PAOB POUR THIS SPRINGFIELD NEWS COAST BRIDGES TOBE THURSDAY, SKI*TEMHKn 2ft. 1982 —— ■■ «- AT THE FOX McDONALD Editorial Writer on Astoria Newspaper Sees Demand for Open Roadway « Villon» of a continued demand for bridge» across the five bay» on the Oregon Coaat highway and their future construction at far greater expense than they can be built for now are seen by the As- torlan-Budget In an editorial ap­ pearing September 10. "Let us assume," taya the writer, "that the opportunity to secure thia cheap federal money at a time when building cons are at their lowest figure la passed up. Does anyone think that there will be no demand for the construction of bridges? The present demand will become intensified as the attrac ttoiu of this highway multiply the cara using it and as tourist traffic gels back Into Its normal stride. And this demand w ill not come alone from the coast counties. It will come. too. from the traveling public which does not like ferries. la the interaat rate on R, F C. | funds but there la sivme claim that It will really amount to about 4 per cent. At this rata, the In terest; charge on the loan w-vuld be $140,- i 000 a year. Just about the same I amount the state la now paying for operating the ferries. When ferry operation Jumpa to $200.000 a year, there would be a saving of $60.000 and when It Jumps to a quarter, million, the saving would be $110. ' 000 a year, which could he applied to the amortisation of the loan Bu. there would be the additional revenue derived front the small lolls on (he bridges, revenue not 1 now secured. If these tolls amount- ed only to $400 a day, they would I yield $140.000 a year gross, andS $400 a day is a very conservative ; estimate even with two-bit tolls. CONFERENCE DARK HORSES? School Bill Gets Wide Opposition Clara Williams, and Mrs Busbauer. Mrs. Clara Wt'llams assisted the hostess. Mias Arab Nell Arnold began leaching school al li Ivo wood last Monday The Trent public school started last Monday with Mias Shaw and Misa Mabel Anderson as (eschare. , The teachers are boarding with Mrs Arnold Pleasant Hill public school open- id Monday Beplember 26, with W. I*. Bherldaii principal and Mrs. Isole Phelps teacher of the primary grades. Mr. and Mrs Jack Deni and fain Ì lly of Rossburg spent (Sunday al the Phelps hume. The Junior class of (he Pl ssunl H ill high school will publish the school palter this year. The staff for (he first semester is Bd I lor In Í chief. Robert I'h eifs; assistant editors, Helen Retile and George Jameson; business manager Dwlghl Brown; : ports editor. Ho­ ward Parks, society editor, Km ma l.ou Baughman; printers Dick Noble and Joe Gannire; joke editor Dick Noble; ropy readers and typ- ' Isis Erma Drew and Elva Brabham. Jed. Bruce and Nobel Wheeler left Wednesday for Baleni lo al lend the slate fair and lake charge of the poultry department. Japan Mat Artist In hriday Match Oeorge Pete May Have to Don Jiu Jitxu Jacket Before Evening is Ended tkunethlng unusual iu the wrest I tng game will be nttd to Lane county fans Friday at the Eugene armory when Georgs "W ildcat’’ 1‘e le azponetit of (hs airplane aplti meets I ’ot u a Takahashi. Japsiioao Jiu jltsu a iils l Ir. the main event nil the weekly e Auilereon .Motor com pledge their own credit for the ¡tows: day for her home in Port Orford. I ln th** Foz f,ln' ot «»• f»m- wbu forwtod out of the rac. be- pany aa|earo<,m T h „ attloln„ b,la State Bar association action was building of bridges along a major Has Financing Plan Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Buell have ° US drama at the McDon- I cause of Illness. also taken against the hill as an Printer Injured— Jim Ellis, form now has a total mileage of 44.000. state highway? Have any other Mr. Laurence's statement is as ’It is now costing the state high- extravagant scheme that would returned to Medford after spending * ld ,bea,re F rlduy and Saturday A summary of the road over er employee of the Springfield counties had to do so? Have any way ,B ad<,lt,on ,o Lowe as Chandu I ___ ___ ___________ commission approximately COBt the gtate and taxpayers mil- a few days here with their au n t' which the automobile, a regular News was Injured last week at Mc­ of the many state bridges been so $140.000 a year to operate the fer­ the large cast also Includes Bela “l haT* b” ’“ «•»<*•« aa a | stock model, was driven ehow.’ thai Minnville while working In a news Miss Hersms. lions ot dollars. built? The coaat counties have al­ ries across the Yaqnina. Alsea. a* R olor: Irene Ware as I daU ,or representative of lame it covered l$ .l$ l miles of pavement. paper plant In that city. Mrs. Nettie Howard and Miss In addition to the emphatic dis- v tn n n s a V a X ti . tl._ k ._ _ . e ___ a * I i'lt lin f v |» v ih o llu v n iu 'e a I I n I 'm in t « . _ ready paid a larger share of the \ \ inchester and ( oos bays and the approval of such major organisa Alice Calvert spent Sunday n ig h t1 P f,rln<•ea,, NadJ': Herbert w Mundtan County by the Democratlo County 17t„ 0 .„lie . . urUc, and cost of constructing the coast high­ Siuslaw river, and the service is - - - Edmlaton's. - as the comical cockney. Mlgglea; Central Committee and In accept ln.cads.n blgbway and , , 8g rall„ , tions. civic and business leaders. at - John way than have the counties traver­ proving entirely inadequate in this of morp than , wen, y.aU counties Dog Bites Child— Gilbert Strat­ Weldon Heyburn aa the cunning ln« ,bat bonor » ** •! »*>•» «he people ,,r d,r, roadll more (han , hit The high school students are sed by other major rank roads of the first year of through travel, a publicly announced their oppori- Abdullah; June Vlasek as Betty ° f county are entitled to know .usance across the United States ton. grand on of Mrs. W II Brott holding the freshman reception at the state. Why force them to bond year in which tourist traffic Is at yon to the school moving measure, of Wlnberry. was brought to Lou. and Henry B. W althall as Re- Jbow 1 stand on those questions on rough gravel roads alone. the Thurston hall Friday evening. themselves for their bridges and a low ebb. Service is only maintain Springfield Wednesday evening to which are of such vital importance. the meantime the Parent gent, the Inventor. Temperatures on the ruu soared The lad ie s’ Aid met with Mrs. relieve the state entirely from these ed for 16 hours and it will not be Teacher, official publication for the “1 am opposed to the Zoru-Mc receive medical attention for a dog Two superb actors, with many to 114 degrees, varying from the John Price Wednesday to quilt.. construction costs? splendid achievements to their I 1 heraoD Scbeana that 1 can »corcblng w|nda of tba af(erBoona. here motored to Goshen to visit a big concession to the rest of the man,led It is estimated that the na»iOn of the measure along with tfe character! « * » ■ » • ”» «• b*'P d’ ' - a‘ The entire co u r^ of the te .t run Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Stivers Tue day create a pair of real-life chararterl Visitor Leaves— Mrs. Neva 8ny state in agreeing to bridges with ferry cost will be $200.000 in an [be Oregon Clubwoman, the official Protect w„ 3J m„ M , u r t , o flol>h rations entirely in keeping with | * d ‘ ° J h e •*« lala,“ r«’ evening. der of Minneapolis. Minnesota, who small toll charges. Their right-of- other year j r d increased to $250, publication of the Oregon State the personalities of the original lhe unlreraltJ' ln Particular, and It L estimated that appruzl has been visiting here at tbs bom» way will be the only one In tre state 000 by 1935? For over 50 y e .r . the indebted - nialely , uf |fce dtaU ||c- Federation of Clubwomen. radio ser:al upon which the stirring of her cousin. Mrs. Harry Stewart, not absolutely free to all travelers. nets of this state and subdivision» The estimated cost of building Although the State Grange Itself drama is bused. Lowe easily tops were covered during the trip. since Saturday, left Wednesday for And, since a great deal of the traf- the five bridges at this time Is will remain neutral in accordance his former role of magician in ”T h e | tla!' been «rowlnx by leaps and Three regular drivers and one l,os Angeles where she will visit bounds; It has reached more than flc along it will be their own local $3,500.000. Interest on this amount with a mutual agreement between Spider." while Lugosi with his relief man piloted the car. and In­ with a daughter. people, they will be contributing; at 3 per cent is only 105,000, This proponents and exponents of the slinking shadows and staring eyes, Ute two hundred million dollar terested spectators who cared to -----------------------------------------------------------hill, several local granges have al­ is more sinister than In ’’Dracula.'' mark and It should be time to start were given rides and Invited to S C O IJ T 9 P I A N M P I C1N .............. .................................. ......... Practicing economy. I am oppoeed drlv, v>r Om. bumlrad | » C O U T 8 PLAN M ELO N ready officially condemned the bill closely to the radio episodes from which It was taken. ‘ ° ‘ Dy “ ’ “ “ 7 took adv.n.a«,- ot ibis FEED F0R TUESDAY along with Chambers of Commerce. . taxes and If elected to the legls- ................ _ _ Community Clubs and Veteran or- opportunity. Newspapers Accused of De­ the picture features weird oriental lature Memhers of (he Hprlngfleld Boy pledge myself to support i ganizations in Oregon. Practically . Ax*ra«e gas consumption for the costumes, settings and effects in Scout troop will hold another fyn „ „ „ „ ro(|aa all organizations take stands simi­ liberately Misinforming Pub­ keeping with its Egyptian locale measure, calling for rl«id economy. watermelon feed Tuesday evening tax reduction and shitting of the lar to that of Governor Meier, who lic on Liquor Questions Ion. while the average oil ron- and the supernatural, magical ex next week during their regular tax burden upon those most able early in the campaign declared . sumption was only one and one-1 i - o . i . _.i u . .. ploits that have made Chandu , pay. oppose freak laws and ba|f p(nbl) .. . ml es. meeting. Robert IjiJole and Robert Supporters of the Eighteenth famous. I to K V W ill e e - thousand ! that nothing was to be gained but . Calkins ars In charge of the affair. laws which create extravagant ex- millions would be lost by shuffling Amendment and the Volstead act The dramatic premise of the plot penditure of the tax payers money. preseDt schools and establishing have been carrying on a defensive fovor of reducing the license campaign long enough and it is is based on ( handu s effort to re An, new ones as the bill provides. now time that these people begin cover from Roxor (he powerful ¡ee on motor vehicles to such an M ic r o m a tic an active, aggressive fight If these Death Ray with which the cunning exten, tba, every farmer and car CHOIR GROUP ELECTS people expect to see the fruits of conspirator Intends to destroy clvl owner can procure license for bis OFFICERS ON TUESDAY the-'r labors retained, declared F. C lization. The attempt to rescue o r . from him the loved ones of hin I "If I'm elected, I'll represent the All officers of the choir of the Heffron, independent republican famlly, Including Regent. Dorothy, people and not any faction and I i Christian church were re-elected candidate for the United States Betty Lou and Bobby, all fam iliar assure you tnat I have the for another year Tuesday evening house of representatives on the characters of the thrilling radio and qualifications to stand up for at a social and business meeting prohibition platform, here Monday mystery, forms what Is reported as wba, rlgbt and , o ngb, for Let your old heater help held at the home of Rev. and Mrs evening In addressing the first fall a breathtaking sub-plot. program of economy and reduc- meeting of the Methodist Men you to own real heating Veltie Pruitt In Eugene. Marcel Varnel and W illiam Cam-1 f|on taxes." This revolutionary micromatic Gem rezor is a superb Brotherhood. comfort next winter. Pre The officers are: Glenn Robert­ eron Menzies, both known for past instrument—richly goto plated. All one piece—twist Mr. Heffron pointed out many of pare now to bring con son, president; Mrs. Larson W right, achievements In the field of we rd It, it opens—twist it, it closes. Recently Introduced vemence and volumes of secretary-treasurer; Evelyn Harris, the evils of the liquor traffic, and and spooky screen melodrama, co­ for |1. warmth into your home librarian; Pearl Helterbrand. as­ concluded these remarks by say il i reded from Philip Kleiln's and ----------------------------------------------------- • for next winter, for we arc (Selections of class officers were sistant; and Barbara Adams, vice- Ing that there are no evils of the Barry Conners'ascreen adaption of These two shaving creams are the most popular, the offering you rock-bottom held at the Pleasant H ill high president. This latter is a new of­ present prohibition days which we the original radio episodes. largest-selling shaving creams, in the world. Colgate’s p ric e s on th e fam o u s did not have during the saloon days fice this year. school last week with the following brings you small-bubble lather. Palmolive’s olive oil Montag G rculator heat He warned his listeners against results: Senior class— president Rev. Pruitt is director of the content makes your shave smoother, easier. er and w ith a generous Ida Shelley; vice-president. M ar­ choir and announced that regular ‘ he repeal of the Volstead act as un­ allowance for vour old COME IN TODAY! — SUPPLY LIMITED rehearsals will be held every Thurs­ der such action the Individual garet Upton; secretary-treasurer, heating stove. If you burn states can be Just as wet or dry as day evening from 7:30 to 9:30. Bonnie T in ker; reporter. Zella wood or coal ot both, there is a Montag Cirrulatot Heater they want to be. regardless of the Mrs. J. C. Ayers entertained th elM au ney; sergeant Shirley Walt« lust the right tvpc md use *ot vout home at a price that existence of the Eighteenth amend 500 club at her home Wednesday. I Junior class— presllent, BUI Cope- makes it possible to» you to put the Montag in, at once. m ent Phone 15 Of the twelve members present I land; vice-president, Laurence Springfield, Ore. See the Montag display in oui windows. Let us help Speaking about the Oregon pro­ Mrs. Ira Elston received high prize. Lord ; secretary-treasurer, Emma you to convenience and volume >• \ irmth, next winter . . . Mrs. Clement and children have hibition laws which are to be voted a baking dish, and Mrs. Delmai I Lou Baughman; reporter, Elva and many other winters rc "om moved to Springfield so the chil­ upon in November, he declared that Boyer a small Jug, as consolation Brabham; athletic manager. Dwight dren may attend school there. the repeal of these measures would Pineapple whip, cake, coffee and Brown; sergeant, Lester Wheeler; FRIDAY and Misses Morjory and Dorothy H art leave the state with only about 20 punch were refreshments enjoyed | editor. Robert Phelps. Sophomore BATURDAY have rented an apartment from federal officers to cope with the en by all. class— president, Homer Awbrey; Mrs. Metcalf In Springfield and are tire liquor enforcement problem of Alma and Evelyn Morris are I vice-president, Clyde Kim ball; sec attending high school there. the state, and that It would become spending the winter with their sis retary Agnes W allace; reporter, Mr. and Mrs. Robison have necessary for local committees or S E E O U R W IN D O W D IS P ter, Mrs. Oeorge Conklin, while Robert Dillman; sergeant, Homer bought Mr. Conley’s place In cities to employ additional watch they attend the academy at Med-1 Parks. Freshman claag— president, Springfield and are making plans men for protection. ford. June Mathews; vice-president, Rob- to move In the near future. They Lack of interest in the primary Mr. and Mrs. Milo Thomson h a v c le rt W heeler; secretary, Natale are planing to hold an auction sale election In Oregon were attributed moved from Thomsons' lodge to | Q uitting; reporter Rex that have thrilled you for hundreds Blute; to dispose of their live stock and as the reason for the election of their home below Vida. treasurer, Wayne Jordan of nights come to life in the screen farming implements on the H. E either wet Republican candidates D. C. Trotter and H. C. Page have The Intermediate Christian En­ Morris place previous to moving or emocrats in the fall. Dry Inter each put a new roof on their homes version cf radio’s greatest drama! deavor held an election last Sun Mr. and Mrs. Fulton who recent­ e ts fail to become actively enough C. H. Wain, owner of the fox day. The following were elected ly purchased the 4 acre place from interested in the principles of the farm at Deerhorn, ha: been build President, Luclle Jordan; vlce-pre- Springfield, Oregon Mrs. Needham, near the Thurston candidates at the primary and often Ing additional pens, as he Is Intend-1 sident Nobel W heeler; secretary / store, are making extensive im finit themselves confronted with Ing to raise more foxes the coming Mildred Sw ift; treasurer Evelyn provements, remodeling and also the necessity of voting for a wet year. He has at present six oi Phelps; pianist Earl McLeod; chor building onto the house. Republican or a Democrat in the seven pairs and many young ones. Ister Dwight Brown. Several Thurston boys who went fall general election, and frequently A sister of Mrs. Vern Gillespie, | Several students from the Plea» up South Fork of McKenzie for the the choice Is a Democrat, he said. Mrs. Paul Peyton of Centralia, ant H ill high school are at the opening of deer season were dis­ Regarding resubmlssion of the Wash., Is visiting relatives here I state fair. Myrna Laird, Agnes Wal appointed with no luck. Carl Platt Eighteenth amendment the speaker Mrs. Peyton, a daughter of Mr. an d |li Marie Barnum, Elizabeth and James Edmlston killed one ,a said that this was not necessary Mrs. J. N. Hart, Is well known here Holcomb and Nobel Wheeler have three point buck. as an act in Itself because every­ Celebrating Jesse Easton's 7«th I all gone to take part In 4-H club Mrs. Gossler and children and time we vote for a candidate for birthday, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Eas work. Mrs. Beulah H arblt motored to congress we vote for submission or ton entertained with a dinner, the I The Birthday club of Trent met Salem last Saturday and spent the resubmlssion of the entire constitu­ center of attraction being a cake at the home of Mrs. Susbauer last Comedy week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lester tion depending on the platform of with “Happy Birthday, Grandad.” Friday afternoon. The following ot- News Peterson. the candidate. In lettering on the frosting. All of fleers were elected. Mrs. Ingalls, SUNDAY Mr and Mrs. Jack H arblt and Mrs. Olustlna, vice- The candidate severely rapped his children were present. Mr. and I president; daughter, Molly Dean, from 8t. the Hearst newspapers for, what he Mrs. Jesse Easton have resided president; Mrs. Carol W illiams Ml Helen have been visiting at Law r­ turned manufacturing news, and near W ttltervllle for the past 60 secretary; Mrs. Jim Higgins, treas- ence Gossler’s home for the past other newspapers for their unfair years Mr. Easton has been a hop urer. The next meeting will be held several days. W IT H attitude on the wet and dry ques­ grower and farmer of this vicinity October 21 at the Olustlna home Mrs. Nolan from California has tion. News stories printed In dally since his arrival from England. with Mrs. Bob Baughman assisting LEE TRACY and MARY BRIAN in been visiting Mrs. Ira Gray foi papers about Clarence True Wilson Verna Hucka of Fall Creek Is Those present were Mrs. Bhaffler, several days expects to leave for and Bishop Cannon are usually un­ The Fastest, Funniest, Raciest Expose Ever Filmed reshlngllng the barn at the W illiam Mrs. Shawl, Mrs. Carol W illiams, Washington ln the near future to true ore receive the wrong interper- Hucka home. Mrs. Jim Higgins, Mrs. W. L. Also visit her children, Mr. and Mrs. tatlon. he declared. He urged his The W illing Workers society or Wheeler, Mrs. Clayton Kimball, CHARLIE CHASE in "YOUNG IRONSIDES" Frank Cumm. audience not to believe anything the Church of Christ, will hold an Mrs. R. 8. Baughman, Mrs. Olus- Nature Study "Snowbirds,” — News There were more than 30 ladles which they read about those men all day meeting at the home of Mrs. tlna, Mrs. W ill Arnold, Mrs. Frank attended the miscellaneous shower In lhe newspapers. Marvin Drury, Thursday. Kimball, Mrs. Lewis West. Mrs. Big State Organizations Un­ animously Denounce Effort to Juggle Higher Education famous Radio Story Portrayed DRY CANDIDATE SPEAKS MONDAY $1.35 Value For 49c Gem T R a zo r with 5 Blades — and 35c tube Palmolive or Colgate’s Shaving Cream RADE-IN your old Heater on a M ontag C irc u la to r * Upper Willamette i I McKenzie Valley Flanery’s Drug Store íM IIO S A ll) Thurston TERMS IF DESIRED W R IG H T & S O N S MYSTERIOUS VOICES! TTY Irish-Murphy C 0. Potato Chipsi, 2 pkg. for - 5c DallerDiamond Flour, 4 9-lb .98c Per Bbl. - $3.72 19r - 1 if Soap, white laundry, lObars ‘Blessed E v e n t” Bulk Black Tea 14 lb. Roberta Coffee, lb. Wheat Pops, Pk8- - - if !if 50c Box Writing Paper, Envelopes Î23c