THURSDAY. SRPTBMBgn 29. 1932 a n n tK iM M tw v «% ty w n tn W orld Serie« Baseball Again TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y Lane County Court Charles P. Poole September, 1932 O ENERA L FUND A D V E R TIS IN G : Oregon State Chamber of Commerce »26 00; III with Pneumonia—- Mrs J. L. j Vida Resident Her»— Mr» Frank Guard Publishing Co. 344.50; The Brink la III at liar hum« with an Mlnney of Vida waa a visitor In l Springfield News ,64.80 attack of pneumonia Springfield on Monday. ASSESSOR: Stella C. Wilkinson ¡3117.00; Agnea O'Brien »117 00- Attend Bible School— Hubert Hla* Visits Mother—Mrs. Lulu beater i Bertha N-.~t ,»0 00; Adelaide I. >nd M m I v I b T ra d e r are now attend of Portland arrived here Saturday REPUBLICAN C artier »4500; Phyllis Melsel F e lt MALE Standard make of Ina the Eugene Bible college. ¡»33 00; Ora Mel «el ,38.00; Weltha evening to visit with her mother. piano near Springflold. Will CANDIDATE FOR T ra ile r ,28 00; Anna Meade Wat­ Mra. Mary C. Magill. ■aerifica fur unpaid balança. A Vida Man Hertf—Clifford W ilt of kins »100; D. E. Yoran ,4 00; Paci­ ■nap. Kaay taru». W rite Tallman I fic Telephone Co. ,7.80; O H Jones Vida waa a bualneaa vlaltor In Spend W eekend at Cabin— Mr. »81.50; J W. Alatock »7.00; Cres­ Plano Store. Salem, tire. H-22 | Springfield Saturday. and Mra. C. A. Wyman spent thr , sey» »4 40; H P Markuaen ,117 00; week-end at their cabin on the Me-1 Koke-Chapinan Co. ,47» 50. III at Heme— F. A. Weld la III Kuuale river above Vida. BOUNTY: Ralph Wolforth »10.00. CRAZY CRYSTALS al hla homo thia week Mr. Weld la Elvln l-ewla »3 00; Donald Burdick FOR LANE COUNTY. A Mineral Water Treatment, father of Mr i. Dodd Miller. Vlalta at Toledo— Mra. Donald ! «2 00; Glen Brook« »4 00; W K llrlnga a Health Ituaurt to You. Mcukina left Saturday for Toledo i Bo»e »4 00; J. E I-ee »4 00 Otto OREGON Sees Fair— M ia, Nellie Sluurl a t­ 3«lE7th. 32 W Hlh. Eugene, l*h 1704 Bodfe »3 00; K. E Wlcka »2 00; H to spend the week end visiting with tended the State fair at Salem Mon­ E. Bailey »3.00; Oeorge Beebe her huebund who la employed there I »4.00; I-eo Meadows ,2.00; Fred 0 1 liullet Joe Gee that' a terrible day. Election Nov. 8, 1932 ¡Thorp »4 00 ; 8. O. Martin »4 00. Fleh on McKonslo— W C. Wright picture of you. CARE OF POOR Mr». M M Lcaburg Man Here— Sam ttwaf and son, Scott, and Roscoe Perkin» (luttllna Pete- Yeah, I'm going to Stas »5 00 Mr«. M J Beckett »5.00, ford of Leaburg waa a bualneaa •pent Sunday flaking on the Me Jeaae C. Jones »5.00; Mrs E. A. aev If I can arrange to have the visitor In Springfield Saturday. Never Before Held the ¡W hite »6 00; C. B. Leep ,4 00; W Kenxle river. police uae the photo I had taken I H Devan »6 00; Mra W. C Harpole at (hat »well place ou Michigan ave­ Office of Coroner, Bags Mule Deer— Dodd M lll«r re­ »6 00. W W. Lyons ,4 0 0 ; Mrs N. Gets Hla Deer— George Gerlach I nue. turned Saturday from Eastern Ore­ ; E Herbert »6 00; Sarah W id e brought In a 164 pound black tall The schedule has been completed for baseball’» annual world icrica, »8 00, Jeaae Taylor »8 00; Frank gon with a 220 pound mule deer. deer from the Cedar Elat district * first two game» to be played at Yankee «tadium, New York, September 28 N O T IC I Mason »8 00; Mr« Hattie Bower« and 29. Anticipating the triumph of the Chicago Cuba in the National | »8.00; Mra Mary W ilbur »8 00; OF F IN A L B E TTLB M E N T Does to Portland— Mra. Wayne early thia week. League pennant race, the next two game» are scheduled at Chicago on : Forrewt Fischer ,8.00; Mra. E. C. -Member of the Firm of Poole-Gray-Bartholomew Clover made a bualneaa trip to j October I and Z . . . Photos, thow (left) Charley Grimm playing first- Notice la hereby given that I. Daughter Born— Mr and Mra Kull , 8 00; Mra Nettie Baling Portland the first part of the week baseman tninager of the Chicago Cuba and (right) joe McCarthy, manager M. Peteraon, executor of the estate »8 00; Nell McDonald »8 00; Eliza . Cheater Chase are thr parents of of Ellen Josephine bout, deceased, of the New York Yankee»—former manager of the Cub» and the only heth P. Chandler ,8.00 Lula Gaddy Oo to Salem— Mr. and Mrs Mar ■ baby daughter born to them al manager ever to have won a league pennant in both major league». and of bar leal will and teatament, 1,10.00; Mr« Peter A. King »10 00; VOTE 317 X NO - - Against Moving the University haa filed hie final account In the Ion Adama spent Tuesday at Salem l,ie Eugene hospital In Eugene on C. E Adam« »10.00; Adda Rlemen County Court of I-ane County, Ore- transacting bualneaa and attending Tno day, September 17. 1932. achselder »10.00; George Savage gon. and that aald court haa aet »10.00; Mra. R. E. Cox »10.00; An­ Endeavor President Hero— Sterl­ aa tba time and placa for the final the atate fair. drew Erickson ,10 00; Florence , Umphrey 4 Mackln »45.»»; „ . W ll L. H. Jessen ,10.50; Pioneer G ro aeltlement of aald estate Saturday Armstrong »10.00; Grace Bennett Hama ft Ottman »39.26; Clyde Shef- eery Co. ,27 43; The Groceteria Oat Mota Dear— Veltle Pruitt and ing Cash, president of the Lane October lat, 1932. at 10 o'clock In »10.00; Mr». Susan Suttle ,10.00; fHer ,12.00; G. W McFarland »2.54; »14.00; Irish Meat Market ,1434- the forenoon of aald day at the Dullaa Murphy rt-turnod laal Thura County Christian Endeavor w»socta­ Henry Bolin $10.00; Frank BuIlls j W alter Price fnc. $17.15; City Williums Bakery $36 61- Johnson County Court Room In the Court­ day each with a mule deer killed In lion spoke at the meeting of the »10.00; Flora Snyder »10 00; Ben- Water Work» »1.50; Amos Yoder Furniture Co. ,11.»«; Medolacd house In Eugene, Oregon, where all Eeeatrrn Oregon Christian Endeavor of the local Jamln Parrtsh »10 00; Mrs. Richard »» »6; Mra. E Birch »2.10; P. P. Creamery »15.40; Howard Auto Co. persona Interested may appear at beeu 67 nets operating this summer Cook $10 0«; E. L. Phares ,10 00; Colgaard »4.50; E. R. Bbultx »7.02; ,77.76; Wm. Klalnger ,6.30; Carl Christian church Sunday evening. Commercial Fishing on River aald time and file objections, If any In about two miles of stream at Della Kllnk $10.00; Malinda Smith Eugene Bakery Co. ,1.40. On Hunting T rip — William Davis R. Baker Film Shop $20.80; Reid's Ibey have. C IR C U IT CO URT: Roy Steen Creamery $6.36; Northwest Cities the mouth. It la almost a miracle 1*0 00- M r« James Gearhart »10 00; Daughter Born— Mr. and Mra.: Held Not Profitab1«; Tour- I M PETERSON, Executor of and W illiam House left Sunday tor when a a f flsb l.h ,e i. th w ^ .a '^ o la »12.00; ist Business More Valuable when gets through this , B 12 8 w . N Jem)le Barnar<1 W. g12 T. 00; Davis Con- $2.10; Flora Hom $3.70; Lyman C. Cas Co. ,6.33; John B. Reid ,24.00; the Estate and l * a l W ill and the Upper W illam ette oountry to W alter Blackely of Oakridge are Palmer »3.00; H. B. Mann »3.00; Cresseya »2.40; H. L. Bown ,18 00; the parents of a baby daughter Teatament of Ellen Joeephlua go on a hunting trip. blockade and tbe commercial In tral Hotel »12.00; Bertha Blais James Laxton »6.00; Pacific Tele ■> E- Carillo »4.75; Nick Anton Root, Deceased. hdrn to them at their home at 1342: Closing of the Rogue river to com- teresta are never satisfied until »14.00; Edith McKune »15.00; phone Co. ,11.55; Lawyer's Coop. »»750; Coe Stationery Co. ,2.80; (81-18-15-13-2») Imperative If the they have taken the last fish Visits Parent»— Dale Hinson la Agate street In Eugene on Mon- ' ra* rc,a* ,lab,n« Frances Shields »15.00; Helen Publishing Co. ,10.00; M. E. Me- Eugene W ater Board ,32.47; State . Bushnell »1500; W. D Calkins Dermott »13.50; Chas. C. Pollock Ind. Accident Com. ,48.42; Postal hu«e tourUt «*»■»»«•* of »outhern here thia week from Portland visit­ day. September 26, 1832 N O T IC E O F H B A R IN O Line Fishing Pays Beat ! »15.00; C. E. Denney »15.00; R. C. ,45.00; Edwin L. Holmes ,68.85; Telegraph j Oregon la to be preserved, accord- Co. 84.76; Western ing with hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. O F F IN A L A C C O U N T "We can stock the stream for Shephard »16.00; M. 9 Barker The Frank Shepard Co. ,18.50. Union Telegraph Co. 84.04; Lottie Waatad no Time— While many of log to W llford C. Allen of Grants Fred Hlnaoo. N O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN : hook and line fishing but we can U5.00; E. D. Lowell »15.00; Julius Schwleterlng ,3.50; Carl Blimp CORONER C. V. Simon »35.55. hla friends were traveling long dis- Paas. Mr. Allen represents the n o t a tn e k It that the undersign*!, aa executor of Orow w 115-00; Alice C LER K : S. E. Skene ,134.00; L. ,17.00; J. S. Woodard ,10.00; Koke- not stock II against )te r Mrs. Bafcer , 16 G. 00; Allen A Gets Big Deer < oy l-ea there re- tancea to get their deer thia sea chamber» of commerce of Grants the l-aat W ill and Teatament of M Bryson »117.00; Eva L. Duck Chapman Co. ,10.66. W . perl(ln» ,15.00; J. L. Kelly worth »108 00 Edith C. Adams, deceased. hna filed turned Iasi Thursday from hla son Kay Nutt left home at 6 o'clock Paas. Medford and Ashland who are the commercial Interests. S L A U G H TER ED A N IM A LS; J. Sibyl Westfall her account fur the final settlement hunting trip to Eastern Oregon Sunday morning and was back working to pu a the river closing "Gold Beach businessmen have »15.00; Minnie O. Smith »15.00; ,100.00; Grace _ ,44.60; L. G. Helter- M. _ . L. _ ________________ Dawson A. Flanigan of aald decedent's estate In the with a 200 pound mule deer. figured that for every fish taken £ hr' 8 ^ T ° i 'manM o 1108 He,en S o ™ » « * »80.00; i line ,218 25. within a few hours with a deer hill at the general election this fall, county Court for County In on l.o o k and Hna am i i » . . Hurd * 16 00■ M r»- Marietha Bassett Sara Allen »80.00; M. E. McDer-| SURVEYO R: Helen F. Barton ,95.00; Ethel Thompson ! 880.87; Olive R. Chamberlain "W e have a tourist bualneaa n hook and line »10 Is left In the ,18.00; Mr» H. L. Anderson »20.00; m o t t the State of Oregon and that Sat Hunt on Coast — John Dale which he bagged up the McKenxIe. urday the let day of October, 1921 community, spent with the mer- Mabel Goodman »20.00; Netta H art 1,80.00; Mabel Henry ,80 00 Koke- »110.00; D. E. Yoran P M. »3.00; _ _ . . which reaches annual proportions Adams. Sam Sweeney, and Albert al the Court Room of aald Court In ii "u ° Uth **r’ and M r* of n«**r*F two million dollars In the chant , hotels, resorts and other nian »20.00; Good Samaritan Hos- Chapman Co. ,36.00; D. E. Yoran O. E. Rose ,22.50; Pacific Tele­ H' hu ler «pent the week-end on a the County Court House In Eugene, businesses. Every fish that goes *«5 w ,: , Ei P“T-ry J2° 00: Markwe11 Northwe«* Co. phone Co. ,12.10; McGinty's ,14.55; J m Bonner and children. Mickey tbree 8outbern Oregon cWe, ... Oregon at ten o'clock In (he fore­ hunting trip In the Slualaw region Helen and Jim. J r . vl.Red here c|>rwd M r AUen -Í . " »25.00; S. W infrey »25.00; Lane Co. 1x745. Pacific T el A T e le e r a n h Cn The Frederick Post Co. »2.46; R. „ Qne n o a can is worth about 40 cents. Chapter A R. C. »255.82; Elma $10.85; Office Machinery * Supply ' A. Babb Hardware Co. 8»c; Crea noon. has been fixed by aald Court Thursday at the home of her l» r- L , U m , ^ ( e a t drawing card, to our R eturn« from T rip — N. L. Pollard aa the time and place for hearing "W e believe that the people of B>»ke »6.00; Mrs. A. E. Erickson Co. »2.50; Carl R. Baker Film Shop »eys ,13.05; P. M. Morse »8.00; O. enta. Mr. and Mr«. Frank Bench Cregon are fully awake to the value V', ? and Lula Hoare |i.7 5 ; Shelton-Turnbull-Fuller Co. I H Waggoner »3.00; Valley Print- objection» for the i -------------------------- returned Sunday morning from .section. ... _ there . .u to, and . - ---------- - ------- After the tourist has seen final settlement thereof. o f t h e ir n a t u r a l r e « „ ..r ,.A . a n d .h * 139 3 8 ; c ,a lr 4 ,T a Murdock ,n . 2 5 ; Cressey's »31.00; Railway ing Co. »8.50; Eugene Auto Top Co. „ - ..... ..... " ■ * * * ” c " - ■” a of their natural resources and the ,89.38; Creston Hoare »7.82; B. K ü rre M Cx) 6¿. 1,2.7»; E. N. Thompson »15.4»; J. the l a i l W ill and Testament of gon where he hunted deer for the • o r» » , wnere they , h„ |eavea for Washington or British necessity for conservation If we are Wheeler »15.00; Springfield Cream- CO U N TY COURT: C. P. Barnard M McCausland »78.15; Adna H. Edith C Adama, Deceased pa at few days. M ninlu’ lh * lr home In the future Columbia or some other point, un- to hold our tourist business. We ery Co. »18.83; Mrs. H. S. Cox »5.00; $14«0; J. N. Chapman »3.00; Mrs. i Signor »4.4»; V. D. Fogle ,16.45; L. L. HAY, Attorney for Estate leas we can offer something to ask that the case of the 50 000 reel- W 1 Lichty »10.00; Mrs. Alma Martha Plath »3.00; Clintdn Hurd Earl Roberts ,6 35; L. N. Mathews (81-18-15-22 2») Route Cheek Completed—Check IUKA CIRCLE PLANS dents of th e u o n e r v a lle v L . i v e „ B* ni,ton 812.00; Pook-Gray Bartho- j i pg. Pacific Telephone Co. ,20 30; ¡ 8« 35; Harry Gerlach »13.0»; W il­ hold him longer. Our fishing Is tbe dcat« of the upper valley be given |om(.w Co. »50.00; L. E. Josephson Pederson A Brown »2 25- Valley H »™ Gerlach »11.34; F. D. Thomp- Ing of all mall received and dis­ »5.00; Frank Deming »3 00; N. A. Printing Co. »38 27- Koke-Chapmari ' son »5.71; Equipment »4.53. BENEFIT CARD PARTY one thing which can accomplish full consideration In November.” tributed over route 1, Springfield, Rowe »6 50; Milo Hart »7.33; M t . ¡ f o. , i . M ; Equipment »15 63 W est-' T A X REBATE: J. M. Keeler this longer stopover. In recent waa completed last week by John States Power Co. »4.29; Mrs. C. B. ern Union Co. » . 44 | »4.38; A. W. Schwerlng »6.04; E. O. Members of Iuka Circle number yeafs, however, the runs of salmon Over In Brooklyn Justice Dike Christensen »15.00; Mrs. O. Huff ’ Nice, regular carrier. Board Robertson ,20.52. CO UNTY F A IR : Fair 37 will entertain at a benefit card and steelhead have been so deplet­ refuse d a certificate of Incorpora man ,11.25; John A. Bosserman »191.25. I T H IS T L E : Alex Lewis »12.8«; J. Attends State Fair Ted Lenhart I Party Friday evening, September ed that we have had little to offer, to the Jiggs Nut Club. Inc., because 84 50; Mrs. I. J. Estes 810-00; Mrs. COURT HOUSE: C. C. Pollock L. Dahltn ,30.00; J. E. Johnson John Nokes »8 00; J. R. Hendricks attended the State fair at Salem 80. at the home of Mra. Wanda with the resultant loss to Oregon the name was undignified. »44.73; J. B Robertson »99.73; Eu »33.02; Ira Baker ,18.31; B. G. »8.00; John M Durham »6.00; W. gene Robertson »74.73; D. D. Hig­ Snyder »37.86; O. W. McFarland JEWELER Munday, going there on the special j Barnes, circle president. Both of thousands of dollars of revenue. H. Hodes »10.00; G. W . McFarland gins ,1.50; Johnson Furniture Co. »13.32; Hugh Edwards $6.56; F. W. Itepalriug a Specialty Gold Beach Favorable train which the Southern Pacific j bridge amt 600 will be played and ,2.24; Charlotte H . Stein $15.00; »37.70; Twin Oaks Lumber Co. Deedon ,34.88; E. E. Ross ,26.83; NURSE TELLS HOW TO “ Even Gold Beach, at the mouth Mrs. Zelma Groom »8.00; Dwight N. ,3.60; R. A. Babb Hardware Co. W alter Rauch ,3.00; Jesse Gates prise« will be given. Tickets for the operated. Springfield. Oregon SLEEP SOUND, STOP GAS Keasey »6 00; F M Cashman Real- »5.90; The Broadway ,4.75; Irish ,12.28; E. P. Saunders ,6.05; W. evening will Include refreshment«., of river where they have been Former Residents Here— Mr. and ------------- ty Co. »5.00; J. N. B. Fuller »4.00; Cash Store No. 8 »1.30; A. E. Han­ I Seales ,32.28; Earl Adams ,53.48; carrying on commercial fishing, la Mrs. A. E. Erickson »6.00; Cush- sen Co. »54.75; H. W. W hite Elec­ Frank Deming ,2.70; E. C. Cols Mr«. Glenn Kadubaugh of Roseburg Nurse V. Fletcher says: "Stom- rapidly swinging toward the tourist N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN were vlaltore In Springfield Sunday. ach gas bloated me so bad I could “ a" * . i 1™ . ^,rs i.aLrle tric Co. ,12.00; Preston & Hales »6.80. REA L PROPERTY angle of the flail question. When not sleep. One spocnfnl Adelerika ?.a, TR EASU RER: Burroughs Adding , rO« ? i« Mn 8 t ,13.80; Bray Bros. ,4.50; Eugene Naturopathie Phytlelan While here (hey were guest« at tbe ? “l r « *1 W ater Board »104.69 State Ind J Machine Co. »31.10; Grace Schiska NO TIC E la hereby given that by tbe commercial fishermen a ked brought out all the gas and now I t 15 °5; l*hona 81J home of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Taylor. virtue of an execution and order of the Gold Beach chamber of com­ sleep well and feel fine.” Flanery's Sr , " w *15 J 2 5 ° a Accident Com. »3.79; Shell Oil Co. ,16.25; Mabel Palmer ,80.00; Paci­ Office lloura: 1 to 6 P. M. fic Telephone Co. ,7.30; Thelma ^'r - ” ■ $15.00; c nns. & ,10.18. sale («sued out of the Circuit Court merce for an endorsement of their Drug Store Leave on Hunting T rip — Riley of tbe State of Oregon for Lane _ 1 ._____________ Charley's Market »9.83; Eugene D IS T R IC T A T T O R N E Y : Pacific Blair ,1.35; Pacific Coast Stamp <06 Fourth Street referendum of our legislative mea­ Fruit Grower’s Assn. »1.00; New- Telephone Co. ,13.55; Glayds Price Works »1.35. Snodgraaa and I). W. Roof, former County the ,1st day of September, N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S man Fish M arket »3.14; J. W. »100 00; Eugene V. Slavery »177; U. S. LABOR: F. L. Armltage Springfield Jeweler left Sunday on 1»32. upon and pursuant to a decree sure, they were refused by a vote Notice is hereby given that the Quackenbush & Son »12.35; R. A. Valley Printing Co. »45.80; Alto »50.00. duly given and mnde by said Court of 18 to 4. This show« how the a two-week« hunting trip on the undersigned has been duly appoint- Babb Hardware Co. »10.25; Vitus General l-aw Practice W ID O W PENSIO N: Grace L. King »4.50. the 21st. day of September. 1932. In business meh of Gold Beach feel. ed Executrix of the estate of WI1- Electric Co. »2.50; W illis H. Small South Fork of the McKengle. D IS T R IC T SEALER: F. D. An- H iffman »10.00; Mrs. E. L. Zel a suit pending therein In which .. “ ' derel Si,<* 1' and, any Feed Co. ,14.82; O. C. Caawell | trim ,53 33 "We realise that this Is almost I. M. PETERSON wick ,10.00; Llxxie Adney ,10.08; C. B Shaffner waa plaintiff and J. EM ERGENCY: Insurance Men Here —- C. W. W alter Smith. Minnie E. Smith and purely a local matter, but we are and all persons having claims , 3g6; PlOTWr Grocery Co. »34.66; E. Johnson Lillie Owen ,10.00; Margie Bates Altcrney at-l-aw ,10.00; Golds Viola Reed ,10.00; Walls, special agent for the Ornerai ____________ ____ ____ _ ______ J W City Hall Building Ida Katherine Bartholomy ,10.00; I Insurance Company Rever.” Jacob.™ « “> <>">«■ «8 sale which was to exe- m. voters of the state. « e ? T ' t,On r^ . ‘l7 d g S ' * * " * ’ *’ ’ * « : W H t a m r S s T f - S ^ ; ; s.U M. Mc^^ary'u.OO?' uS,” of America was »®re defendants, Clara Edith Vogt »10.00; Mollie Sprlngfteid. Oregon Il RUtWt Mt th< » ♦ »»rt Jut O Hlrgwfgk/I anal nnwa mas ■*«*«<■ — _ s_ left to .he three affected coun- »he oKlce ol! Wells «: W e ll. 840 g, , j .«8; Haskell's Grocery ^ 9 0 « 0 ; ' Ben Marks ¿99.60; H. B. Gordlneer »10.00; Nora Moran directed and commanded me to tell home Saturday. the real property hereinafter dea-' t,ea' we »<’“ *'• cloa® the river by W illam ette St.. Eugene, in Lane , 64 49. p,lr ,,an nrug Co »10.84; iiavis 50c; C. E. Duckworth »4.00; »10.00; Fannie Stonehocker »10.00, f r o ^ V h ^ i ^ o r t h l s 1 notice ° nthS T,f,any DaTi" Dru* Co' 1 8 8 ; Oray s The Brund Saw Shop 90c; Eugene Viva M iller »10.00; L illie Tate ... .. » u ' crlbwl ,o satisfy certain liens and a vote of 20 to 1. This should aid IM te d anJ H r .. n e h H .h ^ ,h.« Feed * Seed Co' »3 90; W l,liam F™ « Growers ,278.61: Morris »10.00; Jessie Wells Nesbitt »10.00; FRANK A. DE PUE m u*r ‘ bar* ' ‘" i? "“ j 1 decr®® specified, I the voter In deciding which way he 1«t d . v O? S eJem hei V « » d h Burke Hal1 * Shumway Chevrolet Co. »9.00; Thurman s Flossie Simmons ,10.00; Barbara and Mrs. Warren Smith left Friday will on Saturday the 29th day of u .... t . ,, . A T T O R N I* A T LAW for Algoma near Klamath Falls October. 1932 a f t b e hour of 11:SS " 'ark h ” ba,loL „ 1st da> of September. 1,82. , » 10 60. a { s u te 8 p ,,^ Co. j s Service Station ,44.16; H. G. Wesby Stoddard ,10.00; Cora E. M iller T T’ l P i i a o n w r i i P w n z m tu w iu .o v , o k A itT s ru w ri e r v i c e C n a i l O I l > 4 4 . I D , n . IF . n e s u j N O T A R Y P U B L IC ,1 5 M ; E G Gardner »1.75; West ,4.50; G. H. Waggoner »5.50; J. H. »10.00- Doris Ruth Green ,10.00; where they «nent the week end <,‘<,|<* k A M »»uthweet door 'The Rogue Is too small a stream W E l l ^ a w p i 1« WBUUb^Attorneya. Disinfecting Co. »2.25; Ayres * Co. Kennedy »52.00; David Jennings Edna Muriel Woodie ,10.00; Nora oi the County Court House in Eu- for commercial fishing. There have « L 1 . U Springfield Sutton visiting with relative«. g„ne> ljtn r CountJr Ored interest of the defendants Ethel Amanda ,29.11; Kremmel Bakery »3.10; Store »1.90; L. Toll »50 67; Equip­ Phillip» ,15.00; operation on hl« tonsils at the v e t-1!" "“ ’d gult and °8 a11 Parties clalm- State Ind. Accident Com. ,11.21; ment ,28.58; W’estern Box Co. Thurman ,15.00: Metta B arrow dlff ,n* by' ,h r° “ ab or under them o r, ,15.00; Ida Grant ,16.00; Alice E. trans hospital. any o( them. In or to the following I Dunham's ,33.94; Kolker’s Grocery »6.00. F R U IT INSPEC ’I O R : C. E. Stew­ Kau ,15.00; Thelma Ann Lattin »8.31- Merwin's Grocery ,15.40; D. described real property, to-wlt: Visits BlaUe—L. B. Porter of M il Bertha Lockett ,16.00; R. Henderson »19 28; Mrs L. D. art ,112.60; E. J. Loucks ,59.23; ,15.00; All of the Lot or tract number­ Bertha Benson ,17.50; Margaret waukee arrived here Saturday for H uff ,4.96; McCornack’s Dairy State Ind. accident Com. »1.48. Formerly Walker-Poole ed Four (4) and all except the H E A L T H SERVICE: Shaw Sup- Safely ,20.00; Lena Cooley ,20.00; ,4.96; Mrs. J. Hubbard ,4.48; Han north three acres of the Lot or a short visit with hts sister. Mr«. son’s Dairy »3.72; J. S. Powell ply Co. »2.81; Lane Co. Health Unit Laura Caswell »20.00; Lillie Sim­ tract numbered Five (6) In Fern­ I). C. Poindexter. Mr. Porter Is an EUG ENE— U tb S P R IN G FIE LD Dairy »2.48; Eugene Farmer's ,722.41: Ford-Nelson M ill Co. »44.50. mons Cole »20.00; Dora Alice Boggs dale Addition to Santa Clara. In engineer for the Chicago-Milwau­ Creamery »4240; Petersons Dairy IN D IG E N T SO LDIER: Henrik »20.00; Jessie M. Palmer ,20.00; I-ane County, Oregon. and Charnelton. 118 Main kee railroad. »2.48; Independent Meat Market Petersen »10.00; Henry G. .Guild Bertha E. Peery ,20.00; Karen D A TED this 22nd day of September, Telephone 733 Phone 61-J 1932. »1.80; Mrs Bristow »15.00: Shield's : »10 00; Mrs. Thos. R. Follett »25 00; Marie Hosford »20.00; Cora Lot» Mattison »20.00; Ofa Sender» Grocery ,28.13; Safeway Store N o .' Mrs. Celia Messer »25.00. Visits at Salem— Mrs. Harry Fan H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. ¡159 »55.71; L. L. Lamb »9 81; Ol-| IN S A N E : M. G. Howard »5.00; »20.00; Lulu May Bergman »20.00; By W. W. E D M I8TO N . Deputy. ilrem left Sunday on a two weeks' son's Grocery »9.48; Peterson’s George A. Simon »5.00; N. E. Win- Ethel Margaret Doran ,20.00; Flos­ S 29: O 0-13-20-27) vacation from her duties at the PLAY GOLF Grocery »1.78; Acheson Store nard »10.00: Dr. E. L. Zimmerman sie Christianson »20.00; Hllm a local telephone office. She will »6.52; Olson's Grocery »10 20; »10.00; A. O W aller M. D. »15.00; Farnsworth »20.00; Bertha V. N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SA L E Meyer »20.00; Alma Lucille Bus- ' Haxen A Strnekmeler »5.64; Cen- Milton V. W alker »5.00. There I k no better form of visit with her hu band while at R EA L PROPERTY tral Market »7.23; Mrs. A. J. Lund- JU STIC E CO URT: J. E. Young sear »20.00; Lottie Moore ,25.00; recreation than to play a Salem. NO TICE Is hereby given that by strom ,22.00; V. E. Orousbeck »10.00; Dan Johnson ,125.45; Wal- Bertha W alker »25.00; Kathryn C. round of Golf. »25.00; Jennie Morgan »8.04: Geo Shrull »4 86; Cottage ter Millican »4.20; Peter Finn »4 30; Nolan Teaeher III— Miss Helen Chaney , - ” ec.U,.Lon .and ?.rd.?p of sale Issued out of the Circuit C o u rt1 Grove W ater System »3.76: Peder- Mrs. Peter Finn »4.30; L. B. Stearns »25.00: Lucy C. Robbing »26.00; resumed her duties as a member of the State of Oregon for Lane Mary A. Hnbb« »26.00; Haxel M ar­ sen's Grocery ,12.66; Woodson’s $4.20; J. T. M iller »10.00; H. M. You're Cutdoora Under the trees of the faculty of the Springfield County this 26th day of September,' garet Allen »25 00; Melvla V. Auto Camp »2.66; Murray Drug Co. Lichty »1.10; Chester Conger »1.20; when you play hinh school .Wednesday following 1932, upon and pursuant to a decree i 40c: W illiams Self-Service Store Bryant DeBarr »1.10; Henry T errill Thomason »25.00; Minnie Wheeler »5.97; Mrs. E. W. Shelby »3.10: E. 131.10; Harris Carr »1.10; M ark »25 00; Ara E. Franklin »26.00; an absence of- several days due to duly given and mBde by said Court th’s 26th day of September. 1932. In W. Dial 56c; B F McCollum »4.14; Johnson »1.10; Claie Larson »1.60; Mabel Oott »30.00; Kinney Loa Hines'. Mrs. Jane Ketels substi­ a suit pending therein In which B. C. Addison »1.00; J. F. Lamson Mrs. Emma Woodhouse »1.60; Hugh Burch »35.00, R. K. Powell »35.00; tuted for her. M. H. Stewart waa plaintiff and »7.44; Kelly Drug Store ,10.26; C. Keeney »1.60; J. W. Hobbs »1.10; Hazel Haynes »15.00; Home Gro­ Low Green Fees, and C. R. H illiard, Josephine Hilliard ¡ Golden Rule Auto FXrk ,15 40 A C.- F. Andrews »1.10; Nathan E cery »5.00. q»n ro » « « i s - w On Coaet T rip — Mr. and Mrs. Q. nnd Theodore G. Nelson were de­ Arthur L. Fields, president, Portland Chamber of Commerce, sample« p«.», a Lower Monthly Rates Barrett »1.10; W O Swan »1.10; eow »• b* exh,b’t«d Hogate »18 70; Medoland 'Cream Harry T. Shea »1.10; A. L. Whipple H. Turner left Sunday for an outing fendants, which execution and or­ " T o °!.|H ‘ |M.1 Co' , Raa * ppl* D,Ko1’ * rte# N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T at Pacific International, Portland, October 15-22. Harry L. Corbett, pact erv go; Buster Brown Shoe »1.10; John L. Marsh »5.40; C. H. IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E der of sale was to me directed and ou the coaat and In Southern Ore­ commanded me to »ell the real „ president, Pacific International, at the pumps. ¡Store »3 55; W A, Taylor »48.34; { Croner »6.10; D. I-. Herdman »6.10; STATE OF OREOON IN AND gon. Their trip waa of an extended property hereinafter described to t , ! Blair's Cash Store »9.50; Irish Cash G. W. Burnett »6.10; Miles Burnett FOR T H E CO UNTY OF LANE Western livestock exhibitors will Club exhibits and Smith Hughes Vo gtore c q ,74.70; A. E. Sharpe $6.10; J. E. Young »5.00; C. H. nature. Mrs. Hattie Myers Is In satisfy certain Hens and chargee In IN PROBATE, No. 5673. charge of their novelty store dur anld decree specified, I will on Frl- have a better chance of winning cational Education exhibits and ac- Grocery »24.14- Ideal GroceTV Sedgwick »8.70. In re Estate of Louisa Mulkey, de- day the 28 day of October, 1932, a t ' cash prises and awards this year tlvltiea. ¡»103.37; A. R. Sneed »32.91; Pay-n J U V E N IL E COURT: John L. cpaseil Ing their absence. the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. at the at (he Pacific International Live Notice to all Is hereby given that In addition to these, this year's Takit ,67.46; Wm. Kyle & Sons Marsh ,63.98; State Ind. Accident the undersigned, Lansford H. Mul­ Back from California— Mra. R. L. southwest door of the County C o u rt! stork Exposition's competition for Exposition offers as a new and | Co. »82.81; H a ll’s Fruit « Produce ¡Com. »5.02. House In Eugene, Lane County, Irish-Murphy Co. SCHOOL S U P E R IN T E N D E N T : key. as the Executor of the above Drury returned Monday from a Oregon, offer for sale and sell at the ,75«no premium list, provided thrilling entertainment feature the C®- »136.64; country's leadlna rodeo McCartv »117.33: Oceumpaugh Bros. Grocery, E. J. Moore »2.57; Margaret Cutler entitled estate has filed In said by the state. Multnomah county and ! four-weeks trip (o 'California during public auction for caoh. subject to »78.02; Irish Cash Store No. 12 ,80.00; Iram H. Stroud »81.00; probate proceeding his final ac­ breeders' asnoclattons, according to o E f llio h tt i o J u n l ? h h ,h„b rnm nirf- a" »79-8«: The Groceteria »74.69; Has- Laurence C. M offk ,173.62; W E. count; that by order of the said which time she visited with rela redemption as provided by law. all O. M. Plummer. General Manager of live« nnd friend« at Delano, Me of the right, title and Interest of | the Pacific International. The Ex of bucking horses Including the kelrs Grocery »126.98; The Broad- Finzer ft Co. »3.50; Office Equip- court duly given and made the ramous Midnight . the mount that wav MnT)tet »131.73; Irish Cash ment Co. »1.50; Pacific Telephone hearing will be had upon the said the defondanta In aald suit and of Furlan, Glendale, Montebello. Loa all parties claiming by, through or position will be held in Portland, haa never been ridden". At least store No. 8 »419.13; Shell Oil Co. Co. »11.05; W illamette Press »4.75; final account at the hour of 10.0<> Whon Starting Angeles and San Pedro. under them or any of them hi o r ' Oregon, October 16-22, Inclusive. twenty-five championship buckarooa ,21.68; Equipment »2.76; Eugene School District No. 4 »3.15; Cres o'clock. A. M.. October 2», 1932. to School to the following described real pro­ While the show Is expected to be and women riders will compete for Ambulance Co. »3.00; N. Scott seys »2.30; Security Envelope Co. and that any haying objection« Taking Vacation— Mr. and Mra. perty, to-wlt: even more complete than In the the ,10.000 In prize awards. In the Jewett »2.20; Branetetter-SImon ,14.13; Koke-Chapman Co. »2.50; thereto shall file the same In w rit­ at the Southeast cor­ past, eastern exhibitors will have Exposition's b'g arena, tbe first In Chapel »60.00; Eugene Transfer Co. Arllne Soasy »2.50; proceeding» Zellerbach ing In the said probate ?r If there I h any doubt In Bert Sankey left last Thursday for ner Beginning of Lot Four (4) in Fractio n al' smaller representations than usual. door rodeo held In the Pacific » « 00: Leo Decker »4.75; Halsell’s Paper Co. »12.98; Lelah Parks »3.00. at or before the said time tlm sat for Crater Lake a n d .K la m a th Falla. Block Seven (7) of Christiana I This will leave the awards open al- Northwest «Ivina the nubile a Grocery »2.00; Safeway Store No.} S H E R IF F : Lloyd Howe »124.73; hearing thereon. your mind bring them In They planned to go on to the Ore Second Addition to Eugene. Lane LANSFORD H. M U LK EY, Ex­ cloae-un¡view o ! all events The M7 I « ' 2* runner's Union Store Geo. F. Houghton ,111.78; E A County, Oregon; and run thence moat exclusively to western en -n . U . . 7. .. »17.66: Saginaw Cash Store »8.25; Holland »111.73; A. E. Hulegaard ecutor of the Estate of Louisa gon Caves and return to Springfield for a complete Rye Exami­ t rants. rodeo will show at eight matinee IjOndon Mercantile Co. »6.99; Eu »111.73; W W Edmiston »111.73; West along the North line of Mulkey, deceased. by way of the Oregon Coast high­ Besides the Dairy and Beet Cattle and seven evening performances, Fourteenth (14th) Street Ninety- j gene Hospital »3.00; A. E. Wheeler R. W Potter »111.73; Ethel Scott H. E. S LA TTE R Y , Eugene. nation now. way. eight (98) feet; thence run North 9howa which always occupy an Im­ This Is the twenty second annual ¡»30.00; J. H. Mathews »9.40; Wm ,81 00; W eltha Trafzer »28 00; Oregon. Attorney for Executor. seventy (70) feet; thence run portant place In the Livestock Ex­ Pacific International Livestock Ex j Maddaugh »28.56; Mrs. John A d a ir, Postal Telegraph Co. »4.76; Geo 8 29: O 6-13-90-27) Carrier Take« Vacation— Orson East Ninety-eight (98) reet to the position, an unusually fine collec­ position, the Pacific-west'a great »3.10; Drury ft Drury ,24.64; P url-C anaday ,111.69; Wm. Klsslnget West line of Oak street, thence tion of pure bred animale in all educational event, and Its way of ' tan Dntg Co. »75 38; Eugene W ater ,89 69; H. ft W Specialty Co. Thio Io Froo Vaughn, regular city mall carrier, H im — Henpeck claim« to have run South seventy (70) feet tc other divisions, Including sheep, drawing the spotlight of the world Board »1.77; Goff's Shoe Shop »6 75; Pacific Telephone Co. something In common with Ein­ took hla two-daya vacation for Sept- the place of beginning, all In coats, heavy draft horses, dogs, os It as a country outstanding In ¡31-36; James Christensen »12.69; } »69.95; Burroughs Adding Machine ¡ember this week. The vacations I-ane County, Oregon. Creswell Pharmacy 75c; Johnson Co. »21.65; H. L. Bown »25.43; stein. poultry, rabbits, fish and game will agricultural nrnduct« DR. ELLA MEADE are compulsory each month for all Dated this 27th day of Beptember Bam— Henpeck? Why, he’ t dumb Reduced I ro u n d t r l n r . r « . to P o r t * Noffsinger »10.80; C. C. W right Crystal Ice Co »6.00; Hall's Fruit he exhibited. There will also be the Optometrist government mall carriers. Leroy 1932. as an ox. usual Industrial Show, Dairy and H. I - BOWN. Sheriff, 41 West 8th Eugene .... . . . . „ - C. Sturtevant »7.88; Smith ft Short | Shumway »3.70; A. M. Gilbert Nice carries the mall for him dur­ Bim— I know It. But he saya kl« By A. E. HU I-EO AARD. Deputy.. Land Products Show, Wool and Mo­ 15-32. have been announced by all . 6491. 8cotfa Grocery »16 01; »5.82- Irish Self Service Store ing hla enforced vacations. hair Show, the Boys' and Girls’ 4-H r**lro* la- 8 39: O 113-30-37) ¡Glenwood Cash Grocery »29.54; 1,34.2); Mrs. L. M. Rearlck »11.57; wife doesn’t understand him. Coroner A llen E xplains Rogue R iver Closing M easure Business Directory Edw. G. Privat POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors O a k w a y C o u rs e Be Sure of Your Child’s Vision Exposition to be Better Than Ever