THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rW K N T Y -N IN T Il YEAIt SPRINGFIELD, LANK COUNTY, OKhXJON^THUHHDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1932 No. 42 HEART FAILURE Receiver Named Methodist Men GUI'S GIG BALL County Bridge I to r Bank Here Talk Measures Party h briday TAKES W . CLOVER GAME IS FBIDAY TGTAL REDUCED Hunting Trip In Eastern Ore­ gon Prove« Fatal to Spring- field Barber Sunday Three Students In Auto Wreck M U M -M IS GLOB IS FORMED State of Condition Promised Local Candidates Attend and Sale of Tickets to Card Party Loose Brick on Mill Street | ____ Shortly; Works Now on Make Short Talks; Lively Springfield to Have Chapter Extensive Plans for Spring- to Provide Funds for Fur­ Croatast Saving Is Made in Causes Accident; Two Ars Report to Comptroller Interest Is Shown ther Radio Broadcasts Pinned Beneath Car . - Republican field - Roseburg Football Teacher Salary Reduction« of . State Contest Under Way Ordered Last Spring Lloyd H, Roily, r.tu ver of the ciation for Campaign Political measures to he voted Women of Lane county will rally Three Springfield high school First National Hunk of Milverton, upon by the voters of Oregon on to the support of the University of I Natlouul llank bore Saturday and con at the meeting of the Methodist day when they are scheduled to| students suffered a series of cuts ALL-NIGHT SEARCH MADE was appointed receiver of the First November 8 were discussed pro and BONFIRE RALLY TONIGHT Oregon in a financial manner Frl INDEBTEDNESS INCREASE and bruises about their faces and BIG ENROLLMENT TODAY ■ I_________ , escaped more „ beads and ________ narrowly Large Crowd of Friends Fill arrived here that afternoon to lake firotherhood here Tuesday evening ; Junction City Bows to Locals gather at both the Eugene and Oa Meeting to Consider Budget serious Injury early this morning Supplies of Picture«, Litera­ uhurge of the liquidation of the following the monthly potluck din­ Chapel tor Funeral Ser­ burn hotels, and at the Elks club Called — - - School - for High on when the automobile In which they ture, and Buttons Available Under 55-0 Score There local Institution, lie will divide his ner. I. M. Peterson, city attorney, where they will participate In a vice on Wednesday November 16, 7:30 P. M. were riding to school ran into a Last Week-end for Workers Her« tlinu butweeil the two cities alter led the discussion and waa fre­ mammoth bridge game. ' ditch and turned orer pinning two he has coniplulad preliminary quently Interrupted by peraons who Great plans for Springfield's only Tickets for the afternoon of play The school budget for the year ¡of them beneath It. The accident A Hoover-Curtis club has been work her«. desired to argue both for and | alI(j final league football game to be will sell for 25 cents and all pro­ June 3«, 1932 to June 30. 1933, for occurred about two blocks north of organised this week In Springfield He has takAn over the uffalrs atlugalnst the measures. played at Brattaln field here Friday ceeds will be used to provide more school district number 19 will be the high school on Mill street. under charter nf the state organi­ the bank from Thomas Met,oy, ex At the dinner three local repuhll- | afternoon at 3:15 are being made radio talks In opposition to the >1.133.29 less next year than It was . Betty Mersdorf, driver, and Paul zation. which sent Its field man­ amliior. who left Wednesday, and i candidates. Laurence Moffitt. now ul the high achool. Barring ac Zorn-McPheraon school bill. The dun»« the .mst twelve month. If Halby anotber >tudent ww<> ager, Gordon Taylor, to this city 1 now preparing a report to the | candidate for achool superlntend- cldenta, Mprlngtleld expects to sur use of the facilities of the three a a i. a «>«» » ^ e pinned beneath the Tuesday. Officers elected were H. < omptroller, After this has been|ea, ; 0. A Swarts, candidate for prise Roseburg players as well as large establishments as well as the board and budge, committee here tar M1„ 8teHa Brabbam wa> completed be will prepare a slate. aherirf> aud Charles P. Poole, candl- local fans during thia game. printing of the tickets and all other Monday ufght I. adopted. A regu , ^ (he E Maxey, president; Mrs. Edward nieiii of the condition of the bank date for coroner, were Introduced Enthusiasm Is being aroused expenses are being donated. h.r achool meeting to consider th eithrown ont(J ,he gWewalk wbere| o Privat. and W. K Bamell. view at Hie lime It closed, and will start and spoke very briefly on their be- among high school students this • It Is the desire of the committee a“d*lgaainst ’ d“ "/“' " V ’ t ,Bd U° W' * * receiving claims of deposits. : half. Tax reduction wherever pos week at special rallies, and towns- in charge, which Is hearted by Mrs. - • » bruised, retary. After the work gels under way i R|ble was stressed by each ot the people will I»- forcefully reminded A. A. Rogers, that the many Indi­ called at the high achool on Nov- here he will announce a schedule o f ) niwn ihoueh^tPxV ' > ra / "lJllre< ' The purpose of the new club la to of the game at a special rally and vidual clubs In the county attend ember IS. at 7:30 p. m. though Haxby sustained many pain-1 days on which he will be In Spring promote the candidacy locally of bonfire to be held tonight at the Musical entertainment waa pro- Savings effected at previous ful cuts and bruises which required In groups and provide prizes for Mr. Clover had loft Id field and thoae when he will be In Herbert Hoover for president and corner of Fourth and A streets . vlded during the dinner by a Bn meetings of the school board when the winners. Thia, however. Is Huuduy morning with bla several stitches. Two of the «Bl­ Milverton. Curtis for vice-president. A gene quartet comprised of Mri. across from the Christian church. not necessary, and all Interested drastic cuts In various appropria­ dents were wearing giasses and L Charles I*. ( lover, unde, Virgil Clo ,A lmilar club organlled ,n Ticket sales have been under {George Carmichael. Mrs. W. H. women are urged to buy tickets tions and a 10 per cent cut in teach­ these were not broken. another huntur front the Mei. « EugPne and now hag oTer mam i Blowers, Dewey McAJpIn. and Mr. way all week and efforts are being and attend. er salaries accounts for tbe reduced valley. They drqvo over near A loose brick on the boad at the bers enrolled. made to have most of the business Poole. I rlnevllle where they e. tabhuhed a Ticket sales tn Springfield are budget. scene of the accident caused the Enrollment of members of the P. J. Bartholomew. Brotherhood people attend the game. The field being conducted under the direction The total amount to be raised by cauip and prepared Ihcmseives a s iY ? Z I ®Mto«f>.ld club ha. started and R will be In first class condition for preeldent. presided at the meeting. meat. It was not dusk yet oo The of Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and Mrs. Ida taxation will be >33.330.74 this which Jumped from the road into L , hoped to haTe m„re than 20fl % the game. Swarts. year, or approximately >3.000 more the ditch where It turned over. The (ore elect|on day Llterafure men decided to hub! (or a short lc. Keveral valuable men were In­ TABLECLOTH HEIRLOOM while. It was after a short hike tbe Delegations of Eugene women this year. Part of this Is account left front wheel of the car was j turee aDd buttong arp now jured In the Junction (Tty game into the wood.: that Mr. Clover com­ HONORED AT DINNER last Friday and Marlon Hall has have visited every community of able for in the lower estimated re­ broken, the top. windshield and j hands of o„ icer, and anyone wb(J ceipts and the balance In unpaid other parts also suffered consider­ plained of leullug Ul and dec,tied had to do considerable doctoring the county this week urging gen­ taxes. wants a supply will be furnished to return to ciiiup while the others All-Day Session Is Planned;! Prized Hand-Woven Table Linen able damage. eral participation In the bridge recently hoping to have the lesser with any or all of them. Public Invited to Open ! went on. Motive for Interesting Revenues Are Leee Injuries healed up by Friday. Ken party. Mra. C. A. Huntington and Mill street is exceedingly rough Evening Meeting Field workers soliciting member­ Gathering Wednesday The estimated revenues for the in the vicinity of the accident. noth ('ox, Is definitely out of the Mra. D. C. Stanard were In Spring- Upon their return to camp he ships among tbe ladies are headed present year are >16,750 or >250 less field Tuesday making arrange wua uiiaslng cud a searca was start Cugeae I. O. O. F. lodge will be A hand-woven tablecloth more line-up with a series of Injuries to men Is for participation among the than last year. by Mrs. Privat. Others are Mra. ml with flashlight«. When the hat- host Saturday to the .«ml annual 78 yt>arM ohl and silverware and his hips. C. E. Wheaton, Miss Edna Swarts, local women. Bonded indebtedness of the dis­ Hall has announced his starting te-ais lullisl they drove to Itisl county convention of the ! * » • ’U|.haa Imported from Sweden aerv- Mrs. W. N. Dow. Mra. Gertrude Wil­ trict was decreased by >1000 from mond for more and unlisted the aid Couniy Odd Fellow. Association Bt I , f(,r , unlque dlQ. lineup for the games as follows: son, Mrs. W. H. rollard, and Mra. >70,000 leaving an nnpaid balance Donald Hawk, left end; Harry Wil­ of n state police officer aail to an all-day meeting scheduled to : n,.r h#M „ „ „ Wednpaday evening I. M. Peterson. Other lists are be­ of >69.000, but the warrant Indebt­ gelher tho ueorcb waa cmitiiUcd start at 10:30 a. m. a, th„ homo (>f Mra Kmroa Olaon son, left guard; Dalton Thurman, ing circulated by Dr. W. N. Dow. edness climbed to >7,012.91 this center; John Adams, right guard; uiit.l early Monday inuruiug when The meeting will be divided Into k # fpw of frle„da C. E. Wheaton. W. K. Barnell and year whereas there was no warrant either Kendall or Rasmussen at the body wna found o*l from the three dlstlncr meetings, one at The dlnner.-al which Mra. Olson H. E. Maxey. debt In the last budget. left tackle; Everett Chet wood, right trull u short dlsiunci- from camp. III:30 a. m.. one at 2:00 p. m. mid a : was hosteaK. was given on the fortl tackle; Rodney Vest, right end; Each of the operation items of Members Listed Ils apparently had died Munday third at 7:30 tn the evening. Methodists to Offer Special ' eth anniversary of her wedding, expenditure In the new budget Members enrolled by this morn evening. The program for the sessions and was Intended to honor the table Jimmie West, right half; Rasmus­ show a substantial decrease. Gen­ Numbers at Morning Ser­ ing are: w sen or Oakes at quarterback; Dean t.'barles I'oole drove acroea the has been prepared as follows: 1 covering. vice; Plan Floral Display eral control was reduced from >685 Anderson at fullback; and Bruce Invitation Extended to Local Mrs. Elvln May. Mrs. W. H. Poll­ Morning Session 10:30 mountains Monday and brought the According to old Scandinavian Squires at left half. to >498; teaching instruction from ard. Eleanor Smith. Mra. J. K Men to Gather at H. S. Opening by Spencer Butte ludgel reinalae to the Mprlngtleld i'oole I custom the tablecloth bad been >29.449 to >26.758.75; teacher sup­ A special musical service is being Ketels, Hattie B. Drury, Mrs. Dean The dope gives the Invading team Gym Every Tuesday Gray.Bartholomew chapvl late that No. V. convention convenes; Roll! handed down from generation to prepared for the 11 o'clock worahii ervision from >6585 to >4970; oper­ a wide margin of.victory. Cottage Poindexter, Mary Moyer, Mrs. P. J. Call of Convention Officers; Read­ evening. hour at the Methodist church. The generation, being used only at .wed­ Grove having defeated Springfield Tired business men of Springfield ation of plants from >4930 to chorister, Mr. Kenneth Roduner, Bartholomew, Anna L. Qulney, Mrs. ing of Mluutes of last Meeting; Roll Wayne Clover waa horu at Har­ Call Of Lodges, Adjournment until dings and funerals. Mrs. Olson hav- In the first real game of the season, who often yearn for an opportunity >4391.50. D. B. Murphy. Mra. F. M. Mitchell. and the pianist, Mrs. W. V. Walker, lug received It from her mother and Roseburg last week piled up an to take the ball when they alt on risburg, Oregon, ou May 29, 1888. Mrs. Edna Yarnall. Mrs. Jennie Debt Increases 2;0U p. m. are cooperating with the _ , . „ when she was married. The last Impressive score against the Grove the sidelines and watch the young­ aud wua ft year, old ut the time The debt service Item Increased Afternoon Session 2:00 arranging a beautiful Tbe M,nnlp clrard Mrj) H Q DJbWee , „ . .. .... . __ lime t had been used as at the boys. ol Ilia death. He moved to Mabel er players participate In various from >5.685 to >7,600. This IS members of the choir are bringing Keudins of Reports, Petitions and . . . , . daughter, Mrs -* her -*---- *“*“ in ISIS where he waa store* man­ Communications; Reports of Spe­ 1 marriage of On the other hand, Springfield athletics will have their Innings largely accounted for by the fact Mrs. Meda Catching, Mrs. F. B. ager (or the Const Range Lumber cial Committees; Discussion of I Bruce Lansberry. Feasts «vere tre- player- took Junction City by 55-0 also this school year It has been that tbe district has >3300 of bonds flowers for added decorations. Hamlin. Mrs. Enoch Staart. Mra. O. company for several years. He Lodge ITolilem»; Presentation of. quently held following the burial ot last Friday the week following their decided here. to pay off this year instead of only Others having flowers are a ked to H. Jarrett. Mrs. I. M. Peterson, Mra assist by bringing them to the unwed to Hprlugflelu In 1824 where Resolutions. Presentation of Bills; relatives in the Scandinavian coun Cottage Grove game. The local Starting Tuesday evening, Nov­ >1500 as was the case last year. church Saturday evening at 8| C. F. Barber. Mrs. W. N. Gossler. tries aud (he tablecloth wan also he has been engaged i l l the barber Unllnlshed Business team Is composed largely of green Mrs. Susan C. Hewes. Mra. C. E. ember 1, all business men of the New Buel- Fixed chargee remain the same, used at such times. buslnoss. material and the boys have Just re­ city and others who have reached >200. The only other two items to o’clock. Wheaton, Miss Anna Vogel, Mra. neas; Convention Cedes to Spencer He la survived by his widow, Butte Lodge; Closing by Spencer J Feeling that she might not use cently overcome their fear of op­ somewhat mature age are not only show increases over the past year The program will be as follows: H. E. Maxey, Mrs. N. L. Pollard, the tablecloth again during her life­ ponents and have decided to carry Invited, but are urged to meet at Mrs. Daisy Clover; one daughter. Butte lodge No. 8. Is the auxiliary agencies item Voluntary. “Noiturne Number 3,” Miss May Hewes. W N. Dow, W. time In the usual manner tn which the fight themselves. They tried the high school gymnasium at 7:30 June; hl, parenta, Mr. and Mra. C. which Jumped from >180 to >230. Chopin; Processional, "Holy, Holy, C. Rebhan, E. G. Privat, John F. Evening Program 7:30 It had been Intended Mrs. Olson this last week and surprised even for the purpose of participating In I*. Clover; two slaters. Mra. Verne and the emergency fund which was Holy,” Dykes; Doxology, "Praise Ketels. W. H. Pollard. N. W. Emery, Music by Orchestra; Welcome Wilkinson, Springfield, and Mrs. Address, by Noble Urund; Re­ decided upon the dinner at her themselves with the score. God from Whom All Blessings F. S. Clerao. E. Fredrick. A. R. athletic recreation of various kinds. increased from >1500 to >2732.49. Herbert On. Eugene; a nil maijy sponse; Roll Call of Convention Of­ home. Marion Hall, athletic director at A complete copy of the school Flow,” Ken; Invocation; Hymn, Sneed, C. A. Swarts, E. N. Thomp Those attending the dinner were other more distant relatives. the high school, has volunteered to budget as prepared by the commit­ "Worship in Song Sublime,” John son, M. J. McKltn, J. W. Tanner. ficers; Roll Call of Lodges; Soug— Funeral services, which were "America" by audience; Address Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson, Mr. and meet with the group and direct tee appears elsewhere In this Pierpont; Pastoral Prayer conclud­ H. O. Dibblee, W. K. Barnell. H. held at the chapel here Wednesday by Urand Ma, t-r Oeo ,, Mrs. H. H. Mcliaffenberg and daugh­ ing with The Lord's Prayer. E. Maxey. John Anderson, C. E. them In such athletic activitiea as paper allernoon at 8 o'clock, were lh« I Wln. , ow . Mu„ c^ se,e,.„on; Bpe. ters. Phyllis and Elaine, Dr. and Wheaton. W. H. Adrian, Thelmer they choose. Facilities of the high Members ot the budget commit­ Choral Response. "Hear Our 1 school gymnasium and equipment tee are the school directors, F. B. Prayer,” McAlister; Anthem, The ' kelson, D. C. Poindexter, -it*rtalnment; Chimes by P. Mrs. W. H. Pollard, and Oswald Every available seat aud all staud Waldo Davis; Reading by Arvllla Olsoa and hla mother. will be available for the group. Flanery. chairman. Dr. W. H. Poll­ King of Love My Shepherd Is,” Mrs. Grace Henderer, Mrs. Ida P. lug room In the chapel waa occu­ Davis Blackwell; Skit by Rebe- The purpose of the movement is ard. E. C. Stuart. C. F. Barber, Harry Rowe Shelley; Responsive Swarts. Mrs. Lum Anderson, Mrs . pied and more than 100 stood on kahs; official u.smlsaal. GIVE SUNDAY SERVICES to provide physical activity for clerk, Wm. G. Hughes. W. C. Reading; Gloria Patrt, Charles Jess Cross, Mrs. W. J. Scott. Miss the sidewalk outside. Beautiful AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Poindexter is Dean of many local people who need it and Wright, and H. O. Dibblee. Meineke; Worship in tithes and Jean Scott. Mrs. Ira Peterson, Mrs. floral tributes banked the casket Sessions Held in Eugene for those whose work is such that offerings; Offertory, “Nocturne Hazel Adrian, Mrs. Edna Hobbs. on all sides. Business houses were POTATO DIGGING STARTS "Christian Stewardship" will be they are unable to obtain this acti­ Number 11,” Chopin; Solo, "The Mrs. Leathe Rychard. Mrs. Jennie Church Each Monday FOLLOWING HEAVY RAINS the subject of the morning sermon SPANISH WAR VETERAN dosed during the service. vity during the week according to Publican,” Van De Water by Ken­ Fisher, Mrs. I. A. Valentine, Mra. Digging of potatoes In this vlcln- at the Christian church Sunday Itev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor DIES AT W. SPRINGFIELD neth Roduner. A Standard Is-adership Training Dr. M. V. Walker, one of the group E. E. Fraederlck, Mrs. M. J. Mc- of the Methodist church preached ity has started In full force now morning at the 11 o'clock service. school sponsored by the Methodist back of the effort. Klin, Mrs. Laurence May. Mrs. N. the funeral sermon unit Paul Pot-, following the heavy rainfalls. Crop There will be special music. The Sermon. “God is at the Or­ No set program of activity has Samuel E. Button Came to Oregon churches of this district was start­ ter sang two vocal solos. Interment I yields are go<>d. but prices are very gan.” will be given by Rev. Dean W. Emery, Mrs. W. E. Buell. Mra 12 Years Ago; Funeral Ser­ The Christian Endeavor meets St ed Monday evening of this week been planned, this will be deter was made In the I. (). O. F. ceme- low. Fall plowing aud seeding Is 0:30 with a special program under C. Poindexter, pastor; Anthem. "O L. K. Page, Mrs. Fannie Saltsman, vice Held Wednesday at the Methodist church In Eugene. mined, to start with, each evening Margaret A. Swarts. Edna Swarts. tery at Coburg. | also under way. Clap Your Hands.” Greene; Bene­ the leadership of Miss Goldie Rev. Dean C. Polndpxter, pastor of by those present. The main ob | C. E. Swarts. Mary M. Kessey. Anna Funeral services for Samuel E. diction; Choral Response. “Go In Smith. the Springfield Methodist church Jectlve is to have the men present, J. Kessey. D. N. Kessey. Silat Yarn- The evening service at 7:30 will Is dean of the training school. something will be found for them Button, who died at his home at Peace," Lemberger; Postlude. "Au­ all, Margaret Yarnall. J. T. Moore, West Springfield on Sunday even­ tumn.” Chaminade. feature congregational singing a The course of study used is pre­ to do which they will enjoy. Those : Annie Laurie Moore, Helen C. High, sermon by Veltle Pruitt, the pastor, pared by the Methodist church and who participated in such a move­ ing. were held Wednesday after­ The evening service at 7:30 will H. P. Batchelder. Mrs. Angle E. noon at 2:30 from the Branstetter- and special anthems by the choir. be: "What's Right With Prohibi-: Batchelder. Etta Robley, Paul Rob- meets the requirements of the In­ ment In past years were loud In Simon chapel In Eugene with in­ tlon and the Present Admlnlstra-' ley. Lena Anderson, Blaine Ander- ternational Council of Religious I heir praise of It. terment In the Spanish-American SCOUTS WILL HAVE BIG tion.” son. Education. The school and the "Of the above budget you will veterans plot of the old I. O. O. F. Can Make Saving Above note that the Club Agent's travel PARTY ON SATURDAY teachers are accredited under that HOC OWNER GIVEN TWO cemetery In Eugene. body. $4000; Would Not Oust DAYS IN CITY JAIL Ing expense, also the salary of his Mr. Button was born on June 27. Boy Scontrf of Springfield will be Anyone Is welcome to attend the 4-H Leader's Office stenographer Is Included In our 1877 In Wisconsin and came to Dallas Cochran, recent arrival in Oregon from Montana twelve years budget. The Club work uses appro hosts Saturday evening at a big classes which will be held at the Hallowe'en party at the Methodist Eugene church every Monday even­ Springfield was released from the Just what can be expected In the xlmately >2300.00 of our budget. ago. He was a member of the church which they are giving for ing at 7:30 for six weeks starting city Jail Wednesday morning after Lighthouse Temple and was a vet­ Hue of tax reduction In the office October 24. "Next year the budgets of our the Girl Scouts. Games, stunts and serving a two day sentence foi eran of the Spanish-American war. of the County School Superintend­ ent If Laurence C. Moffitt, present office and the 4-H Club work will lefreshments appropriate to the oc­ The courses offered and the keeping swine within the city limits Survivors include his widow, Demonstration Agent Out­ of the year-round vegetahia gar­ assistant, Is elected on Novem­ be presented separately, hut It Is casion will be featured according members of the faculty are: "Prin­ without a permit. He was sen­ Mrs. Sarah C. Button; two sons. lines Major Activities of Of­ den work. This study was hand­ ber 8. was outlined for tho voters my plan to still have the Iwo of­ to Everett LnJole. general chair­ ciples of Teaching," Dr, Nelson tenced by City Recorder, I. M. Pet­ Edward Button and Lloyd Button, led by the county agent and the fice; Much Relief Work Bossing; "Message and Program ot erson. home demonstration agent cooper­ of the county Wednesday by Mr. fices In connection ns the same man. both of Eugene; and the following equipment can lie used and it will Tl.t regular Scout meeting was the Christian Church," Rev. Cecil He kept three hogs in a pen on daughters: Mrs. Pearl Shawley, Moffitt. A justification for the expendl atively. Two huno. ed men and He Issued the following state­ not neceisllute office rent for the I,eld last night, having been post­ F. Rlstow; "Junior Materials and Willamette Heights and had been Oroflna, Idaho; Mrs. Nettle Short- ture of funds for the perpetuation women are enrolled In this work Club work, thus making a saving poned because of the Brotherhood Methods," Miss Alice Baker; and warned to move them. They es­ ridge, Lorane, and the Misses ment.' of the offlca of the Lane County and it included among things a "Intermediate Materials and Meth­ caped Friday and completely up­ Edrea. Ruth and Nellie Button all to the county. meeting on Tuesday. “In order to make It plain to the Home Demonstration agent was warden tour, pest control service, ods," Miss Dorothy A. Nyland. rooted the Bushman lawn and did at home. He also leaves his father. given members of the Lane County and preservation helps. voters Just how much our budget Is "By doing without an assistant considerable damage to the lawns Edward, at Eugene and two Chamber of Commerce last Wed for this year, we are publishing It County School Superintendent and FROSTS IN McKENZIE Much Food Preserved of William Goodman and others be­ brothers. C. P. Button at Tracy, for your reconsideration: making other cuts we will he able needay evening at Cottage Grove by The summer was given over— VALLEY ARE REPORTED SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS HOLDS ANNUAL DINNER fore they were dispatched with California, and Q. E. Button at Miss Gertrude L. Skow. agent. Personal Services— 1932 to present a budget from >4500 to with the exception of vacation bullets by city officers. Offers of Riverside, California. Hall and snow were reported to Financing of the office is done camp—to emergency work. Co. School Supt......................>2000.00 >5000 for our office. Being familiar The About 30 young people attended restitution were not made by the through a cooperative agreement chief activity along this line was Asst. Co. Supt...................... 1800.00 with the operation and expense of have fallen In the upper McKenzie owner of the hogs. Two the annual dinner given by mem­ with the United States Department that of assisting in the preparation the office 1 can present a budget valley Saturday evening. County Club Agent (salary MRS. MAXEY HOSTESS of Agriculture, the State of Oregon of the plan and the schedule for as low as efficiency will permit frosts have also been reported from bers of Mrs. Van. Valsah's Sunday paid by Federal Gov't, FOR HELMETTA CLUB school class of the Methodist CHURCH CLASS TO HAVE and Lane county. The county’s the portable cannery. This plan for I know where It Is possible to that region. through O. 8. C.) church at her home Friday evening. Snowfall on the pass has now 2100.00 make reductions. Clerk and stenographers PARTY FRIDAY NIGHT Mrs. H. E. Maxey entertained at share of the annual expense was written by the County Agent "Beside:! being able to mnke the reached several Inches, but the The dinner was provided, prepared Travel expense of Co. Supt 200.00 her home on A street Wednesday amounts to >1100 which Is a volun­ and the home demonstration agent. Members of the Young Married evening for members of the Hel­ tary reduction of >100 over last Approximately 25.000 cans of fruits «00.00 saving In our office budget I ant pass Is being kept open, The snow and served by members of he class. Travel exp. Asst. Supt. . Travel exp. Co. Club Agent 1200.00 acquainted with the financial and Is now piled In hanks four feet Miss Evelyn Buell was general People's class of the Christian metta club of the Pythian Sisters. year according to Miss Skow. and vegetables were canned during chairman and has as her assistants, church will hold a Hallowe'en party other problems of the school dis high on each side of the road. September and August. Demonstra­ Units of Activity About 30 members were presetM- Doris Myers, Jean Scott, Myrna at the church Friday evening at Total .............................. >7900.00 tricts and will he able to help them The field duties of the Demon­ tion i of seven home evaporting A Hallowe’en party was held and Bartholomew, and Loudelle Wil­ 7:30. Mrs. Owen Thomas, Marian more tf our plans are carried out. stration agent are grouped under driers were given and over 400 peo­ Materials and Supplies— MISSION SOCIETIES TO liams. Games were enjoyed follow­ Severson, and C. L. Aldrich are refreshments were enjoyed. "The office of County School the title, Home Extension Work, ple called In person at the exten­ Postage, stationery, and HAVE JOINT POTLUCK ing the dinner. members of the committee In and Include six distinct units of sion office to get help In preserva­ printing, > 400.00 Superintendent requires someone SUNDAY SCHOOL CROUP activities. The work program for tion. Besides this the driers were charge. Institutes—Annual, local ... 250.00 with business ability as well as A Joint potluck luncheon for PLANS FOR BENEFIT TEA the units Is drawn up each year on display at Cottage Grove where educational ability as tho operation members of both the Foreign and AENEAS MEMBRS MEET Examinations, teachers and of a school L: a business and re­ Home Missionary societies of the at a County Homemakers' Day. over fifty called to see them. The and eighth grade, and W ITH MRS. FRAEDERICK KENSINGTON MEMBERS granges worked In cooperation mise............................ 200.00 quires good sound Judgment. I uni Methodist church which have re­ Types of Projects Teachers of the Primary depart­ TO MEET HERE FRIDAY One of the popular projects with the agent In affecting much Extra help, exams, etc. 70.00 qualified *o meet both of these cently merged their meetings for Members of the Aeneas club were ment of the Methodist Sunday needs. Telephone, Telegraph, and tho winter months will be held at guests of Mrs. E. E. Fraederlck at Members of the Kensington club school will be hostesses at a benefit handled directly by the agent last food preservation Including the "I pledge myself to an efficient, the church Tuesday afternoon, her home here Tuesday afternoon will be guests at the home of Mrs. tea to be given at tbe church on year was economical meals, In idea of drying prunes for emer­ 250.00 mise................................. economical and courteous perform­ November 1, at 1 o’clock. for their regular meeting. Mrs. Ed­ W. N. Dow at her home on Emerald Friday, November 4, between the which 20 communities participated. gency work. Mr. Crowe >1170.00 ance of the duties of County School All women of the church are In ward Privat was a special gueat. Heights Friday afternoon at 2:30. hours of 2:30 and 6 o’clock. Pro­ The women reported over 3600 the help nf some unemployed «MB Total Superintendent." vlted to attend. A program will be Mrs. Margaret Kenyon will be Mrs. W. K. Bamell will be assist­ ceeds will be used to purchase sup­ changes In food habits from this and 12,000 pounds donate«, «or« L. C. MOFFITT. given at the tables. project. Another project was that brought Into the drier, hostess at the November meeting. ant hostess. Grand Total .................>9070.00 plies for the primary department. A ilouu n( glooui quickly spread over rusiduuts of I ho city til Spring­ halt! Mouduy uiuriiili^ »■ tulugrama told of the death from hear, failure ul on« of Ila boat knows«uts, Way iu< ('lover, while ou a hunting (rip in Eaaturu < *r«gou. Thu aud- uunness ul t’^,. ¡minx coupled nee the part) wan tli« am. - n tho trip bad left Spr. tn which added to the a, the unnouncenroi. 'ccelvod here. COUNTY I.O.Q.F. M ill SATURDAY 4 BG5IGESS MEN IG IffillH L E IIC S MUSIC SERVICE PLANNELSUNDAY L SURIS MONDAY Moffitt Expresses Views Superintendent’s Budget Home Project Value Is Explained By Miss Skow