N o w yoa can Telephone 723 I’bone 62-J Section Two (2); all In Town­ Lane County. Oregon, sell at public hereby notified to present them, exposure to temperature when the ship 16, South Range Seven (7), auction, subject to redemption, to delicious toast. with proper vouchers to the under­ hedy Is at rest. W est of the W illamette Meri the highest bidder for cash In hand, baked, ju st - r i g h t . . signed nt the law office of Donald dian, In Lane County, State of nil the right, title and Interest Ma'ntaln your home and your of­ Young, nt room «30 Miner Building, the Und you like bnt Oregon, and tho Northeast quar which the within named defendants fice in winter at a temperature Eugene, Oregon, within six months ter of the Northeast quarter nnd each nnd all of them In the seldom g et T b e Co*e- from 66 to 68 degrees Farenhelt. after Ihe date of the first publlca- (N E ,4 of NE^«) of Section Ten nhove entitled suit, had on the 17th itlon of this notice. t Toast Oven Protect yourself from cold rain (10). In Township Sixteen (16), day of September. 1931. the date Date of first publication October South of Rango Seven (7) West of the mortgage herein foreclosed and wind when going out of doors lices, both 27th, 1932 of the W illamette Meridian. or sinces that date had In and to hy the wearing of additional suit­ J. L. Hoyle, Administrator with In one operation. Kb 6. That certain auto rail line the above described real pronerty able cuter garments that will meet the Will annexed. on part of the above described or anv part thereof nnd I will on the finest toeater yna w?ather conditions. premises together with all right Saturday, the 19th dav of Novem­ DONALD YOUNG, Eugene, Ore­ ever saw I gon, Attorney for estate. of way thereof, belonging to the ber, 1932. at the office of the de­ (O 27— N 3-10-17 2«) mortgagor and mil lines thereof, fendant CASCADE U T IL IT IE S T h e C o le m a n la ■ M O R R IS B A RB ER SH O P and nil casem ents, pertaining to COMPANY In Oakridge. Lane compact little o v e n , said auto rail lines and logging T O R EO P EN H E R E SOON County, Oregon, at 3:00 o’clock N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R 8 railroads. P. M. sell at public auction to the b e a u tifu lly designed 7. All right, title, and Interest hlghe-t bidder for caah In hand, In the County Court of the State Raleigh Morris whose barber and finished in gleaming of the Horton Lumber and Tim­ all the right, title and Interent of Oregon, for Lane County. shop was badly damaged in the special process chrome ber Company, of defendants, In which the within named defendants Remember that It Is always dlf In tho Matter of the Estate of j recent fire Is getting ready to re­ and to the following described nnd each nnd all of them In the Margaret A. Harris, Deceased p la te . Hus ebonized flcult to restore sight that has real property, to-wlt: Beginning above entitled suit, had on Hi ■ 17th open his shop In the building form- Notice Is hereby given that H. D, handles on trsys and been, seriously Impaired. Safety at a point on the South line of dav of September. 1931. the date ot Cherry has been by tho nhove en ­ , erly housing the Hall shoe shop two lies In consulting an EYESIGHT sides. Equipped w ith Oregon is going on the goM stand­ tho J. R. Kirkland Donation Land the mortgage herein foreclosed, or titled court appointed ns admlnli- doors east of his former location ard rig h t At the tog, left, h a Claim No. 5«, In Township 16 s'nce that dnte had In and to the SPECIALIST regularly, even sliding toaat trays and trntor of the above entitled matter. gold panning oiaas organised nt : on Main street. The building Is tkmth. Range 6 West, W illamette nhove described personal property All persons having claims against though one's oyea seem to bo removable crum b tray. Baker, one of n series started In Meridian, 100 feet East of Ihe or any part thereof, to satisfy said being re-roofed and reflnlshed on normal. Tho majority of defects ¡said estate are required to present Comes complete with various sections of the state. I n ­ Southwest corner of the Claim execution. Judgment order and de­ the same properly verified to said the Interior. Equipment of the old cun be rectified and the eye­ administrator at the law office o* structors are expert miners. Top, nnd running thence South 300 cree, Interest, coats and accruing extra quality cord aatd barber shop was removed before right, W . D. “Mlsoouri” George at feet; thence East parallel to the coats. sight corrected so ns to give Howard M. Brownell, 728 Wiliam plug. the blaze reached the building and G rants Paas, demonstrating how Houth line of the Claim 727 feet; - tte Street, Eugene, Oregon, with­ Dated October 1«, 1932 satisfactory service.” to pan eoneentrates. George Is an thence South 167 feet; thence 1 Is intact for use in the new quar- in six months from this 20th day First publication, October 20, Instructor for the state vocational 1ters. S«« Your Local Doolor East 7«2 feet to the W esterly 1932. ■of October, 1932. education dcp«xrtmcnt and has line of the Southern Pacific Com­ or • ’rNo la Lnat publication. November 17. DR. ELLA MEADE Work started this week on the been delegated to teach hopeful II. I). CHERRY, Administrator. pany's Railroad right of way; 1932 Th« Cslews» Law« «tosn C e, razing of most of the buildings Optomatrlat George Is shown below In HOWARD M. BROWNELL, At- thence Northwesterly along the m i.j i tu n. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff of Lane WtehMa, Kaaa- Euijens action with his rocker. torney for Administrator. 41 West 8th Rnllroad right of way on a curve which were damaged beyond repair Chka«a, HI. County, Oregon. (O 20-27— N 3-10-17) to the right a distance of 160 (O 20 27— N 3-10-17) In the recent early mornln« fire. — Edw. G. Privat B etter Toast Coleman Funeral Directors GOLD PANNING SCHOOL FLOURISHES