THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YKAH H. S. FI TE O HPItlNGFIKU), l-ANE COUNTY, OREGON.THURSOAY. OCTOBER 13.1982 Grove To Have County Chamber COUNCIL P.T.A.TO MEET SATURDAY McKenzie No. 10 fc BAPTIST ELECT First National Bank hires HEW OFFICERS Goes To R eceivership C IT Y C O U N C IL TO WOW OJJOOKT Meeting Set for Tuesday; Rains Wednesday Afternoon First Regular Cams of Season Many Projects to Ba Up for First Fall Session of Execu­ and Evening Quell Most of { Fred Becomes Superin- Citizen CommittM Named «1 Diacuaaion By Mambara for Both Schools to Be the Forest Fires tive Body to Hold All-Day I lendent of Sunday School WENDLING RESIDENT Plan to Pay 50 Per Cent of Monday Mgdting; Plan Fire» Played Friday Afternoon Meeting at River Road PASSES ON SUNDAY At Annual Church Meet Cot Iago Grove will entertain for Deposits Mads By Lana Session on October 11 Fin- hazards of the McKenzie the lame County Chamber of Com valley have been checked by rain County Banks as Soon as ---------- First meeting of the l-sne Coun­ Selection of Fred Frese to serve Hiram Z. Cook Had Been Employed STRENGTH IS UNCERTAIN merce Tuesday of next week Io ty Council of Parent-Teachers will that began falling Wednesday after as superintendent of the Munday Receiver Is Appointed By CROSS IS COUNCILMAN By Booth-Kelly Company for stead of Thursday according to an noon. A great deal of damage has the Peat 20 Years Federal Comptroller of Cur- Inexperienced Material Shows nouncemenl sent out by E. G. Har be held Saturday at River Itnad been done the past week from reboot of the Haptlat church for achool north ot Eugene starting at rency. City Officials Object to Crtti- the next year was made last Thurs­ Up Well in Alumni Game Ian, secretary. II o'clock. Mra. O. H. Good, coun­ fires, many of which ore believed day evening at the annual business Hiram Z. Cook, railroad brake- ciem of Employees; Here Last Week-end According (o the announcement ty president, will preside over the t0 *’• » • b*‘ n of Incendiary origin __ „ ___ . . . . ____ _ man — for ___________ the Booth-Kelly lumber meeting of the congregation, „ He ment le Issued The Flint National Bank ot efforts are being made to make opening seaslon which will be de 8»d '«Ihers which have spread from harryV bai^ wbZ hto held company at Wendllng for the past Marlon Hall, high school football this the largest meeting of the year voted lo buslnea. dld not open for t .e fires at N inrod and Wendllng , hF ,,m<-e for the past two years. 1» died Bunday at the Eu . Springfield . u , | Naming of a budget committee roach and hla untried string of In both activity and attendance. Following the business meeting a Reports from the McKenzie coun ----- . , .. - . ,k._ -------i hlisintfgfl -vionday morning and the seating of J, B. Cross as Other officers elected at the i 1”1* hospital at the age of 50 years. gram players will mart their first The dinner will begin at 6:30 and try atute that the Downing cattle 46-mlnute program will be held . M in i- — " " Include: Harry Chase. J.; He was born January IS. 1382 at a n ^ an announcement was councilman to aarva out tha uaax- meeting raal last of the season Friday after Mr. Harlan declares that It will during which chairmen of the vari­ cutH«* herd ^h* *n ff ed t the meeting max, and character education. Mr. A audderi shift of the wind sent Reports of the various church or­ nesday afternoon at the Branstet- -,u8 e n e » Cottage Grove and j plred two years of the tai rm and the flames back this time. acbool team can win another game will be the aut»i ’a license fee Karl Downing ganisation» were read and a gen­ ter-simon chapel in Eugene. The I Junction City, have been en- trill continue In hla new office un­ Many foreflghters have been en­ from Cottage Grove despite the In­ problem; a conei At 11:46 each local I’.-T. A /ton of the eral discussion of future work ot Masonic lodge having charge. gaged in plans to make the til January. 1836, If electad. gaged In battling the flames under experience of the players. truck problem ano ne < ffecta the dent will answer a roll call with the church wax held. Local business men "sued to deposits of the bank available the direction of Laurence Millican Cottage Grove has nearly 60 passage of the pr osed tats law the statement of a problem she serve with the council and tha NEEDLECRAFT ELECTS as fast as possible. players turning out for their team will have on long hauling In this needs help on, or with some par­ mayor on a budget committee are: OFFICERS AT MEETING To Pay 50 Per Cent while Hall has had barely more county; a careful consideration of ticular problem solved. Mrs Dr W. C. Rebhan. O. H. Jarratt. than enough tor two full teams the pre.ient status of the highway Charles A. Hunt, state vice-presi­ Spokesmen for theae bankers W. C. Wright, C. E. Wheaton, and Mrs. Laurence Moffitt was elect-1 from which to develop his first program of the county. Including dent, will preside. said that they have approved a plan W. N. Long. ed president of the Needlcraft club; airing players. The ability of a survey of highways remaining to u u , . a : evolved today so that the other The first meeting of the commit- At 12:30 a covered dish luncheon coaches, and the determination of lie constructed, what work Is now will be served and at 1:30 the afternoon at th . home“ f Mrs^CaH ^ l ' ° U",y “ UW W 50 ' I“ ‘d “ th* players will be an Important factor being done on main highways of River Road acbool will present a Olson Other officers chosen for the £ “ ; „ * ** “ °"Ce < ° ”J ™ " * ” ° CtOb*r “ In the game tomorrow. the county, the use of state and short program, and Mrs. Warren next year are Mrs. Clifford Wilson. receiver, j 7-3tl to begin work on th . b«dC. t The home boys demonstrated federal appropriations, and the I) Smith will present a parliament­ Edna Sw art. New President Firrt Gatherin« “ k «>e govern for 1833. Home vice-president; Mrs. Clayton Bar * he" their ability to take It and smile prospect for the unemployed for the ary drill. The principal speaker of ber, secre.ary-tre^urer; and Mr. “f ”' ‘b ™ “ * Recon«‘ructlon : Cr.tlciam ObJ.otad to of Auxiliary; Post to Accept i V#r> Successful; Aaxiat Olson reporter last Friday when they met the winter. Finance corporation for a loan, on) Coiuidorable discussion was the afternoon will be H. It Goold, With H. 8. Football Fiald ’ certain assets of the closed bank i heard at the meeting over recant Alumni In their only game so far Produce as Memberships N. O. Isaacson of Goldson will re­ superintendent of the Kugene Mrs. Walter Scott was assistant 1 : in order that a still greater per- : criticism of the chief of police, The Alumni carried the ball down port on the dedication of the Ches­ school system. First meeting of the Springfield hostess at the meeting, and the' centage of the deposits will be. Members of the council Issued the Into the high school territory many hire road last month and the coun Parsons eligible to Join the Members of the County Execu­ Misses Jean Scott and Elwina Mea- Llona club In their new home In the cham assisted with the serving. | aTa,,aWe / “an the j following statement r^ ard tn , this times, but could never get the nec ty exhibits at the state fair and at tive committee from Springfield Springfield American Legion post | Taylor hall was very successful _. „ .. , .. , i process of liquidation. ! matter thin week: essary punch to push It over the the Pacific International Livestock are Mra. Lee Putman, vice-presi­ number 40 who have a surplus of The next meeting of the club _ .. „ i Friday noon. goal line, the game ending In a exhibition will be discussed by Mrs. dent; Mra. I). C. Ogilvie, publicity; fruits, vegetables, livestock or fuel, will be held on October 20 at the That the s PrlnK fl«I«l bank musti A‘ «»e Council meeting, there Five guests were present inclua- but who have no money may ex­ scoreless tie. Tre Alumni have Mabel Chadwick, secretary. ing the Misses Evelyn Buell and home of Mrs. Gertrude Wilson with ¡* '» the regutor way by “ d and Mrs. Pratt Holverson. program. been In the habit of defeating Ibe change some of their products for Mrs. Clifford Wilson as assisting the aPP°lntment a receiver be- 7 “ ' « “ ’■««'<"<> «bout the police Consideration will also be given Dorothy Mae Potter, Harry Stewart, school players each fall. We won­ to means of preventing the est­ their membership dues it was de- Julius Fulop and Merton Ferebee. hostees. came 8 fact today »ben directors department, especially of the chief der If the result of the Friday tus­ ablishment of a Japanese or other i elded here last Thursday evening Miss Buell played a group of three of the local bank were unable to ot P°Bco and street commissioner. sle means anything for the future. at the installation meeting of the violin solos after the luncheon. She : raise an assessment In cash at Councilman expressed the belief foreign colony In the county such LANE COUNTY TO HAVE post held In Taylor's hall. I present which would enable the that these complaints ware unjust The lineup for the game laat as has been done In other plaree, was accompanied by Miss Potter. It was also voted to Invite the BOOTH AT EXPOSITION other banks to take over the inatl and prompted by a lack of under­ week, and the one which will pro­ notably In Douglas county. Work of keeping the playing area Willamette Council, comprising tution completely and pay out the standing on the part of a few of bably be used this week Included of Brat tain field In condition for The Lane county booth which total deposits 100 per cent at th is1 ‘b* citlxens. Councilman statod posts in I-ane, Lincoln, Linn and liruce Hqulres. Dalton Thurman, football practice was discussed by was shown at the State fair and time. The 50 per cent advance-j that <»n»trnctlve criticism to Benton counties to hold their next and Jimmy West, three lettermen, HIGH SCHOOL BOYS Dr. W. C Rebban and members of as quarterback, fullback and right START SPEEDBALL PLAY One Timepiece Made of Wood meeting in 8prlngfield. This will the club rai. ed a fund at the meet­ which won an award of merit will ment is similar to ihe method now come<>- «luce It to realised that be placed in Portland at the Paci being used In regard to the Bank lbis channel affords the hast op- be held this month and will be the hllfback, respectively. ing to defray necessary expenses. fic Livestock exposition grounds of Commerce In Eugene but the Porta«tity of doing the wtU of tha Other players were Morris B lew Opening Gams Scheduled with 117 Years Ago Still Accur­ regular meeting for the election of It was announced that the Lions this week along with many other fact that the offer is as high as P*°P*e- but criticism that does not ate; Others Are Unique Pleasant H ill Hers on October officers. Dr. W. N. Dow. former ard and Rodney Veal at ends. Ras­ club quartet would sing at each exhibits from the connty It was an fine-half indicates that the ft nan -. otter 8 better plan to not construc- 21. Marlon Hall Coaches post commander here Is a candi­ mussen and Chelwood at tackle, future meeting of the club. Clocks always have a fascination nounced by Mrs. Mabel Chadwick.: ctol condition of the Springfield t,T® and not le“d to the spirit date for District commander to Wilson and Cox at guard. Williams Rew. Clay E. Palmer, pastor of secretary of the Lane county fair.{hank Is regarded as better than of pulling together for the heat Organisation Of a apeedhall tram and the older they are the more suebeed Robert Fromm of Cottage at center, and a stocky young fel­ the Congregational church in Eu­ who has charge of the exposition j most closed banks, interests of the city. Counctlmea low named Zlolkoeky at left half­ at (he HprlngfMd high school Is be­ interesting they become to those Grove. gene was to have addressed the display. All displays for the booth who have thin Inclination. Mr. McCoy will notify the Comp expressed themselves as ready at ing undertaken this week by Mar­ Precinct workers who have been back. The latter having Just re­ Springfield la not without her making a registration canvass of meeting hut was unable to be pres­ were taken to Portland In a truck troller of the Currency Immediate- all times to make a thorough study cently turned out for football and lon Hall, athletic director and an this morning from the Public Mar ly that a receiver must be appoint-; own collection of Interesting clocks the city reported having registered ent. 8" Plans of improvement that Initial game has been scheduled has proven to be one of the hard Edward Privat, local Jeweler, has between 30 and 40 people during ket In Eugene where they were as­ ed and will remain in charge here has to do with managing the affairs with the Pleaaant Hill high school eet men on the team to atop. sembled. of the city, whether they come until the receiver arrives. The failure of the Alumni to de­ team here on the afternoon of a varied assortment In hla shop their drive. which date back to one made In The Exposition opens on October from an organisation, or Individual. Officers Installed at the meeting feat the regulars was not due to th< October 21. Hughes Gives Reasons 15 this year, two weeks earlier than The mayor and each councilman There are many hoys at the high 1816 by C. A. Swarts. a former past lark of good playing material. Their William G. Hughes, president of usual. Thia particular clock which la commander of the post. Include H. lineup Included outstanding play school who are too light for foot the bank made the following public is Just another citisen of Spring, era of the past few years such as ball, and who are good athletes and now 117 years old la still in perfect O. Dibblee, commander; P. J. Bar­ statement this morning In explana- rteld. serving without pay. endeav­ MRS. MOFFITT HOSTESS Freeman Squires at fullback. Ever­ want to participate In some such condition and is running every day tholomew. adjutant; 1. M. Peterson, Uon of the closing of the institu oring to do what Is beat for the The clock was made by Board first vice-commander; Verne Cald­ majority of the people, keeping In The speedball team ett Squires at quarter, Tomseth and activity. FOR RADIO PROGRAM tlon: man and Wells for Hiram Hunt of well, second rice-commander; J. M mind the ability of the taxpayer to seems to fill the gap according to Tratcher at half. Harold 8tevenson ----------- I "For the protection of the de- Bangor, Maine, according to a Larson, finance officer; M B Funeral for Mrs. Sarah E. meet the financial end of the bur­ and Mattison at ends, McFarland W. E. Buell, principal. Mrs. Laurence Moffitt was host-; positors the directors decided to den. > printed slip contained Inside ot the Speedball teams have been or Boyle Held Wednesday; Huntly. Dr. W. N. Dow. and W N.l and ('ox at tackle. Geiger and Thur ess at her home for a radio pro ' close the bank on account of the Has Many Duties gantxed In many of the "B" league door. Gossler, members of the executive man at guard, ud Lynch t center. Pioneered at Yakima gram Tuesday evening to hear the decline in business and deprecia- Possession of the relic hae been committee. "In view of the complaint haara Theae Alumni flyers turn oul schools this year where sentiment broadcast of the address delivered tlon in securities brought on by that the chief of police la not busy Officers for the auxiliary which, Mrs. Srrah E. Boyle, resident of in New York by Calvin Coolidge‘on conditions generally. and practice each year and then has been against playing of foot In (be hands ot the Privat family for many years, having belonged to were Installed the same evening Springfield for several years and behalf of Herbert Hoover’s candi­ and that he does not keep the play a game with the regular team ball. Mrs. Prlvat'a parents while they were Miss Edna Swarts. president. B Pioneer of the Pacific Northwest dacy for the presidency. A large “We wish to express our appre- streets clean and In good repair, to test their strength and aid them lived In Minnesota In getting to feel at home on the DR. DOW WILL INSTALL Mrs. F. B. Hamlin, vice-president: <,,ed at her h< me on East Main group of ladies volunteered to a c t, cNafI°n fke bankers of the coun- it is pointed out that whereas four Dtatlnct features of the clock In Mrs. H. O Dibblee. treasurer; Mrs street here Monday evening. Octo as hostesses for this program fol { for the Interest they have shown years ago. the chief of police re­ field. The alumni boyi frequently EUGENE LEGION OFFICERS elude: Ita almost entire wooden 10- at the age of 73 years. are out on the field assisting Vance Caldwell, secretary; and lowing the formation of the Hoover- and their willingness to be of fur­ ceived a salary of 8160.00 per construction. The plates, cog wherever possible In building up Springfield Post and Auxiliary In- Mrs. W. N. Dow. chaplain. Born ° n January 8. 1869. In Iowa CurUs club In Eugene Monday. Mrs. ther assistance In the liquidation of month and the street commissioner who was an entirely different per wheels, and frame are all of wood Members of the auxiliary voted the daughter of Frank Weddle and Paul Rewman. national committee- the bank's affairs." high school team vltsd to Potluck Dinner In son received a salary of 8U&-00 In fact about the only metal used to resume Ihe regular meetings of Martha Sullivan. Mrs. Boyle came woman from South Dakota address­ ■ » The last financial statement per month with extra pay for extra Armory Tonight In manufacturing the clock are the their sewing club during the winter to the Pacific coast In 1874 apd ed republican women in Eugene made by the Springfield bank Is work, now theae two departn>e«rt» FORMER LANE SHERIFF brass bushings and a few small pioneered in the Yakima country Tuesday and assisted in the organi­ reprinted on page 4 of this Issue. Dr. W. N. Dow, past commander wire pins. Tha face of the clock and months. are under one man, who to chief until 1881. She was married in 1813. sation of the club. PASSES IN PORTLAND of the Springfield American I-eglon of police, street commiaaioner and (he hands are all of wooden con­ Surviving are her husband. John CIVIC CLUB HEARS post number 40. will be the Install­ struction. assistant fireman, who to paid a Dillard A. Elkina. Uncle of Mrs. L. Boyle, one son. William M. Faw- ing officer for Eugene post tonight TALK ON BALLO! LAWS ver. Elk City. Nevada, and one FUNERAL SERVICES FOR salary of 1125.00 per month. Ha This clock strikes the hours on Larson Wright Burled In when they hold their regular In a gong. is on duty 34 hours per day. PATSY W ILLIS HELD Portland Tuesday I. M. Peterson was the principal daughter. Mrs. Josie James ot ■lallation of officers nt the Eu "He supervises all policing la Another Interesting thing about Washington county, Oregon. gene armory. Graveside funeral services for the city devoting on the average the clock Is the guarantee round speaker at the regular meeting of Dillard A. Elkina, former demo­ She was a member of the Christ­ A potluck dinner will be held Inside the case which nsaerts that Ihe Civic club held Tuegday after­ of from four to alx hours per day to cratic sheriff of la n e county, pass ian church since she was 16 years Patsy J. Willis who died Saturday preceding the Installation and this clock Is "warranted If well noon at the home of Mrs, Julius evening at the home of her daugh­ police duty, la street commissioner ed away at hla home In Portland old. Fulop. He spoke at length on sev­ members of the Springfield post need.' ter, Mrs. C. F. Mooney at Dexter, and relieves the fire chief one day Bunday at the age of 64 following Funeral services were held at the and their wives have been Inviteli Man Stricken each week and Is subject to call Mr. Privat has a written history eral of the measures which are to l’oole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel In following a long Illness were held Well-Known nn attack of pneumonia. to attend. of this clock which was compiled be voted upon at the general elec­ Springfield Wednesday morning at the Lowell cemetery Tuesday Wednesday While on Hunt- at any and all times. Since theae Funeral services were held In morning at 10:30 o'clock with Rev. two departments were consolida­ for him by a Southern Pacific tion on November 8. (hat city Tuesday afternoon at 2 ihg Trip With Brother The latter part of the afternoon and the body was taken to Yakima Gordon C. Griffin officiating. FUNERAL HELD MONDAY ted. the cost of the street depart­ watch Inspector. In a hearse for Interment. o’clock. T h e Poole - Gray - Bartholomew Other Interesting clocks In tne was spent playing Hallowe'en James B. Pumphrey, well-known ment has been reduced and tha Mr. Elkina was a graduate of the FOR EARLY RESIDENT chapel of Eugene had charge of Springfield hatchelor, was stricken cost of the police department has Privat display Is one which needs games. Refreshments were served University of Oregon, was a mem by Mrs. Fulop and Mrs. L. K. Page, the funeral. IUKA NAMES MEMBERS and died Wednesday morning while been reduced nearly 70 par cent Mra. Clara May Sprague, a resi­ only to bo wound once each year. her of the Shrine, of the Woodmen assistant hostess. Mrs. Willis was born In Adair hunting with his brother on the To the charge that the graveled of the World, and had served In the dent of Lane county for the pa-1 23 This clock Is housed In a glass bell­ It was decided to hold regular OF PROGRAM COMMITTEE county, Kentucky, on April 28, 1854 East Fork of the South Fork of the streets have not been graded thia Philippines during the Hpanlsh- years died at her home on Big Fall shaped case, and Is usually wound meetings of the club st the home of summer, tt Is asserted that it la and came to Wlnberry In 19161 McKenzie, He was 75 years old. during the Christmas holidays. It Creek eight miles east of loiwell, Amerlcan war. Naming of committees to have members during the winter months. where she lived until recently when Impossible to run the grader ovar Is built to take advantage of the He waa an uncle of Mrs. Laraon Saturday at the nge of 67. charge of money-making public pro­ The regular program committee as Mr. Pumphrey was born In Gib-'hard dry streets, but that such she made her home with her daugh­ She waa born In Missouri on theory ot perpetual motion. Wright who was Portland at the grams to be given during October The other most striking clock appointed at the previous meeting and November was the principal ter. She leaves only the one daugh­ son county, Indiana on February 6, work is done after the fall rains time of hla death. He Is also sur­ March 18, 1866, and had lived In 1857, the son of John and Ba’bsheba set in. It la desired that the peo­ among the collection Is a large one Includes Mrs. Fulop, Mrs. C. E. Item of business transacted last ter. Eugene for 20 years before moving vived by his widow, Mra. Grace I. Whenton, Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah Phumphrey. He came to Oregon ple know that under the necessity Elkina of Portland; hla father. JCd- to her farm where they have spent which stands up about nine feet and Mrs. Emily 9. Peters. Thursday evening at the regular In August. 1906. settling at Yoncalla ' of strictest economy, the council high and about eighteen Inches the last three years . wnrd Elkina, Portland; one brother, bi-weekly meeting of the Iuka cir­ PASTORS HOLD SERVICES where he lived for 12 years before | had consolidated these depart- Besides her husband, Edward wide. Willard A. Elkins, Eugene, and two cle, Ladies of the G. A. R. AT DORENA CHURCH moving to Springfield in 1917. ment« and have alio ted tha various The Jewelry store becomes a veri­ DEMOCRATS TO RALLY half-brothers, Glen and Clarence Sprague, she Is survived by one Members of the committee for duties of the different offices to table music temple when all of the brother, William Blllmlre, Eugene. AT EUGENE NEXT WEEK October are Mrs. Clarlne Putman, Elkina of Eugene. Rev. William O. Taylor, pastor of In Springfield he made his home Funeral services were held from old clocks start striking the res- Mrs. Stella Lewis, Mrs, Edith Lax- the Springfield Baptist church and with his brother, Charles, who sur­ one man whom they hellers to Democratic women of Lane coun­ ton. Those on the November group Rev. Kenneth *foblas, representa­ vives him. Both brothers remain­ doing the beat he can under tha COMMITTEES APPOINTED the Branstetter-Hlmon chapel In pectlve hour, and the many modern Eugene Monday afternoon at 2 electric models begin their chiming ty will sponsor a political meeting are Junior members of the circle, tive of the American Sunday school ed unmarried during their entire, circumstances." FOR REBEKAH SOCIAL o'clock with Rev. Harry R. Neat and gong striking. under auspices of the Democratic JoLana Putman, Bernice Barnes. union are at Dorena this week lifetime. Their father died when Central committee at the Court­ Marjorie Jolltff. ann Marian Ship- where they are conducting special they were young leaving them with RIVER FILMS SHOWN officiating. Interment was made In Members of a committee to ar house In Eugene next Thursday ley. TO EUQENE STUDENTS the old I. O. O. F. cemetery. evangelistic services. Harry Chase the responsibility of providing for PRISCILLA CLUB TO range for the monthly social pro­ evening at 8 o'clock. Bert Haney will lead the prayer meeting at the their mother and three sisters. HAVE MEETING TODAY gram to be held after the Rebekah Dr. W C. Rebhan exhibited the will be the principal speaker, ac­ local chuTCh this evening In the They were farmers. lodge business meeting next Mon­ FIRST MASONIC SOCIAL films of the two Rogue river boat cording lo Mrs. Van Vnlxali. mem MISSION SOCIETY TAKES absence of the pastor. Mrs. Norman Howard will be IS SET FOR TONIGHT day evening were appointed thia Ho Is survived by his brother, trips which he and hla eompanious hostess at her home this afternoon bqr of the committee. THANK OFFERING HERE week. They are Doris Girard, En Charles, one brother. William, one took during the past two summers The first month' ■ social meeting at 1:80 o'clock for the regular meet­ DRIVER'S TESTS ARE nice Gerber, and Dalay Hllla. sister. Mrs. Rachel B. McIntyre, before high achool students at the of Llberety Maeonlc lodge will be ing of members of the Priscilla HIGH SCHOOL CLASS A thank offering for missions SLATED FOR TH IS WEEK both of Fort Banks. Indiana; two Presbyterian church In Eugene on held at the lodge home here thia club. HAS PARTY MONDAY was taken here Monday afternoon BAPTIST MISSION CIRCLE . evening. A potluck dinner for all sisters, Rebecca Brocaw, Evansville, Tuesday evening. Tha ahowtn* nt the regulnr meeting of the Wo Glen Bown, examiner of opera­ Masons, their wives and all mem­ HAS MEETING TUESDAY Members of the high school Sun­ men's Foreign Missionary society tors and chauffeurs, will be nt the Indiana; and Carrte B. Speer. Ona- waa made as a part of the "Explor­ ROYAL NEIGHBORS HAVE ing Oregon” program which bers of Casende chapter, O. E 8. day school class of the Methodist of Ihe Methodist church when that Knights of Pythias hall In Eugene Ida, New York. He Is also survived MEETING WEDNESDAY a part of the high school chnreh by four nephews and two nieces. Members of the Mlaslon Circle of and their husbanda will be held at church were guests of their teach­ group met nt the home of Mrs. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of night party. the Baptist church held their regu­ 8:30. Following the rilimer the Mrs. Hannah Lepley was hostess er, Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter, at a W. H. Pollard. The meeting had this week to give examinations to The funeral services will be held lar meeting Tuesday evening at the evening will be spent with cards. at her home Wednesday afternoon party at her home Monday even­ been postponed from last Tuesday { persons wishing permits or licenses from the Poole-Gray-Bartholomew Admitted to Hospital— Mrs. M home of Mra. Mel Rlcq. The devo- Harry M. Stewart, J. E. Cross, for members of the Royal Neigh­ ing. Games and refreshments were because of the conflict wltr the Dis- to drive motor vehicles. His hours chapel In Springfield Saturday tlonala were conducted by Mra. and Carl Wyman are In charge of bors of America club. Mrs. Bessie enjoyed during Ihe evening. About trlct Mission convention being held will be between the hours of 8 a. morning at 16:30. Interment will be Maybe was admitted to the Christian hospital In » m m m M b Cecilia Jones. the meeting tor October. Endicott waa assistant hoateaa. 26 attended. in Eugene. m. and 6 p. m. tr< Laurel Grove cemetery. t ' «• c a LEGION DFFICEBS LIONS HAVE GOOD INSTALLED HERE HEELING _ FRIDAY JEWELER OWNS CLOCKJISPLAY EARLY PIONEER I I tMPHMXMnmwa J. 0.