THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-NINTH Y BAR 8PKINOKIKLD, LANE COUNTY, OltBOQN.THUHHDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1932 OEMO LANDSLIDE City Officers Are DANN JO RECEIVE Retained in Vote DEPOSIT CLAIMS ° " SWEEPS COUNTRY Democrat« Elect Preeident Cain Control of Houee and Senate in Washington “ J« TOWN BUDGET UP OUR PRESIDENT ELECT Mayor Thanks Voters for Three Daye of Vacation Set Confidence in City Govern­ Doors of First National Bank for Springfield School* by Council Will Hear Criticisms ment; Many Ballots Cast Board on Monday Night of Springfield to Be Open and Discussions of Pro Daily After Monday posed City Tax Levy W. P. Tyson was rueleeted mayor A double holiday for Thanks of Hprlngfleld for another term on was voted Hprlngfleld Doors of the First National hank giving People of Hprlngfleld will be Tuesday over his opponent, John of Hprlngfield now In the hands school children Ity (he school hoard given their opportunity to protest Parker. Ills plurality of votes was of Lloyd li. Kelley, receiver, will at their monthly meeting Monday the adoption of the City budget Other Offices of County Re­ 137. Friday following be opened for the receiving of evening. The which was prepared on October 18. main in Hands of Republi­ ('. F. llartier, and W. A. Taylor claims of depositors starting Mon­ Ttiunksglvlng, Thursday, Nuvem on next Monday evening when the cans: Measures Interes* r' her 24, was allowed an a holiday. 'ere retained as councilman for day It was announced this morn­ Council will sit as a levying board " * years, each polling more votes ing by Mr Kelley. Regular bank­ This makes three holidays for to bear any and all taxpayers In Hiding (he wav« of who I politic O M B. Muntly, third eaudldute ing hours from 10 to 3 on weekdays school children during this month favor of or against the proposed analyslsts term the grnalmt Demo­ 'Cjy Crows, councilman for and from III to noon on Haiurdays They have their first one tomor­ levy. The regular meeting of the cratic landslide since the election row. Armistice day. y> M. Peterson, recorder, will be kept. City Council will he held following Of Thomaa Jefteraon. Franklin lie slid ut. Buell, treasurer, were Routine matters and a discus the disposition of tbe budget mat­ First publication of notice to de­ lano Itooaevelt In th« national elec retain elr respective office« positors to file claims was started slon of finances occupied the ma ter. Both meetings are scheduled (Ion Tuesday was chimen nest C. E. . uealon, although uuup- this week In the Springfield News. Jor part of the evening for the to be held at tbe city hall, the first president of the United Htat««. win starting at 7:30. A statement of the condition of board members Monday. nlns electoral vote of 43 of lh« 48 posed, was given a good vote as Justice of the peace for thia dla the hank us of the closing date The city budget as prepared for States of the I ’nlon. III Ite posted In the window of the year 1933 provides for the gross The sweep of the Roosevelt vie trlct. I. Larimer polled a slightly ■ he hank within a few days and expenditure of 343,968.28. The re­ lory carried with It the entire De­ leas vote for constable. ceipts are estimated at 82,650 leav T h y e were 1006 bullot* coat for will be available for publication mocratic ticket In many states, Ing a balance of 341.408.28 to be eome of which have not had a president In the Hprlngfleld pre­ next week. raised by tax levy. Democrat In stale office for many cincts. This was probably the yeara. Prominent veterans In both greateat vote« cast for any one of Members of the budget commit houaea of Congress were defeated flee here aud Indicates the extent tee are W. P. Tyson, C. E. Wheaton, by their democratic opponents and to which roaldenta exercised their E Crosa. C. F. Barber, O. H. Jar­ Special Committee to Direct rett. W. C. Wright. Fred Frese. W both the legislative and executive franchise. branches of the federal govern Mayor Tyson thia morning ex Social Service Work Named A. Taylor, W. N. Long and F. B. ment will be In the hands of the pressed tile thanks to the voter« of Flanery. at School on Tuesday Democrats nest year. the city for their aupport In the O regon Sends R ep u b lican s elertlun. The votes given him Bophomore glrla at the high Oregon proved to be an excep were taken as an approval of his Lamar Brattain Given Lead­ chool were losers In the dues col lion In some respects to the gen­ policies In office by the mayor ing Role in Tentative Cast lectlng contest sponsored by the eral trend In the election. This who reiterated Ills previous stale Girls la-ague which ended Tues­ Hprlngfleld Precincts 1 2 for Student Body Comedy state Is the only one on the Paci­ menIs that If left alone now the day. They will be given two President fic coast to return a Republican. city, under the plan being carried Hoover ________________________ gj Members of the tentative cast months In which to raise money 97 Htelwer, to the United Htates sen­ forward by himself and City Re- Roosevelt __ gg 104 for the Hprlngfleld high school stu­ lu various projects for the league ate. The state wilt also be repres­ corder Peterson, would In time be R e yn o ld s________________________ — S dent body play to be presented treasury. Tre freshman class was ented In the house of représenla- returned to a good financial con­ T h o m a s _________________________ ig 22 eurly In December were announced first with the seniors and Junlgrs Impressive Victory of 19-0 lives by one Republican, James dition. Foster ________ ig this week by Miss Bernice Conoly, second and third respectively. Scored Over Eugene ‘B’ Mott, and two Demócrata, Charlea S e n a to r Tbut the Girls League will take director, as follows: Team Here on Friday Martin and W alter Pierce. C o u lt e r ________________________ ___ an active part In assisting with re­ Boh Mlinar Brattain. Hal liosa. Republican, was re­ G le a s o n _________________________ 63 lief work In the city this winter Gwendolyn— Beth Jennings. With two victories to encour­ elected secretary of state and g was Indicated with the formation age them, members of the Spring-1 Jacobsen _________ _____________ Mr. Ralston—Irving iravls. Rufus Holman, state treasurer, as K r u e g e r________________________ i of a social s e rv ic e c o m m itte e a p ­ field high school football team will Dick- Melvin Foss. was I. H. Van Winkle, attorney pointed by Marjorie Prochnow, lea­ leave here Friday for Silverton | H te lw e r ________________________ 94 Van Duson—Everett l^aJole. general. gue president, for the purpose of where they will play a return Arm­ T h o m a s __________________________io Bishop— Bruce Squire«. In Ijin e County the Democrats collecting clothing for needy peo­ istice day game with the team at ' R e p re s e n ta tiv e Mrs. Ralston— Marjorie IToch- Fred Flak, and Cal Young, won ple. Members of this committee that city. The two teams met here ' Butler 20 now. election to the county Judgeship which Is headed by Theda Rhodes last year on Armistice day with ; Giddings Local Boultryman Had Long Ethel—Virginia Christie. T and mmmlaehMier placee reaper are Beth Jennings, Elizabeth Vail. Springfield nosing out a victory of| Mott ___ 107 Sahel — Echo Tomseth. lively. All other offices will be Career aa Educator in East­ Leila Peterson. Pearl Olin, and two touchdowns. The game was : Starkweather ... 72 M abel- Dorothy Hurl. ern States and Canada filled with Republicans following Upton ________ Ruby Houk. Murtha— Eva Louk. played on a muddy field and the, tbe election. S e c re ta ry o f S ta te Each class represented in the day was bright and cold. A prominent educator In the The play chosen for presentation M o ffit t Is S u rp rise H o e s ----------------------------------------------gg league was made responsible for 122 middle west before moving to Ore is "Nothing But the Truth." a three- laurwns-e M offitt, In the rac Little is known of the Marion j Midwood __________ ____________ 9 the program at one of the weekly 11 gon where he has been engaged In act comedy by James Montgomery against Vera Todd Crow for Coun county team this year. Springfield i W is e c a rv e r________________ _ ...... 93 92 assemblies at the school. The sen­ poultry business for the past 16 Humor Is Injected Into the plot ty Hchool Ibiperlntendeat, sur­ has shown remarkable develop S ta te T r e a s u r e r ior group under Dorothy Mae Pot­ prised even his moat ardent boost years. David Kercher died at his early when Bob makes a wager ment under Marion Hall'« tutelage I Holman ____ ’...................................... 92 ter will have charge In two weeks. 126 home on Route 1, Wednesday that he can tell nothing but the era by tbe manner In which he from a group of inexperienced boys M a lo n y __________________________ 75 Others In charge of their claas pro­ 64 into a determined and aggressive ! M c F a r la n d _______________ ______ n stepped out and Immediate!) morning following a very brief III- truth for a given time. grams are Dorothy Hart, Juniors; 16 neea. gathered a commanding lead whtrh 4 Essel Adams, sophomore; and team whh h has demonstrated it s 1 W a r d ___ __ S Mr Kercher was born In Huron was never threatened. Charles willingness t carry the fight to MANY ATTEND BENEFIT Barbara Burnell, freshman . A tto rn e y G en eral cotMity. Alberta. Canada, on April Poole had a nip and tuck race with the opponents rather than meet | Dobson 67 68 Marlon Veatrh for coroner. Hen 4. 1868, and came to the United TEA FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL them wlfh a defense. Hosmer ___ ___ ________________ 9 14 lie attended the Keenoy. assessor, and P. M Morse State In 1879. AUTO COLLIDES WITH 3 A large number of people at­ Their victory last Friday after-1 Svenson _________ ,_____________ S North Central college In Michigan surveyor, were unopposed. OIL TRUCK SATURDAY noon over Bert Kern's "B" divisioni I. H. Van W inkle _________ __ ___ 99 tended the benefit tea which teach­ 129 W. H Hrooke defeated Donald and after graduating became city Legislators ers of the primary department of ------------ team from Eugene high was a Young for district attorney. Hwarts superintendent of schools for 20 F. W. M iller of Springfield was | creditable victory In view of the; HI11 ......................... the Methodist Sunday school held 86 117 was chosen sheriff; Dillard, clerk years, after which he held the of­ at the Church last Friday after- 11 a,,<* nllKhtly dazed for fact that the team had previously Huntington 87 112 fice of county school superintend­ and Hill, Huntington, and McCor- while » Saturday “ "irday eveiung evening - at * 6 defeated - * - Cottage - Grove. The three! McCornack ........... hmm. Receipts from the tea will H wh,le ............ 86 108 ent of Huron county, for six years nack. state repreeentatlvea. be used to purchase new equip- ®®k>ck when the automobile which ; touchdowns of the game were- Carll ................... Bî 69 In 1888 he married Miss Naomi ment for the department. Total Vote* Given Host *le waa driving collided with an oil made by Dean Anderson. Two at-, Laurence ........... <1 The total unofficial votes for Kletxing of Belle Plain. Iowa, and esses Included Mrs. L. K. Page. tru," | ' *. * ' Bn< ono "‘’" 'i church Sunday morning. The even was decided here last Thursday Coroner— __ ___ __ _____________ , 54 Members of the Young Women's | Hurd 86 1 hi ' r< u ' r o’ ,l,nie' ” ne ing evangelistic service will be: evening at the regular seml-month- I'oole, 12,148 daughler. Mrs. Ruth Brown. Blr- „ amJ , ly meeting held at the home of Mrs. Missionary society of the Christian j Young ------------------------------------------- 132 132 Veeatch. 11,687 mlngham, Michigan; one b r o t h e r . I Rev ,,o,n w „ ,lda Barllei| presldent. Twent church held their regular monthly C o ro n e r County Judge— Poole meeting Tuesday evening at the 164 , „ 11 , . „ . ; dexter will preach at both services. two members were present at the Barnard, 9334 60 v ng n ( ana a Sunday Church school meets meeting und enjoyed card game« home of Miss Evelyn Harris. This I Veatch Fisk. 14,139 was a combined business and social! Judge Funeral arangements are being at 9:45. The Young People's groups alter the business session. School Superintendent— Barnard meeting. Mrs. Esther Adams was 79 handled from the Poole-Gray-Bar ¡meet at 6:30. Moffitt, 13.981 F is k ___ the leader. Miss Jewel Heiterbrand 144 Iholomew chapel In Hprlngfleld on ____ REVIVAL MEETINGS SET Crow, 9444 and Barbara Adams had charge of 1 School Superintendent Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock LEGION PLANS FOR BIG Sheriff— Crow ........ ....................................... 51 Rev. Dean C. Poindexter will offl 49 FOR CRESWELL CHURCH the program. Pryor, 11.138 M offitt ........ ........................................ 140 DINNER PROGRAM NEXT elute and Interment will be made 178 b Hwarts, 11.189 An evangelistic campaign to run Sheriff In . Rest Haven cemetery. Cuts Scalp with Axe Members of Hprlngfleld American for one month waa started Sunday Representative»— Pryor _ 76 60 j Legion post will hold a potluck at the Creswell Church of Christ H ill, 18.129 169 Mrs. L, W. Koonz of Marcola | Hwarts ...... ........................ ................. 120 i dinner and program preceding the by Arthur Charles Bates of Mills Huntington, 11.007 PRISCILLA CLUB HAS Surveyor was brought to Springfield Wed­ next business meeting at Taylor City. Services will be held every nesday morning to receive medical I Morse McCornack, 10,990 131 172 MEETING LAST WEEK hall In Hprlngfleld on November 17, Carll, 6884 night excepting Saturday starting care for a gash on her forehead Justice of Peace It was decided at the meeting held at 7:30 o'clock. D. A. Callis Is pas- which she had sustained when aj Wheaton ....................................... Laurence, 6676 145 177 Mrs. John Parker wa- hostess at at W altervllle last Thursday. Htewart, 6476 j tor of the Creswell church. Constable sharp axe grazed against her. her home lust Thursday afternoon Hamblen, 1633 I-arlm er .... ......................................... 136 166 for the regular meeting of the Pris­ Kemery, 1781 Mayor cilla club. Gaines were played dur­ Muhr, 2014. 112 Tyson ... ...................................... 118 ing the afternoon. Members pres­ In the Supreme oourt race Judge Parker ... ..................................... 70 94 ent were Mrs. W illiam Rouse, Mrs. Bean defeated Roy Hewitt and J. W illiam Curtis, Mrs. Norman How­ Councilman 4 Years O. Bailey was elected without op­ ard, Mrs. Ernest Bertsch. Mrs. John 128 Barber ... ................................................ 162 position. Taylor .............. ................................... 116 137 Seavey, Mrs. Frank Logan, Mrs State In Wet Column Huntly ................................................... 91 84 W illiam Htearmer, Mrs. E. C. Interest In the measures on the Councilman 2 Years Stuart, Mrs. H. O. Dibble« and the ballot ran high In the state being hostees. Cross ..................................................... 145 182 centered on the dry law repeal Recorder The next meeting of the club act which was approved with n Peterson ....... ..... 154 187 will be held on November 17, a t largo majority, and the school mov Treasurer the home of Mrs. Htearmer. Ing bill which was defeated by an Buell .............. 146 182 average of six votes to each In JUDGES SUPREM E COURT favor of the consolidation. MANY PEOPLE ATTEND Position Number 2 Taxpayer voting qualifications « B ean 119 127 HARD-TIMES PARTY wore approved by the electors who Hewitt 69 also approved the six peT cent Forty-five people attended the i 3 limitation, trials without Juries, hard times party which the Bible 166 181 stale water rights, and probably the Income tax meazuirei. The lat­ Study class of the Christian church M EA8URES ter carries only a small majority. held at Taylor’s hall for their mem Taxpayer Voting ................. Yes 111 129 hers and friends. Participants came The two tax billa providing for No 66 63 dressed In costumes and spent the debt control nnd tax supervision Trials W ithout Juries Yes 101 116 evening paying game« Mrs. Dalny were defeated us was the educa No 59 69 ’ugh and Mrs. Edith Laxton had tlon appropriation bill, the oleo­ Hix Per Cent Lim itation Yes 79 102 chnrgo of refreshments, nnd Mrs margarine and Rogue river closing No 66 87 L. Pollard nnd Mrs. Larson j measures. Vote on the oleomargar­ Oleomargarine Tax ...»........... Yes 26 62 TOM SWARTS W right directed the program. LAURENCE MOFFITT CHARLES POOLE ine bill waa close, but v m very No 165 147 decidedly no on tre fishing mea­ Hwarts, Moffitt Rogue River Closing ...... Yes 62 70 and Poole, embered her own In voting for county. Hwarts and M offitt added sure. Eugene Man Here— Harry Hoi- Hprlngfleld'« three horsemen In these three candidates for sheriff, No 127 136 to their Hprlngfleld totals In the Balloting at the election Tuesday den, Eugene Insurance man, was a tho election race, swept ahead of Education Appropriation Yes 23 28 school superintendent and coroner, county while Poole won by about proved to be the heaviest for many business visitor In Hprlngfleld the field and emerged victors In and they went out of town with a 126 160 the same margin of votes that he years In most places. In Spring- Wednesday afternoon. Tuesday's voting. Hprlngfleld rem- 400 lead to battle the rest of the gained In the four precincts here. FISK. YOUNG, DED CDOSS SEE FDD BID DRIVE Woman’s Committ«« to Start Systematic Campaign for Memberships in This City VICTORS CAST Df H.S.PLAT NAMED THIS WEEK BARTHOLOMEW 18 HEAD Financial Benefits of Organi­ zation Greater in Lano Than Total Receipts A committee of at least fifteen Hprlngfleld women w ill start work this week end on the anneal Red Cross roU call making a systematic canvass of the entire city seeking memberships. The Roll Cell drive Is scheduled to start on Friday. Armistice day and extend until Thanksgiving day, November 24, this year. Every effort w ill be made to have the work speeded up and the drive completed here In lees thne, however the signing of members will be continued until the end of the drive. H.S. LEAGUE ID GATHER M IN E S F R A N K L IN S.H.S. TEAM HAS SILVERTON GAME R-OOStVELT How Springfield Voted 3 « 124 117 118 121 1 26 — s 20 2 Total PASSES Al HOME » HIGH SHERIFF SCHOOL SUPT. CORONER (Continued from Page 1) 26 10 137 76 ioe P- J. Bartholomew has been named chairman of the Roll Call for Hprlngfleld this year by W . P. Tysoo, mayor. A large meeting of all Roll Call chairmen and other Red Cross workers In the county waa held In Eugene Wednesday morning at which time Instructions were given. Hprlngfleld women who have al­ ready been secured to assist in tbe drive are Mrs. U C. M offitt, Mrs. W. E. Buell, Mrs. Ed Privât, Mrs. W illiam Taylor, Misa Edna Hwarts, Mrs. H. M. Stewart, Mrs. Gertrude Wilson and Mrs. Clifford- Wilson. Others will be added to the com­ mittee before the end of the week according to Mr. Bartholomew. The city Is to be divided into dis­ tricts with designated areas set out for each group of solicitors. The Red Cross, although started as a wartime acUvity has been quickly transformed into an em­ ergency relief organisation during times of pence, and during the lat­ ter years which have seen eo many families and children In want this organization has faced a tremend­ ous task and carried on to greatly assist needy people In every com­ munity. s 32 12 143 71 — 37 483 277 6 161 11 90 138 12 114 509 43 389 162 77 15 147 84 16 S T 90 11 79 16 617 Under the relief plan being used 300 in Lane county at the present time 67 more money Is returned to the 17 county for social work in the form of salaries for workers and other 304 items than the total raised during 49 the drives for memberships. 14 976 ANNUAL SCHOOL CENSUS s S 146 153 142 146 132 60 59 89 22 17 21 136 134 120 157 90 142 106 193 180 142 109 125 133 112 146 108 144 193 71 179 87 Boys outnumbered girls In the 495 391 count there being 417 boys and 393 girls. Fathers of 21 were for­ 686 eign born, while mothers of 16 have their birthplaces in other countries. 469 This school census does not 430 mean that this Is the total number 369 of students attending school In dis­ 664 trict 19. It Is a census of children living within the boundaries of the 666 district and does not Include those 288 coming from outside districts. 103 160 94 163 328 605 68 205 64 196 72 191 80 189 199 196 211 206 197 189 133 116 149 106 222 "Giving God His Part” w ill be 719 the subject of the 11 o’clock ser­ mon at the Christian church Sun­ 288 day morning by Rev. Veltle Pruitt. 669 There will be special choir music and negro spirituals. 698 At the evening service Dr. C. E. Hoven of the Bible University 738 faculty and a noted Bible scholar w ill preach. There w ill also be spe­ 688 cial music. The Christian Endea­ vor meets a» 6:30 with Lela Peter­ 612 son as leader. 385 188 174 84 203 176 83 681 602 342 201 223 222 214 212 216 147 92 161 83 201 208 163 79 162 71 124 83 42 207 97 158 31 194 161 91 170 87 139 78 62 196 68 175 43 190 71 63 92 29 28 28 481 478 446 236 237 349 82 81 80 IS COMPLETED HERE There are 810 boys and girls of the age; between 4 and 19 Inclu­ sive In Springfield It was indicated today with the completion of the annual school census. Members of the P. T. A. made the check which Is required of all districts In the distribution of school funds. COD AND H IS PART SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC LOCAL CLUB HEARS EUROPEAN TRIP TALK Members of the Happy Hour club 751 here heard Mrs. Ralph Crow dis­ cuss a recent trip which she had 779 made to Europe at their meeting Monday afternoon at the home of 766 Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Mrs. P. J Bar- tholomew was the assistant host­ ess. Vocal solos were furnished by Miss W ilm a Lewis and Mrs. John 664 Ketels. Mrs. Milton W alker accom­ 307 panied Miss Lewis, and Mrs. Bu­ ford Roach accompanied Mrs. 746 Ketels. 644 288 649 266 444 296 171 705 287 696 126 669 FARM TREES AVAILABLE AT COLLEGE STATION Trees for farm wood lot« ere now roady for delivery at the Oregon Htat» college experiment farm ne- cordlng to George W. Peavey, dean of the school of forestry. The trees are made available by congression­ al act and are available at a coat of 12.50 per thousand with the sxc ep tlon of black walnut trees which cost lie per thousand.