THH SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE POUR State fa ir Will AT Open Next Week Lane County to Take Over Exhibition Entertainment for Opening Date ► rox o Negro Singersto JOHN J JAMES Appear Tonight ◄ I 1 PASSES THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, I M I OZAN JOHN STRAUB W Southern Quartet From Mis­ sissippi Will Give Concert Father of Mrs. Bert Harper at Baptist Church Crossed Plains with Ox Team in 1864 The Cotton Blossom Singers, Gates of the Oregon state fair-| negro male quartet, will appear ai ■ John Taylor James, resident of gruur.da will awing open Monday the Baptist church thia eveuing at ’ Oregon for the past 88 years, pa a morning for the seventy-first an ( 8 o'clock under the sponsorship of ed away here Wednesday at the nual exhibition and exhlbltora al­ the young people of that church. ready entered will tax the accom home of his daughter. Mrs. Bert modal Ion a to capacity according to | These singers have appeared in Harper on route 1. Mrs. Kila 8. Wilson, director of ex­ Springfield several times during the Korn in Illinois on January IT. hibit». past under the au p ices of differ 1845. he married Caroline Suver In ent groups and have always drawn 1882, and crossed the plains with Monday will also be Lane County large and receptive audiences. Day at the annual exposition and an ox team in 1884. coming to will be featured with a aeries of The quartet travels about the Douglas county where they made entertainments to be provided by country representing the Piney their home for 18 years. From them this county. Woods school for colored people at they moved to Suver in Polk conn. Piney woods. Mississippi. ty. a town named after Mrs. James Features on thia program will be -------------------- ■----- i father, and from there to Bandon the Poole quartet, the Westfir Style where they lived for 20 years. show, featuring a one ton balet of He came to Springfield two and eight men each weighing 260 one half years ago to make his pounds, a log chopping and log Oyahstoo saJ Drwia. fee o, tkosjawb home with his daughter. bucking contest, a trained dog act. ‘ ““ -« w. c. Survivors include two sons Joe ■ Tap Dancing by Vernon Russell, an Jfar^a JaAuas r “roRfsnUa," a Far Thlenee was held at her home Fri- act by Dr W. E. Buchanan, and J Ff? day afternoon. Refreshments of James. Suver. and John James, of | the I. O. O. F. and University of tomato stuffed with shrimp salad. lj ‘n«lo,s °">««>: 'hr** •»-‘««“ter. ! performances and these are free. Oregon bands. cup cakes with wh.p.ed cream. Springtleld Admissions will all be included sandwiches and coffee wore served 1 *rrle AUen of Suver, and A special train will leave Eugene Mrs. Leuora Hunt of Bandon. He at 8:30 Monday morning and will to about 12 guests. Mrs. F. Williams Lean John Straub, “grand old return late that evening. Those in one ticket and will be 25 cents received high score and Mrs. H also leaves one brother. Isaac man'* of Oregon, for 54 years for auto and parking, and 58 cents James of Oakland who was here ! friend and counsellor of students, driving in automobiles will be stop Raugh. consolation. visiting with him at the time of his who gave practically all of his ac­ ped south of Salem and a large for each adult. Children from 18-15. Mrs. Frank Storment and daugh- death, and 14 grandchildren and 4 tive life to the University of Ore­ caravan will be organised to pro­ 25 cents, others free. Monday. Sept gon. died at his home In Eugene tember 28 will be family day also. ter »»nrthy. were overnight guests great grandchildren. ceed through the main city and out on September 18. taking from the of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Storment. and an entire family and car will l 'n n , - r s i t y its Staunchest fr ie n d Graveside Jfuneral services will to the fairgrounds. Monday. be held at the I. O. O. F. cemetery and supporter, yet leaving a rich Exhibits of farm products and be admitted for 51.88. Walter Carter, substitute for at independence Friday afternoon and powerful tradltlou that even livestock will be stressed at the fair Supt. B. F. Minney. who is ill at the at 2:30. Members of the Masonic his passing can not erase. this year and will include herds The death of Dean Straub Return from San Diego—Mr.'and came on the eve of the beginning from as far East as Wisconsin and Mrs. Joe Hill, former residents of hospital, is hauling salmon eggs lodge will be in charge. every day. Mr. Goff is hauling tal- of a new school year, at which North Dakota. Funeral arrangements are being time for more than halt a cen­ Springfield, returned Wednesday mon for feed, from Hendricks A special entertainment feature evening from San Diego where they bridge. 24 boxes of 74 pounds erch. made by the Poole-Gray-Bartholo tury the veteran and beloved edu­ cator hat proudly welcomed hit of each day will be the Frontier have been living for the past three t0 ,he new cold storag^ plant each mew chapel in Springfield. “biggest and best freshman class Days program and the night stem years. Mr. Hill formerly operated da). Fire or , u mel, .............. kepl busy ever " pede. There are to be grandstand a billiard parlor here. With the exception of one year at the fish racks. when illness kept him from his i Notices by L. D. Shrode. clerk familiar post at the doorway of registration headquarters, this of Decrhorn school board, call for* year will be the only one of the i a budget meeting, on September j past 54 that an entering freshman 28 at eight p. in. to levy a special' will be denied the prlviledge of MX. personally receiving the greeting on of the “grand old man" who knew The portable cannery will be at ( each student by name and whose Leaburg Friday. Blackberries, car­ influence has been felt in ait cor­ rots and corn are not wanted, but Growers Would Establish Uni­ ners of the state—In fact wher­ form Brand and Package ever an Oregon student now re­ tomatoes and other fruits will be sides. the death of Dean Straub canned. for All Lane Producers will be genuinely mourned as the Miss Crystal Baughman and Miss Let your old heater help passing of one of the greatest per­ lame county potatoes will be sonal influences of the state. Ella Baughman, who have been you to own real heating Dean Straub was born in Phil­ attending a houseparty at the tomei marketed in the future in new sacks comfort next winter Pre­ of Mr. and Mrs. Hovey return d carrying a uniform brand If plans adelphia. Penn.. April 8. 1863. He pare now to bring con­ Mercersburg c o lle g e are carried out that were consider­ attended from Eugene Sunday. venience and volumes of from which he received his 11 A. ed at the potato grading school Lower Camp Creek school opened degree in 1876 und later his M. A. warmth into vout home Monday with Ross Mathews of conducted in the Eugene Chamber degree. In 1878 he was married for next winter, tot we are Miller in Philadelphia offering you rock-bottom Pleasant Hill as teacher and 25 of Commerce rooms last Saturday to Cornells The same summer they came afternoon by O. 8. Fletcher, county west. Dean Straub expecting to p rices on th e fam ous pupils enrolled. Montag Circulator heat­ Mr . E. H. Hotaling and her house agent. The feasibility of pooling become a court reporter and to Indy law on the s' ' • But a - b ,ln er and with a generous guest Mrs. Lola Langabeer of orders for sacks through the office allowance tor vour old Tacoma. Washington, and also Mr. of the county agent and financing heating stove. If vou burn and Mrs. Roy Hotaling spent Thurs­ purchases of the sacks with a re Labor Adds Beauty wood or coal or both, there is a Montag Circulatot Heater day at the home of her daughter volving fund provided by the Eu­ lust the right type and size for your home at a price that gene Chamber of Commerce were Mrs. R. R. Cbase. makes it possible for you to put the Montag in, at once. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Will RennL di cussed and will be investigated See the Montag display ,n out windows. Let us help of Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Amakei The county agent explained to th? you to convenience and volumes o* ".irmth, next winter . . . and two children of Scio and C. L. forty-five potato growers who at and many other winters to come Goff of Medford visited with Mr. tended the school that he had ar­ and Mrs. E. W. Goff. ranged It as an aid to marketing Term» i f D etired Saturday night quite a heavy Lane county potatoes. He stated frost vi lted McKenzie valley. All that Lane county growers must tender plants were badly frosted, grade their potatoes carefully and market them in clean bags that art attractively and correctly braeded S F E <» It R W IN D O W D IS P L A Y if they are to hold the local mar- _________________ keta. I McKenzie Valley | T RADE J N UNIFORM LABEL POTATO SACKS vour old Heater a M ontag C irc u la to r W R IG H T & S O N S Thurston ‘Hold ’Em Jail’ Is Great Comedy Range Sale Ï Wheeler and Woolsey Provide Screaming Scenes In Foot­ Local Physician to Become ball Among Crook* Medical Inspector for Fra­ ternal Membership Murderers Io right of her. llurgl ars to left of lief. Gunmen behind her. and gangsters before her. Bo what can a poor prison war­ den's daughter do about boy frieudaT Surrounded by men, she still Is as Isolated from romance aa if she were a lone castaway, The "uelghbore" are not the kind of chape a girl's pareuts would care about having her teen with. And ■he can't ask any hoys from the outside to drop In at the prison for 8 week-end. They might fear they would gel a return ticket. Even ehould the be templed. It really wouldn't he aafe for her to become Intcreetud In a prisoner. He might be up for bigamy. Ur Hoag Inw her embarrassment at learning that he was serving lime tor shoot ing hl» sweetheart. Despite all these dangers, blonde Betty Grable takes a chance by starting a romance with a prisoner in "Hold 'Em Jail," the ItKu Radio corned) now showing at the Fox- Mi Ilona Id theatre In Eugene with Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey In the »tarring rules, laive, she tells her warden father. Edgar Kennedy, laughs at lockaiepe, jeers al Jails, and even applauds her becoming some mans hall-and-chaln. Kspe daily when the hero of the romance Is a handsome etar of the peniten­ tiary football team. Miss Grable Isu'l the only one to find romance In “Hold 'Em Jail,” Edna May Oliver, who plays the warden's austere hut ticklish sister, has her light momenta of sent! meat. of circumstances brought him to the Cniverslty of Oregon, where the remainder of his life was spent. The story of how he chanced to Join the staff of the University has often been related by Dean Straub. Because of an Injury to his ankle on the eve of the open­ ing of school he was uuable to accept a teaching position at Col­ umbia City. After the ankle had healed Dean Straub decided to strat a night achool la Portland. While posting a circular announc­ ing that hit achool would teach l-atln. German, Greek, geometry and tome six or seven other cour­ ses. a stranger watching him ask­ ed It ha could really teach all thoaa subjects. Dean Straub said ha could. The stranger was Judge Deady, president of the board of regentn of ths University, and ha offered Straub a teaching job with the University. Charge Dismissed— The charge Thus was ths beginning of against G. G. Hollis of Goshen who Dean Straub's association with tha University. Ha taught practically was cited to appear In Recorder's every course offered there at that ; court here Monday for driving over lime, in 18*8 he became Dean of a fire hose Saturday night was di» the School of Literature. Science missed whoa he appeared at th« and Arts. In 1818 he became Dean of Men: and In 1836 dean emeri­ City hall Mouday. tus. although still continuing to teach Greek language and litera­ ture Two years ago. because of Ill­ ness he was forced to give up his active teaching work. But he could not forget the University, for ovon up to a few days of his death ha maintained an active Interest In the present problems of ths school, where even the stately Hr trees on ths campus ars a result of his own In hors Appointment of l)v. Milton V Walker aa district physician for the Rugene ('amp number 16, Wood men of the World, wna announced here this week along with details of a new health benefit program for members of that organisation. .Members of the Woodmen are being singed up on a health and sickness Insurance plan whereby a small sum monthly thereby en I lllng (hem to full medical and surgical care without additional ex­ pense excepting hospital and rnedt cine feee With (he completion of the new W O. W. hall In Eugene a set of offices will be estahllshsd there for Dr Walker and he will divide his lime between hla practice here and lhat at th» Woodman hall. The Springfield W. tl. W. mem- berahip was merged with the Eu­ gene group some months ago and the combined membership Is now nearly 580. DR. MORTENSEN BACK AT OFFICE IN CITY Dr. H. I*. Mortensen, who has been In Southern Oregon for some time has returned lo Springfield and will he at hla office In the Sut­ ton building for a time He an­ nounces lhat while here he will re­ sume bis practice In the Spring- field community. MacPheraon— What do you mean by staying away all night T Why didn't you come right home after the show? MscPherson. Jr. — I dropped a penny at the corner and a taxi park­ ed on IL * .\V IH k \A lh 4J-ew .4 4 1 « «*«■»« « O A M Sturdy Bodies Sunny Faces g re a te s t drawback* «a f a BERT WHEELER So Much Depends ROBT. On WOOLSEY Proper Food. Doctor« and Nutrltlonl»t» advocate MEAT SEPTEM BER DR. WALKER GEES W ith thrve othrr big scream start In t prison R I O T ! The Funnyten- tiary ring» w ith cheers s t th e A I I . A i r e r i c s n H alfw its kick off! There was born to Mr. and Mrs. Grading Held Im portant Herbert Weiss at the home of Mr. | P E cbambera- President of the and Mrs. Ross Mathews at Pleasant »«Hculture division of the Eugene in the Balanced Diet Hill on September 10, a daughtei j Chamber of Commerce, emphasized The American Federation of La- Private Wm. D. Lord. U. S. Army weighing eight and three-fourths I the importance of grading Lane iwr has granted a first charter to the "Miracle Man" who claims to have county produce to meet market new Artists and Models Union, or­ pounds. BE SAFE! control of his subconscious mind in The Ladies Aid society met with demand» and told of the efforts of ganized at Chicago and electing Min. performing 12 separate mental tests Plan Your Meal» Bernice Argast, (above) its presi­ at the same time, has wilted his brain . Mrs. James Hill Wednesday after his division to assist people of Lane dent. to Cornell University at his death. Around Meat county in their problems. noon. The benefits to be derived from Mr'. Ira Gray is giving a miscel­ UZirh E D N A laneous shower in honor of Mis» grading potatoes and cultural prac BOY SCOUTS ELECT M A Y O L IV E R WORK PROGRESSING ON Vitilt Our Market tlces that will result in more num | Leone Edmiston next Friday after­ ROSCO ATES, ED­ OFFICERS ON TUESDAY HIGH QUALITY her one potatoes wyre discussed by WALTERVILLE CHURCH noon. GAR K E N N E D Y E. R. Jackman, extension agrono- LOW PRICES Datqd O . Selgaick, Mrs. Inez Flanigan is spending Everett I.aJole was elected Sen- The outside work on the new Eirculive Producer this week at the Weaver home mist of the Oregon Agricultural j ior patrol leader, and Lloyd Harris Waltervllle Presbyterian church Mr'r Ber? w L verrUa Z hLDe>\m and H-