THE TW ENTY-NINTH YKAK INGFIEL NEWS SPKlNOPIKbD, LANK COUNTY, OKKOON, THUKSDAY O<'TOBKR ti. 1932 I E E I K IS SEI Annual Estimata of Expendi­ tures for District 19 to Be Prepared October 24 Methodist Young hoiks Reorganize DENTIL CLINIC IS H.S. WILL MEET SUCCESSFUL HERE AMI FRIDA! No. 39 f OHES! EIRES IN Citv Park Abuse The Presidential Candidates J Chamber Protests Thrss Distinct Divisions Now Functioning Each Week Many Needy People Receive First Football Came Called at Local Church Free Work as Result of for 1 O’clock; Want to See American Legion Drive Afternoon Eugene Game A reorganisation of the Epworth Wood Cutters Demolish Large Trees and Squatters Litter Large Areas in Thrae Dis­ Up Grounds Reported trict« Burned Over During Firet Half of Week Ways to improve the city park League of the Methodlat churc Nearly 40 per,on. have taken ad QNE OTHER HOME GAME on the mill race east of town and with a illvlalon of the member» In vunlage of the opportunity being ______ to prevent It from being the camp MUCH LAND LOCOED OFF to two group«, one for high arhool T Election of Bernice Conoly atudeuta. and another for college offer«! them by Dr W. N Dow C o a c h g ¡n> g h j log place of Itinerant motorists " •rid the American Legion commit- _ „ r • were discussed at a meeting of the Booth-Kelly Loses Thro*> Announced by Board Fol­ atuilonta and those of that age waa lee to have their teeth examined Returns to Bol­ H; rlngfleld Chamber of Commerce Donkey Engines in Wendl- effected at the Methodlat church lowing Special Meeting •ter Strength of Eleven and neceasary work done wlthoul ! Wednesday night tn Taylor hallJ Sunday evening. •ng Fire; Coast Loaa Big coal Io them since this move was Protest wae voiced to the city ¡ Plans tur a budge! meeting to be Kuril group will have their own Hprlngfleld high school's flret launched two week« ago by the council over the cutting of large! l-ane county forest ___ flrae which held Monday e v v v, October 14, officer« and will hold aeparale L e g ' on committee. Members of} I ,ootba11 aara‘* 01 ,h* present Reason trees In the park by someone for broke loose the first of the ___ war» lak«n up <<* Ma weak at meet Inga. this group are P. J. Bartholomew, I W,U b* S>Urtd at »rattaln Field wfx>d and a request was made fo r, and scattered a heavy layer of fine th« regular mom. 'T'uh prealdent; Howard Hughea, devo Frohit-tii.., t< xey, Farmer-labor; Foster, CommwiiaL of t-uch and whin« conditio^ will only two' game« to be played on the former railroad property was | over areas. bar« appointed by th« dlati total chairman; Ixiudette Williams the local gridiron thia year Roae- become worse If not remedied the opinion of those present. While The fires In the eastern half of rector». Wm (I. Hughe». H. (). relary; Fred Buell, treaaurer; Members of the committee have burg will bring her team here for no money Is available for Improving the county where they hare bees bier, and W. (' W right are U *f* i Evelyn Ituell. pianist. arranged for the Investigation a game later in October to com the property It Is believed that the worst now seem to be centered cltlavn member» according to ( A meeting of theae newly elected among achool children to deter­ plete the local schedule. with cooperation of the various In three principal areas, with many Barber, clerk. officer« waa heln In the church on Moat of the games were played > mine worthy cases, and have found civic organizations next spring the smaller blazes which are not be­ The annual budget la prepared Tueaday evening to dlacuaa future many of them In the claea rooms In Hprlngfleld last «eason and thia I place can again be put In shape lieved to be dangerous. by the Joint committee and la then plana others have reported at 228 Main year the team has to travel to fill I j Mr Taylor christened his new utlvnrttecd and a general tax payer» Perhaps the most troublesome Election of officer» for the high return engagement», which high ! street where they have been Inter­ j hall by serving refreshments to and mo l dangerous fire in the ineettag la called to adopt or reject school group will probably be held viewed by the committee and given achool officials think la a fortunate * r *1" 1 i ' i» n ........... —— — —■«I those present the earn a The approved document next Hunday evening. Tbla group gronp was that at Wendllng where altuatlon aa It la difficult for any appointments to see the dentist. The chamber Is planning on a an old slashing fire flared forth Thl» I» the second week of the a very cloe^-snd a very hot con me t be tiled with the county clerk will meet In the Epworth l-eague Thia work will continue for about school to meet the neceasary fin­ nation-wide presidential straw-vote teat‘ i membership drive this fall by Deeember 1, ao that the district room at 6:30 for a aortal hour pre­ endangering the entire town, inclad­ ten days more All labor and ma­ ancial guarantees un<|er present being conducted by more than 2000 Ail of which makes it highly lm-1 _____ ____________ aihiMtl tax levy ran he Included ceding their regular meeting. ing its water supply, before It was A mall admission weekly newspapers la the United portant, from your own political | terials are being donated by Dr. condition«. | finally checked after burning over In the annual tax aaaeaament. Htudcnta in the Junior high achool Dow. and those persons who can charge w ill be made for the Alumni States. National returns are of standpoint, to take advantage of Klecllon of Mlaa Bernice Conoly claaaea are organlxed Into an Inter hundreds of acres of an old burn and want to pay something towards game as a mean» of raising the course not available at this early the opportunity the Springfield of Eugene to fill out the un ex pi red mediate league at th« church with i and about 500 acres of green tim- the»«- expenses can do so but are necessary funds guaranteed Rose­ stage of the poll but at such points News Is offering you to cast i ber. portion of the term of Mlaa Helen Mia Barbara Bamell aa their preal burg. It la felt that sufficient where Individual newspapers were straw vote here In Oregon for the! not obligated In any manner. Three donkey engines belonging Chaney aa teacher at the high dent. In carrying on tbla free dentistry fund» cannot be raised at that one already conducting a straw-vote the presidential candidate of your I I to the Booth-Kelly lumber company arhool waa announced by the board game to meet their guarantee. among needy people of Bpringfleld figures Indicate that the amali town choice. Here is the ballot. All you ; were destroyed tn the fire yester- member Friday following a »pe­ The game has necessarily been and rural sentiment varies little need do Is clip it out, vote for your j for the second year now Dr. Dow day afternoon and camp 2 w m d a l aeaalou Mlaa Conoly wilt teach la not aeeklng any personal profit advanced to one o'clock so that from votes taken In larger centers “ ■'didate and send it to School Boards to Discuss Fin J threaten«d u * «rw spread over octal aclence, h la lory. Kngllah and members of the team and thalr or gain, He baa declared that hla of populatien the office of the Hprlngfleld News. A ffa ire a f muc,‘ 01 the area between Wendl- public «peaking, beginning her new Let s go on record here in Spring-| »"««J Affairs at Meeting ln< Bnd At th# laWer purpose la to prevent suffering coach can attend the Cottage drove The Hprlngfleld N ew , la one of dutlne here Monday of thia week. and University high school game field as to who we want for pre«!- ' from tooth trouble among people This Afternoon J place a woodshed and «0 cords of the weekly newspapers asked to Mlaa Conoly la a graduate of the who cannot afford to pay for den to be played In Eugene later In the Join In this nation-wide vote being dent. . . The Hprlngfleld News w ill) wood belonging to John and Albert I'nlveralty of Oregon with the 1932 will be no classes at H art were destroyed, as waa the tai work. He does not want any afternoon. Hprlngfleld will have to taken by approximately 2000 week send the votes to headquarters In - There . , I —ew»> vevav UCOIIUJCU, BB was IX10 rlaaa and baa been very active In play both of theae teams later In eigber the high school or grade Henry Holmes bam The J W local person to feel that they must Ilea located In states throughout the aludent affair» at that arhool. She and this will help »how the small I b“ ll<,lngs he5e <«»ay or Friday o f!FounUJn w„ endan. >red H. O. Dibblee New Command- suffer with tooth trouble Juat be the season. nation. aerved aa a member of the Unlver- Another Interesting game which town sentiment throughout the na-j “ week' ,hu!' eBa,>!ing members! bnt MTed „ flre g * OB cause they have no money. er; Bartholomew Adjutant; alty Women'» debate team for two F irs t R eturns from Ohio will he watched by the local team tion. Also, and more important. It " th e Jacultf at each school to nt-1 wardg the upper Camp Creek ooun- Meet at Taylor Hall years. The first votes to be counted will help show who we here I n ! tend the ann,IaI ,al1 D»ne county I try. Is the one on Hayward field Friday Mlaa Chaney taught only a few night when Eugenie high meets nationally by the Publishers Auto­ Oregon want as president for th e , ‘ “ cbera’ lngtltut® t® be held at the No Mrlon, damage ha» been re- Installation of new officers of the day« thin year, being forced to re caster Service of New York, nation­ next four year». j high achool j from the Nimrod“ m which Estacada high. Hprlngfleld American Legion poat algo laat week becauae of III health Coach Hall has been working al headquarter« for the weekly , . . In Eugene. number 4« will be held tonight at Let us have your vote early in ) spread over 600 acres before and the necessity for a long reat. his men hard during the last weeks newspapers' nation-wide straw vote, the week so that It w ill be Included i Several Springfield teachers will being checked by Cascade forest Mra. Jane Ketela aubatltuted for Taylor'a halt at 8 o'clock. Lieut­ were those reported by the News and ha gradually begun to find enant C. A. Bwarts, past command in the local vote totals which we i Far,,c lPate in tbe demon trattone employes. her for aeveral day« their proper places on the team. of Ironton. Ohio, of which Charles will publish next week. | and round t»ble discussions during er of the Hprlngfleld poet. will be The third fire in the Horton dis The addition of Ray Rasmussen, a L. Collett Is editor. ¡the two-day gathering which bringsftrlct Is said to have spread ovet llu* Inatalllng officer according to CHURCH NIG HT PARTY first string tackle of last season, The Ironton News vote is taken W. N. Goaalrr, commander. ** Annual Get-Acquainted Party to the team this week was a pleas­ by News representatives who fol­ GIRLS LEAGUE HOST TO f E . “ B u e T X T V h ' e ^rty“" ” W'th°Ut HELD AT CHURCH HERE New officer« ore H. O. Dibblee, for Teachers and Parents, ant surprise to the coach. It had low regularly assigned routes cover­ commander; 1. M. Peteraon. first FIRST YEAR STUDENTS Springfield high school Is president! Several smaller fires have been at Methodiet Church been reported that Rasmussen ing all fields of community trade F irs t of M enthly Social Cventa et vice-commander; Verne Caldwell, ------------ 9f 'be^pounty association for th is ' burning in various parts of the would not enter school this year activities and where voters In all Advanced Students Entertain with ■ year This group is directly afflli- i county, one being located In the F all Seaaon Held at C h ristian second vice commander; P. J. Bar Teacbera of the schools of Spring This makes four lettermen, Bruce walks of life maye be encountered Chuerh Thuraday Night Tea Tuesday for Beginners; ated with the Oregon State Teach- Jasper country, which has been tholomew. adjutant, and J. M Lar field will be guests of the Parent- Squires. Everett Chet wood, and without regard to party affiliations Program Given ers' a soda'tlon. seen by many people but its exact son, finance officer; M B lluntly, The first of the monthly church W N dossier and Dr. W. N Dow. Teacher association at a get-ac- Harry Wilson, around which to One day the representatives will The institute will be presided location has not been determined. qualnted party to be held at the build a team. take secret ballots In the retail night program« and social events to members o f (he executive commit­ The Girls' League tea for fresh-, over by Laurence M offitt, assistant The most spectacular fire of the Methodbt church tonight at 8:00 The players have been assigned stores; the next day at garages and men girl» a' the high school was i county superintendent of schools, be held at the Christian church thia tee. entire group was that at Wendllng o'clock. to the following positions by the machine shops, etc. seaaon was held laat Thursday held Tuesday afternoon. A program and will bring before the teachers which sent black clouds of smoke Hetlrlng officers ore W. N. dos­ Plans for the affair were worked coach where they may or may not evening. Due to a mlx up In an sier, commander; I. M Peteraon The total vote taken in Ironton, was presented and refreshments many prominent educators from up 10.00« feet being visible to a ir nouncement» the affair had been adjutant; O. H. Dibblee, first vice out at the first meeting of the P.-T. remain: Ohio by the News to date is as served under the direction of th e , both the University and State col- plane pilots aa far south as ML A. unit which was held Friday Ends — Morris Stewart. Carter follows: Ityted for Friday evening. followfng committees: lege and elsewhere. Among those Shasta. Hundreds of people motor­ commander; and Dr. W. H. Pollard Hartman, and Rodney Vest. Participants and their numbers M, A. Pohl and Frank Kmerlch, afternoon at the Lincoln achool. Herbert Hoover ______ 448 Entertainment: Virginia Christie,, who appear on the programs will ed to Wendllng during the past two Committee chairmen for the Guard-— John Adams, Harry on the program were aa follows: members of the executive com­ Franklin D. Roosevelt ........... 967 Dorothy Mae Potter, and Lucille be C. A. Howard, elate superintend- days to see the fire, but found vial event Include Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, Wilson, Kenneth Cox, Atkinson, Plano mlo. Kyle Smith; talk. Rev mittee. No choice for p res id e n t..... ......86 Mlllican; refreshments: Theda ent of P“ bl|c instruction, who Is to blllty obscured by smoke. hospitality; Mrs. Edna Yarnell, pro­ and K irk Crow. Veltle Pruitt; vocal aolu. "Silver Rhodes, Dorothy Hart, and Natha-1 giTe an address on “ Public Schools A committee will also report at Deer hunting has practically It might be stated that these fig­ Tackles— Everett Chetwood. Ray Thread Among the Gold,” Uldluo this meeting on location of a future gram; Mra. Marlon Adams, games; ure« from the News' vote at Iron- He Edraiston; decorations: Melba : and lb * American Life"; Dean J. R. 8‘opped In most of Western Ore­ Mrs. D. O. Fisher, decorations; Mrs Rasmussen. Wayne Kendall, and d art In; and a talk on th« subject meeting place. ton check with the first figures an Harris, Eva Louk. and Anna W ig-i Jewel1 of the University who Is to gon due to dry weather coupled E. C. Stuart, refreshments. Mrs. Cooley. "How Can the Church Proaper by give several assembly addresses; with smoke filled forests, and the nounced by the "Literary Digest tn Ernest Black and Mrs. W P. Tyson Baekfleld— Bruce Squires, Jimmy Religiose Education," Mra. W. P L. J. Allen, assistant state club ever present danger of being trap­ its nation-wide vote,, so far as an In the receiving line were Miss YOUNG PEOPLE PLAN will assist Mrs. Jarrett, and Mrs. West, Jack Ltles. Disque Smith, Tyaon. indication of sentiment is concern­ M arjorie Proehnow, president; Ber leader; and H. R. Goold. superin­ ped in a forest fire. Following the program a social SUPPER FOR SUNDAY R. L. Burnett w ill assist Mrs. Arion Schantol, and George Irwin. ed. The Digest vote showed Ohio nad'ne McFarland, vice-president; tendent of schools in Eugene who The most damaging fires of the Stuart. Center— Dalton T hu rm an evening with games and atunts De Etta Sandgathe. secretarv-treas-! wiU 8peak on "W hat s Wrou* * 't h week have ben reported in the as follows: All teachers and parents of stu­ Quarter— Henry Trlnka. "Comfort with Grief." will be the waa hold under the direction of H o o v e r------------------ -------- ------1433 urer; Alys Thatcher, social promo- - our>i Readin > ^ r it ln and 'Rithme- northwestern corner of the state Manager— Carl Stevenson. theme of the morning message and dents attending school In Hprlng­ Mlaa Minn Peteraon. along the coast where damage to Roosevelt ____________ 144; ter; Marian Shipley, reporter: and l 'c' Among the Alumni students who Refreshments were aerved by "The Forgiveness of Din ." Is the fleld are urged to attend this pro­ Miss Anna Vogel, advisor. Teachers in the various schools timber, homes, and lumber equip­ It w ill be interesting to check the gram and social at which time It Is will probably be In the game members of the Friends class under theme of the message at 7:80 at _ . __ . . . ... . , will have charge of the different ment has run into millions of dol­ program consisted of the fo l-: . . the direction of Altle Manning and the Methodlat Episcopal church, hoped that parents and teachers against the regulars Friday will weekly newspapers vote against i„ _ The i demonstrations and round table lars. will become better acquainted. be Everett and Freeman Squires. | ,hat The Digest, as the voting lowing numbers: Duet, A ly j That-i meetings announce« Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, Clara Jones. Considerable discussion relative Tomseth. Thatcher, Wm. Sword. Pro8reB«** and note whether or cher and Jeanette Thompson; read­ A moist foggy atmosphere thia pastor. One of the important sessions of McFarland. John Lynch, j not lhere ls wide différence of ing. Theda Rhodes; talk. Miss! morning seems to indicate forth The High School league will to the serving of hot lunches In the Verle SCHOOL ENLARGEMENT the institute w ill be the meeting of schools here at noon was heard at Lloyd Mattison. Gerber and Sever ; P°l,,lcal leanings between small Vogel; tap dance. Jeanette Thomp- coming rain and that the f res have a fellowship supper at 6:80. . . . . ¡district school boards at 2 o'clock AT MT. VERNON BEGUN ! town and rural America on one side son; p ano solo, Irene Anderson; . ., . have reached their peak for this The older young people's league the Friday meeting. Mrs. W. C. son. _ , , . , this afternoon at which tim e they _________________ I <“ >d that of the urban voter on the a group of ongs by Virginia . .. . . ,, . „ season. Many of these are believed will meet at 6 o'clock for an hour Rebhan was appointed chairman j will be addressed by C. A. Howard. HwHdlng of an additional room other. Christle with Miss Ruth Morrison fo have teen deliberately set. of devotions. Light refreshment« or a committee to Investigate the O. A. Houglum. vice-president of to the Mt. Vernon achool and the as accompanist. Miss Bernice Cono- will be served. The Intermediate feasablllty of such contemplated INEZ ELLA BAUGHMAN O ut In Kansas the First National Bank in Eugene, employment of an additional part action. League meet« at 6:30. an(1 Bpn * K " “ « *' c o u n ty 's ,- LARGE CROWD FRIDAY AT DIES AT TR EN T MONDAY Out in Kansa« the W ichita Bea i n - M L T ’ rt r hmbMr; Wv “T time teacher to care for the large Announcement waa also made of The Sunday Church school offers con Is conducting a straw-rote 1 * ** g' r y 88 >8e sessor. Tax problems will be given WALTERVILLE ORANGE number of students there this year a new program at the 9:46 a. m. the beginning of the fall home radio Funeral services for Inez Ella which shows a sudden Hoover I major conddration at this meeting. waa agreed Upon Friday by the programs with the first broadcast Baughman. 14. who died Monday strength and a gain on the "lead hour. Eighty persons attended the arhool board In preference to relo­ to be given Tuesday of this week morning at the home pf her par- j Roosevelt piled up from the first "END OF SUMMER" IS Grange booster night program at cating the boundaries and transfer on the subject. “Your Club and ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Baugh- days of the vote. Roosevelt is still BAPTIST SERMON TOPIC J EASTERN STAR PLANS __ _ W altervllle Friday evening. Real- ring of some students to the Thurs­ MR. AND MRS. WALKER Yourself." These home study man. at Trent following an ex-.leading 9,167 to Hoover's 5,561 at PAST OFFICER NIGHT dents from Thurston. Leaburg. Vida ton district. Members of the Baptist church RETURN TO SPRINGFIELD clubs receive educational material tended Illness were held Tuesday! fbe last report. and other districts were there to The new teacher will leach the will hear a sermon on the subject each week for their group periods afternoon. Rev. Harry R. Benton! Past Matrons and Past Patrons hear the program presented by the first, second and third grades. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. W alker re­ and then listen to a educational officiated and Interment was made | However, these early figures on "End of Summer" at their regular such meager returns give neither church hour Sunday morning. _ In i of the Cascade chapter O. E. S. will W illakenzie Grange and to hear turned to Hprlngfleld Tuesday even­ broadcast from KOAC at Corvallis In the Pleasant H ill cemetery. side any assurance of what the final the evening they will hear a ser­ be honored at the next meeting of an address by F. B. Harlow, coun­ ing to again make their home In wh ch has been arranged especially ATTEND GROVE LEGION , the lodge on October 18 It was de­ ty grange organizer. Miss Baughman was born on vote will be . . . and all political mon on the subject, “The Believer OFFICER INSTALLATION this city. They havo been living In for them. cided at the meeting held here this January 1. 1918 at Trent and leaves prophets are quick to state that It The W altervllle Grange Is the Walks." Rev. W illiam G. Taylor Portland for some months where Mrs. Lena Fraederlck. youngest besides her parents, her grandpar Is entirely too early to go on record will preach at both services. The week. grange in the county, Mr. W alker owned an Interest In The Joint Installation of officers ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wheeler, . . . except, that the presidential choir will provide special musical Worthy Matron named the follow­ having t>een organised this spring. MRS. WALKER HOSTESS an apartment hotel. He Is reported of the Cottage drove post Monday ing comml'tee to have charge of the Trent, and Mrs. L. Baughman o f : race can mighty easily develop Into numbers. FOR HAPPY HOUR CLUB Pleasant H ill. She also leaves three ----------------------- —— — ------------------------------------------------------------------------- dining room for the covered dish evening was attended by four to have disposed of his Interests In Hprlngfleld legionnaire«. Those go­ this property before returning to dinner to precede the lodge meet­ FARMER IN HOSPITAL sisters. Crystal, Althea and Emma STRAW-VOTE BALLOT Mr». Milton V. W alker was host­ ing from here were Dr. W. N. Dow, Hprlngfleld. ing: Miss Margaret Gorrie. Mrs Lou Baughman. AFTER AUTO MISHAP Mrs. Alice Lornh will remain in ess at her home. 449 Ninth street. W alter dossier, A. Hwarta. and M. J. McKlln. and Mrs. Jane Portland where she will he em­ Monday afternoon to members of H. E. Maxey. C. S. Cooper was taken to the Cruxan. the Happy Hoar club. About 20 SERVICES AT CHRISTIAN B. H. George, past state command ployed at the hotel. Pacific Christian hospital In Eu­ were present. CHURCH ARE LISTED er and Mrs. deorge auxiliary de gene Saturday night suffering from During the afternoon music was partment president, were the In TOOMB AND PYNE WIN GIRLS' MISSION CIRCLE a crushed chest and other injuries provided by Eugene Pearson who "At Peace W ith the World" will «tailing officers. received when he drove his auto­ HAS MEETING MONDAY IN OAKWAY GOLF PLAY was accompanied by Mrs. Roy Bry be the subject of the morning ser­ mobile Into a ditch to avoid hitting son, both of Eugene, and by Mrs mon at the Christian church Hun­ Miss Barbara Adams was hostess a truck which Is reported to have H. 8. STUDENTS ELECT Donald Toomb defeated W alter Jane Ketela. Mrs. W. N. Dow was day according to Rev. Veltle Pruitt, at her home Monday evening to had no tall light. THREE CHEER LEADERS Christensen of Eugene In tile fourth assistant hostess. pastor. The evening service will Cooper is said to have turned out members of the Young Women’s A Straw-Vote conducted by weekly newspapers located In states flight and Elmer Pyne defeated Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and Mrs. P. be of an evangelistic nature. There Missionary circle of the Christian to pass the truck which he hod al­ throughout the Union to show pre-election sentiment of small Virginia Christie, deorge Marx Irvin Faria of Kugeno In the second J. Bartholomew will entertain will be «pedal music at both ser­ church. Marjorie Waddell and Pearl most run into before seeing, when town and rural America In their choice for President for the and Vet non Lllea were nnmed cheer flight match of the Fall tourna­ members of the club at the Nov­ vice«. an approaching car forced him to next four years. Helterbrand assisted. ment now being played at Gakway leaders for the Springfield high ember meeting at the home of the At the 6:30 meeting of the Christ­ The next meeting of the group go Into the ditch to avoid a achool at a special assembly held country club Hunday. The tourna­ former on November 7. ian Endeavor the pastor will lead Put a Cross (x) In the square before w ill be held November 7, at the serious accident. Wednesday morning. They will ment Is nearing a close and finals the discussion on the C. E. pledge. the name of the candidate you prefer. home of Miss Evelyn Harris. Mrs. begin their work Friday nfternoon In each flight will probably be YOUNG PEOPLE HAVE Esther Adams will lead the discus­ COOKING CLUB HOLDS played within the next two weeks. at tho High Hchool-AlumnI gams. These Candidates have been officially nominated. sion. RECEPTION ON FRIDAY SERVICES HELD IN NEW H. 8. TEACHER RE8ICN8 Weekly Newspapers in Nation-wide Vote Poll : LANE TEACHERS HOLD H5TI1IITE _B LEGION INSTILLS OFFICERS TONIGHT I '.T.A.-IEACHER PROGRAM TONIGHT The Springfield News Nation-Wide Vote For PRESIDENT CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS SCOUTS TO REPEAT TO MEET ON MONDAY RUMMAGE SALE AGAIN Regular monthly meeting of the city council will be held at tho City hall Monday evening at 7:30 according to I. M. Peterson, re­ corder. No Important business Is slated to come before the meeting at thia session. Thirty-five young people attended tho reception given at the Metho- diet church Friday evening for Junior high school students by the Intermediate Epworth league. A play by girls of the league, and games by the entire group furnish­ ed the entertainment for the even­ ing. Refreshments consisted of Members of Hprlngfleld Girl Scout troop will hold anothor rum­ mage sale Saturday of this week In the building formerly occupied by the Nelson shoe repair «hop It was announced following the sale held last week. watermelons. WALTERVILLE CHURCH First services were held In the new W altervllle Community Pres byterlan church Hunday. Rev. Ralph Clark preacned. The church was burned completely down this summer and has Just been rebuilt. Sunday school and services have been held In thq N. O. W. hall dur- i Ing the Interim. TO VOTE— — — — | j Herbert Hoover Franklin D. Roosevelt | | Jacob S. Coxey Norrrtan Thomas | | W. Z. Foster William D. Upshaw | I Verne L. Reynolds SHOWER FOR BRIDE Voters need not sign hts or her name. But to assist In national tabulation please fill In name of Town and State. Town ............................... State IUKA CIRCLE MEETS Members of the Cooking clnb of AT AMORY TONIGHT the Christian church entertained The regular semi-monthly meet­ ing of Iuka Circle, Indies Auxi­ liary of the G. A. R. will be held this evening in the armory over Eggimann's. Routine business and a report on the card party spon­ sored laat Friday will bo taken up. with a surprise shower last night at the home of Mrs. Stella McPher­ son honoring Mrs. Carroll son Adams who was Sunday. Many beautiful and*i gifts were presented to the Kefraehmenta were the eveutag.