for the Town of Springfield For 1933 farm here, Mrs. Parks with her son-in law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Lefever and their little son. have moved back to the home place. Mr and Mrs N. A. Hatch Budget Committee met at the City Hall at 7:30 P. M Tuesday, elder who have occupied the place Vida Man Here— J. Returns from Trip— Matt Hart rr 18th, 1333, all member« of the Committee present. W. P. Train was elected Chairman and F. B Flattery Secretary The follow Vida was a bustn- a returned last Friday front Eastern Astoria, Tillamook Wrastlera the past two yeara have moved to In« Is the Budget Estimate of the expenditures and receipts for the Springfield Saturday. London Springs. Invnd* Eugane for Weakly Oregon where he had been on a Town of Springfield for the year 1333. Mr. and Mrs. S. , Putnam are at fishing trip. Mat Demonstrations V is ito r from Leaburg Lee Fnun STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Present In Central Oregon engaged tain of Leaburg was visitor Lumber ...„____________________________ 3 60.00 Pish for Salmon— Robert Sears FVIIowing a week of Inaclivlt with potato harvest on their farm Street Commissioner’s Salary ___________ 1.330.00 this city Saturday. asd Mike Leathers fished for sal . | among wrestlers In this count there. Labor on Street«............ ..... ...... — ........... — 630.00 man fh the Sluslaw river neat | Herb Owen, matclimak r fv.r th Mr. and Mrs. Lefever. Katherine Crashed Rock ________________________ «80.00 Resident it III— Mrs. Jack Frey Mapleton last week-end. Eugene Athletic Commission ha and Charles Lefever are visiting Cement Alley Crossings ......... 60.00 j Is reported to be 111 at her horn Cutting Weeds ____________— ---------- 300.00 lined up an attractive card for th the fnmlly of their son and brother. on West D street this week. ViaiU from Cottage Grove— Mrs. Surveying Streets _>___________ _______ 75 00 Armory tonight. Kihei Dunca: Hen Lefever. Their home Is In Earl Hill of Cottage Grove spent Equipment and S u p p lies___________ __ _ 100.00 Wendling People Here— Mr, and Sewer Pipes _ ----------- ------------------ --- 75 00 the weekend here visiting at the radio evangelist, concluded hor pouthmistern Washington Mrs. Ralph Fullerton of Wendl'nr meetings at the Armory la. t night In cid en tals----------------------- ----- ------------- 160 00 Many of the valley schools have home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snod­ ----------- spent the week-eod here at the grass. Headlining the program this completed their first six week» ot 3 3,130.00 home of Mrs. Fullerton's parents. week will be a main event between the fall term. An unusual number POLICE DEPARTMENT Thor Jensen of Astoria and Walter of pupils from the various schools Return from Rogue — Dr. and 180.00 Chief of Police at 115.00 per month Visits Over Week-end — Robert Mrs. W. C. Rebhan returned Mon Achlu. Jensen Is said to have turi have been reported on the honor 600.00 One Night watchman at 360 00 per month ) Archantbeeu of Oregon City spent 200 00 Extra Help, Supplies and Expenses ......... ----------- ! the week-end in Springfield visit day evening from Rogue Riffles ed . our ou the Eugene Commission roll for perfect attendance. near Urants Pass where they have the promoter, sports writers, and 3 380.00 Ing with friends. ►Yank Mlnney Is a patient at the everyone connected with the been spending the past week. FIRE DEPARTMENT: Eugene hospital where he has been matches In this county. He has 1.200.00 Veneta People Here — Mr. and Fire Chief at 3100 00 per month Dexter People Here— Mrs. Ira made many boaata. however, and for some weeks, very seriously III 60.00 Soda and A c td ........... ...... ............. . Mrs. Thomas Patrick of Veneta Matthews, Mrs. W Matthews, and he has been Invited to prove them Mrs. Mlnney apendM much of her 100 00 Extra Help .......................... .......... were visitors In Springfield Satur time In Eugene with him. 10.00 Mrs. Uainey Matthews all of Dexter Laundry ...... ......... ........ - .......... The special event will bring day. 50.00 Supplies ....... - --- ------------ --------- were visitors In Springfield on Fri­ together two Finnish wrestlers. 24.00 Telephone ___________ ___ _____ day. ________ I Attends Dental M eeting— Dr. W George 'Wildcat' Pete and Oja of 3 1,434.00 N. Dow attended the monthly meet Returns Home— Mrs. Harry Aus Tillamook. Thia will be Pete's first RECORDERS SALARY __________________ 300.001 ¡ng of the Willamette Valley Don's! man returned to her home in this night« as a special eventers for Office Supplies ____________________ The Greens, the losing s ’de In iso o o ',ociety at Corvallis Saturday even city Friday after spending three some time, usually he draws Hit TREASURER'S SALARY ............... ................ the recent subscription contest held 240'00 in«- top berth. A T T O R N E Y F E E S .................................................. weeks visiting with friends on the LIGHTS AND WATER: Matches start at 8:30 o'clock to­ at the Pleasant Hill high school will Upper McKensie. Move from Eugene— Mr and Mrs. entertain the Golds next Friday Lights: Mountain States Power Company. night Walter F. McPherson of Eugene Lights for Streets and Public Build­ night at the high school gymnas­ Parents of Son— Mr. and Mrs J have recently moved to a residence 2.270.00 ings. 11 months ium. Guy Matthews of Dexter are the Lowell People Here — Mr and Water: Mountain State Power Company, on South Second street in Spring- K E Kilpatrick and son. Vernon, parents of an infant son born to Mrs. Frank Snyder of Lowell were Fire Hydrants, Street Cleaning, Public , field. 1.160 00 them at the Pacific Christian bos visitors in Springfield on Saturday. of Philomath spent the week-end Teacher at Home — Miss Ruth pita) in Eugene on Sunday. October $ 3.420.00 Visit on Coast—'Mr and Mrs. I Morrison, home economics teacher 23. 1932. TOWN LIBRARY: D. Larimer and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton 643.00 i at Springfield high school, spent Services, rent, wood, supplies and expense 90 00 the week-end at her home In Port- Returns from Ohio— Miss Anu have returned from Florence where ANNUAL CLEANUP ____________________ HEALTH OFFICER: Bidwell returned to Springfield they spent a few days on the coast. i land. 150.00 Salary. 11 months Tuesday noon from Columbus. Ohio 50.00 ADVERTISING Daughter is Born— Mr. and Mrs. where she has been spending sev­ 30.00 FUEL. City Hall. 12 months eral months visiting with her 50.00 — ---------------------------------- —* MUNICIPAL A IR P O R T __________________ parents of a baby daughter born to brother and slster-in law. She visit­ AUDITING: Recorder's and Treasurer's Books The Willing Workers society or­ 150 00 them at the Pacific Christian hos­ ed many interesting points on the One y e a r ________________________ ganised quite recently by the wo 150 00 pital on Thursday, October 20. 1932. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT Compensation ... Atlantic coast while away and re­ men of the Waltervllle Christian 500.00 EMERGENCY F U N D ----- --- -------------------- turned here by way of Utah and church, met Wednesday afternoon 3.153.25 WARRANT SINKING F U N D ____________ Ball P layer Inju red — Kenneth Los Angeles. INTERE8T ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS: October 26. at the home of Mrs. I Cox, member of the high school General lmproement, First Issue E. E. Potter president of the group. ' football team is suffering from an F IN A L H E A R IN G $ 1,200.00 320.000.00 ................ ............................... Each member provided her own j injury to his hip which he received Notice Is Hereby given that the General Improvement. Second Issue ! while playing football. _ 1.200.00 undersigned as Administrator with work for the afternoon. 310.000.00 Will annexed of the estate of Es­ Refunding Bonds due 1344. 350.000 00 ....... 3.000.00 ' The Waltervllle Ladles Union Returns from Portland — Mrs telle L. Dimond, deceased, has filed General Obligation now overdue 331.500.00 2.205.00 Aid society Is enjoying an all-day in court his final account as such 120.00 Bonds dated November 1st. 1931. 33,000.00 I Katie Brunette returned Sunday meeting with covered dish lunch 210.00 Bonds dated February 1st. 1932 $3,500.00 .. ! evening from Portland where she administrator, and that the court eon at the home of Mrs. Frank has fixed 10:00 A. M of Friday. 423.03 Improvement Bonds. 1927 Issue $7,060.56 _ j has been visiting with her son. November 25, 1933. as the time Page Quilting tor Mrs Page and 750.00 Improvement Bonds. 1928 Issue $13,600.00 ! John, at the G od Samaritan hos when said account will be taken up tying a conforter for Mrs. Leland Delinquent Bond Interest W arrants-------- 4.500.00 pital. for examination and allowance. $13,608.03 Any person interested in said ac­ Shrode is the work provided. The Neighbors of Woodcraft last $15,000.00 At Camp Creek Meetirg— C. A. count may appear before the coun­ BOND SINKING FUND — ------------------ $43,958.28 Swarts accompanied Gordon Wells ty court of Lane county, at said Friday night entertained the Eu­ ESTIMATED GROSS EXPENDITURES time and be heard in reference to of Eugcnc*to Camp Creek Friday said account, and to an assignment gene N. O. W. at Waltervllle. Nine ANTICIPATED REVENUES: 200.00 Licenses, Pool and Billiard Halls, etc. evening where Mr. Wells address - lof the residue of said estate then teen Eugene members being pres­ 350.00 ent for the occasion at their first Fines, 12 months eo a gathering oa the school grab tO l ^ L L E N Road Funds, 12 m onths-------------------------- 2,000.00 official visit to the Waltervllle cir­ Administrator. » (O 27— N 3-10-17 cle. $ 2,550.00 The Waltervllle Grange will TOTAL NET EXPENDITURES (Proposed Tax Levy) ------.....$41,408.28 hold its regular meeting at the N. The Common Council, sitting as a levying board, will meet Monday O. W. hall Friday night, October 28. November 14th, 1932 at the City Hall In Springfield at the hour of Several changes In residence 7:30 P. M. where and when any and all taxpayers of the Town of No is»°Ift|E IS ,HEKEB'’ GIVEN to the legal voters of School District Springfield shall be heard in favor of or against such proposed tax levy ¡a% 1d is t ii.^ ln iC^ n1iy mStateuOf Oregon' that a SCHOOL MEETING of have lately been noted here. ber^ 1 9 3 2 ^ Tan J*® ?