P A O ! POUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS FAVORS Will Rogers’ Is OR. MEAD IR R IG A TIO N HELP Very Simple Life\ Federal Commiaalonar Explains N o w F acin g M urder Indictm ent* THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER I. 1932 Upper Willamette Head vs. Legs In Visiting Paisnts Wayne Hawk' of Albany Is visiting al the I ioiui of lit ! areni». Mi and Mrs. Wal BUDGET M EETIN G 8 E T AT CEDAR FLAT SCHOOL la< Hawke, In Springfield The annual budget mealing for Mr. and Mrs J. D, Garni I re and Ihe Cedar Flat school has been vall­ daughter, Betty, and Mr. aud Mra. Church Group Picnic — V, ung isi for September S, according Io George Kelsay have returned from “ Down to Earth" Best Ex* Married peopl« of Hie Chrisllntl untlees which have been posted Sonnenberg Artiat Aohiu 1« a weeks tour of the coaat clilea. < hurt'll held a potluck supper u The full terni of school will begin A formal statement In favor of presses Attitude of Humor* Jack aud Grace Mitchell enter Matched With Light Footed My«r I'm k near Hayden brida September 12 with Miss Grunt as federal assistance In rehabilitating ist Who Likes People talned a number of tbelr friends at Hill in Weekly Event Tiiesdar evening. existing reclamation projects has teacher, an evening of pleasure. The yuuu» Screen land's busiest and most been received from Dr K11 wood folks had a swim which was follow It will be head versus feet at the denix-ratlc celebrity Is Will Rogers. Mead, commissioner of reclamation Camping Out—Mr and Mrs. WII ed by a dinner about 7 o'clocl Eugene Armory Friday evening Ocmolgy Forest Qrowlng Rogers, who conies to the Fox in the department of the Interior, aud a dance after the dinner Seven when Walter Achlu, Chinese, wres Usui Pollard al. I Mrs W II Pol •McDonald Sunday, prefers to be. by Dr W L. Powers, secretary of During the past »lx years, the couples were present. tier, and Sonnenberg artist, meets lard and family are spending (he and Is big enough to be, him elf. the Oregon Reclamation congress The young folks of the Interme­ Don Hill. Wichita. Kansas hoy who week at (he Pollarti summer calili Washington number» of the Order He likes to talk, and to his fellow and chief in soils at Oregon State diate Kudeavor eutertalned III has caused such a sun atloil li> on the Hansen place nuar Thur» of DeMolny have planted 187.46b players about the Fox studio he I college. honor of Mrs Effie Wheeler their these parts with Ills agile legs. In Ion. Dr Pollard drlvea out Io the young forest trees on their foreal Dr. Mead is soon to come west to will expound his views by the hour < amp and back to Springfield each In the Wind River valley, Colum leader who has resigned. The the main event number. Hut to professional interviewers he addres the annual meeting of the blu national foreal. * Hill's legs proved a real threat day. evening was spent playing games Oregon Reclamation congress Oct­ proves disconcertingly elusive. outdoors nt the Phelps home fol­ last week when he wrapped them 1 Few Hollywoodians really under­ ober C and T, probably in Bend. His around Wildcat' Pete to take the lowed by a wiener roast. stand him They a.sume his utter] statement is sent in advance of The Peligra l.imibcr company first fall of a chsinplonnhlp match THE VERY LOWEST PRICES ON disregard for dress, his customary his appearance and indicates the baseball team managed by Frank In which the Junior middleweight I avoidance of premieres, his drawl- position he is likely to elaborate Graham defeated Fisher Lumber championship belt wa at stake ing speech and Oklahoma manner-1 ,n greater detail in his address company ot Marcóla last Sunday al Pete came hack, however, and j isms are a pose. On the contrary. I >° the congress. In the city of Springfield nt saved Ills belt by laklug I he lust | Marcóla by a score of 2.1 to 5, Has Three-Fold Program they are very real and form a part Helen anil Jeanette Settle who two falls. This principle has been backed of a personality that is violently have been visiting In Portland and Achlu won over Mackey, and Pat MEN' S BLUE CHAMBRAY WuRK SHIRTS. «6c val at 4 5 c opposed to -bam and affectation of by the Oregon Reclamation con­ A trial wdoch seems certain to attract national attention is that of Libby Salem returned home last week. Iteugau aud ll-nnle Wilson wrest gress for years, says Dr. Powers, any kind. Holman Reynolds and Albert (Ab) Walker at Winston-Salem. N C.. on G lltl.S KNITTED WGGI. IIKIIKTS. 26c value 15c Pleasant Hill high school regís led a tiodeclslou 'match as extra which has advocated a three-fold an indictment charging murder of the former’s husband, Z Smith Reynolds, Shy on Studio Lot W ilol, BATTS, tine Pound ^wo Pounds SOC tration days are September S anil S event on the card last Friday. heir to a tobacco fortune Libby Holman Reynolds, fame,! Broadway Consequently. although he will program of physical rehabilitation Low price and extra nice while bleached COTTON BATTS "Blues" singer, and Walker, companion of the late husband, Reynold*, Special events on Ihe card this fight shy of meeting regular studio in refinancing on a basis of pro­ were released following the Cbrorrr’s inquest, but rearrested following an week will tie announced Friday visitors or of appearing in public ductive value over a long period at 12c 15c 33c investigation by county authorities The death of Reynolds terminated a morning by Herb Gwen, match LADIES DANI'K SET. Brassiere and Panties, both tor 3 9 c big party over July 4th weekend. Photos show Libby Holman, Ab Walker he delights in getting a group of moderate interest rates. and Alfred Holman, Cincinnati lawyer, who will help defend his daughter. The Presbyterian congregation maker, who la spending the week Dr. Mea.l points out that farmers players and extras around him on are getting the plans under way It, in Scuttle conferring with Jack the set to swap stories, or in Join are at present unable to raise rebuild Ihe church which burned Reynold relative to a match here ing a gang of youngsters on -one money themselves to replace worn in July. Committee In charge con soon with George Pete. Reynold, vacant lot and teaching them to out structures on existing practical slats of Rev. R. K. Clark, Mrs. A. was to have been the big drawing projects. The income to the fed­ spin a rope. K Jennings. F W. Page. Charlie card last week, but failed to show Mr and Mrs WilHam Barnett “Unpretentious" is perhaps the eral reclamation fund is greatly re- Jessen. L. R Millican and Win up due to sudden Illness of his Veneta last Sunday. best word to describe him. His duced at present and is inadequate made , , rip D z i e r / m n l O X W I S T C O A S T I M l A T If IN Hucka. Clearing away the debris wife at Sun Francisco while en favorite attire because it is the to carry out the necessary repairs Harry and Ella Baugh, James of the old church will begin a , soon route to Eugene. nos! comfortable, cons sts ot blue or improvements to these projects. Edmiston, Percy Robison and Nedra ANOTHER SMASHING HIT! as possible. trousers, cowboy style, and a lea What is needed, he says, is to have Weaver, drove to Deadmoud ferry REPLETE WITH ROGERS' HOMESPUN HUMOR Leave for North Dakota— Mr t in Reports are that the Christian ther Jacket over a blue shirt. His the income of the reclamation ser­ last Wednesday night and attended AND WISE CRACKS— church is also planning to build at Mrs. Joe Trlnka and duughter. Lli secretary attends entirely to his vice increased from the present a farewell party at Mr. Moons Ban. and Frank Tuhy left Tuesday Walterville. They have quite a business affairs In a modest little three million to around 10 million a home. They hare sold their farm for Dickinson, North Dakota, where office in Beverly Hills. His daily year so that these projects may be there and plan f? make their future Do not feel that you need discard membership at this place. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Scott of Bend the) will spend two weeks and weekly newspaper and maga saved. a good hat simply because you have home in Washington. made a week-end visit at the C. L. Does Not Add New Land line articles he types himself, labor­ The bridge party was held with grown tired of It. because there Scott home. C. L. Scott returned to Such a plan, he points out, does iously and with two fingers, on a are ways of doing things to an old Miss Marjorie Grant last Wednes­ portable machine he carries around not involve adding new land to the hut that give it an entirely new ap­ Bend with them, having spent two weeks vacation here. cultivated area, but it would pre day afternoon the next party wllr pearance. in his car. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Irvin hav« serve farms already established. be held with Misses Veda and Elva Add a new flower or feather Gray. fancy. Or. best of all. take off the moved from Sprlngfleid to the Vida Resident Here— A. McDon­ Unless something Is done, he says, The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. old band and add a new one with a Elliot Potter home Mr. Potter Is ald of Vida was a business visitor thousands of farms improved and Laurence Gossler last Friday for mart little bow or other device *>u,‘e fweble s,nc* hl* recent Illness cultivated for years will again be­ in Springfield Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Slaven and come part of the desert and the all day. The members will meet made from ribbon. The all navy of Choice Groceries men who made homes there turned with her again next Friday after­ blue hat will take on a much more family. Miss Wynona Carter and Wendling Resident Here— Mrs. noon to finish the work that was 1 summery appearance If you Intro­ Miss Rosalie Fountain of Leaburg. Vinegar gal. 19c adrift. Beryl Crowe fo Wendling was a were Waldport visitors over the “It is a situation which primarily not completed. duce a contrasting color In the rib visitor In Springfield on Tuesday. Sack Salt, Reg. 10c. 2 for 15c Next Sunday Rev. Stivers will bon band. week-end. concerns the west, and which can begin his ministry here for the Miss Dorothy Smith of Browns­ be improved only by the active in­ Canned Milk, large. 6 for 29c There are charming new rever Vida Resident Here— Mrs. Frank fluence of an informed and aroused coming year. There will be a basket sible ribbons—blue on one side and ville, who has been spending the I jiuudry Soap 2 for 5c I Minney of Vida was a visitor in public opinion," Dr. Mead con- dinner at noon. He has taken a white on the other, or beige on one summer at the King home, left thia city Saturday. vacation during the month of Aug­ side and blue ou the other. Or you ] Sunday for the opening of the Brooms, reg. 50c eludes. for 39c ( ust. Rev. Montoroy from Eugene, may use two ribbons of different : school year. Here from Camp Creek—Vincent Mrs. Anna Stacy plans to return Scouring Cleanser 3 for 10c Walterville Resident Here— A. a Philippine minister, attended ser Chase of Camp Creek was a visitor A. Campbell of Walterville was a vices here and gave a short talk from Lebanon Sunday, where abv Guaranteed Coffee 19c ' in Springfield on Wednesday. f has been to visit her son and family visitor in Springfield on Monday. last Sunday. The younge people of the neigh- Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Stacy will bring Beat Molasses, reg. 19 for 10c 1 Visitors from Vida— Mr. and Mrs. ' her home. Walterville Man Here— Arthur borhood met at John Prices Wed L. G. Holman of Vida were visitors Easton of Walterville was a visitor °e» H C IM S« Iowa Resident Here— Mrs. Lee To Move Friday— Mr. and Mrs. John Travis has purchased a Return from Portland— Mr. and Studevant of Lehigh, Iowa, arrived Pay Cash <& Pay Less George Carson will move Friday to Mrs. A. B. Malo returned from Port- three acre tract from August Vitus. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY — SEPT. 2 * 3 here Tuesday to visit at the Morris their new home on the McKenzie , land Monday. They have been Mrs. Needham and son, Ray Morton home in West Springfield. river near Myers park. Mitchell and daughter, Mrs. Harvey visiting relative« there. She will take her granddaughter, Hadley and William Eyler motored Julie Wrider. back to Iowa with her Junction of Pacific and Visits with Brother—A. R. Mur­ Leaving for California— Mrs. L. to Winchester bay last week, also McKenzie Highways. when she returns. phy of Crawfordsville visited here K. Page will leave today for a two- visited other coast cities while on Wednesday with his brother Dallas weeks’ trip to Sacramento, Califor- their tr(p. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell motor I nia to visit relatives. ed to Portland last Friday taking "You are charged with selling Visits at Klamath Falla— Harry Mrs. Linn Endicott and infant son Wright left Sunday for Klamath to their home there. Mr. and Mrs. adulterated milk." said the judge. "But the testimony shows that it Falls. He expects to be gone for Russell also visited their son, Bel mont Russell, and family at Silver one week. is 25 per cent water." ton and attended to business in “Then," interposed counsel, “It Salem while on the trip. your honor will look up the word Visit at Junction City— Mrs. J. John Edmiston and daughter, colors for your ornament. One "milk'' In your dictionary you will M. Larson and two s o n m o to r e d BASEMENT BARGAINS FIRST FLOOR BARGAINS Hazel, motored to Port Orford last should be slightly narrower than find It contains from 80 to 90 per to Junction City Monday to spend the other so that a band of the con­ Combination Roofing $1.00 Fast Color Prints, yd. .06 cent water. My client should have the day visiting with her sister. Friday for a few days vacation. roll trasting color shows at the edges. Cretonnes, yd. .07 Mr. Kaufman from McMinnville sold It for cream.” Mrs. Sam Miller. Coverall House Paint 1.19 The sketch shows two ways of Part Linen Crash Towel­ i- visiting at Bert Weaver's home. gal making flat bows to use to trim ing. yd. .05 Electric Potato Baker 1.59 your hat. You can no doubt have All Silk Pongee, yd. .17 DON'T SLEEP ON LEFT Electric Irons 1.00 th m made for you by an expert at All Silk Hat Crepe, yd .49 SIDE, GAS HURTS HEART the ribbon counter where you buy 5-Cell Flashlight 1.00 70x80 Part Wool Blankets, if stomarch gas makes you rest­ the ribbon or you can make them Boiled IJnseed Oil, gal .75 I"'' pair 1.77 less and unable to sleep on right Zincite House Paint, side, take Adlerika. One dose will yourself. Murray Bay all wool g a l .............................. 2.45 The third trimming device, also rid you of gas or nervousness, and Blankets pr. 5.45 Kalsomine, pkg. .35 bring sound sleep. Flanery's Drug made of ribbon, is not at all diffi­ 64x84 Camp Blankets, . store. Tred Proof Floor Paint cult to copy. Choose ribbon about BMh 2.29 gal....................... 2.50 1 inch wide, twist it as shown in Pepsodent Tooth Paata .29 CALL FOR WARRANTS 4 Hour Enamel, qt. .79 the sketch and .»ew down to a small Llsterlne Tooth Paste .17 Notice is hereby given that Shingle Stain, gal .79 piece of canvas. Squibb's Dental Cream .29 School District No. 19, in Lane 11 Year Atlas Roofing Cash Price Ingrams Shaving Cream .39 ' County. Oregon, will pay at the ro ll......................... 1.58 Palmolive Shaving Cr. .26 I office of clerk of said district, all Plana Mountain Trip — Marion Entire Group Super State Roofing Jergen Hand Ixitlon .36 warrants to and including 2300, Adams plans to leave Saturday tor ro ll......................... 2.44 LIVING ROOM BED ROOM dated May 31, 1932. Interest ceases a week-end trip to Grasshopper I’ure Pennsylvania Motor ' after September 3. Beautiful Walnut Metal YOUR CHOICE OF T H E mountain in the Cascade range Oil, 2 gals. 1.49 Jacquard Davenport The W h i t e C. F. BARBER. Clerk. above the South Fork highway. and Chair $29.95 Bed, Walnut Veneer Dress- FOLLOW ING ITEM S Runrite Western Oil, erand Large size Chiffonier Witch Haul Bulk, gal. .29 Occasional Chair 2.95 Front Grocery Leaves for Idaho—Mrs. George P. Fall Creek Man Here—Lew More­ 3 pieces $28.85 Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 3 Piece Rath Outfits 39.95 End Table .89 carries quality Hoffman leaves today for Jerome. house of Fall Creek was a visitor In 50 lb. Mattress 5.95 Almond and Banxoln Lotion Muffin Tins .15 9x12 Axminlster Rug 17.95 Idaho, for a 10 day trip. Sp ngfield Wednesday. Coll Springs 5.95 Lemon Cream Lotion Cookie Plates .21 f o o d s at the Yarn Rug 1.00 Eu De Quinine Hair Tonic Cake Pans .25 Floor lamp & Smoker 1.95 Total ..._......... $53.69 Total $41.75 8. P. Bay Rum Shaving Lotion Rolling Pins .23 lowest l e v e l Flour Sifters .29 8. P. Rubbing Alcohol compound consistent with Dish Drainers .49 Sue Pree Wave Set Ironing Board Pads .49 Sue Pree Brllllantlne good merchan­ Ironing Board Covers .19 Lilao Vegetal AftarShavIng dising practice. Sad Iron Sets 1.69 5-PIECE WALNUT VENEER SUITE Lotion S 2 9 .9 5 Rose 1- lb. Wardway Wax .30 Hair Dressing Pomade O u r delivery Consisting ot Table and 4 Chairs Wall Paper Cleaner .12 Perfumed Petroleum Jelly service is with­ Cloths Baskets ....... .79 9x12 W ARDOLEUM RUG s 3 l: S S Almond Glycerine Roee Lotion Iridav Mat Card Need of Aid in Saving Preeen» Projects School Supplies HOFFMAN’S Corner Drygoods Store I McKenzie Valley Thurston - » » - < < « - VtflY Starts Sunday Stop Look! SACRIFICE SALE R< DOWNTPEARTH West Side Grocery TOM MIX in ‘The Texas Bad Man’ W A R D D A Y S - 60th A N N I V E R S A R Y S a le E n d s S a tu r d a y , S e p te m b e r 3 r d RC.A. BATTERY SET RADIOS Complete With 1-Year A-Battery Regular $61.95 Patronize Sale $49.95 Complete 3-Room Group of Furniture $ 1 2 9 .3 7 The Store That Helps To Pay Your Taxes DINING ROOM -more rw stent motorists use “S T A N D A R D " out additional charge. than any other cjasoline THEY LIKE IT AND SO WILL YOU Peaches! Peaches! Peaches! NOW is the Time to Can Peaches. We have Home-Grown Elbertas, Crawfords, Hales and Muirs. prices 5Oc — 7 5 c and $ 1 .0 0 a bushel Help Our Farmers by Canning Home-Grown Peaches TO M ATO ES 50C A BUSHEL We have all kinds of Fruit Jars, Rubbers and Acces­ sories for canning. White Front Grocery W. A. Taylor - Phone 9 (STANDARD '-■for f t i f f Octane Efficiency STANDARD GASOLINE ■At STANDARD, S T A T IO N S ,IN C . AND RED WHITE & BLUE DEALERS S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y OP C A I. I F O R N ’ Dust P an s.................... Claw Hammers Screw Drivers Ball Pein Hammer 7 pc. Socket Wrenches Machinist Pliers 2- Ft. Folding Rule TO TA L ............................... .15 .20 Easy Terms If Desired - $10.00 Down $10.50 Monthly .10 Small carrying charge. .20 .25 .15 FOUR RECONDITIONED .09 ELECTRIC WASHERS Ratchet Brace......... . .93 Guaranteed Grass Shears .63 Electric Percolator 1.29 Electric Curling Irons .69 Mazda Electric Lights .20 Split Knobs .02 WITH EVERY RIVERSIDE TIRE PURCHASED Simoniz W ax.................. 47 Simoniz Cleaner .47 DURING THIS Tire Patch Outfit .10 Spoke Brushes .19 Chamois Skins .75 $ 2 9 .9 5 FREE TU BE SALE 10c Each Men’s Broadcloth Dress S h irts...... .59 Golden Crest Hosiery, pair .47 Mercerized Hose ,pr. .25 Rayon Underwear, ea. .49 Candle Wick Red Spread Each .............. 1.00 Boys’ Overalls, pr. .35 Men's Suits, ea. 9.75 Men’s Overalls, pr. .49 Rockford Hocks, pr. . .05 Men’s Rayon Silk Dress Socks, pr...... .19 Pioneer Overalls, p r.. .69 M ontgomery V/ ard & Co. Eleventh and Willamette The Friendliest Store in Town Eugene, Oregor