*r r“*» •» to1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY NINTH YKAIt BPK1NOFIKLI), LANK COUNTY. OKKOON, THURSDAY, 8 KJ *T EMBKit g, 1>S2 SCHOOLS READY Make-Up Exams Set Eor hridav 10 OPE£SEPI. 19 Three Tim e W inner IM I IO PüflILKNB Failure to Take Teat« Melina Another Year on Same Five New Teacher« Join High Work at School School Faculty at Opening of Fall Term Here Mukwup «aauiinatlnns for h ( u BOARD RAISES 't o e y ? TUITION Io make Ilielr r«sp t» ''«id nt m« Lincoln Developing Football Team kulldlag, on Friday, September # From Green Material AU ilndents who bare been pre ” ■everything la In r«adtn«»a for the opening of H im new school your here a week from Monday member« of the echuul buurd uunnunred ful lowing their monthly meeting un Tueuday evenlug Tuition ratee for high eotiool elu denta living outalde of the district were raleed from $20 to $30 by the board Tueaduy evening. The rale* brlnve the fee up to pur with that charged III« W altervllle district fur the atudunta aunt here The grade echool tuition fee of $20 was not Increaiied. No. 36 LEGION TO SEEK GREAIEB VOTING T o W ed John D. Hi ] --------------------------------------- 05443914 FDORlOISPEil Springfield Physician to At­ Springfield Delegation Leav­ tend Annual Large Medi­ Poat Members to Cover Entire cal Summer School ing Today and Friday for City in Canvass for Non- State Convention Registered Citizens Leaving Springfield Sunday. Heptember IL Dr. W C. Hebhan national meet follows ^ v e 7 sr„,;h many fail to register deala of Lincoln Junior high. who . fallml Doctor Leaves Sunday for Meet „ a n purlng for these tenia are urzed to i I»« present at 8 o'clock on ihla dal« a . failure hi remove existing de- ftctencles wi.'' «an that the whole year a wm - have to be ra­ pealed, aces 3 * il Roy P. Quinsy. principal at . C ’OOl. More Than 300 Exhibits Are Placed for Opening Day by County Club Members GATE umbla, where he will attend the Variety of Recreation BnnUB, iUOimer , thool of tbe V. D. Captain Appointed for Each and Entertainment to Be couver Medical association Precinct; Drive to Follow Provided for Veterans The sessions are scheduled to be Portland Convention W id e ■ ADMISSION FREE Judging and Demonstrations to Feature Three-Day Ses­ sion at Fairdgrounde ■ „ ~ held ,,n September 13. 14. 16 and and high M . ----- fOur - - z - - Th. y con, - i— — . . . tal . . « . i * bouae-to-bouae canvass of the Gates at the Laos county fair officials of the I- ederal government lecture« and clinics given by out . « » < * * city of Springfield, with a Mlaa Margaret Ravior, Philadel- Mias is to'be'the'brideof Blanchette Hooker. New hia, lor the third eucceaiivc year “ 7 ' " l “” to up standing doctors from all parts 6f for each precinct, will be York, IX at 9 o’clock on the first strictly /on the Fifth Annual 10-milc swim annuaI American Le- lbl, united States and many for- l* ° “ <'h«d here non by members of Rockefeller id. She is the ii I.akt Ontario in the record time I glon convention to be held In Port county wide Four H fair to be held elgn countries. ‘ he American Leyton to sign up I jJ * civil engineer The en. I 5 hr».. 22 min« . and IS seeds In Lane county and revealed more laud starting Monday for four days. Also, a cash prise of $3,000 Almost all possible »ubjecte will •*’ v o l,r* who ,r e not D<” ’ register- m t^ke’ to’ toTiui.“* than 300 distinct exhibits ptacel by The leaders of thia vast vanguard be taken up for discussion during ' for k *nera' election to be these workers. have already reached the conven­ held November 8. the four day school. The gatn will remain open for tion city and thousands of others Final plans for the registration ' Mias Clara Jones, office nurse, three days, closing Saturday even­ are awurmlng across the borders ot drive have not been made, and will ; ing. and all admissions are free. the state on all aid«« to take In the will be at Dr. Rebhan’s office here probably be held up until after the during hla absence. Concessions are being managed by big meeting. national Legion convention to be In ! club members themselves this year. Oregon people appreciate the Portland next week. The drive In Judging of livestock and other great opportunity to boost thalr Springfield will probably begin the J --------- - exhibits and demonstrations by state and spread good will among latter part of the week of Septem- Office« at the high school will Nine Sons and Daughers, Also Peach Orchard Held Profit- the visitors, and themaelvea are per 1«. according ,o I M Pe.er.on J Charter Night Program to Be j Z’" be open the lent three day« of nekt Grandchildren Gather Here able by Man Who Begins migrating to Portland today and to­ post adjutant and in charge of the Held September 20, Covered the place this year of the c annual a aa morrow for the two-day state con­ week. September 14. 1». tfl and at Wickham Home Over Again at 80 Years <,rtve Dish Dinner Set county exhibition. vention. torn» faculty member« will be prea Captains appointed for each ot Schedale of events for the three ent to dlacuaa future atudy course« This la the first time a National Sons and daughters of r. and | Hulldlug up of a successful hual Eighty persons attended the the precincts are W. N. Dow (1), J. days has been prepared by County with both old and proapedlve stu­ Mrs H C Wickham. 1SS Main nesa aa a farmer even after passing 1-eglon Convention haa been held opening fall meeting of Cascade M luirson (2). Oswald Olson (1), Club Leader R. C. Kuehner aa fol­ dent« No actual registering will «treat. Springfield, gathered at the the 80-year mark la not an Impossi­ In Oregon and It It the first time Action Effective Immediately; and C. A. Swarts (4). Each of these chapter. Order of the Eastern Star lows: . be done before September 1*. bow- home of their parents Bunday for bility a t la being demonstrated on that moat of the communities of To Move to Eugene Campus, men will name their assistants for Masonic temple here Tuea- ever tirade school building« will a large family reunion. All of the $0 acres of land near Natron by U the state are going to be repres­ Thursday, September • Salary Is >12,000 Yearly the drive. | evening. Members of the Evan- not be open before that date ented at such a gathering. Livestock, crops, garden, poultry, lk grandchildren were present. Thia B. leather. Each worker w ill carry regUtra ' elin® cha|?‘ er Eu