THE SPRINGFIEL rW B N T Y -N IN T Il YEAR EWS SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON.THL'IU DAY. OCTOBER 20, 1032 CITY TAX TO BE 10 MILLS MORE KEENEY STRONGLY SUPPORTS SWARTS Past Officers Of BILL O.E.S. Honored TEMI SOLS 10 M IIO N e in Starts Its Work Reorganization Effected at j i Say* It is to Best Interest* of Meeting Sunday Evening; I Reaffirms Cooperative Agree- Committee* Are Named Lane County to Elect ment With Stats I* Good Springfield Man Business Deal Active plans for the winter's Budget Committee Tuesday Evening Prepare* for Tax Levy of «43.9S8.28 Mrs. Bertha Rouse is Presid­ ing Officer at Annual Func- Plan* for Second tion of Lodge Group Game Announced at High Past matrons and patrons of Cas- School Here Today work of the Christian Kndeuvor so cade chapter O. K. » took charge' Declaring that C. A. "Tom' TWO MILLION 18 SPENT OPERATING EXPENSE CUT Hwarts, of Mprlngfteld. Is by far the ,,f «Pringfleld were formula of the regular meeting of tbe lodge ROSEBURG HERE OCT. 28 butter qualified candidate for aher i l‘,d th" ‘'‘"•‘• ’I““ «•""'ch here Money I* Great Aid to Unem­ here Tuesday evening with Mrs 1 --------~ Three-Fourths of Entire Sum Iff. Hen F. Keeney, county as Sunday •»«”•<»« • regular meet Bertha Rouse, as presiding officer' Green Player* Put Up Game ployment in County Dur­ Required to Care for Bond­ sewaor, Issued a statement In h is! ,r * *** l**e troup. 'during the business meeting at *1 Fight But Drop Game tO A new constitution and an active ing Last Two Years ed Indebtedness o’clock. Other offices were filled Itebalf yesterduy Mr. Keeney do Cottage Grove Friday d a re, that he is la the "possession "■"»•b’*r P"*11«“- d|-»*n “P , by past matrons and patrons. Supporting the county court; Annual tax levy (or (he city of of facts" substantiating hi. position! l ’ldl““ Oar“ n “nd H“dl*”' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hwarts Were Junction . , City and Springfield , agreement with the highway com-1 Springfield (or the year 1*33 will C opied. Franc» Il Sisson, vice-president of that It Is to the best Interest of honored at tbe meeting. They high school football teams will mission by which more than tw o ' be lucreeaed by approximately » '' the Guaranty Trust Co., New York, Lane county to elect the Republl-j William Cox. Knqeavor Uresldent, have Just celebrated their fifty tangle on the Junction City grid- is the new president of the American can nominee, Mr. Hwarts, over Cal ““uounced the following commit- million dollars have Ixx-n «pent on mill* over that of laat year, ot . sixth wedding anniversary and are Iron Friday afternoon In the see- Rankers Ass'n Ife was elected *l tl state highways In Lane county the; Increaae of *11.646.64 above I ' tees to serve during tbe year; pray- ■ past matron and past patron of th e ' ond A league game for l>oth teams. Pryor, democrat. os Ansel» meeting total amount to be ralaud by tat er meeting, Mary Hadley, chairman, last two years, the lain« County! ’ lodge Both teams are given an even Ilia statement follows; tlou for the present year If tba Marurle JWuddell and Mina Peter- Chamber of Commerce passed raoo i During the social hour a com chance of winning the game, "1 should be and I am grateful to budget prepared by tba budget ; lookout. Barbara Adams, chair- I luttons Wednesday night at Cot- munlfy sing was directed by Mrs Springfield high school clasaaa the electors of Lan« county, fori board Tuesday evening la adopted. man. Beulah Thurman and Evelyn tage Grove. The cooperative agree- - W. K Barnell. and Miss Ruth Mor- will begin at 8 o'clock Friday morn- this Is tbe third time In succession | men I by which the automobile lic­ A meeting*to haar objection« to Harris; social, Altle Manning, rlson, teacher at the high school., Ing and will end early In tha after- that I have been favored with the the budget baa been called at tba chairman. Jewel Holterbrand, and ence fees are turned over to the plaved a piano solo. noon so that followers of the team Joint nomination for county asses City ball for Monday. November Dawn Church; Miss Adeline Perk­ state as the county’s share of tbe About sixty people were present j can be In Junction City In time for I »or by the two major political par- if being T 14. at 7:M p m. ins, chairman. Florence Vatt, and work was originally drawn in 1*30; outstanding woman in America for for the regular monthly covered, the game at 3 o'clock. ; ties. The honor Is one which 1 by the road committee ot the chain-j 1932“ was awarded Amelia Earhart dish dinner which preceded the —...-.-a Melba Harris. The 1*33 budget provide« for a The local boys took a drubbing truly appreciate und I have at all total expenditure of *43,*63.33, Funeral Services for Mary i times endeavored to govern my of­ Plans for a large social meeting Iter and urged on the county court I Putnam, in civic ceremonies at Phil­ meeting at 6:30. on the short end of a 37-« score at adelphia Her solo flight across the *3.660.00 to be raised from other Kissinger Held at School ficial acts and my participation In to lie held Inter In the year were and the highway commission. The meeting was an annual affair Cottage Grove lest week In their The county chamber In reaffirm ; Atlantic, the first woman, was the for the lodge. aourcee. and *41,403.13 by tax levy. also discussed at the meeting. ! first game. The final score was feat which won for bet. Sunday; Born at Thurston I public issues with the thought that Ing Its belief that the arrangement; not so good, but observers of the Operating lapeneaa Cut I my chief concern should be for tbe was a good business deal for Lane game say that the Springfield team, Operating expenses of the city Funeral services for Mr«. Mary : best public Interest, for I am but a county said that *2,424,000 worth j which is composed of nearly all government have been sat at *11,- Kissinger, post master at Fall Creek, 1 servant of tbe people and the pen- of state highway has been built at I green material, did not take tbe 307 for the year 1*33 as compared who died at her home there on I pie's Intereel should be my Inter­ a cost to the county of only *738,- set back seriously and that they with *14.316.71 for the present I I Friday morning following an ex­ est, but In tbe application of this 250. It also stressed that fact that learned some valuable lessons there months or a saving of *3.408.71. tended lllnee«, were held from the maxim 1 sometimes meet criticism In thia arrangement the county re­ which will be useful In their future This saving plus the six perceut Fall Creek school Bunday after­ and I am now being criticised and ceived every dollar on the roads; ----------- games. It was the first outright Increaae, allowable under the law, noon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. censured by a group of persons and there were co excessive inter- 1 Appointment of Receiver Is victory over Springfield for many has been established as a warrant Harry Neat, pastor of the Light­ seemingly alarmed over my volun . . I est chargee as In bonds to be paid sinking fund, a new Item In the house temple officiating. Interment tary. enthusiastic support of C. A. Mothers of First Two Grades laU.r The ,mportant place thia Awaited By Examiner; In- I. M. Peterson to Lead Discus-1ye,r8 80,11 battled to s h i ventory of Assets Started budget for this year. This Item was made In the Fall Creek ceme­ “Tom" Swarts. tbe republican nom at Brattain to Be Hostesses; sion on Proposed Laws and tie here last year. *2,424.000 state construction had The return of Dean Anderson to amounts to a total of *1.161.16, and tery. P o o I e • Oray • Bartholomew Inee for sheriff, and one of this' J ax |, p|anned ' played In providing unemployment Amendment* on Ballot Affairs at the First National the line this week after an absence will be used to take up some of chapel of Springfield was In charge group came to me and said, “Your . . . ...... . relief work was alsd recited. Bank of Springfield which closed of several weeks will greatly the outstanding warrants, provld of arrangements. eluctlun la assured, why should Mothers of students In the first Proposed constitutional amend­ Against Truck Bill Its doors Saturday. October 8. are strengthen the tacklea. Dalton Ing tax money comes In as export Mrs. Kissinger waa born at you Interfere In the contest be I and second grades at the Brattain ments and measures as found In the The chamber went on record as still hanging fire this morning. Thurman will likely be shifted hack ed. If this fella to come In the Thurston on November 18. 1874. | tween other candidates?" school will be hostesses at tht against the Freight Truck and Bus publicity pamphlet and which will, The appointment of a receiver again to his place at center where fund may have to be drawn on to and moved with her parents to Fall be voted upon by Oregon electors, "This question carries a sugges-1 monthly meeting of the P.-T. A. prevent further warrant Indebted Creek a few years later. She was lion saturated with the very es­ to be held at that school Friday bill and advised Its membership to was requested from the Washing at the general election on Novem­ he played last year. Otherwise there vote “NO." While trucks needed I ton, D. C. office last week by Thos I will not be much change in the naaa. married to John Kissinger on Nov­ sence of corruption, for It conveys afternoon at 3 o'clock. It was an­ ber 8, will be the subject of the Another new Item In the budget ember 18. 1884. She was a member the Inference that a seeker of a nounced this week by Mrs. W. U some regulation, members said, the j P. McCoy, examiner in charge. No monthly Brotherhood meeting of I starting lineup of Marion Hall’s la an amount of *4.600 set aside for of the Methodist church and of the public office should have but the Burch, local president. Plans fob place to formulate such a technical word has been received from that the Methodist chnrch here next measure was In the legislature. A ; city yet. One victory has already been won delinquent bond Interest warrants Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge. Tuesday‘even ing. fra M. Peterson one selfish motive—that of obtain­ the meeting were made Monday genera) rise In freight rates and the Mr. McCoy is now listing all as- ; by the Junction City boys. They The city Is actually about *3.000 Sbe Is survived by her widower. ing a position for his Individual ad­ afternoon at a meeting of the re­ city attorney, will present an analy behind on thase warrants, but the John Kissinger; one daughter, Mrs. vantage without concern aa to the cently organised room representa­ shutting down of the smafl saw-; gets of the bank making a complete sis of the individual measures and were sure of their game two weeks mills was feared if the measure Inventory which the receiver will ago with the Shedd boys when the budget committee chose to use two l-etha Hamilton, Sllets; and one public welfare— It implies Just Iff co then the meeting will be opened to tives comprising mothers of stw should be passed. Ihave to sign and for which he will contest suddenly shifted from a years In making good the deficit, a public discussion. brother, Harve Harkins. Oakridge tlon of the practices of that most dents In each of the rooms of tha The chamber heard tbe annual j assume responsibility when he is football game to a free-for-all fight •en d Obligations Heavy This will be an open meeting and despicable character—contamlnat Lincoln and Brattain schools. reports of County Agent O. S. appointed. between certain players. Players on Most of the Increase In the bud­ everyone Is invited to attend. Ing government purity—the moral Students of the two lower grades Fletcher and County Home Demon- Individuals who have papers and both teams are reported to have get Is accountable tor In two Items. Music will be furnished by a coward In public office who Is ever of the Brattain school will give a stration Agent Gertrude L. Skow. other valuable property In the safe turned thir attention to stopping The bond sinking fund which was fearful of opening his mouth or tak room demonsration as a program ; The next meeting will be with deposit boxes at the bank will be quartet composed of Mrs. George this fight only to find that tbe side­ Increased from *3.000 this year to L. Carmichael. Mrs. W. H. Blowers, Ing up his pen In defense of tbe feature, and L M Peterson will dla-! the Wlllakenxte Grange In its hall permitted to come to the bank and lines had become the scene of a *16.000 for next year accounts for Dewey McAlptn. and C. P. Poole. people's rights lest he may lose a cuss taxation problems. , north of Springfield. remove thia personal property by larger melee. Both teams left the (7.000 of tbs (11,000 Increase. The The meeting will be^in with a few votes or offend a machine poli­ signing a receipt, says McCoy. field disgusted. Item for delinquent bond Interest potluck supper in the church base­ tician. Attention at the high school la This must be done between the adds another *4.600 making a total ment starting at 6:30. Tbe program "The scheming politician may now being centered on tbs game hours of 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. Increase by these two Items alone Announce Selection at Week­ will follow Immediately. quote his code of political ethics In here the following Friday, October of *11.600. Regular meeting of the Brother­ an endeavor to prevent an "Inter­ 28. with Roseburg. This is the ly Practice of Methodist KENSINGTON ELECTS Bonded Indebtedness of the city hood was to have been this week, ference" that threatens Io scatter only home game for the Spring- Church Last Night arounts for a total of (33.308.03. NEW OFFICERS FRIDAY but was postponed. A Bible train­ field team this season. A large his hopes to the four winds, but 1 which Is nearly three-fourths of the ing school class in Eugene next ous fertiliser on these crops. New Announcement of the appoint­ was schooled under that old-fash Mrs. Edward Privat was elected Monday makes It necessary to have guarantee Is necessary to bring the total amount to be raised by tax­ Work Is Continuation of Umpqua group here and a large | selections of strawberries were In­ vice-preeident of the Kensington ment of Kenneth Roduner of Eu­ loned tutorship supporting the ad­ ation. the gathering on Tuesday evening. vocation that a public office Is a Broad Plan Adopted in 1924 troduced from the Alaska^nd Ore­ attendance will be necessary at club at their regular meeting Fri­ Members of the budget commit­ gene aa director of the choir at the Fletcher Tells Chamber public trust and the Incumbent's the game to meet expenses. gon experiment stations to find Methodist Episcopal church In day afternoon at the home of Mrs. tee did not want to increase taxes service should be for the public In­ better varieties for this county, 8. Wright. Other officers chosen locally for the next year, but the Springfield was made here thia Some of the varied activities of terest and that It Is not only a two trials of fertilisers were con­ were Mrs. W. E. Buell, secretary- MRS. HOWARD HOSTESS debts have been contracted and morning. Mr. Roduner was In a county agent, and those which privilege, but that It Is the duty ducted on strawberries, and a dem­ treasurer; Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, chair­ this Is the only orderly way of Springfield laat night to confer especially interest Lane county FOR PRISCILLA MEMBERS of all cltlxens. both those in private onstration on strawberry Insect man of the flower committee; and meeting the obligations according with members of the choir at their life and those In public service, to people and require a major amount control was conducted. regular rehearsal. He will take Mrs. W. K. Barcell, reporter. to W. P. Tyson, mayor, and chair­ Mrs. Norman Howard waa host­ manifest an activity toward the of his time were outlined before A tour was conducted to study Miss Edna Swarts. club presi­ man of the budget committee, and charge of the music In the local the monthly meeting of the County ess at her home last Thursday election of the most suitable per­ Irrigation of truck crops, the use dent, was elected at a meeting in church Immediately. I. M. Peterson, recorder. Chamber of Commerce meeting at afternoon for members of the Pris­ of electrical hot-beds was discuss­ September. Mr. Roduner la a well known sons seeking public positions. New Plan Started Cottage Orove last night by O cilla clnb. Games and refreshments F. B. Hamlin Furnishes Meat; ed at a special meeting, a fertilisers "Why should 1 Interfere and take The city la now working on an tenor aolglat. He la a graduate of Miss Anna Kersey was a guest at 8. Fletcher, Lane county agricul­ occupied the afternoon for the Large Crowd Expected at for truck crops studied. The coun the meeting. The next meeting orderly plan of financial readjust­ the school of miffclc at the Univer­ a public part In the contest between tural agent. guests. ty home demonstration agent was Meeting Here Friday ment In which the old obligations sity of Oregon where he studied "Tom" Swarts and his opponent will be held October 28 at the The work of the county agent In Those present were Mrs. Riley will be paid off as fast as possible under Madame Rose McGrew and seeking the office of sheriff? The Lane county now dates back to an assisted in carying on a project foi home of Mrs. W. N. Dow. Mrs. Snodgrass, Mrs. Mowry, Mrs. Ern­ Mmbers ot the Lions club of better home gardens. John Boardman. He has been solo­ answer Is. why should I NOT take and every effort Will be made to Barnell win be assistant hostess. original program established in Springfield will have their annual est Bertsch. Mrs. John Seavey, Irrig a tio n Stressed prevent new Indebtedness of this ist with the University Polyphonic an Interest In the selection of the 1*24 by farm and civic leaders. venison dinner at Taylor's hall Frl Mrs. William Ron~e, Mrs. Edward better candidate seeking an office Assistance in laying out Irrtga choir which sang Mendels hon'a nature. This plan has been changed from MANY ENTER WOODS NOW day noon this week. These dinners Privat. Mrs. H. O. Dlbblee, Mrs. B. tion systems was given 12 parties Human Paradise," and Oaul's with which I, In an official capa­ year to year by project committees This year 100 truck growers Irri­ SEEKING FIRST BUCKS are made possible by the good C. Stuart. Mrs. John Tomseth, and Holy City." city. have experienced 31 years of of the county agricultural council DOG LICENSE FEES hunting ability and generosity of Mrs. John Parker. gated 800 acres of truck crops, He has been soloist at the Meth­ close association and contact—a in cooperation with the county Mrs. Parker will be hostess at Hunting which practically ceased CUT IN LANE COUNTY odist church In Eugene for two contact In which efficiency and F. B. Hamlin, local postmaster, and while about as much more land agent and specialists from the Ore­ was Irrigated In the growing of shortly after the season opened be­ member of the club who has furn­ the next meeting to be held at her years and has also sang In many of harmonious relationship are vital License feet for dogs In Lane the other churches of that city. He factors In the better administra­ gon Agricultural college. other crops. Trials of fertilisers cause of dry weather and many ished venison for the dinners for home on October 37. Tbs Various Projects county will be reduced by one-half waa soloist at the First Christian tion of two of the county's most and Interest In the use of lime was forest fires was resumed again the the past several year.«. Mr. and Some of the activities reported promoted. The county agent tested past week-end with a vengence as Mrs. Hamlin returned yesterday LODGE DRILL TEAM. GETS next year It wax decided at the re church In Banta Clara, California Important offices. by the county agent afe aa follows: gular meeting of the county court when he resided there. He also "My support of Mr. Bwarts Is ab­ “Continued promotion of Interesi 167 soil samples for 69 farmer«. heavy rains made the woods safe from a hunting trip near Roseburg. GAVEL AT MEETING HERE held last week. The action waa spent some time studying In Port­ solutely voluntary and wholly for tn alfalfa growing nud in better He assisted the operators of the for hunters, and dampened the Several of their friends have also taken on recommendation of the land. A myrtlewood gavel was pre ent- the county's best Interest—It Is not pastures for nalry cattle. Lane Black Butte mine tn developing leaves and twigs so that it became been remembered since their re county dog board, made following their lime project. A soil short possible to track deer. All closed turn. ed to the Progressive 23’s. drill The church choir will hold regu­ actuated by the motives of a ward county farmers sewed approximate­ considerable agitation started by lar rehearsals at the church every forest areas have been reopened The program committee for the team of the Rebekah lodge, at heeler, seeking favors for himself ly 1560 acres of alfalfa this year, course was conducted. tax reducing bodies of the county Wednesday evening at 7:30. They now excepting game preserves. weekly meeting Includes John An their regular meeting here last Fri­ A campaign against ground squir­ or friends nor for the purpose of bringing the total In the county to Male dogs will be charged (1, In­ invite any Individual who enjoys advancing political partisanship. I The season officially closes on derson and W. E. Buell. Merton day evening by Mrs, Miner of Port­ rels was carried on with the as­ stead of (I, and females *1.60 In­ alngtng and who la not now affilia­ know "Tom" Swarts and I know 6,500 acres. Orders were pooled for sistance of farm organisations. In Tuesday, October 36. Bird season Ferebee will sing accompanied by land. The session was held at the stead of *3.00. The county dog ted with some other church choir h's opponent—I know each relative Ladlno clover seed, tours held, and this campaign 6.300 pounds of poi­ which opened last Saturday for Miss Vernlce Hawke, and other en­ I. O. O. F. hall. A social time fol­ more than 100 acres of this pas­ fund now baa sufficient to operate to Join them at that time. to his qualifications and adapta­ ture crop sowed. Two fields of stem- son barley was used, and squir­ China pheasants and Sunday for tertainment features are promised. lowing the business meetlhg waa ana will have a surplus of *3,000 at Ai new group of song books for directed by Mra. Riley Snodgrass, tion for the office and when I say rot resistant sweet rlover were cer­ rels were poisoned on 21.409 acres ducks and geese Is engaging the at­ the end of the year. Members of as I do with emphasis, that "Tom" tified for seed and a campaign of neglected land by supervisors. tention of many local sportsmen the club have arrived and will be Miss Maxine Snodgrass, and Miss GOD’S LOVE SUBJECT the dog control board are C. R. used In community singing under Edna Swarta. Gopher and mole control was dem­ now. OF SUNDAY SERMON Swarts Is by far the superior of started to Interest people In this onstrated and area gopher poison­ Downing. L. K. Parks, and William the direction of the Lion Tamers. The social committee for tha the two, mark well I know what 1 pasture crop. Coast section farmers Bainbridge. Veltle Pruitt, and Dallas Murphy. ing done on Goodpasture Island. next meeting was appointed and BOYS TO ENTERTAIN The morning worship service at am saying, for I am In possession were assisted In buying Bortfleld Poultry Tours Held announced as follows: Mr*. Blme* the Methodist church at 11 o'clock of facts substantiating my state­ turnip seed, this being an excep­ GIRL SCOUTS AT PARTY Chicken and turkey growers were Findley, Mrs. Nellie Pyne, Mra. MATT DORA BREAKS MANY ATTEND MASONS will be a missionary service. The ment that Mr. Swart's election over tional variety for the coast. assisted at meetings on brooding Clara Taylor. his opponent Is a matter of grave The Springfield Boy Scout troop LEG DURING FALL theme of the message and the an Coast Farmers Aided FIRST SOCIAL MEETING and rearing chicks and poults at them will be: "God Bo Loved the importance to Lane county. “A plot of rust resistant school- demonstrations and on tours. A will entertain the members of the "Signed. Girl Scout troop at a Joint party While cleaning out a part of the World.” Forty People attended the first TWO ATTEND DISTRICT mom oats wa, grown near Irving "BEN F. KEENEY." as a Btart of a project for Valley special turkey Institute was held. Saturday evening. October 29. It social meeting sponsored hy Lib­ old Bell theatre last Thursday The Church School meets at 9:46. MEETING OF LEGION Four hrundred cows were tested afternoon Matt Dora fell and broke The Leagues meet at 3:30. farmers to furnish seed for this for production In 11 herds In the was announced following the Boy erty Masonic lodge this season at Scout meeting here Tuesday even­ his leg. He was taken to the Pa­ The evening message at 7:30 CLASS ACTIVITIES AT M. B. Huntly and J. M. Larson variety to coast section farmers. herd Improvement association, ing. The Girl Scouts will hold their the local lodge home last Thursday cific Christian hospital where he will be "The Vengeance of God.” evening. A potluck dinner at 6:30 went to Monroe last night to at­ Fields of wheat, oats, potatoes, HIGH SCHOOL LISTED dairymen were assisted on organi­ la now convalescing. Rav. Dean C. Poindexter will and bent grass were Inspected and sation problems, tours were con­ regular meeting this afternoon at followed by an evening of cards tend the district meeting of the The entire building, of which the preach both xermons. furnished the activities for the American Legion. New officers A regular schedule of activity passed for certification of seed of ducted to see better pastures for 3:46 at the Methodist church. old theatre used to be a part, has Coburg Methodists were elected at that time. evening. meetings at the high school was desired varieties. Two now varie­ dairy cattle, dairymen were assist­ recently been taken over by Mr. "That the World May Know,” prepared this week by W. E. Buell, ties of potatoes were Introduced MRS. WILSON HOSTESS A social meeting for all Masons, ed In computing balanced rations, C. Meacham. He has started clean­ will be the text of the message at principal and heads of various for trial, a potato grading school nnd a directory of breeders was FOR NEEDLECRAFT CLUB their wives,-and for members of the H. S. CHURCH GROUP ing out the entire building, Includ­ • :46. The Church School meets groups. All meetings will be held was held, and plnns started foi Cascade chapter of the Eastern maintained. Sheep growers wr ?e PLAN PARTY FRIDAY ing the old community hall, and at 10.30. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson will be Star will be held each month. the purchase and use of branded assisted at a special meeting on at the activity period. will later add tome Improvements hostess at her home this afternoon Dancing and cards will alternate as Mondays will be devoted to the acks In marketing Lane county flock management problems. Members of the high chool divi­ to the property. at 8:30 to members of the Needle- the entertainment feature, dancing sion ot the Epworth League of the “ HAVE FAITH IN GOD" meeting ot the student council at potatoes. Weed control demonstra­ Aid In Relief Work craft club at their regular meeting. to be the principal entertainment Methodist ch~*reh will sponsor a SUBJECT OF SERMON which time student problems will tions were conducted and weed The county court was assisted In LEGION MEETING TO be discussed. Social promoters of killers sold to farmers In pools at plnnntng for the production and Mrs. Clifford Wilson will be the at the November meeting. Hallowe'en party Friday evening. assistant hostess. Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the classes and clubs will hold a meet­ coat. Orville McPherson Is chairman for BE AT HALL TONIGHT conservation of garden crops and Fruitgrowers Get Help Christian church announced that ing also on this day. FIRST SNOWFALL COMES arrangements. other food products by people A four-year demonstration was needing assistance from the county, LAST HALF TAXES Regular meeting of the Spring- "Have Faith b i God” will be the The Girls league will meet TO McKENZIE ROAD PASS field American Legion post number theme of the morning sermon Sun­ every second Tuesday with meet started to show the Influence of and help of farm organisations was Plano Class to Meet DUE IN TWO WEEKS pruning on grade and yield of red 40 will be held at Taylor's hall this day at 11 o'clock. There will bn lugs of the dramatic club Intersper­ enlisted In this work. A heavy snowfall, the first of Students at Springfield high sour cherries, pruning demonstra­ evening at 8 o'clock, according to special music. sed on nlternato Tuesdays. “Ten colonies of parasitised ear­ November 6, two weeks from the year In thia part of the county, school who wish to take piano lee- P. J. Bartholomew, adjutant. Thia The Christian Endeavor will Girls glee club meetings and nec­ tions were held, peach thinning wig« were brought to the county, Saturday Is the final day on which fell on the McKenzie pass early sons for high school credit may will be the first meeting of the post meet at 6:30 with Miss Nellie Luce essary class meetings will be held shown, and assistance given orch- the American Legion was nRslsted taxes for the last halt of the pres­ Sunday morning. State highway still register for this work with since the Installation of the newly as leader. on Wednesday. Boys glee club and nrdlsts In the control of cherry on their Oregon products campaign, ent year can be paid without a pen­ employees were busy early In the Mrs. Clera Tattle Fenton. Mr*. The evening will be given over to debate squad meets on Thursdays, fruit-flies nnd root borers. elected officers and these men will farmers week held, and miscel­ alty, according to Lloyd Howe, de­ week keeping the snow off the Fenton conducts classes each Wed­ Cover crop demonstrations were laneous assistance given farmers puty sheriff in charge of tax col­ have charge of the session. H. O. an evangelistic service and ser­ and general assembly and rallies highway. No snow fell lower than nesday at her studio at 1M conducted and trials made of vari­ and farm organisations.'’ Dtbblee Is the new poet commander. mon by the pastor. will be held on Fridays. lection. street. tri Pole bridge. l Y W E B 11 K . CREEK DIES P.T.A. MEETING WILL BE FRIDAY Affairs A t Bank Are Unchanged j M. E. MEN WILL TALK MEASURES IL IS CHOIR DIRECTOR County A g en t Tells o f M any Farm A ctivities LIONS WILL HAVE