THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS rW K N TV-N IN TH VKAlt No. SR BIBLE CLASSES Oregon Set For WORKERS FIND OiBBLEE NAMED Tamers o f Bears 5 W MONDAY FEW NON-VOTERS Mita Co I di* Smith Again la ChoMn Director of Religi, out Education in Schoole Mrs. Rice Gets W.C.I.U. Post Still Mrs Rudy Vallee Perfected Three-Man Spin Springfield Members Take Expected to Provide Thrille Registration Lieta for City Bartholomew Becomes New Active Part in County Con­ in Hayward Field Came Show More Than 1100 Now Adjutant; Other Offices Are vention in Eugene Friday Ready to Cast Ba'lote Filled at Last Meeting _ , I'rohably tile hari|i'»t fought col P .I.A . To Start Kori On Friday TWO CONTESTS 1« ClirELEGTIDN First Fall Meeting to Be Held at Lincoln Schoo'; Want Eight Candidates Seek Six Large Room Attendance Vacancies in City Govern­ ment; Five ______ for Re-election First meeting ol the Springfield — --------- • Springfield residents took an ac-i H. O. Dlbblee was elected com • ! t,v# purl 18 tb” proceedings of the' Very few eligible voter* In Parent T ea. her association for the . ..... . W T- convention held » four Precinct* have murder of the Springfield AmerT fall aeaeee wiu be held Friday FILING ENDS WEDNESDAY not already rethitered for the gen ran Legion poat number 40 at their 1,1 lb " Baptist church In Eugene afternoon, eptem ber 30. at 3 o'clock I afternoon and one of the oral election on November I, It regular meeting held here laat at the Lincoln school It was an­ Lovelace Withdraw«; Crete, . . . . . . . .. haa been revealed here during the Thursday evening. I. M. Peterson ll>cal delegation, Mrs. Mel Rice was nounced this week by Mrs. W O Parker and Huntly Enter puat week aa member* of the Am wa chosen first vlce-comrnander, chosen new treasurer of the or- Burch, new president of the group Contest on Final Day erlcan Legion have made a house and Verne Caldwell, second vice-' xanlaatlon. Cther officer* who begin thetr Over the phone (rom Reno, commander. - Other officers elected were Mrs 1 to-houae canvaaa to check for non- new duties In the association thia Eight candidates seeking six of- _ _____ ...., , Other officers elected Included P. | ( on*Pton oí Pottage Grove, |ov^j her^^VaJ^bood *Loùrèr*^ I registered peraona eligible to vote. week are Mrs. W K. Buell, vice-1 flees was the final result here laat Partially complete Hat* of regis­ J. Bartholomew, adjutant; J. M. re^T®cted president; Mrs. E. O ., band and radio crooner ao they _ president; Mrs. Jack Sherman, sec night In the race fer city offices B Browning, Eugene, vice-preeldent; j distantly kissed and made up 'Jmt tered voter* In each precinct have Larson, * finance officer; M retary; and Mrs. Fred Louk. tress- following an afternoon of political a ioobsh quarrel been furnished the drive captain* Huntly, Dr. W. N. Dow. and W alter an<* M l*" Hart of (Totta«e Grove, re- nr#r- ! activity among the various factions. savs Fav. by the county clerk for use In their Gossler, members of the executive