THURSDAY. SKPTVMBRR 16. 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Vielt at Kh»«M— Mr and Mra Itllsy Kmxtgrssa vlsilmi with rsla llvw» al MI hm I c I Hunday. r N O T IC R O F H K A R IN O O F F IN A L A C C O U N T FUR HAl.K Standard make ot piano usar Hprlngfluld WUI ■acrid«.'« for unpaid balance. A ■nap. Easy tsriu». W rite Tallman Plano fetters. Salem, Ur«. 8 22 CRAZY CRYSTALS A Mineral W ater Treatment, brings m llwallh Rsaort to You. 20 K 7th, 22 W Bib. Eugene, I'h 1704 Camp Crash < I V Man Hsre— U II NO TIC E IS H K ItK IlY G IVEN that the under lined, aa executor of tile t.aal W ill and Tnetuttient of Kdltb ('. Adams, dacaaaed. haa filed her account for the final aetllenient of aald decedent'« estate In tbe county Court for Lane County In Ibe Slate of Uregon and that Hat urdiiy the 1st day of October, 1932 at the Court Room of aald Court In the County Court House In Kugetie. Oregon at ten o'clock In tbe fore- boon, baa been fixed by ' aid Court aa tbe time and place for bearing | objections there to, and for the final settlement thereof. EDGAR J ADAMS. Executor of the Last W ill and Testament of Kdltb C. Aduma. Deceased L. L. KAY, Attorney for Katate. (MI-18 18 22 -2») TOW N A N D VICINITY V isitor In Portland— Donald W II | Attenda Farad«— Mra. Carl 01- sou went to Portland on the ape clal train from Euxene Tnaadsy in minx to aee the American La glon parade. W a lte rv llle Man Hei Lester Attend Convention— Mr sod Mrs Millican of W altervllle was a W. C. W right and Mr. and Mrs vlaltor In Springfield Saturday. I Lott Neet drove to Portland Suu Mohawk Man H e re — J. 11 Star day to attend the National Amerl Visit on McKenxti— Mr. and Mra. ford of Mohawk waa a vlaltor In (an I .eg ion convention. T. C. Quinn of Portland and Ted Horingfleld Saturday. Lenhart «pent Hunday on the up- • Return« Heme— Mrs Edith gtsv Leaves for Marshfield— Mrs Lee per McKenxIe. I enson of Santa Rose, California. Lansberry left Friday for Marsh­ In From Camp C reek - M J * ho b” be* n h* r’ * “ h field. Chase of Camp Creek waa a b u s l-'h,’r nw’h''r Mr’ M* ry McPherm»«. Vlalt on Coast — Mr. and Mra. n . . . visitor In Springfield Salur »«" “er homo Robert Mears and family spent the W tn d lin g People Here— Mr. and week end on the coast at Florence. Goes Io California — Mia Pearl M r’1 u * r> Worth Wondllng wore Goat to Portland— Milton D m u >«| Nelson left Friday morning for In Springfield Saturday, (eft Munday for Portland Io be gon» ,twd y luff California, for an lodefl- Mr Worth Is to be principal of the for several days. nUe glgy Wendllng school thia year, the fam *>F having moved there recently P ith on McKenxIe — Clarence v ia « (n cebfernla— Mr«. Edward from Monmouth Hover of Eugene and W. P Tyson gnd „„„ UgUd ,e|1 a « tur-( of Springfield spent Sunday fish -| dgy for guu .Francisco where they Return« Tonight— Mr. and Mra. Ing on the McKenale grB ¥, , , lng restive«. J M i-Bfaon are expected to re ' turn late this evening or Friday Catches Fish S aturday— I. M Kon Born— Mr. aud Mra. Boyd A . . morning from Portland where they Peterson reported fairly good luck Wolf of Uakrldge are tbe parents! have been attending tbe sessions fishing on the McKenale river be­ of h eon born (o them at 1887 High ; Of both the state and national Le- low Nimrod Inn. street in Kugene Sunday. Septem J g|on convention, ■ou «peut Saturday In Portland Timber Tax Subject Is of Government Study Forced Cutting of Tree, to I “,oro*,«h I . » . M e e t F in a n c ia l A a a a a»-n en ta Held Partly Responsible for Condition of Induetry. Tbe plight of tho timber owner who annually Is assessed a tax on standing timber, aside from the land tax. and who at tbe same time finds no market for hie product and la therefore unable to aell a sufficient quautlty to enable him to meet these taxes haa been the sub­ ject of discussion among tax-collect­ ing groups for some Ume. A con­ tinuation of the present system, they feel, will eventually eliminate Ibe private owner ot standing tim­ ber. To carefully study thia matter and to Investigate possible means of i emedylng the situation the last congre a created what Is known as Timber Cocservat.oa Board. A recommendation by this body Is- ■ued on August 1, 1*32 follows: study of rorest taxation principles and practical method« of application by regions and under varying conditlona. Tut study la now under way and nearing completion through the Forest T ax ation Inquiry of the V . 8. Forest Service. "Accordingly, It la recommended that the earnest consideration of Ibe principal timber states be in vlted to tbe public need of such nnxllflcatloo of present prevailing methods of timber taxation; that tbe Forest Service be urged to make available at the earliest prac­ ticable time the conclusions and re commendations resulting from Its investigations in thia critical econ­ omic problem; and that considera­ tion be given to the possible deair- ablllty and the practicability ot en­ listing concerted state Interest and securing concerted state action through a conference of the gover­ nors of tbe principal timber states. The board believes tbe time la ripe for a thorough study of tbe pos­ sibilities of a yield tax for the fol­ lowing reasons; contâtes the answer. The study will ho unde mediately by thi under the direction of C< B Oreeley, aecretary-mae LI OLD EWVMK There Is a shoe repair shop in New York which w ill give you an Ice cream soda free while you wait to have your shoes fixed. s e e There are women In New York wearing gloves of scarlet, to match lipstick. The Idea comes from Parts, e • • Hardy of Camp Creek was a heal- N O T IC K TO C R K D IT O R K n«aa vlaltor lu Springfield Satur­ Notice la hereby given that tho undersigned haa been duly appoint­ day.____________________________ Penthouses and high apartment ed Kxecutrlx of the eatate of W il­ houses have given an impetus to the liam 8. Powell, deceaaed, and any N O T IC K sale of binoculars. At one store and all peraona having claims O F F IN A L K K T T L K M K N T there is a demand for them by peo­ against tbe aald estate are hereby Nolle« la h«r«by given that lb« ple who use them to got tbe right uud«ralgiM>d eaerutor of the ea- required to present aald claims, time from some distant clock. tat» of Auna Uohltnan, d«c«a««d, duly verified aa by law required, at • • • baa filed In tb« County Court of the office of Wells A Wells. 840 W illam ette SI., Kugeoe. In Lane her 11. 1*22. Ijiu s County. Oregon, bla final ac­ Returns from California — Mrs Fifty pounds of chewing gum are Returns from Portland—City R e count aa aucb nlecutor. and that county, Uregon. within six month« Earl Thompson returned thie week To Attend C a lifo rn ia School — corder and Mrs. I. M. Peterson re­ scraped from the floors of the Penn­ Tax Forces Low Sales Ibe ■rv«glon conven­ BY FARM COOPERATIVES verse effect cumulative. It la not a within the industry. ceaaed. tion. la said to be the largest photograph result of the general depreeslon; Picnic Sunday— Mr. and Mrs. haa filed bla final account In the 2. Over-production and demorali­ of any person constructed. The County Court of I-ane County, Ore nor will it be corrected by general N O T IC K Clark Wheaton. Mr. and Mra. laaac Oregon haa the broadest and most Returns from Idaho— Mra. George gon. and that aald court haa aet OF F IN A L K K T T L K M K N T Larimer, Mr. and Mra. C. E. 8 warts satisfactory cooperative act In tbe economic recovery. Its economic zation bring with them wholesale bead was 40 feet high. The picture aa the time and place for the final P. Hoffman returned Sunday fiom Importance varies widely between unemployment and serious difficul waa that of Constance Bennett. NO TIC E la hereby given that settlement ot aald eatate Saturday Points In Idaho where she haa b -on and Mr. and Mrs. Frank DePue held United State, under which has • * • Kuae M. Hollenbeck. Administratrix | October 1st, 1*22, at 10 o'clock In a picnic at Riverside park Hunday. grown up a more or less standard regions and between Individual ties to lumber communities; and for the pa t ten daya. of tbe Katate of Henry F Hollen­ the forenoon of raid day at the 3. Delinquency of timber taxes is ownerships in each region. But It There is a woman In New York form of organisation known aa tbe beck, deceaaed. haa filed In tbe County Court Room In the Court­ T o Eastern Oregon— Professor Coquille People Here— Mr. and "Oregoa Plan," according to a lead­ haa become a controlling factor in also becoming a serious problem who makes a gmid living running a County Court of tbe M ate of Urn house In Kugene, Uregon. where all and Mrs. W. K. Buell returned thia sufficient proportion of timber along the West Coast. The effect of canary hospital. goo. Io and for tbe County of l-aue. persona Interested may appear at Mrs. W illard Hloane and daughter, ing article in tbe national Coopera­ • * • her dual report aa aucb adminis­ aald time and file objectlona, If any ».It«,. all of Coquille, were visitors week from Moro In Heppner county tive Marketing Journal. ownerships to etiect and to involve non-tax payments by timber-owners tratrix. and that ten o'clock In tbe they have. at the Riley Snodgrass home b e r e '* '” ' ^ ,he* wlth lhelr the entire range of forest prtxlucU on local revenues la not yet known Stopped on Lexington avenue The article, written by George O. forenoon of Saturday, tbe 17th day I M PETKRRGN, Executor of Mcnday latlves. They left Springfield Sat­ but it will undoubtedly add to the industries. the other day to watch a man do of September. 1*12, at tbe court Gatlin, extension economist at O. the Katate and I^ast W ill and urday for tbe trip. difficult problem ot how to con­ room thereof, baa been by the "The p'eseut and future security what I thought were amazing card Testament of Ellen Josephine 8. C., i ays that Oregon's accompl Kon Is Bern— M r and Mrs. I. E. serve the public revenue front tim­ Court fixed and appointed aa the Root. Deceased. of private ownership of merchant­ tricks. He had half a dozen dif­ Putman are the parent, of a baby ! ,rom P o rtla n d - H. E. Ishments In this field are now so time and place for hearing objec­ ber resources. (81 18 15-22 2») ferent ways of producing the three son born to them at their home 4 d±tor ,he New>2 relurn’ widely known that increasingly able standing timber as well as the tions to aald report and for tbe The trustees of the West Coast of hearts. Directions and a deck «*d lute Tuewluy from Portland large numbers of letters from many maintenance of reasonable current final aeltlement of tbe eatate of at Douglas Gardens on Haturday. N O T IC E OP P IN A L H K A R IN O Lumbermen's association have au d deceased for twenty cents. I fell. I bought. where he atteiid1.60 Men's Dress Shirts, fast color, tion Land Claim No. 48 and run­ I now have the same in my poa- H ili Broadcloth ............................................................. 69c ning thence South 1*48 6 feet to st; salon. 75c Pure Silk Ladies’ Hose, for slim legs. Special 39c renter of road, thence South 89 Now therefore, under and by vir­ degrees 44 minutes Ea*t 3002.20 tue of said Lien. I hereby given no­ Boy’s Leather Suede Coat ............................. $3.48 >3.50 - >5.00 Corsets ............................................ ....... 79c feet; from an.d beginning point tice that I will, on the 24th day of 20c Extra Heavy Rockford Sox, 9c, or Three Pr. for 25c run North 336 feet, thence South Kept. 1*32 at 10:00 o'clock In the >2.50 Wool Auto Robes ................................... $1.39 DAYO^ 89 degree« 44 mlnutea East 76 forenoon, at tfee Mountain 9tates 60c Boy's Work Shirts, Special ...................... ..........29c feet, thence South 336 feet, Fox and Fur Farm? on the east >5.00 - >6.00 Ladies Shoes, sizes 3, 3Va> 4, 4% thence North 8* degree« 44 min­ side of the Pacific Highway, about only, to close ..........................................$1.48 >3.50 Men's White College Corduroy Pants $1.96 utes West 76 feet to the place of eight miles north of Eugene, In beginning, all situated In Sections Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale All Blankets Greatly Reduced. >26c Men's Rayon Sox, 15c; 6 Pairs for 75c 13 and 14 Township 17 South 4 and sell at public auction, to the Boys’ All Wool Blalzers ............ ...............— .... $1.98 West of the W illam ette Meridian highest bidder for cash, the per­ >5.00 Men’s Sport or Dress Shoes, your choice $2.98 In Lane County, Oregon, and con­ sonal property above described. Boys’ Heavy Corduroy P a n ts ............. taining .6770 or an acre. JO HN L. MARSH. Constable. >3.50 Men’s Heavy Work Shoes $1.96 The said premises being subject VA N 8VA R V E R U D , Deputy. Boys' Sheepskin Lined Coats, ......... to an easement for roadway pur­ (8 8-16-22) >1.00 Table Damask, yard ........................................... 49c poses over a strip of land twenty Boys’ Broadcloth Shirts....................... feet wide off from etther end of N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T >4.00 - >5.00 Ladies Sport or Dress Shoes, best said premises. Boys’ Heavy Union S u its ......... .......... Notice la hereby given that the Dated this 18th day of August, m a k e............................ $1.96 undersigned, Alice M. Beckwith aa 1*32. Girls’ School Dresses .................. ....... the Executrix of the Estate of Les­ H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Men’s Shorties Trunks and I.lsle Shirts, a garment 19c Straw berry Kean Rodeo...n,. By A K. HULEO AARD. Deputy. ter Oren Beckwith, deceased, filed “O ty iR p ic «f C « w te o y C g c tK ifi** A d o M a * » h o w Girls Rayon Bloomers ......... — - ....... In the office of the County Clerk (A 12-26— 8 1-8-16) >1.26 Men's Union Suits, B. V. D. or knitted, of Lane County, Oregon, her final N ig h t Stampodo...v.«~'»,. ».<•■ long legs ............................ .......................................... 49c Girls’ and Boys' R aincoats.................. account as auch executrix on Aug­ do*», AWtwdovt. Tota«d o vi.C o 8*o *d « v .li. ust 11,1*31; and that on aald date O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T «pdlt. IhriN t, clown», t v n r if mwlot * eig ht th o « >1.00 - >1.60 Kayser Pure Silk F’ull Fashion Hose, Boys' and Girls’ School S h o e s ............ the County Court of the State of T H E UNDERSIG NED, rr Admin­ Oregon In and for the Couaty of Mesh, Service, Chiffon weights. Special for th « CM0» A d R titv o n rod vco d M 50c, ro to w a d Wool Material for dresses or coats at half price. When Starting istrator of the Estate of Peter Han- Lane duly made and entered an ih 7 5 « ( • I I 0 0 School Opening Bargain Days, 79c — 3 prs. $2.00 «on, dereRNed, has filed hla Final order In re estate of Lester Oren _ ^reu . e e Th«« of Pro to School Account In said Estate with the Beckwith, deceased, setting - the •«Ad» « f o»hib1.25 Boys’ Wash Suits ......................................... 49c •M d K , ch»ch««*. • * • * « . duck», p *g «o n t. r«M> «*, said county court at the hour of w ild fo w l, d o g i p a h A rt. mwvc, *o atil«t. flow >1.50 Sheets, full size, fine grade. Special 79c then visit our store. You will find many worthwhile County Court haa made an Order 10:00 o'clock, A. M. September 12, or», b w lbt 4 H C lu b o n d M your mind bring them In directing this Notice and appoint­ 1932. and directing that notice ot savings In every part of our store. C o m l v o l , A m wiom onH . rid o t. »how». d«n«O 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, yard .........................................21c the County Court Room In the said hearing he published aa re­ for a complete Eye Exami­ ing Court Houae In Eugene, Oregon, aa quired by la w ; and notice Is hereby, Spatial Day» ♦or O ra n g e . Form On>«n, the place and the 18th day of 8ept- given that, If any person has any fr« te rn « l o rg a n iio h a n t — c« u n h «t, <«N«a CASH ONLY NO CHARGES nation now. ember, 1*32. at the hour of 11 objection to the aald fins’ account, 12 la m b .. • M a n y chorw tot « n d o rchestra* IB mu«ic«l p ro g ro m * b y M u »« fa d e « o h « « o'clock A. M. as the time for the he shall file such objections In w rit­ hearing of any objections to the ing In said probate proceeding, on M o n d ay. u * o « in dav ~ H r« l««nily « n d C«r «4fmlt*«d »«r | l I b«y» «n d Final Account of said Eatate. This It Free or before the time set tor the said g«H» high *c h « o l « g « or u ndar o thm ttod f »1 ( Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia hearing. Reduced Cara»...«, s.. -..i lflvh day of August. 1932. A LICE M. B E C K W IT H . Execu­ JOHN L. M AR 8H, Administra­ DR. ELLA MEADE trix ot the Eatate of Lester tor of the Estate of Peter Han­ Oren Beckwith, deceived. Springfield, Oregon son. deceased. Optometrist Tha Stora with RELIABLE MERCHANDISE H. B. S L A T TE R Y . Attorney for IM M E L A EVANS, Attorneys for 41 West 8th Kugene Executrix. the Administrator. (A IK-IK—8 l-K-16) (A 18-18— « 1-6-16) The Family Medicine Chest J KETELS DRUG STORE Business Uireclory BARGAIN DAYS For School Opening at Fulop’s Dept Store Be Sure of Your Child’: Vision S tat - c -F a ir S e p t 2 6 O ct.1 I FULOP’S DEPT. STORE