TH U R SD A Y, N O V R M IIR It 8. 1»32 _____________________________________ »'■ "'" " ■ - » N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Return« to Hom«— Mr«. Elw ood! T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEW S ■ —-n NOTICE OF LAND SALE » Sack from W ashington— M r. und Porf/aniJ Vefs to Notice of School Mealing Lee I Ma no. rut H w urlul uml Infant ! N O T IC E la hereby given th a t the M r"' A lb e rt K u e.eli and fu n ly «laughter have returned to th o lrlH tu te lam tl Hoard of the H tate of i returned iaat Thur»da> from '3k- home at Alp'ne a fte r ap< td h 'K |iu d r a g o n w ill received aealed hid« at ima, W ashington No r . ° T ,, 7 : 18 ? E R B B Y O IV K N ‘ o iM ftl YOtor. o f 8. they . .i d I.'al^ i.C2 U“y',a8 “U * of Ore« °B- ,b* ‘ • SCHOOL day» here v isitin g w ith her pur- Ila office In the Capitol Building It* been for tom « tku Salem, Oregon, up to 11: 00 o'clock trnv i T in H l,h 8chO4” ' »*»• »« t»*Z «» enta, M r. and Mra ('. A. Rwurta. her. 1932. at 7; 30 o cloch In the P. M. for the purpose of .g - A. M Novem ber 21. 1933. for all the budget h ereinafter aet out with the levying board, and to v o to o g th . Statu'« Intercut In the old riv e r F orm er la Ht— H Call Attention to Favorable he<| laud« h ere in a fte r • follow ing s ta te N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G From tuition for pupils below high school estate are required to pr»«ctit the at y and all bids: of Bpringrialtl w ill asll M r tho 50.00 F IN A L A C C O U N T (31 ), In Tow nship Fifteen (16) m ent y e te r d a y : From county high school tuition fund for name properly verified ,r . V « T I I I « ’ t | I to O said H I I K I ego »’ E l» - j T i l, t« u i . l / . l . t u n , I i i « „ j , | land,, ^ r„ «ituated In mull liulanca due* on contract N otice I« I hereby K|Tg„ that by I cutrlce» at (h*> law office of Howard , tuition ____________ _____________ Houth of Hang« Hlz 16) West of w .. k n . . u 8.500.00 the W illa m e tte M eridian. In . H ,r b e r t Hoover gon, and aro de with toirn» lik« rout, I t Intaraat O rder o f the O ther sources ...................... be Hon. i p. Barnard, M Brow nsll, 73* W illa m e tte Street ‘ ... 700 00 lam e County. State of Oregon; ,*houW be re-elected president of T o ta l Estim ated Receipts ~ . now« «'«1 w rit« ul one« to C. A. K i'in lii* Judge of th he County Court of the Eugene. Oregon w ithin a il month« ■fl6.750.00 beginning at a point on the and the Southwest q u a rte r of the tb * United States. Htate of Oregon for Lune County rrom thl« 20th iluy of October. 1933 Ion t o i l Juy HI , Hui rumuiilo. m eander line of the rig ht bank E S T IM A T E D E X P E N D IT U R E S Saturday, Novem ber I9 lh . 1932. at | E M M A H L A Y T E lt. N W ¿ T " o r h T c H ™ o ú r . ' l V In * -v«r ba« auccessful- 3 «38.00 •I“ * <’f O ctober, 1931, In a suit A d m in is tra to r of the »Htate of umlerolgnod, W. W. C alkin«, ba« Section 30. and running thence, « R lngT h ‘* v r , w‘,f, P, to : ‘Z detended our country from an II . IN S T R U C T IO N — Supervision: b **n duly appointed Executor of pending (herein In which N F Floyd w ila o n , dareaaed. S. 08* K. 4,82 chain« along tb< Principal» ______________________ 3 3,430.00 5 1,980.00 wit The .Northeaut q uarter of II**- Last W ill and Testam ent of Newhouse w in p lu ln llff unit Robert the Northw e«t q u a rte r (N E *4 of attM k ' ,-,rk Barrel and other m eander line; E N. M cA lloter, Ad hi In 1« t rn tor Stenographer« and o ther office Erutik H M cltow ell, deceased, by llolin ea ■ wa» R f E S M IT H . A ttorney for weae« defendant, M V i n t l u a I I I , which W I I H f l exe I’ M» I F H 'l F '* D " “ E ------------------- H. 28* E. 3.15 chain« leaving th« N W % ) of Section Eleven (11 ), leghlatlons which would have been assistants ____________ ____ 500.00 cut ton w a­ ll* mo direct««) and A d m in istrator. Ihe County Court of the s ta te of m eander line; T o ta l Expense. Supervision ____ and the Houth h alf of the South- fata l to our 8 . 58* 27' E 3.82 chain»; west q uarter < 8 ^ of RW «4) of ; Ag I I I . IN S T R U C T IO N — Teaching: (O 20 37— N 3 10-17) qualified a« «uch Executor, and all property h ere in a fte r described to veteran». we owe H e rb e rt H. 78* 16' E. 5 8 3 chain»; Section Two ( 2 ) ; all In Town •Teacher« ....... ..... ... ....... ........ 313,962.25 3 9.963.60 satisfy certain Ileus mid charge« person« having claim« again«! «aid 8. #4* E. 5.86 chains; ship 16. Houth Range 8even (7 ), Hoover a debt of gratitu de M r the •Supplies _________________ ______ 360.00 1.000.00 I w ill on Erlduy the 2nd duy of F IN A L H E A R IN G *--tate are hereby notified and re- N orth 3.33 chain« to «nuthea»t W e«t of the W illa m e tte M erl favorable legislation bi« adm inis­ •T extbooks ______________ 750.00 80.00 December, 1932, a t the hour of io N otice 1« Hereby given that the 'Btestecl •'* present the same, vert- corner of land« o f Vance H dlan, io I-ane County. Htate of tration baa enacted fo r ua. A thletic S u p p lie s ... ........... ........... 60.00 200.00 o'clock. A. M al the «outhweat umlerslgnml as A d m in istrato r w ith fl' d "" rH*lulrehe u I kivo entitled C O U N TY OF LANE. IX . D E B T S E R V IC E ; (N 3 10 17 24 I) 1) Ea»t 742 feet to the W esterly countrZ h“ h * * “ confronted w ith au»e S H E R M A N H A R K H O N , T R U S T E E . hereby notified io pw-nenl them. ro u rt ln ,he almve entitled _____ P rincip al on bonds _ „3 3,300.00 P la in tiff. -V» H O R T O N L U M -' line of the Southern Pacific Com- unprecedented condition«; many w ith proper voucher« to the under 1,1 ni‘’ directed mid dated the 13th C IT A T IO N In te re s t on bonds __ 3,500.00 BEH A N D T IM B E R C O M P A N Y , , U _ RT OF T H E _ "Igned at the law office of Donald d“ ’' n a i. . County, Oregon, und w ithin tw enty nun* from O ctober 13. 1932 and the C ourt on the 22nd day of October, com pliance with the command« ol „. d Testam ent nt i„ i >» W1U Personal service sum of I - l - ( l ) , (2 ), (3 ), (4 ), (5 ), day» If served w ith in any other . ... _ I I I (1 ), (2 ), (3 ), ( 4 ) ; I l l - l - ( l ) , (2 ), (3 ), ( 4 ) ; County In till« State. If senred per- . „ i ,., urt "f, *bo State fn r'h e r sum o f T h irty T h re e and 1932, In favor of Sherm an Harkson. aid w rit. I w ill on Saturday, the _d n « » » .» « a ii „— *** a H ow ­ ard, Deceased. A ll persons having I V - l - ( l ) . (2 ), ( 3 ) ; V l - l - ( l ) , t - ( l ) . 3 (1 ), 4 - ( l) 331,980.25 ■onally, or If served by publication. ,, ' u " 1,', 1 <>unty. 70-100 Dollar« (333.70), coat-* . nd T ru tee. P la in tiff, and against the 26th day of Novem ber, 1932. Of I disbursements, and the coets o f «¡id Horton Lum ber and T im b e r Com the hour of ten o'clock A. M . at £ ‘“ ’ S E * “ Vo " 1 SUPP, , % '\ 1 " I i : , V 2 ; V l- ì - ( 3 ) . 2 - u i . w ithin tw enty-eight days from the u»r»ae«.i R s ,a t*’ me to _ .p a n y . a C orporation; C redit Service the fro n td o o r of the County Court ^ i , v e r i f . J ‘ b U) 1,460.00 date of the firs t publication of thl» “ P®" «h»» ’ rlt com m anding ________ Eugene. I^ n e County. i uly ye rifle d - tbe undersigned Debt service IX -9 --------------------------... 7,’600.00 cltutiou, to »how cause, If any you , n-reny given that I I D. make «ale of Ihe ing N atio n al House n»* follow loiiow in K dp«- Company, ' «»nijmii>. a a Corporation; t o r p o r a iio n ; «^Biionai iRtiic v u u u iy , nt »5.^ ■ • m i «, h * . « a • .. — Y " -------------- I nt rviiHllz* niiotlnn / a«« 3. E xecutrix at the Law Office« i iscellaneous sum of 1-3. 4. 5: 11-3. 4- III-3 4 5- by the petition filed In t h l. . J * " » h“ " h4- ' " br the above - - - personal property Hospital Association, a Corpora- Oregon, sell at public auction (nub- r t sm ith a U iilc * 8 of j M c.^ laneoU8 8“ m o f, . \ 3' *1 have, why the petition filed In thia I \ 7 " " " ........ «"ov.. en crlbed real and S tate In d u strial Accident J~< to redemption, to the high- , .M ln,er iX ti V ,', 3 <’ >* Court by John K I'rn ll und Theresa , , ■PI’oluted a« adm lnls situated In the County of L an e Hon; « o w l/ Commission, and Edw ard T ra p p , - t bidder fo r cash In hand, a ll the S0“ » ’ x ™ * ™ * * ‘ ------------------- ----------------------- --- M I'ra ll. for tin- adoption of C llf ' o i ,b «' ab,>»« entitled m a tter State of Oregon 4.208.00 'I llf-R II 4 4 > I I I 111 I n s i u i l , <11111 r « llw a r (l I ra p u , • * »»•»»»•’ < »<»* v < » a u IX« O i l lU C . I» .* .® » - , .. w itK in a lv —. « — « I . « L’ - _ _ V n numbered two (2 ). In Defendant», for the sum of 350.000. right, title and Interest which the I hH3. al' , h?_ onths iro m k “»ergency X-3 M rd Wesley Mi D o w e ll, should not A1J P«™“ "« having claim « against l/.t numbe 2.732.49 the date of thia notice. T o ta l he granted In accordance w ith the "ald ’ " ‘■ ‘ o “ rw r«qulr««l to present 349.080.74 Block numbered »even (7 ), In together w ith the Interest thereon w ithin named Defendants and each Dated this 3rd day of Novem ber, IN D E B T E D N E S S p rayer thereof. ‘ b’* “ mte Property verified to «aid O R IG IN A L PLAT OF O AK- at the rate o f «even per cent per an,l aH them In the above en- 1932. W IT N E S S , tho lio n . C. P Bar ‘*<,m liil»trn to r at the law office o ' Amount of bonded in d e b te d n e s s _________________ 369,000.00 ItlD G K Lane County. Oregon, annum from the 15th day of M arch, titled «ult had on the 15th day of B E S S IE F. H O W A R D , Execu­ Am ount of w a rra n t indebtedness on w arrants nurd. Judge of the County Court 1 , ,w ,' rd M Brow nell 728 W ilia m together w ith a certain dlosel 1929. u ntil paid; and the fu rth e r M arch. 1929. the date o f the raort- trix of the Estate of Jessie B. for la n e County In the H tate of ; ' ' e S treet, Eugene. Oregon, w ith issued and endorsed "not paid for lack of funds” 7,012.91 l*ower plant situated thereon. In sun* of 32.500 00 Attorney's fees. Ka Ke herein foreclosed, o r since Oregon, and the .c a l of this C o u r t: 1" ,"lx. T "’1" " " „fr " ,n " " " 2o’ h daY T o ta l Indebtedness ________ __ __ ;_________________ i ltidlnx all m achinery, equipment 1 and the costs and disbursements of ,bat date had In and to the above h A R io t 's M r T q q e^ e nnvM 376.012.91 hereto a ffix e d this 291k day of of o<,* " b*'r - l»-1- Dated this 24th day of October. 1932. nnd personal property used In this suit, and the costs of and up described property, or any part .7 ,, A T T E S T : C L A Y T O N B A R B E R , D istrict Clerk. I.lin e « lion therew ith, nnd also on this w rit com manding me to thereof, to satisfy the said execu- , m “ Septem ber, 1988. I I D. C H E R R Y . A d m in istrator. (N 3-10-17-24— D 1) F. B. F L A N E R Y , Chairm an, Board of Director«. Including such personal property m ake sale o f the follow ing des- tlon. Judgment order, and decree. Date of firs t publication of this H O W A R D M B R O W N E L L . At- c ltallo n 1» October 6th. 1931. torney for A d m in istrator. of said defendant as may have crlbed real property, situated in lotereut, costs and accruing costs. I*een acquired by said defendant the County or Lane, State of Ore- Dated this 22nd day of October, A llcat W II D IL L A R D . Clerk (O 30 27— N 3-10-17) since Septem ber 17. 1931. gon, to w it: 1932. By E V A L. D U C K W O R T H . IK'puty. T he d istribution system o f the 1. Beginning a t the q uarter Flrst publication O ctober 27. 1932. ( () 6 13-20-27 — N 3) — N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S S A L E defendant C A S C A D E U T IL IT IE S section corner, between Sections Lagt publication Novem ber 24. 1932. H. L. B O W N , S h e riff of lum e REAL PROPERTY C O M P A N Y used for distribution I and 2, Tow nship 16 South County. Oregon. electrical energy In nnd al*out Range 7. W est. W illa m e tte M e ri­ N O T IC E Is hereby- given that by (O 27— N 3-10-17-24) O akridge, Lane County. Oregon. dian. Oregon, and running thence virtu e of an execution and order of Including all franchises, permits, W est 18.55 chains, to the center ale lasued out of the C ircu it Court rights of way, buildings, poles.- of the main channel of Lake ' of the State of Oregon fo r la n e transm ission lines, transform ers, C reek, thence, along the center County thl« 29th day of Septem ber. m eters, m achinery, tools, equip­ of said channel, up stream . Nrfrth , 1932, upon and pursuant to a de- ment and property o f every kind, 39 degrees 57 m in. East 4.83 i cree duly given and ma-’ e by said nature or description used In con chains, thence N orth 38 degrees ¡Court thia 29lli day of Septem ber. nectlon th e re w ith , on Ihe 17th 19 min. W est, 5.16 chains, thence 1932. In n null pending therein In day of Septem ber. 1931. and also N o rth 40 degree« 25 min. East which Delbert V. H ill was p la in tiff such property as may have been 3.55 chains, thence N o rth 1 de­ and N ellie Stales Bnkor. et. al. th e re a fte r acquired by said de ’ gree 06 min. W est 5.18 chains, were defendant«, which execution fendant. thence N orth 15 degrees 13 min. and order o f «»le was to me dl The Freight Truck and Bus B ill D O I 9 N O T IN C tlA S C BY All In te re t of the defendant. W est, 3.89 chains, thence North reeled mid commanded me to »ell CASCADE U T IL IT IE S COM O N I CINT the license fees of 20,000 farmer-owned ■•vi 40 degrees 02 m in. W est. 3.16 the real property h ere in a fte r ilea- P A N Y In and to a certain hydro­ chains to the Junction of le ik e crlbed to «ati«fy certain lien» nnd other privately-owned trucks. It DOIS NOT restrict or electric plant on Salt Creek, near C reek w ith a sm aller creek com­ charge« In said decree specified, p j E R E ’S a new, low-priced interfere with the operation of such trucks. O akridge. M ine County. Oregon.. ing in from the N orth, thence ; I w ill on F riday the 4th day of Nov Including all rights o f way. per Coleman Radiant Heater along the center of the sm aller ¡em ber, 1932, at the hour of 10 m ils, flumes, and property used creek North 46 degrees 59 min. that’s just the thing for home, It w ill eliminate the big trailer, cut load weights to 17 o'clock A. M at the southwest di*or In connection therew ith, on the East. 4.10 chains, thence N orth ■tore o r shop . . . “ a hot n u m ­ of the County Court Hnune In Eu­ tons, lengths to 40 feet. It affects the operation of for- U '-neral Law Practice 11th day of Septem ber, 1931, and 26 degrees 15 min. East 4.29 gene, Lane County, Oregon, o ffer ber for cold room s I" is o Including such property a» hire trucks which are conducting business for profit on chains, thence leaving the creek, for sale nnd sell nt public auction I. M. PETERSON may have beer, acquired by aal'ke s u m m e r sunshine. June. 1930, ln or to Ihe follow ing the State of Oregon, and also In ­ East 7.57 chains to the East line LOWE R The Farm Truck Owners Association o f M arion County doacrlbed real property, to-w it; cluding any nnd all property of Section 2. of said Township, Beginning ct a point 12.28 License believes that license fees on Farm Trucks and Private which snld defendant may have thence N o rth 17.19 chains to the | chains South and 25.45 chains j th e re a fte r acquired. pluce of beginning, containing F e e s ... Trucks should be reduced and can be reduced by thio B ill no preheating, no waiting. Just East of the Northw est corner of , N O W . T H E R E F O R E , bv virtu e 37.68 acres, together w ith all •trike a match, turn a valve and without danger to Oregon highway construction. Ihe Southwest q* a rte r of Section of said execution. Judgment order. buildings and equipm ent thereon. it's going just like gee 24 in TnwiiHl.lp 17. South Range decree and order of sale and In ' 2. Beginning at the Northeast F orm erly W alker-Poole 2 W est of the W . M thence N orth , com pliance w ith the command» of The association has no interest in the railroads— it holds corner of Section 2, Tow nship 16. 11 dogr es 53 neconds Eust 52.76 said w rit. I w ill on Saturday the South Range 7 W est. W illa m e tte no brief for the M O P O R T LA N D TR U C K IN G OUTFITS that chains, icnce East 53.44 chains. | 19th day of Novem ber. 1932, at 10-00 Hew Instant-Gah M eridian . Oregon, and running E U G E N E — 11th S P R IN G F IE L D use the highways perhaps more than all the farm *"«4»« r *'P,!!>"' / ’I " " h ,2" W* st o'clock A M.. at The front door of thence nloag the N orth line of and Churnelton, 228 M ain 61.30 chain«, thence West 64.30, the County Court House in Eugene, and private trucks in the state put together. Section 2, South 88 degrees 00 ehglns to the place of b e jln a ln g , |,nne County. Oregon, sell at public Telephone 723 Phone 82-J tnln. W est 8.21 chains, to the I'xcept .1 .,9 acres on the Ea I auction, subject to redem ption, to center line o f the county road. : M otor transportation matters in Oregon are in a mass. side of said tra c t of land M r the highest h'dder for cash In hand. thence along the center lin e of The association stands for a scientific investigation of «nd church, con- , n , hp r)R ht. „ t ie and Interest Ihe county road. South 32 de­ Inln lng 303.05 nvr^ ' - Alao th» , which the w ith in nnmnd defendants all truck fees and pleads for sound regulation in the In ­ grees 00 min W e s t 4.88 chains, n-ll'-w lng described f a c t to w l t : : „„d nn<1 n„ , hPTn tn thence South 68 degrees 30 min. terest o f the state and its people. ' I i 1 Js-.n’ 7 m a h ?*’ 11 nbov,> entitled suit, had on the 17th East 11.61 chains, to the East Not If . >io. 74-0 In Section 19. ,lnv of Septem ber. 1931, the date line of snld Section 2, thence l ne of ,V " m ortgage herein foreclosed This Bill The Freight Truck and Bus B ill provides for an invest!« N o rth, along Ihe East line of See JY"",1. ° f I1? V ; u 'I!"’ .,800* "ii or " ln rp s that date had In and to tlon 2, 8.68 chains to the place of F a v o rs 8*tfi>n by the State Highway Commission wEich should w w ' o 17’ S.'n." ’ R a X ° « P nboTP described real property West W . M. containing 160.59 or Bny part thereof nnd I w ill on I beginning, containing 6.35 acres Farm er re*u^t legislation that w ill help die farmer and the 3. A ll of Block No. 83 of the acres, except 40 acres heretofore Saturday, Ihe 19th dav of Nnvem- O rig in al P lat of Junction C ity, ! private truck owner. rooveyed by Edmundson to J. H hpr, , 9n2. B, , hp offt(.P of , hp rte- Oregon, together w ith the lum ber E llio tt end doacrlbed as follows, fendant. CASCADE U T IL IT IE S * ♦ yard, structures, residences, , ' <>wlt: COM PANY In O akridge. Lnne buildings and other nppurtenan- The Farm Truck Owners Association o f Marion County Beginning at the Southeast cor­ County. Oregon, nt 3 :0 0 o’cloek ces located thereon. therefore R E C O M M E N D S that i ner of 8* Id Jerem iah M. Dick D. P. M. sell nt public auction to the irmer and every 4. T h e Southeast q uarter ol : L. C. nnd running thence North hlghe-it bidder for ensh In hand, I private truck owner— Section 2. Tow nship 16, South 89 degree» 49 mlnuten W est along all the rig h t, title and Intercut Im perfection In vision Is not Range 7 W est, W illa m e tte M e ri­ the Souih line of uld Claim which the w ith in named defendants i dian, ln Lane County, Oregon, always a moat serious condition, 37.21 chains, thence North 10.75 nnd each nnd all of them In the ~ excepting therefro m that certain Mod.l N ., 15 FREIGHT TRUCK hut defective v I h I o ii w ill not Im­ chains; thence South 89 degrees above entitled salt, hart on Hie 17th th irty acres more or less, hereto­ 49 minute» Eant parallel w ith day of Septem ber, 1931, the date ot prove w ith the passing of time. fore conveyed to J. W. Slseho. ' AND BUS BILL South line of said claim 37.21 the m ortgage herein foreclosed or A ll doctor» and Insurance and the N o rth h alf of the N o rth ­ chains to Eust line of said claim , since that date had In and to the east q u a rte r (N ty of N E *4 ), the companies now advocate a regu­ and thence South 10.75 .-bains above deserlhed personnl property N orth h alf of the N orthw est lar periodic exam ination of the to Ihe place of beginning, contain- or any part thereof. Io satlafv said q u a rte r (NMi N W % ), and the Ing 40 aero«, all In bane County, execution. Judgment order and de- eyes by experts, nnd In many Southeast q uarter of the South , Oregon. Hi'id tract herein convey- cree. Interest, costs and accruing states laws provide for eyo testa east quarter (S E *4 of S E t i ) ot Pd containing all told and exclu post« Section T h irty -fo u r (3 4 ); the In uchoola. slvo of exceptions a.» noted h ere­ Duted O ctober 14, 1932. N orthw est q u a rte r of the N o rth ­ S e e Your Local Dealer in 420.05 acres o f land, all In W H Y T A K E CANCES7 First puhllesllnn. October 20, west q u a rte r ( N W U of N W !4 ) Lnne County, Oregon. 1932 of Section T h irty -fiv e (3 6 ); and 210 Masonic Building, . O ngan THE COLEMAN Dated this 30th day of Septeia- DR. ELLA MEADE Lost publication, Novem ber 17. the East h a lf o f the Southwest ; je r, 1932. LAMP AND STOVE COMPANY PRA NK B .N B B D H A M GBORQB B. B C H U R TT L. R . CHAMRBRS 1932 q u a rte r (EM , of 9 W M ), th * Optometrist I II. L. D O W N , Sheriff. Wichita, Kano. _ , ( ■ « • • m ie s C a n n iti« « ) P)nl*M»l>l«, F ., H. L. BOW N, Sheriff of T.ann Southeast q u a rte r ( 8 D M ) and Chicago, III. 41 Weut 8th Bugunu Loa Angele«, Calli. By A. E. Huleganrd, Deputy. County, Oregon. the Southeast q u a rte r o t the (M ia r? (O 8-13-20 77 — N 3) (O 20-27— N 8-10-17) N o rtheaat q uarter (HEM, of Notti 1« hereby given that Bariti» W etael, K ie e u trlx of the Estata o f M ury Ann Uarnqs, tie ' ' « im I,< I iuh riled her Fltiul Report i »lid A n nuii! un «urli, and llie Court I iuh net Hulurdny, llie 19th iluy of Novi niber. 1033 ul 1 ll : (Ml o'clock ii Ilio forenoon, ul Ilio County Court itooni In the Court llouue u' «im ene, Lune County, Oregon. uh ilio lim e uml p lu m io bear oh- CRAZY CRYSTALS •l'Ilon» Io the mime. If uny. uml for A M ltiorul W a lu r Trvatment. llie flout hettleineiit of «uld «« lu to Bring» a H u a llh l(«aort to Yuu. I IK It T IIA W E T Z E L , Executrix, in K 7th, 31 W dill. Rugae», I'b 1704 W E L L S ft W E I,1,8, Attorney« ( 0 30 37 N 3 10-17» P IA N O R A K O A IN U t s modal Support hoover Business Directory Farm ers of O re g o n ! Private Truck Owners! POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Instant L ig htin g Funeral Directors Coleman Radiant H ealer ★ ★ Glavvtv Will Help I Price! ONLY rote 314 X YES FARM TRUCK OWNERS ASSOCIATE OF M A R IO N COUNTY