HäS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1M2 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FOUR Hoover leading. Both the Digest and Hears! polls show oosevolt That New York Political Situation leading In Penuaylvanla but the small town vota aa reflected In the weekly uewspap<-rs‘ poll show a strong sen 11 men ( for Hoover Leaves Hospital — Mrs. Lillie Hunts Pheasants— Morris Mor­ Hummed up . . . and by couiblu Iutler was discharged from the Pu­ ion spent Saturday hunting China tng all of tha atalaa where Hoover ttie Chri tian hospital Monday. pheasants In the Pleasant H ill dis­ Senior Member Poole-Cray- te ahown leading In the three polls, trict. Dentist III Dr. W. N. D o * was The Digest, Hears! and Weekly Bartholomew Firm Active ill and unable to he al hi office I Newspapers', he la leading I" 13 Has Quetta Mrs. Rosa Monl in County Affairs the first of the week. ¡state«. All polls show Hooaevell gornery hail as her dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Herbert leading In the other 35 stales. Un­ Charles P. Poole, republican can Leaves Hospital— Mrs. M. Has­ Smeed and family of Eugene. der such a summing up hers Is the dldate (or the off'ce o( county coro­ sett was dismissed from tile ’ Pa­ ' wsy they are running as the cam­ ner la now launching a vigorous cific Christian hospital Monday. Hunters Return— II. H. Myers paign swings Into the stretch. canipa'gn (or hla election to that and John llaniintt returned Satur­ Kooaevell ahead In Alabama. Art W alterville Man Hara — Prank office. He la visiting all parts o( day from a hunting trip to Past­ ■ona. Arkansas. California. Dele- Vaughn of W alterville was a busi­ the county, meeting represents ern Oregon. ware. Florida'. Georgia. Idaho, Indi­ ness visitor in Springfield Tuesday. tire leaders and leaving large pla ana. Iowa, Kenlucky, Loulaiaua, cards bearing his picture. Move Thia W e a k --M r and Mra. Home— Mrs. Rose Dosser Maryland. Michigan. Mlaslaalppl. W. H. Hayloth have moved this reported to be ill at her Mr. Poole Is now 52 years old Missouri. Montana. Nebraska. Nev­ week from their home at Seventh having been born In 1880. He is a ada. New Mexico. North Carolina. and K streets to a residence on S. member of the Christian church North Dakota. Ublo. Oklahoma. Ill at Home— F. P. Hall was ill street between Sixth and Seventh and o( the Brotherhood o( the Oregon. South Carolina. South Da­ at his home the first of the week Methodist church. Drive to Roaeburg— Mrs. D. C. kota. Tennessee, Texas. Utah. V ,r' with influenza. England of Eugene, Mrs. A. II. Van glnla. Washington. Weal . Virginia. His fraternal memberships In­ Visitors from Fall Crook— Mr. 1 Vaiiah. and Mias Margaret Gorrle Wisconsin, and Wyoming clude the Elks, Masons, Moose, ana _____ above. Georgia beauty and screen-actress wife of and Mrs. Ralph Porcum of Pall motored to Roseburg Sunday to Hoover ahead In Colorado, Con­ Independent Order ot Oddfellows. Bagene Brewster, one time wealthy maraaine publisher, has been j Creek were visitors in Springfield visit with Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Van Political eye* of the nation are on New York state where Republicans and necticut, Kansas. Mains, Massa­ sned for 8100.000 by M r*. Estelle A. Cohen, wife of a prosperous He was formerly engaged in Democrats are in a knock-down, drag-out tight which started motiih* ago Vai aah. Saturday. aethers’ agent who charges alienation of affections. The suit was chusetts. Naw Mexico. Naw Jersey. business In Brownsville and Leb­ and came to white heal in the Roosevelt-Al Smith Jimmy Walker, investi­ filed in Loo Angeles together with a divorce complaint in which Mrs. Rhode laland. Vermont. Minnesota. gations. split, etc, lituatkx,* Here are photos of the heavyweight candidate* Son Born— Mr and Mra. Carey anon, coming to Springfield five Camp Creek People Hero— Mr. Cohen named beautiful Coritsa ee-respondenL The divorce action in the state fight; Left. Col Wm I. (W ild Dill) Donovan. G.O.P candidate Illinois. Pennsylvania. years ago to take over the local Palmer and Cohen of misconduct. Miss Palmer and aud Mrs. Lee Stevens of Camp W. Thompson of Vida are the par- for Govornor; tipper circle. Lewis If. Pound. G.O.P candidate for mayor Have you cast your vote yat In her once rich husband arc estramred. ut.d< rtaklng chapel. Shortly after­ ' Creek were visitors in Springfield cats of a baby son born to them at of New York City; lAw rr circle, lodge John I ’ O’Brien. Tammy compro­ this nation wide presidential pell the Pacific Christian hospital In mise candidate over Walker tpr mayor on Democratic ticket; Right. I arts- wards uie Waiker-t'oole firm was ion Saturday. being condtsr'ed by the weekly Gov. Herbert H l-ehman. Democratic candidate to succeed Gov. Roosevelt. Eugene on Sunday. October 18. organized with W. F. W alker and Upper Valley V is ito r- Mrs. J 1832. newspapers’ If not, clip Ute straw Mr. W alker moved back to Spring- I). H ili of the upper McKenxie val­ ballot, vote for your favorite candi­ field and Mr. Poole to Eugene. Birds Intsrsat Scouts Members ley was a visitor in Springfield date and aaad It to the Springfield More recently P. J. Bartholomew of the Springfield Girl Scout troop Wednesday. News. But you'll have Io harry—If and Claude R. Gray were added to spent their time at their meeting it Is lo count In lha national tab« the firm taking over the interests Drives to South F o rk— Miss Max- last Thursday afternoon working iatlons. Vota today. Lot's show who of Mr. W alker. They now operate . ine Snodgrass speut Sunday on the on their bird finding badges. The we here In Oregon want for praal chapels In both cities. South Fork with her father who is troop members also served the re, The Literary Digest poll shows dent (or the nest tour yearn. hunting there. freshmenta at the P. T. A. recep­ Small Town and County Poll Hoover leading In six stales out of Prior to entering the undertaking Differs with the Digest business Mr. Poole was at one time To Visit Son— M. F. Mulligan tion that evening. 80 reported They ere Connecticut, and Haarat Counta engaged In newspaper business in has gone to Albany where be will Maine. Massachusetts. New Mexico, Postmaster Oats Dear— Mr. and Springfield. spend the next month visiting with The nation-wide prexldentl.l poll New and “ hod" l* ,and Th' Mrs. F. B. Hamlin returned Wed­ Hubert Gray made a hunting trip his son. ,,oo” r '• ad,u« nesday from Drew, Oregon where by some 2000 weekly newspapers. I H * “ r“ p,>" i In 10 states, Roosevelt leading In to Klamath Falls last weak. Hla Move to New Home— Mr. and Mr. Hamlin has spent the past ten of which the Springfield News Is mot her- In-law. Mra. Herrington, re- the other .37 stales and 1 state lied. Mrs. Loyal Scott have moved from days hunting deer. He succeeded one. discloses the hint that when turned borne with him for an ex­ Those ten Hoover states are: Colo­ ! their home on Ninth street to a in getting the two allowed him al­ the last ballot has been cast for tended visit here with relatives. rado. Connecticut. Kansas. Maine. The upper classmen of the Pleas residence at Second and B streets. though the area was overrun with Hoover and Roosevelt on November Mr. and Mrs. John Travis moved ant H ill high school gave the an 8th. the small town and country Massachusetts. New Mexico, New to (heir new home last Friday. hunters, he declared. Samuel Insull, former m id-westent Jersey, New York. Rhode Island T eacher III — Mrs. Ivan Male, nuai Freshman Reception last F ri­ America la going to be a big factor pul die utility head, against w h o m « , and Vermont. The Weekly News­ They recently bought a tract of teacher at the Lincoln school was Guests Here— Mr. and Mra. P. J. In the final count day night at the high school gym­ dictments have been returned at Chi» land from August Vitus and built ill and unable to meet her classes Bartholomew have had as their cage on charges o f huge eiabezxfo» nasium. A skit was put on by each Return* from atxleen states In paper poll show* Hoover leading In a new house. five of the 18 state« In votes re ments was finally located at Athewa, the first of the week. guests this week Mrs. J. P. English this weekly newspaper poll shows clasa and by the new members of Mrs. Lambert from tha ooaat Greece. Insull may evade being the dramatics club. of Oakland. California, and Mrs. T. Roosevelt leading Hoover In pop­ ceived to dale. They are Minnesota. visited her eeueln. Mra. Bert Wea­ brought hack for trial. W alterville People Visit — Mr Illinois, New Jersey, Maine and H. Taylor, Portland, slaters of Mrs. ular vote by almost exactly the There will be a Sunday school ver last week. and Mrs. Frank Page of Walter- Bartholomew; Miss Eva Mouten. same percentage aa prevails In Pennsylvania. party at Pleasant H ill Christian Roy Weaver left last Saturday viile were business visitors in last week while cutting corn is Roosevelt Is leading In (he Week­ Portland, a cousin, and Mr. Earl other straw-vote polls conducted In chgrch Friday night, October 21. for his home In Crocket. California, As serenely as the most experi­ Springfield on Monday. still confined to his bed. It is hoped Probasco of Oakland, California. cities and large population centers ly Newspapers' poll In these eleven after spending several days with enced globe trotter, 2-year-old Two new students have entered he can be about on crutches in The guests arrived Sunday and . . BUT . . the weekly poll brings slates: North Carolina. Kenlucky, his grandparents. Mr. sod Mra. Home from Toledo — Mr. and Robeen Taylor is making a two the Pleasant H ill high school bring­ th ree w eeks. »reeks’ sea voyage from Loa An­ Mrs. Don Meaklns returned Sunday left for their homes Tuesday noon. out the (act that the country vote Florida. West Virginia. Ohio, Mass- A. W Weaver. ing the enrollment to 105. They are geles to Pnntarcnas, Costa Rica, Colorado, Wisconsin. j from Toledo where they have been ------------------------------ Basketball practice started at the differ* drastically with city vote achusetts, There was burn to Mr. and Mrs. Margaret Rich and Bailey Barnell. all alone aboard the liner Santa New York. Kansas and Iowa. Pleasant H ill high school this week. ■ for the past several weeks. In certain states. » Teresa, fcr a visit to her grand­ Caray Tohmpson last Sunday, Orto Rev. Mitchell will deliver the ser­ W hsr« Polls D iffe r mother. When it was found her About 25 boys and 30 girls turned Both the Literary Digest poll and her I I . 1989. at Pacific Christian mon at the Pleasant H ill Christian Fish on Coast— John Anderson. R e d C r o it to E n lit l G rea t faintly conijn't take her. Itobeen Both The Hears! and Digest polls hospital In Eugene, a son. the Hears! newspaper poll shows out for practice. Superintendent church next Sunday. John Pyle, and W. K. Barnell spent v"lantccred ta jo alona. A r m y o f M em ber» to Price will coach the boys and Mrs. Roosevelt leading In Illinois. The show Hoover leading In Massachu­ The fish racks have bean re the week end fishing on the Slus- Max Baughman who was injured ¡Jean Eberhard the girls. weekly newspaper poll shows setts. as against the weekly poll moved from Hendricks bridge area. F ig h t D i t l r e u law rtver near Swisshome. Hoover sentiment running strong showing Roosevelt leading there. More than 18.000.000 eggs were in small towns there, leading by The Hears! poll also shows Hoover taken thia year, over three times Hunt Pheasants— H. H. Schaf Last year 4,004.459 men and leading In Colorado, Kansas and aa many eggs as ware taken last more than 3 to 1. women joined the American Red ■ fenberg. Frank Smitson, and W il Cross as members during tbs Returns from sixteen slates have New York aa aaalnet the weekly year. Ham Moyer spent Sunday hunting aunual rot. call. Armistice Day been received at Publishers Auto- poll showing Roosevelt leading In Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harbit left for pheasants. to Thanksgiving Ihsy. A peace­ caster Services offices in New York those states. a few days ago for North Band time army even greater than u s s r a i f x * X . . 1 , T ” w av Hunt Deer— H. H. Myers, Paul The Digest and Hearst polls show after spending several days at the national headquarters for the this will be ueeded In 1932-33 to Myers, and Arthur Belknap have weekly newspapers' poll. These re­ Roosevelt leading In Illinois but l-awrence Oossler'a. support and carr - on the nation­ b,»*T, T h 8 n.eate1 Cka'i-man and F. B. Flanery Secretary. The follow gone up the South Fork of the turns show Roosevelt leading the weekly newspaper poll shows T rftn /»ha E®t,m ate of ‘ he expenditures and receipts for the wide relief work of the Red McKenzie to hunt deer on Lowder Town of Springfield for the year 1933. Hoover. 24,911 voles to 19.289 Hoover sentiment running strong. Cross. There are 3.639 Red Cross Ltavea Hospital— J. O Kolllaa of ridge. They will be gone all week. Chapters and they have 10,000 ST R E E T IM P R O V E M E N TS : Roosevelt is shown leading in 11 Ilearsl shows Roosevelt leading In Fall Creak was dismissed from the branches. Lumber Minnesota while the Weeklies show Eugene hospital Saturday. rtate and Hoover in 6 states. 50.00 Teacher« at Portland— Mlsa Ber­ 8treet Commissioner's Salary 1.320.00 Here are the figures. nice Conoly and Miss Ruth M orri­ Labor on Streets................. .... 530.00 Weekly Newspapers* Nation-wide Crushed Rock ____________ son, teacher« at Springfield high Huge Task of Nurses 480.00 Present Assistant Ce. School Superintendent Presidential Poll Cement Alley Crossings ____ school, motored to Portland to 50.00 Cutting Weeds _____________ State Hoover Roosevelt Red Cross public health nurses, 200.00 spend the week-end. 8urveyfng Streets ............ _ _ 75.00 who work In hundreds ot communi­ N. Carolina .... . 366 1.978 Equipment and Supplies ...... 100.00 ties. are meeting the greatest de­ Minnesota Back from Rogue Trip— W. P 301 Sewer P ip e s _______ 75.00 Republican Candidate for County Tyson. C. E. Hover, and George Cox mands In history for tbelr services, Kentucky 1.188 Incidentals ............ 250.00 returned Monday from a week's due to the depression. Visits lo Florida 97 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Euleen Pickens. 17, high school hunting and fishing trip on the maternity cases, protecting the Illinois 4.414 8 3.130.00 of I^ane County health of Infants and children, and senior at Mansfield O.. is the winner POLICE D E P A R T M E N T 622 of the national poster contest and Rogue river in Southern Oregon. aiding mothers in distress due to Massachusetts Chief of Police at 815.00 per m o n th ___ - Qualified, Experienced, Competent 180.00 W. Virginia 128 p 'tie awarded by the American Hu­ One Night watchman at 850.00 per month 600.00 Has Operation— Mrs. Ed Mabe unemployment ol the bread winners mane Assn. which promotes protec­ Economical, Efficient, Cheerful Servioe 2.101 Extra Help, Supplies and Expenses ... ..... have taken them into thousands of 200.00 uggerwent a major operation at tion for children and animals homes. The nurses made 1.357,000 New Jersey 97 Election November 8, 1982 Paid Adv. the Pacific Christian hospital F ri­ visits to or on behalf >,« Individuals, 8 980.00 Colorado 431 F IR E D E P A R T M E N T : day morning. She is convalescing and Inspected t 49.000 school chil­ Wlsconafn 27» Fire Chief at 8100.00 per month ............ 1,200.00 dren. More than 58.000 adults were very nicely. Seda and A c id ___ Maine 997 50.00 Instructed In home hygiene and .. Extra H e lp '___ ____________ New York 1.966 100.00 Come from Montana— Mr. and care of the sick Laundry ..................... ...... 10.00 Pennsylvania 1.784 Mrs. Ed Myers recently of Mon- ----------------------------- Supplies :___ ___ i........... ................. 7.77 50.00 Kancaii 1.187 tana have established their home NEWLYWEDS ARE GIVEN • Telephone — r .............. 24.00 Iowa 3,473 in Springfield and are living at Mill *' / ;-. CHARIVARI ON MONDAY and B streets. _______ 1,434.00 RECORDER’S SALARY .......... ........ ...... 900.00 19.289 24.911 Office Supplies Visit Brother — Mr. and Mrs. - Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll 10.00 Roosevelt— 58% votes cast. TREASURER'S SALARY ......... 180.00 Marion Adams and son. Bob, spent Adams gathered at the home of A T T O R N E Y FEES _____ Hoover— 44% votes cast. 240.00 Red Cross Spends $2,769.009 Sunday at the Charles Carson home brides mother Monday evening LIG H TS AN D W A TER : Three Polle Percentages to Help Victims of near Junction City. Mr. Carson is surprise the couple with a charl- Lights; Mountain States Power Company, In Its total of 730,837 vote« re­ Lights for Streets and Public Build­ a brother ot Mrs. Adams. varL Mrs. Adams was formerly Catastrophes. ceived. The Literary Digest shows ings. 12 months ......... ....... ....... __......... .... Miss Esther McPherson. -------8 2.270.00 Roosevelt with 404,992 votes to W ater; Mountain Slate Power Company, For guest«, expected or not, one of the most wel­ Returns to Work — Miss tia ra In a year of great misfortune Fire Hydrants. Street Cleaning. Public Hoover's 326,846. This Is 65 Vi per caused by economic depression, in - ‘ ones returned to work at the of- come deHHerts a Hoste«« can serve, 1« Ice cream. Even C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S Buildings, 12 months „ ...... ..................... 1,150.00 cent of the votes cast for Roosevelt wblch the American Red Cross as- f ,ice of Ijr w - C, Rebhan Tuesday If the cupboard la a little bare Ice cream will chauge Notice Is hereby given that and 44Vi per cent for Hoover. 8 3,420.00 sumed heavy burdens of relief for j following an illness with the in ull that, and It can be gotten at a moments notice at The Hearst newspapers poll dur­ School District No. 19, In Lane T O W N L IB R A R Y : the unemployed, the organization tiuenza. Services, rent, wood, supplies and expenses county, Oregon, w ill pay at the ing the second week In October, 643.00 also responded t emergency needs ANNT7AL CLEA N U P Operated On— Mr. Monjay, father office of clerk of said district, all showed 403,928 votes cast; Roose 90.00 in 60 disasters in the United States H E A L T H O FFICER: and its insular possesions. of Mrs. W alter Fisher of Marcola warrants to and including 2312, veit with 234,278 votes and Hoover Salary, 12 m o n th s______ _ During the twelve months ending submitted to a major operation at 150.00 dated June 1, 1932. Interest ceases 169,660; 68 per cent for Roosevelt advertising 50.00 June 30. 1932, the Red Cross gave "Where the Service 1s D lfler.nl FUEL. City Hall, 12 months to 42 per cent for Hoover. 30.00 aid to 75,000 families totalling 333,- , the Pacific Christian hospital in October 22, 1932. M U N IC IP A L AIRPO RT ........................... 5Û.00 000 individuals, with expenditures ! Eugene Tuesday morning. The Weekly Newspapers' poll C. F. BARBER, Clerk. A U D IT IN G : Recorder's and Treasurer’s Books Because of the closing of the with its total of 44,200 vote!, 24,911 of 12,760.786. These people were ,n One year ................ ....... _ Visit at Wendling— Mrs. Wanda 150.00 distress because of drought, flood, First National Bank in Springfield for Roosevelt and 19,289, Hoover, IN D U S T R IA L AC CIDENT Compensation 150.00 Barnes, Mrs. Myrtle Egglmann,. EM ERGENCY F U N D ... ® dl"tr,Ct Was unable to ™ theM shows Roosevelt receiving 56 per 500.00 forest Are. tornado, snowstorm, Mrs Bert Doane, and Mrs. Nellie WARRANT SINKING FUND 3.153.25 mine explosion or other similar wart-ants at the time they were cent of the votes cast to Hoover’s ; Carr spent Wednesday afternoon great disaster. called. IN T E R E 8 T ON BONDED INDEB TED NESS: 44 per cent. Prolonged drought caused the , at Wendling visiting at the home General Improement, First Issue Red Cross to go with help to 58,000 of Mrs. Bert Knowler. • 820,000.00 .... ..........,........................................} STRAW-VOTE BALLOT families in the northwest. Here General Improvement. Second Issue To Southern Oregon— Dr. and in 144 counties in North and South 820,000.00 ___ '..... ........... ................. ........ ..... Dakota, Montana. Nebraska, Wash­ Mrs. W. C. Rebhan left Tuesday Refunding Bondi due 1944. 850.000.00 ington and Iowa the Red Cross afternoon for their ranch on the General Obligation now overdue 931.500.00 Bonds dated November 1st, 1931, 82,000.00 spent 81.980,000 from Its owe it «a Rogue river near Orants Pass. They REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Bonds dated February 1st. 1932 83,500.00 sury to feed and protect people will be gone for the balance of the Improvement Bonds. 1927 Issue 87.050.56 . through the winter and spring. improvement Bonds, 1928 Issue 812.500.00 Other grave disasters were floods i week. FOR LANE COUNTY In southeastern states, where the or­ Admitted to Hospital— Ouy Bunn ganization spent 8192,000 from its 813.608.03 treasury and 866 000 local contribu­ of Oakridge, and Mrs. E. E. Rass BOND SINK ING FU N D ....., .......................................... 815,000.00 tions to help 13.000 persons. rnuasen of Dexter were admitted to E S T IM A T E D GROSS EXPE N D ITU R E S .................. More than 50.000 people were the Eugene hospital Monday. Carl 843,968.28 A Straw-Vote conducted by weekly newspapers located in states homeless from loods in tributaries Minnick was discharged the same A N TIC IP A T E D R EVEN UES: throughout the Union to show pre-election sentiment of small ot tho Mississippi river and again Licenses Pool and Billiard Halls, etc. 8 200.00 day. town and rural America In their choice for President for the Fines. 12 months ......... ..................................... the Red Cross .’ acet a long relief 350.00 next four years. Road Funds, 12 months ........................... ...... 2,000.00 task, aiding these people The na­ California People Visit— Mr. ana tional organization gave 8108.000 Put a Gross (x) In the square before 8 2,550.00 and local contributions were 810.000. Mrs. Sidney Richardson and Mrs. Election November 8, 1932 the name of the candidate you prefer. T O T A L N E T E X P E N D ITU R E S (Proposed Tax L e v y ) .............841,408.28 The Red Cross always maintains Sarah Jones of Montague, Callfor- a state of readiness to meet these "•» stopped In Springfield Monday The Common Council, sitting as a levying board, will meet Monday These Candidates have been officially nominated. November 14th, 1932 at the City Hall In Springfield at the hour of sudden emergencies and funds and to visit with Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, 7:80 P. M. where and when any and all taxpayers of the Town of other essentials to this work are They were enroute to Portland, Springfield shall be heard In favor of or against such proposed tax levy supplied, ’ n part, by the annual I f P Franklin D. Rooeeve't | Herbert Hoover M Y PLATFORM or any part thereof. roll call, held each year from Armis Klamath People Here— Mr. and Economy—Cut Sheriff« Office cost« and keep with­ Adopted by the Committee this October 18th, 1932. tlce Day to Thanksgiving Day. | | Jacob S. Coxey Norman Thomae Mrs. John H. Poppey of Klamath in county budget. W P. TYSON, Chairman of the Budget Committee. Every citizen can support this C. E. W H EA TO N , William D. Upshaw | | W. Z. Foster worthy activity through joining as Falls spent the week-end here as 2. Efficiency— Put personal energy and capable or­ J. E CROSS. a member In the local Red Cross guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ganization Into law enforcement and tax collec­ C F. BARBER. ] | Verne L. Reynolds R. L. Drury. Monday both families chapter. O. H. JA R R ETT. tion. Hire le«« help; do more work. ----------------------------- i drove to the lava beds on the sum- Voters need not sign his or her name. But to assist in national W. C. W R IG H T, 3. Cooperate closely with the state and city police to Ha* Flu— Herbert Roberts was mlt of the McKenzie pass and F R E D O FRE8E, tabulation please fill In name of Town and State. avoid duplicated effort. W. A. TAYLOR, ill with the influenza at his home found a considerable amount of W. N. LONO, the first of the week. f snow. Strictly and Impartially enforce all law«. -Paid Adv. Town ................................... State ACCUSED AS LOVE T H IE F G. POOLE ACTIVE IN CORONER RACE TOWN AND VICINITY Roosevelt Leads Hoover In Votes From 16 States Thurston Upper Willamette É u ,.. B udget for th e T ow n o f Springfield For 1 9 3 3 Laurence C. Moffitt sixty disasters IN 1932 ADD TO RELIEF PROBLEMS ........77777 When Guests Arrive... F G G I M A N N ’S .....:..................... 77.7777’" ” 777.7.7 The Springfield N ew s C, ASwarts Nation-Wide Vote For PRESIDENT TO VOTE F. B. FLANERY, Secretary. v Sheriff