THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 •maawwaawsssiSMiemmsMieOSWWeSM^Be«""« THE 8PRINOFIELD NEWS $37.96; Equipment $26 00 DIHT No. 33 Mapleton O t'age Andy Cameron $7.47; H. L Prlndet $1 $6; Ermald Agee $16 39; Alva $4,47; A. L Mitchell $3 68; HtstS $99.64; Harry September Term, 1932 Swearingen $14.16; D. J. Wilkinson lad Accident Com $108.04; C. B. llam Oerlack $64.34; SPECIAL ROAD« $14*0; Ed Davis $64.46; Cllffora son $91.49; Colby , HIST No. 1: Frank P. Brigg Beers $1*39; L. R. Beers $23.66; Damswood $47 88. • E Q U IP M E N T Edwin Tullar $43.89; Ray Oeorga 97.18; Arthur Taylor 81.49; Clayton W. L. Phelps (6 0 *1 ; Lawrence Hodges 1 1 « t L. Hunte Oeer— Dalla» Murphy left Goes to Portland — Mrs. Lilly I Alford 91 49, Equipment 929.01. Deere $7 46; O. H. Hawley $33 37; $149.73; A. A. Martin $14* 73; R. H L. Doughty $3.69; C K. Dz Smith $144.79; C. E. Van Osdol DIHT No. 3: R. L. Joyner 337 25; Shell fill Co. $78.86 Sunday for ea»fern Oregon to Kiser left Tue day for Portland for j I; Netl $134.73; Ray Worden $8203; Earl Hay Worden $8.88; L. M Blarkledge 923 84; J. E a abort visit. ■ pend rome time hunt ng deer. DIST No 33: E. J. Mabe $7.18; Luckey 1119.77; W Webfoot Team Meet« Pacific Blarkledge 91.49; L. J. Birch General H Moyer $6.19: Kenneth Barrett $5 14; Bridge $6.10. $46 19; A. F Willson 849 69; Pacific Jarvta $3.69; Johti Peterson $6.19; Eleven in Night Contest to 94022; Bob Williams $36.83; C. L Goes Hunting — Kuri Neel Is Deerhorn Resident Vialta— Mr» DIST No. 38: T. M Hendrick» Herman! Ralph King $117.86; A. K. Davis Pltzer 229 80; H. J. Seeks 237 26; $4 89; Equipment $2 70; » C. Ham Telephone Co. $13.06; W. C Thiene» of Deerhorn wa» a ■ pending the week In ua turn ( re­ Open 1932 Grid Season » Lewis 334 27; Jack Tayloi den $19 24; Oeo. L. Mast $19 41; Cium $6 00; Danners Service Sta ' $113.39, W. 11. Kobinaoa $1.49; C. goli hunting for mule deer. visitor In Springfield Friday. 928.31; H. D Steel 140.23; Fred Lester Barber $2.5$; Frank Good- tlon $1.69; Walters-Bushong Lum -, H. Johnson $1.49; O. Harwood University of Oregon, Eugene Craning 3.18 74; Ai Orunlng 323.84; moil $2 23; J M. Berkshire $3.72; ber Co. $3.88; Twin Oaks Lumber: $149; Milton Fitch $6.19; Jack Co. $264.66; G W Potts $126 72; I Shrum $88.66; Roy Fitch $7 98 Donna Résidant Hara— Mra. John Deerhorn Men Here — Verne Sept. 22— (Special)— Unlver Ity of Thus. Lind 937 26; J. W. Pickett Nat Hart $3.64; Equipment $32.09; i Hanimltt of Donna waa a business Hucha of Deerhorn wa» a bualneaa Oregon will open Its 1932 football 926 82; Gerald Pickett $26.82; Peter Shell OH Co. $27.68; Feenaughty E. E. W yatt 76c; Hills Creek Lum ber Co. $133.67; Goodrich Silver Hchulse 926 82; 8. F. Anderson vial tor In Springfield Friday. ; vlalter In Springfield Friday. schedule Friday night against Pa 341.79; W alter Boone $17.81; H. A Machinery Co. $2.49. town Inc. $6.00; Fred Langston MAN'S HEART STOPPED DIST. No. 37: Slualaw Motor $6.00; Harrell A Trask $3 68. Air BY BAD STOMACH QAS ciflc university. The game will be Harbeck 136.94; Joe Stevens 98 94; Lowell People Here— Mr. and C. R. Belknap 943 30; J. C. Johnson Transport Co. 88c; Shell O11 Co Reduction Sales Co. $21.12- Fred Mrs Frank Snyder of Lowell were POWER COMPANY BOOSTS played on Hayward field, under 989 47; Joe Wakefield $26 82; Chas $16.33; W alter Taylor $67.44; W. Langston $1049; John Trunnell W. L. Adams bloated so with gaa W Taylor $23.33; Levi Berkshire $8 97; Lowell Tedford $6.98; North visitors In Springfield Friday. VALLEY IN ADVERTISING flood lights. Neal 8314.76; Equipment 9176 86. $1.49; Luther Prtndel $3.69; Pay west Freight Transport Co. $4.40; after meais that hts heart mlsaad Despite the Inexperience of the DIHT. No. 3: A. H Mathews Vialta at Ashland— Mra. D. It Advantages of Living Along W il­ Webfoot machine, and especially 33 08; 8hell Oil Co. $16.63; Miller- Taylor $13.47; W. P. Skags $13.47; Standard OH Co. $3.49; Pacific H beats. Adlerlka brought out all gas Albert Shannon $4.47; A. O. Pope B. A. Steel Co. $7 00; J. E Helter- and now he eats anything and feeln Murphy la visiting at the home of the backs. Prink Calllson, new Hanford Tractor Co. 94.66; Chas $1.49; Albert Flnseth $3.$9. lamette River Are Cited In llne t Co. $36 29; M iller Sanford fine. Flanery's Drug State. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Riggs 92673; H. Clum $9.68; Art coach, hopes to put out one of the Recent Advertisement DIST. No. 39: Equipment $67.93; Tractor Co. $340; Union Oil Co. Hunderman 91.49; Allx Kennedy Mitchell at Ashland thia week. Austin-Western Road Machinery $41.07; J. W. (guai kerbush A Son finest tennis In Oregon's history. 9223; R. E. HUI 126.13; Jack Rey­ Co. $18.40; Union OH Co. 86.82; N O T IC I $43.12;, Miller's Machine Shop Calllson. however, In going to be nolds 74c. An attractive and valuable bit of Vialta at Seism — Mlaa June OF F IN A L 8K T T L K M K N T W alter Roberta.$2.80; Herman Sch $3.09; Trojan Powder Co. $1,480.00- handicapped by the toughness of advetlalng of the W illamette valley D I8T. No. 6: F. J. Damewood Notice Is hereby given that I. mitt $71.80; W alter S George Oregoc Machinery Co. $10.12; R Dank« left Saturday for Salem the ecbeudle. Oregon, as no other 980.77; C. M. Damewood 967.27 $33.97; C. Benn Inger $6.65; John A. Babb Hardware Co. $33.91; Ho M. Peterson, executor of the estate where she will spend two weeka and Its advantage-, la being carried on by the Mountain States Power team In the conference, playa three Clair Damewood 33.20; Miller San­ Horton $62.09; Isaac Yates $61.47; ward Cooper Corporation $39 80; of Ellen Josephine Root, deceased, vl Ring with friends. and of her last will and testament, ford Tractor Co. »27.24; Shell OH coni; any through the medium of tough elevens In the first three Co. 946.90; Equipment 910.78; M ar­ Ralph Schmitt $47.30; Earl Myer» W. L. Phelps $11.00; Hathaway has filed his final account In Ute $38.86; E. Guthrie $32.16; Ervin Motor Co. $7.60; M ark C. Sanderson weeks of the season. After the Pa­ Rainbow People Here— Mr. and large advertisements placed In kin Peabody »17.8$; Chas Conner» Wolfe $46.22; Clifford Affey $64.63; $92.94; Oeoige A. Halton $24.84 County Court of Lane County, Ore­ Mr». W. O Itandy of Rainbow on magasluee with large circulations. cific tilt Oregon takes on Santa 323.84; John Cooper 912.66; Glen E. E. Barrows $31.74; Charlie Starr 1 John W. Conaway $33.59; Nordling gon. and that said court hoe set the upper McKensle were vlaltora A recent advertisement which oc Cidra here October 1. Then come« Smith 921 60; Robert Howell 917.88; $31.74; Sam Horton $13.44; Harry Parts Co. 60c; Simmons Co. 88.59; as the time and place for the final John Lewis 812 68; John Mar»h Swartz $31.74; Tony Sumich Western Auto Supply Co. 60c; Cres­ settlement of said estate Saturday In Springfield Friday. cupled a full page In the Oregon Washington In their traditional bat­ 817.88; Herbert Hooker 317.88; $39.69; 8. Waterhouse $26.75; Al­ well Garage 95c; Shell OI1 Co. October 1st. 1932, at 10 o'clock In Voter was heeded "The Willamette tle at Portland October 8. The Call Wesley Frye 314.90; Vernon George bert Horne $4.64; Charlie Van 8709.76; Columbia Steel Castings the forenoon of said day at the Camp Creek Folk Here— Mr and River Valley, A Paradise In the furnla Bruins meet the Webfootn, 38.94; Dolph Dowdy 91490; E. A. Orden $1.49; Cheater Starr $10.4$; Co. 77c; Carlson Hatton A Hay County Court Room In the Coart- Mrs Charles Stephens of Camp also In Portland. October 15, In the Cowden 923 46; Elmer Earl 317.88; Elt Rust $2.23; A. O. Hopper $2.23; $96.24; 8 B. Flnegan $8.94; Wood house in Eugene. Oregon, where all Golden West." Creek were bualneaa visitors In Wm. Ix-wl» 31.00; Raleigh Crooks George Worthington $1.49; Charlie bury at _ . . . A Co. »5.35; Ed Jensen A Co. I SfswWA Interested a a * B$ 1 - O- may * — — * » appear — gA a The text of the advertisement innual Shrine game. 38.94; Waldo Watkins 98.94; Dick Pope $16.60; Ira Starr $11.64; Lin­ »3.00; Morris Chevrolet Co. $5.02; said time and file objections, if any Springfield Tuesday morning Hughes Moved to Center which was concluded with the name they have. Watkins 313.41; G. W. Conklin ford Hulburt $2.98; Frank Butler A. C. - Haag A Co. »129.77; Ray A wealth of material la available 38.94; Elmer Lundeen 98.94* Arthur 86.51; H. O. Slocum $7.27; Ross George $8.94; Jack Hodges 86.22; I. M. PETERSON. Executor of Former Resident Here— W. F. of the power company waa as fol­ the Estate and Last W ill and Because Oregon baa no experienced Miller 88.94; E E. Brown 18.94; N. Myers $312.84. Clair Parks 312.95; Twane Conley Walker, former resident of Spring- lows: Testament of Ellen Josephine F. Castle 88.94; Roy Vincent 917.88; 92.99; Ben Wilson 858.54; D. D. center, Calllson has been forced to DIST No. 61: H. W. Carson "The W illamette River Valley ol field. wa» a visitor here from Port­ Root, Deceased. Jack Bowman $8.94; Orover Watts Conley »112.49; U. O Thorpe Oregon h; a veritable garden spot shift Bernie Hugbes, veteran guard, 913.41; Kenneth Brechtel 98.94; $25.33; Merl Albro $2 98 (S t 18-15-22-29) land Friday evening. »34.40; Ted George »25.57; George DIST. No. 66: R. A. Babb Hard­ There are no deatructlve cyclones to the pivot post. That means that Ralph Dowdy $8.94; Art Watkins ware Co. $4.68; Leabnrg Garage Tolman »199; Roy Fitch »31.92; NOTICE OF F IN A L HKARINQ Lowell People Here — Mrs. severe electrical storms or floods; the Ducks will have two new guard» 34.47; Elvln Lewis 94.47; John $3.00; O. W. Millican $2.42; Virgil V. A. Hendrickson »12.31; W L. of Final Account and Petition for George Keablea and daughter, the summers are cool and comfort this fall, and on the showing of Hooker 36.21. »31.».; Austin Howell Clover $13.41; Robert Isaacs $5.96; Phelps Final Settlement. D18T. No. 7: J W. Baker 32.79; Casey Jonea $5.96; Iva Isham $5.96; $11.91;' Ed Davis »49.88; B. O. Georgia, of Imwell were visitors In able while the winters are warm these guard» will depend Oregon's Inter City Sand A Oravel Co. 91.80. Cecil Beyerllu $20.97; Harry Jones Palmer »23 94; C. E. Davis »14 95; IN T H E CO UNTY COURT O F T H E STATE O F OREGON FOR T H E Springfield Saturday. and moist with very little freexlng chances in conference competition. D I8T No. 8: Inter City Sand A $10.43; Ray Coe $6.99; Clyde Dul Earl Ewing »15.84; Roy Ewing! COUNTY OF LANE. Aside from guards, a veteran la Gravel Co. 36.76. $2 *0 ; M Weber »9.56; “ temperature or snow. The Wiliam ley $6.99; Frank Jonea $5.99; 8. J. Eugene , N T H E M A T T E R OF THE ES­ Vlaltor from Portland — Ml«» D18T. No. 9: Lewis Lumber Co. W ater Board $82.68; Cresseys | available for every position. That Oodard $31.12; B. F Minney $39.4* TATE OF ANNA D. KIRCHNER, Doris Graham of Portland waa a ette Valley la an exceptional farm DIST. No. 56: R. A. Babb Hard­ 37.66; Veltum A Clow Mfg. Co. Include» Captain Morgan and Nll- 37.68; Hills Creek Lumber Co. Deceased. 32 76; W. D. Olaspey 36 38; C. A. ware Co. $4.05; B. C. Addison $3.91, $4.96; Equipment 3250.74. week end vlaltor at the home of Mr and dairy district and there has NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN never been a crop failure In one saon at tackle; Bailey and Wlahard Townsend 81.49; Eldred Olaspey T. J. Arthur $10.76; Jim Aldrich and Mra. Murria Morton M A IN T E N A N C E . Eugene Sand | that the Honorable C. F. Barnard, hundred years. Dairy cattle grow at end; Bowerman at quarter; Mik 81.49; E. C. Calllson 31.11; Sam Vic $37.99; Ben Briggs $34.50; Kenneth A Gravel Co. 373.98; Ray George County Judge for Lane County, Ore­ Corvallis Men Hers — Dr. Joe no to lltn pound» heavier due to utak at full, and Temple and Gee son 74c. Arthur $36.01; Tom Arthur $41.00; 125.41; Jack Hodges 116 44; E. L. gon. haa set Saturday the 24 day ot D I8 T No. 10: M. L. Wallace Clarence Roemhlld $35.38; Ed Kelly Mathews «7.18; Ted George $5.96; September. 1932. at the hour of 18 Welch und son. Billy, of Corvallis, year-round healthy pasturage and at half. 35.38; Dick Shick 74c; T. J. Forcum $36.50; Donald Kelly $19.37; George C. E. Davis »12.86; G G. Thorpe o’clock A. M. of the said day. and The game Friday evening may 74c. were visitor« In Springfield Mon climatic conditions. The blgheat re­ Lynch $11.92; Roy Castor $40.88; $9.68; Neil Buchanan $6.49; L. Roy that the court room of said court day enroute to Palaley to hunt cord Jersey cow In the world waa or may not be an easy one for the DIST. No. 11; Kenneth Barrett Earl Gowlng 855.01; Sam Snyder Smith $5.19; Eugene Sand A Gravel has been appointed by said court a« produced In the W illam ette Valley Oregon boys. They remember the 36 18; W illiam Klvett 74c; Mat $83.50; Ralph Lynch 3188.54; C. L ., Co. 35.19; Frank Jgrvls $36.79; the time and place for the hearing deer. Kirkpatrick 74c; T. H. Parks 33.69. Blosser $61.35; W. H. Davis $66.43; District No. 36 $2.50; Charles Harn- of objections thereto and the set­ and any farmer who understands ■care which Monmouth and W il­ DIST. No. 12: M L. Wallace M. L. Brown *20.88; Wm. Hoover den 31.49; Clair Parks 31.49; T. Monmouth Men Here— Fred Rolf slock ran raise fine cattle at a pro. lamette caused with a dazzling ar­ 96.28; Dick Shick 82-80; T. J. For­ $13.41; Jim King $37.99; Equip-* Conley $10.06; Mike Smith $1.60; tlement thereof. D A TE of first publication August of Monmouth was a vlaltor In fit. Buyers come from all parts of ray of old discarded football tricks. cum 82 60 ment $74.23- V. D. Fogle $8.73; L. W. H. Robinson 311.54; D. Olden the 26th. 1*32. Springfield Monday. Mr Rolf la a DIST. ' No. 16: GraberGettys N. Mathews 38.48; W illiam Gerlach 31.49; John Morefield $2.98; C. H. the United States to secure their DATE of last publication Septem- professor at the State Normal Hardware Co. 76c; Cottage Grove 36.48; F. D. Thompson $16.34; Earl Johnson 81.49; O. Harwood »1.49; ! bey the 22nd, 1*32. breeding stock. Oregon has the TAXPAYERS ASK REFUND Lumber Co. 820.99; Joe McCargar Gowlng 968.62; George Long $78.52; James Fisk 93c; V. A. Hendrickson school. .................... IRENE K. TULLIS, Adminis­ large t percentage of pure bred W. J. Vaughn 11.11; D. L. Chancey Blosser $33.15; Lester $12.47; Equipment $229.00; Curtis tratrix. ON 1932 DOG LICENSE 91974; England 96 98; H arry Mayben 32.98 Jerseys and also nearly all Jersey Go Aoroaa Mountains— Mr. and Shields $24.58; Roy Castor $40.13; Wilson $5.98; G. Brewer 16.21; L. B. F. M U L K E Y . Corbett Build­ DIST. No. 15; James Tedford P. W are 34.47; E. R Minnick 35.21; ing, Portland, Oregon. Attorney Mra. Russell Myers and Mr. and world's records. New Schedule of Fees Advocated; 336.90; Fred Langston 333.92; Lo­ Donald KeUey $17.12. DIST. No. 59; J. H. Mathews E. R. M iller $1.49. for the Estate. "The W illam ette River Valley is Mr». W alter Richard» left Sunday Contend Collections Create well Tedford 323.92; Chester Hoe $5.60; Yellow F ir Lumber Co. EM ERG ENCY: Clair Parka I (A 25— S 1-8-16-12) for eastern Oregon for a five-day 14G miles long and 30 to 40 miles man 35.96; C. W. Raymond 911-92; $19.38; N. L. Austin 123.33; Leevarn $47.14 Geo. Tolman $47.14; Equip­ Surplus Fund J. H. Garman 98.94; A. J. Labach Austin 322.68; Merl Austin »4.74; ment $273.00; Adna H. Signor! wide. It offers opportunities for hunting trip. $8.9$; Otto Rertnl 38.94; R. B LET’S CO the humeaeekers. farmer, business Reduced licence fees for dogs In Dixon 853.94; John Trunnell $5.98; Henry Erickson 74c; Homer Austin $26.94; Earl Roberts »12.71; Harry Returns from Convention— Major man and Inveator. For Information 74c; Earl Mites »11.92; Everett Gerlach $40.43; W illiam Gerlach Lane county were asked of the Lou McKIbben $2.98; Chas. W hite Miles »10.43; W alter Scott $10.43; $4.86; F. D. Thompson $13.68; State SPRINGFIELD! and Mra. M B. Huntly returned write to our general office at Al­ county court last week-end at a 36.98; Equipment 386.76; Clinton Howard Moss $10.43; Moss Ind. Accident Com. $420.06. Sunday from Portland where they bany, Oregon, or any local Chamber »7.45; Shell O11 Co. »34.40; Miller- R IG H T O F W A Y: Albert R. T if­ meeting of the South Lane County Geer 31 49. have been attending the American of Commerce. This advertisement DIST. No. 19: T. C. Beach fany $150.00; V irgil Clover $4.47; Taxpayer's league at Cottage Grove. 9121.58; R. A. Babb Hardware Co. Sanford Tractor Co. $2.40. legion convention’ . D I8T . No. 60: R. A. Babb Hard­ Cecil Beyerlin $3.49; B. F. Minney i Is published to promote a wider The following petition wa» pre­ »8.19; Western Sand A Gravel Co. ware Co. $2.48; H. W. Corson »10.77; N. P. Pnrkerson »269.00. knowledge of the territory we 390 01; Croner's Drug Store 32.20; Píenlo Sunday— Mr. and Mra. I. pared for submission to the county $21.54; Merl Albro $1.49; C liff Ap- O IL IN G : Bitumuls Asphalt Sales J. F. Neal 36.50; Western Lumber pleman $5.96; J. R. Hays $4-47; Co. $1,112.30; Southern Pacific Co. I court. D. Larim er and Mr. and Mr». C. E serve.” Co. 32 80; J. B. Hill» 31.14; Moun­ Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. $23.85: $897.67; Associated OH Co. $486.39; "We the undersigned taxpayers of tain F ir Lumber Co. 922.68; Clark’s Wheaton »pent Sunday on a pic­ Equipment $17.23. Standard Oil Co. $246.46; Eugene Lane county, do hereby request and Service Garage 81.60; J. E Pad- nic on the upper W illam ette near RAILROAD TO OPERATE DIST. No. 81: W. H. Dandy $2.15. Sand A Gravel Co. $517.05; Mane- dock 86.06; E T. Templeman Barnard bridge. DIST. No. 66: Chas. Gold $16.33; 1 rud-Hnntlngton Fuel Co. $28.25; | the authority of the law SPECIAL FAIR TRAIN Petltlon STATE FAIR, SALEM a.» stated in chapter 226. section 1, 310.00; Hills Garage 93.00; Don G. W. Lambert $53.76; H. V. Jen- .American Brush Co. $50.01 C entral! Klmbel 319.90; J. W. Leonard 17.45; kins $54.61; Chas. Gold $93.33; Ira Heating Co. $18.15; Equipment Cornea from Newport—-Ml»» E li­ Due to unusual Interest In Lane act 1931 of Oregon statutes: That Len Howard 310.43; F. B. Cheno­ Burgess $17.88: Joe Owen $52.83; , $585.32; Ray George $29.89; Jack! nor Smith arrived Saturday even­ County Day at the state fair. Salem one dollar be refunded to ail per­ weth 344.95; Claude Hebert 917.13; Victor Kraal $34.74; W. L Salloi Hodges $25.04; E. L. Mathews! ing from Newport to assume her which 1» scheduled for the opening sons who have paid the regular dog Wm. Ellifson »10.05; Ralph Dickin­ »65.24; W. J. Rickert $10.64; Eldon, »46.21; Curtis Wilson »59.05; Wll- iTiitle» sa teacher at the Brattaln day. Monday. September i t . South­ license for the year 1932, the re­ son 3149; O. A. Woodruff 37.45; Krzal $3.34; W ill Chase »11.58; W. Ham Smith »42.39; L. Doughty Wm. Hebert 9149; J. E. Flock school. ern Pacific will operate a special fund to be one dollar for each dog 3121.23; Henry Holt 9131.23; W. A. A. Pettit $1.49; Equipment »39.76; | »22.88; Seth Hollis $26.41; Ted Shell Oil Co. $79.03. ^George $26.15; C. E. Davis $13.22; on which license have been paid. Crispin 376.81; Wni. Down »10.43: Return from Coast— Mr. and train from Eugene to the fall DIST. No. 67: Fred Smigley Earl Tullar »13.22; G. G. Thorpe "We further petition the county A W. Flock 340.75; C. H. M iller »3 59; John McDaniel »3.4*. $22.03; Rav Worden $48.84; Harley! Mrs. Frank Page of W altervllle re­ grounds and return, according to C. DIST. No. 71: C. J. Fowler »7.45; Furman »50.71; Neil Buchanan court that the annual license shall 323.84; V. A. Yunck $26.82; Wm. turned during the week-end from Olson, local agent. W olf $35.82; C. A. Hadlev $26.73; The special will leave Eugene at be reduced the following amount»: Darrell Hebert $1.49; C. A. Jonea Roy Spry »17.45; E. E. Vincent , $103.16; E. Roy Smith $105.78; Eu Newport where they spent several $6.70; H. B. Griffin $7.46; J. H. K ir k ; gene Sand A Gravel Co. »75.19 8:30 a. m arriving In Salem at Fifty cents for all male and spayed $4.48; John O rr $4.47; Miller-San­ »7.45; C. A. Davis »39.49; Wiley Clair Parks »6.51; T. Conley »10.43; days leaving here Thursday. 10:30. Here the Lane county dele­ female dogs and one dollar for all ford Tractor Co. $41.27; Shell Oil Cox $31.90; Carrol K irk »7.46; Ivan Mike Smith »13.22; V. A. Hendrick­ Spend Day on Willamette— Mr. gation will dlsentraln for a parade female dogs. The same to take ef­ Co. $99 00; Union O1I Co. $2.96; Surcamp $ .96; Bert K irk $2.98; son $33.67; Roy Fitch $66.85; Frank From Eugene Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. $67.50. H. M. Mayhall $7.46; Kenneth T er­ Jarvis $39.49; C. R. M iller $13.41. and Mr». Lum F. Anderaon and through the streets of Salem. They fect on January 1, 1932.” DIST. No. 20: Ed L. Eaton rill $7 46; J. D. Shoup $7.46; Jack M A R K E T ROAD8 family, and O. M Plummer »pent will board the train again at 11:50 Members of the Tax League con­ $57.44; Floyd Kelsay $23.84; Ed Lafferty $7.46; Steve Clark $7.46; M A IN T E N A N C E : Chas: Neet! Lv. Eugene 8 :30 a. m. Sunday at the Anderaon farm on and be taken directly to the fail tend that a surplus o f over 32.000 F. Schmidt $14.90; Noel McClure Andy Almasi »7.45; W arren Sur $2 69; R. C. Adams »2.61; M. L. ' Ar. Salem 10:30 the Upper W illamette near W estfir. grounds, arriving 12.01 p. m. The has been paid Into the general fund $17.88; Hubert Hyland $20.86; R. camp $17.46; Clyde Carder $17.45; Wallace $28.69; Equipment $37.00; P. Coburn $45.85; H. P. Newman Lonnie Brown $4.47; Marlon Wheel­ Dick Shick »7.05; T. J. Forcum (Parade, then board train from the collection of dog taxes Drive to Portland — Mr». Elva special w ill leave on return trip at $14.90; Curtis Newman 318.62; T. er $7.45. $6.32; N. L. Austin $6.38; Leevan at 11:50.) » for several years and that there ¡ b J. Blakeley $23.09; Delbert Edwards 8:16 p. in. Special fares named for DIST. No. 83; J. W . Quacken Austin $5.23; Pete Holeeapple ' Adams. Ml»» Barbara Adams, John Ar. Fairgrounds, 12:01 p. m. something like 94000 there now. $18.32; Ed Rusk $4.47; N. G. H y­ bush A Son $4.66; K. M. Hooker 31.49; Neil Christensen $1.49; Fred Adams and Sam Sweeney drove to the trip from Eugene and return Returning— land $8.19; Blair’s Cash Store $2.25; $8.94; J. G. Porter »8.94; J. L. Car- Smiglev »6.38: C. W. Pettljohn ‘ Yamhill and Portland Sunday to are: *2.15 for adults; 81.50 for chil­ They claim that less than 3700 was R. A. Babb Hardware Co. 90c. Lv. Fairgrounds 9:15 p. m. lile »8.94; Vern Luff $1.49; L. E. 82.24; J. F. H ill $2.24; Joy Ingle-1 required to settle claims for goats dren over 14, andYl-00 (or children visit friends. They returned the DIST. No. 21: Equipment $69.00; Aldous $8.94; Bill Carllle $8.94; L. hart $1.49; Neil Buchanan $10.39; and sheep killed last year. under 14. Lowell Tedford 116.78; Kenneth H. Porter 345.6*. Lowell Tedford $8.39; Kenneth same day. LOW ROUNDTRIP FARES Barrett $10.39; Nell Buchanan DIST. No. 86: 8. C. Hamden Barrett 110.39; W . P. Reeves $1.49; from Eugene $10.39; Mat Kirkpatrick $4.09; Earl 88.07; Diat. No. 36 $21.00; Geo. L. Earl Buell »1.49; R. W. Kernutt Move In for School— Mrs. M il­ SCOUTS MAKE POSTERS NEW EVANGELIST GETS Buell $2.98; R. W. Kernutt $2.98; Mast $6.72. »1.49; Albert Mouer »1.49; W. CJ dred Olaapey and two sons. Eldred G ENERA L ROADS Thornton $1.49; Mat Kirkpatrick FOR RUMMAGE SALE CALL TO GOSPEL CHURCH Albert Mouer $2.98; W. C. Thornton and Delmas, have moved back to $2.15 82.98- O. G. Thornton $2.98; C. L. BRIDGE: A. C. Striker $149.73; »1.49; Mrs. Albet Ziniker 49c: T. Adults ........ Springfield for the school year. Westrope $2.98; T. H. Parks $14.36; W. H. Moyer »1.49; M. A. Hom H. Parks $3.69; Frank Deming Children over 1 4 ,............ 1.60 Rev. Raymond Merrlan has been . Members of the Springfield Girl Mrs. Albert Ziniker $1.96; W . P. $48.00; J. H. Chambers A Son $1.49; J. L. Jepeon $1.49; Roy Hut­ Children under 14............ 1.00 They spent the summer at Fall Scout troop worked on posters to called to serve the Full Gospel Reeves $3.98. $21.60; Tlffany-Davls Drag Co. chens »1.49; Geo. Van Orden »1.49; Creek. here succeeding Mrs. DIST. No. 22: Dunham’s 85.09; $1.38; Pederson A Brown $26.67; Perry Keeler »1.49; T. K. Brown advertise their rummage sale at Mission Builds New Home— Mr. and Mrs. their regular meeting at the Meth­ Frank Vernon who will enter evan­ V. C. Mowreader $14.38; M artin Peerce Service Station $1.81; J. C. $1.49; Eugene Eaton $1.49; Harry Petersen $58.08; Oliver Fosback Ponsler Motor Co. $5.54; Scott Lufn Sawyer $1.49; Charles Guiles $1.49; McConaa. formerly associated with j odist church last Thursday even­ gelistic fields. Rev. Merrlan is a $6.67; Link Lund $6.99; R. C. Stone- her Co. $25.48; George A. Halton Lester Lake $8.49; Johnle Pederson the State Training school at Wood ing. The sale will he held October graduate of the Glad Tidings Bible field $6.99; Ed Bakke $6.99; Frank 96c; Marshall's Body A Fender $8.49; C. E. Duckworth $3.69; school at San Francisco, and has Worthington $1.49; E lia Mercer Works »2.00; R. A. Babb Hardware James Tedford $14.36; Art Smith burn have moved to thia v ic in ity 1 1. the place is a» yet undecided. Those attending the meeting been associated with his father $1.49; W alter Burch $1.49; E. C. Co. $133.52; Scott Lumber Co. *2.98; C. N. Land $2.98; John Trun and are building themselves a home! Boardman $1 49; F. H . W lllsle $27.38; Hills Creek Lumber Co nell $8.97; Lou McKibben »4.47; j Phone-65 for details. were Teddy W right. Peggy W right, Rev. W. H. Marrlan In revival work near Nimrod. • $149; Victor Rath $1.49. »72.34; Hathaway Motor Co. »3.56; Fred Langston $5.98; O. E. Sin­ Ethel Ruth Fulop, Barbara Barnell, for some time. DIST. No. 23: Chas. Neet »6.27; J. H. Chambers A Son $1.44; T ri­ clair »5.21; N. Bush »9.29; Alex Delegate Returns — Miss Edna Bernice Barnes, Edna June Yarnell, The schedule of services for the Tom Caln 74c; Henderson Stewart angle Lumber Co. $17.67; W . Earn- Kennedy »7.06; Art Sunderman Swart», a delegate from the Spring- Ila Putman. Doris Gerber. Francis local church will be as follows: $3.49; P. K. Humphrey $3.49; Chas. shaw $53.93; Twin Oaks Lumber $8.55; R. E. HUI $39.49; Jack field American Legion auxiliary, Cornell, Colene Cornell, Faye Hoi- Evening rervices each Tuesday and Mooney $2.98; J. L. McGlllvrey Sr. Co. $4.19; Cottage Grove Lumber Hodges $2.99. BRIDGE: M iller Sorensen returned Sunday from Portland verson, lx>ota McCracken, Evelyn Thursday at 7:46; Sunday school $1.49; Chas. Hamelton $1.11; Doc Co. »39.17; O. A. Ennis »17.97; Cliff W illiams $2.00; Miller-Sanford Baird »2.80; 9. B. Flnegan $52.27; 9149..74; E. M. Sanborn $107.76; where she attended both the State Harris and Maxine Snodgrass. each Sunday at 9:46 with preach­ Tractor Co. $4.88. Joe Simpkins $31.41; Ed Bernhardt Ralph Peterson »80.83; G ardner1 and National conventions. DIST. No. 28: Shell OH Co. $7.43. $13.41; Andrew Hennlgan $13.41; Frye »9*74; W M. Tate »59.79; The regular meeting of the troop ing at 11 and an evangelistic ser­ DIST. No. 27; A. E. ElUngsen Bill Hennlgan $13.41; M iller Soren Emery Taylor $66.83; J. C. Piper vice at 7:46. Visiting Father— Mr. and Mra. F. will be held At the Methodist $6.38; Bill Rose $10.43; Charlie sen $11.97; E. M. Sanborn »8.97; »67.17; W alter Vincent »63.67; F. ! church again this evening. Vanderburg $4.47; Archie Ander­ Ralph Petersen $8.97; Gardner Frye M. Brown »9 47; Ted George $16.95; O. Crowell of San Diego, Califor­ NOTICK TO CREDITO RS $7.97; W. M. Tate »10.48; W alter W. M. Tate $2.99; W alter Vincent nia. and Mr». C. A. West of Port­ Notice la hereby given that the son $8.94; Lon Sweet 91-4*. DIST. No. 28; Florence Lumber Vincent »1.74; F. M. Brown »2.38; land are visiting at the home of CRUZ ATTE SCHOOL GETS undersigned has been duly appoint­ Co. 60c: Slualaw Motor Transport Ted George $1.99; J. E. Damewood $1.74; O. G. Thornton 74c; C. L. j Westrope 74c: T. H. Parks $3.69; Executrix of the estate of W il­ Mrs. Crowc|l's and Mrs. West'» FIRST OFFICIAL VISIT ed liam S. Powell, deceased, and any Co. 50c; H. M. Peterson $23 33; $76.86; Ted George $1.49; F. M. Oregon State Highway Commission Oliver Fosback $15.53; M. Peter­ Brown $116.12; C. W . Raymond »150.08; Cottage Grove Lumber Co. father, John F. Ketela. Hr. and all persons having claims I-nurence C. M offitt, assistant against the said estate are hereby sen $82.44; Miller-Sanford Tractor »7.47; R. W. Hall »44.85; J. E. $151.73; Walters-Bushong Lumber Portland People Visit— Mr. and county school superintendent, Is the required to present said claims, Co. $15.58; Southern Pacific Co. Damewood »27.45; W. Earnshaw Co. $13.11; Oiling Fund »70.00: Gen­ $11.96; C. E. Damewood $16.96; C. eral Bridge Fund »179.80; R. A. Mr». A. E. Herrington of Portland first pernon to pay a visit to the duly verified as by law required, at $1.70. D IST. No. 29; Slualaw Motor O. McBee $107.78; Jess Bailor spent the week-end here visiting at Cruzatte school In his official capa­ the office of Wells A Wells, 840 Transport Co. 76c; Clifford C. Poole $80.73; W. P. Sorensen $161.73; O. Babb Hardware Co. »138.33; J. L. Sanborn »4.00; Mike Thompson at home of Mr. Herrington's sister city It was learned Tuesday when W illam ette St., Eugene, lu Lane $10.00; J. E. Thompson $69.23; A. E Cox »107.73; O. H. Hawley »99.69; Snellstrom Bros. $11.02; county, Oregon, within alx months J. Bunch $17.88; W illiam Bunch $12.65; Ermald Agee $5.21; W. B. Elliott Mercantile Co. »4.26; Twin and brother-in-law, Mr. «nil Mrs. Mr. M offitt returned from a trip to from the date of this notice. $32.36; Cecil Thompson $20.88; Mead »34.89; H. J. Mead $14.89; Oaks Lumber Co. 54c; Snellstrom W. A. Taylor. Dated and first published thia the school at that place. The trip Orvle Thompson $22.36; Mark iAns- Clay Mead $17.46; Laurence Beers Bros. $328.37: Otto Fisk »10.00; Straw berry Roan Radaa...nw lat day of September. 1982. to the school was made on the bock bury $22.36; W. F. McCollum $16.39; »5.96; Ralph Taylor $7.48; Maple­ Budd Kompn »25.80; Henry Pironi 'O ly m p ic o l C o w b o y Contest«” A doNor show L U E L L A PO W ELL, Executrix. Visitor from Corvallis — Mis» ire e ot g ton d e te n d d o ily , oacopt tosoraod tools L. 8. Gardner $22.36; Harold H alla­ ton Garage »8.80; Yellow F ir Lum­ part of a motorcycle. »22 93; V. D. Fogle »22.44; F. D W ELLS & W ELLS, Attorneys. Carrie Flanery, sister of F. B. N ight Stampa