OREGON M l LAW TO BE DISCUSSED THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1M2 THB SPRINGFTELD NEWS PAO» r o u i t A ^ kin A C ill U FOREST IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IN OREGON U O r / H f l f l , Much Naw W ork la Now Balng Carr I ad Forward by Addi­ tional Appropriation* On Card TEACHER PARTY Tonight TO BE TONIGHT Victor of Seattle Tournament Annual Reception for Faculty Mathodiat Board Representa- * »"**•« <* ^ r“ a"’ “‘ Expected to Be Favorite in Members to Be Held at forent improvement work 1» now Armory Match Tonight five Will Speak at Local Methodist Church Here being carried out on the 13,444,000 Church Sunday Night acres within the 14 national foreeU Jack Gorman and Walter Achlu ¡AMERICAN INDIAN IS SUBJECT OF STUDY A study of the American Indian, with special emphasis on the man­ ner In which they live at Whits Swan Mission among the Yakima Indians was made here Tuesday enlng at the regular meeting of the Mission society of the Christian church which met at the hotne of Mrs. W. A. Taylor. Mrs. D. B. Mur­ phy was leader for the program and Introducetl the subject, later call­ ing on Mrs. A P. Severson to give an outline of the work of Mr and Mrs. Dallas Wright among (he In­ dians at the White Swan mission. Miss Pearl Helterbrand. represent­ ing the young ladies society, also spoke on the mission. BODY OF MIN IS FOUND IN CANAL STORE EMPLOYEES HAVE the dinner games, music, and stunts were enjoyed. Guests Includati Mr, DINNER LAST NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Hen Hollister en­ tertained at their home Iasi night with a dinner for employeea ot the Irish Murphy store here. Following and Mrs. M H Irish. Mr and Mrs. I) II Murphy. Mr and Mrs Marlon Adama. Barbara Adams. John Dale Adams. William Cox. Eva Miller and Mlaa Clara Jones. Leaburg Resident Thought to H ay# Shpp indicate* a deplorable lack of bust of research, on . a forest . under man fourth this week visiting with Mr. and And now New York shops are of expected to arrive home a few days association with forest Robinson, secretary; Margaret Jar negg prjncjpje.8e W |th the result that agement. in Mrs. Frank DePue. Mr. DePue ferlng furniture made out of cello- later. Industries, or In travel. Fellows will rett, treasurer; Barbara Barncll. g greater part of the loans carried John Edmlston spent the week­ senior and his son left today for phane. pianist; Ruth Pollard, song leader. represent the entire value of proper be ecpected to devote their full time end on South Fork of McKenzie tjeg O(jere• only a c«wtly ami unnaadad esp anslon. «KabUahiac also with the understanding that A V L E ’ W i l ' «-hta « aod « .A « a n W k w nM o e k n e l a * s 4 t t t S u E p n s i X y S m IS 1 eV M S S a « 4 N is '1 J N N V K . W typss at f s arhooU the purchaser Is to pay the expense Ths loll.,wing srsuh, w u k is c u n ip iM tram t h . su tteo tia fi000 (MX) comparad w ith previous coat*. Your old heater traded in now south line of lands of Vance H. tables were In play. FIGURE (B) represent* the average inetruntion eoat par In «ha IT on a new MONTAG Circulator Howe, to the place of beginning, fltataa having asperate inatitutiona. Regular meeting of the Walter­ will bring you rtal beating containing 4.95 acres. FIGURE (C) represent* the averags instruction ooai par h A »M comfort this winter. Enjoy vol­ vllle grange will be held at the Applications should he accom­ Htaies which have combined inetitutiona. umes of warmth and a sub­ N. O. W. hall Friday evening of panied by draft or certified check I F OKKOON la forced to combine tito Vnlveraity of stantial reduction in fuel bills. for the amqunt bid and should be this week. State Collage, there would ba an I uric " - i Jn in mati Rock-bottom prices are now in each year par atudent, or nv - addressed to O. O. Brown, Clerk of Sacramental services are planned effect. Tbs new MONTAG is eoata for a oomblned iL udent bcuy. State Land Hoard, Salem, Oregon, truly an outstanding value. for the Waltervllle church Sunday. and marked "Application and hid Z o rn -M i It will also be decided whether or to purchase riverbed lands In Lane T stsm — L tt jw e r eAf AenSer *« B ill u t n b l County, Oregon.” f tu r down (ttym m ! C m - not to build a community hall ad­ o r a s tin * Dated this 11th day of October, rtm r» ! p a t tutu! joining thee hurch. The Presbyter­ t t the btilaite. 1932 KCBOOB. T A X -iA Y IW O A M O O U T IO « Amadea M . Smith, Chairman ian Presbytery has offered to make M 8 Pacific B uilding, P ortland, Ora. F. II. Young, Secretary G. O. BROWN. Clerk of State a substantial contribution to the Land Board. On. lonner Prm dm l pv« H a r m ite «ronges rrcommendauon Freuden Hrxwer daerve» re-eleaw«. te wy» la> wtet M hte-ffas aad I necessary expense Involved. (13-20-27— N 3-10) —Paid Advsrtlssmaat. W J. Herwlg of Portland, repres- snlativ* of the Methodist board of temperance, prohibition and moral welfare. In Ora