PAPE four THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS Meet Editor Smith C H -V A U E n QETS START IN GERMAN PRISON CAMP Combat The Cancer ' Budd»' TeeeHee Popular Tun« to PUSSES TUESDAY Frenchm an Became CANDIDATES PROMISE REDUCTION OF TAXES Twice «I Once County T ax League M eeting Turno Out to Be Republican- Démocratie Debate W ho Lator Famoue '•How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Km Down on the Farm. After They've Seen P areef Injury in Basketball Came Proves Fatal to Clyde Hart, Was in U. S. Army THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1932 SPRAY USED FOR WALNUT BLIGHT ON HOLT FARM Striking rwsulta of the application of Bordeaux spray for control of walnut blight Is seen this year in the orchard of J. D. Holt who co opr1 rated this season In deni nslrs tlon experiment by Dr I* W Mil ler of the stale college Applica lions before and after blooming re­ duced the blight In tor tlon from 3S per cent on the check plot to 2 3 per cent. Testa this year show even more uouolusively that tini, of ap­ plication. even within a period of a few days, la Ihe vital matter In succeaa or failure of control, says Dr Miller. That tax reduction would he the 1 major factor In campaign argu- | uients and promises In lasue county politics this (all was indicated Frl- I day night at the Kugene Chamber of Commerce when many of t h » candidates tor county and legiahi ; tlve offices appeared Iwfure a meet j tng called by the Lane County Tax I Equalisation League for the pur­ pose of stating their campaign plat Pete Will Meet Reno On /ridav Don Hill Cut« Match With J«atu M c C miih ; N« w Blood Imported (or Wuukly C ard He didn't know It at the time, Herb Dwell, niatcliin«ker forvlh" but when he sang a song < f that Clyde Hart, youngest aon of Mr Eugene Wreatllng comiulaalou. title in English in a Parisian music and Mrs. Joe Hart, passed away at bring« new material for Lane couii hail one night. Maurice Chevalier the home of his parents Tuesday ty fall« till« week when he ha» was laying the foundation tor his morning. September S. 1932 at the political debate between tYiuiity Mr«. Clara Tuttle Fenton ha« mi («11« In a two hour uialn event. Itlll Islands that he was Injured in a : editor and feels he can now give the soldier Incarcerated with him. 1 Judge. C P. Barnard, republican | Bounced that «he will he at her «lid McCann will play arouud necessary time to the work. basketball game causing an infec taught it to him. . - candidate tor re-election, and Frod home at 438 E «tr»et Monday even together lu a 46 initiate »pedal tion In one knee which caused his When he escaped and returned Fisk. democratic candidate for the I Ing September 13, to regl«ter piano event. removal to San Francisco. The in COOL CREAM MAKES post. to Paris. Chevalier got himseir a Achlu held lllll last Friday »veil­ student» deelrlng to take inatruc fectloti spread to his lungs, causing FAR SUPERIOR BUTTER job singing in a music hall. British The entire meeting resolved It­ "Vfhal we want," said Billy tones tlon for high «chool credit. All ing. taking the (Iril and l»»t (alia death. and American soldiers on leave self Into a group of democrat h «and Ramie Hare o< radio lame, “is a grade» will be taught. of their main event match, while He leaves to mourn him besides Bulletin Shows That Refrigeration from the battle front made up a i candidates promising to reduce ! 'good close-up picture ot us looking •’down" on Wall street—alto to show Cydonu Mackey belled III» uppou hi* father and mother, one brother. Pays Even With Prices large portion of his sudience. expenses, auti their republican op ; how much we look down . . . and cut, Joe Kirk In Ihe first two falls Iowa People Here— George Lu«by Herold, and two sisters. Marjorie Exceptionally Low ponents who asserted that expenses | don’t think you can lake it.“ The pho- One night he bad an inspiration. tographer won Here are »hr ooys boy» «ml Johu Snyder of Bundpvrg, Iowa and Dorothy. _ J ------ - Why not sing them a song In their and expenditures had already been Her» from Cedar Flat — Lee looking down from ihr 67th H.xir. are here now vlNltlng at the C. N Funeral services were held at 10 “I just can't afford to make any own language’ reduced as far aa possible without and in Ihe background the new Sixty Luapy home. Stevrua of Cedar Flat waa » vlaltor o’clock Thursday morning from improvements In these times." Chevalier racked hL< memory \hove. Dr A J Allen, Cancer curtailing some work which a cun Wall Tower building, third tallest in In Springfield Wedneeday. the Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel the statement frequently heard and got to g e th e r th e w ords of the Department ol U. P ' aiderable number of people de­ the world—and from the top ol which Sctexd of Medicine. Philadelphia, B end P eop le H e r» — Mr. and Mr». •he picture was taken In 8prlngfield with Rev. Ralph from dairymen—and others—oince one E n g lish song he knew: " H o g manded. who discovered how to prudore in­ Mort Johnaon or Itenil are gueeta Collect« Bounty— Earl Drury of Clark officiating. Interment was 'ow prices have made cash scarce Ya Gonna Keep 'Km Down on ihe ternal violet ray in treatment ol can­ Outstanding demands of Mr. Flak at the home of Mr. and Mrs It. I.. Fi ll Creek collected a »3 bounty made at the Mt Vernon cemetery While this is doubtless tragically Farm. After They’v e Seen Paree?" cer. and below Dr Ellice McDonald, In hit platform were the abolition IRENE ANDERSON GIVES bounty on ona coyota pelt Tuesday • - true in many cases. If a dairyman W hen he sang it. his B ritish Am head ol the department, and who temporarily, of the offices of Colts* PARTY HERE SATURDAY Sear« — made the announcement to the Amee- i ty LEGION OFFICIAL MENU j 'an «•’ c*»h or credl‘ tor Nr[a1’ erican audience went wild. Agricultural Agent County _ , . . . »can Chemical Society The • discovery Mlaa Irene Anderson, daughter of S A M P L E R E C E I V E D H E R E ,n,pr0Tem‘‘nts he <>an raakl' » far Home Demonatration agent, reduc- Encouraged by his first success. | «v— of tÌOO w hici b A M K L t R E C E I V E D M E R E hl1 » H e ., than at high. ing more and more English songs upon by X ray radiates ultra-violet Î peuaes. the elim ination of road oil tertained 23 of her frieuits at a kgbts which are deadly to cancer party at the house of her parenta Agricultural Wealth. Our Finest , S"Ch ' ~ , t b the «»“elusion until he had a large repertoire. ; Ing. and of the emergency fund. Saturday. Games provided the en­ drawn from figures contained in a Even after the war ended and the To th ese recommendations Judge High Quality Oregon Grown Pro­ tertainment for the group recent bulletin on “Cream Refriger­ soldiers went home, he kept on i Barnard replied that tom e of these ducts are Listed on This Menu.” Those preaent were Jim mie and ation and Quality Butter,” just pub­ singing in English because French It is this statement on an at­ lished by the Oregon Experiment audiences liked it. whether or not j : pllahed and that the retention of Eugen» PhtUtpa, Eugene. Scott Springfield, Oregon tractive menu which will greet station and giving the results of they understood the words. "*• the county agents was demanded by Wright. Richard aud Robert Rich Legionnaires in hotels and restau a rd so n , Billy Burnett. Byron Boyles, practical tests of butter making Mr and Mrs. Clarence Daley and the people who pay taxes, It was the knowledge of English rants throughout Oregon In practi­ from refrigerated cream from three that enabled him to accept a con­ daughter. Veda, who have resided: oth er eamHtBMes prom hied to Dale Roberts, Wllaon Taylor. Kyle cally every town in the state as a farms over a period of one year. expense» down aud to reduce Smith, Lhiyd Watklna. Frank Au tract with Paramount in America, at Pleasant Hill the past three result of. the campaign of th e Am Reporting on the economic im- and develop into one of the English- years will leave for Idaho Saturday lhem „ lk>nill(, y„ un< deraon. Barbara Uarnell, Margaret i erican Legion Oregon Products , „ Veda Daley w h o , democratic candidate for district at Jarrett, Pearl Helterbrand. Faye j committee. portance to Oregon of quality but speaking screen's most popular per­ of this week. . . .. ter. the authors. F E. Price, C J sonalities. has been vtsttlng relatives at Port , torney> sal<1 he had . l0 Holverson. Elvn Boylee. Teddy an I A copy of the attractive m enu1 “ Hurd and G. H. Wilster. give the Orford the past two weeks returned cen, reduction Ihe prl Peggy Wright. Margaret Haack, printed in green ink on a heavy to her home Monday. . mBry and , ha, thl, h>(| a, rvady Gladys Tanner. Veryle Robertson, following comparative figures: We have a Complete Supply of Jars, Rubbers, Top« yellow paper was received here Price Differences Shown and other equipment for the home t anner. Our «up- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doane have been effected He was willing to and Muerll Tyson. this week The menus are to be dis­ "The difference between the moved from Pleasant Hill to a place make further reductions If possible, plles are standard, well known brund«. tributed by the American Legion wholesale price of butter of 92 near Creswell Jack Doane will stay but would not make promise« the WARTHEN FAMILY HAS posts over the state and a part of, . .. the two inside pages which are 7®** “ ,he Pre8en’ A community affair was held at at the Pontius farm and finish his fulfillment of which would Impair REUNION ON SUNDAY blank, are to be given over to a ,E * r , y J u n e ' 19” > ,s o n ,y 1 5 j the functioning of the office. Tpper Camp Creek school house senior year at high school. short printed summary of the com - j 7 " ;’ P°,U“d This ls last week when the neighbors all Mrs. T. F. Kahler leaves this Ml Ynun* also • pok'' on the pr°- A reunion of the Wartben family Excellent quality Home-Grown Fruit I h ready for nwnilv In wfcl-W ______ tO f« ”» > 3 «&• Per gathered to clean the school house, week for Go Id son where she will po**'d rPp’*al of munity in which sk— they are used. Problbl group was held at the Kugene- pound of butterfat. On a percentage preparatory to the opening of the start teaching in the pubUc chool tlon law declari“« “>at the measure you here. Can now while this fruit Is Ju«t right. The front Is illustrated with re­ Sprlngfleld auto camp In West basis. It will be* found that when fall term of school. A basket dinner Monday. Donald Kahler will teach wou,d wlp<‘ oul a11 1,<’uor laW9 *“ Springfield Sunday. At the busi­ productions of the various produce: the price of 90-seore butter is 16c wage enjoyed by all. Mrs. George again this year at Ten Mile, west the atate and pr0Tlde no n>*“ns °< and a statement about each item. ness meeting H. A. Warthen of »'all and that of 92-score butter Is 17.5c Willian will be teacher and Ruth of Roseburg and Gerald K ab ler1 «'nforcement of the federal act The back cover is filled with a com­ Creek was elarted president; Roy LIBERTY W HITE to 18c, the 92-score butter sells at a W eeks janitor the coming year. C. A. Dwarts and Cal Pryor, re- i Warthen of Glad-toue. vlce-presl- modity map showing the various teaches at Philomath. price from 9.4 per cent to 12.5 per publican and democratic candidate’ dent; and Mrs. Roy Warthen. of arena of production. Mrs. George Burbach and family Miss Cora John teaches at Camas cent above the low scoring butter, respectively for the position of Gladstone, secretary. went to Independence last week, this year. Jasper Man H ere-M . L. Barnum * bereas ’ h " 1 the P^ C «<*• <‘«>e fam ilies plan to go. Pleasant Hill high school w ill, promised tax reduction. a picnic dinner and various con­ 4 LBS. — Springfield Wednesday averages frO” 1916 ,o 19311 the 92' begin classes Monday. Septem ber. --------------------------- tests. 10 BARS — The Leaburg Aid society finished 12. Perry Price will be s u p e r l n _______ _ ___ ____ _________________ score butter sells at a price only a quilt Thursday afternoon, which teadent with Mrs. F. F. Cooper SERVICES AT METHODIST L eave, for M arM - Mrs. Le, L” thaD ,h e will be presented to Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Allan Wheeler end Mrs. Jean CHURCH ARE ANNOUNCED Lansberry left this morning for a ,_5. " * 7 Zara Potter of Waltervtlle. few d ay. v at Marshfield , en,pha!"lM the adTanta«e Eherhard as assistants. Regtstra Mrs. Carey Thomson, of Thom­ tlon in the high school will be held ___ ______________ of producing the highest grade but "The Wisdom nt God.” will be John Ediniston and daughter, V W t at Newport— Principal and e’ e “ PriCe* ' ° ’ The sons Lodge, is visiting her daugh­ Friday of this week. t the theme of the morning worship Haxel, returned from Port Orforu difference in price between various ter. Mrs. Milton Plllette at Madras Taylor Circle who formerly re-1 8<>rT,« ‘ at the Methodist church at Mrs. W. E. Buell with their two grades of butter justifies paying a Oregon. Also some other relatives sided at Pleasant Hill but now 11 o'c*°ck “The Fool and His last Thursday. Mr*. Ted Turel and children. «pent the Labor day holl- ‘ Miss Dorothy Farris from Port Or­ differential In the price for the Mr. and Mrs. Antone Schuessler lives at Thurston has invited his will be the theme of the dayg,*t Newport. 1 different grade- of cream." announce the arrival of a daughter, friends of the Pleasant Hill dis ' venlng service at 8 o'clock. The ford returned with them and have When farmers can obtain such a Mary Janette, at their home Aug­ trict to a basket dinner at his Sunday Church school m eets at been visiting since at the Edmlslun Fish on Coast— Dr. W. C. Rebhan home. I differential for sweet cream, farm ust 17. Mrs. Schuessler was former­ heme next Sunday. Cars will leave ® *• m an were nominated for the post- ■chool board have made several open September 26. ’ t,on of commander of Springfield Improvements in ihe building this Fred Day. route 2, Eugene and The regular weekly meeting ot Mr. and Mrs. Andy Olson and Am’ r,A s will not be held next Tuesday It . a »« evening. Other officer» nominated Mr and Mrs. William Rennie re­ gene justice court Tuesday when was decided this week. Regular and son' Alvin’ win leave T^'day ar(> , M ' they admitted theft of 5 cans of meetings will be held every Tues- ,or a trfp of a few da7s ln Wash' niander- Peterson. flr»t vtce-com turned Tuesday from Scio where Vern Caldwell, second they have been visiting their »on, cream from farmers in the Thurs day after that. Ington. i vice-coinmander; Roy Qpiney, ad i Harold Rennie, for the pa t few ton vicinity They were given 3u Jutant; and J. M. Larson, finance I weeks. They also visited their son. days in which to raise the fine. officer. Dr. W. N. Dow, M. B Ennis, In Salem The O n e - a n d Leave for Home— Mrs. R. B. Grif- MANY AT UNIVERSITY J. L. Sparks of Leaburg was fined Huntly, and W. N. Gossler were The clover hullers finished their »100 and sentenced to 30 days in fin and son. Bobby, and Miss Violet , PICNIC AT PARK MONDAY O n ly nominated on the executive com­ work for this season Tuesday. ________ Jail on a charge of driving while Inman leave this afternoon for Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bernhardt Intoxicated. He was arrested late Griffin’s home at Superior. Arizona -------, A large number of Lane county . mittee. Further nominations can rnado at next meeting to be and family fro Cushman spent Sun Monday afternoon after he was al­ Mrs. Griffin ha. »pent the past few people attended the University day at John Edmlston'«. leged to have had a motor collision weeks visiting here at the C. L. In- ' Rally held at Swimmer’s Delight l'"'e MEETS HERE TUESDAY employed In Portland spent the last ! ? te ™ antlclpated h* lh* The monthly meeting of the Mis several days here visiting rela tiv es.' M<'Pherson bnl lonary society of the Christian church was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ren Hollister Mrs. Marion Adams was leader for the meeting. Irish-Murphy Co. Upper Willamette Canning Season N o w On McKenzie Valley Peaches - Pears - Macaroni Tomatoes Laundry Soap 15c 19c Thurston • MilOKAl.h S tart« S u n d a y B ig C r e w w o r k in g D a y a n d N ig h t ‘Lest You Forget’ LOVE ME TONIGHT "with J E A H IT T I M«OONALD Chert». B ettarw erth, A » O U IIN M AM OULIAN FRODUCTION Business Cards Letter Heads Office Forma Hand Bills Statements Blotters Envelopes Menus, etc. Tickets At The Willamette Press Offices: 119 E. Broadway, A F»r»w»«»t Fiftar» News from the State of September Is Washington Circulator Month The new low automobile license fee has brought stored cars back to the highways. ReglOrations up to September 1 of this year totaled 448,739 or 25,725 more care than were registered at the same time last year. BREIER’S Getting Out Goodg— Ruthlessly Cutting Price« — News from the State of Oregon All in Preparation for WHAT? Automobile license plates issued up to September 1 of this year showed a decrease ot 20% under last year’s sales. The total number of plates issued was 179,412 as against 223,872 a year ago—a difference of around 44,500 plates and a I osb of over 11,000,000.00 in revenue. YOU GIVE IT A NAME— Just so long as Oregon insists on forcing its auto­ mobile owners to pay excessive license fees in order to rebuild highways destroyed by heavy trucks and busses Just so long will our auto registration continue to fall off. The proposed Highway Protection Law (Freight Truck and Bus Bill) aims to bring you lower license fees; HIGHWAY PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, By Oswald West, President. 531 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Portland, Oregon. VOTE 314 YES!