THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW ENTY-NINTH YEAH THURSDAY. NOVM-MMTPR 3, 1932 HONOR DOLL FOB FIRST PERIOD Olli General White Praises Swarts No. 43 FIRE Barnard Talks EUGENE HIGH 10 10ES0W OEEIOES Poling Places, MOD SPEAKS AT lo Lions Club THREATENS C IIÏ M 6 A M E HERE CANOIUATES FATE Boards Listed ELECTION RALLÏ Says He I» Conscientioua and County Judge Will Discuss Three Counting Groups Add­ Thorough and Sets High Four Frame Structures on Taxation Problems; Mrs. Springfield to Tangle with ‘B’ Four Springfield Men Seek ed in Precincts to Speed Standards for Men Main Street Gutted by Early Barber to Play Violin County and City Republican Division Team on Brattain County Offices; Heavy Tabulation of Votes Morning Fire in Cafe Candidates Invited to Pres­ Major Gennrsl George White, ad- Field at 3 O’clock Voting Is Forecast Judge C. !’. Barnard will be the ent Platforms Here MAMV s i a m f c a o c i i c t c o Julant g«n«ral or Oregon and coin Addition of three counting boards ____ ____ r MANY NAMES ARE LISTED mandw ( and he waJ, a|wayg Maude Bryan. Misa Crystal Bryan, Nadyne Neel, Josephine Phalr, V ir­ day paased a resolution stressing wlthou, „ „ knowlMdg. had the ball within 4 yards of the measures which have been the sub- sta((,d ready and willing to Hcsi ¡t in com Mrs. Stanley Baugh. Mrs. Ruby ginia Pohl. Patty Ixtu Tomseth, he need of t h e ., office, and urg up<)n Roseburg goal line, and another Ject of so much discussion recent rc(ur„ 8p r,n ,,or„ and at <)f Mrs. Alene Basford. Mrs. Mary "We feel that his experience In T lh rd Grade but were unable to punch It acreas. ! of the group which Interests Lane of the county grange group were , hw „ „ had , Crandall, Miss Esther Crandall, the county superintendents office Attendance— Mary Alice Bartho­ elected at the meet