The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 15, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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E a rta rn Hatcheries Show Three
Per Cant Increase in Num ber
ot Saleable C h ic k i
Worlds Belt to
Be Prize trid a y
Striking Illinois Miners Overflow Highway
Agrloultural Interests Join Efforts
In Campaign to Boost Farm
' Products of Stato
Jack Reynolds Posts Belt and
>out three per c? ' moro sale
Forfeiture Check for Match
Visitors to Oregon during Amort Greater Cara in Mnrkating o<
ch ick s w ere h.: ch id n the
• an Legion week, and thousands of
Local Crop Held Needed to
Un .«: S 'a te s front aniisr* this
residents of the tale as well, at-
ye:ir than last, accord tig to reports
Compote with Imports
having the best opportunity ever
Ja«k Reynolds will be In Eugene
h, c Iv.d by the ext n Ion ..nnum -
afforded to become acqualuted with
Friday night to defend his world's
Ur. William Jasper Kerr, newly
A po'ato grad,ng si bool will ho
1st at O .eg in State
In the
(lie finest of < regott'a agr cultural conducted In the t'bumber of Com
W elterweight wrestling belt front
appointed chancellor ot higher edu­
•hr ■ ■ aciltc coast states th s sea-
producía, as 'll. result of u vatu inert« loom In Eugeue the efter-
the d u tch es of George "Wildcat"
cation In Oregon, has had 47 years
sen's output of chicks In c,-turner-
l*ete. Junior middle champion, in
palgn carried on tbrouab like» i
experience In educational work nt
iioou of Saturday, September 17, by
a) ha’cherlea was 15 per cent u s
what promises to be one of the
operation of Oregon restaurants, O. H Fletcher, county agent, with
which 38 years hare been as a col- i
d r last year, and n the mountain
hotels, and organised crop and live- the aaslslance of E K. Jackman,
greatest mat carda of'ered la Lane
lege president, though he la only
trite £5 P* r c nt I.1»».
county In som e months. If not
slock producen of thia stale.
68 years of age at this time
He ,
.■«tension agronomist of the Oregon
Western eomnterc al egg pro­
Through the effort i of u state­ Agricultural college, und n repres
was born at Richmond, Utah, Nov !
ducer have been eapeclallv hard
There will be no altp-up of plana
wide committee headed by B. T entative of the state department
ember 17, 1863. the sam e year '
hit by the low egg prices of the
and last minute changing of wrest
White, county agricultural ageut of of agriculture.
Henry Ford was born.
The achool wilt
past two years, as transportation
1er» this week according to Herb
Yamhill county, ami Kenneth Miller «tart promptly at 1:30 p. m.
His early education was obtain«*. -
costs have remained relatively high
Owen, promoter, as the title holder,
in the public schools of Utah after !
agricultural ageut for the M. I*. > H
The county agent atatea that If
which has given eastern and middle
who la now in Seattle, haa already
railroad. 60,00(1 souvenir (tragón Lane county potato growers are to
which Kerr attended the state uni­
western producers more advantage
sent hia diamond studded belt to
products menu cards have been dis­ hold the local market they must
versity where he received hia A. B.
than when egg prices were high.
Eugene along with a check for 8350
tributed to practically every entina grade their potatoes carefully and
degree. Subsequent graduate work
Small shipments of turkeys from
forfeit m .n cy in case he fails tn
place In the state The reatauranla market them In clean sacks that
Photo shows but part of the ten to fifteen thousand striking Illinois coal
was taken at Cornell university I
An informal picture of pretty June Argentina have been received on
In turn are nerving menus made up are neatly and correctly branded.
where he practically completed Collyer, taken the other day as she the ea t coast but are having little appear at least 34 hours before th j! mu>ers after their retreat from Coulterville and Franklin county, where
deputies armed with machine guns met them and routed the picketing
of the flnent quality Oregon pru At the achool to ba held Saturday
work for his PH. D degree. He dined in a Hollywood cafe, far away i effect on the market, the report match. The belt ,a now on ex J caravan.
each day In Hendershott's
from the Klieg lights—and while ! continues. The wholesale price o f ! blbltion
has received the honorary degrees
Mr Jackman will explain the po­
. .
, „
, gun atore window
To catch the eye of the visitor, tato gradea and allow farmera how
of doctor ot science and doctor of being "just herself.'*
live turkeys in Buenos Aires late In
on the front of the menu card ia Io grade their potatoes. All Inter
of i t the
of t | Ì -------»
Ju,F w
,s ----------------
»roun,i « to
7 cents r P *r¡t0
h|a welKh, , 0
_ vn
I m
e u
iW H iu o u
uc u
iB tc u
u * iu u
! tO T t ' d l l
the greeting: "Welcome to Oregon eated farmera are Invited to bring
Both in public school and college
curricula which served to Pound Even at such low prices to
err wa Interested in debating
' .
producers in that county turkeys P u ,s ' , h ' required weight foi
and Its agricultural wealth; our a bushel of potatoes to grade for
elim inate unnecessary duplications I producers in tnat county turaeys w e„ prwe,Kh, ma, men H# M-Un,,v
and he early planned a law career j until it was abolished through crea from thvrv cannot compete after j tjps the 8Ca|ea a, 162 pounds
Pleasant H ill high «•»*« h,«h 4u",,‘Jr <>'»««•• ««>»'• practice.
The representative of
declining an opportunity to attend lion ot the joint board of higher "’»king allowance for dressing ,
Monday September 13 with a large Product.
Haled <«n this menu," the stale department of agriculture
West Point because he was Intent; education He urged the economy transportation and tariff with tur- #
enrollment. Nearly every neat Is Below la an Invitation Io lak o the will give the reasons tor (he potato
wet>kg #j[o bu{
cu entering the law profession. He of continued regular support o f ' ke-V8 produced tn this country.
: taken and from 10 to 14 more stu cani and mall It home
grading law aud discuss benefits
when Reynolds' wife beqame ill en-
was also Interested in business and i
dents are expected after hop pick
The California dried prune grow­
that have been derived from It, and
higher education through a millage
»» « 1« an i . rou,e
•<* Eugene , and the wrestler
was manager of a merchant lie firm ;
, Ing ia over.
will also discuss plans for enforce­
tax as a means of eliminating poli­ ers pool has „ been
failed to show up. Indications at
at 21 years of age when he was in ■
nounced as effective and opening
ment of the law.
tical strife over appropriations.
,toa‘ •*““* were «hat ihe Eugene
duced to become a teacher and
quotations were established. Pre-! .
All Interested parttea are Invited
rook honored har on her birlhday
. ..
. . .
Armory w-ould be packed with poo
later uperintendont of the Smith.
vious to that the entire dried prune I , .
to attend the achool.
Utah, schools.
trade, both foreign and dom estic.
I prise party. The surprise howev. i I |,,to a block of wood and this per
, .
.. I effect the failure to complete the
He was made professor of m athe-;
suspended normal buying activity
was on the merrymakers for when fectly balauced so that (he entire TWO SPRINGFIELD MEN
at that time will have
matics and astronomy at Univer :
pending the outcome of the Califor I
they arrived at the Bchrenk horn«- weight Is supported on a common
, , ..
. .. .
i on the box office remains to be
sity of Utah in 1892 and served as j
nia pool. In the northwest the har-1
. . . .
they found no one al home. T h ey , house pin using s needle as a pivot
vest Is now about in full sw in g ” *"' ’‘ J ’ » " ^ s t o o d ‘hat Rev
head of that department and was
I managed to enjoy them selves until forming a spinning wheel la on ex-
Elmer Pyne and lXiuald Toomb
with indications that all the acre- ,
b^” U''h, ,o
in charge of graduate study u n til;
10:30 when the Bchrenk family re htbltlon this week at the Loup are entered In the linkway fail goif
... , ,
. _
. ...
with a guarantee of $500.
1894. In 1900. at the age of 36 _
Traffic Infractions and Dance ™
>**“»* * «> •* h.r-
I)on Hm Qf R
turned from Eugene and the party r|g ar store. The odd device was tournament row being started.
President Kerr was elected presi­
vested if itnances for picking a n d '
Hall Assault Cases Are
; made by Vern Uanleie. proprietor Pyti« la matched with Jack Martin
.. , .
Meyer of Louisville. Kentuckv will
dent of Utah State Agricultural col­
drying can be obtained. M em bers1
Mr und Mrs. Andy Olson and I who explains that the reason the of Eugene, and Toomb against Dr
open the evenings program Friday
Heard by C. E. Wheaton
lege where he remained until elec­
of cooperative packing and sales
sous Alvin and Robert and daugh pin can rotate on the point of a J. B. Scofield In the first pairings
with a 45-mlnute special event DONALD YOUNG CALLS
ted president of Oregon State col­
association? have received promise
Justice court business was on the
ON CITIZENS TUESDAY tera, Emma and Belle, returned needle with all thia additional of the contest.
lege in 1907.
of finances promptly on delivery of
upgrade here during the past week
: Tuesday morning from n five day weight la due to the difference In
No player Is permitted In this
Builds O. S. C. from 777
their dried prunes, which has a s­
Donald Young, candidate for <i s i vacation visiting old acquaintances the degrees of hardness of the two tournament who has ever won a
with three persons brought before
When President Kerr was chosen
sisted In getting harvest money ad­
C. E. Wheaton, local Justice, on
tr ct attorney of lunn- comity on I m northern l*ortland and Wash- metals.
previous tournament championship
head of the Oregon college it was
vances. A short drying season is
the Democratic ticket was In | ington.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
charges of law violations.
prise at the Oak way course.
a small institution of only 777 stu­
expected because of the short crop.
Springfield Tuesduy afternoon call
The many friends of Taylor Clr
Returns from California— Mrs. L.
Alva Wright and Ed Bowen were
1{ w« u h e r conditions
dents and 32 faculty members and
ing on local residents In behalf of
cle. a former resident of Pleasant | K. Page returned this week from
Leave for Newport— Mr. and Mrs
having little internal organisation. cite.! tc appear Monday on charges con,.;nue fttTorable
his candidacy.
HUI but now living at Thurston. | California where she has been visit- Frank Page of W altervllle left Ibis
Under his administration it attain­
Mr. Young Is carrying on an ag­
met at his home Sunday noon for Ing with relatives In Sacramento,
morning for Newport.
ed front rank position among land Z e n ^ m S a t u X ’of th T w e e 'k T F 0 R M E R C ,T Y R E S I D E N T
gressive campaign for the county a basket dinner. Mr. Circle furnlxn ———
grant colleges and increased to a
Iflce. He has had m sry yearn
PASSES AT LOS ANGELES —sary Program Featured on
roasting ears and melona. The
sise more than five times that when secure the necessary plates.
experience In the work of tin» of­
young folks enjoyed swimming and
he became its head.
Glenn Smith. Wolf Creek, waived
James L. Clark, 59. former resi-
fice having served as deputy for
fishin g.
In Oregon he has been interested preliminary hearing when brought dent and business man in Spring-: Anniversary night of the Juanita several years.
in development of the state's entire belore the Justice Monday on a field died at Los Angeles Saturday Rebekah lodge was ob erved here
The ladioa of the Pleasant Hill
system of education and encour­ charge of assault with a dangerous according to Information received Munday evening with a s-eclal pro- DRILL TEAM SPONSORS
community held a regular meeting
aged the standardization of high weapon. He was bound over to the here this week by Harry M. Stew ; gram which included songs by a
at the home of Mrs. Effie Wheeler
BENFIT PARTY SOON last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. L.
schools making possible the raising grand Jury.
; art, his brother-in law.
, Eugene quartet consisting of Mrs
of the standards of entrance at the
Smith was charged with striking
He was a resident of this city Ora Blowers. Mrs Mignon Carml-
Plans for a benefit card party to D. Gartnlre was elected president
college ard university. He stressed Harold Mace at a dance hall. The for 25 years during which tim e h a | chael. Dewey McAipin, and Charles
be sponsored by the Pregrosxlve 22 for the coming year. Mrs C. E
educlttona" in s itm ’o T s ^ d
.deClared was P°8‘maater and storekeeper Poole They, sang, “Come Where the drill team of the Rebekah lodge on Jordan vice-president, and Mrs
educational InsG tutions and urged he had intended to hit an o th er m an . He later was in the real estate bus! Beautiful Lillies Grow, ' “Done To* Friday evening.
September 23, a- Jesse Carrothera secretary-treas­
---- negg wltjj B A Washbume. He Hear Dem Bella?' 'Sweetly Sings the I. O. O. F. hall were made last urer. Mrs. E. Y. Swift and Mrs. W
Thix store lx equipped with
has lived in Los Angeles for th e ! the Donkey." and "All God s Uh l Friday night at a meeting of the R. Cote are on the flower commit
u full stock of School Supplies
past six years.
Inn Got Wings "
idrill ’cam. It wa also decided to tee. Mrs. ( . 1. Williams, Mias Anna
to take care of the children's
He is survived by his widow, one
Mr Poole, grand warden of the purchase new dresses for the m.-m Parks and Mrs. Ernest Bchrenk
needs. Here you will find
son. Joe; and two sisters. Sarah state I. O. O. F. lodge gav - a short bers to be worn on their visit to the
quality goods at the lowest
Burch. Rlckreal. Oregon: and Mrs talk, and the following participated district convention to be held at flower exchange to be held soon.
The next meeting will be held at
John Burghard. Portland. Oregon in a pantomime read by Mrs. Glenn Oakridge on October 4.
Stone: Mrs. Clarine Putman Mrs
Miss Edna Swarts, Mrs. Lillian the homeof Mrs. K. Y. Swift, Miss
Tablets, pencil«, pens, foun­
Lillian Black. Dorothy Girard, Lee Black, and Mrs. Grace Lansberry Parks and Mrs. Jordan assisting
tain penx, typew riter paper,
Springfield, Oregon
MEETING MONDAY NIGHT r,'"man. Blrne» Pyne. Mrs. Wanda are members of the com m ittee in Mr Wheeler was assisted by Mrs
ItMixe leaf note books, coin-
J. A. Phelps and Mrs. George
Barnee. Mrs. Minnie Girard. Mrs charge of the card party.
IKixItlon books, Inks, pnxter.
The regular meeting of the Girls Mamie Richmond. Mrs. Grace Lans-
Mrs. Sarah Johns. Mrs. Genevieve
and m any other Items for
Mrs. T. F. Kaliler has gone to
Misslonary society of the Christian berry, Mrs. Clara Taylor, and Mrs. Louk and Miss Mary Louk were
school use.
Goldson where she will teach this
church was held Monday evening Carrie Jarrett.
h ostesses for the Friday meeting.
winter In the grade school.
at the home of Miss Marjorie Wad
This was the eighty-first anniver
Try the Drug Store First
dell. Miss Pearl Helterbrand lead sary of the founding of the I. O. O. LEGION POSTPONES
We have a Complete Supply of Jars, Rubbers, Tops
Mrs. Charles McLeod and son,
the discussion. Mrs. D. B. Murphy F lodge In the United States About
and other equipm ent for the home eanner. Our sup­
MEETING FOR W E E K ^ E arl. have returned from a visit
is the ^dvisor for the girls.
SO people attended.
plies are standard, well known brands.
with friends at Silverton, their
——— — ————
— — — — ' It was announced at the meeting
The regular meeting of the Am former home.
that a radio party planned for this , erlcan Legion which was to have
^ ¡w e e k will be held next Monday, been held tonight at the Community
S io rt
Mrs. Eugene Cadwalder has re- The proposal to secure a large bus hall has been postponed for one MRS. STEHN TO PRESENT
turned home from Crater Lake (or the trip to the Oakridge con- week due to the absence of many
Springfield. Oregon
where she spent the last few | vention was abandoned it was an- members at the convention In Port
\ nounced.
Mrs. John Stehn will present a j
M r. and Mrs. E. E. Pqjter went
Mr»- Lillian Black. Mrs. Glenn
group of summer students In re- ■
to Salem Tue-day for their daugh Stone and Elmer Findley were In
cltal at her home Saturday evening
ter, Violet. Miss Potter has spent charge of refreshm ents at the an
PAINTING FIRE STATION September 17. Those taking part
the last two weeks at Salem, visit- fiv er ary meeting.
will be Joy Rebhan, Nadeen Neet.
ing relatlvgg.
----------------------- -—
Painting of the fire station w a s' Barbara Jane Ketels. Betty Jarrett,
The rebuilding of the W altervllle
Principal Here — Glenn Wood. the principal buslne s discussed al Mary Alice Bartholomew, Margaret
Presbyterian community church is principal of the Brattaln achool the meeting of the City Council last j Joan Wright, Edna Marie Wright.
progressing rapidly and will soon arrived In Springfield this morning J night The work has already been Marjory Jean Pengra, Jane Alice
have the outside work finished to prepare for the opening of (approved and the painting Is expect
Pengra, Beryl Robertson, Muriel
Men of the neighborhood are do- school Monday
cd to be done soon.
Tyson and Hazel Nesbitt.
nating a large amount of the work '
Robert Ben-on came home Sat-
If You Have a Financial Problem Then
urday from Moro where he spent
By All Means Visit
the Bummer with htg grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Henkle.
Mrs. Orville Ross left Sunday for
Bend after spending several days
with her mother Mrs. C. L. Scott.
You Are Bound to Gain Some
Wlille here she was honor guest
Powerful Ideas on How to Make Ends Meet
of the Ladles' Aid which met at
Mrs. L. R. Millican’s Thursday.
Arthur Gray of Leaburg received
word early Monday from Portland,
stating that his mother, Mrs. Tom
Gray was seriously 111. Mr. and
>2.98 to $3.98 Value
Mrs. Gray left Immediately for
Portland. Junior Gray will stay
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
A. N. Hansen.
The house owned by Mrs. Gina
See Our D isplay of
Momb, which Is being remodeled
Small Sizes — Values to $3.98
for Mr and Mrs. Z. C. Potter, was
Montag, Oregon Made Wood Burning Circulators. A
papered by a number of friends. It
Size for Every Home.
Is hoped to have It ready to occupy
before the fall rains set In.
2 Years in Advance
The Ladles' Aid of Leaburg pre­
Priced from
sented Mrs. J. C. Potter on Monday
Six Months in Advance
a nice warm comforter for Icy
Three Months
Eastern Oregon people have been
camped in our midst gathering
black berries for winter.
McKenzie high school pupils can
In line with the general lowering of prices we are announcing
1930 Price was $8.50
register Monday, but theprlnclpal's
these new subscription rates. Also we are oMdring ior the first tim e a
Our Price
office will be open after the middle
of the week, In case you are in
new two year rale which Is a saving of $1.00 over the previous price.
town and wish to register earlier.
Deerhorn school opened Monday
with 31 pupils on the roll. Some
We Also Have Other Circulators for as low as $38.50.
still on vacation. There were four
Sizes front 6 to 2
beginners this year. Mike O'Dell,
Robert Shrode, Roland Meyers and
ft i f I he only newspaper interested in the welfare of this community.
Call It What You Want!
Mildred Swearingen.
Every citizen should be a subscriber.
Deerhorn P.-T. A will hold Its
first meeting of the year Wednes
day evening September 21. Mrs. O. |
L. Stacy Is president.
New Chancellor Has Been
Educator for 47 Years; At
O. S. C. for 25 Years
Upper Willamette
J. P. Business
Growing Here
Rebekah Lodge
Holds Birthday
Are Ringing
Monday, Sept. 19
Irish-Murphy Co.
Canning Supplies
Flanerys Drug Store
I McKenzie Valley
Don’t Delay
Now is the Time to Can
Pears, - Peaches - Prunes
W h y H e sita te ?
Breier’s Eugene Store
Ladies Oxfords and Pumps
$ 2 .4 5
September Is
-to -
The Springfield News
Circulator Month
Men’s Wool and Part Wool Pants
Ladies Felt Hats
Only 79c
Men’s All Wool Suits, Only $8.95
All Wool Blankets
$ 3 .8 7
$ 4 4 .5 0
$ 7 9 .5 0
Children’s School Oxfords, Only 89c
Wright & Sons