T H U R S D A Y . O C T O B E R 6. 1»32 FINANCIAL DRIVE IS LAUNCHED AT CHURCH CRAZY CRYSTALS A Mineral W ater Treatment, Brings a Health Resort to You. 30 R 71 h. 33 W 3th. Eugene, Ph 1704 TOWN AND VICINITY The annual financial canvass among members of the Methodist •hurch was started Sunday and Visits from Oswego— Misa Joan will continue during (he entire Cog of Oswego was here last Thurs­ week, Each member of the con day to visit friends. grvgatlon Is asked to sign a pledge Lsaburg Man Hsrs — Fred W il­ card indicating hl« contribution to liams of («eaburg was a buaineai th - ( hurch during the next year. vlaitor In Springfield Saturday. NOTICE OP BH KRIFF'B BALE R IA L P R O P IR T Y I (wo and three-fourths pounds la on 'display this week at the Ketels Phoenix Man Here—J C. Welty of Phoenla. Art sons, has arrived ta Springfield to make his home here. A Returns to O. * . C.—Jack Jack sun has re-entered the Oregon State college at Corvallis where he Is majoring In engineering. Dexter People H e r*— Mr. and Mrs. I. V, Matthews of Dextsr ware Vida Man Hero— Hoy Pgyno of Vida was a business vlaitor In NO TIC E Is hereby given (hat by visitors In Springfield Saturday. CANO OF T H A N K * virtu« of an execution and ordor of Nprtngfldd an Saturday. Farmer III— B. 8 Prather, farmer We wteb Io (bank lb« (rlettds (or ale lasued oul of the Circuit Court tbalr sympathy anti beautiful floral of the State of Oregon for Lane on route 1. le III al hla home this Cooking Club Moots — Regular offerings In tba recent bereavement County this 2»th day of September. week. meeting of the Cooking club of the 1933, upon and pursuant to a de­ of our beloved daughter. Leila. | Chrslan church was held last F ri­ cree duly given and made by said Hero from Wending — Mrs 8 Mr. anti M n . Artber Clark« Court thia 3»lh day or September. Byers of Wendllng was a visitor In day evening at the home of Mrs. anti family. 1933, In a suit pending therein In Ernest Bertscb. which Delbert V. Illll was plaintiff Springfield on Friday. ~ í and Nellie Slates lluker, et. al. At Mt. Angst— Mrs. M. II lluntly Lowoll People Hero— Mr. und MANY ATTEND ANNUAL were defendunta, which esecutlon spent Friday at Ml Augol attend and order of sale was Io me dl Mrs Frank Snyder of Lowell were MISSION CONVENTION reeled and commanded me to aell visitors In Mprlugfleld on Friday. Ing a meeting making plans for a large gathering to be held there the real property hereinafter dee Although M r*. L. K. Page anil crlbed to satisfy certain lien i and Returns from Monroe — Mr». later this month. Mra. W I I Pollard were named of­ chargee In said decree specified. Georg* Gerber returned to Spring- Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. I will on Friday the 4th day of Nov­ Seventy-five thousand people crowded into Springfield, Hl., home town ficial delegatee from the Foreign ember. 1932. at the hour of 10 field Sunday from Monroe where Arthur Baugh of Donna are the par­ ol Abraham Lincoln, to witness 8110 members of the Grand Army of the Mlaalonary aoclety of the Metbodlat o'clock A. M at the aouthw East 62 76 to the Eugene hospital Saturday. chains, tjepco Eust 63.44 chains, Hae Operation — Mra. W illiam Mrs. Chester Chsie and Infant NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT thence Houth 20 seconds West Curtis underwent an operation at child, and Ben Hopkins, were dis IN T H E CO UN TY COURT OF T H E 61.30 chains, th -nee West 64 30 the Pacific Christian hospital in charged the same day. S T A T E OF OREGON IN ANO chains to the place of be ¡Inning, FOR T IIK CO UN TY OF LANK except 3.69 acres on the Ka l Eugene on Friday morning. IN PROBATE. No 5673 Return to Portland— Mr. and Mrs side of said tract of land for Albany Oirl Visits— Miss Glady« H E of j.ort|an<| returned In re Estate of l«outaa Mulkey, do- cemetery lot and church, con­ ceased. taining 303.06 ucreo. Also the Smith of Albany Is spending a few , o ,,,e|r (,ome Saturday after hav- Notice to all la hereby given that following described tract to-wit: days In Springfield and Pleasant lbK „pent „everal days here visiting the undersigned. I«ansford H. Mul­ The D. I. C, of Jeremiah M Dick. with Mr and Mr„ W a,ter oossler. key. as the Esecutor of the above Not« No 7420 io Section 1», H ill visiting wlthgfejends entitled estate has filed In said Township 17. South Ranffe One Goes te Ban Francisco— Kletl. ‘D ’«? r« n » *r resident« of this probate proceeding his final ac­ West of the W. M and Section Kendall left last week for Ban C,*T. count; that by order of ihe said 24. Townnhlp 17. South Rang" 2 court duly given and made the West W M containing 16069 Francisco to receive M d le a l treat H u n ter. Bent Homo— D. W Root bearing will be had upon the said acres, except 40 acres heretofore , and Riley Snodgrass returned to final account at the hour of 10.0b conveyed by Edmundson to J II o'clock, A. M., October 3ft. 1933. Visitors from Pengra — Mrs Springfield last Thursday abruptly Elliott rnd deacrlhed as follows, and that any having objection« to w lt: George Keeble and daughter. Oeor- ' n«‘r Permit waa re­ ing In the said probate proceeding ner of Si Id Jeremiah M. Dick D -.rial Build«.»g it . st Loots. They are by the Japanese sculptor, Shinzo voked by the forest service because at or before the said time aet for L. C. and running thence North Springfield Monday. I ■ I ii commemoration of their night to the Orient of the extreme fire haxard In that hearing tbernon »9 degree« 49 minutes West along LANSFO RD II. M U L K E Y . Ex Week-end at Cabin— Mr. and Mrs vicinity. the South tine of old Claim ecutor of the Estate of I«ouiaa LUMBER CROUPS UNITE 37.21 chains. (In nee North 10 76 W. II. Adrian and Miss Annls Me MISSION SOCIETIES Mulkey, deceased. rhnlns; thence Sooth *9 degrees Uookln spent the week end at the OFFICES OCTOBER 1 II. E S L A T TE R Y . Eugene. COMBINE MEETINGS 49 . minutes Eo.it parallel with I Oregon, attorney tor Executor. South line of «aid claim 37.21 Adrian summer home on Horse H 2 I (I * 13 30 37) chalna to Kant line of aald claim, creek. Effective October 1. the office of Meetings of the Home Mieslon- and thence South 10.78 chains the W illam ette Valley Lumber- ary society and of the Foreign Mla- — Go to Poroland— Mr. and Mrs to the pluc» of beginning, contain­ men'« associât ton was consolidated sionary society of the Methodist ing 40 acres, all In I«ane County. Welby Stevens and A. J. Perkins with those of the Wreet Coast Lum- church w ill be held Jointly for the Oregon, said tract herein coav*y- left Sunday for Portland. Mr. Perk- bermen’s association and a branch winter morths it was decided at a ed containing all told and exclu­ sive of exceptions as noted here­ ina has been visiting here for sev­ office opened in Eugene with H. J. meeting of the officers held Friday. ! in 420.06 acres of land, nil In eral days. Cox, former manager of the Valley The regular meeting of the Foreign Approval of Initiative Mea­ l«ane County, Oragou. sure Would Not Remove group. In charge. Closer unison of - Missionary society to have been Attend State F a ir—Mr. and Mrs Haled this SOlh dny of Seplem- JEWELER mr, ¡932 ‘ he lumbermen pr the entire Pad held Tuesday of this week was J. M. Laraon and two sons motored, Constitutional Amendment RcpairluR a Specialty II L. BOW N, Sheriff. fic Northwest brought about the postponed because of the conven­ to Salem Saturday to attend the By A. K Hulegaard, Deputy. Springfield, Oregon ' By the Initiative Law of Oregon change, tion being held in Eugene. state fair and to visit with Mr. and (O 4-13-20-27 — N 3) the opponents of prohibition have Mrs Trubert Henderson. placed upon the ballot for the Nov- DEXTER LUMBER MILL PIANO STUDENT CLASS NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Back fram Washington— Mr. and ember election a measure to repeal n r o n c u c mat s s m a irta v REAL PROPERTY ORGANIZED IN CITY t i Mrs Elgin Hebert have returned the State prohibition enforcement REO PEN S ON M ONDAY Naturopathie Physician Mrs. C U ra Tuttle Fenton an- NOTH E Is hereby given that by ( Mt. Adams, Washington, code, generally known as the An- Phone «1-J virtue of an execution and order of S xty-five men went back to work nounce* that she will be at her sale Issued out of the Circuit Court where they have been picking derson law. This is a legislative en- Monday at the Giustina Brothers studio 104 East Fifth street on Office Hours; 1 to 6 P. M. of the State of dragon for Lane huckleberrles. actment which makes effective the 4M Fourth Street lumber mill at Dexter. The mill has Wednesday, October 12, to meet County the f la t day of September. constitutional amendment adopted At Junction City— Mr. and Mrs been down during the summer hcr studen's. Last week she or- 1932. upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said Court Enoch Stuart and «on. Frank, and by the people of Oregon November months. ganixed a class of 12 students for Oenersl la w Prsctlee the 21st day of September, 1932. In daughter. Nellie, spent Sunday at 3, 1914 by a majority of 36.4*0. This The continued dry weather and the fall •-— , High school credits a suit pending therein In which constitutional amendment Is not be- Junction City at the home of Mrs fire haxard prevented the opening * * e F' work. Mrs. Pen- I. M. PETERSON C. H. Shaffner was plaintiff and J. Stuart’s mother. Mrs. Ella Frum. Inft repealed By th« repeal of the Western Lumber company, ton Ashland, W alter Smith. Minnie E; Smith and Attrrney-at-Law Anderson law. Oregon should still gt w # -tf||. Mond had Hawkins A Kobcrts, Inc., a corpora­ here. City Hall Building Move to C r s ^ . n t - M r and Mrs have a cou.titu tonal provision pro announced p, rt of the arva tion. were defendants, which exe­ cution and order of sale waa to me Roy Holver on moved to Crescent j hlbltlng the sale and manufacture frQm wh|ch t(mbpr J# uk#B foj. |b , Springfield, Oregon directed and commanded me to sell last week where they will m a k e ; of Intoxicating liquor, without any mill is In the closed area. the real property hereinafter des crlhed to satisfy certain liens and their home In the future. Pratt 11 rovision for Its enforcement. The chnrges In said decree npeclfled, I Holveraon went with them and will repeal would mean that aa tar as FRANK A. DE PUE Lawn Party Thursday will on iteturday the 29th day of spend some time hunting tn East ' f regon is concerned, the state ATTO R N EY A T LAW Mra. Clara Siemsen was hoetes October, 1932 at the hour of 11:00 | ern Oregon. would not enforce her own constt- NOTARY PUBLIC at her home last Thursday evenit o'clock A. M at the southwest door ----------------------------- i tutlon, which would at once accom- of the County Court House In Eu at a lawn party and welner roa- Springfield Button l«H«l« for ‘ he state selective nulll- Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Moore and M. gene, Ijin e County, Oregon, offer ORECON WOMEN OPPOSE Oregon Building for sale and sell at public auction SCHOOL MERCER MOVE flc* ’l<,n an<’ modified secession and Mrs. F. A. I«umb of Eugene, an, for cash, subtort to redemption as Oregon of course, will not want to Glen Jarvis, and Delores Casteel provided by law, all of the right, oj take such a position, according to title and Interest of the defendants State's Largest Organisation were here guests. J. R. Ellison, general chairman of tn said suit and of all parties claim- Women Comes Out Against Ing by. through or under them or the state committee of one hund- Zorn-MoPheraon Bill any of them. In or to the following , red opposing the repeal m o w . His described real property, to-wit: The largest organisation of wo- statement continues. ' The measure All of the Lot or tract number­ ed Four (4) and all except the men In the Mate Friday went on repealing the prohibition enforce Formerly Welker-Poole north three acres of the Lot or record aa opposed to the Zorn-Mc- ^aw specifically states as its tract numbered Five (6) In Fern­ reasoa for the repeal as follows: KUUKNM— l lt b S P R IN G F IE L D dale Addition to Santa Clara. In Pherson School Moving Rill when directors of the Women’s Greater To do away with prohibition and Lane County, Oregon. and Cbsrnelton. 33ft Main D A TED this 22nd day of September, Oregon association with a member- Its enforcement In and by the state Telephone 733 Phone «3-J 1932. Undesirable Influx Feared «hip of mpre than 23,000 throughout ■ H. L. BOW N. Sheriff, the state unanimously declared Such a situation can brlnR By W W. KDM ISTON, Deputy. nga'nat the bill ’’because Its ex- «bout only one result. IJ would S 29: O C 13-20-27) travagant waste will Increase taxes. ‘ urn loose and Invite to the state PLAY GOLF In a general Juggling and upheaval | a vicious and lawless element NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE REA L PROPERTY There In no better form of of our higher Institutions of learn­ W ithout the restraint of the prohi­ recreation than to play a bition enforcement law. and tying NO TIC E Is hereby given that by ing.” round of Golf. virtue of an execution and order of The Women’s Greater Oregon as­ the hands of enforcing officers, sale Issued out of the Circuit Court racketeering would flourish, and of the 8tate of Oregon for Lane sociation la a voluntary organisa­ You're Outdoors Under the trees County this 2ftth day of September. tion of the leading women tn varl- liquor consumption would greatly when you play 1932. upon and pursuant to a decree oupa sections of the state. Its ob­ Increase. Law enforcement officials duly given and made by aald Court jectives are to advance civic, busi­ would then be powerless to cope thia 26th day of September. 1932, hi with the situation which would be­ a atilt pending therein In which ness and educational Internets from come Intolerable. M. H. Stewart was plaintiff and a standpoint of state welfare. Low Grssn Fass, and C. R. Hilliard, Josephine Hilliard The resolution as adopted Is as and Theodore G. Nelson wero de­ follows: C IT A T IO N Lower Monthly Rates fendants. which execution and or­ IN T H E C O U N TY CO URT O F T H E Whereas, the Zorn-McPher«on der of sale was tn me directed and “ Midnight”, world-famous “buekor” who has never been ridden — unless S T A T E O F OREGON FOR LANK commanded me to sell the real bill would establish four now In­ CO UNTY. much-disputed ride of Frank Studnick, Oregon cowboy, Pendleton, 1931 property hereinafter deacrlhed to stitutions of higher education and In the M atter of the Adoption of la conceded — with rest of McCarty-Elllott outfit will furnish indoor satisfy certain liens nnd charges In destroy all the state's present sya Clifford Wesley McDowell, a rodoo thrills at Pacific International, Portland. October 16-22. said decree.specified, i will on F ri­ minor. day the 28 day of October, 1932, at tent of education; ' To James Thomas McDowell: A thrilling Indoor rodeo will he academy exhibitions and the daily Whereas, the advance of educa IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. at the tha feature of thia year’s Pacltic parade ol Winning animal exhibits. southwest door of the County Court tlon la one of the prime essentials OFR OREGON, you are hereby International Livestock Exposition According to the president. T. B House In Eugene, Lane County. and purposes of our organisation; cited and required to appear In the to be held' In Portland. Oregon Wilcox, Jr., the exposition as a Oregon, offer for sale and sell at County Court for Lane County In Whereas, passage of this bill October 16-22 Inclusive — the Me whole will be more complete this public auction for canh, subject to the State of Oregon, within ten redemption as provided by law, all would plunge the State of Oregon days after the service on you of Carty-Elliott outfit with Its full year than In the past. Housed un »trlng of famous bucking hors?F der one Immensj roof eleven acres of the right, title and interest of Into large and unnecessary ex this citation. If served within Lane the defendants In said suit and of penae; County, Oregon, and within twenty and twenty-five leading buckaroos in extent will be the usual attrac all partlea claiming by, through or and women riders of the country, of tive Industrial Exhibits. Dairy aad Whereas, paaaage of this bill days If served within any other tinder them or any of them In or County In this State. If served per­ world championship variety. The Land Products Shew, Beef and would cause the waste of a large to the following deacrlhed real pro­ sonally, or If served by publication, rodeo features will be open to the Dairy Cattle Show, Sheep Show: Glasses K i/I Help perty, to-wit: amount of state and private funds; within twenty-eight days from the world with approximately |10,00t' ehowa of hogs, goats, poultry, rab Imperfection In vision Is not Beginning at the Southeast cor­ date of the first publication of this In prise money. Whereas, It would lower the ef­ bits and dogs: and exhibits of wild always a moat serious condition, ner of Lot Four (4) In Fractional citation, to show cause. If any you ficiency of higher education In the Thia Is the same rodeo with the life, ftsh and game. In many of but defective vision will not Im­ Illock Seven (7) of Christians have, why the petition filed In this famous “Midnight” that doubled the these divisions Interesting new Second Addition to Eugene, Lane State of Oregon. Court by John K. Frail and Theresa prove with the passing of time. County, Dragon; and run thence Accordingly, It la resolved that M. Prall, for the adoption of C lif­ receipts thia year at the Denvet breeds and types will be exhibited. All doctors anil Insurance Western Stock Show and the Fort Premiums totaling «76.000, fur­ West along the North line of thia organisation and the members ford Wesley McDowell, should not companies now advocate a regu­ Fourteenth (14th) Street Ninety- Worth Stock Show, and held the nished by state, county and breed­ he granted tn accordance with the of the board therefore express their lar periodic examination of the eight (9ft) feet; thence run North prayer thereof. spotlight at the Omaha Aksarben. ers’ associations, will go to tbla opposition to the said bill and their seventy (70) feet; thence run W ITN ESS, the Hon. C. P. Bar­ the Cheyenne Frontier Days, and nt year’s winners. eyeB by experts, and In many East Nlnety-elgnt (98) feet to .the recommendations that they all vote nard. Judge of the County Court ¡eadwood. South Dakota. It will be states Inws provide for eye tests Members of the Boys' and Girls’ West line of Oak street, thenc" thereon ballot number 317 X NO. for Lane County In the State of ,matured at eight matinee and seven In schools. 4-H and Smith-Hughes Vocational run South seventy (70) feet t t Oregon, and the seal of thia Court The association has affiliations evening performances, giving close­ the place of beginning, all In W H Y T A K E CANCE87 'Education Clubs are preparing (or hpreto affixed thia 29th day of up thrills that will pack the re In practically every county of the September, 19S2. Lane County, Oregon. unusually fine exhibits. «erved teats. Dated this 27th day of September state of Oregon. Included In Its Date of first publication of this D R . ELLA M EADE Reduced fares to Portland for the In addition to the rodeo the arena 19»2. membership are more than 1100 wo­ citation Is October 6th, 1932. O p to m e tr ist H. L. BOW N, Sheriff, vents will Include the elx-tn hand Exposition, October 16-22, hare Attest W B. D ILLA R D . Clerk. «1 Waa* **h By A. K. HULEGAARD. Deputy men Identified with the various By EVA L. D U C K W O R TH , Deputy. heavy draft teams, local riding been announced by all railroads. farm granges. 8 >9: O S13-I0-27) (O 6-13-20-37 — N t ) "i MS S 1 Business Directory ' 4 !? WBITEB EXPLAIBS IFFfC IH EPfIL Edw. G. Privât ‘ POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors large tomato weighting 3 jounds lx also on exhibition In the Indoor Rodeo Feature a - nS Students at the Lincoln and Brat window. This waa grown by J. H. tain schools this week began their More lock. weekday Blbte school classes un der the direction of Mlee Goldie Smith. Student« la each room who MANY ATTEND IUKA signed up for the Instruction will CARD PARTY FRIDAY devote one class period each week to this undenominational religious Eight tables were In play at the training. Iuka benefit card party held F ri­ Miss Smith also organised her day evening at the home of Mrs. Bible training work la the Creswell Wanda Barnes, president. Prises «cbnols this week. Gas Range Sale $87-50 . ESTATE Console Model Small Down Payment - - - Balance on Eeasy Terms Liberal Allowance on Your Old Range - Gas, Wood or Electric The most remarkable bargains we have ever offered in beautiful new Gas ranges----- Green or cream, full enamel insulated ovens. Automatic control, closed cooking top. Heavy insulation that keeps the kitchen cool and gas bill down. FREE - During this Sale Only - A Regular $8.75 NOTIFIER CLOCK with purchas* of each Automatic Gas Range '« Own Swat* M cM orran & -W ashburne Northwest Cities Cas Co. Eugene, Springfield 4OT CONSOLIDATION .b u t a C O ST L Y E X P A N S IO N ! The Z O R f MACPHERSON SCHOOL "JUGGLING" BILL A T TAX- PAPERS’ EXPENSE — ESTABLISHES 4 NEW SCHOOLS, CREATES t NEW TYPES OF SCHOOLS — BOTH UNTRIED and UNNEEDED. 4 O a k w a y Course 2 Under the guise of economy, unknown interests propose this extrava­ gant building and wrecking program, which claims to be a consolida­ tion of Oregon’s higher educational system. There ar* five cam­ puses now, and if this bill is approved, there will still b* flv* campuses -after a rani has been made on the taxpayers’ money I The following facts will enable every taxpayer to prevent this experiment which endangers our higher educational system, and results in a tremendous financial outlay by taxpayers. New Schools Established This bill actually creates 4 NEW schools—a junior college at 1 * Grande and Ashland; a law school at Salem; and a teachers’ college at Eugene. In addition, it “junks” the Monmouth Normal School, valued at «700,000, and uses but one-third of the facilities of the University at Eugene, This disarrangement will result in a tremen­ dous financial outlay by taxpayers for additional NEW schools, NEW departments, NEW courses and NEW equipment. There ar* tlv* campuses now. If this bill is approved there will still be flv* campuses; but, In addition, the taxpayers will be forced to erect new housing facilities fur the University law school and library at Salem; provide N EW buildings and dormitories to accommodate the greatly increased student body poured onto the Corvallis cam­ pus; and equip two NEW junior colleges and a teachers' college with new and costly facilities for conducting r NEW and untried system. New Types off Schools Proposed Two NEW TYPES of schools are created by this bill two junior colleges and a teachers' college- -both untried and unneeded in Oregon. T o educate students for junior standing in technical and scientific college courses, requires expensive laboratories and equipment, thus triplicating the same facilities now maintained at the University and State College. The passing of this bill estab­ lishes the principle of STATE SUPPORT T A X for all or any junior colleges. Every town in the State of Oregon will thon have the right to demand a junior collegel Every legislature session will invite log-rolling bills tor appropriations for new junior colleges in ambitious localities. Taxpayers of this state are asked to vote on this costly junior and teachers’ college experiment with every expenditure made at their expense. In addition, thia bill claims a saving of «1,000,000 par year in taxes, BUT DOES NOT ACTUALLY REDUCE OREGON'S BASIC STATE TAX for higher education by a SINGLE PENNY. You will pay the same tax lor stale schools as you do now if this bill Is approved. VO TE 317 x NO! The Sons-MscphsmoR School Muvtng B ill establishing ■ * SCHOOL*. 4i SC H O O L T A X -S A V IN G A S S O C IA T IO N Amedee M . Smith, (b^irmatt F. II. Young. f«rav*ary 6 in P 1!: iding, Portland