FOUR MARY L DIES ON n TU R 8PRINGFIKLD NKW8 FORD CAR HOLDS SALES LEAD SINCE JUNE , Lane Politics Are Quiet This V/eek Oregon Registration Figures Show Total Volum e of IS Per Cent of A ll N aw Automobiles Keeney Comes Out in Support ANItUAL BAPTIST MEET IS TONIGHT FROSH INITIATION HELD LAST NIGHT | First World Series Fan f CAina Vs. Japan On Armory Card Patutira Taknhnshi Saaks to Since June when volume deliver­ of Swarts for Sheriff; Other New Officers and Budget to Fuñera* Services for Marcóla Freshmen Initiation Ceretnon Add Victory Over Achiu; ies of the new Ford V-8 cars begau. Candidates Stirring Resident Held This Morn* Ford has led all competitors by a Be Acted on By Congrega­ iss Prove to Be Humorous Defentn P«ito on Friday tion Following Dinner ing; Dr. Stivers in Charge wide margin In sales ot passenger Event at High School Action in Ihe Lane county poll All wrextllrg matches will lie cars, commercial vehicles and tical campaign which has been Mary L. Boggs, 6», ot Marróla, Members of the Baptist emigre . f First year students at Ihe Spring held on Thursday .veiling« Instead trucks, according to official figures smouldering for some time await nation will meet at their church died Turada? at the home of her field high school were officially of Friday during Ihn coming winter reported today by John Anderson, ing the announcement of an agree daughter, Mr*. R. C. Serfling 540 here this »veiling for (heir annual I initiated tutu the atudunt body amid si ason It was announced this week of Anderson Motors. Inc., local Ford ment between the Republican and business meeting and elect,on of Washington street In Eugene. | a barrage of paddles wielded by by Herb Owen, promoter, tor the dealers. Democratic leaders on suggested officers. Boru In Gilroy, California on Feb­ Kugene Wrvalllng commission upper-lasenieti al the gyiiinaa.uui Ford took the lead in national debates has seemingly progressed ruary 14, 1879, «he came to Lane A church dinner in the basement Wednesday evculng The program Conflicts with university athletics motor car sales In June, Increased no further this week, other than in county in 1883 and has lived here at 6:30 will precede the regulat Included the following numbers and and other affairs on Friday even his lead in July, as production of individual cases. meeting. sincve that time. I was well attended by students and Ings were named a the reason for the new Fords mounted, and main The two political group: «-ere uu The following offices are to bo Surviving are the widower. E. E the change, ' towuapeople; tained the lead throughout August able to agree on a satisfactory plan Bogga; five eons. Waller Boggs and filled: two deacons, church treas­ Last week 11 was Petsura Taka­ The Uraud Mi rch by all the according to reports for that month for their debates at a Joint meeting Leonard Boggs. Marcóla; Roy Q urer, church clerk, one trustee, hashi versus Wildcat Pele, a Jap­ freshmen. already received from 34 states, held last Friday, and since that lasbcth. Viennese tuition designee. Boggs, Harrisburg; Clifford! and chairmun of the nursery commit­ /J’S anese Jlu Jltsu artist versus the Mr. Anderson declared. In additiot. time Judge C. P. Barnard has come The High School Song by all (lie Howard Boggs. Portland; and five tee. chorister, Sunday school sup­ Iter pipe and Daschund imps, arc in perfectur of the airplane spin. Thia the U. S., looking for America's freahmeu. to this, the latest reports also re out openly as wanting to meet his daughters, Mrs. Elsie Serfling, Mrs erintendent, and a head usher. twst dressed woman, so 'tu taxi. She week It will be Japan verau China veal that Ford led in sales in the opponent in the county Judgeship Win. Cunningham, 28, former rail­ Imitating farm animal» hv Lyl« Olive Lott, arid Leona Whitall. Eu A nominating committee has proposes to send American lastuaa road fireman ol Kansas City, hough! when Takahashi meet Walter largest cities during the first 10 race, Fred Fisk. In a few debates ' McArther. gene; Mrs. Ella Crowley and Mrs. beeu appointed and will report Ita hints back to Europe. the first general admission ticket to Achiu, annnwnburg artlat. In the days of September. Walter Dillard has also indicated Edna Barr, Portland recommendations at the meeting. the YanUs-Culis world series game al main event Pillow fight by all the boys. In June, the first month of which his desire to match arguments with Funeral services were held at 10 The feather wuik by Barbara Bar New York September J8. Cunning- Other matters to be taken up at The special event will offer Don volume deliveries of the new Ford his Democratic opponent. Sam Le- hem sal himseli down by Ihe Yankee o'clock this morning from the I uell. l)ou KendeU, Florence May, ticket window un September 19th, Hill, Ihe leg artlat, matched against the meeting accortjing to Rev. W. care were available Ford's share hman of Junction City, Veatch chapel In Eugene. Dr. E. V Bobby Calkins, Caroline Zlolkdwskt, where he held vigil until tickets went Mny Ryan, said to have the moat of total passenger car sales In the Ben F. Keeney, running for coun G. Taylor Is the budget and geueral Stiver,! officiated, and Interment on sale the day of the game. i Roy Crandell. plan for the next year. perfect physical form of any wrest­ was made at the Marcóla cemetery United States reached 34.9 per ty assessor with both Republican ler in Ihe local group. The Joy ride by Leota McCraken cent for ita nearest competitor, and Democratic endorsements at 11:30. and Kusaell Cooper Ford commercial cars were 60.5 came out publicly this morning to Pete couldn't stand up under the per cent of all such vehicles sold, support C. A. Swarts. Republican Demonstration Agents Will The Arliatlr Dance by Frances Japanese methods last Friday even­ aa compared with 37.4 per cent for, candidate for sheriff. Keeler and Varreu Vail. ing and lo t his mulch 2-1. Hill Show Means of Preserving its nearest competitor, while Ford Charles Poole. Republican can The peanut race by 1-anora Coop pul up a game hallla and yon a Meat of Ewes, Wethers trucks represented 35.7 per cent of. didate for coroner, and l-awrence er, Codgel Zollkowekl. Alpha i*rin- draw with Tsacoff, the Bulgarian all truck sales, as compared with Moffitt, Republican candidate for Dressing and conserving of mut deil, Wayne Tullar. Drucllle Og'l- Miss Esther McPherson Be ■he name evening 27.1» per cent for the nearest com-: county school superintendent are ton will lie demonstrated at a moet- vie, Ralph Ualluck. Metta Udell, comes Bride of Cerroll petilor. both opening up vigorous cam Failure to Register Means In­ Carl Moore. Tng to be held at Wlllakeuse ability to Vote for Univer­ July Sales Heaviest paigns this week. Adams at Home Ceremony Hula Hula Dance by Lester An Grange hall at 9:30 a. m. on Thurs­ Ford Sides in July, as revealed j ------------------------- sity or For President demon, music by Carrol Cooley. day, October IS. This demonstra­ Native of Lane County Passes by otlicial registrations, mounted1 One of the social events of the tion will be conducted by Gertrude Boxing mates by Nell McArther, past week-end here was the mar­ at Hospital Monday, Leaves over June figures and Ford's share: Have you registered yet? of the business was increased. It you want to protect yourself L.~Skow. county home demonstra­ Charles Clement, Ivan Storment, riage Sunday afternoon of Mias Husband, Two Children and be a participant in the Ini tion agent, and O. 8. Fletcher, coun Robert Saul. Ralph Smith. Don Esther McPherson. daughter of Ford passenger car sales reached Funeral rervicea for Mrs. Laura 38.4 per cent of the total business portant and interesting political ty agricultural agent, with the as­ Kendell, Earl Richardson. Ray Mrs. Stella McPherson, to Carroll Clay E. Palmar to Ba Lunch­ Walsh who died at the Pacific as compared with 24.2 for its near­ campaign now in progress you will sistance of H. A. Lindgren, exten­ Rogers, Albert Rndakowskl, Jack Adams, son ot Mr«. Elv* Adams eon Speaker at Friday Noon Christian hospital in Eugene Mon­ est competitor. Ford commercial not fall to be a registered voter by sion livestock specialist of the Ore­ Pederson. Melvtn Stevens. John The rerwnony wan performed at Meeting of Local Dan gon Agricultural college Klckbush. Saturday night. day, October S. will be held at the cars were 54.4 per cent of all cars the hum« of the bride's mother at The flour art by Jean I-ouk. Olga 2:30 by Rev. Veltle Pruitt, pastor The object of this meeting is to Lowell church this atiernoon at 2 sold, giving Ford a greater percent- F u n cr a , Services Are Held at You can register at the office ot Members of the Springfield Lions dtmonsirate means of utilising fat, Palanuk, Audr.y^fhomiinon, Jose­ of the Christian church. o’clock. Rev. Harry Neet will offi­ age of the total business than all The club will hear Rev. Clay K. Palmer, the County Clerk in the court Buckley, Washington Mon­ phine Jones.' ciate and interment will be made at other manufacturers combined. The double ring ceremony w u used. pastor of the Congregational church house, at Little Deudy hall on Wil­ aged e»M and wethers that arc day; Here Three Years Cornflake« act by Lillian Triiika, the Pleasant Hill cemetery by the Ford chare of national truck sales lamette street in Eugene, at the ordinarily considered Inferior for Virgil McPherson, brother of the In Kugene discuss (be Ten Year Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel of was 34.4 per cent as compared with ity hall in Springfield, and with a food purposes. Killing, dressing Warren MrKenny. Mildred Tuhy, bride, was bast man, and Miss Bar­ plan or Boy Scout activity which Is Funeral services for Mrs. Clar cutting, and preserving aged sheep j 1-e»‘ tlay. Evelyn Rohlev. Lyle Mel bara Adams, slater of the groom Springfield. 37.1 per cent tor its nearest com­ being advocated for this district at tnda L. McDougal who died Friday large number of designated regis­ will be demonstrated There Is ea*f- Mrs. Walsh was bom at Fall petitor. wa» maid of honor. Mias Mcl'her their semi-monthly dinner meeting trars in var ous parts of the county. evening at the home of her daugh a great deal of interest on the part Airplane ride by Ruby Houk, Creek on Augug* SI. 1893 and has The ieporting of registrations in ter, Mrs. S. P. Bennett at Wendllng But, you cannot register after of sheep men and others in learn Reuel Lee. Lois Manley. Margaret son carried a boquet of pink car at Taylor's hall Friday noon Other lived in that vicinity her entire life­ August in the various states is not nations, and Mias Adams an arm special music Is also promised by Saturday of this week. If you are were held Monday afternoon at Ing how to cure Ihe shoulders and Liles. time. comnlete but on the basis of re­ ot Talisman rosebuds. the committee consisting of Larson 2:30 o'clock at Buckley. Washing not registered your name will not legs of the fa' ewes and w«-there Candy stunt by Roland Fanis Ixir.ii Edmiston, cousin of the Wright snd Jean Thompson. She is survived by her widower, ports thus far received from 34 ton. P oole-G ray-B artholom ew be found on the poll book of your and later smoking them like hams worth and Pearl Heltcrbrand. bride, sang "I Love You Truly." Chill Walsh, one daughter. Opal states. Ford sales again led the chapel had charge of shipping the precinct and you will be unable to Thta will 1» • (ha flrat meeting of The hair dressing act by Jot.ana and bacon. This special processed Uuaets at the wedding Included the club In the new location and and one son. Virgil, all of Lowell, field. oto against the University moving body. Putman and Paul Haxby mutton is said to he very delicious Since volume deliveries of the Mr, and Mra. Virgil McPherson and her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Mrs. McDougal was bom on Octo­ HU, usable to vote for a candidate and to resemble ham In flavor. The cracker stunt by Lois Bench, and children of Dallas; Mrs. M»ry under their recently adopted rule«. new Fords began in June. Ford Neet of Fall Creek. ber 5, 1846 in Bradford county. Pen­ for president of the United States Wayne Crabtree. Lawrence Chase. McPherson. Mlsa Vlnnle McPher­ Curing Method Simple has accounted for 38.6 per cent of nsylvania. She moved to Pittsville. and for local candidates to say C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S Aged sheep, even when tat, are La Moyne Black. Helen Cooley. Uel- son, Mias Lulu McPherson. Mr. and all new passenger car sales in Ore­ Wisconsin when she was 14, and nothing of the many measures to don Stafford, Fern Fisher, Edward of low market value. The methods gon, as compared with 23 per cent Notice la hereby given that Mrs. William Burkhalter. Mr. and was married to F. E. McDougal be brought up for decision next shown in this demonstration will Hensen, Florence Fish, Charley In­ Mrs George Cole. Mr, and Mrs School District No. 19. In lauie for its nearest competitor Mr An­ there on April 14. 1862. month. offer to the farmer, or others inter­ gersoll. derson added. Ford sold 813 ot E. E. Hewitt. Kugene. Mr. and Mra. county. Oregon, will pay at the of­ They came to Buckley. Washing Protect your elf and your county ested. an opportunity Io supply Mrs J. N. Hill left Wednesday the total of 2.108 cars ot all makes Apple act by Joe Krupka and Floyd Travis, Mias Maxine Snod­ fice of clerk of said dlalrlct, all . . . . . . . . , , . , . ton in 1891 and lived there until in the University fight and see that for Walla Walla. Washington. themselve with some very cheap Marjorie Johnson. sold in the state in June. July and . grass. Miss llasei Edmiston. Ixrren warrants to and Including 2212. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barnet! left August. _ Ford obtained . an 7 even three years ago when she came to you and all your friends are regis­ meat for winter use. They will be Meeting the Queen by Ethel Sev- Edmiston, Rev. and Mrs. Veltle dated June I, 1932. Interest c e a s e s Wendling to live with her daugh­ tered even if you have no other mo­ arson. Wllmlna 8prlggs, Florence last week for an extended visit in greater share of the commercial agreeably surprised at the taste of Pruitt, Mr. and Mrs. D. B Murphy, after October 8. 1932. tive for so doing. . Washington. Their son David, is car and truck business in the three ter. the product, and where they are ac- May. C. F BARBER. Clerk. Mrs. Mabel Riddle, Mr.a Elva She is survived by her daughter Springfield already has more than i ustonied to curing hums and staying with Miss Heersma to at months’ period. The first kiss by Metta Udell Adams and sons, Oliver and Eaaell, and three sons. John McDougal. F. 1100 registered voters but there tend school. bacons themselves they will find and Fredla Gay. Walter MclRiereon, laiVrrne Mc­ W. McDougal, and M. E. McDougal, are always a few who forget. The Bridge club met at Mr. and The onion race by Delores Cat- Pherson. and Mra. Stella McPher­ that this method Is not at all diffi­ FALL JURY PANEL FOR all of Seattle, also 12 grandchll- Mrs. Fred Russell's home Wednes­ teel, Woodrow Bates, Colene Corn­ son . cult. CIRCUIT COURT NAMED dren and 13 great-grandchildren. day night. ell. Kenneth fa x . Irene Anderson The agriculture and home econ­ -T LEAVES FOR CHURCH ----------- She was a member of the Wo- Mrs. Ruth Bray from Port Or­ omics committees of Willakenzle Lloyd Harris, Barbara Burnell POTATO GROWERS WILL Selection of the Jury panel for the man's Relief Corps and of the Re- ford spent Friday night with Hazel CONVENTION CITY Orange are cooperating with Mis George Irvin, Ethel Severson. October term of Circuit court was bekah lodge. She attended the Edmiston. The big dipper by Caroline Hicks TALK BRANDS SATURDAY Miss Hattie Mitchell left Tuesday Skow and Mr. Fletcher in making Fayo Holverson, Nellie Howes Ira Gray. Fred Gray. Jr.. Lawr announced this week by W. M. Dil­ Episcopal church. Only one for Indianapolis, Indiana to attend local arrangements for this meet Helen Cooiey. C o o rty Agent Seeks Sentim ent of ence Baxter. Lawrence Gossler and lard. county clerk. Springfield resident. Mrs. Harry the annual convention of the Christ­ ing. Similar demonstrations will A ll Growers Tow ards Uni­ Jack Harbert are in eastern Oregon The funnel by Therman I-annlng ian church. She came here Sunday be conducted at Franklin, Florence, and John Krupka. form Labeling Plan hunting this week. Several from Whitney, was named for Jury duty. TRANSIENT JAILED FOR MOLESTING- * a‘ EN from Ashland to visit with her sis­ and Cottage Grove. All Interested here also went up the South Fork Others from this pari of the county Number on the program were parties are Invited to attend. ter, Mrs. Dallas Murphy for a few Potato growers of laine county Mrs. Rena Edmiston is In Junc­ who were chosen are R. C. Brewer,, kept secret from Me participants Henry P' days before leaving for the con­ tion, City attending her brother. Fall Creek; J- D. Fountain, Cres- members of the freshman class un who are Interested In using uni­ vention city. MANY ATTEND REBEKAH til their turn to participate. form, branded potato sacks thl Mr. Anda Calvert who is seriously well; John Beak. Creswell; Forrest Mon»* Drury, Rainbow; L. E. Ziniker," Miss Mitchell is a m lslonary year will hold another meeting In ill. CONVENTION TUESDAY . ker In the Belgian Congo of Babe Pratt and Anne Jaques of Creswell; H. W. Veatch, Lowell; J Minnesota Resident Hare— Mrs the Chamber ot t ommerce riMims 'lea. Mabel spent Sunday visiting friends E. Paddock, Oakridge; and Palme Twenty-six members of Juanita Peter Gorrle of Minneapolis is here In Eugene at 1:30 P. M. on Satur­ Humphrey, Fall Creek. here. Rebekah lodge of Springfield at­ visiting with her aunt and uncle, day, Oct jLer 8, according to County The Jury was (ailed for O| The local schools closed Wednes­ tended the county convention held Mr. and Mrs E E. Fraederlck Mrs. Agent O. 8. Fletcher, who has call­ SSION CIRCLE TO day night so the teachers could her 17. at Oakridge October 4 Members Gorrle and Mrs. Fraederlck return ed the meeting. A meeting of the grand jury • attend the institute in Eugene on HAVE MEET TUESDAY of the drill team presented the ed Tuesday evening from Prospect The object of this meeting la to been called for Monday, Octo Thursday and Friday. Banner Bearer's drill as a part of where they visited with Mrs Freed consider benefits to be derived Mrs. Ralph Bonney and small 10. by Judge Skipworth, to mee| ’rs. W. A. Taylor will be hostess the program. A special bus was erick's oldest son for several days from marketing potatoes In uni­ form. branded bags nml to make daughter, Shirley Mae. are spenu- the office of the district attorn? : the meeting of the Mission Clr-1 chartered to take the members to ie of the Christian church at her the convention, and several others ing a few days with Mrs. Bonney’s Return from Portland—Mr. and arrangements for the purchase of me Tuesday evening. Mrs. D. B. drove in private cars to take in the Mrs. Paul Schlewe returned Wed such bags If sufficient people are parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Edmis­ BAPTIST GUILD CROUP 1 • ton. alurphy will be leader. evening session. nesday from Portland where they Interested Brr.nda will be decided ENTERTAINED TUESDAY upon and details In connection Vera Stone, who has spent the have been spending a few days with the sale of potatoes In branded summer with his grandparent, Mr. Mrs. Everett Chase was hostess bags will he discussed. Lamb and Pcai and Mrs. A. W. Weaver, left Satur-. at her home Tuesday evening for day for his home in San Francisco.' the regular meeting of the Aretania 1 tutive rrrangementa have Poik and Green Beans Percy Robeson accompanied him. • guild of the Baptist church. A social The Heldplng Hand club. Trent been made for the Eugene Cham­ ber of Commerce to furnish a re- Mrs. Ray Baugh left Wednesday I evening was enjoyed following the Hain ¿nd Spinach met with Mrs. F. Dinges last Wed for Junction City where she will business meeting, with Mrs. Frank Dinges last Wed volv ng fund to finance the hand! Beef and Beets spend some time with her parents. nesday afternoon. Miss Gertrude L ing of branded potato hags ihr.iugh the office of the county Mr. and M r. JameR Calvert. Her Return from Trip »kow, county home demonstration sister Mrs. Stella McPherson of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Turner re- agent was present and gave an In agont. The county agent urges all Springfield motored down with her. turned last Bunday evening from a terestlng talk At the business rotate growers who have lotatoea week’s outing spent in southwest- meeting several different plans of to sell to attend this meeting. To Hunt Deer— F. B. Hamlin, ern Oregon. They drove down the entertainment for the winter were Returns to Sheridan— Adrian Slaa Springfield postmaster, left today coast highway from Florence to K. C. STUART, Prop. discussed. Neva Dali was appointed for Drew. Oregon to spend a few Reedsport and hack over the Scotts- editor of the Club Shopping News, left Tuesday for hla home at Sheri­ 4th and Main Sts — Phons 83 days hunting deer. burg-Draln road. Springfield, Oregon Mrs. Orvll Ferguson and Mrs. Ern dan after having visited hern wltr his brother, Hubert Bias. est Wheeler were appointed to get ' " .. "ZU.II the program for next meeting. Mrs Iva Kimball. Mrs. W. L. Wheeler ¡KOB Mrs. Litton and Mrs. Frank Dinges were named on a committee to see about a bazaar this fall. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Orvll Ferguson the third Wednesday In October. The Pleasant Hill Sunday school held the annual election of oficers last Sunday. Mr;. Jesse Carrothers was re-elected superintendent; Allan Wheeler vice-president; Of Course you Would. Who Wouldn’t? Blanche Wheeler, secretary-treas­ We can show you how we make every dollar you spend Our garage Is equipped and manned to take care urer, assistant Bonnie Jeanne Tin­ Buy PRACTICALLY Two Dollars Worth ker; chorister, . Allan Wheeler; oi any need a motorlnt can wlHh. Prepare now for the pianist, Lucille Jordan. of Goods. heavy winter duty that cold weather will demand of Earl McLeod was elected choris­ your car. Remove carbon, grinding valves and a spe­ “ MIGHTY ter of the Intermediate Endeavor cial tune-up will heln restore the snap and high oper­ and Luclle .Beresford pianist. CHEAP ating efficiency In your motor. Euna Drew, a Junior In the Pleas­ PRICES.’ ant Hill high school left for Grants Pass where she will spend the Give You Such an Opportunity For Instance winter with her grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Price have A good battery, a good wiring Job, a clean electric­ moved to their apartments in the al system will save you many annoying moments this Andrews home. Mr. Price Is super­ Good Styles winter. intendent of the Pleasant Hill high school. Values to We t all for and deliver batteries free of charge. F. F. Cooper who was painfully hurt when his car turned over on , ihe highway west of Coast Fork! 968 bridge last Saturday night has | Willamette been brought home from the Pacific ' Authorized Ford Sales and 8ervioe Christian hospital and Is reported John Anderson Phone 49 Ray Nott to be doing nicely. - ■<' Mutton Curing Will Be Shown Saturday Last Day To Register MHS. U U M W l LSH FUNERAL IS TQOAÏ Young Couple Is Married Sunday Lions Will Hear Boy Scout Talk MRS. C. M’DOUGAL DIES ÄI WENDLING Thurston C hoose the M EAT DISH first Hûue. then J*leal Planning u EASY Let the Meat Decide the Vegetables Here ie an idea or tnfo: /* ormer Springfield Man Runs tor Coroner f Upper Willamette Independent M eat Co. Would You Swap A Dollar-Bill For A Two? G et R eady For Winter Driving OUR Quality Battery Service M en’ Dress Hats $ 3 .5 e 0::ic“o- $ t 8 7 C. J. Breier Co. ANDERSON MOTORS, Inc. C H A R L E S P. PO O L E