THVltHDAY, OCTOUKIt 27. 1932 □ I'lA N O BARGAIN l.ati model piano lucsted herd In (In vicinity Of Springfield will «ell for the i mall balance du» on contract with terma like rent. If Inter»«! ed write at once to U. A. Iteming ton to il Jay Mt.. Sacramento, Calif. N O T IC e TO C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that the unuderalgned hat« been appointed A Mineral W ater Treatment, admlnlatrator with the will annex tiring« a Health Keaurt to You. lu K 7lh. I I W Sth. Kugene. I ’h 1704 ment aod of Ure eata’te o f'le r a h " ^ CRAZY CR YSTA LS LEG IO N A C C E P T S PLAN FOR IN S T A L L M E N T D U ES Installment payment of dues In the -Springfield post of the Amerl ran Legion waa discussed her« at the regular meeting last Thursday evening and It waa decided to Is­ sue special membership cards which will be punched aa a mom her pays sums on hl» annual dues Produce and other products will be accepted In payment of member ship«. A plan of disposing of thia produce will be worked out by committee. The nngt mooting of the l-eglon will be held at W ultervllle on Nov ember 3. T H E HPR iN O FTC LD N E W S — — — —— — —— — — M RS. W IL S O N H O S T E S S FOR N E E D L E C R A F T CLUB Lane County Court October, 1932 GENERAL FUND Mre. Gertrude Wilson was I A D V E R T IS IN G : Fegen» Morn •aa at her home last Thursday , .. , . i 'ng News 83.80; On rd ’’ubllablng afternoon for Iba regular meeting | Co »85 26; Sprlngf eld New« 893 46 of the Needle« raf dab. Mrs Cllf ASSESSOR Stella C Wilkinson ford Wllbon was asslatant hosts« (»117.08; Agnee O'Brien »117.00; ♦♦pedal gueats Invited were Mr« ®*Ftha Neet ,80 00; Adelaide I Car- W. N Dow, M r. David S .lt.m .n X “1’ ,, - „ , , ,, . 7 Remington Hand Bualneaa Mr». George Prochnow, and Mrs | Service »1.00; Creieeye »175; O Henry Fandrem. i H. Jones ,93 40 gene W ater Board 88 82; laalah Wilson »3150; Paciflc Tel * Tela Slayter « Son« »12.66; M r Thomas Co. 86690; Auditor Multnomah 88 00; Craft's Store 83 49; C. C.'County 87 20; Mrs Morris Koon Stutevant £7.37 fall's Fruit A P ro 14.70; Stevens Typewriter Service due. Co. '98 43 Eugene Bakery »150; Natron Priming Co »2 75 »1.80; Mr (!„“ . lines 81 00, II W. Coe Rtaionery Co. 86 60' Shelton Deertz 82 *’ M - sin's »28 94; Irish Turnbull Fuller $141.50-' Monroe I Cash Stor Mo. 847 03; Drury * Garage »74 07; Hall's Fruit A Pro- . J. S. Powell Dairy dure $160; Arthur M. Gilbert $7 21- tee’r $2) 88; Buster Irish Cash Store 838.25- Irish Meet Co $5 25; Elliott Mer ' Market 813 34; . _______ Nortrireat Cities «t C it i.. I f 5.29; Kiusanaan'«, Osa Co. 87.08; Metropolitan Store FOR CONGRI will entertain BOUNTY Rrne«t Wheeler ,4 00 ..._ _------------------ . reamery borne on Nov Karl Drury $3.00; F E. Wicks »97 94; Frank Gaubert »1.64; Wm »18 29; William« Bakery »38.04' O. Kluasmao »4.74; Anne Dudley Par Cooperative Poultry Produce next m. ting K B™nde| »2 00; Arthur Irish Self-Service Store »24.00; Pioneer Grocery Co. »83.30- ... «. ■ . H"*‘d »4 00; Ben Pitcher $10 00; »3.75; will be a sat Calvert Cox $10.00; n. K Wheeler (42.22; J. H Matuewa »6.8»; Duo- Carl Baker Film Shop $13.60- Ed's 1*2 00 W ilbur Pitch r »10 00; Ed barn's »6.85; Golden Rule Mercan­ Market $47.94; Cressey’s $1.70; , — — — ---------------- ward E. McClane »3.00; Edward tile Co. »4 30: A. R. Sneed »14.14; Koke-Chapman Co. $13.00; R. A ) virtue of an execution and order oi with proper voucher« to the under- Peterson's Grocery »9.34; McCor- Babb Hardware Co. $125 00- J E Vie ts Mother— Mr». H. P. Mori ' ,,U*’ *? .a t ? * .“ " 1 ? *? ? • C,rC."“ • l« " ed * ' th* *•» «»»«e of Donald nack'a Dairy »3.0»; Haaen A Carl lie $2.40; H. L. Bown $15.88; of the Htate of Oregon for Lane Young, at room 430 Miner Hulldlug ensen of Medford Is In S p rln g fle ld L ,CAKK ° F POOR: Mrs. M. M Struckmeler »2.02; Dunbam’a L. F. Anderson $1.50; Carl Blirup N O T IC I OF HEARINO ian . » h . »5 00; Mr». Ileldeman 35 00 33.76; James Christensen »10 49; E $6.50; J. S. Woodard $2.50; O. B IM S. upon and pureuaut to a decree after the date of the first publlcl U . h * h M r« M. J Beckett »5.00; Jesse C FIN A L ACCOUNT C. H art Dairy »14.91; Mrs. E. C. Pitcher $8.00; Hotel Wheeler $6 00' duly given and made by «aid C rurt linn of thia notice P Notice la hereby given that by Mr». A J. Schnetxkey, who Is quite Jones 36.00; Mr» B A. W hite Imckworth »6.00; Williams A Ott- Howard Auto Co. $23.15; Hall Ä I the Slat day of September, 1133. lu Dale of first publication October Order of the Hon. C, P. Barnard. BI- ¡*8 00; C. B. Ix-ep »8.00; W. H man »73.09; W. A. Taylor »43.86; Shumway $4.15; George N. Me- i a ault pending therein lu which 37th. 198S Judge of the County Court of the Devan |8 00: Mrs. W C. Harpolt Frank Meek $14.06; Hazen A Lean $26.55; Eugene W ater Board ' C. U Uhaffner wae plaintiff and J. J. L. Boyle, Admlnlatrator with State of Oregon for Lane County »8 00; W W. Lyon »8.00; Sarah Struckmeler »2.37; Saginaw Cash W alter Hmltb, Minnie K. Smith and Saturday, November 19th, 1932, at NO S LE EP, NO R E S T , the W ill annexed. Wlgle »8 00; Mr«. N. E. Herbert Store (19.60; J. B. Henderson 64c; llaw klua A Roberta, Inc., a Corpora­ ten o'clock A M at the Chambers S T O M A C M r a c 1C w a i t e r L8 00; »8 00: Frank W illiam Oeneral Store 70c; Eugene tion, were defendant«, which axe DONALD YOUNG. Eugene, Ore­ of tho County Court In the Lane ‘ X V -l: no O lU M A C H GAS IS CAUSE Mason »8 00; Hattie Bowers »8.00; Ambulance Co. »13.00; Sharp's Gro­ Ä gon. Attorney for estate. cutloo and order of aale waa to me County Court House, In Eugene Mary Wilbur »8 00; Forrest Fish cery »22.16; Chase Oardens »1.00 Harlow $17.50; A. C. Carlson $7.50; i ( O »7— N 3-10-17 24) directed and commanded me to aelt l ane County, Oregon, haa been Mrs, A. Cloud says: "For years 11 **F »8 00; Mrs E C. Kull »8 00; Mrs Safeway Store »51.09; E llio tts L. G. Helterline $143.70. Courageous, Capable and Aggres- the real property hereinafter dea- i ««•-“ >« Gaddy »10 00; Mrs. Peter A. will on Saturday the Stith day of In the County Court of the State final account of the undersigned and now I sleep fine." Flanery's i King »10 00; C. E. Adams ,10.00; Christian Hospital »1,103.33; Irish $81.00; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. and actual accomplishments that Cash Store No. 8 »1,411.41; B ute $12.20; 8 F. Jackson $11.82; Me- richly deserves your vote in pro- of Oregon, for I-ane County. October, IM S at (he hour of 11:00 Administrator of the estate of Drug Stor«. Adda Rlemenschnelder ,10.00- Ind. Accident Com. »11.77; Puritan Olnty’a $14 09; P. M Morse $10.50; motlng him to the National Cou- o'clock A. M. at the southwest door In the M atter of the Eat ate of Floyd Wilson, deceased. • Oeorge Savage ,10.00; Mr» R E Drug Co. »89.61; Kern’s $20.16; K. A. Babb Hardware Co. $1.78; Kress. Margaret A. Harrla, Deceased of the County Court liouae lu Eu­ ? McAlister. Administrator Cox ,10.00; Andrew Erfckson Amos Yoder (1.80. Ford Nelson M ill Co. $1.20; The Notice la hereby given that H. D. FRED K S M ITH , Attorney for N O T IC I OF gene, latne County, Oregon, offer »10.00; Florence Armstrong ,10.00; C IR C U IT COURT: M. E. McDer­ Frederick Post Co. $7.64; Twin V O T E 25 X JA M E S W . M O T T for aale and aell at public auction Cherry has been by the above tin Administrator. FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Grace Bennett ,10.00; Susan But­ mott $13.60; C. C. Pollock $45.00 Oaks Lumber Co. $1.69; O. E. Rose for caab, subject to redemption aa titled court appointed aa ndmlnls (O 20 27—N 3-10-17) — Pd. Adv. Notice Is hereby given that tle ,10 00; Henry Bolin ,10.00* Pacific Tel A Telg Co. 88.06; West $22.50; Morris Chevrolet Co. $26.42- provided by law. all of the right, trator of the above entitled matter Frank Bulll«, ,10 00; Flora Snyder Bertha Wetzel, Executrix of the Publishing Cc. »5.00; Shelton Turn Frank A. Tripp $16.00; Oeorge H. title and Intereat of the defendant« All persona having claims against NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Mary Ann Barnes, de »10.00; Benjamin Parrish ,10.00; bull-FuUer Co. »18.00; Osburn Waggoner $16.00; Creaaeys $21.90 lu said ault and of all partlea claim aald estate are required to present South Range 7 West, W illamette Notice la hereby given that the ceated. has filed her Final Report Mrs. Richard Cook ,10.00- E L Hotel $36.76; Laura D. Stone Eugene Storage Battery Co. $7.98; Ing by. through or under them or the same properly verified to aald Meridian, Oregon, and running Phare« »10 00; Della Kllnk »10.00; undersigned. W W. Calkins, haa and Account as such, and the Court (62.95; Creaaeys »3.70; West Pub­ H. W. W hite Electric Co. $2.00; any of them. In or to the following administrator at the law office o* thence along the North line of J. M McCausland $43.92- Harry: Howard M Brownell. 728 Wiliam been duly appointed Executor of has »et Saturday, the 19th day of Mallnda Smith »1000; Mrs. James lishing Co. »6.00. described real properly, lo-wlt Section 2. South 88 degrees 00 the Last W ill and Testament of Gearhart »10.00; B. S. Nlcbola November, 1932 at 10:00 o’clock Gerlach $11.21; W illiam Gerlach All of the Lot or tract number etle Htreet. Eugene, Oregon, with Frank B. McDowell, deceased, by CORONER: Wayne Edgecorab min. West 8.31 chains, to the »10.00; W T. Davla »12.00; Jennie In the forenoon, at the County $16.19; Equipment $5.26. ed Pour (4) and all except the In alx months from thia 20th day »2.20 Lewis Tucker »2.20; C. V. center line of the county road, the County Court of the 8tate of Court Room in the Court House Barnard »12.00; Central Hotel T H IS T L E : G. W. McFarland of October, 1933. uorth three acre« of the Lot or Simon »78.»u. thence along the center line of Oregon, for Lane County, and has at Eugene. __ ___ _____ ___ , Oregon. »12 00; Bertha Blais ,14.00; Edith I-ane ___ County, $4.6$; E. E. Rosa $10.35. tract numbered Five (6) In Pern- the county road, South 32 de­ CLERK : S. E. Skene »134.00 as the time and place to h«ar"ob- McKune ,15.00; Frances Shields 0uutlried as such Executor, and all II D. CH ERRY, Admlnlatrator TREASU RER: Thelma Blair dale Addition to Manta Clara, lu persona having claim« against sold ectlona to the same. If any. and for ?15 00; Helen Bn»hn«ll »15.00; W. L. M. Bryson »117.00; Eva L. Duck $30.00; Mabel Palmer $80.00; Pa | gree« 00 min West 4 88 chaina, HOW ARD M B R O W NELL, At- l.aue County, Oregon. thence South 68 degrees 30 min. Sibyl Westfall clfic Tel A Telg Co. $6.25; Grace estate are hereby notified and re­ the final seulement of aald Estate, i E Denney worth »108.00; DA TED thia ZSol day of Meptumbvr, torney for Admlnlatrator. East 11.61 chaina, to the East »100.00; Grace M. L. Dawson quested to present the same, veri­ BER TH A W E T2E L. I 2 ‘ tO 20 27— N 3-10-17) Schiska $10.00; Koke-Chapman Co. 1982. line of said Section 2. thence »10800; Helen Sorensen »90.00; $23.50. fied as required by law. with the If. L. MOWN, Sheriff, North, along the East line of Sec­ A Jiy«HLL,5 W ELLS. ' . A Attorneys 815 00; 00- Jullii« à e n n . Sara Allen »90.00; M. E. McDermott n o n ,e ,s ' »15 Julius A. Grow x »15.00; proper voucher«, to the aald Exe­ W ELLS .n. U. S. LABO R BUREAU: F. L. lly W W KD M tSToN. Depu y tion 2, 8.68 chain« to the place of N O T IC I o r S H E R IF F '» SALE (O 20-27— N 3-10-17) | Mrs. Alice O. Allen »15.00- W alter »96.00; Ethel Thompson (80.00;- Armltage cutor at the office of Calkins and $50.00. H I f : O 8 182O17) beginning, containing 6.36 acres. R IA L P R O P ER TY -------- — ----------------- | Baker »15.00; A. W. Perkin’s $16 00 Mabel Henry »90.00; D. E. Yoran Calkins, attorneys at law. In the 8. All of Block No. 83 of the W ID O W PENSIO N: Grace L. »2.00; E. Russell White »3.50; Pa­ NOTICE OF SH E R IF F 'S SALE ' J L - Ks-lljr ,16 00; Minnie O. Smith Bank of Commerce Building, at NO TIC E la hereby given that by Huffman $10.00; Mrs. E. L. Zelwick Original Plat of Junction City, C IT A T IO N V Tollman »15.00; cific Tel A Telg Co. »10.45; Cres­ virtue of an execution and order of Eugene, lame County, Oregon, IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Oregon, together with the lumber IN T H E CO UNTY COURT o r T H E ale Issued out of tho Circuit Court within alx months from the date S TA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E F ' th Hurd »l5 0 ° : Mrs. Marietta sey« »6.35; The W illamette Press $10.00; Lizzie Adney $10.00; L illie structurée, residences, HTATE OP OREGON FOR L A N E of the Htate of Oregon for Lane of thia notice. CO UNTY O F LANE Bassett ,18.00; Mr«. H. L. Ander- »4 00; D. E. Yoran »5.00; Koke- Owen $10 00; Margie Bates $10.00; I yard. building« and other appurtenan­ Golda Viola Reed $10.00; Ida Kath COUNTY. Chapman Co. $127.42; H. F. Krue­ Date of first publication and date E. N. A VER ILL. Plaintiff, vs. CAS »20-#° : Mah«1 Goodman $15.00; County thia 29th day of September, ces located thereon. erlne Bartholomy $10.00; Clara CADE U T IL IT IE S CM PANY a N ,a Har,m * n »2000; Good Sam ger Co. $2.00. In the M atter of the Adoption of 1932, upon and pursuant to a de­ of Notice, October 20. 1932 4. The Southeast quarter of Edith Vogt $10.00; Mollie Gordin-1 W W. CA LK IN S. Executor of corporation, and C LYD E E CAR- “ rlU o Hospital »26.00; Bertha E. CO UN TY CO URT: O. E. Crowe Clifford Wealey McDowell, a cree duly given mid made by aald 3ection 2, Township It , Sooth eer $10.00; Nora Moran $10.00; the Last W ill aud Testament LOS. Defendants Peery $26 00; S. W infrey $25.00; »23.06; C. P. Barnard »7.05; Paci­ Court this 29th d«y of Heptcmber. minor. Range 7 West. W illamette M«ri- of Frank B McDowell, de­ By virtue of an execution. Judg J?,'!'’« / cb“ Pte'' * • R C. fic Tel A Telg Co. »15.86; Clinton Fannie Stonehocker $10.00; V iva, dlan, In Lane County, Oregon, 1932, In a ault pending thoreln In To James Thomas McDowell: M iller $10.00; Lillie Tate $10 00;) ceased. ment order, decree and order of ( haa. Powers 12.23; H. Hurd »2.00; lira . M artha Plath which Delbert V H ill waa plaintiff IN T H E NAM E O r T H E S T A T E excepting therefrom that certain Jessie Wells Nesbitt $10.00; Flos hale lasued out of the above entitled * £ 23: w ,I1Un> Brunck $2.23; »3.00; Danner's Service Station O F ll OREGON, you are hereby and Nellie States Baker, et. al. CA LK IN S and CALKINS, At­ sle Simmons $10.00; Barbara Stod-> thirty acres more or lees, hereto­ torneys for l he Estate court In the above entitled cause i d * e£T0:„ Eu«en® Hospital O F F IN A L ACCOUNT days after the aervloe on you of the real property hereinafter des­ CO UNTY F A IR ; Lanes County Boggs $15.00; North half of the Northwest Nora Henderson thia citation. It aerved within Lane cribed to satisfy cortaln l i e u and IN T H E CO UN TY COURT O F T H E Court on the 13th day of October * 27s-43: Yates Hotel »18.75; Mra. Fair Asan »200.00. $15.00; Cora Belle Grove $15.00; j quarter ( N H N W U ). »nd the STA TE O F OREUON IN AND 1932. In favor of F. N. A V E R IL L f i n ? - L UU\ 341'5O; Haxel Carter County. Oregon, and within twenty charges In aald decroe specified. Southeast quarter, of the South COURT HOUSE: C. C. Pollock Mary Hay $15.00; Erma O. Fuller “ L ®,a‘ t? Power 00 31 ° 3 : KOH T H E CO UN TY OF LANE plaintiff, and against CASCADE ' daya If aerved within any other I will on Friday the 4th day of Nov- $15.00; Daisy Lewellyn $15.00; ! east quarter (SE«4 of SEMJ ot IN PROBATE. No. 5473. U T IL IT IE S COMPANY, a corpora „ ,y;?a ’ l', „ I)rU* Co' »133 «>: »44.76; J. B. Robertson »99.76; Eu County In thia Htate, If aerved per­ ember. 1932. at the hour of 10 Section Thirty-four (34); the gene Robertson »74.76; L. Toll Mary Papple $15.00; Iowa L a u ra ! sonally, or It aerved by publication, o'clock A. M at the nouthweat door In re Estale of Ixiulaa Mulkey, de­ tlon and CLYDE E CARLOS de . ' U llia n v » Darwark $37.50; »5.00; Electric Cleaners »14.93; D. Crump $20.00; Mary Phillips $15.00; : Northwest quarter of the North­ ceased. fendanla, for the sum of Four C2 M‘ ‘, w,Cho PtS L ? - R' C’ within twenty-eight daya from the of the County Court House In Eu west quarter (N W >4 of N W H ) and nolOO Dollars t 2^ 13’, *1™' W 8 Drake »40.00; D. Higgins »6.00; City of Eugene Ethel Amanda Thurman $15.00; Notice to a ll Is hereby given that Thousand date of the ftrat publication of thia gene. Iain» County. Oregon, offer of Section Thirty-five (35); and Metta Barrowcllff $15.00; Hazel »23.89; Shell Oil Co. »44.97- Eu­ 1(4000 00) with interest thereon at ^ hli A It )“ " man , and Lattln $15.00; Bertha Lockett »60.00; Tw in Oaks Lumber Co. Mrs. John Noke« »8.00; H. W. Titus probate proceeding his final ac­ sum of Four Hundred and no-100 M. Prall. for the adoption of C lif­ title and Interest of the defendant the Southeast quarter of the Bricker Service Station »15.36; Bray Bros. »4.60; H. W $15.00; Bertha Benaon $17.50; M ar­ ford Wealey Mi-Dowvll, abould not In sold ault and of all parties claim­ count; that by order of the «aid Dollars. (»400 00). with lutcrest »5.00; Northeast quarter (8E % . of W hite Electric Co. »8.69; R. A. garet Safley $20.00; Lena Cooley »2.70; F. M. Cashman Realty Co. court duly given and made the ing by. through or under them or thereon at ihe rate of 6% per an be granted In accordance with the NE>4) of Section Thlrty-elx (38), Babb Hatdware Co. »5.40; State $20.00; Laura Caswell $20.00; L il­ hearing will be had upon the said num from October 13. 1932 and the . Mr8' A' E' Er,ckson »26.00, any of them since the 24th day of prayer thereof. all In township fifteen (16), lie Simmons Cole $20.00; Jessie M. Ind. Accident Com. »3.70. W ITNESS, the Hun. C. F. Bar­ June, 1930, In or to the following final account at the hour of 10 00 further sum of Thirty Three and i'f‘ A' Rowe 86-50; Mra. A. J. Lund- South of Range Seven (7) west D I8 T R IC T A T T O R N E Y : Pacific Palmer $20 00; Bertha E. Peery o’clock. A. M , October 38. 1932. 70-100 Dollars (»33 70). costs . nd i,tro® 322 ° ° ; 3- N- B. Fuller »4.00; nard, Judge or ilu- County Court described real property, to-wit: of the W illam ette Meridian. $20.00; Karen Merle Hosford Tel A Telg Co. »10.60; Eugene V. disbursements, and the coats of and F ' * 7'71’ Dw,* ht N and that any having objections for t-mn.- County In the Stale of Beginning tb a pi’lnt 12.28 _______ ___ 5. All timber of every kind $20.00; Cora Lois Mattison $20.00; Oregon, and the seal of thia Court ehaina South and IM S chains thereto shall file the same In writ* upon this writ, commanding me to F e*,8ey ,S:,0<): Alvl “ e Amort »6.00; Slattery »177.00; Gladys F. Price Ofa Saunders 820.00; Lulu May and nature situated and located hereto affixed thia 29th day of Fast of the North veal corner of Ing In the aald probate proceeding« make sale of the following dea- L? ,age Qr<” e l1larm a‘ y ,3.15; »100.00: Daisy Block »2.00; Alta Bergman $20.00; Ethel Margaret on. the lollowing described pre Clinical Laboratory King »5.16; Presseys »1.40; E. D September, IMS. the Mouth west qearler of Section at or before ihe said time set for crlbed real and personal property Western mises: The Northwest quarter Doran $20.00; Flossie'Christianson Date of first publication of thia situated in the County of Lane. $10.00; Flanery's Drug Store $3.50; Furrer »16.00 24 In Township 17. Houlh llnngo hearing thereon. $20.00; Hilma Farnsworth $20.00; j of the Northwest quarter IN W I4 D IS T R IC T SEALER; F. D. An­ Stevenson's »9.00; Dorothea Ford LANSFORD H. M U L K E Y . Ex State of Oregon, to-wlt: citation la October 4th. 1932 2 Weal of the W. M thence North of N W (4 ) of Section Thirty-one Bertha V. Meyer $20.00; Alma Lu ecutor of the Estate of Louisa Alteat W B DILLA RD, Clerk. Lot numbered two (2), In ,5.00; Safeway Store, J. C. ,11.94; trim $60.50. I I degroea 53 necondi East 52 75 (31), in Township Fifteen (16) cllle Bu«sear $20.00; Lucy Robbins DOG FU N D : W. L. Wheeler Mulkey, deceased. Block numbered seven (7) in M™' Brlatow »15.00; Grace Brock By EVA L. DU CKW O RTH. Doputy chains, ijencc East S3 44 ehaina, South of Range Six (6) Weat of $20.00; Lottie Moore $25.00; Bertha O R IG IN A L PLAT O F OAK 3100° : Pacific Christian Hospital »124.75; W. W. McCornack »4.00; W alker $25.00; Kathryn C. Nolan (O 8-18 20-27 — N S ) thence South 20 seconds Woet II E. S LA TTER Y. Eugene the W illam ette Meridian, In RIDG E County, Oregon. 5 Mr" ° Huffman »14.50; George Gates »8.00; John Haupert 925.00: Jennie Morgan $25.00; Mary , Lane County, State of Oregon; 5130 chains, thence Weal 84.30 'Oregon, Attorney for Executor »2.60; J. T. Moore »2.50; 9. C. together with a certain dleael < , ,ha/!.<>j-te H ' Stein »1500; Mrs. C. 8 29: O 6 18-20-37) chain« to the place of be Jnalng. and the Southwest quarter of the A. Hubbs $25.00; Hazel Margaret power plant situated thereon, in­ B. Christensen $12.00; Lillian Van Veatch »5.00; J. S. Turner »2.60; Allen $25.00; Melvla V. Thomason except 3.59 acres on the Eu I Northwest quarter (SW14 of Darwark »110.0«; W. J. Lichty 8tate Ind. Accident Com. »5.88. aide of said tract of land far cluding all machinery, equipment NOTICE TO CR EDITO RS $25.00; Minnie Wheeler $25.00; ' NW^4) of Section One (1), in »10.00; B. K. Wheeler »16.00; Kerns EM ERGENCY: H O. Weaby cemetery lot and church, eon In Ihe County Court of tfie State and personal property used In Are E. Franklin $25.00; Mabel Gotti Township Sixteen (18), South of talnlng 303 05 acrea. Also the connection therewith, and also »10.50; Mra. Edna B. Yarnell »3.00; »120.38; Leo Decker »96.25; I. Toll $30.00; Kinsey Lou Burch $35.00; i Range Seven (7) West of the of Oregon, for Lane County. »29 82; E. M. Jackson »6 40; O. E. Mrs. H. S. Cox »5.00; Lane County Including such personal property following described tract to-wit: It* the M atter of the Estate of W illam ette Meridian, in Lane R. K. Powell $35.00; Home Grocery The D. L. C. of Jeremiah M. Dick, of said defendant as may have Chapter A. R. C. »7X.64; Jesae J. Woodson »200.00; L. R. Meredith $5.00. Joseph H. Fergueson. Deceased County, State of Oregon; also all »1.50; A. .8. Aloe Co. »265.00; Ben Godlove »20.16; R. A. Babb Hard­ Notlf. No. 7420 In Section 19, been acquired by said defendant Notice la hereby given that of the merchantlable timber of JEW ELER ware Co. »5.40; Eugene Fruit Grow Marks »99.70; Homer Nordyke Township 17. South Rance One Emma »lavter and Bessie Wltham since September 17. 1931. every kind and variety situated, NO TICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE lU-pairing a Specialty »75.00; S. C. Hamden »3.70; S. M. era Assn »J.00; Christensen s Farm West of the W. M. and Section have been by the above entitled The distribution system of the located and growing on the fol­ Kerron »18.75; Western Box Co. Market »2.78; Newman's Fish mar IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E 24. Township 17. 8outh Rang- 2 court appointed aa executrices of defendant CASCADE U T IL IT IE S lowing described premises, lo- Springfield, Oregon STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E West W. M. containing 140.59 the above entitled matter. All per­ COMPANY used for distribution ket »1.72; O. C. Caswell »1.79; »5.00; Woodson Bros. »2.10; Lowell wlt: The Northeast quarter of CO UN TY OF LANE. acres, except 40 acrea heretofore sons having claims against said electrical energy In and about Eric Merrell »6.69; McMorran « Tedford »2.99; Eugene Fruit Grow the Northwest quarter (NE14 of conveyed by Edmundson to J B. estate are r««qulred to present the Oakridge. I.ane County. Oregon, Washburne »1.00; W illi« H. Small ers Asan. »248.04; I I. G. Wesby SH ER M A N HARKSON, T R U STEE. N W % ) of Section Eleven (11), Plaintiff, -vs HO RTON L U M ­ Elliott and described aa follows, same properly verified to said exe­ including all franchises, permits, Feed Co. »10.84; N. Scott Jewett »26.25; A. Street »7.50; H. E. Slat Dr. J O S E P H IN E C. B R AU N and the South half of the South­ »2.76; Puritan Drug Co. »10.90; tery »10.00; Equipment »55.77; to-wit: BER AN D T IM B E R COMPANY, rights of way. buildings, poles, cutrices at the law office of Howard west quarter (8 )4 of S W )4) of Naturopathie Phyalclan a Corporation; C R E D IT SER­ transmission lines, transformers, Eugene Mattress A Upholstery Co Eastern Lane County Fire Patrol Beginning at the Southnast cor- J*- Brownell. 728 W illam ette Street, Section Two (2 ); all in Town­ Phone 91-J V IC E COMPANY, a Corporation; meters, machinery, tools, equip­ »13.60; J. W. Quackenbuah A Son Assn. »357.24; Ray George »7.27 ner of 8i Id Jeremiah M Dick D Kugene, Oregon within alx months ship 16, South Range Seven (7), N A T IO N A L HOSP£TAL ASSO­ ment and property of every kind, »18.02; Simona Co. »4.79; Lund Frank Jarvis »3.59; Glen Montgom L. C. and running thence North ,ro,n ,h,a 20,h day of October. 1932 Office Houra: 1 t o i F H W est of the W illam ette M arl CIA TIO N . a Corporation; STA TE nature or description used in con strom Bros »1.25; People's Furni­ ery »32.78; Ray Worden »26.34; C. 89 degrees 49 mlnutea Weat along EMMA SLAYTER. d'an, I d Lane County, State of 404 Fourth Btreet IN D U S T R IA L AC CIDENT COM­ nectlon therewith, on the 17th ture Exchange »6.00; W illiams Self- McMillen »4.47; Equipment »65.06 BESSIE W IT H A M . Executrices the South line of raid Claim Oregon, and the Northeast quar­ EL E C T IO N : O. O. Veatch »12.90 M ISSIO N; and EDW ARD day of September. 1931. and also Service Store »1.44; Standard Oil 37.21 chains. th«-nce North 10.76 HOW ARD M. BR OW NELL. At­ ter of the Northeast quarter TRAPP. Defendants. auch property as may have been Co. »8.43; Charley Young »7.00; Patty Sylvera 890.00; Ruth Moss chains; thence South 89 degrees torney for Executrices. (N E H of N E H ) of Section Ten By virtue of an execution. Judg­ thereafter acquized by aald de Mra. F. R. Hunt »10.26; Dr. W. B. $12.00; Elinor Henry »18.00; Anna 49 minutes Kant parallol with General Practice (O 20-27— N 8-10-17) (10). In Township Sixteen (18), Lee »2.00; Vic Hoare »8.22; L. E. Dillard Huberd $27.00; J. W. Ptx ment order, decree and order of fendant. South line of said claim 37.21 South of Range Seven (7) West All Interest of the defendant. Joeephaon »6.00; Mt. SUtes Power ley $33.10; D. C. Sturtevant $1.00 «aie issued out of the above entitled chains to East line of said claim I. M. P E T E R S O N of the W illam ette Meridian. NOTICE OF LAND SALE CASCADE U T IL IT IE S COM Co. »16.96; A. H. Johnson »1.60; R. A. Maltxan $44.80; C. W. Evans Court In the above entitled cause, and thence South 10.76 chains NO TIC E Is hereby given that the 6. T hat certain unto rail line Attcrneyat-Lnw Croner'a Drug Store »3.20; Chaa. $2.20; I. O. Storey »12.50; Virgil to me directed and dated the 22nd i on part of the above described PANY in and to a certain hydro­ to the place of beginning, contain- State I^ n d Board of the State ot City Hall Building Buchanan »3.60; D. E. Nebergall Rowland »78.70; J. R. Hayden day of October, 1932. upon a Judg­ electric plant on 8alt Creek, near Ing 40 acre«, all In Lane County, premises together with a ll right Oakridge. Lane County. Oregon, Meat Co. »12.00; Singer Sewing $1.40; J. T. M iller $2.06; Elmo ment rendered and entered In said Oregon, aald tract herein convey Oregon will received sealed bids at of way thereof, belonging to the Sprlngfleid, Oregon Its office In the Capitol Building In Machine Co. »2.60; Johneon Furni­ Summers $1.40; Natron Printing Court on the 22nd day of October, Including all rights of way. per­ ed containing all told and oxclu mortgagor and rail lines thereof, mit«. flumes, and property used ture Co. »6.30; Pioneer Grocery Co. »14.75; Franklin Printing Co. 1932, in favor of Sherman Harkson. alvo of exceptions ns noted here­ Salem, Oregon, up to 11:00 o’clock and all easements, pertaining to A. M.. November 21. 1932. for all the Co. »29.15; John Perry »1.25; Irvin »9.19; Eugene Printing Co. »13.00 Trustee. Plaintiff, and against the in 420.06 acre« of land, all In In connection therewith, on the aald anto rail lines and logging State's Interest In the old river Lane County. Oregon. 17th day of September. 1931. and D. Fox »3.00; Cheater Chase »21.38; Blllm lre Bros. »6.00; Coe Station Horton Lumber and Tim ber Com­ F R A N K A. DE PUE railroads. bed lands hereinafter described, Hart's Drug Store »2.40; W illiam ery Co. »1.00; Joe Morris Jr. »2.60 also Including auch property as pany. a Corporation; Credit Service Dated thia 30th day of Septeui 7. All right, title, and Interest A TTO R NEY AT LAW giving, however, to the owner ot >er. 1932. may have been acquired bv said Burke »10.00; Eugene Hospital F. W. Marshik »18.40; Shelton Company, a Corporation; National of the Horton Lumber and Tim ­ owner« of any landa abutting or NOTARY PUBLIC »221.89; Red Cross Drug Store Turnbull-Fuller Co. »269.55; Natron Hospital Association, a Corpora­ defendant. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. ber Company, of defendants. In fronting thereon, the preference By A. E. Hulegaarri, Deputy. tion; State Industrial Accident All property owned by the »3.64; J. D. Mills »12.00; A. Led- Printing Co. »141.50. and to the following described Sutton Springfield right to purchase said lands at the F R U IT INSPECTO R: C. E. Stew Commission, ar.d Edward Trapp. (O 4-13 20 27 — N 3) CA8CADE U T IL IT IE S COM- nlcky »6.00; Mrs. Belle Severson real property, to-wlt: Beginning highest price offered, providing Building Oregon PANY on the 17th dav of Sept »10.00; Irish Cash Store No. 12 art »79.16; E. J. Loucks 966.14 Defendants, for the sum of $50,000. at a point on the South line of such offer la made In good faith, »88.61; Irlah-Murphy Co. »202.94; State Ind. Accident Com. »1.20. ember., 1931, of every kind, together with the interest thereon the J. R. Kirkland Donation Land NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE also with the understanding that Ideal Grocery »69.05; The Booth- H E A L T H SERVICE: Lane Coun at the rate of seven per cent per nature or description "situated In Claim No. 64. In Township 18 REA L PRO PERTY the purchaser la to pay the expense the State of Oregon, and also In­ Kelly Lumber Co. »106.26; Acheson tv Health Unit »707.77; A. S. Aloe annum from the 15th day of March, South. Range 5 West, W illam ette of survey and advertising. In addl NO TIC E la hereby given that by cluding any nnd all property Store »8.95; Springfield Creamery Co. »17.20- E. R. Squibb« A Son 1929. until paid; and the further Meridian, 100 feet Ea«t of the virtue of an execution and order of Hon to Ihe amount hid. also reserv­ which sa'd defendant may have Co. »19.92; Occumpaugh Bros. Gro­ »26.76. sum of $2.500.00 Attorney's fees, Southwest corner of the Claim aale lasued out of the Circuit Court ing to the Board the right to reject cery »32.06; Wm. Kyle A Sons thereafter acquired. IN D IG E N T SO LD IER : Henrik and the costs and disbursements of and running thence South 300 of the State of Oregon for l4tne ar.y and all bids: NOW. T H ER EFO R E, by virtue »67.98; Red Cross Drug Store »1.89; Petersen »10.00; Henry O. Guild this suit, and the costs of and up­ feet; thence East parallel to the The said landa are situated In of said execution. Judgment order, Shell Oil Co. »27.01; Korn Baking 910.00; Mrs. Thomas R. Follett on this writ commanding me to County thia 26th day of September. South line of the Claim 727 feet; 1932. upon and pursuant to a decree Lane County, Oregon, and are de decree and order of sale and In Co. »18 08; Granxers »57.43; Miller- »25.00; Mrs. Celia Messer »25.00. make sale of the following des­ thence South 167 feet; thence Formerly Welker-Poole duly given and made by aald Court serlb«»d as follows: compliance with the commands of Sanford Tractor Co. »1.40; Alstock IN SA N E: Oregon State Board of cribed real property, situated In East 742 feet to the W esterly Beginning at a point on the said writ, I will on Saturday. Ihe Fay A Co. »6.90; Perry A. Baker Control »1.679.34; McMorran A the County of Lane. State of Ore­ thia 26th day of Septomber, 1932, In line of the Southern Pacific Com­ meander line of the right bank a ault pending therein In which 19th day of November, 1932, at 10:00 »3.00; Dr. A. O. W aller »19.00; E. Washburne »160.24; Steeves-Hoc- gon. to-wlt: KUGENE— 11th SPR IN G FIELD pany’s Railroad right of way; of the W illam ette River. S. 57* E. o'clock A. M., at the front door of W. Findley »8.16; V. E. Grousebeck kett Cl'nlc »5.00. M. H. Stewart was plaintiff and 1. Beginning at the quarter thence Northwesterly along the and Charnelton, >28 Main 6.80 chains and 8. 64’ B. 8.08 the County Court House In Eugene, »10.80; Umphrey A Mackin 60.98; C. R. H illiard, Josephine Hilliard JU STIC E COURT: J. E. Young section corner, between Sections Railroad right of way on a curve Telephone 728 Phone 88-J ehaina from the meander post on Lane County, Oregon, sell at public Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. »28.64; »7.60: Dan Johnston »112.65; J. S. and Theodore (I. Nelson were de­ 1 and 2, Township 16 South to the right a distance of ISO the west line of Section 30, T. auction, subject to redemption, to Alder Grove Grocery »1.95; Peder­ Woodard »15.90; Natron Printing fendants, which execution and or­ Range 7. West. W illam ette M eri­ feet; thence North 4’ 30 mln 17 S. R. 3 W. W. M., said meander the highest bidder for cash In hand, sen's Dairy »9.30; The Star Ex­ Co. »37.60; Marion P. Wheeler der of aale was to me directed and dian. Oregon, and running thence Weat, 318 feet to the South line post being the southwest comer all the right, title and Interest change commanded me to sell the real »2.00; Central Market 110.06; Harry Allen »3.50; Thomas West 18.55 chains, to the center of the Said Kirkland Denation of Lot 1 and 13.10 chains south which the within nametl defendants »3.30- property hereinafter deacrlbed to Safeway Store No. 71; Mansfield »3.50; W illiam Benner of the main channel of Lake Land C laim ; thence West on said satisfy certain liens and charges In of the northwest corner of said and each and all of them In the »26.14; Aiken's Grocery 70c; »3.60; Delbert Green »4.00; Mrs Creek, thence, along the center South line 1416.9 feet, to the said decree specified, I w ill on Fri­ Section 30, and running thence. above entitled suit, had on the 17th Speer's Store »2.76; V. S. Goff Benner »1.60; Jacob Allen »3.60; of said channel, up stream, North place of beginning, containing S. 66’ E. 4.82 chains along the day of September. 1981, the date Shoe Shop »5.92; H. Q. Suttle Maurice Treadwell »1.60; G. B. day the 28 day of Octobor, 1932, at 39 degrees 57 min. East 4.83 12.68 acres. In Lane county, Ore­ meander line; the hour of 10 o’clock. A. M. at the of the mortgage herein foreclosed »16.04; L. L. Lamb »4.86; Wm. Pitcher »3.60; Mrs. L. D. Stratton chains, thence North 38 degrees gon. southwest door of the County Court S. 28’ E. 3.16 chains leaving the or slnces that date had In and to Maddaugh »18.09; Valley Printing $2.20; Mabel Richardson »1.70; M 19 min. West, 6.16 chains, thence NOW . TH ER EFO R B l by virtue meander line; House In Eugene, Lane County. »6.75; Branstetter - Simons Ashton »1.60; M. Johnson »1.10; the above described real property Co. North 40 degrees 25 min. East of said execution. Judgment, order, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at S. 68’ 27' E. 8.82 chains; or any part thereof and I will on Chapel »30.00; Mrs. John Adair H. H. Wood »1.10; Mary J. Helms 3.55 chains, thence North 1 de­ decree and order of sale and In 8. 78’ 16' E. 5.63 chains; public auction for caoh, subject to Saturday, the 19th dav of Novem »3.00; George F. Taylor »1.20; »1.10: Elizabeth Beyteln »1.10; W gree 06 min. West 5.18 chains, compliance with the commanda ot S. 64’ E. 6.68 chains; redemption as provided by law, all her. 1932. at the off'ce of the de­ Kremmel Bakery »2.26; Mrs. I. J. T Hibbard »1.10; L. H. Elspas thence North 15 degrees 13 mln. aid writ, I will on Saturday, the of the right, title and Interest of North 3.33 chains to southeast fendant CASCADE U T IL IT IE S Estes »10.00; 1-and Bros. »2.38; 91.10; Bessie Starr »3.20; Loren West. 3.89 chains, thence North 26th day of November, 1932, at the defendants In said suit and of corner of lands of Vance H. COM PANY In Oakridge. l,ane Cushman A H ill »14.00; J. F. I-am Edmounds »3.30; Mra. Loren Ed 49 degrees 02 min. West. 3.16 the hour of ten o’clock A. M., at Howe; all parties claiming by, through or County. Oregon, at 3:0» o’clock son »7.68; A. Street 76c; Jamee mounds »3.30; John L. Marsh chains to the Junction of Lake the front door of the County Court under them or any of them In or N. 70’ 38' W . 9.64 chains along P. M. sell at public auction to the McDonald »9.42; A. B, Cochran (12.80; C. E. Wheaton »8.06. Creek with a smaller creek com­ House In Eugene, Lane County. to the following described real pro­ south line of lands of Vance H. highest bidder for cash In hand, »2.86; L. D. H uff »4.80; Shields ing In from the North, thence Oregon, sell at public auction (sub­ J U V E N IL E COURT: State Ind perty, to-wlt: Howe; Imperfection tn- vision la not all the right, title and Interest Grocery »24.46- Eugene Farmers’ Accident Com. »2.60; John L. along the center of the smaller ject to redemption, to the high­ North 1.99 chains along west which the within named defendants Creamery »40.54; Glenwood Cash Marsh »62.00. Beginning at the Southeast cor­ creek North 46 degrees 59 mln. est bidder for cash In hand, all the always a moat serious condition, ner of Lot Four (4) In Fractional line of lands of Vance H. Howe; and each and all of them In the Grocery »38.80; Cash A Carry J. East. 4.10 chains, thence North right, title and Intercut which the SCHOOL S U P E R IN T E N D E N T : but defoctlve vision will not Im­ Block 8eren (7) of Christians N. 78’ W. 10.16 chains along above entitled suit, had on Hie 17th C. »74.26; Irish Cash Store C. O. Insurance M offitt »217.57; Institute 26 degrees 15 min. East 4 29 within named Defendants and each Second Addition to Eugene, Lane south lino of lands of Vance H. dav of September. 1931. the date ot »169.62; Broadway Market »77.99; Fund »10.00; School Diet. No. 4 prove with the passing of time. chain«, thence leaving the creek. and all of them In the above en­ County, Oregon; and run thence Howe, to the place of beginning, the mortgage herein foreclosed, or W. A. Hogate »10.43; E. W. Scott's »6.30; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. All doctors and Insurance South 76 degrees 58 mln. East titled suit had on the 15th day of containing 4.96 acres. West along the North line of George Shrull »11.64; Blllm lre Bros. »16.85; E. s'nce that date had In and to the Grocery »13.00; 4.12 chains to the center of the. March, 1929, the date Of the mort­ companies now advocate a regu­ Applications should be accom­ above described personal property »6.06; Cottage Grove W ater Sys­ Fourteenth (14th) Street Ninety- county road, thence, along the gage herein foreclosed, or since J. Moore »183.68; £r-na H. Stroud lar periodic examination of the eight (98) feet; thence run North panied by draft or certified check or any part thereof, to satisfy snld tem »4.20; Farmers' Union -Store center of the county road. South that date had in and to the above »81.00; Margaret Cutler »80.00; seventy (70) feet; thence run for the amount hid and should be eye« by experts, and In many execution, judgment order and de­ »35.50; D. R. Henuderson »64.30; Office Machinery A Supply Co. 42 degrees 12 mln. East 2.90 described property, or any part Eaat Ninety-eight (88) feet to the addressed to O. O. Brown. Clerk of cree, Interest, coats and accruing Olsen's Grocery »21.85; Pedersen's states laws provide for eye teats chains, thence ftouth 60 degrees thereof, to satisfy the «aid execu­ »100; Cresseys »1.95; A. Flanagan West line of Oak street, thence State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, costs. Grocery »60.76; Tiffany-Davis 07 min. Eaat 6.87 chains, thence tion. judgment order, and decree, Co. »1.47. tn schools. run South seventy (70) feet to and marked "Application and bid Drug Co. »81.35; E. D. Furrer M. Dated October 14. 1932. East 7.57 chains to the Eaat line interest, costs and accruing coate. S H E R IF F : George Canadav W H Y T A K E CANCEE7 the place of beginning, all In to purchase riverbed lands In: bane D. »19.86; Elliott Mercantile Co. of Section 2. of said Township, First publication. October 20, Dated this 22ud day of October, »111.70; Wm. Klslnger »89.70; Lane County, Oregon. County, Oregon.” 19.12 »8.96; F. A A. Market »1.50; Irish Ltoyd Howe »124.76; Oeorge F. thence North 17.19 chains to the 1932. Dated this 27th day of September Dated this 11th day of October, DR. E LLA M EA D E Cash Store No. 8 »177.83; Medo- Last publication. November 17, First publication October 87, 1M1. place of beginning, containing Houghton »111.76; E. A. Holland 1932. 1939. 1932 Land Creamery »3.00; J. C. Penney »111.76; A. E. Hulegaard »111.76; 37.58 acres, together with all Last publication November 84.1911. OptomBtrlst H. L. BOWN. Sheriff, O. O. BROWN, Clerk of State 41 W et* 4th Eugene H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane Co. »6.00; Shepard’s Store »7.88; N. W. W. EJmlston »111.76; R. W. H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of UUM buildings aud equipment thereon. By A. E. HULEOAARD. Deputy. land Board. County, Oregon. A. Rowe »8.00; Milo H a rt »8.14; Potter »111.76; Ethel Scott »81.00; County, Oregon. 2. Beginning at the Northeast B It : O 9-13-30-37) (18-80-17— N 8, (O 10-27—N 8-14-17) M L States Power Co. »8.2»; Eu- W eltha T ra ile r »88.00; Mildred corner of Section 1, Township 18, (O »7— N 8-18-17-M) 1 » N O T IC I OF BH gR IFF'B SALB R IA L fR O P B R T Y NOTICK la hereby given that by Hoyle, dectiaaed. by the County ' County Court for l,ane County, j In the State of Oregon. All those hereby nodned1"",1 p r ' ^ ’nl^diem Mr« f). H Jarrett for tho dub al her ember 3, tor their M r. u.’ ii ■> ii . Mr«. W. II. lo llard ant hostess. i?'V Business Directory Edw. G. Privat PO O LE■ GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors OPTOMETRY Gia»»»» Will Help i JAMES W. MOTT «,«..