THURSDAY, OCTOBRE 13.1032 ENLISTMENTS WANTED •IN U. S. MARINE CORPS CRAZY CRYSTALS A Mlnsral W ater rreatmrnt. Brings a Health Knaort to You. 30 K 7th. 33 W 8th. Eu*.he, I ’h 1704 Enlistments In the United States Marine t'orpe are now being uc cepted for men between the ages of 18 anu 38 years, single, and height between «« unit 74 Ini lie«, according to Mack Sherman, re­ cruiting officer for this district Ap pllcgnta should confer with him at Salem. Seattle. Wash O c t 13— A call a4 The people of Oregon today wore «’iteraatlonsl Livestock Exposition ' NO TICE OP BHERIPP*B BALE gates swing wide on a week of the I issued by the West Coast Lumber­ REAL PROPERTY asked to vote down the Zorn-Mc finest education and entertainment I NOTICB la hereby given that by men's association, Seattle, giving Flier on College Moving Bill and ever combined on the Pacific Coast | virtue of an execution and order of LODGE CAFETERIA IS notification of a meeting at IB: BB muss their Influence behind Chan ^hls wl11 b< 220,1 arnua* E»po- rale Issued out of the Circuit Court a. m. Tuesday. October 18, a t tbe POSTPONED MONDAY of the State of Oregon for lame „ ... . .. aition, the west’s greatest educa- eellor K«rr and the State Board of , . . " , Winthrop Hotel, Tacoma. County thia 29th day or September, tional event and the largest live Higher Education for orderly and at(K.k , how ln the world The penny cafeteria which waa to 1932. upon and purauant to a de­ The principal buslneaa to come have I mm - ii held preceding the week­ cree duly given and mndo by aald before the meeting la expected to ♦ < »nomlral unification of Oregon** "Here producer and consumer Court Ibis 29th day of September. ly meeting of the Rebekah lodge be the report of CoL W B. Oreeley, higher educational system by Her- < postponed In which Delbert V H ill waa plaintiff secretary-manager, on tba member­ man Oliver, one of the largest I’ve- kr* * d',r* .compare Improvements definitely It wae announced Mon and Nellie States linker, «t. al. ship drive and the recommenda­ , made In stock and even the layman . ... On athletic Acids ol schools and colleges throughout the United States, stock and ranch operators ol Cen-1 day afternoon. Regular lodge meet wore defend."nte, which execution tions of the board of trustees to tbe can note the general Improvem -nt and order of sale waa to me dl thousands ol young American* are giving close attention to the words of tral Oregon gnd a member of the>,„ tle ribbons of IN T H R CO UN TY COURT OR T H E I will on Friday the 4th day of Nov­ to secure 80 per rent of the Industry _ more recent events prove without ' STATIC o r O R EG O N FOR L A N K ember. 1932, at the hour of 10 > a member of the advisory board "rtf. . as members, on dues reduced from COUNTY. o'clock A. M al the southwest door : a doubt that th» encouragement a-d , In the Matter of the Adoption of of tbs County Court House In Eu­ M m Dorothy Hann, Camden, N. 5 and 10 cents per thousand to 1H the new Agricultural Credit corpor- i instruction given by such great In- - Clifford Wealey McDowell, a gene, I .ano County, Oregon, offer atlon for this district. stitutlnns as the Pacific Interna- ! J. is K is s America" for 1932 She and 3 cents with the alternative of minor, for sale and soil at public auction was awarded the annual beauty title (losing the association If tbe IB for cash, »object t« redemption mm "As a straight business proposl- Gonsl is indeed a contribution to in the final Judging at Will To Janice Thomaa McDowell: per cent was not attained. IN T H E NAM E o r T IIK STATE nrovlded by law. all of the right, N. in a field of forte tlon, the proposals contained In the ; civilization, Itself,” according to O. o F It OREGON, you are hereby title and Interest of the defendant Leaves Hospital— W. F. Itsmsey To date the association reports In Hospital— A. lingera of Wendl­ Zorn McPherson Bill are unsound,” !M Plummer, general manager of from all parts of the U. 5. cited and required to appear In the n said ault and of all parties claim­ of Wendllng waa dlamlaaed from ing waa admitted tn the Eugene said Oliver. “State appropriations j ,be Exposition. ■■ "■ a membership of 194 mills, loggers County Court for I.ane County In ing by. through or under them or the Eugene hospital Monday ra ■ • and wood-working concerns, the hospital for treatment Monday. for the higher educational instltu -I "More Improvement- have been the State of Oregon, within ten any of th< m since the 24th day of . I O O ÎH U FF I T U I C T lar,e ,,t *■ “ ««nbers ever attained dnya after the service on you of June, 1930, in or Io the following tlons have already been so heavily ma none exist there. I t is evident that An unusual entertainment feature flight winner. West W M containing 160 89 Atteat W It DILLARD. Clerk. at the meeting. removal of the Normal Schools to Is offered this year in the world Kprtcg" district. treated at the office of a Spring- acrea, except 40 acres heretofore H. A. Wheeler won the third Hy KVA I. DUCKW O RTH, Deputy. conveyed by Edmundson to J H field physician Saturday for Itme Eugene and removal of the Univer­ famous rodeo which brings all of flight by defeating W llbar Newton, tO • 13-10-37 — N 3) On Upper Riven—Mr. and Mre. Elliott end described as follows, sity to Corvallis, would entail aban­ Who's Who In the picturesque and and W . Crnickshank »sill meet R. burr In one of his eyes. to-wlt: Gary Worth of Wendllng spent donment of expensive state owned adventurous wild west world of to­ H. Taylor In the first flight finals noticr or P inal account Reglnntrg nt the Southeast cor Sunday oc the Upper McKenxte Croswell Resident Here— Mrs. 8 buildings ard equipment on one day. Midnight, the king of the horse this week. ner of Sl id Jercmlnh M Dick D IN T H E COUNT Y COURT o r T H E E. Dresser of Creswell was a busi­ hand and construction of costly new underworld, the most vicious Bra L. C. and running tbence North river. S T A T E O F OREGON IN AND Harold Wolford will be matched 89 degrees 49 mlnutea Weat along ness visitor In Springfield on Mon­ buildings on the other. It Is evl hmas, the wildest Mexican steers r<»R T H E CO UNTY O F LANE Here fo r W in te r — Mine Nellie the South line of : aid Claim IN PRORATE. No. 6973. day. dent, too. that the proposed new the nimblest calves, the toughest against Lank Anderson Sunday In 37 21 chains, thence North 10.76 Lure of Cblco, California, la here to In re Eatate of Louisa Mulkey, de­ the championship match, a 3« hole junior colleges would have to be buckers and bareback broncs. chnlns; thence South 89 degrees -pend the winter visiting with Mr. ceased. game to be played 18 holes In the Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Included ln the Exposition dis adequately staffed and equipped, 49 minutes Boot parallel with and Mra. David Saltsman. Notice to all la hereby given that Lucas of Mohawk are the parents of and that the cott per student would plays this year w ill be beef and morning and 18 In the afternoon. South Hoc of said claim 37.21 the undersigned, lumaford II Mul rha'ns to East line of said claim, key, as the Executor of the above Candidate at Oakridge — C. A. a baby son born to them at the Pa­ be higher than present at the Uni­ dairy cattle from all parts of the and thence South 1075 chains entitled estate has filed In said United States, sheep, a large dis­ Swarts. republican candidate foi cific Christian hospital on Sunday, versity or State college. to the place of beginning, contain­ probate proceeding hla final ac­ play of fleece» at the Wool and Mo­ MISSIONARY OF AFRICA ing 40 acres, all In Ioine County. sheriff of Lane county spent F ri­ O c to l.r 9 1932. count; that by order of the said "No further comment seems nec- hair show, including the fleece of Oregon, said tract herein convey­ TO GIVE SLIDE LECTURE court duly given and made the day at Oakridge on business. ssary as regards this proposition ed containing all told and exclu- bearing will be bad upon tho said Has Emergency Operation— Miss of wreckihg Oregon's entire educa­ "B ill”, the lt-yea r old wether that aivo of exceptions a nctsd here­ won glory during the war by bring- final account at tbe hour of 10.00 Reedsport Man Here— Ray Car­ Doris Dozier underwent an emer­ An illustrated lecture on Africa in 420.06 acres of land, all In tlnnal system by populor vote, par , ing )n , 15o.qoo for the ed Cross at o'clock, A. M„ October 38, 1932. nes of Reedsport spent the week­ will be given at the W altervllle gency operation for appendicitis at la n e County. Oregon. and that any having objections tlcularly at this time when th ree; aucllon8 he!d in Tarlous parts of school house Friday night at 8 Dated thia 30th day of Soptem end here visiting with hl • mother, the Pacific Christian hoapltal in thereto shall file the same In writ­ year of hard work has already af the countrj-, the largest amount Mrs. Sum Carnes. o'clock by Hugh McCullcm. Salem. ing In the aald probate proceedings >er, 1932. Eugene Friday morning. feeted such substantial savings, and H. I,. UOWN, Sheriff from one sale being 85.000 at Bend The lecture is sponsored by the at or before the said time set for By A. E, Huloganrd, Deputy. Chaneellor Kerr has Joined In the The wether is still alive but w ill Visit at Corvallis— Mr. and Mrs. hearing thereon. Teacher It III— Mrs Allene Bas- W altervllle Church of Christ. (O 6-13-20 27 — N 8) L A N S F O R D H . M U L K E Y . Ex- Fred l«ouk and three daughters ford, third grade teacher at the tm rum rn tal task of carrying on not be shown at the Exposition. On sale every day. Good in Mr. McCuIlem spent several years ecu'or of the Estate of Louisa spent Sunday visiting with rela­ Brattain school, i III this week. (he work to fruitful conclusion. roomy coaches and reclining Poultry w ill also have an Im­ doing missionary work in South M ulkey, deceased. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S BALE chair cars. A comfortable tourist tives at Corvallis. "It seems rather that it is the portant place in the exposition, hav­ Africa and bas some very Interest­ II. E S LA TTE R Y , Eugene. Miss Edith Ayer Is substituting for REA L PROPERTY berth for tbe night as little as Oregon, Attorney for Executor. time for our peoule to mass their ing a new building, Wilcox Hall, re- ing slides to be exhibited. N O TIC E la hereby given that by $1.50 extra. Ask for details. Hunt on McKenzie— N. L. Poll­ her. S 29: O «18-20-37) virtue of an execution and order of Influence behind the new Chancel­ cortly com [ let ed for this purpose. Low admission prices will be sale issued out of the Circuit Court ard. Veltle Pruitt, and G B. Wood Visit Here from Washington— Mi­ ier, for an orderly and Intelligently Four-H workers w ill also have charged, and borne made candy of the State of Oregon for lutne hunted on the upper McKenzie F ri­ ami Mrs. L. G. Jordan and three planned economy program that will their own special activities at the will be sold. C A R L O L S O N , Agent County the t la t day of September. day and Saturday of laat week. children, Ray, Jay and Goldie, of look to efficiency tn education and show. Their annual Four-H club 1933. upon and purauant to a decree duly given and made by said Court Back from Hospital— Mrs. Ixtuisa Toppenish. Washington, spent Sat­ further cuts In co ts, based upon fat stock auction will be reld on th» 21st day of September. 1932. In Schnetxkey returned Wednesday urday afternoon and night at the study of facts."- Wednesday. October 19. Teams a h u II pending th»r»ln In which from Utah. Nevada, Montana, Ida- C. B. Shaffner waa plaintiff and J from the hospital In Eugene where home of Mr. Jordan's sister. Mrs. JEWELER ro, Washington. British Columbia, W aller Smith. Minnie E. Smith and she has been receiving treatments E. BL Pyne. They returned Sunday Hawkins A Roberta, Inc., a corpora­ for several daya. and Oregon will compete In stock accompanied by Mrs. Nellie Jordan, Itvpairiiig u Specially tion, were defendants, which exe­ Judging. mother of Mr. Jordan and Mrs. cution and order of sale waa to me Springfield, Oregon Attends Football Gams— Fred directed and commanded me to aelt Buell went to Portland Saturday Pyne. who will make an Indefinite F. F. Cooper who had his chest visit with them. the real property hereinafter des­ crushed ln an automobile accident GIRL SCOUT TROOP cribed to cstt-fy certain llena and morning to attend the Oregon- Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN charges In said decree cpeclfled, I Washington football game at Mult 10 days ago Is able to be out again. HAS WEEKLY MEETING REPUBLICAN Naturopathie Phyalelan will on Saturday the 29th day of tiomah stadium. OPTIMISTIC VIEW URGED Although In severe pain Mr. Coop­ October. 1933 at the hour of 11:00 Phone 91-J er's injuries were not of a serious FOR STUDENTS BY KERR nature. His car which turned over Plans for their second rumma-e CANDIDATE FOR o'clock A. M. at the southwest door Fish on W illam ette— Clayton F. Office Hours: I to t P. M sale Saturday were made last of the County Court Houae In Eu­ Barber and W. N. Gossler spent gene, luine County. Oregon, offer Spirit of Service, Achievement on the highway was considerably Thursday at the weekly meeting of 40« Fourth Street damaged but was driven home the the Springfield Girl Scout troop for sale and sell at public auction Sunday fishing on the W illamette. Advocated; Education Never for cash, subject to redemption as Gossler caught one 17 Inch red day after the accident. held at the Methodist church after More Vital Than Now provided by law. all of the right, side and they both reported fish­ General Ijtw 'l'rs c lle e title and Interest of the defendants Miss Veda Daley who Is attend school. The regular meeting will ing quite good. In said suit and of all parties claim­ Students at Oregon State college Ing Normal at Monmouth spent the also be held this afternoon. FOR LANE COUNTY, I. M. PETERSON ing by, through or under them or Portland Resident Hero— Jimmie were urged to view the future with wek-end with her parents recently. Attorney at-Law any of them, tn or to the following OREGON Baker, former resident of Spring- optimism and determination by Dr. W. H. Baker who for the past described real property, to-wlt: City Hall Uulldlng All of the Lot or tract number­ field at the time hla father oper­ W. J. Kerr, new chancellor of high­ two years has lived In the woods on POTATO GROWERS ORDER Springfield, Oregon ed Four (4) and all except the ated a bakery here, was In the er education. In hl first general the Tinker ranch, and Frank Helgel SPECIAL BAGS FOR CROP Election Nov. 8, 1932 north three acres of the Ix»t or city Tuesday from Portland where address to the student body this a resident of Tleasant H ill left on tract numbered Five (6) In Fern­ Lane county potato growers year. As he had previously told the he la now living. Monday for the Cascad- mountains dale Addition to Santa Clara, In through O. S. Fletcher, county agri- FRANK A. DE PUE Lane County, Oregon. Rtudents at the University of Ore­ to prospect for gold Admitted to Hospital — Claude gon. a spirit of achievement and Mrs Ella Lombard and'daughter cultural a(fent' ,h,a week ordered | DA TED this 22ml day of September, Never Before Held the A T T O R N E V A T LA W 1932 Gillespie, Herman lleaumlster, and service on the part of every stu­ Mrs. Brown of Springfield visited 3000 P°,ato baK” for the,r 1932 N O T A R V P U B L IC H. L. BOWN, Sheriff, Office of Coroner. Clair Robertson all of Dexter were dent and staff member In Oregon's friends in Pleasant H ill Sunday. crop. The bag - were ordered by 10 By W. W. KDM ISTON, Depuy. Sutten Springfield admitted to the Pacific Christian Institution,-: Is w-hnt the people of growers and w ill be tn three sizes 8 29: O « 18-20-27) Mrs. Brown, who was formerly Miss Building Oregon hospital Monday. Mrs. Goldie Lucas the state expect, he said. Juanita Lombard has Ju»t returned 100 pound, 50 and 25 pound. They and Infant son were discharged NO TIC E OF S H E R IFF'S BALE “Of course we are sorry reglstra from San Francisco where Mr. will have a distinctive brand label R EA L PROPERTY Sunday. Member of the Firm of Poole-Gray-Bartholomew Halt Is low because ft means many Brown Is in the Southern Pacific on them to advertise Lane potatoes. NO TIC E la hereby given that by young men and women are not get­ hospital with a broken leg. Service Station Robbed — The virtue of an execution and order of ting the training they so much need Miss Elizabeth Holcomb enter sale Issued out of the Circuit Court sum of 62.60 was taken from the till KENSINGTON CLUB TO VOTE 317 X NO - * Against Moving the Univorsity of the State of Oregon for Lane at the Glenwood service station nt this time, but this is no cause for talned a number of her friends at a OPEN FALL ACTIVITIES — Paid Advertisement. County this 26th day of Ssptember, sometime Monday while the at­ discouragement for you who are card party Friday n ig h t Those 1932, upon and pursuant to a decree here," Dr. Kerr pointed out “You present were Myrna Laird. Frances Formerly Walker-Poole First meeting of the Kensington duly given and made by aald Court tendants were absent for a few tn fact, can even gain -ome ad­ Hunsaker, Zella Mauney, Cecilia thia 28th day of September. 1932, In minutes. club to be held since the summer vantages front the smaller classes Cruzan, Theda Phibbs, Rosalie Par­ a suit pending therein In which EUG ENE— 11th 8PH INUF1ELD Married by Justice— Mary A. and closer faculty contact thus ker, Carol Lord, Bonnie Jeanne vacation began w ill be held F ri­ M. H. Stewart was plaintiff and and Charnelton, 228 Main day It has been announced by of­ C. R. H illiard, Josephine Hilliard Givey of Junction City, and George made possible. Tinker. Doris Mauney, Alvin Olson. Telephone 723 Phone 88-J ficers. The meeting will be held and Theodore O. Nelaon were de­ W. Riggs of Polk county were Remember Parent Sacrifice Henry Olson, LJ-man Tinker, Roger fendants, which execution and or­ at the home of Mrs. S. C. W right. married here at the City hall late "Never forget the gratitude yot, Fairfield. Jack Doane. Grover Kel- j der of sale was to me directed and commanded me to »ell the real Saturday evening by Justice of the owe to parents or others who are say and the hostess. Theda Phibbs i property hereinafter described to Peace, C. E. Wheaton. sacrificing to make It possible for wan first prize for high score and i satisfy certain Itena and charges In you to be here to receive these Myrna Laird the consolatloh prize said decree specified, I will on F ri­ Back from California — Mrs. day the 28 day of October, 1932, at Aubrey Brown returned to Spring- great educational advantage»," he for the girls, Grover Kelsay w on; added. It Is np to you now to first and Alvin Olson consolation' the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. at the southwest door of the County Court field Sunday evening from Son show these parents and others that prize for the boys. Pumpkin pie i House In Eugene, Lane County, Francisco where she accompanied your education Is worth while. If with whipped cream and coffee w as, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at her husband who was recently In­ public auction for cash, subject to jured In an accident In. Eugene. He you and all of us show a spirit of served for refreshments. achievement and service, there redemption as provided by law, all while cutting com last week Max of the right, title and Interest of Is now at the Sputhern Pacific need he no fear for the future. : Baughman received a serious rut hospital. the defendants in said suit and of “ People of Oregon have been above the heel ln the left toot sever- all parties claiming by, through or Home From Arlxona— Miss Violet most generous toward education > Ing all the tendons leading to the under them or any of them In or Glaaaea W ill Help to the following described real pro­ Inman returned Sunday front A rl­ nnd they have not lost interest by ¡leg. Twenty seven stitches had to perty, to-wlt: Imperfection In vision Is not. xona where she has been visiting any means. Never more than now be taken. Max had Just stepped Beginning at the Southeast cor­ always a moat serious condition, In thl» trying experience through from the corn cutter and the horses ner of Lot Four (4) In Fractional with an aunt, Mra. R. B. Griffin at hut defective vision will not Im­ Block Seven (7) of Christians Superior. She visited the Grand which tho country Is passing Is th e ' started up catching his foot In tho prove with the passing of time. Second Addition to Eugene, Lane Canyon of the Colorado, Ixtwer nepd of trained. Intelligent leader knives. He was taken to Dr. Rada- )RTLAND, OREGON County, Oregon; and run thence All doctors and Insurance baugh of Goshen. California and Mexico on tho re­ shlp more apparent." West along the North line of com pun lea now advocate a regu­ B. F. Irvine, member of the state On October 81 the Pleasant H ill Fourteenth (14th) Street Ninety- turn trip. lar periodic examination of the board of higher education, also ad Sunday school entertains tho Boost­ eight 0 8) feet; thence run North Take Trip to Coast— Mr. and dressed the students, adding his er's class who were winners In the 13 SHO W S IN O N f i - 1 lacras under eye« hy experts, and In many seventy (70) feet; thence run Enst Ninety-eight (98) feet to the Mra. W. H. Hnbha, and Mr. and personal assurance of tho prlcele s recent Sunday school contest The one roof. Exhibit« o f pura-brad Live- states laws provide for eye teats West line of Oak street, thence Mra. John Pyle and son. Earl, re- •tock, D ogs. Poultry, P et Stock , W ild Life, In schools. value ' college training with which party w ill be hold at the church. Land Prixlucti, Manufactured Producta, 4-H !K S S ■ — » " « •> ■ « W H Y T A K E CANCEB7 to face adversity. He also said he Prof. E. E. Kilpatrick city super­ Club end Smith-Hughes Vocational Education motor trip down the south Oregon en m e to the campus "to rejoice with intendent of the Philomath schools, Work» end, for the firne time In the North» Lane County, Oregon. DR. ELLA MEADE Dated this 27th day of September coast. They left Springfield last you" over the fact that higher edu­ visited friends at Pleasant H ill F ri­ weet. SPECTACULAR IND O O R RODBO. STANDARD O d . COMDUTF 1932. Thursday morning and visited at cation In Oregon has emerged from day night. Saturday and Sunday Optometrist H. L. BOWN. Sheriff, 41 West Ith Eugene By A. E. HULEO AARD. Deputy. Bandon and many other places en- the two years of discouiagemnnt Mr. Kilpatrick and Mr. Price spent I route and returning. and is now "out of the mire.” 8 39: O 6-13-20-17) hunting. O E G U C E D FAR ES - A l l L IN E S TOWN AND VICINITY D of Oakway blight S o u th e rn P a e ifie Business Directory fcdw. G. Privat Charles P. Poole Upper Willamette I Coroner POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Annual ’ A C I F IC IÑ.TER NAJIO N AL UVEST More Western motorists use STANDARD OCT. 1 5 - 2 2 GASOLINE than any other / AT STANDARD STATIONS, INC. 1 1R ID J r H 2I