THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW K N TY -N IN TII YEAR HOME FOLK BACK EUGENE GAME IS Cannery Comes LEGION WORKERS On Final Visit SWARTS IN RACE NOT SCHEOOLEO HUNT F O R M S Non-Partisan Role HOLD OWN HERE Needy People Urged to Se­ cure Their Requisition« Republican Candidate for Local Football Team Not Pre­ Precinct Captain« Launch at City Hall Thia Week County Sheriff Recom­ paring to Meet Purple Houae-to-Hou«e Drive for mended in Open Letter Squad September 30 Greater Registration Lane county'» portable cannery W. E. Buell Join« Mayor and Recorder In Seeking Elec« 1 tion at November Poll« Name« of Barber, Taylor and Lovelace Put Forward for Place« on Council - 8PR1NOE1EL1), LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, THUKHDAY. 8KPTK.MUKK 22, 1932 World'« Tenni« King FILINGS CLOSE SEPT. 28 -f > / will be brought back to Springfield Springfield people are aolldly nekl j backing C, A. "Tom’' Swart» for FIVE GAMES ARE LISTED Monday aud Tueaday September 26 and 27, and will take .tberlff I .... «... Seek to Shift U. H. S. Game cur« of au |a U crop» for needy for bla election. Setting forth hi« to Armistice Day; Silverton people. Thia will probably be the * qualification« uud expreaalng faith to November 24 ' ,ln»* chance local people will have I In hla ability to perform the aer i ~ ■ 1 " I to can frulta and vegetable» for I vie«» of the office a group of bual neaa and profeaalonal men have i No football game haa been ache- their own uae later In the fall and signed a letter to t.,e public. j duled with Eugene high acbool for winter month». The letter which waa made pub-1 8ef't'’n,bcr 30* “nd ■«<* • «“ «a« »'eraona who want to make uae He th„. week la aa follow»: W,U '** played unl“ ,a Bom« a r o t tba f««UKIe. <* ‘ he cannery are I o the Editor: rangement for the name 1» made required to obtain a requialtlon "W e wlah to recommend to th.J *****W w,tb indications there will be culation of »ii petition» for that houae canvaaa cf the city to regia oad» and work out a plan to ipeed Increase« later, large enough to many offlco holder» waa under way. ter all those who are eligible to, i ansportation recovery. equal the enrollment« last year. Two candldalea, W. I*. Tyson, voter» of lame county our friend llia to 3’ ttr,on Hall, local high certifying to their need. vote during the November election, In line with the expectation of »«eking reeledlon aa mayor and and fellow townsman, 0. A. "T om "! a< ho,d coatb- There la abaoiutely no charge but who have not aa yet algned I the school officials and of the Ira M. I'eteraon. candidate tor r» Swart», who la the Republican can There waa a tentative offer aub- connected with thia work. TbJ reglatratIon card«. Board of Education, the grade •lection aa city recorder, announced la required to furnlah Precfnc^ captain» were appointed dolute (or Sheriff at the November school» show a alight decrease for ‘ «ottoua aovoral weoka ago nth election. We have known M r .! 1“ 1" * ’1 *“"* ,aM ,or “ * anu’ tbal own produce and the county at the last meeting of the Legion «' O / » the flrat few days, but not In Una * came out thia I Swart» for many years and have datt"' bul 11 waa disregarded when j does the canning, furnishing the post, but the work was, delayed with the slump which had been an­ ' treasurer, Ellsworth Vine«, rangy Californ­ a high regard for hla judgment. I ’* waa found lbal “ ° " t ol tbe local “ “ ' with a 221 pound mule deer, tion? of further enrollments espe 'L e t s elect " T o m -' S w a rts . election, one fur the unexplred term here Friday mum when the club **ll* r - ! opening meeting of the Men's before October 8 to be eligible foi ! and »even or eight others were cially In the junior high division. Signed. C. E. Wheaton. W. N I o f ti. H. Jarrett, and the tw o al­ members approved a report of the The schedule as prepared for tbe Brotherhood of the Methodist tbe November 8 election. Those ;een Passing through the city the High School Haa 24« Dow, P. J. Bartholomew, D. I t . : season is “a follows. ready meutloned whoa« term» ex board of directors providing for the church Monday evening, September wbo do n« i register before that ‘ aame d»y- High school officers reported 248 Murphy. W. H. Pollard. N. W. ’ pi re. changes. October , Brownlville- Tenta- yg. |t wa„ snnounceg thla week by time will not have their names on W illiam W hite and H arry Potte, enrolled Wednesday. Figures foi Emery, J. M Larson, W. KJ tlve. The circulation of petition» for Effective In September the club ! P. J. Bartholomew, president of the Poll books of their precinct and j ot Deerhorn bagged their deer the the opening enrollment at the high Barnell. H. E. Maxey, I. MJ candldalea to run agalnat the pre» will bold regular noon luncheon October 14 Cottage Grove, there organisation. will not be supplied with ballots. opening day and were home before school last year are not available Peterson, John F. Ketels. W ent admlnlatratlon officer» haa not meetings only twice each month October 21 Open. The business part of the evening Information as to who must and dark : for the entire school, but the fresh- C. Itebhan, F. B. Flanery. W. matertaltaed ao far aa haa been ex on the first and third Fridays In­ October 28 Koseburg, here. will be preceded by a potluck din wbo ar<“ eligible t> register has Among the Springfield hunters man. senior and junior classes had C. W right. C. F. Egglmann, H peeled November 11 U. H. S. at Hay- ner in the dining room in the base- keen compiled by W. B. Dillard. wbo bave sone to Eastern Oregon a total of 172. It Is doubtful that stead of "weekly. G. Dtbblee." Petition circulator» and candi­ ward field. The meeting place will he ment at 6:30. county clerk, who is carrying on an ar* 1>odd M iller, Coy Leathers. Mr. the second year class of last year date i have Just atx day» left In changed Io the Taylor ball over the November 18 Open. Mr Heffron has entered the con exten lve campaign to make every and Mrs Robert Sears, W illiam exceeded thia difference. The high which to get algnera according to White Front Grocery, and member­ , November 24 Silverton. gresslunal campaign In opposition eligible person a registered voter Hann, Dallas Murphy and Veltie school enrollment has been greatly Mr. 1‘eteraon. The name« and petl ship dura will be-greatly reduced. The last two games on the sche- t0 James Mott, republican, and wltb a risht to vote against the F m itt. increased daring the past two years tlona of all candidate» for city of­ | dule are also tentative. A contract Harvey Starkweather, democratic Proposed school shifting bill. j N. L. Pollard and A. W, O rr are by the addition of students from Members of tho Cooking club ot fice in uaI be filed and certified with I l having been signed with Silverton nominees He hag already been Those who can register are hunting in the Battle mountain area ihe W alterville district where no the Christian church will continue the county clerk on September 29. last year for a return game there voted the backing of the county-! ciU«®na of the United States who near Grants Pi high school Is maintained. to serve the meals for the member« and muat be filed wlt.i the city on Armistice day, but requests* wige organization seeking to re-1*® have been In toe state of Ore-j ----------- anil tbe secretary will notify ali Enrollment by grades in the ele­ recorder here on the day prevloua. from t nlverslty High school have ta|n Ibe present prohibition laws. gon a,x months by November 8. member ; prior to each meeting. mentary schooa are aa follows: next Wedneaday, If they are to be led to an effort to have the Silver- This meeting will be open to all AnV Per»on who will move into * ’ The next meeting of the club will Brattaln: First. 29; second. 22; Included In the regular fall election be held at the Taylor hall ou Octo­ Nominations Mads at Prsvi-'t®» ««me moved tow weeks, and interested parties who care to a t-1new precinct by October 8, may third, 23; fourth. 21; fifth, 26; and ballot. The taw aaya that all namaa allow the Sprtngfleld-l'. H. B. an­ tend. J register In that precinct as he will ous Meeting; Others May ber 7. i 20 and 22 respectively In the two muat be filed with the county clerk nual event to be held at Hayward . have lived there 30 days before Be Offered Tonight sixth grades, a total of 97 boys and not later than 40 day» before the field probably at night on Novem- election. Persons who »rill become FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE 66 girls. election when the ballot will he pre-' Elecllon of officer, for Spring bBr 11 ratber tban on Thankagiv- caa.1 » ...... <>f aKe before election day can reg- pared and numbera assigned to* Lincoln: First, 33; second. 3«; ON SO. 2ND SATURDAY later now. fleld American Legion post number ln« day a" h" t" * n ,be « * ’ * prac' | third. 28; fourth, 23; fifth, 28, and each candidate. 40 will be held tonight at the Com- tlce’ .. . . An-V Person who did not vote in Clinton Hartman Joined the local 4U,e ° ale etarmined; Peo the generai e|ectiOn of 1030, and American Legion Post and 59 ¡n each of the seventh and eighth niunlty hull. Notices of the meeting Local Dentist Cooperate in | grades. p i. Said to Have Left Short- who hag no, agked , he county W. C. T. U. ELECTS NEW have been sent out to all members squad last night. He has had some y re scovery j o pu( b|g car(j ¡n tj,e (i|eg mUgt Free Clinic Work Member» of Faculty i experience and will be a useful by I. M. Peterson, adjutant, OFFICERS ON TUESDAY ------------- Faculty members this year are: rrsilster this fall. Every person who l acdldatee fot post commander man ,0 the coacb Tb- ,eam mBm Fire of undetermined origin changeg hlg or „ „ name for Plans for providing free dental Brattaln school— Glenn B. Wood, Mrs. Ellxs Nelson Again Heads L io n , C , ub a n d Chamber of er.- P. J. Bartholomew and H. O. bers are working out eacb evening which was discovered at 8:30 Sat- Dlbblee. Only one candidate for rrom ,h" tlroe acb00' ,a out unt“ urday niaht n’“ ° n ” U8t rereg,8ter Everv P*r work for those children in Spring- principal; Altie Manning, Helen Temperance Workers; To At­ *<»«’ ’ ’ ht' tOmp“‘tely dea,r° yed .»on — — h . „ „ . hts h i. or her a - placZ of field wbo are ,B need of who c changes klnd Hiortland SUMMER MEDICAL MEET who had been picking hops, and noon when Arthur 8. King, soli who teach school In various places examined by him w ill receive th e 1 bridge across the McKenaie rivet who found that their home had specialist at the State collège, to- have all begun their work for the necessary dental work regardless about two miles above Leaburg Is Five of (he large ornamental ENGLAND FUNERAL HELD been robbed during their absence. gPther with O. 8. Fletcrer, coun- i coming year. Among them are Miss of the cost In time and materials Dr. and -.Mrs. W. C. Rebhan re­ reported to be in- circulation among turned to Sprlngflold Sunday even­ lights on Ihe Springfield bridge IN EUGENE SATURDAY Investigation revealed that much ty agent, visited them Friday and* Mildred price, who teaches at T(he to the doctor. Those who can do so resident*, of that vicinity thia weak. ing from Vancouver, British Col were broken recently, apparently | ■■ ■ - • of the loot had been taken to a made a survey giving Instructions j Dalles; Miss Veda Gray at W alter- w ill be permitted, but not required, The petition also asks for a road umhiafl whore Dr. Rebhan has by vandals, and the remainder of Final rites for David C. England shed nearby and a late watch was Hg to tbe iBy(ng 0„ t of ditches, and vllle; Mis:, Marjorie Grant at Cedar to pay as much as they want to. down tbe south side of the river. spent a week attending the sessions them have been taken down and who died Wednesday of last week rewarded when two men returned on other matters pertaining to the Flat; Mrs. Glossle Oray at Thurs- Full details of the examinations No petition of this nature has of the nnnual summer school of Ihe stored by the City officials. The were hela Saturday afternoon at and were surprised by the oners of distribution of water. ' ton; Miss Dorothy Travis at Thurs- w ill be announced to the students been taken out at the county of­ Vancouver Medical association. bridge has not been lighted for 2:30 from the Branstetter-SImon the property. One of the men eg Both ot these men planted fields Ion; Miss Havel Edmtston at Mt. at the schools, and it is expected fices according to C. P. Barnard, World famous medical men attend­ some time, hut this was the first chapel In Eugene with Rev. Ralph caped. of Ladlno clover and will irrigate | Vernon; Miss Eva Phetteplace at that they will he excused from county Judge, although there has ed the meeting and took part In Instance of breakage of the large C. Clark, pastor of the Fairmount the pastures. Springfield; Mre. Verna Adams at classes for whatever time Is neces- been considerable talk about a the lectures and demonstration», ac­ lights. The smaller lights at each Presbyterian church officiating PASTOR ACCEPTS CALL Creswell ; Perry Price at Pleasant : sary. bridge near the power plant, he cording to the local doctor. o f the four corner posts have fre­ Committal services were held at H ill, and Jay Grant at Thurston : added. ARETANIA PACKS BOX OF ASHLAND CHURCH 1 the Portland Crematorium Monday quently been stolen. FOR MISSION CHILDREN high school with Miss Endicott as GIRLS’ HEARTS SUBJECT at 2 o'clock. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Rev. and Mrs. L. E. Fenton and „ ------------- .eisting, _________________ OF EXAMINATIONS HERE IUKA CIRCLE PLANS daughter. Clarice, left last week for HAS PARTY FOR MEMBER MANY STUDENTS FROM The box of Christmas things for | i _____ _ CARD PARTY SEPT. 30 Ashland where they will make their the California mission children T W O INJURED WHEN McKENZIE DISTRICT FORMER RESIDENT IS Hearts of Springfield girls are Mrs. Bernice Neher Finley was MARRIED AT TANGENT, future home. Rev. Fenton hag ac- which members of the Aretania MOTORCYCLE SPILLS being examined today and tomor- A benefit card party will be spon­ honor guest at a farewell party last Thirty-six high school students ------------- I cepted a call to become pastor of guild of the Baptist church has | ------------- row at the high achool by Miss sored Friday September 30 by mem­ Nes of the marriage of Mrg. Mag- the Free Methodist church In that been working on for some time was Thursday evening at the home ol In the W alterville district are tak- Beatrice Gay sustained a broken j Della Pitagerald and members of bers of Iuka circle number 30, Mrs. A. H. Van Valzah The affBir advantage of attending high school i gle McLagan, until recently a reel city and their daughter will attenr completed here Tuesday evening collarbone, and Lee Cray several the Lane County Health Unit. Girls Ladles of the G. A. R. It was was given by members of Mrs. Van classes In Rprlngfleld this year. The dent of Springfield, to A. W. Chand- the Southern Oregon norma! achool. and shipped on Wednesday. The cuts and Injuries Friday evening from the physical education de­ decided at the meeting of the or- Valzah's Sunday achool class to largc bus Is crowded each day. The ler of route 1, Tangent, on Wed­ Mrs. Fenton has announced that bug contained ten dolls, dressed by when the motorcycle on which they partment at the University of Ore-; ganizatlon held last Thursday honor Mrs. Finley who will leave students coining In from Deerhorn nesday, September 14, waa received she will return to Springfield each members of the local organization, were riding struck some loose gon are assisting with the work nlng. A social time was held soon to make here home In Cali­ are May Goddard, Meta O'Dell, Earl here this week. They will make Wednesday to offer piano lessons along with many other things for gravel and turned over on the Lo- The examinations are held during week following tbe bnalnesa I fornia. tbelr home near Tangent. Richardson, nnd Ivan Stormont. from 3 to 6 o’clock. the children of the mission church, j rane highway, the morning» only. I Ing. Many Deer Shot On OpemngDay Brotherhood 7o Meet On Monday Liom Club Has New Schedule LEGION TO ELECT NEW OFFICERS i'NEEDÏ OFFERED FREE RENIISIRÏI COMMUNITY HALL E M P