T H E 8P R IN O F IE L D NEWS TH U R SD A Y. HEPTEM BKK 1. 1982 N O T IC E OP P IN A L A C C O U N T CRAZY CRYSTALS A Minor«I W ater Treatment. Ulin«« » Health Resort In You 80 K Ttk, 32 W Hlb. Kugaue. I ’h 1704 N O T IC E OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Nolle« 1« hereby given that the undersigned executor of the es- lata of Anna llohlnian. dece»»ed, ha* fllod In th« County Court of Lane County. Oregon, his final ac count aa such executor. und that Iha seventeonth day of September, 1*32. al lau o'clock In Iha forenoon of aald day, al th« Court Itouau at Eugene, Luna County, Oregon, baa bo«U fixed by Iha Court aa tba tint« fur hearing any objecllona to aald report. und iba consideration of the aama and tba settlement thereof. ALTA KINO. Kxwutor. (A 18 16 H 1 *1 6 ) Estate of Henry V Hollenbeck, He- t-eaaed, NOTICE OP PINAL S E T T L E M E N T NO TIC E la hereby given that Itoae M Hollenbeck. Administratrix of the Ealate of Henry F Hollen­ beck. deceased, baa filed In the County Court of tba Htate of Ore­ gon. In und for the County of luine. her final report aa auch adminis­ tratrix. and that ten o'clock In the foreuoon uf Halurday, the 17th day of September. 1832. at the court room thereof, haa been by the Court flxml and appointed aa the time and place for hearing objnc- tlona Io aald report und for the (Inal settlement of the eatate of auld deceased KOBE M IIO LLE N H E C K , Ad inlnlstratrlx. FRANK II REID, Attorney for Administratrix |A 18 2 4 - 8 1-8-16) N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S NO TIC E IS HEREBY G IVEN : Thai W II. M cileth haa been ap- pointed administrator of the eatate of lluvld Kos. McBeth, deceased, by the County Court of Lane Coun ty. Oregon. All persona having clulma against aald ealate are re­ quired to present them, with the proper vouchera. within six mouths from the 4th day of August. 1832. Io the aald administrator at the law office of L. L. Kay In the Miner building In Eugene, Oregon. W. II. Mi U E T II. Administrator of the eatate uf David Ro»s Mc­ ileth, deceased. I.. L. KAY, Attorney for Eatate. IA 4 11-16 26— 8- i ) Estate of Jennie Edmlaton. de­ ceased. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned, Alice M lleckwith as the Executrix of the Estate of la>s ter Oran Heck with, deceased, filed In the office of the County Clerk of Lane County. Oregon, her final account as such executrix on Aug ust 11,1931; and that on aald data the County Court of the Htate of Oregon In anil for the County of [.ana duly made and entered an ■rdar In ra eatate of Lester Oren Hack with, deceusod, salting thn Ime for the hearing upon the aald final account to he had befora the said county court at the hour of 10:00 o'cloik. A M Kept ember 111 1032, und directing that notice of said hearing be published aa re­ quired by law, and notice Is hereby «Ivon that. If nny person ha« any objection to the sulil final account, bo h I iu II file such objections III writ Ing In said probate proceeding, on or before the time set for the said N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R * Notice la hereby given that the undersigned haa baen duly appoint­ ed Executrix of the estate of W il­ liam H I'owell, deceased, and uny and all persona having claims again't the said estate are hereby required to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at Hie office of Wells A Wells. 840 W illamette Ht,, Eugene, In Lane county, Oregon, within six months Is notice. from the date of tills notice Dated und first published thl» hearing. •r. 1832. I st day of September, ALICE M H K C K W IT II Execu­ I , (IE L L A I’O W ELL, Executrix, trix of the Estate uf Lester W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys Oren lleckwlth. deceased 181-18-15-22-28) II E B L A TTER Y. Attorney for Executrix, N O T IC E OF H E A R IN G (A 16 26 B 1-8-16) OF F IN A L A C C O U N T SUM M ONS IN THE EUG ENE JU STIC E CO URT FOR E lK IK N E JU STIC E D ISTR IC T. LANE CO UNTY. OREGON. L. M Travis, Inc., u corporation. I'lulntlff, -vs- C. II Ambroae, De­ fendant. To ('. H Ambroae, Defendant. In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required i years, the outlook report point, out. have moved to the Hat Conley place "«>»« time here vl.lt- Ing friends and relatives. Tbe increase for the years 1928- on M ill street In Springfield. On T rip Alang Ceaat — F. B. Flanary aad daughter. Dorothy, accompanied by Mr. aad Mrs Aa drew Campbell and Mlae Carrie Flanary loft Saturday morning oa an estandad trip down tba Dragon coast highway to California plan nlng to vtall the Redwood highway before returning to Springfield. Mrs. Flanery'a brother, R M L illy of Corvallis Is assisting at the drug store bora during tba ab­ sence of Mr. Flanary. ^ieai~ makes the m ea l FOR MANY A MAN . P. 1931 was S5k, 3, and 35k P«r cent . cspectlvely. Tbe rate of Increase so far this year la even larger ow­ ing to an Increase In the number of heifers raised recently and a decrease In the numbr of old cows slaughtered. V isits P arent»— M rs. J. O. H a rt Return from Coast— M r. and Mrs. W illiam Jones and Mrs. Roscoe Within the next five years farm ­ Harper returhed from the coast ers will probably begin culling Friday, their herds more closely, the report adds, and selecting calves more Visita Brother on Coast Sam carefully so as to reduce tbe num Sweeney left for Newport Sunday her of cow» and Increase average to *R h bis brother. John, for production. a ,ew hays. The demand for dairy products may be expected to Increase as business conditions improve and in­ dustrial payrolls expand, tbe re­ port conclude». When, for how long, and to what extent general price levels will rise and payrolls in­ crease are important questions for the dairy industry because of the close relationship of these factors to dairy prices. Home from Newport— Mrs. Way- ne Clover and daughter, June, re- turned 9uuday from a week's trip to the beach at Newport. V is it G randparents— Miss M aine and Billy Fostor of Portland are here spending a week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeks Daughter Born — Mr. and Mrs. Lester Patrick are the parents of a baby daughter born to them at the Pacific Christian hospital In Eugene on Wednesday. August 24, 1932. Califomis People Visit— Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lofthouse and fam ily of Lot Angeles, California, vlalted here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vernon over the week-end while enroute btek from a trip to Vancouver. B. C. Mr. Lofthouse is an instructor ln tho Los Angeles schools. Hot. Tired. Hungry .. .Y E S , and Crose • Y ou can change all thal in the twinkling of an eye. • Put before him a Savory Meat Dish. Our Q uality and Prieu Are Right Independent Meat Co. E. C. STU A R T, Prop. 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 De Due. Former Song Laader Her»— Mr. and Mrs. J-aurence Sunkler former residents of Eugene, and now of LINCOLN’S FATHER NOT Kansas, spent the week-end In SHIFTLESS AND IDLER Springfield. Mr. Suukler was song leader at the Christian church Linooln Foundation W o rk e r Dis­ some years ago. proves Popular Idea; Leaves tor Seattle — -Miss E ra Dell Murphy left Sunday for Seat­ of Roseburg spent the weok-end tle after visiting here for some here at the home of her parents, time at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. John Lenhart. Dallas B. Murphy. Home from Work S P E C IA L Boy s Yankover S w e a te r s 57c Final Settlom enL “By eliminating duplication of tor More Inform ation NO TIC E Is hereby given that by IN T H E CO UNTY COURT O F T H E courses between different Institu­ N O T IC E Return to Home— Mr. and Mrs. S TA TE O F OREOON FOR T H E virtue of an execution and order of OP P IN A L S E T T L E M E N T George Forth and daughter. Bar- tions and departments, salary re- CO UN TY O F LANE. sale Issued out of the Circuit Court NOTICE la hereby given that "Probably no man In history has ,eft Monday for their home W alter W Edmlaton, Administrator of the State of Oregon for Lane I N T H E M A TTER O F T H E E 8 -: adjustments; reductions In person been more abused than Lincoln s at Winlock after visiting here over T A T E OF ANNA D K IR C H N E R County Auguat 18, 1832. upon nnd nel; utilization uf all physical plant of Ihe Estate of Jennie Edmlaton He has week^.nd at the home of her Deceased facilities, etc., the board already bus tai her. Thoniai Lincoln. ileceaaed. haa filed In the County pursuant to a decree duly given NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y O IVEN Court of lb.. Stale of Oregon. In hy "J»"1 C.°,urt * u* u"' *,7' been labeled as shiftless and im- sigter Mrs «jed W illiams in WeBt accomplished more than has ever uml lor Lane County, bis final re 1»3*. I” • fending therein In that the Honorable C. P. Barnard, provident,' a migratory squatter Springfield. While They Last port aa such administrator, and which Ole Rnsinu«sen and Meta County Judge for Lane County, Ore-1 before been accomplished In Ore­ without strength of character,' 'a Rasmussen were plaintiffs, and gon. has set Saturday the 24 day ol „on'» hi lory of higher education. that ten o'clock In the forenoon of man who could neither read nor Salem People Visit— Mr. and Mrs. A Roberts, Trustee September 1922 at the hour of 10 N„ r , , work done Suturdny. the 27th day of Septem ­ Thomas write,' 'an idler, without ambition Harry Scott and son. David, and ber. 1832. at the court room there­ Thomas A Roberts and Mabel A. <> clock A M of the said day. and of. bus been by the court fixed cud Roberta, hl» wife and N A Griffis that the court room of said court | "But now. before the people of for himself or h’a children.'" says, Mr and Mrs. J. E. Scott, all ot appointed as the time and place were defendants, which execution baa been appointed by aald court as the state have bad so much as an Louis A. Warren, director of tbe Salem were guests here Sunday at for hearing objections to said final nnd order of sale was to me direct the time and place for the hearing opportunity to study the worth of Lincoln National Life Foundation the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. report and for Ihe final aettlemenl ed and commanded me to «ell the of objections thereto and the set­ an orderly worked out method of 968 real property hereinafter described tlement thereof. tn a letter addressed to newspaper Adrian. Verne 9cott, son of Mr. and of the estate of said deceased DATE of first publication August actual economy, they are asked by editors. to satisfy certain Hens and charges W A LTER W KDM ISTON. Mrs. Harry Scott, who has been W illamette In aald decree specified. I will on (he 25th, 1932. secret unknowns to disregard all. Administrator. Excerpts from Mr. Warren's let­ visiting here for the past week, Saturday the 17th day of Septem­ D A TE of last publication Septem­ and plunge the state Into a wild FRANK B REID. Attorney returned home with hia parents. ber. 1932. at the hour of 10:00 ber the 22nd. 1932 ter read as follows: fur Administrator educational orgy. A concrete loss o’clock. A M . at the southwest IR E N E K TULL18, Adminis­ (A 18-26— 8 1-8-16) “Coatrary to textbooks and popu­ of 31.000.000 a year I d savings will tratrix. door of the County Court House In Eugene, 1-ane County. Oregon, offer B. F M U L K E Y . Corbett Build­ be first payment to the piper. We lar biographies, evidence has been for sale and sell at public auction ing. Portland, Oregon, Attorney do not know who the actual au found revealing Thomas Lincoln for cash, subject to redemption as for the Estate. (hors of the Zorn-Macpherson bill as descended from an old and dis-1 (A 26— 8 1-8-16-22) provided by law. all of the right, are. but we know from months of tlnguished family— a family of a t ' title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claim : work and hard facts that tbe glided least moderate wealth, certain so­ N O T IC E Ing by, through or under them or O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T claims of Its promotors are impos cial distinction, and very definite an« of them sine."1 the 2tst day of political prestige. Instead of being a 0“ ? 9 hT ^ . g.'Te.n. th\ ‘ ot achievement JKWELKK May. 1927, In or to the following undersigned administratrix of the a squatter. Thomas owned all his R epairing a Specialty described real property, to-wlt: estate of John J. Thomas, deceased,! homes and other real estate aud Beginning at a point tn the has filed tier Final Account In Springfield. Oregon Benjamin Ibivls and W ife Dona the matter of said estate with the was in good standing with the local tlon Land Claim No 46 In Town County Clerk of Lane County. Ore­ merchants. Thomas went to work ship 17. Ikiiith of Range 4. West gon. and an order haa been made as a day laborer, then a carpenter. of the W illam ette Meridian and entered of record directing thia D r. J O S E P H IN E C . B R A U N He apparently was a hard worker found by running from a point notice and setting Monday, the 12th Nxturupathlc Physician 481.8 feet north of the southwest day of September. 1932. at the hour and thrifty, for he bought four dif­ Phone 81 J corner of the Joseph Davis Dona­ of ten o'clock A. M. for the hearing ferent farms and until he became tion Land Claim No. 48 and run of objections. If any, to said Ac- • if f Ice Hours: 1 to 6 1’. M an old man prospered as much as nlng thence South 1946 6 feet to ount und to the Final settlement the average pioneer.” 406 Fourth Street center of road, thence South 89 of said estate. degrees 44 minutes East 3002 20 LEORA H A R K IN S W H IT E S Ancestor was a Governor feet; from sn.d beginning point Administratrix of the estate of These records show that he was run North 335 feet, thence South John J. Thomas, deceased. General Law ITuctlce directly related to the famous Lin­ 89 degrees 44 minutes East 76 (A 11-1826— 9 1-8) feet, thence South 336 feet coln lamily of New England, one I M.PETERSON thence North 89 degrees 44 min N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S of his kinsmen being a governor of Attcrney-at-ljiw utes West 75 feet to the place of Notice Is hereby given that the Massachusetts, another a governoi C ,y Hall Building beginning, all situated In Sections undersigned. W. W. Calkins, has of Maine, and a third Thomas Je>f- 13 and 14 Township 17 South 4 been duly appointed Executor of sprlnrfleld, Oregon West of the W illam ette Meridian the Last W ill and Testament ot fer.on's attorney-general. His owu In Lane County. Oregon, and con John Mason, deceased, by the Coun­ grandfather. Abraham Lincoln. Sr., talnlng .5770 of an acre ty Court of the State of Oregon tor was a prominent citixen and owner The sntd premises being subject Lane County, and has qualified as FRANK A. DE PUE of 6,644 acres of Kentucky land I to an easement for roadway pur uch Executor, and all persons hav­ A T TO R N E Y AT LAW poses over a strip of land twenty ing claims against said estate are when massacred by Indians In 1786. feet wide off from either end of hereby notified and requested to N O T A R Y P U B L IC His widow lost most of the land said premises. present the same, verified as re­ through faulty land titles." Sutton Springfield Dated this 18th day of August quired by law, with the proper Building Oregon 1932. vouchers, to tbe said Executor at "In denial ot the charge that H. L. DOW N, Sheriff the office of Calkins and Calkins, Thomas Lincoln was illiterate, a By A E H U LEG A A R I), Deputy attorneys at law. In the Bank of court document signed by him tn (A 18-26— 8 1-8-15) Commerce Building, In Eugene, 1803, six years before the presi­ Lane County. Oregon, within six mouths from the dste of this notice. dent's birth, has been found. N O T IC E Date of first publication and date O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T "Although 1 have been engaged T H E U N D ERSIG NED, as Admin of Notice August 11, 1932. in Lincoln research for more than W. W. CA LK IN S. Executor of Istrstor of the Estate of Peter Han the Last W ill and Testament ten years, the last four have been j son, deceased, has filed his Final F orm erly Walker-Poole Account In said Estate with the of John Mason, Deceased. Charles Grimm, 1st baseman, is the devoted almost exclusively to ex­ CA LK IN S A CA LK IN S. Attor­ j County Clerk of Lane County. Ore new manager of the Chicago Na- amination of Lincoln's ancestry. gon, and the Honorable C. P. Barn neys for the Estate. E U G E N E - 11th SPR IN G FIELD ti.sial I eague Cubs, replacing Roger This has come about as a result ot (A 11-18 26— 9 1-8) ard. County Judge In and for the Hornsby, who resigned. Grimms ap- a commission given to Paul Man and Charnelton, 228 Main ¡County Court has made an Order pointment pleased Cub fans ana SUM M ONS Telephone 723 Phone 82-J directing this Notice and appoint ship, noted sculptor, to execute a u L amcxis * IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Ing the County Court Room In the statue of Lincoln. He was asked STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE Court House In Eugene, Oregon, as Sutherlin Man Here— Harry Nor­ to depict Lincoln as a Hoosier COUNTY. the place nnd the 16th day of Sept C L E L L L. ALFORD, Plaintiff, vs, ton of Sutherlin was a visitor In youth of 21, an age at which no emher. 1932, at the hour of 11 FLO RENCE M. ALFORD, Defend­ Springfield on Friday evening. o'clock A. M. as the time for the photograph of Lincoln exists. To ant hearing of any objections to the get the data that would enable him To: Florence M. Alford, the above Camp at Park— Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ Final Account of said Estate. GIVEN DURING OUR named defendant. to portray Lincoln as a youth Dated nt Eugene. Oregon, this vin T ra ile r and Mr. and Mr». W al­ IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STA TE collaborated with Mr. Manshlp tn Do Not Hide Your Eyas ISth day of August, 1932. O F OREGON, G R E E TIN G : You ter Richards spent Friday night M L « ,v JO HN L. MARSH, Admtnlstra are hereby required to appear and a search of all available records, camping at Meyers park. The New k ill Vue glass» s have tor of the Estate of Peter Han and It was In this search that we answer the complaint of the plain­ high-up side bows, revealing eye e x -, f,()n deceased, tiff on file herein on or before four Leave for Los Angeles — Mrs. found the evidence of the real preasion, clearing sldeway vision. IM M E L A EVANS. Attorneys for weeks from the date of the first Ella Lombard, her son. Frank, and Thomas Lincoln. So the Manshlp the Administrator. In addition to Sensational Bargains, we are giving FREE with each auto­ publication of this summons; or tor F ill-V ile glasses represent a long (A 18-28— 8 1-8-15)______ wnn'CfheVeoTthe plalntiff will take j daughter. Maurlne. left Sunday statue, which Is to be dedicated matically controlled range, A BEAUTIFUL $8.75 NOTIFIER KITCHEN advance In better looks and better NO TICE TO CR EDITO RS judgment against you and w ill ap- morning for Izis Angeles where September 16 with Secretary of CLOCK. expect to spend two weeks he­ Ajgrtculture Arthur M. Hyde as vision. Notice Is heroby given that the ply to the court for the relief pray This Is your opportunity to get a Marvelous New Cooking Appliance, 1m- returning to Oregon, undersigned Clara Fawver has been ed for in the complaint and for a f principal speaker, portrays young You cannot afford to trifle with B|, potnt,,d administrator of the decree of absolute divorce from bodying every modern feature, and the most desirable Notifier Clock. Lincoln as a clean cut, llthe-limbed your eyesight., I t ’s too Important «state of Ezra 9 Collins, by the y0“ - , . „ Goes to California— F. F. Hills frontiersman such as might be the We Invite You to Inspect This Unusual Offer summons Is published once to your health, youthrulness and County Court of Lane County, Ore- a This week for four consecutlvo w e e k s |u- h’ft Monday for L ib An son of a sturdy pioneer rather than ........... ...... ................ «"• - • « ' z , . “ ' “ In the Springfield News, a weekly goles to sp»»nd some time visiting a shiftless. Indolent rover. 1 am gla ses. but Hcveu out of ten people, , h,. Hftm„ duly verified at the Inw newspaper published at Springfield, W1th friends. He was accompanied now convinced, however, that much