THU SPRINOnBLD NBWS THURSDAY, OCTOBBR 20, 1M2 co u m DIST No. 21: D. J. Wilkinson I Roy Foster (16.30; Poet Broe. (0.37 Davis 95 9«: Prank Jarvis »7.1«; 02 21; E. K Wheeler 0290; F. E. Walter-Bushong Luxnber Co. Ray Worden » 9 (7 ; Roy Pitch M ead 02 98; F. N Luce 01.49; O «14.60; Scott Lumber Co. 041.M »» M ; Ç McMillen «i.49; j S b n ï â October,, 1033 H. Hawley 012 64; Acheson * W 8 Jeans (36.23; Knowles A arson »1« U ; C. R. M iller U»g Sons 02 60 S P E C IA L R O ADS Graber «4.10; Pederson* A Brown Jack Shrum »19.9«; V. A. Hendrick' The heavy rain» of the past we ik Morr's A Morris 76c; »on 010 08; O O. Thorpe I N N ; B. DIST. No. 22: E J Mabe 014 M ; »11.40; DIHT. No. 1: Frank P. Briggs have greatly Improved fishing con 317 03; Isom Cox «8.73; W Christ Mil C lln ie lte r 02 98; Evert K trk George A. Halton «11.M; Equip­ ^ .P*Ln,* r M , M : R°7 «wing dlllons In- both the mountain und ment »207 63; Shell OH Cn. «».7(; snson 010 47; Gerald Deter I ng 029« Ru«en® « » d * Oravel Co. coast Ntreamn of the county. Many T. J. Neely «t» 15 ; OraberOettys |« 7 3 - L M Rumford 0373; D. R M l. 00. DIST. No. M : 8. C. Harnden Hardware Co. (14.93; Snellstroi i uood catches have been reported Kerr, Not Zorn, Proper Man Harrington 08.73; Troy Cox 03.73; 32««9; Geo. L. Mast 320.1«; F Mr. and Mr*. C. E. Swart« Broe 9348.83; Hills Creek Lumber Gerald Belfert 03 73; Equipment UiMlenhatnor 01.«7; O. C. Ptersoo i from the M cKetitla and U*lllam»tt« NOTICB TO CR EDITO R« to Support Says Rancher 36 00; Drury A Drury 03.78 Co. 8176.10; Twin Oaks Lumber 31 «7. Ixmter Barber 02.41; E. Had Been Married Forty- Notice Is hereby given that the elver» during th - past few days of Harney County HIST. No. 2: H D. Steel Brooke Hodenbamer 01.«7; E. Roy Smith Co 346.70; J. W Quackenbush A undersigned. W W Calkins, has Six Year« on Sunday ,M ii I of them are le-lug caught on Son 089.40; B. E W yatt Inc. 029.97 CRAZY CRYSTALS been duly appointed Executor of 313 41; Peter Hchulxe 028.31; Joe 08.9«; J M Berkshire 02.(1; Joseph Hills Service Station 8210: 8. B A Min «m l tVaiwr Treatment, ' salmon >er 020 :14;. Frank Sanders 04.47; 08.41; Peter Skovbo 3«.00 titled court uppolnted as adminis­ W ater Board »«0.96; Conaway's State of Oregon for Lane County the potluck dlnaer and Installation provided by Igw, all of the right, D IST No. 42: O. W. Brabham George Warner 02.«O; Mlller-San- Saturday, November 19th, 1932. at tllln and lnlure«t of the defendunta trator of the above entitled matter. College method, which bod already ford Tractor Co. 04.64; I l A. Babb 02 59; W illiam Higgs 01.24; P. V. Service Station »12.93; George A. ten o'clock A. M. at the Chambers of officers at the meeting of the Halton »1(43; U. 9. Rubber Pro In aatd »ult and of all partle« claim All persons having claims against been proved unsound In practice Hardware Co. 06.13. Greer 74c; Ted Wayne 74c; W . H. ducts »11.10; Howard Cooper Cor­ of the Cotinty Court In tbe Lane Eugene Legion post In the Armory Ing by. through or uuder them or »aid estate are required Io present and would add to taxpayer«' ex­ Dandy 016.23; Peter Skovbo 02.76; poration »38.(8; Brund Saw Shop County Court House, In Eugene, last Thursday evening. Dr. Dow the same properly verified to «ahi D IS T No. 10: M. L. Wallace any of them, in or to ihe totlowiag udmtnlNtrator at the law office «»» pense. 818 88; Equipment 036.00; Dick Twin Oaks Lumber Co. «6c. »11.74; J. E. Haseltine A Co. Lane County, Oregon, has been was the Installtn« officer. described real property, to-wit: DIST No. 44: Equipment |1«.16; "The state hoard has already »chick 02.98; T. J. Forcum 06 21; Eugene Sand A Gravel Co. 03.76. »69.««; Albert Flnsetb 92.61; Carl- fixed as the time and place for All of the l-ot or tract number­ llowurd M. Brownell. 78» W iliam eon. Hatton A Hay 940.(6; Mark C. hearing oblectlons. If any, to the ed Four (41 and all exrept the etle Street. Eugene, Oregon, w ith­ reduced expenditures by almost a George Hills 04.47; Jess Wallace DIST. No. 46: A. R. Tolman Sanderson Co. «116.4«; Simmons settlement and allowance of the north three acre» of the Lot or in «lx month« from thl» 20th day million a year. The total state out­ 01.49; J T. Awbrey 01.40. IUKA MEETING TO BE 020.94; Ove Bodtker 07.46; L. Hans or October, 1032. Co. »69.4«; Hathaway Motor Co. Anal account of the undersigned DIST No. 14: Joe McCargar tract numbered Five 161 In Fern­ ma 06 M; W ill Thornton 02.23; »6.90; Eugene Planing M ill »1.36; Administrator of tbe estate of lay for the institutions Is now less 06.38; Josiah L. Smith 02.23; Roy HELD AT EGCIMANN’S dale Addition to Banta Clara. In II D. C H E R R Y , Admlni«trator. Equipment 08.88. Oregon Machinery Co. »«7.00; Floyd Wilson, deceased. than two and one-half million dot Garroutte 03.23. latne County. Oregou. HO W ARD M. BR O W NELL. At­ F. N. McAlister, Administrator. DIST No. 51: H. W. Carson Goodyear Rubber Co. »2.24; L. A. DIST. No. 16: James Tedford DA TED till« 22nd day of Septiunber, torney for Admlnletrator. The regular semi-monthly meet­ lars tier year. It would be utterly 061.03' Fred Ijuigston 023.92; Ivor 023.64 Merl Albro 06.9«; Equipment Snow Co. »88.12; Veltnm A Clow FRED E. SM ITH . Attorney for 1032 Impossible to cut that another m il­ Clark 014.90; J. D. Clark 016.04; 01263; R. A. Babb Hardware Co. Mfg. Co. (9 .U ; Peerce Service Sta­ Administrator. ing of Iuka circle. Ladles Auxiliary II. L MOWN. Sheriff, (O 20-27— N 3-10-17) lion a year, and any person or E. A Heaton 020.86; W alter Murry 78c. of the O. A. R w ill be held thia tion «6.09; Eugene Wood Products N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA L E By W W KDMIBTON. l»epu y. D IST No. 66: 8. J. Goddard Co. 60c; Mldgley Planing M ill Co. REAL PROPERTY group. who would make such a silly 017 88; George Clark 013.9«; Frank evening at Egglmann’s Kandy H 20 O « 13 30-37) NOTICE OF SH ER IFF*« «A LE Geer 018.43; Ix»well Tedford 017.04; 0(4.18; Leonard Harrl» 06.9«; C. »1.20; Shell Oil Co. »598.43; Morris NO TIC E 1« hereby given that by statement In the face of easily as­ John Trunnell 314.95; Equipment W Allen 011.92; Ira Isham 911.92; Chevrolet Co. 83c; A. C. Haag A Co. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E Kitchen. Routine buainese and a C IT A T IO N virtue of no execution and order of certained facts, deserves nothing 0108.26; GraberGettys Hardware Casey Jones 05.9«; Frank Jones »«8.67; Nordllng Parts Co. »41.74; S TA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E consideration ot plans (or a finan­ IN T IIE CO UNTY CO URT O F T H E ule laaued out of tho Circuit Court but condemnation at the polls. cial proect for October w ill be 05 9«; Ray Coe 05.H ; James Jones A ir Reduction Sales Co. »15.84; Co. 019 50; Spriggs Bros. 01.25. CO U N TY O F LANE. STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE of the State of Oregon for l-ane DIST. No. 1«: Equipment 023.75. 05 9«; Clyde Dulley 06.9«; Virgil Snellstrom Bros. »172.80; Ben W il­ F. N. A V E R IL L . Plaintiff, vs. CAS­ taken up. "The safe course Is to give the CO UNTY. County thl« 20th day of September, D IS T No. 17: R. C. Gleason Clover 01(39; Chester H ill 06.H ; son »9.61; Jack Hodges »21.(6; D. CADE U T IL IT IE S CM PANY, a hill smashing defeat on the i4ghth Long 06.9«: Glenn Wood 06.9«; D. Conley »2.9«; Ray George »«.>4; corporation, and C LYD E E. CAR­ In the M atter of the Adoption of 1032. upon mid purnUAUt to n de­ of November and then get behind 075 39; Iloilo Ward 020.80; Bob cree duly given mid made by »aid Dos Deadmond 318.39; M. Brown Curtis Wilson »4.84; Lester Lake Owen 02« 82; A. L. W illiams 02«.82; LOS, Defendants. Clifford Wealey McDowell, a Court this 20th day of September, Chancellor Kerr and the Board for John Carr 8157.32; Roy Dixon 017 45; Delbert M erritt 017.45; F. «1.29; Milton Fitch »1.94; T. J. By vlrtne of an execution, )udg- minor. 1032. In a suit pending therein In constructive and economical oper 8148 33: Wayne E tter 0143.84; W. Smith 017.45; Dutch Potter Sweany «2.99; V. A. Hendrickson mont order, decree and order of To Jain«« Thoma« McDowell' Jeans 082 44; Howard Norlen 02.98; B. F Minney 076.39; Equip­ 86 87: Roy Fltcn $61.3«; Ralph King sale issued ont of the above entitled IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STA TE •vhleh Delbert V. H ill wan plaintiff utlon of our educational institu­ und Nellie S lat-s linker, ot. al. ment 062 ««; Leabnrg Garage 09.40; 01.10; A. E. Davis »1.1«; O. O. 01043; Ben Pitcher 011.17; Shell conrt In the above entitled cause O FIt OREGON, you are hereby tions.*' W Millican 02.42; R. H. Payne Thorpe 038.1«; E. O. Palmer 033.91; to me directed and dated the 11th OH Co. 04 20; GraberGettys Hard­ cited und required to appear In the worn defend.-.nts. which execution snd order of r-ule was to tne dl Ben Wilson 036.41; Roy Ewing 04 17. day of October. 1932. upon a Judg­ ware Co. 012.1«. County Court for Lane County In reeled and commanded me lo cell D IST No. 5«: W. H. Wheeler 020.93; D. D Conley 014.96; Frank ment rendered and entered in said N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T DIST. No. 19: Wm. W olf 061.74; the State of Oregon, within ten the real property hereinafter dee- IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O F T H E J E Flock 0112 26; A. W. Flock 019 37; Harold Shortrldge 01.49; Jarvis »46.46; Alvin W itham »39.40; Conrt on the 13th day of October, day« after the aervlee on you o( rlbcd' to «atinfy certain lien « and STATE OF OREGON IN AND 038 74; C A Hadley 017.88; C. T. Lee Chi vln 01.49; O. R. Lynfch G. O. Thorpe »19.43; A F. Wilson 1932, In favor of F. N. A V E R IL L , thl« citation. If aerved within Lane FOR T H E CO UNTY O F L A N E Beach 093 34; Henry Holt 0116.74; 014.90; Lester Shields 012.««; Roy »49.70. plaintiff, and against CASCADE County, Oregon, and within twenty- charges In «aid decree specified. I will on Friday the 4th day of Nov IN PROBATE. No. 6673. Wm Rardin 017.88; O. A Woodruff Caster 078.27: Earl Gowlng 0120.72; M A IN T E N A N C E : Eugene Sand U T IL IT IE S COMPANY, a corpora­ day« If »erved within any other ember. 1032. at the hour of 10 In re Estate of I-oulsa Mulkey, de­ 01 49; F. B. Chenoweth 04.47; L. R. 9am Snyder 27«.78; George Long A Gravel Co. »33.76; Ray Gtorge tion and C LYD E E. CARLOS, de­ County In thia State, If »erved per­ o'clock'A M al the south w>-«t door ceased. » Hebert 34 47; Gibson Hadley 076.03; Ralph Lynch 0170.77; Chan- »22.41; Jack Hodges »6.22; C. H. fendants. for the sum of Fonr sonalty, or If «erved by publication, of th? County Court House In Eu­ Notice to all Is hereby given that 311.93; J. W Leonard 01.49; Equip­ ncy Blosser 07«.78; W. H. Davis within twenty-eight duya from lha Thousand and no-100 Dollars gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer the undersigned, Lansford H. Mul­ ment 0428.05; Shell OH Co. 0152.26; 076 78; Morris Brown 027.38; Bill JohnsoD »5.9«; O. Harwood »5.9«; W. H. Robinson »4.47; C. E. Davis (04000.00) with interest thereon at date of the tlrat publication of thl» for »ale nod »oil nt public auction key. as the Executor of the above Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. 038 63; Hoover 027 38; Jim King 029.80; citation, to »how cause. If any you »4.47; Frank Jarvis »10.77; George the rate of 7% per annum, from for cash, subject to redemption as have, why the petition filed In thl« -rovldtd by law. all of the rlrb t entitled estate has filed In said J. E Paddock 81.80; J. F. Neal Jim Aldrich 033.28; Ben Briggs Crick »1.49; Equipment »63.60. September 17. 1931 and the further probate proceeding his final ac­ 81.15; C. T Beach 063 80; Western 332.78; Kenneth Arthur 831.29; Court by John K I ’ra ll und Theresa sum of Four Hundred and no-100 UH« mid I »• «rest of the defendant count; ihut by order of the said Liiml»er Co. 016.64; Mountain F ir Tom EM ERG ENCY: J. M. Purkeaon Arthurs 066.02; Clarence Dollars, (0400.00), with Interest M I'rall, for the adoption of C lif­ i i »aid suit ard of all parties e In lin­ »24.60; G. W. Brabham »«.97; F. Roemhlld 030 35; A. A. Kelley court duly given and made the Lumber Co. 01.75; Lawrence Hills ford Wesley McDowell, should not thereon at the rate of «% per an­ ing by. through or under them or hearing will be had upon the said 01 50; Nelson Motor Co. 07.40; R. 01490; Ed Kelley 030.35; Donald V. Greer »3.72: Ted Wayne »3.72; be granted In accordance with the any of »him »lore the 24th day of final account at the hour of 10.0b A Babb Hardware Co. 06.73; F. B. Kelley 028 86; Equipment 0147.00; O. L. Cheshire »3.72; O. B. Cheshire num from October 13. 1932 and the fnriher sum of T hirty Three and prayer thereof June, 1930, In or to the following o'clock, A. M„ October 28. 1932. Chenoweth 058.73; Croner's Drug z C. Addison 05.17; T. J. Arthur »3.72; T. C. Bryant »2.72; E. John 70-100 Dollars (033.70), costs ,jid W ITN ESS, the Hon. C. P. Bar described real property, to-wlt: son (1.49; E. L. Green »3.72; Adna 012.50; Jack Shrum 036.91. and that any having objections Store 02.10. nard. Judge of the County Court disbursements, and the costs of and Beginning r t a point 12.28 thereto shall filo the same In w rit­ D IST No. 59: N. L. Austin H. Signor »31.42, L. U Stewart upon this w rit, commanding me to DIST. No. 20: V. D. Fogle 04.40; for Lane County In the State of «3.49; F. D. Thompson »«5.77; chains South and 25.45 chains 373 59, Leevarn Austin 062.35; Earl ing In the said probate proceeding, F. D. Thompson 07.76; W illiam Ger­ Oregon, and the »«at of thl» Court make sale of the following des­ Ea»t of ihe Northwest corner of at or before the said time set for lach 03.24; Ed L. Eaton 089.76; Ed Miles 050.2«; Bud Miles 03 94; Z. Elbe L. Elgnor «13.72; Earl Roberts cribed real and personal property hereto affixed thl« 30th day of »80.61; H arry Gerlach »9.24; W il­ the Southwest q ia rte r of Section Moss 07.46; Howard Moss 07.45; hearing thereon. F Schmidt 037.26; Floyd F. Kel- September. 1033. situated in the County of Lane. 24 In Township 17. South Range LANSFO RD H. M U L K E Y , Ex­ say 868 27; Elmer M iller 066 29; W alter Scott 06.9«: Joe Relsen- liam Gerlach »24.30; J. C. Poneler State of Oregon, to-wlt: Dute of first publication of this J AMIS W. MOTT 2 West of the W. M. thence North ecutor of the Estate of Louisa Hubert Hyland 036.76; R. P. Co­ huber 013.41; Homer Austin 317.46; Motor Co. «8.(2; R. A Babb Hard­ citation 1» October 6th. 1083. Lot numbered two (2). In Co. »«.39; Equipment »381.90; 11 degrees 63 second» East 52.76 Mulkey, deceased. Attest W B. D ILLA R D . Clerk burn 343 76; T. J. Blakely 075.76; Merl Austin 02.«8; Oean Moore ware Block numbered seven (7). In REPUBLICAN NOMINEE State Ind. Accident Com. »371.41; chain«. laerce East 63 44 chains, II. E S L A T T E R Y . Eugene. By EVA L DU CKW O RTH, Deputy. O R IG IN A L PLAT O F OAK­ H P Ni'vm an 069.76; Curtis New- 013.40; Edd M iller 311.92; Equip­ C. H. Johnson «1.49; O. Harwood thence South 20 seconds West Oregon, Attorney for Exocutor. H e Is a man to whom all voters, (() 6-13-20-27 — N 8) 034.27: Delbert Edwards ment 044.00; Shell Oil Co. 031.73; RIDG E Lane County, Oregon, man »4.47; Frank Jarvis »14.3«; Ray 51.30 chains, thence Wont 64.30 S 29: O «132027» 035.76: N. O. Hyland 069 76: Ed Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. 31.90; together with a certain diesel regardless of party, may give their Worden »4.7«; V. A. Hendrickson chains to the place of be inning, Rusk 027.56; Bert Woods 823.84; S. B. Flnegan 019.40; W . P. Erhart power plant situated thereon. In­ whole-hearted support with the cer­ exrept 3.69 acres on the Ba t Frank E. Blair 01.50; John Baxter 01.80; Southern Pacific Co. 04.49; »93.67. cluding all machinery, equipment tain knowledge that he will as­ N O T IC E T O C R E O IT O R S side of »aid tract of land for R IG H T OF W A Y : F. K. Dompier 013 70; Road Dlst. No. 23 0800; Florence Lumber Co. 010.75. and personal property used In sume In Congress the same type cemetery lot and church, con­ In the County Court of the State Equipment 040.06; R. A. Babb D IS T No. 60: H. W. Carson »275.00; Charles J. Hills »283.76; connection therewith, and also of forceful, aggressive leadership of Oregon, for Lane County. taining 303 06 tier»'. Also the M. J. Wilson «60.00; Roland Dlmick 820.74; M erl Albro 02.98; Eugene Hardware Co. 04.46. including such personal property that has characterised hla public following d c crlhed tract to-wlt: In the .Matter of the Estate of »145.00; Curtis Enright »«0.00; C. DIST. No 21: M. D. Bolin 07.83; Sand A Gravel Co. 33.27; Jack of said defendant as may have career In Oregon. Joseph II. Fergunton, Deceased. The D. L. (’ . of Jercmlnh M Dick, L. Nystrom »210.00; Claud Jones Hodges 36c; Claire Parks 01.«7; been acquired by said defendant Notice Is hereby given that Shell OH Co. 317.18; J. Ernest George Tolman 01.88; John Peder­ »210.00; Commerce Mortgage Sec­ Notlf Vo. 7420 In Section 19. Smith 31.50; T. H. Parks 05.88. since September 17, 1031. Read Statement of Reeerd and JEW ELER Township 17. South llnnce One Emma Hlayter and Bessie W itham urities Co. »108.00; Oral Woodruff DIST. No. 22: V. C. Mowreader son 336.3«; Kenneth Barrett 336.0«; The distribution system of the Digest of Platform In VoAore' West of the W. M. and Section have been by the above entitled 847.56; Link Lund 857.83; R. C. Nell Buchanan 019.47; Harley Fur­ »240.75; Equipment »8.75; Laura Repairing a Specialty defendant CASCADE U T IL IT IE S Pamphlet. 34. Townnhln 17, South R a n g 2 court appointed as executrices of Stonefleld 016.98; E. Bakke |63.«1; man 025.97; Jay Oldham 019.47; Hnack »75.00; W alter Sorensen COMPANY used for distribution Spriugfleld. Oregon West W M. containing 160,69 the above entitled matter. AH per­ M artin »29.96; C. O. McBee »16.9«; Jess Peterson 811.99; Oliver Equipment 010.62. electrical energy in and about acres, except 40 acres heretofore sons having claims ugalnst said Fosback 91.79; Frank Worthington — Paid Adv. D I8 T . No. 01: H arry Keeler Bailor » 1 1 .H ; Fred Brown »18.9«; Oakridge, Lane County. Oregon. conveyed hv Edmundson to J. B estate are required to present the 02 23; Elxa Mercer 04.47; E. C. «28.52: W allace Keeler 0«.«9; J e u Ralph H all »11.9«. Including all franchises, permits, same properly verified to said exe­ Elliott end described ns follo./a. Dr JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN O IL IN G : In te r City Sand A rights of way. buildings, poles, cutrices at the law office of Howard Boardman 06.88; J. G. Baker 02.98; Driscoll 01.49; J. J. Emmons 31. 4F to-wlt: Johnas Dahlln 018.60; E. Engle- Russell Oakes 02.23; R. E. Keeler Gravel Co. »1.80; Frank Jarvis transmission lines, transformers, Naturopathie Physician Beginning nt the Southeast cor­ M. Brownell. 728 W illam ette Street. klng 01.40; F. H. W lllsle 016.82; 02 49- J. M Keeler 01.74; John »11.9«. meters, machinery, tools, equip­ rhons 01-J ner of S lid Jercmlnh M Dick D Eugene. Oregon within six months v ic to r Rath 017.13; T. R. Alexander Pederson 010.39; W . H. Dandy ment and Droperty of every kind, M A R K E T ROAD from this 20th day of October, 1932 I.. ('. and running thence North 014.33. Shell O11 Co. 0101.30. 04.24. Office Hours: I to 6 P. M nature or descriotlon used In con­ EM M A 8L A Y T K R . M A IN T E N A N C E : Fred 8mlgley 89 degrees 49 mlnutea West along DIST. No. ««: O. W. Lambert DIST. No. 23: Chas. Neet 043.1«; nection therewith, on the 17th BESSIE W IT H A M , Executrices 406 Fourth Street the Souih line of raid Claim B. B. Carter 06.0«; John Farrier «44.78: H. V. Jenkins 064.88: Chas. 816.16; Joy Inglehart 04.4«; Lowell day of September. 1931. and also Tedford 016.44; Fred Langston 37.21 chains, thence North 10.76 HO W ARD M. B R O W NELL. At­ Gold 388.15: Joe Owen 027.6«; V ic­ 05 9«: Chas. Mooney 06.9«: Harry such property ss may have been chains: thpnce South 89 degrees torney for Executrices. Oregorv 07.45; W. A. Carter 031.41; tor Kraal 04.47; W . L. Sailor 08.47; 08.70; Earl Ewing 08.72; Robert thereafter acquired by said de (O 20 27—N 3-10-17) Decker 08.72; Howard Tracy 08.72; 49 minutes Eaat parallel with Vern Hucka 027 92; S. M. Wicks W. W . W alker 07.45; Shell Oil Co. .»»; 8. ner Frye »7.98: Ted George »8.9»; 1932. Lane County, Oregon. THE COLEMAN Dated this 11th day of October, Pacific Co. 0218.40. C. Harnden »3.1»; Geo. L. Mast Ray George »16.31; Jack Hodges Laat publication, November 17, L A M P ANO STOVE Dated this 27th day of September (10.44; R a'p h K in g » « • » ; A B. DR. BLLA MEADE DIST. No. 81: Arnold Kernosky »1-89; Lester Barber 74c; T. B. 1932 1932. 1932. Optometrist H. L. BOW N, Sheriff, H. L. BOWN. Sheriff of Laae O. O. BROW N. Clerk of State 020.94; A. L. Kernosky 08.94; Le­ Scroggs »1.39; Penn Lumber Co. Davis »49.71: Clair Parka »71.9»; George Tolman »70.15; C. H . John­ «1 West ath Rügen» By A. K. H U LEG AA RD. Deputy. land Neely 013.9«; Adolph Hyman «43.00; R. A. Babb Hardware Co. County, Oregon. Land Board »179.77; Mapleton Garage »17.76; son »5.9«; O. Harwood »«Jl; C. ■. S 30: O 613-20-27) (13-10-27— N 3-10) 03.99; Chaa. M. Darling 04341. (O 99-97—N 9-19-17) RAINS GREATLY AID FISHING IN COUNTY | Lane County Coart URGED BY HANLEY /r=5T ON I N N B f f l FOR CONGRI Business Directory Edw. G. Privat POOLE • GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Lighting Funeral Directors Hew Instant-Get UL-Ji RadlfloîHi OPTOMETRYI G/aasea Will Help Price»« 7 4 » ONLY l l = S«« Your Local Doahr