TH® BFRINOFÏ1SLD NEWS THURSDAY, SBPTICMBBR I, 1>82 HOP PICKING STARTS ON LATE CROP THIS WEEK N O T IC E OP L IE N F O R E C L O S U R E EA LE DAIRY O U T P U T ! AUGUST. SUMMARY Notice la hereby given, that un­ der and by virtue of a lien filed with the County Clerk of Lane B utter Prtsac Up: Burwpoen O< Picking of lata hopa la getting County, Oregon, on the 27th day put B iow » Deeline; Cheaa« uniter way In moat of the lain« of August, 1*32, wherein C. O. Drop la Groakeat Oeee te Washington— Miss Neills Leaburg Man Here — W illiam county yarda thia week The pre- Stratton Is claimant and Robert M, i railing price being paid plekera 11 Graves Is defendant, I did, on the Stuart spent har Labor day vara Tblanes of Leaburg was a business Dairy production In the United , visitor In Springfield on Friday 76 centa per 100 puunda. Picking of 3rd day of Sept 1*32. take Into my Hon at Woodland. Washington possession five pairs of Sliver ’ States for August waa 1.8 per coat the early hopa laated only one Black registered foxes and eight Drlvea to Leva Beds M as Ann W ln berry Man M ere C S Mau ! under that of tbe aame mouth a week, and It la egpaeted that the unregistered fox pups, described as McGookln drove to tbs Leva Beds aey of Wlnberry waa a visitor In year ago. decreases being shown lata variety will laat for two waeka. follows: Male P 10 and female F - ll; Ft lit , KALK Ktiimleril milk« of male P H and female P-16; male on the McKenxIe highway pass on Springfield on Tuesday. I d practically all manufactured plinto Hour Kprlugflnld. W ill , ____ . _ „ , _ _ . P-18 and female P-17; male C -l* Monday afternoon dairy products except evaporated I Roseburg Man Here— L. R Tuck- sacrifice (or unpaid lialume. A and female B-3; male E-43 and milk, according to a summary pre- WILLIAMS BARN BURNED Qoee to Portland— E E Kepner or of Roaoburg was a bualne a vlal- female K-42, Ibe night u nr eg I ter •imp Kasy terms. W rite Tallman pared by the extension economist er fox pups having . een born dur­ made a bualne»» trip to Portland tor In Springfield on Tuesday. IN EARLY FIRE MONDAY I' a ir i Store, Kuivin, Ori*. K 22 , at the Oregon State college. ing the year 1*32 of he registered Sunday returning to Springfield on Hood R lv tr Polk Here— Mr. and foxes above deacribs t ; and that Butter prices for August aver­ Thu Huger W illiam hart near I now have the »am In my poe- Tuesday. Mrs. John Fields of Hood River aged three centa higher than for W A N T E D Best prit'» on 2(1 corda Trent waa completely deatroyed by st salon. Visit on Coast— Mr and Mrs were week end gueata at tbo H. R July, though compared with a year gì «id, clean, dry 18-lncll wood fire early Munday morning Now therefore, und«- r and by v ir­ Two John Henderer, Mr. and Mrs. N L. Nolletb home. ago the August price near the end tue of said Lien. I hereby given no­ Hold K lar Auto Camp H 8 hogs. twelve chlckena and u coil ' tice that I will, on th t 24th day of Pollard and Mrs. Alma Pollard of the month waa close to nine Hhlerable amount of hay waa burn W a lto rv llle Residents Haro— Mr. Sept. 1*32 at 10:00 o'clock In the j centa under that of a year ago. Al­ ed In the fire. The cauae la un- I forenoon, at the Mountain States spent the week-end holiday at the and Mrs. A. K. Jennings of W altor­ CRAZY CRYSTALS ready In September, however, fur- A Mineral W ater Treatment. known. Pox and Pur Parm. on the east coast near Florence. vllle were visitors la Springfield i ther advances hnvo occurred along side of the Pacific Highway, about Hrlnga a Health Iteaorl to You. Inspect M ine Property— W . N. on Saturday. eight miles north of Eugene. In the Pacific coast. 30 K 7th. 32 W Kth. Eugene. Ph 1704 N O T IC E OP H E A R IN O Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale Long and son, Elmo, spent Ibe Former Pastor Hero— Rev. F. L. Butter production during August OP P IN A L A C C O U N T and sell at public auction, to the week-end al Blue river Inspecting | has been Irregular with material Moore, Albany, former pastor of highest bidder for cash, the per­ NO TICE IS HEREBY G IVEN : mine property. N O T IC C the Methodist church here was a reduction In volume reported from that the under»l>f »aid decedent's eatate In Ibe decrease has been largely made up week picking huckleberries on Oold Council W. A. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs jn». Ia.. and Blair. N«b.,three up a blockade against farm haa filed In the County Court of county Court for Lane County In bill above Blue river. notice to creditor « produce, ,. ,e»tock and tram being delivered to market, in an effort to get , by Increases In a great many other Harrington spent the week-end l-ane County. Oregon, his final ac­ the State of Oregon and that Hat higher prie« Upper photo »how» a truck load of la ..................... hogi which refu»1UI S ,tu rd ,y Southern Pine association at New region of low stocks anti mills chartering of a bns to take at least given that. If any person ha» *» any Fifteen and no-100 Dollars (315 001. Eatate of Jennie Edmlaton, de­ morning. He Is meeting patients at Orleans. In previous years our shutting down because of inadequ- 36 persons from Juanita Rebekah and for plaintiff's costa and dis­ objection to the »aid final account, Meds Catching. ceased. Southern competitors being closer ate returns. Economically, both re-1 to Oakrldse for the conTen. bis office every day this week. he shall file such objection» In w rit­ bursements herein Incurred. N O T IC E ing In »aid probate proceeding, on Thurston — Mr. and to the great markets of the middle glona— Southern Pine and Douglas OP F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Thia Summons la served upon or^before the time set for the »aid , Attend Concert— Several Spring- west usually have felt a quickening fir— are tn stocks and low produc­ tlon. Mrg N O TIC E la hereby given that you by publication In the Spring- field people were In Eugene Friday ot trade one or two weeks in ad­ tion In position to be forced Into W alter W. Edmlaton. Administrator field News, a newspaper of general A LICE M B E C K W IT H . Exectt- ¡Howard Cotton wore guest» of Mr evening to attend a concert pres­ vance of larger volume In new busi­ price Increases. Both, however, are LIQUOR CHARGE BRINGS of the Estate of Jennie Edmlaton. circulation In Springfield. Oregon, and Mrs R A. Gray at their home trlx of the Estate of I-ester ented in the city park by the Uni­ ness being placed out here. Back operating today on markets which deceased, ha» filed In the County by virtue of an order made and en­ Oren Beckwith, deceased SENTENCE AND PAROLE near Thurston Sunday. Court of the State of Oregon. In tered on the 9th day of August, versity 9ymphony orchestra under of the Southern Pine trade gain la fall to return by several dollars per H E S LA TTER Y. Attorney for 1932. by the Honorable Dan John­ and for l-ane County, hla final re­ Born__ Mr. and Mrs. Ira tbe direction of Rex. Underwood. a betterment In the price of cotton, thousand feet the cost of timber, L. C. Shelton, Donna, Pleaded port as such administrator, and ston. Justice of the Peace. In and Executrix. (A 18-25— 8 1-8-16) Hake of Fall Creek are the parents that ten o'clock In the forenoon of for the Eugene Justice District. primarily, according to our inform­ labor and plant Investments, so the guilty in Eugene Justice court on Many at Florence— Among the Saturday, the 17th day of Septem­ Lane County, Oregon, the first pub of a baby son born to them at their Springfield people who motored to ation from the sonth. but with de­ Increase In values may need to be 9atnrday to a charge of being ber. 1*32. at the court room there­ llcatlon of said Summons being on , N O T IC E home on Thursday. September 1. the coast for the Labor day holi­ mand coming also from states of consequence before much more drunk in a public place and of dis­ of. has been by the court fixed r..d the llt h dav of August. 1*32. and OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T appointed a« the time and place the last publication on the Kth day Notice 1» hereby given that I. 1832 days were Mr. and Mra. Donald where Increases tn corn, wheat and production is started. Price In­ turbing tbe peace and waa senten­ for hearing objections to aald final of September. 1*32. M. Peter«on, executor of the eata e F orm er Resident Hare— W. F. | Toomb. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olton. pork have added to purchasing creases of from 8100 to $4.00 per ced to 30 days tn Jail. H e was ar­ C. N JOHNSTON. Attorney of Ellen Josephine Root, deceased, ) report and for the final settlement power. thousand board feet were report­ rested early Friday morning upon for Plaintiff U. 8 National and of her last will and testament J Walker, former resident of Spring Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Lightfoot, of the estate of »aid deceased. Stocks are Depleted ed in Southern Pine quotations to- comDlalnt of neighbors. He waa Bank Bldg . Eugene, Oregon. W A L TE R W. E D M I9TO N . hss filed his final account In the field, was a business visitor here and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. H am lin. paroled by the judge. Experienced lumbermen antlcl- day In Chicago. (A 11-1826— 9 1-8) Administrator. County Court of l-ane County, Ore (.»day M r W alker ia now Interest- Take Mountain T rip — Mr. and PRANK II REID. Attorney « •". and that «aid court has set I # hote, tn Port|and. for Administrator. Mrs. Marlon Adams and her a» the time and place for the final | N O T IC E OP S H E R IF F 'S SA L E (A 18-36—f l 1 8-161 NOTICE Is hereby given that by settlement of said estate Saturday Returns to Home— Mrs. Claude brother. John Carson, spent the ! virtue of an execution and order of October 1st, 1*32. at 10 o'clock In Lansberry left Friday for her home week-end on a camping trip above sale Issued nut of the Circuit Court the forenoon ot said day at the French Pete's on the South Fork of <>f tbe State of Oregon for l-ane County Court Room In the Court­ at Sweet Home after spending a the McKenxit. house In Eugene. Oregon, where all week visiting relatives and friends County August 18. 1*32. upon and pursuant tn a decree duly given persons Interested may appear at in Springfield. Visit at Cabin»— Mr. and Mrs and made by said Court August 17. said time and file objections. If any Visits Brother— Mias Zola Bar­ Corbett McClain and daughter, 1*32. In a suit pending therein In they have. I. M PETERSON. Executor ofj which Ole Rnsmussen and Meta Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mc­ JEWELER the Estate and Last W ill and tholomew of Portland spent the Rasmussen were plaintiffs, and week end here at the home of her Clain of Portland were week-end Testament of Ellen Josephine Repairing a Specialty Thomaa A. Roberta. Trustee, Root. Deceased. sister-in-law and brother, Mr. and gueata of Mr. and Mra. Clifford W il Thomas A Roberts and Mabel A Springfield. Oregon (81-18-15-22-291 son. Part of the time was spent at Roberts, his wife and N. A. Griffis Mrs. P. J Bartholomew. were defendants, which execution the Wilson cabin on Horse creek N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Corbett McClain is a brother and order of sale was to me direct Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN ed and commanded me to sell the of Pinal Account and Petition for Richard Lilea are the parents of a and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis McClain, are real property hereinafter deacrlbed Pinal Settlem ent baby daughter born to them at tbe parents ot Mrs. Wilson. Naturopathic Physician to satisfy certain liens and charges IN T H E CO UNTY COURT O F T H E Phone 91-J S TA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E Pacific Christian hospital in Eu­ In said decree specified. I will on Returns from Loop T rip — F. B. CO UN TY OF L A N E Saturday the 17th day of Septem gene on Wednesday. August 3, 1932. Office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M. Flanery and daughter. Dorothy, re­ I her. 1*32. at the hour of 10:00 IN T H E M A TTER OF T H E ES­ 404 Fourth Street T A T E O F ANNA D KIR C H N ER . o'clock. A M., at the southwest Moves to Eugsno— Mrs. Adda M. turned Friday from a motor trip Deceased. door of the County Court House In Peery has moved from her home which took them down the Coast Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N for »ale and «ell at public auction that the Honorable C. P. Barnard, here to Eugene where she will highway Into California, back up General Lew Practice for cash, subject to redemption a« County Judge for Lane County. Ore­ make her home with her son. Dr. the Redwood highway and to the 1 Year in Advance I provided by law. all of the right, gon. has set Saturday the 34 day ot Harold Peery. at 1240 East 22nd Oregon Caves, Crater Lake, and up I. M. PETERSON title and Interest of the defendants September. 1*32. at the hour of 10 s tre e t The Dalles-Californla highway as Attorney at-l-aw 2 Years in Advance In »aid suit and of all parties claim­ o'clock A. M. of the said day. and far as Hood River. They were ac­ C ity Hall Building ing by. through or under them or that the court room of said court Attend Picnic— Mr. and Mrs. E. Six Months in Advance nnv of them since the 21»t day of has been appointed by aald court a a ' „ . . «.„„i companied on the trip by Mr. and Springfield, Oregon J May. 1*37. tn nr to the following the time and place for the hearing c - Stu»rt- M r “ nd MrB' A‘ Mao*' Mrs. W illiam Campbell of Portland Three Months ............. of objections thereto and the set- Mr. and Mrs. J. M Larson. Mr. and described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point In the tlement thereof. Mrs. Alex Stevens. John Pyle and Benjamin Davla and W ife Dona DA TE of first publication August Tom SwBrtg «'tended the Unlver- INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE FRANK A. DE PUE tlon M n d Claim No. 45 In Town hD A T E ’o f* ” t publication Septem ,l,y ” lcn,c “ Swlmmer'1< I»*K*»t A TTO R NEY AT LAW ship 17, South of Range 4. West PLANS SOCIAL FRIDAY of the W illamette Meridian, her the 22nd. 1*32 park Monday. N O T A R Y P U B L IC In line with the general lowering of prices we are announcing found by running from n point IR E N E K T U L L IS . Admlnls Member» of the Intermediate Ep­ Sutton Springfield Portland People Vlait— Mr. and 481.8 feet north of the southwest tratrlx. these new subscription rates. Also we are offering for the first time a worth League of the Methodist corner of the Joseph Davis Dona­ Il F M U L K E Y Corbett Build­ Building Oregon Mra. V. Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. church w ill hrtld another social tion Land Claim No 48 and run­ ing. Portland. Oregon. Attorney M. Peake and son. Bob, of Portland new two year rate which is a saving of $1.00 over the previous price. ning thenre South 1948 5 feet to for the Estate. meeting at the church Friday even­ were week-end gueats here at the center of road. Jhence South 89 (A 25—8 1-816-33) ing of this week at 7:30 It was de­ home of Mr. and Mrs. Riley Snod­ degrees 44 minutes East 3002.20 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IS ONE OF OREGON’S BEST P O O LE - G R A Y cided following the successful one feet; from an.d beginning point grass. N O T IC E WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS held last Friday. BARTHOLOM EW run North 335 feet, thence South O P P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 89 degrees 44 minutes East 76 Laat week each person present Nebraska Man Visits— H. B. Kep­ Notice Is hereby given that the feet, thence South 336 feet, undersigned administratrix of the ner of Lincoln. Nebraska, Is a guest was given a questlonaire to fill out It ir the only newspaper interested in the welfare of this community. thence North 89 i-urrees 44 min­ estate of John J. Thomas, deceased, Formerly Walker-Poole utes West 75 feet to the place of has filed her Final Aceount In here this week visiting with hie Rating the field« of Interest of each Every citizen should be a subscriber. beginning, all situated In Sections the matter of said estate with the brothers. A. B. and E. E. Kepner. child. Therse w ill be studied In or 13 und 14 Township 17 South 4 County Clerk of Lane County. Ore­ and with a niece. Mrs. Lum Ander­ ganlalng a program of activity for KUUENB— llt h SPR IN G FIELD West of the W illam ette Meridian gon. and an order has been made the group. Mrs. W illis Bertsch is son. and Charnelton. 228 Main In Lane County. Oregon, and con­ and entered of record directing thia z advisor of the League and Miss taining .5770 of an acre. Telephone 723 Phone 62 J notice and netting Monday, the 12th Attends Political Meeting—C. A. Barbara Barnell president. The said premises being subject day of September. 1*82. at the hour to nn easement for roadway pur­ of ten o'clock A. M. for the hearing Swarts. candidate for sheriff on the poses over a strip of land twenty of objections, If any, to said Ac­ Republican ticket, attended the feet wide off from either end of count and to the Final settlement political meeting at the Eugene snld premises. Chamber of Commerce Friday even­ of said estate. Dated this 18th day of August. LEORA HA RKING W H IT E S ing. 1932. Administratrix of the eatate of H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. John J. Thomas, deceased. Visit on Coast— Mr. and Mra. By A. K. HU LEO AARD. Deputy. (A 11-18-26— 9 1-8) Laurence M offitt spent several (A 18-25— S 1-8-16) days on the coast this week. Mr. NOTICE TO C R EDITO R« Notice Is hereby given that the M offitt Is attending school budget N O T IC E undersigned. W. W. Calkins, has meetings giving necessary Informa­ OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T T H E UNDERSIG NED, as Admin­ been duly appointed Execntor of tion as assistant county school When Starting istrator of the Estate of Peter Han­ the Last W ill and Testament of superintendent. son, deceased, ha« filed his Final John Mason, deceased, by the Coun­ l to School Aceount In said Estate with the ty Court of the State of Oregon for Back from Canada— Mrs. R. B. County Clerk of Lane County, Ore­ Lane County, and has qualified aa and the Honornble C. P. Barn­ «uch Executor, and all persona hav­ Griffin, and son. Bobby, of Supeilor, If there I h any doubt in gon. ard. County Judge In and for the ing claims against said estate are Arlxona. Mra. H. H. Myer« and Court has made an Order hereby notified and requested to your mind bring them in County O U T O F E A C H D O L L A R rtli« sv«r«f« American Family m » fit directing this Notice snd appoint­ present the same, verified as re­ daughter. Lois, and Mrs. C. L. In­ quired by law, with the proper man and Leroy Inman returned F ri­ ing the County Court Room In the United States speads only dtree-fiftli» of one cent for electricity. for a complete Eye Exami­ Court House In Eugene, Oregon, as vouchers, to the said Executor at day from Vancouver-B. C. where Compare the relative amounts spent for other necessities as shows the place und the l«th day of Sept­ the office or Calklne and Calkin*, they had spent several days. nation now. ember, 1932, at the hour of 11 attorneys at law, In the Bank of • a the chart. Electricity it the Cheapest thin« you buy. o'clock A. M. as the time for the Commerce Building, In Eugene, Visit Eastern Oragon— Miss Clara hearing of any objections to the l.ane County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Jones, Mrs. D. B. Murphy and Mra This I* Free Final Account of said Eatate. Date of first publication and date Hasel Rader and daughter, Doro­ Dated nt Eugene, Oregon, this of Notice August 11, 1933. 16th day of August, 1*82. thy. of Eugene left Sunday morning W. W. CA LK IN S, Executor of on a trip to Eastern Oregon points JOHN L. MARSH. Administra­ DR. ELLA MEADE MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY tor of the Estate of Peter Han­ the Last W ill and Testament to visit relatives and friends. of John Mason. Deceased. non. deceased. Optometrist They drove as tar east aa Grass CA LK IN S A CA LK IN S. Attor­ IM M E L * EVANS, Attorneys for 41 West 8th Eugene AVERAGE FAMILY DQLLAR the Administrator. ney! for the Estate. Valley and returned to thalr h on es Upturn Seen In Lamber Market Business Directory NEW SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Edw. G. Privat -ÍO - The Springfield News Funeral Directors Be Sure of The averag e American fetmihs spends °N ly |/5 Your Child’s Vision FO R E L E C T R IC IT Y 1HK (A 1 8 -3 8 - B 1-8-16) (A 11-18 36— 9 1-8)