The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 03, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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Published Every Thursday at
Springfield, la n e County, Oregon. by
The slashing of operating costs
by a total of $130,000 during the
current biennium has been an ac­
H. B. MAXEY, Editor
complishment of ih e secretary of
slate's office, according to the hi-
Mntered as second clan» matter. February 24, 1*03. at the wstotflc,
euuial report being prepared this
Sprlncfleld. Oregou
week by Hal E. Hose, secretary ot
state, for the January legislative
One Year In A d v a n ce___ $1.50
Six Months
c ,x«n
Two Years In A d van ce..... $2.50
Three Months
"Savings resulting from this re
treuchment program will revert In
■LO.I Cs»
County Official Newspaper
part to the general fund to help
reduce the state deficit, while the
i balance will go to the state high
S y n o p s is : J O
itmy Rrttn, I ft
way fund and to the counties that w h" h<* »prut «11 bit lite a to e r4 a Hudson
¡h o n g near New Y o rk C ity . t»
participate in the automobile lie Made KMtheik-u by an explosion which ainb
th e tug aud tv»«ea him into the river. H l
tunds. . The current savings
_ v -
ei u . i
. ,
. .
• * " ” * and crawl» ashore w here slatts a new
weeks as a lighting man. When odds seemed against him are port of my economy program «»j «ran«« u<». He u i$inoram. cannet md,
he went forth vigorously and demonstrated his courage that was Instituted in l»»8," point
k» »
U bu I y Uvinx •« th»
and leadership. Whether he is reelected president or not ed % out Secretary Boss.
I tee rear of th e ir eev?nd hand clothing »lore
we must all admit he has put up a great fight.
“The biennial report s h o w s b u d - ’ • • • l i t r e he is «penly courted by the yv»ung
daughter. R rrcn tight» bulliea in salt defense
get estim ate reductions In the gen­ , . . and aoun is puked up by an u n u iu p ti
We all know now the heroic efforts he has made to eral
manager who cheats him u n til ~ F u g ’
office, mainlenance of capitol |»ua
M alc n e at the aukMn tight d u b . attracted to
save the country from disaster. True not all his plans have buildings, reductions In the motor the
boy, takes him under his w ing. . . . On
worked but many of the relief measures passed were not vehicle department, and features rtie other side of the picture are the wealthy
n H ern s of F ilth A ren u e. th e r e is a
as he would have had them but as a democratic congress the low operating expense of the V G a ilbert
V a n H orn, last of the great fam ily,
a bachelor, in whose life is a hi ! ten chapter
reluctantly passed them after considerable change.
gasoline tax department, which ia w ith his m .'ther's maid who leaves the home
to be lost in the city life— when Gtlber^ ia
Most business leaders and economists now believe we i less than any other state in the — accused.
. . . I t was reported the mai I m arried
old captain o f a riv er tug . . . rather than
are slowly on the road to recovery. If we make a change t'nion with similar laws. Bills for an
re tu rn home— and was aoca a mother. .
alone's guardianship young Breen
It can not take place until next March and there wou*d be hotels and meals for employes of V o d e r M fast.
. . . "Pug** discover» the boy
grave danger of a relapse in this progress. Furthermore m.v department were less than any develop»
cannot re a d —starts him to ni$;ht school an 1
to open for Johnny
beioic a new democrat pesident could make any "new
Breen. . . . M alone, an old tuner. Is backed
"All of the employees of the de-I in a health-farm venture— taking Breen w ith
deals he would have to wait for the new congress w hich
. T he re they meet and come to know
would not convene until December. 1933. A year is too partment of state, including myself, him
G ilb ert V a n H o rn . John attract» V a n H o rn ,
learns of Breen’s rn tber. nam ed H ar
long to wait. Before that time under Republican leader­ have taken salary cuts as recom­ who
riet. Learning John’s desire fcr an engineer­
mended last spring.” Hoss de- j ing
ship we believe that recovery will have taken place.
course at Colum bia U n iv e rs ity — he
advances the money. John comes to know
Tenth Installment
The Roosevelt policy of free trade for farm products,
lumber and manufactured products is dangerous to Oregon.
It sweeps away protection we have labored many years to
accomplish. If a "new deal" does take place we believe
Oregon will find herself holding the poorest hand in history
and be unable to play once world recovery does take place.
On the other hand if Hoover is reelected he will return
to power v.ith the mandate of the American people to put
his policies into effect and there will be none who dare
oppose him. This we think will be the greatest weapon
that can be used against depression.
4S ? 4S 44 48
Janies W. Mott, republican candidate for congress, is a
forceful and keen attorney. His work as corporation com­
missioner oi Oregon has stamped him as an outstanding
figure in Oregon. He has cleaned up “financial rackets” in
this state to the direct benefit of more than 300,000 people
These “rackets'* have swindled the people of tiie state out
of more than twenty million dollars.
Under Mr. Mott the corporation department became
something more than a fee collecting office. Law observ­
ance and the protection of investors have become it's chief
If the dynamic Mott does as good job as congressman
as he has as corporation commissioner then he will have
deserved our vote if we elect him to congress.
It is not so important how you vote or for whom you
vote as it is important that you go to the polls and vote
next 1 uesday. The privilege of voting and expressing your
choice for public officials was won by the people after cen­
turies of struggles by our forefathers. It is a small effort
indeed compared witli theirs that we give a little of our
time in exercising this privilege lest it be taken from us.
There may be some offices for which you do not like
or have no choice as between candidates. That is no ex­
cuse for not voting. In a democracy like ours we must all
‘•give and take.” We can not all win nor all be satisfied
We can only do our best to cooperate and make our gov­
ernment the best human beings can devise.
Remember the home town candidates—Swarts, Mof­
fitt and Poole.
And be sure to vote 317 X NO.
Present Assistant Co. School 8 v ;tr ntendent
ll x rcd him for a lew counts and hri stuck to New York." Gilbert looked
was again on his fret, better than ever.! at the boy. cl.«ely, as lie said n I.din
What John needs is stiong medicine. Breen was thinking of other things,
I’ve trained b in, trnJrd Ivar 'long side n «1 of the Van Borns.
i I him, seen him dive in liter le i nin’,
John r ante down tri the city on a
seen him toll w it like a Hoo.lli, uud; Friday. Reported at Division Head­
ye*, an’ stick, Harvard, stick at it quarters, saw huge offices filled with
night after night, diggin* on courses men working at drafting Isoards, or
an stuffin himself with grammar, hts- engaged In calculations. Other mm,
t'ry, an* 'rithnietick, an* readin* the rough, with mud-splattered boots,
guts out of big brxiks. like he was try­ some carrying tunnel lamps, came in
ing to find out somethin’ irregular. His from a dented car just hauled up at
trouble, Harboard, is goin the whole the curb. These were executive en­
hog, or none. He damn near killed gineers, members of ihe field force.
himself when he learned to read, ex-
The walls were covered with pro-
pected he could start right in an' find files, with progress markings. A con-
Laurence C. Moffitt
Itepclilii an ('uudlduti- (or County
of luiiu» Comity
Qualified. Experienced, Competent
Economise , Efficient, Cheerful Service
Election N. -ember 8. 1932
1‘itfil Adv
County Commissioner
Josephine, V a n H o rn 1» ward. A t school.
Breen grinds sc hard he verges on a nervous
break ’.own. V a n H u m step« in again to kelp
save him.
“Mr. Gilbert is coming back to
town and is bringing Mr. Breen."
Gam Pbyaical Vigor— Youthfulness Jules announced to Josephine, in bed
With Clear Skin and Vivacious Eyes with her toast and coffee.
That Sparkle With Glorious Health
John had been at the Van Hom
I home for ten days. He looked remark-
Here's the recipe that banishes aMX we” His
«“if. from 'a n
fat and brings into blossom all the Kt’rn'’ tailor, fitted him as clothes had
natural attractiveness that every oever fitted him before,
woman possesses.
“You can pay me back when you get
Every morning take one half te a -, <”rt
,hc )ob " Van Horn arranged
An im pulse held them, the wild m elody of the moment before
spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a thc matter easily. John Breen, appar-
glass of hot water before breakfast en,l>' without an effort or a thought seem ed to reverberate through their minds.
—cut down on pastry and fatty about thc matter, slipped into the moo-!
meats—go light on potatoes, butter, of his new tnvir. nm.• t He was per­ out everythin* there was. He was tagious air of intense activity held
cream and sugar— In 4 weeks get fectly natural, natural in a way men afraid there was not enough for him sway. It seemed to John that he was
on the scales and note how many are natural and simple ' . hind the bar to learn.” Pug looked at John, smiling on the edge of a great field of battle,
of a Bow'ery sal » n ' hn. w tli ,ut He liked a fighter and John was cer­ of life and sudden death, of vast con­
pounds of fat have vanished.
Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts— knowing it. practiced the ultim te in tainly that. **lf the women ever get structions John knew what thirst was,
the cost is trifling and it lasts 4, correct behavior; he was completely at I hold of him—Gawd help him. an’ knew the sickly trickle of the luke­
lib reason to be them."
this first
•» hc
weeks. If even **■*-
**—* “ bottle'
warm Croton water, running brackish
doesn’t convince you this is the »»herwuse.
J. hn bjushed furiously Malone and and yellow in thc deep boneycooib of
easiest, safest and surest way to
Josephine, after Jchn evidenced no Har'uoard looked at each otner Poth the city. Here were men working <Uy
lose fat—if you don't feel a superb awkward
akwwd signs of stage tright. and glanced at Josephine's picture on the and night to bring the water dowii
Every one of our readers undoubtedly knows people
who have had. and are still having, an extremely hard time
to get along. But very few people in small towns and the
country are face to face with actual destitution, with no
friends, neighbors or families to fall back on for help, in
proportion to the number of those who find themselves in
that position in the cities.
The plight of the unattached worker, cut off from
family ties and associations and adventuring alone into the
Mldnu.'r>1 Wit II in
r-hl »l.wnae - n.saUmrw I
. ...1 _l. ... .1 ,
. .
. **
industrial centers is the most difficult situation in which
any American finds himself today, if he has not maintained
connections back home to provide a refuge when the fac­
tory has shut down.
m ^ th i^ o rld
*“ y
Withastomshing facil.M She t. ok h u n jC E . John wrote his name again and now the huge Imal bore.beneath’ M ^
We are more and more impressed with the strength in u ie w orm .
I to the exclusive Desdtinena Dances a t ------
■ .»
again, -*---------
always adding the significant
hattan. was to be accomplished, tlie
of the policy long since put forth by Mr» Henrv Ford and
the St. Botolph. John was accepted letters for which he had struggled dur-, last deep drift four hundred and more
everywhere through the introductii n ing four years that once seemed so feet in the solid rock o f the parching,
which is being put into effect, we understand, in some of SPRINGFIELD MEN GET
of Van Horn.
leng and then lay behind him like a steaming city. It was a magnificent
the young new nations of Europe, that there must always
John's period of rest had come to a sudden dream. It had been a fight, it enterprise, a cause, a crusade, a direct
be a tie maintained between the industrial worker and the
1 close. His last day had been strangely was always a fight in the greater city. reply to those who give scant honor
First and second prizes in t h e ' qui«- His nerves were no longer on
He kept looking at his sheepskin, an to the engineer.
contast to determine I t, d? e' 1x11 ,'n the lkp,h of h*s ,beinK/’!' elaborate parchment quaintly stating
It is difficult for those who have never lost contact Hendershott
His appointment had been accom­
„ ., . _ „
! felt a sinking sensation of loss. Of that he was entitled to *'afZ tin- rif/Ali, plished in a moment. These men
with the land to appreciate the situation of the city dweller the largest black tail deer killed i COUrse John Breen was more than priviltgrj anti immunities thereunto
wasted no time. "Report Section Five»
who has no possible means of obtaining food or shelter, during the season which has Just | merely interested in Josephine
affertainini) " He went to Greenbotigh Shaft Eleven, to engineer Ifurlhurt,
except by exchanging his or her work for money and buying closed were won by George Ger­
carrying the precious screed clutched Monday, eight a . m .” Thu Division
with Josephine one evening the car in his fist. Here was something to Engineer, named Wild, »hook his
the necessities of life with the money received for work. lach and Harold Hart respectively- jolted
as they swung across Forty-j show to Pug. to prove that his studies hand "Keep your eyes open, and good
When no work for pay is obtainable, the city dweller cannot Gerlach's deer weighed 161 and second Street, and Josephine uttered had not been entirely in vain. Behind
luck." John was on the street and en­
rely upon the products of his own garden and penthouse, Hart's 146 pounds.
a startled “Oh!" as they skidded on him the last days of the commence­ tering the new Subway at 181st Street
or the surplus of his neighbors for sustenance.
H. W. Parks of Creswell won the slippery street when brought to ment kspt recurring, brilliant flashes,
“Why did he wish me 'good luck’?"
place in the mule deer con- a sudden stop behind a jam. a bus intermingled with his dreams of what he wondered. A man sitting next to
That is why the people who have jobs in the big cities second
. _.
... . .
_ having blocked the crazy, unregulated wa. to come, with thoughts of John held a paper, he saw the head­
are being called upon to help feed and shelter those for test with his entry weighing 221 traffic just as it started moving swiftly Josephinr and comfortable interesting line. T en M en K slijed ok Apuzovcr
j northward. Josephine was thrown ! ret Jems he would discuss with Gil- S iphon It was printed in red and
whom there are no jobs available, through what may prove pounds.
j against John. His arm steadied her. lert Van Hom. Never had the campus further down was listed a long record
to be the most serious winter of distress the nation has yet
Her long glove was o ff; he caught her been so afire with the spirit of youth.
of other casualties and deaths.
faced, but which, we have hopes, may be the last for many LODGE GROUP PLANS TO I i hand
as the car stopped. She rested
Gilbert Van Horn returned to town
John st pped at the field house
years to come.
ELECT AND INSTALL I against Lhimv her «'-.ak P«n at it an I . nt a ueck with John and Pug marked Shaft XI. He met the gang,
I throat, her bare shoulder beneath hi- at Grecnl ugh. He had kept away Mailing ___
a Penn __________
man. and Barrow oi J
eyes, in the pale light frem the art from the commencement. "Not feeling: ii «ton" Tech. These feilows”'had an
Election and inxtallation of of­ lamps across the asenue. Neitlv r any too tit,” was his excuse. In fact extra r m in a small apartment near
Again we give our ballot on the measures for the bene­ ficers for Springfield N. O. W. spoke. Their breathing was i„te-se. Gilbert was getting very close to the the w rk "Sure, come in. it’s handy
fit of those who have not studied them carefully. This lodge will be held here Wednes An impulse held them, Ihe wild melody pm: » where he would have to make a here and y> u ean’t bear all thc blasts
time we give recommendations without argument:
day evening, November 10, the of the moment before seemed to re- clean breast of things and take h ill if y,.u're a sound sleeper”
verberate through their minds. J be chances with John—but always hop-1 James Mailing, ( E , had already
next regular meeting night for the scent of her hair, the compelling thrill in( against hope that something would been on im|x»rtant work, driving the
Voting Qualification Amendment—300 Ye».
of contact, swayed them on a crest f turn up. "in a natural way." He kept Penn yhania lubes. He had the un-
Criminal Trials Without Jury—302 Yes.
Members of the social committee emotion. John pressed her to him with his tin lights to himself and devoted a healthy pallor of the men who have '
Six Per Cent Limitation—304 Yes.
rudeness, kissing her. Jcsc- large part of his time to watching, worked in shields, under pressure
for the month of November are:
phine, her eves closed, did m re than J, sephine Gerrit Rantoul, so he began , "Came up here for my health Rather '
Oleomargarine Tax Bill—306 Yes.
Mrs. Stella Eaton, Harvey Eaton, just receive the imprint of his lips.
, to realize, was making remarkable get gunned than doubled with the !
Prohibiting Commercial Fishing on Rogue—308 Yes. Edith Eaton. Orville Eaton, Myrtle The car slid to stop before the hou-c progress with his ward. Rantoul was bends. Take my tip, Breen, keep out
Eggimann, Mrs. Isaac Endicott, in the middle Fifties. They sat lolt a ri mantic figure, a man with a past of air.” He spoke with the’ assurance
Higher Education Appropriation—311 No.
Mrs. Alice Doane and Mrs. Dillard. upright. Both were wiser than before, shrou led in the glamour of adventure, I of a man of immense experience.
Repeal of State Prohibition Law—313 No.
♦ • *
South American and African enter-1 Everywhere an earnest activity pre-
Back in the dormitory John ar- prises, a man glossed with the polish vailed, tho palaverers were not there;
Freight Truck and Bus Bill—315 No.
ranged his work in a methodical way, of an international experience.
1 these men were doers. They were as-
Bill Moving University and Normal Schools—317 No.
looked through his books as if e. ming
But Rantoul was a g'xxi chap, as sen»1 ling the machinery for sinking a
SECOND COAT OF PAINT bark to old frienjs, filltd his fai rite Gilbert had to admit. He secured an shaft in Morningside Park. A swear
Tax and Debt Control Amendment—318 Yes.
I pipe from his dry tobacco in the humi- app< intment for John Breen .is \s i„g boss driver was ragging a gang
Tax Supervision and Conservation Bill—320 Yes.
Fafr weather is being awaited I *i°r> looked out of the window over sistant Engineer on the great Catskill of sullen Pola< k workmen; several en-
for the completion of the second the roofs of Harlem, b- ke I at himself Aqueduct. "Subject, of course, to con- gineers stood about discussing location
Personal Income Tax Amendment—322 Yes.
- _. .
i m thc m irro r and smiled. W eil, after firming examination."
| prints, and Mailing, in charge of a new
> p
on the city fire sta -,
j,e had a great prize ahead ■ f him
J’tate Water Power and Hydroelectric Amendment—
Mighty decent <.f him. John, Van transit, was directing some youths
325 No.
tion on Seventh street this week. in the mighty City of New York. On Horn remarked. He felt a bit piqued earrying a silvery tape and a plumb
This is our ballot. However, no law submitted on the
November 8 election ballot is so important that we can not
do without it. Some are positively dangerous. Everytime
you are in doubt our advise is to vote “No.”
---—' <p-----------
Daughter 1« Dorn— Mr
id Miw.
Collects Bounty—-K. 1«. Moiirer
I l.elmid Hhrodo of route 2. mi «- the of (*ro<woll vollot,h ,<l the |3 county
parent« of u luiln (laUKhti i born hotitity on one coyote p«dt ul lb«*
to th hi ut the I’ueiilc Chri tiun county tlu ik a yfflc»» Saturday.
hospital In KiiRone on Sunday. I
October 30. I »31
Visits Parent«— Mrs Dale Choe
litre (Olive Uerber) was a v.sltor
Junction Men Here— M. K Mill lone on Krldax nt the home of b*r
key of Junction City wan n hunl* parent«. Mr. uud Mr«. II. K. Oer*
iomh visitor In SprliiKfiebt Monday, her. Klu* live« ut ('hn hire
lias given»» County s buBjnesH careful, person*
al attention. Continue his efficient and economical
adtniniatration and
VOTE S3 X Clinton Hurd tor County Commitsioner
I*» I (J A tlvrtl ««niciit
A R ise Choice
Eggimunn'ti candy is good fur any occualon, and
you will always find a large variety of dellctoua sweet
in»ats h«»n» to select from. We know what folks like.
It s o.o business to know When you make u st»le<*tlon
lure for a tricml or for yourself you will know our
canny will glv»* complete satisfaction.
E G G I M A N N ’S
W h e re
.h e
S r e v lie
1« l > . P „ r * i i !
W in t e r C o ld s
I'll»1 old slogan "An ounce of prevention is worth
a pouml of cure.’* Is true when it comes to winter
1 old.-..
L< t us furnish that ounce of preveutatlve
which wPI k»»ep head or throat colds from growing
Into serious sickness.
Our advice Is free and expert.
"We Never Substitute”
Democrat or Republican
Wine Motorist always votes for General Ethyl,
Violet Ray and Motogas for his automobile. Then»«
are balanced gasolines. They start well, give more
power and better mileage than the ordinary brand«.
tint station can give yon complete service on
your car.
“ A ” S tr e e t S e r v ic e S ta tio n
5th and A Streets
his chiffonier was the likeness of that Rantoul should have done it If bob. He beckoned to John,
Josephine; in décolleté an! with a he had th< tight, he could have man-
"Don't report until Monday," he ad-
rose in her hair. Visitors to his room aged it him elf; but it was a ccmpli- vised "Tliey run this j o b like a war,”
would glance at it approvingly. Ma­ ment to b hn, and ar y ore who tielpvd ( lie added with a certain pride. "Y ob
lone and Harboard were there.
John, helped him.
| got your orders, see Hurburt at eight,
"A kick goes further than a kiss,
"Jo sends her congratulations, John. ■ sharp, blue Monday, and then fronto!
when you’re arguin’ with a jackass.” You’ll be seeing her soon. Then this fronto! fronto! "Hey, you'" he bent
Malone swung a polished bo».t, one leg w inter, when you get started on your to the eye-piece of the telescope and
over the study table in John’s room. work, we’ll all he in the city together, bawled at his assistants. "I.eft, dam-
Harboard »vas in t'le big chair by the | Think» f it. you might ha c west, mit, left! Ikm't yon fellows know the
an»l John sat on the couch. | or to Brazil, < n that railroad, or up signals?” Mailing straightened himself
“That kid there needed a kirk, an' you to Alaska on that survey.”
with a smile of important disgust
Elizabeth Holcomb of Dexter give it to him, goo i an’ h rd ” They
"N- , Gil, I'm set on the i ity. Biggest
was runnerup in the contest to de­ were holding a post mortem over engineering proldem in the world. I
termine t.he girl over 15 years John's breakdown, and his Mini 4 im expect to be here all my life.”
"Well, the Van Horns have always
who had shown the greatest profic­ mediate recovery. The city had simply
iency in club work according to R.
Bank Windows Cleaned— Win- tering indicative of the former of removing all names and s grin
C. Kuehner, club leader. She will
receive a bronze medal. Two Junc­ dows of the Commercial State , bank Tuesday morning. This was which might lead persons to b»»-
tion City girls won first and second hank, now in process of liquidation. ’ done in accordance with a policy lleve thill the hank was still func
were cleaned of all the gold let-1 of the State Banking Department tionlng.
places in the contest.
The first coat and part of the sec­
ond coat were put on last week
* prior
to the rainy weather. The
»tation is being painted a battle­
ship grey.
Continued Next Week
H. Brooke
D is tr ic t A t t o r n e y
Vera Todd Crow
S u p e r in te n d e n t o f S c h o o ls
Fifteen years teaching experience. Nine years in
Lane County.
Graduate of the University of Michigan. Hold life
certificates in the states of Michigan and Oregon.
Will reduce office expense approximate^ $2500.00.
Place an alert, capable, and experienced administrator
at the head of Lane County rural schools.
MOW . . . this new, efficient,
inexpensive light will modern­
ise your okl fixture and flood
the entire room with soft, mel­
low radiance. Here is the latest
and most practical idea in
home lighting. ANY employeo
of the power company or your
local dealer will he glad to place one o f these new fixtures in
your home for an evening or two without cost or obligation,
so that you may see for youraelf what a wonderful improve-’
merit it is over ordinnrv lighting.