THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TW H N Ì'Y -N IN TH YEAH BPKINOFIKLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON,THUKhUAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1932 o rt Offers Post Represented A M N E S IA GRID PRACTISE A irp Training LIONS THRILLED CITY TAX FUNDS Work A t Legion Meets BY RIVER FILMS COMEIN SLOWLY STARTED MONDAY SEEKHDENTITY No. 3« Many Cans g [|g[|||||| ¡5 Eugene High School Boys to Springfield Man is Alternata County Portable Cannery to! - Only Three Lettermen Left to! Learn Airport Management Four Local Boatmen Possess Operating Expenses for First Delegate on Floor of Port­ Unknown Man Searches Out Be Brought to Springfield I Body of Former Resident Problems at Field Here land National Convention Form Nucleus of Local Exceptionally Fine Scenes Eight Months of Year Are Doctor Monday in Effort to Again September 26-27 I Taken from Miilraoe at Jud- High School Squad 91833 Below Budget Discover Who He It. The Hgringti.M municipal air< of Summer Outings kins Point at 10:46 This district of the American Le Slightly more than 1000 cans of I la being represented at the “Are you Dr. Walker T’ fruit; and vegetables were prea- “Do you know who 1 am!" | erred here Saturday and Monday DEATH CAUSE UNCERTAIN national convention tbla week In With these two questions a mid- i during the two-day visit of the ' Portland by E. Z. Merreil, Albany, Clothes and Dog Tied to Poet delegate; Francia Zlgler. Corvallis, die aged man, apparently a victim county portable cannery when Ml of amnesia, approached Dr. Milton was stationed at S.xth and M aili Lead to Investigation End­ alternate delegate, and M. B Hunt- V. Walker In hla office here Mon streets. ing Thia Morning it the ygame time. ly, Springfield, alternate delegate. day In an effort to establish hla ! tentlon of members of the Lions Further canning for local peopld Wlîh uni y Ibra« lt>lterm«ii Despite the strictest of economies club of Springfield and their guests Mr. Merreil Is the manager of the Moatlty. The lifeless body of D. C. Eng- j wbo have supplies but who cannot (rum Ih» entire football laam of t ■dents at tba school will come ti. i In which the operating expenses of The man went on to relate that! purchase the necessary cans will lan<,> torB>®'' resident of Springfield, at the Community hall Friday even- j season, Marlou Hall, naw aprii local airport each afternoon ln1,833.60 Mountain States Power company In be had a very bad headache and be done September 26 and 27 when \ nal" ot 781 Ea,t Twentieth street In fluid high school coach. Ibis waa fy Oregon. 1 to 6 during the »chool year. _ ____,,___ . . . . ... . , . . ' , one «Her soother of the beautiful below the amount budgeted in a waa unable to remember who h e ! the portable unit is brought back ! Eu«en«- taken from the waters find« hlmaelf farad with Iba necea »til spend this time doing tha curtailed budget, the city officials Delegates and alternate delegatee ____ . ___ __ «* anything about himself. His for the final visit •> the city this H lb* nilUrace at JK U ae point at rapids In the motion pictures of ally of bulldlitc a ruuipletely naw | ay routine work at the field choeen at the state conven- reco|iect|on was that of ap-|season. 10:45 tbl* “ ornlug by four men. the trip which were made by the still find themselves faced with a squad to moat the olhar A league t 'he direction of Jim Mac- four men and which were abown slowly Increa Ing warrant Indebted tlon of the American Legion in proachln, the »pringfleld bridge I , _ „ , Requisitions for the u.e of Ito ’ ’ e" cb wb,cb laama of tba district. Ik * .1, manager of the Spring- by Veltle Pruitt, wltn Dr. Rebhan (less due to failure of people to pay Portland U«t Friday and Saturday. from the Pacific hlghwa- which (l c,,ttlea cannery are q Ute laat n.ght when clue. Indicat taxes, ibua withholding revenues Ufficiai fall practise began on field School of Flying. Springfield post was represented by | as lecturer. «■ tbea® te8t8 *■ ex" service the pastor will preach his Announcement of a private kin­ She leaves three daughters: Mrs Lighthouse temple In Eugene truck with an Immediate supply of ,eade«'; L®«’»8 McCracken, assist-j Pected >to 8®,tl® ° f l0“^ Plans fo r A n niversary Event Made sermon on the subject, "Willing to dergarten school to be opened at Holdbrook. Mrs. Arthur Cowan, officiating. Interment was made in water of 142 gallons as compared ant; Co,®en Cornell. Barbara Bar- standing between Dr. Millikan and at M eeting of Past M atrons Justify Himself." This service her home at 448 I) street, on Mon Willapa, Washington; Mrs. Eldred ,h® cemetery there. The Poole- with 40 gallons contained in the neU- B®rr-icP Barnes. Hasel Nes- Df Arthur H. Compton. Chicago, Club on Monday starts at 7:80. day. September 19. was made this Palmer. Raschieter. Washington; Oray Bartholomew had chemical pressure tank. This w ill; bitt- and Beth Bchantol. university physicist as to the origin chapel Miss Evelyn Buell will lead the week by Mrs. W. O. Burch. Clnases three sons, Charles, at Tule Lake. 1 charge of the funeral. be especially advantageous in fight-' Oriole—Faye Holveraon, patrol of the ray. The seventh anniversary of the young people In their Epworth lea­ will be held In the aftercoon from According to a writer In the Los f a cade chapter. O. E. S. will be California; Alfred at Newberg, and The daughter jf Nancy and ing fires both Inside of the city and ,eader; T®d<»y Wright, assistant; gue meeting at 8:30 In a discussion 1 to 8:30 for children from 3 to Jamee at Lowell. Thomas Glaspey. Mrs. Eaton was outside where there is no avail­ Irene Anderson. Geneva Wycoff. Angeles Times for September 2. observed at the lodge home Tues­ of the subject. "Needs anil Inter­ 6 years. Juan Stratton. Jean Lloyd, Doris Dr. Compton announced, after com day evening with a special program Two brothers. William Fowler, born on June 3. 1872 and came to able connection for tire hose. ests of Youth."" The daily program will include Huwthporne. California, and Janies Oregon In her early youth. She has pleting tests on mountain peaks in to be conducted by the charter According to Joliff. the use of Bonney. Plana for a great Rally Day are general Information and nature Eunice Gerber is troop captain; ,b's country and "Hawaii, that he members and a covered dish dinner Fowler, Loa Angeles. California: lived with a daughter. Mrs. Minnie the new and larger tank will make now being worked out and will be studlea. handwork, garnis, songs, one slater, Mrs. Nora Grubln, of i Olson, at Deer Park for the past It possible for the truck operator Evelyn Harris, and Maxine Snod-, bad discovered the ray to be caused at 6:30 for members and their fami­ announced soon. Regular Sunday and story telling. ®>®®trons rather than packages lies. Mol ne, Kan as and eight grand- five years. She was a member of to pour a steady stream of w aterl