PAGE pour THR SPRINGFIELD NEWS 7ife«/aj Election J B. Croen. For City Recorder— Ir» M. I’et- (Continued from First Pag«) m erd. Republican; Fred Fisk, Demo­ cratic. For City Treasurer— W. E Buell. TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y THURSDAY. NOVEMBER S. 1992 Democratic Candidate Is Leader In Nation Poll Visits at Mt. An®el— M r M R III This W eek— Mrs. Verne W ll Huntly spent the week-end visit­ klnson is reported Io be ill at her Directly In line with all other , , 56.30; Io Hoover's 073,307 votes |fi.r a percentage of 37 1». Other ing at Mt. Angel. home this Week, atraw ballot polls conducted dur ing (lie closing weeks of the presl cuiidldutea drew volee accounting Mrs. George Smith is suffering For County Sheriff— Cal A. Drive to Corvadle— Mr, ind Mrs Visits Daughter — Mrs Susan deutlal campaign. The Weekly | ,WP “ >* remaining 6.61 per cent of Pryor, Democratic; C. A. "Tom with blood poison in her hand. F. B. Flanery drove to Corvelli» King came to Springfield Sunday Swart», Republican. The ladies' aid held a silver tea Sunday to visit with relativos. I from Portland and will spend some Newspaper Nation-wide poll. In which The Springfield News parti I *■> comparison. this newspaper's lim e here at the home of her cipated, In Ila final returns gives I 'union wide For County Surveyor — P. M at the church Wednesday after- I weekly poll gives noon, an exhibit of fancy work and Guest of Liona—V A. Swarta was Morse, Republican. daughter. Mrs. Wanda Bai no . Franklin II. Roosevelt a substsn I I»*** »veil 6» St per cent and quilts were made. There was some a guest at the weekly meeting of Dietrlct and Precinct Break* Arm— Ueorge Ftnne> of H**l lead In popular vote sentiment 11 looser 40.16 per cent of Ils total fancy work which Rev. Stiver got »>»* Eugene Lions club at the Ku For Justice of the Peace— C. E route 1, sustained a broken right *° w' n ,h’' election next Tuesday. I ' U,u caat. while on h it trip to the Holy Land « • • • t*ot«»l Wednesday noon Wheaton, Republican; Democra arm Wednesday morning while November 8. I lu e oue big exception In our several year» ago. An Invitation tic;. Hunts Pheasants— Carl CIsen i working on a farm He came to Local Vote Close l« e » k ly newspaper poll Io those of extended to Springfield and and Harry Wheaton spent M *.l Springfield to have the boas set Springfield straw votes turned I **•» Digest anti nil tuber straw For Constable- I. D. Larimer, W altervtll(. goct«.,ies to attend hunting for pheasants. This was lu were six to one for Hoover. T h c j ' 1 •*• taken la In the small (own Republican; Democratic. Next Sunday. November (, t the last dev of the oren sc son on * per f ° up * ' Oregon vole, however, was 75« lu ’ “4 country vole from Illinois. All Springfield City Officers birtis. ‘ Caper club. 7(W Kooaere„ . , hroll, lt , h(. w„ h.y newspaper p,,., For Mayor— W. P. Tyaon, John goal of 103 has been set. There will humorous organisation at the I.. . , . . . B Springfield high school were 'pproxlmaltdy 2000 weekly I ,loov* r has >•*!» *» »be Illinois C. _ Parker. _ „ be a basket dinner following the Poatma, t , r „ Portland— F B ^ 'rlngfleld high school, were AW>«M»lm»l»ly 3000 weekly »suikii town vote by a margin of _ « “ ‘ n’ tprm' morning services Rev. E. V . HamWn spen, , he „rat of the WM.k guests gt a chicken dinner at the “e»«P*l»ere. located lu all parts of the country, cooperated In taking I *boul ’ ,0 6 Stivers will deliver the sermon and ¡n Portland where he met Archls borne of Dorothy Hart Sunday. Huntly this poll of small (own and rural I Thioughout the tabulation of the there will be special program and OojggggB, first assistant postmaster Attend Eugene Party— Mr. and \merlca political preference. The Irides from the various stales In For Councilman— Two year term, singing, everybody welcome. general Mrs. Elmer Pyne attended nn old- Publishers Autocaster Service, a I this weekly newspaper poll are Returns to Portland — Miss ia8hlon,><1 bard III» Hallowe'en newspuper editorial service, acted I some mighty Interesting figures for J Emma Massee returned to her parl> 8l’ pn by the Eugene I t). o as natloual headquarters In tabu |c a r.fu l perusal. home In Portland Tuesday after a,u* i»pbekab lodges there Mon- luting the national vote. This straw vote has been most ! spending a few days here at the day PTpnlnK- Returns were received from 421 .„ero d in g to ,..d e r s or weekly home of her sister, Mrs. N. W. status of the «8. These 43 states! new; papers throughout the nation Emery. | represent 48« electoral votes of Il has supplied figures which Indi­ , the 531 Io the electoral college; cate (he political thought through­ Entertains with Party — Mrs. R. )3«« electoral votes are uecessary (Continued from Page 1) out the nation. Thai this same I E. Moshler entertained at her home for election. icicentage will holu true In actual Tuesday afternoon with a party in Delmas Glaapey. Donald Hou REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Summed up. here are the pertin- voting can I» no means be as honor of Katherine Hemenway of Joe Keever, Laverne McPherson u te- , i pn» fa d » »s discovered by thia na «timed. There may be upsets j ’ Cottage Grove, a former resident ot uro*-., W ilbur McPherson. Earl Pederson, d u i wide FOR LANE COUNTY Wesley Robertson. Lloyd Seaman. ¡ ............. ’ " P° “ galore. Springfield. A Wilson Taylor. Emil Vchytll, Thur A total ,l’,al “f S**-1®* voles were But In the words which are be Î Attend C. E. Rally— Lee Vail, man W illiams. Selma Clement.j Ca^*t loved bv all true sportsmen It can 43 »Isles. Divided as follows: Roosevelt I be said: Florence Vail. Beaulah Thurman. France« Cornell. Jewel Farnsworth. Alvin Thurman. Nellie Luce. Dawn Elsie Ingram. Lulu Johnson, Gen- 1* 5' l5S; Hoover, 83.853 "—und may the best man win.” Church. Mary Hadley. Vldine Gar- eva Keeler, Valeria Koch. Angela Of ,h ” “ ,al role caat- »«‘••«velt tin, and W illiam Cox attended the Krupka. Nora Lanning. Wanetta rp‘ ,‘‘* w* 69•»« ppr «*■<: Hoover j Christian Endeavor dry rally in Neel, Helen Lyons. Jane Phair. 40 ,6 p'’r *'eM»- Eugene Saturday evening. Helen Putman, Dorothy Ransdell Koosevelt leads In 35 states; Shirley Seavey. Donna Jean Sev-! Ro^’ er *n T Election November 8, 1932 erson. Wyetta Spriggs, Betty Stein Electoral votes; Roosevelt 414 hauer. Muriel Tyson. Maxine Val- Hoover 82 Her. Erma Wetxell. Thelma W ll «»“<**®us minded voter will river closing bill as Dr. W. C. Reh Thomas. Delmcr Vaughn. Ronald establish junior colleges, the mea­ find some very interesting figures I han Wetxel. Dr. Rebhan has spent con- sure will go to vote nex' Tuesday Second Grade iu ,h i* »«’ »on-wlde poll. For In slderable time In Southern Oregon without the endorsement of a sin Attendance— Bobble Black. Etlxa *» wR* b® noted that the where _____ ___ he ____ has properly anil lias gle statewide organization, state beth Boyles. Lois Chaie, Peggy An fciajorlty for Roosevelt I taikeg. 3. I “ Large amounts of Eastern and the present unified system of edu Schneider, Hester Jean Thompson. Strong in Country | California money Is Just waiting to I “I strongly feel that the Rogue River, as well as the other cation and set up a new and un­ salmon rivers in Oregon, should be closed to commercial fishing Howard Carrels. Stanley Malo, In general summing up, however, see what disposition Oregon will if It Is hoped to maintain the rivers in anywhere near their ori­ tried experiment of expansion and John Ogilvie, Wayne Seamans. *bls weekly newspaper poll checks I make of her greatest of great tour ginal productivity. These rivers are not unlike the rivers of duplication by establishing un­ Jimmie Smith, Robert Smith. Don ***ry accurately with the polls con- |gt and sportsman's paradise, Alaska, and we do not permit any fishing in any of our rivers in wanted Junior colleges. the north. In fact, some of them are closed a mile or more out­ aid Toomb, Junior Wilson. ducted by the Literary Digest and “Oregon’s natural playground 1» Similar stands were taken by the side their mouths. I believe that the fish in the rivers should Fourth Grade Hearat Newspaper, so far as . our great asset. It cost us nothing be left there to reproduce their species. This would give the State Bar Association, the State Scholarship— John Carrels, Sid- ” division of the states between It Is attracting world wide atlen- steelhead trout, which is largely a game fish, an opportunity to Medical association, and the Cham­ Hoover and Roosevelt In popular ion as Is proven by the ever In ney Ward, Peggy Wright. perpetuate itself and furnish sports and food for the people of bers of Commerce of Portland, Oregon and the thousands of tourists who are now seeking the Attendance— John Carrel-, Ger- vo»e favor. This Is the exception: creasing number of out-of-state Baker, Salem and Bend. great out-of-doors. These tourists w ill prove to be one of the hard Coll, Mildred Fletcher, Nat 3' ,’ e stnaH town and country vote tourists , so why not protect It. It valuable assets of the state of Oregon.” Various state and ebunty organi han Fletcher, Annabell Johns, Wll- mdlrates a stronger swing to w ill surprise you to know how zatlons for tax reduction have ma Keeler, Charlotte Lanning. Eu Roosevelt. great Is the profit derived from the VOTE 308 X YES ON A BILL PROHIBITING fought the bill as a menace to their gene Miller, Merle Nice, Gladys W ith returns in from all states millions who will spend their efforts to make taxes lower. Their Pedersen, Ione Severson, COMMERCIAL FISHING ON ROGUE RIVER Robert ^or a total of 2,617,185 votes, the j money with us during their sum views were expressed by James Shearer, Betty Sherman, Alvin Hipest show 1, 473,446 votes for mar vacations. Grants Pa3s Chamber of Commerce, by H. L. Wil­ Burdett, president of the Oregon Thrum, Sidney Ward. Peggy Koosevelt. or a percentage of I “California once had good fish son, Vice President, J. R. Harvey, Secretary. State Tax and Conservation Lea­ Wright. gue who characterized the bill as Ashland Chamber of Commerce, by B. G. Barkwill, Fifth Grade one of the most extravagant pro­ president, R. E. Detrick, Secretary. Scholarship — F l o r a Bertsch, grams ever foisted upon the people Wanda Burch, Shirley Haack, W ar­ of Oregon.” Included in this Medford Chamber of Commerce, by W. S. Bolger, ren Ingram. Dorothy Mulligan, President, C. T. Baker, Secretary. group are such organizations as Marvin O'Quinn, Albert Shearer, the Marion County Budget commit­ — Paid Adv. Beryl Robertson, Emma Lou Strat­ tee, and Josephine County Tax Re­ ton, Frank Stuart. daction League. Attendance — Frank Anderson Flora Bertsch, Pearl Fletcher, Shir­ Springfield, Oregon o » N t. 20 i/ tkown hele*. ley Haack. W illard House, Warren Ingram, Clarence Jones, Alberta Keeler, Junior Laxton, Winifred Mrs. Fred Gunning was compli Lyons, Bobby Pugh, Arda Robert­ mented with a birthday dinner son, Beryl Robertson, Eva Mae party at her home Tuesday even­ Severson, Milo Severson, Albert Dur «tore has one of the cleanent, high quality ing. Shearer, Louise Smith, Emma Lou grocery stocks in I^ne county. Our prices are as low Mrs. R. H. Dearborn entertained Stratton, Frank Stuart, Valentine the Blue River Sewing club at her as can be found anywhere. Springfield is the natural Cchytll. home. trading center for many thousands of people and It Mrs. Charles Carter is entertain­ has always been our aim to serve them better than ing the Leabnrg Aid society at her more distant places. home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Irvin was honored with a gathering of relatives at Turn the V alve on the R adiantfire and the home of her father C. E. Pot­ ter Sunday In compliment to her birthday, which was attended by about 25 relatives. Mrs. Everett Wearin entertained the C. E. society at her home Wed­ nesday evening. For County School Superintend­ ent— Vere Todd Crow. Democratic; Laurence C. Moffitt, Republican. Thurston C. A Swarts Ing and hunting along hrr coast Oregon by and go elsewhere. streams, but they permitted com "Does Oregon waul th lat No! msrclal fishing and learned the "Bo let's take uur lesson from leesoR loo late. California la now California and act In On» tu aave flooding Oregon for vacation fun our streams from commercial flah and will continue to come su long Ing and protect our playgrounds so that the millions of tourists aa such fun can he obtained here, i may call our stale what II deserves Bui when that time ceases they | to be called, "The I'uradlse of (he and all others will simply pass World." Charles P. Poole REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR Coroner FOR LANE COUNTY. OREGON Kfo tlon Nov. N. 1932 Never Before Held the Office of Coroner. Honor R oll Sheriff \hebhan Urges Closing of River IL GRAB IN SIATE DISREPUTE Both other undertaker» have held the office for the last 25 years. M ember o f the F irm o f Foole-Q ray-B artholom ew VOTE 317 X NO - - Against Moving the University — P»ld Advertisement. Marion Veatch For County Coroner Vote 308 X YES I will cart* for all caaea without the expense of holding an inquest unless absolutely necessary. On a Bill Prohibiting Commercial Fishing on the Rogue. 1 am ramiilar with the duties of the office, and will keep the expense within the budget and save the tax payers money where ever possible. Sympathetic and courteous treatment in all cases. — Pd. Adv Vote For Donald Young DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR Irish-Murphy Co. McKenzie Valley We’re Here to Serve You DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1 have had twenty years experience In the practice of law in Eugene, and have served three years (1918- -1921) as deputy district attorney. Personal Attention to the Duties of the Office — Paid Adv. FOR CONGRESS FLOOD the ROOM WITH SUNSHINE Kidnapped and held for ransom — the summer sun! Its prison is the Humphrey Radiantfire where its vital rays are reproduced by a miracle of modern science, Ths ransom! Just the simple ef- fort of turning the Radiantfire valv« and the sun Is freel It will flood any room with wel- come warmth. There are many hours and many seasons that the furnace is not enough. When the clouds grow dark and the winds whittle— turn the valve on the Radiant- fire and flood the room with sunshine! Then you will know how healthful, comfortable and convenient Radiantfire heat can be. The HUM PHREY R a d ia n t f ir e Northwest Cities Gas Co. Bugene, Springfield DIVORCE TAX LEVING POWERS FROM THE TAX SPENDERS Institute Reasonable Regulation Of Tax Budgets by Adopting THE OREGON PLAN of Tax and Debt Control Upper Willamette Miss Evlyn Phelps entertained at her home at a Hallowe’en party Saturday night using pumpkins, cats and fall leave« for decorations Those present were Carol Lord, Helen Settle, Bonnie Tinker, Roger k airfield, Robert Phelps, Clarence Rogers. Jack Doane and the host­ ess Evyln Phelps. The Junior Endeavor had a Hal­ lowe’en party at the home of Au­ drey Hammond Friday night. Hal lowe’en game« were played. About fifteen were present with their two leaders Florence Jordan and Bon­ nie Tinker. Pumpkin pie and cider were the refreshments. The Misses Martina Ferguson and Alice Weiss entertlned about 52 of their friends at a Hallawc’en party at the Ferguson home at Trent Monday night. Refreshments were pie, sandwiches and cake. R E D U C E T H E T A X B IL L tax siV| pcViklon Extending to every county the system of tux and conservation tliut hns been In operation In Mill Multnomah county and has saved taxpayers there more than »7,600,000 during the last 11 years. It provides for review of all local tax budgets by a local non salaried board of citizens and taxpayers; It will Insure safe and sane regulation of public expenditures, without abrogating the principle of home rule; It will not dlstrub the six percent lax limitation nor any debt restriction now flx«d by constitutional provision, hut will establish more effective lax and debt control than these so-called limitations have actually provided. REPUBLICAN n o m in e e HI b record, both as a legislator and as Corporation Commissioner, Is a record of achievement. His election will assure to the people of this district active and effective representation In Con­ gress. VOTE 25 X JAMES W. MOTT —Pd. Ad/. VOTE Tax and Debt Control Constitutional Amendment 318 X Yes Tax Supervising and Conservation Bill 320 X YES Oregon Taxpayers’ Equalization and Conservation League James E Burdett, President, R. c. Flanders, Secretary «04 Woodlark Bldg., Portland, Oregon. (Paid Adv.)