THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HHItlNGKIEl.D, LANK COUNTY, OREGON, THURJHDAY, HEPTE.WBEK 1, 1932 T W K N TV N IN T H Y E A H m FAIR PROGRAM READY SEPT.8-910 Holman Agent Must Resign Job OISÏRICT REBEKAH MEET OCTOBER 4 Post to Nominate Legion Officers No. !m GWW|( SEES LUMBER FUTURE lo r Gas Theft SMOULDER HERE Springfield Post Will Instruct Chargea Einzig le Unfit for Friday Set Aside as Grange Office— Visita Frienda In Juanita Lodge Aeked to Pren­ Delegates to State Conven­ Rumors of Complete New Ticket for City Offices Are tion at Thursday Meeting Springfield Tueaday ant Drill at Semi-Annual Day at Four-H Exposition. Heard This Week Meeting at Oakridge Contest is Planned Nomination of officers for Hprlug ' Declaring William Elnxlg, »7,000 NEABSJO HERE Discovery of Syphon and Can j in Auto Leads to Arrest i Surfacing of Final Section Hers Friday Night I Before Winter le Assured Says Highway Official A flat tire caused the downfall • field American Legion post num­ year state purchasing agent. of three confessed gas thieves In Announcement of the District ONLY TWO ENTER FIELD EVERYTHING TO BE FREE must be removed. Ilufu. Holman. Hprlngfleld Friday night. Night OILING CREWS MOVE OUT lh„ Rebekah lodges ber 40 will be the principal busi - ... . ,, _ Patrolman A. J. Cowart noticed the state treasurer. Vas a visitor In h. ld „ „„ October neas to be taken up tonight at the Candidates Have One Month Livestock, Home Economics, Hprlngfleld Tuesday afternoon H e ,4 wa„ mad. har. Monday evening regular moettng of the post mem [ i three men repairing a Ore In rear Final Oiling Work Delayed from Today in Which to of a service station. Walking past Until Next Summer When ra, ul)(r maeUllB Juall)ta tiers according to announcements and Agricultural Exhibits not only charges Eluxlg with mis File Nominations rent out tbl. week by I M Peter­ he saw a can, hose and syphon In conduct toward employees of the R .baMah lod pr„ „ nt # dr|U „ son. adjutant. The meeting will City politics seemingly are smoul­ be held al the Community Hall at was still wet He arrested the »'Inal arraniuniviita and plana for methods of playing bidders against , h- ..„„ventlon With the entire highway oiled dering here this week with the pos­ three and then found they had from Springfield to Yale’e ranch, (he Lane courty 4 -H Fair ere rapid­ each other In the purchase of .tale! A„ aBtanalre program was pres ! 8 o'clock. sibility of unexpected announce­ Wulter N. Gossler Is the present switched license plates. ly being made and a completed supplies. with the exception of a short sec­ euled at the local lodge Monday ments being made soon of candl and a detailed program of eventa "If bids are not satisfactory evening following the regular busi­ post commander. H. O. Dlbblee Is They gave their names as Harold tion between Doyle hill and Vida, dates for various local political In promised Meptember 6, by Cottn when opened they should be re ness meeting. The program In the first vice-commander and Mr. Curtis of Chehalis, Washington, work on the McKenxIe Is rapidly I at r son | P0"“ '"“« Peterson, adjutant. J. M ty Club Agent, It C. Kuehner. S E N A T O R F R E D E R IC K S T E IW E R William Cox. Eugene; and Leslie nearing completion for another sea­ advertised." deelurnd Holman. "It's eluded a recitation by Lois Mae Just four week» from today re­ The Lane county 4-H Fair which Einzig» trick to call In a low bid­ Kodenbough. reading by He.sle Is the finance officer. Hpeaking before the Willamette Smith. Los Angeles. Each was son Nominations only will be made main In which to file nominating la lo be held al the Ijitie county der and promise him the order If Cox. piano solo by Margaret Jar­ This short stretch of four and fined »25 In Justice court, and are tonight, regular election, will be petitions, which must be In at least Valley Lumbermen's association serving their fines out In Jail. The one-half mllea which It quite rough fair grounds In Kuxeue Beptember he goes still lower.“ rett, a play, "Who's Afraid," by Ila 40 days before the general election last Friday night In. Eugene Sena­ old automobile which they were will be surfaced Just as soon as held at a future meeting. 8, 8. Id la to ba a free lair and "I was raised to treat women and Roberta Pulman, a butterfly no udnibalou will ba charged foi with reap ed ” said Holman, who dance by June Yarnell, Hawaiian InstrucUon of delegates to the which Is to be held on November tor Stelwer predicted that lumber driving is parked across the street the Hlllotrom brothers, contractors, any of the wvanta to ba scheduled says tho-C* > no excuse for Kin guitar solo by I-a Vern Pugb. a state convention September 8 and 8, this year. move their equipment and camp to would come back in the near future from the city hall. Only two candidates have pub- In the bom>- market which Is 80 the new location It was announced Friday, Beptember 8 In to ba xlg to cal* q -eaaurer's net retary 1 stunt by Eunice Gerber and Doro- 10 In Portland will be glvon at this this morning by Raymond Walsh, Orange Day and a special program a "damn lit thy Girard, a piano solo by Doris meeting The local post Is on re- i llcly announced their Intentions of per cent of the lumber business ■ Immediate! seeking office so far. They are W. resident state highway engineer. In being arranged for Iha Grangers Holman ba ■ 'avlts as to what Ulrard, a reading by Mrs. Lilly cord as favoring the P Tyson and I. M. Peterson who normally. He pointed to the re-' by Mm. C. B Calef. lecturer of the Elnxlg .aid It vj» treasurer's of Klxer. a tap dance by Maxine payment of the bonus. The surfacing of this final stretch Will ask re-election as mayor and construction finance corporation l^tne County Pomona Grange. An will open up a first-class highway . . . . X. - a „el, Hnodgrass, and skit by Elmer flee when Holt. as away and city recorder, respectively. There ! loans to the railroads for better­ attendance prise Is being offered to the McKenzie mountains, afford­ they not only n. 0 . appear he I'yne and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pul has been considerable talk about | ing a good smooth highway for the Grange having the largest per ment and maintenance, the hom e’ ed the lie man, assisted by Mrs. Leota Rod«n- used profanity bu other tickets being entered In the winter travel which Is greatly In­ centage of their membership there bough at the piano. loan bank, and the movement from! field, and rumors this week have creasing each year as more and Motion pictures will be shown around. When In ttprlugflek tan was It that one such Is In the process of the Industrial centers to the farm, Kensington. Priscilla, Ergatha more people take advantage of the throughout the three days by W. CANDIDATES TO GIVE as evidences of future improvement making V. Fuller of the Oregon State on his way to Medfora o dedicate and Happy Hour Members | opportunities offered there tor win­ the new court house as Governor CAMPAIGN PLATFORMS ter sport events. Hoard of Forestry. Both Tyson and Peterson have In the lumber market. The »4 per Gather in September Included among the hundreds of Meier's representative. The J. C. Compton oiling crew announced that they seek re-elec­ thousand tariff will prevent out­ K ntira Group Invited to Appear Be- ' of McMinnville which has been exhibits of livestock, agricultural tion on the basis of their acquain­ side competition he believes. Plant for Troop Activity For­ Social clubs of Springfield will | fore T ax Conservation League and home economlra projects will tance with city affairs and the resume their regular meetings dur here for the past month completed mulated at Session Held on Septem ber 12 The railroads normally i oniums | be a special exhibit of furniture gradual financial retrenchment pro­ ing September after their annual their work Wednesday and have Here on Wednesday moved out. The crew was divided made by North Fork Handicraft gram which they have started and about 25 per cent of the Douglas j summer vacations. All candidates fur county and dis­ fir cut and with them again in the when it left Springfield, port going club members for their Juvenile would like to carry out along the The first group to meet will be j Weekly meetings every Thursday trict offices have been Invited to market many mills will get busi­ Grange. A five foot modal sailing to Monroe and another group being lines they have been following. the Kensington club which has i evening at some as yet undecided attend a meeting of the I-ane Coun­ ness. The home loan bank, he said, planned a picnic for Willamette! sent to the Coast highway to do vessel will prove of special Inter­ There are also two councllmen ty Tax Conservation League at the place were decided upon for the would loan money ror building and further oiling there. est to all boys. local Girl Scout troop at a meeting to be elected for four year terms to refinancing of homes. While there park Friday afternoon starting at Eugene chamber of Commerce During the month here the crew Hatter quality of work than evet one o’clock. held Wedne day afternoon at the succeed W. A. Taylor and C. F Is too many apartment bouses and before la promised by the club Watt A called meeting of the Priscilla | put on the first coat of oil on the Springfield Resident rooms Friday evealng. September home of Miss Eunice Gerber. Barber, and one to be elected for large structures in the ciUes the Vida-Nimrod section, and the sec­ members who have Increased their i Leaves One Son and Daugh­ 2. at 7 30 and present the platforms Regular programs will be worked two years to fill out the unexplred movement back to the land de­ club to be held at the home of| on which they seek election to of­ number by 60 per cent over la st: Mrs. John S. Parker was issued ond on the Blue River-Yale Ranch, ter Here, Funeral Tuesday fice. according to W. W Harcombe. out tor each meeting Those on the portion of the term held by O. H. mands small wooden homes. year Jarrett who has resigned. No suc­ this week. The meeting will b e; and the Hendricks bridge-Leaburg progrum for next Thursday being livery one Is Invited lo attend ! Mrs. Elisabeth McIntire. 74. died league president. sections. The seal coat was applied cessor to Jarrett has been earned The Willamette Valley Lumber­ held on September 8. Th meeting will be open and al­ Ila Pulman, a first aid demonstra­ to the latter during the past few Thia fair taking the place of the at her home In W'eat Hprlngfleld men's association merged with the yet by the Mayor. The youngest club of the city, the t tion; Barbara Barnell, music; Col­ days. regular county fair which has been Friday evening after a short III- though the tax league will take no West Coast association in a meet­ Happy Hour club, will hold its , Many Individuals have been ap­ leen Cornell, games and colors. The oiling of the stretch yet to be postponed for one year. Plans are n»»l, Mrs. McIntire had lived at action Friday, they will probably Haxel Nesbitt and Faye Holverson, proached relative to becoming can­ ing held here last Friday. Dr. WII first meeting of the fall on Tuesday I surfaced and the second coaUng of also being made for a lame County Cottage Grove since 1826. coming endorse certain candidates for the son Compton, secretary of the Na- afternoon, September 20, at the! troop president, will also have parts didates for these positions, but; various offices later In the fall. the other stretches will be com­ Day al the Btste Fair at Salem on to Weal Hprlngfleld this year. on the program. none of them have openly decided Local Lumbermen's association, home of Mrs. Maude Bryan. pleted next summer. Beptember II. and Colonel Greeley, secretary of i Members of the Ergatha 9unday to enter the race. Only one hold­ She was born In Iowa In 1868 ENGAGEMENT THURSTON over member will remain on the the Coast association, were also school class of the Methodist and moved with her family to Neb­ LEAGUES WORKING ON church will meet on Wednesday, GIRL IS TOLD SATURDAY UNIQUE FLOWER IN council this year. He Is Fred Fresc peakers. raska when six years old. Hhe was PLANS FOR WINTER who has two years left to serve. September 21. at the home of Mrs. BLOOM ON TUESDAY married In 1880 and the family Announcement of the engagement W. E. Buell for a business and so­ came west to Pocatello, Idaho, In Plans for the fall and winter cial meeting. Mrs. Ida Gantx will A night blooming cerous In the 1884. In 180« Ihey moved to Lewis of Miss Leone Edmlston to Hugh activities of the senior and inter PROHIBITION TO BE be the teacher of this class during window of Chic's Feed and Seed Ion, Idaho, where they lived until Safely was announced Saturday mediate Epworth leagues of the THEM E OF SERVICE September, in the absence of Mrs. store attracted considerable Inter­ 1818 when they moved to the Wal­ evening at the Tiny Tavern In Eu­ Methodist church were discussed Roy Palmer, it has been announced. est here this week when It bloomed lowa country In eastern Oregon gene where a bridge party was held and a tentative budget for the sen­ "Has Prohibition Fa I led r~ will Regular business matters and fall Large Purchases by Factories for the first time late Tuesday where they lived until coming to In honor of the event Miss Edml ior league was adopted at two meet­ be the subject of the evening ser­ ton's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy and winter activities are to be dis­ Cottage Grove. evening. Marked by Substantial In­ ings held at the church Monday vice at the Christian church Sun­ cussed and planned at the meetings According to Mr. and Mrs. Alex One son. T. F McIntire, West Edmlston of Thurston were the evening. Miss Myrna Bartholomew crease in Prices day. Rev. Veitte Pruitt will preach. host and bosteoa. of the individual groups. Htevena there are only two of the.e Hprlngfleld; one daughter, Mrs. is president of the senior , whose The choir will provide special mu­ Films of Boat Trips by Local Eight tables were In play, and re­ plants In Hprlngfleld. the one In Gladys tjind. West Hprlngfleld; Strong demands for certain me­ cabinet attended one meeting. sical numbers. Men to Be Shown at Com­ the window of the feed store, and two sisters. Mrs. Viola Hrlggs freshments were served at a late dium and coarse grades of wool, The Intermediate league mem­ PICKING OF EARLY hour. Bunday school meets at 8:45 and munity Hall September 9 one owned by Mrs. Steven's California, and Mrs. Husle Lewis, which includes a large percentage Miss Edmlston Is the eldest bers under the leadership of Miss the Christian Endeavor, with Miss HOPS ENDED HERE In Nebraska; and one brother, Wal mother. of the type of wools grown in the Barbara Barnell decided to call an- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ed- Definite plans for an evening Mary Hadley, as leader, meets at The plant Is unique In that each lace llayter In eastern Oregon, sur­ in Is ton. and has spent her entire jther meeting of their members 7 p. m. meeting at which time the wives of Late Crop H arvesting to S ta rt This Willamette valley and southern flower blooms only at night and vive. Oregon, have reached the point for Friday evening at the church W eek and N ext in the life near Thurston, graduating members will be guests, were com­ The morning sermon subject will Hhe was a member of the Fret, only once. The flower la large and where the Pacific Wool Growers, to discuss their work further. D iffe ren t Yards from the high school there before pleted here Friday at the regular be a “A Peculiar People.” There white like a Illy and grows out Methodist church In West Hprlng­ a cooperative marketing associa­ taking a business course at a Port- will also be special music at this weekly meeting of the Lions club. from the side of the leaf of the fleld tion. ha« been unable to fill al or­ PROHIBITION FINES Early hop picking was completed The meeting will be held on Sept­ helu 'ani' s'^ool. She Is employed as a service. The funeral services were plant. The specimen In the win­ ders, reports R A. Ward, general ember 8. and will begin with a din­ this week in most of the hop-yards SINCE 1923 GIVEN dow la three years old and Is bloom­ from the Poole-Gray-Hartholomew bonk keeper at the Eugene Farm­ manager of the association. and late hops will be ready during ers Creamery. Mr. Safely Is em­ ner at the Community hall. ing now for the first time It ha« chapel In Hprlngfleld Tuesday TAX ROLLS TO BE The strong wave of buying on the Fines for liquor violations In The latter part of the evening the next week in most yard It is part of consuming mills and not for three other buds which will bloom morning at 10 o'clock Rev. Dean ployed at Roseburg. CORRECTED SEPT. 12 reported. Lane county reach a total of »107,- will be given over to a showing of C. Poindexter officiated and Inter­ later. The Seavey Hop Island harvested storage, has brought encourage­ 283.66 sin ce' 1923 It was revealed motion picture films of the upper ment was made In Laurel Grove EPWORTH LEAGUE AT A meeting of the Tax Equallxa 25.000 pounds of the early hops and ment to the wool growers during upon a completion this week of Rogue river and some films of the cemetery. SURFACING BIDS FOR COTTAGE GROVE RALLY the past week as it was accompan­ a survey made by a Portland or­ tion Board of Iztne county has been McKenxIe country which have been they expect a heavier crop of the ied with a substantial Increase in called by Ben F. Keeney, County late ones, according to Jess Seavey. W ILLAMETTE CALLED Nine people of the Hprlngfleld ganisation which Is gathering in­ assessor, to meet at the Court taken by Dr. W. C. Rebhan. Veltle market pricee. says Mr. Ward. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE Late hop picking at this yard will formation to be used In defense of Pruitt, M. R. Irish, and Prince Hel- Methodist church Epworth League The Bright Braid and the Quar­ Hid. for the surfacing of nine house In Eugene on Monday. Sept­ PLAN MEMBER CANVASS attended the sub-district League the present prohibition law. frish. Other entertainment num­ start after Labor day. ter blood are the wools especially miles of the Willamette highway ember 12 to hear objections to as Picking of late hops is to start The peak of the fines was reach­ ber- will also be planned for the rally at Cottage Grove Friday even­ in demand at this time. from the west end of Hlack canyon Plans for a six-weeks member­ ed in 1826 and has declined each sessments, and to correct any er­ evening by the committee consist­ at the Anderson yards on Friday. This wool market advance is na­ almost to Dakrldge have been call- ship drive starting at once were ing They were Dorothea Mne Pot­ year since then in the county. This rors which have been discovered ing of 1. M. Peterson, chairman. C. Elisabeth Hughes. Ralph tion-wide. It Is estimated that 76,- ad by the Hureau of Public Hoads formulated Friday evening by mem­ ter, prior to that time. is attributed to the fact that many F. Barber, and John Ketels. FIGHT PRUNE BORERS 000.000 pounds of wool have been and will be opened al the new post- bers of the Cabinet of the Baptist Hughes. Myrna Bartholomew. Faye stllls have been destroyed, and Parsons. Velda Corson. Beatrice Miss Era Dell Murphy of Seattle sold In Boston alone since the first office building In Portland on Sept­ Young People's Union at the home NOW SAYS INSPECTOR that money Is no so plentiful now MANY ATTEND BIBLE and Mrs. D. B. Murphy were guests of August. ember 7 at 10 o'clock It was an of Mrs. Jerry Adams, secretary. Carson, and Rev. Dean C. Poin­ and many prefer to serve out fines CLASS PICNIC SUNDAY at the Friday meeting. Miss Murphy The Pacific Wool Growers, of The prune and peach tree borers nounced thia week by County Judge In Eugene. Jerry Adams. Clarence dexter. The rally was attended by more In Jail rather than pay them. entertained the members with a should be fought now with a para whlih E. A. McCornack of Bngene, C. P. Harnard who has received a Claudel! and Miss Ruth Carlton are Between 55 and 60 people attend­ group of three readings. than 100 young people Including dlchloro-hensene «pray says C. E. former president of the Lane Coun­ set of plans and specifications for members of the drive committee. FAMILIES ATTEND VET ed the picnic of the Bible Study delegations from ('reswell. Yon­ Stewart, county fruit Inspector. ty Chamber of Commerce, is presi­ use of prospective bidders. Annual election of officers for calla. Hprlngfleld. and Cottage Many farmers are neglecting their dent, sells Its wools direct to the REUNION AT ELKTON rlass of the Christian church which ROAD CREW SENT TO Efforts are being made lo get the young people is also planned was held at Riverside park Sunday orchards this year feeling that they mills here on the coast, and the road In readiness for oiling for the latter part of Beptember. Grove. The evening was spent JOB ABOVE OAKRIDGE cannot afford to take care of them through Its own sales representa­ around a camp fire with a program Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hamlin and Immediately following the morn­ next spring. Present officers are Robert Cook, which Included games and songs. family, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam ing service. Mrs. Walter Laxton, president; Mrs. Adams, secretary; A crew of seventeen men hired with the prevailing low prices for tives in the east. Richmond and daughter. Helene, class president, and Mrs. Ida Miss Carlton, devotion chairman; FRUIT TH E FT DRAWS to do road work in the Cascade fruit but are greatly endangering motored to Elkton Sunday to at­ Adams, teacher, were in charge of METHODISTS TO HEAR YOUNG PEOPLE ARE forest left Eugene yesterday for their trees, says Stewart. MAN HEAVY PENALTY Miss Vernlce Hawke, program the affair. chairman; and Rev. W. G. Taylor, LABOR DAY SERMON tend a picnic for Spanish-American Oakridge. This work Is made pos­ MARRIED ON SATURDAY War Veterans In Southern Oregon. Stealing of fruit and vegetables advisor. sible by government relief funds. FORMER RESIDENT DIES Labor Day will predominate the Dr. R. C. Faust, head of the veter­ IUKA CIRCLE WILL from farmers yards Is destined to Six or seven men will leave Sat i The marriage of Miss Ruth Hall, IN MISSOURI SATURDAY thought of the sermon at the morn­ ans In Eugene, was named presi­ be a serious matter In lame coun­ MEET HERE TONIGHT urday for the Skyline Trail. All daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. THEATRE SIGN COMES dent of a committee to perfect a ing hour at the Methodist church ty this year If the practice con­ men for the work are taken from R'tter, to Keith Kendall, son of DOWN ON WEDNESDAY Sunday It was announced by Rev. permanent organisation and to plan The semi-n^inthly meeting of the county unemployment list, and Word of the death of J. P. Gabriel Mr. and Mrs. C. Kendall, at Van­ tinues ns heavy fines will be meted at Warsaw, Missouri, was received for an annual reunion of Spanish Dean C. Poindexter, pastor. His out to offenders It bus been an­ Iuka circle. Ladies of the G. A. R. are not hired directly by the forest here this week by his son, A. D. couver. Washington, on Saturday. The old Bell Theatre sign was sermon subject will be “No Liberty war veternns In the south half of will be held at the armory here this service. nounced by the District Attorney's Gabriel of Eugene. The elder man August 27. was announced here thia Oregon. taken down Wednesday afternoon Without Justice.” The evening evening. Regular business will be office following the Jailing of 'S’WI Men are also being registered lived In Springfield for many years week. James Mace. Itinerant, who was un by Jack Henderer. It Is being taken hour will be given over to a dis­ transacted. Refreshments will also Following a short honeymoon for work on the Oregon Coast high­ leaving four years ago. He was 81 to pieces and parts of It salvaged. NEW RED CROSS WORKER cussion of prohibition. There will able to pay a »26 fine when found he served after the meeting. way grading Job north of Florence years old. Funeral services were the couple will return to Spring- guilty of stealing peaches from the The theatre has been dosed fur be no sermon, but the pastor will NAMED FOR TH IS AREA field to make their home. to the Lincoln county line. One held at Warsaw. John Maughn furm near the Ferry- some time, und the sign Interfered endeavor to find the thoughts and NEW MOTOR INSTALLED man went to the Job yesterday but He leaves besides his son in Eu­ with a view of the new Lions sign. wants of the congregation. Miss Rowena Nissen of Portland street brldgff last week. IN LIGHT PLANE HERE had to return to obtain a note front gene, another, H. D. Gabriel, in CHICKENS STOLEN FROM The Bell sign was no longer Illumi­ The Bunday school meets at 8; 48 has been appointed Red Cross in the county court that he was reg Warsaw, and one daughter, Mrs. nated and therefore violated a city a. m. and the Epworth League at vestlgator for the Springfield area YARD HERE TUESDAY FRIENDS CLASS GUESTS The new motor for the powered istered for work. Jedle McCrea Khoh of Los Angeles. ordinance. 7 p. m. to succeed Miss Phyllis Hartxog. AT PARTY LAST WEEK. gilder at the Springfield airport It Is expected that work will Theft of four chickens from the Miss Hartxog has been transferred has been installed and the ship soon be under way on this Job. yard of Frank Gordon at Eighth YOUNG BOY SETS FIRE to the branch office at San Fran­ FALL GOLF TOURNAMENT Twenty young people of the REBEKAH LODGE PLANS Is being used dally to haul passen­ and A street was reported Wednes­ cisco. Miss Nissen was In Spring- Christian church, members of the TO GRASS WEDNESDAY day morning to local police. Investi­ gers and for student solo work ac­ STARTING AT OAKWAY SOCIAL MONDAY NIGHT field Tuesday getting acquainted Friends Hlble class, were guests cording to Jim MacManlman. man GUILD TO PACK BOX gators found the head of one of the The Springfield Fire department last Thursday evening at a party Play In the qualifying rounds of with the local people and her work ager. Another of the social nights for FOR MISSION CHURCH white chickens and followed the was called to put out a grass fire given by Mis. Dawn Church at the the members of Juanita Rebekah the fall gold tournament at Oakway well-defined footprints of the home of her parents on East Main lodge will be held at the I. O. 0. F. course Is starting this week, and EVANGELISTIC GROUP Return from Portland— Mr. and Members of the Aretanta Guild on West I, street Wednesday after­ thieves across the street to a vac­ noon at 2 o'clock. The fire was street. This was a "cool" party and hall Monday evening It has been will continue until September 8, it NOW IN SPRINGFIELD Mrs. Harry Stewart and son, Mor­ of the Baptist church began pack ant house where the blood spots entertainment and refreshments announced by the committee In was announced this week. Playing ris. have returned from Portland Ing of a box of toys and dolls for J started by a boy In the neighbor­ had ceased dripping. hood und was placed under control were harmonious to that Idea. charge which consists of Mrs. of the tournament matches will The W. H. Merrlan Evangelistic where they have been visiting for a mission church in California at ! Stella Findley, Dorothy Girard, and start on September 10. Medalists, party of father and son. Raymond, the past two weeks at the home of their meeting here Tuesday even- ' by neighbors before the fire truck Plans California Trip—Mrs, R. L. winners of prises, and runners-up of Newark. New Jersey, are now their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ing at the church. The white cross | arrived. No serious damage was Drury will leave today for Califor­ FIRE DEPARTMENT GETS Mrs. Nellie I’yne. In previous tournaments at Oak­ conducting services each evening and Mrs. Theran B. Sausser. box will be sent to the California done. CALL HERE ON FRIDAY nia where she will spend three way are not eligible to enter this at the Full Gospel assembly on Education Group Meets Mission for distribution at Christ­ weeks visiting with relative« In A regular meeting of the Relig­ tournament. Main Street. They are here for an A call to put out a small rubbish Former Resident Here — Miss mas time. Return from Alaska— Milo Hol­ Delano, McFarland. Glendale and fire back of the sht le parlor be­ ious education committee of the Indefinite stay. Betty Anderson of Nehalem is here lister. Ervin and Roy Hollister, at San Pedro. tween Fourth and Fifth streets was Methodist church was held Tuesdi v 1 Preaches at Lot«ne — Hubert this week visiting with friends »he Florence People Here—Mr. and father and brothers of Reu Hollis­ sent to the local fire department evening nt the church for the pur­ Sins will conduct service« at Lo­ Corvallis Man Here — Herbert Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. L. E. Basford of Florence are ter have returned from Alaska Newberg Man Here— O. O. Ho­ Friday evotilng. The fire was under pose of considering future pro­ rane Sunday during the absence of Taylor of Corvallis was a business A. Anderson former residents of here now visiting at the John Neher where they have been employed ward of Newberg was a bus i« n s Rev. Moore, regular pastor. control before the truck arrived. blems. visitor In Hprlngfleld Tuesday. thia city. and Patti Basford homes. for the pant five months. visitor In Springfield GLUS ACTIVITIES TD START SOON GIRL SCOUTS TO MEET EACH WEEK MBS. E. M ENTIRE PASSES ON FRIDAY LIDHS PLAN FOR EVENING MEETING ORDERS FOR WOOL EXCEM PPLY