roro BELT AT STAKE IN ARMORY MEET GAG CLUB LIFTS EVERY E XH IB IT INSTRUCTION MEMBER TO VICE-PRES. ON BROADCAST FOR *-H r TOWN AND VICINITY Taking advantage of the regular Groucho Marx. New Funsters* Aa- ( oclatlon Head; Initiates Move Monday night radio program» over to Provide for Future Pia a KOAC at X o'clock. La"e county N o il Man Hers— W. P elt I John club member» are adding to the of Noli was a business visitor in Groucho Marx, recently elected Springfield on Monday. Reynold- Pott» W .ijM president of the West End Asthma THI. tor Co With Pot.; *“ " " " " **" and Riding Club. Holly wood's "gay Drive to Rossburg— Mr. and Mrs hand information. association" for humorists, has ele­ F H. Hamlin motored to Roaeburg Hill. Mecltsy, Other» Set I The program for Monday night I August 29th will include a talk by vated all other members to post to visit friends Sunday. Herb Oaten a moat hmbiltous Cow gill. assistant state club tlons as vice-pres idem Jasper Resident Here — M. L. “The move is made," he explain­ wrestling card of the present sea ieader on "Room Improvement and Wallace of Jasper waa a business son has been announced for this HomP Maklng Projects '* Mias ed, “because we ma\ decide to .week, and the Eugene prom oterjCoW(rt„ w l„ discuss the projects turn the club Into a bank, and then vU hor ,n Springfield on Friday, C rasw all Resident Here — Mrs expects to draw fans for this per-)Bnd R, „ „uaRe»tlons on completing we will he fu ll' organlted for attch formance front many parts of the them. She will also di cuss the a change Ralph Laird of Creswell was a vlal- It was during the filming of I tor |u Springfield on Saturday. state. “ Preparation of Exhibits." Topping the Friday night card, H. A. Lindgren. Extension Live­ "Horse Feather.." directed by Nor­ Leaves for Ranch— Mias Ange- which is to be the first held in the stock Specialist, will talk on man McLeod, latest of the ser es of Brattaln left Monday for her Armory since the matches acre "Ethics of the Show Ring." Many niotlon pictures made by the mad hut merry. Four Marx Brothers | father’s ranch at Paisley near moved to the fairgrounds early in club contests in the livestock pro­ the summer, will be the match be jects are Judged by Mr Lindgren In which comes to the Fox McDonald Lakeview. ween George “Wildcat'' Pete and Jack Reynolds, world’s W elter­ weight wrestling champion of Cin clnnatl, Ohio. Reynolds will post his belt tor this match and Pete is anxious to annex thia to the one he now holds. The Wildcat ta now the Junior middleweight champion. He will have to reduce his weight to 147 pounds to be eligible tn the welterweight class The special 45 minute event will be staged between Don H ill, of Wichita, Kansas, and Cyclone Mackey of Galveston. Texas. different parts of the state ami Lane county club members are well acquainted with him. 4-H News from Over the State, w ill occupy its regular place on the program MANY ATTEND CLASS PICNIC ON TUESDAY Between 30 and 40 people attend­ ed the picnic Monday evening which members of the Bethany class of the Baptist church held for their members, husbands, and A 30-minute opening event be­ friends. The gathering was held at tween Bennie Wilson, who became Riverview park in Eugene. so ambitious last week at the fa ir­ grounds that he challenged Pete AXE SLIPS INJURES after his match, and Pat Reagan WORKMAN’S FOOT of Wyoming has been scheduled. The main event will be for the beet two out of three falls with no time limit. Regular indoor prices will prevail for this match. The tickets selling for from $1.10 down. GIRLS TAKE MYSTERY HIKE ON TUESDAY Seventeen girls, members of Miss I'kLne Gartin's Sunday school class of the Christian church went on a mystery bike to the Severson farm Tuesday morning leaving Spring- field at 10:30 under the leadership of Mrs. Nellie Pyne. The day was spent swimming and with a picnic lunch. — ....i. i , - ...... t w theatre Sunday, that Uroucho was Visit with Father—Mr. and Mrs. elected to the presidency. Roy Smith of Portland spent Sun­ The office entitles him to noth day here at the home of her father, ing but grief, other members claim. A1 Senseney. Their organixation. they assert, is the parent of the Bombay Cycle Drive to Oakridge— Mr. and Mrs. Society of America, with which Is F. B. Flanery ami Mr. and Mrs A n­ affiliated the North American Cit­ drew Campbell of Perrydale drove rus Feelers* Guild and the Dry Fly to Oakridge Sunday. Fishing Expedition. Marcóla People Visit — Mr. and Harold N. Swanson, editor of Coliege Humor Magaxine. is first R° * O«rrett of Marco , were vlcwpregldent. Bert Kalmar and I »>«. dnea. vl.ltors tn Springfield on 1 Saturday. Harry Ruby, who collaborated with S. J. Perelman on 'Horse Feathers,'| Admitted to Hospital— Guy Mat were "pests of honor" at Perel­ thews of Dexter was admitted to man's and Groucho's request, and the Pacific Christian hospital on were elected to membership at the Saturday. first meeting presided over by Patient in Hospital— Marian Ship- Groucho. The other three Marx Bothers— ley was admitted as a patient at Chico. Harpo and Zeppo— are. alao the Eugene hospital during the week-end members. Five stitches were required to close a flesh wound which Charles Dismissed from Hospital— Mrs. M iller received to his left leg Mon­ Ira V. Lee was dismissed Saturday day when he struck his leg with rom the Eugene hospital where she a sharp axe which he was using. The women of Pleasant H ill com has been a patient A local physician treated the in­ munity club met at the home of jury. W alterville Merchant Here— C. Mra. Mollie Kahler last Wednes­ R. Sylvester of W alterville was a day. Games, guessing contests, mu­ Visitor from Salem— Verne Scott sic and visiting were the after­ business visitor in Springfield on Saturday. nephew of Mrs. W. H. Adrian is noon’s diversions. Mrs. E. Gustina here from Salem thia week visit­ was appointed chairman of drama Portland People Here— Mr. and ing. tics committee to succeed Mrs. Mrs. A. Cannon of Portland spent Kahler, resigned. Refreshments the week-end here visiting with Mr. Worked in Eugene— Mrs. Elsie were served to 32 women by Mrs. and Mrs. Bert Doane. Pollard spent Tuesday in Eugene Hammond and Mrs. Anderson. The assisting with liquidation proceed­ Doctor Goes South— Dr. and Mrs next meeting will be held Septem­ ings in connection with the Bank ber 7 at the home of Mr». E fflt W C. Rebhan and two daughters. of Commerce. Wheeler. Efcction of officers for •><* an(l Bobbie, spent the week the coni'ng year w ill be held at this ! en<* at Grants Pass, I Upper Willamette a l>|j ■F 1 CITY ARCHWAY RAZED THIS WEEK Visit at Mahal — Mrs Marlon Adams and son. Bob. spaut Tuesday visiting at Mabel. Visits Brother— Miss Flora Whit nay of Sutherlin la here visiting a* the home of her brother. H W. Whitney. Attend Breakfast — Miss Nelli Stuart attended a sunrise breakfast given this morning by Mis- Ruth Meyers In Eugene. hi Returns to Home— Mrs Georgia Morgan returned to her home at Brownsville Friday after spending several days here visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs S. G. Moshier Wile Rev. and Mr» C * Phil lip of Marshfield left thei and came to Springfield for a short visit with hi» parent». Mr. and Mis (1 W. Carson at the Marlon Adam» home, while enroute Io Ontario to accept a new pastoral call, mem her» of Rev Phillips former charge on the coast decided to come Io M| ngfleld to hid him farewell. Imposing sign of welcome. Son it Born— Mi and Mrs C. C T ,,„ position ot this arch ha» Mulligan are the parent, of a baby prob|„n, ,.„ y c»,.r son born to them at their home in |h W(|i| Springfield on Saturday. August M . (rnV()| l(|1<1 oM o„ # r„ w| Returns from Vacation — Mies Nellie Stuart ha- relumed trom her two-wteks vacation trip to Seattle and Portland, She returned to het work at the First National Bank In Eugene Monday PARISHONERS FOLLOW PASTOR FROM COAST The lust steps In the removal ot the old Springfield arclt. erecte I many years ago on the old highway to welcome visitor to Springfield and the Gateway to the McK male country, will be cumpleted this week and only two mas» ve con Wednesday 29 members of hl erele posta, approximately sly feet former congregation arrived here square, will stand aa mute remln n a truck and spent the day at the ders of what was once considered \dams home moval of the arch has been deemed necessary as the bridge on the old road has been taken out and travel era have frequently turned Into «>« tree bordered latte leading un der the arch, thinking they were on » mam traveled road The Chamber of Commerce as- responsibility for the re m0VB| ,,f the arch which was erect- e(1 bv various local civic organtia ))on„ and „ committee comprising j obn Anderson. John Pyle and F » llam ltn waa named to negotiate for Its removal. Last week II. O. Wesby and son was authorised to begin work and now the archway has been removed from the land Goes to Portland — Harry M Stewart left for Portland Wednes­ day morning to visit at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Theran Sausser Mr and Mrs. Stewart will return ,c “ Pe to Springfield next week Agitation for the erection of an other sign on or near the triangle Returns to Home— Mrs. Dries at the west approach to the new cel left Tuesday for her home at bridge has been starlet! here on Boring. Oregon, after spending a «eversi occasiona, but nothing ha» few days here with her husband come of them so far Local busi who Is employed with the highway nessmen feel that some marker larger and more noticeable than the oiling crew. highway distance markers ought to Leave for California— Mra. Riley be erected acros» the bridge as Snodgrass and daughier. Maxine, tourists and others pas» by without left Monday for San Francisco knowing that a city exists across where they will visit with Mr» the river or that they are passing Snodgrass' son, Kenneth Det.a sub . by one of the greatest playground» They expect to return Saturday. areas In the United State« Attends Wedding—Mrs. Gertrude -----------------------------• Wilson and two sons motored to Sister Visits Sunday— Mr. and Oregon City Friday to attend the Mrs. Andrew Campbell of Perry- wedding of her cousin. Miss M ar dale. Oregon, spent the week-end Jorie Swafford of that city to here at the F. B Flanery home. Mrs. Campbell Is a sister of Mr Homer H. Smith of Salem Flanery, They drove up the new Bakersfield People Here — Mr W illam ette highway as far a» Oak- and Mrs. Armand Hubbard and son Sunday and daughter. Robert and Dorothea of Bakersfield. California, are hen- Albany Man Here — Floyd K to visit at the home of .Mr. and Sims. I I. C. Conn and W. B. Mortan Mrs. John Harris. all of Albany were registered at the Springfield hotel the first of the Returns to Home— Mis Marjorie week They are members of the Pohl left Monday for her home at maintenance crew of the Mountain Cornelius. Washington, after hav­ States Power company ing spent a week visiting at tht Returns from Vacation— Mrs. W M A. Pohl and M. B. Huntiy homes K. Barnell and daughter. Barbara, here. returned Sunday from Newport California Man Here George wbere (pey have spent a two week'» Stevens of I «os Angeles spent Sun vacat(on Mr. BarAell drove over day here visiting at the home of | (0 th„ ,.oai,t Saturday evening Bert Doane. Mr. Stevens and M r (o Re( b)g fa(ntly. Doane are old friends and had not A seen each other for 30 years. | ThOYStOD Returns from Coast— Mrs. Elva 0——----------------------------- —— — “— Adam» and »on. Oliver, returned to There was a large attendance at th e ir home here Monday after »rho0' meeting la .t Thursday spending some time at Hec.ta Head bud” ’' ,or where they were guests at the Mr(t Percy Robison got his arm caught home of Mrs. Adams' sister In the wood saw last Wednesday C. B. Herman. cutting It quite badly. To Visit at Klamath— Mr and Arthur Calvert from Junction Mrs. J M Larson and family and city helped John Edmlston thresh Mr. and Mrs. Sam M iller of June- iast Friday. tion City will leave today for Tule Mrs. James HUI and son. James School Wood Delivered— All of lake In the Klamath Fall»» country Jr., left last Saturday for San Fran- FALL BALLOT TO BE LONG AFFAIR the wood ordered by the school to visit relative-- for a few days cisco, California, fSr a few days' board for the coming school year They will return to Springfield on visit with her mother. Mrs. Ho- (Continued from Page 1) has been delivered it has been an Sunday, well. « --------------- ---------------------- -— — — ♦ M r and Mrs. Arthur Buyers and nounced this week. sonal service. i M dCpnTlP V r II p V '' family from Portland. Mrs. Hassl "State W ater Power and Hydro­ Drive to McCredie— Mr. and Mrs lTlCItenZie t M c C w from Los Angeles. Mr. and electric Constitutional Amendment" Clark Wheaton and Dr. and Mrs. N. t Neighbors of Woodcraft held Mr», Jack Hatchell and Nedra — Purpose: Perpetuity of state's w Emery spent Sunday at McCre- their regular meeting. Friday even Wlgle of Portland, drove up from NO water power sites: state engaging die Springs resort on the upper ing. After the business session a Portland Friday and spent the INCREASE in water power and hydroelectric Willamette. supper of Ice cream, cake and cof week-end with M r and Mrs Bert IN PRICE8 business; Incurring indebtedness fee, was served. Weaver Mrs. Jones and four chll- Sailor on Furlough— Louis Ship not exceeding 6 per cent assessed ley arrived here Monday to spend, Alvin Ogden, also his uncle and dren; Mrs. »yfert and five chll- valuation. most of a 17 day furlough visiting aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson, jre n , and Mrs. Della Herrington with his grandparents. Mr and Mrs. were over night guests of J. W from O esw ell also spent Sunday at : T. C. Barker. His ship is stationed Storment and family. Mr. Ogden the Weaver home, while here, called on H. A. Morris The Ladies' Aid will meet with } at Bremerton. Washington. and family. He left Monday to take Mrs Laurence Gossler next Friday California People Here— Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson to their horn«- for all day and work on a quilt for Mrs. Hugh Cowart of Loa Angeles at Arroyo Grande. California. Mrs. Stivens. California, arrived here Friday to David and Alvin Potter had as Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Weiss and visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs guests last week, Donald Wegner daughter Bonnie Jean, are with A. J. Cowart, and with her parents and friend Mrs. Weiss' parents, Mr. and Mrs. We will give a Bar Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harper. Mrs. W. C. ThJenes of Deerhorn. r O ss Mathews at Pleasant H ill, of Candy Free to the Mrs. Stoterstead entertained a Former Resident Here — J F returned home Wednesday after a vacation on Still creek, in the Mt number ot little folks last Friday. Nadvornlk of Salem was here over first 250 youngsters the week-end vM ttn g at the home Hood National forest Her son Dr from 2 until 4 o’clock in honor of to come to our store of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Trlnka. Mr. Thlenes and family were also her small son, Roger's birthday, Mr. and Mrs. John Price and ’ Nadvornlck was formerly engaged spending their vacation at the Saturday morning same place. daughter, Mildred, and Mrs. Arch in the tailoring business here. at Irish-Murphy's Mrs. Jack Hulln and son, who ghough and daughter, Patty, re- if they are accom­ Cuts Foot — A. E. McKay, em- have been visiting Mrs. Hulln’s par turned last Saturday from a trip TRY A LOAF OF panied by their par­ i ployee of the Fisher lumber mill at ents, Mr. and Mrs. M att Emmerich, to Elk, Wyoming, where they vlsl- SPRINGFIELD BREAD AND A POUND Marcola was in Springfield -Mon­ returned home the last of the week ted Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price and ents. OF SPRINGFIELD BUTTER — day to receive treatment for an in D. E. Benson and son returned family. They drove over 2000 miles There is None Better. Jury which he received to his foot from Moro, Oregon last week. on the trip. ! when struck with an axe. Mrs. 8. J. Godard, who has been Vern Stone from San Francisco visiting her daughter, Mrs. Erna arrived Friday for an extended visit Licensed to Wed — Charles C. Cunnlrxham, near Portland, return with Mr. and Mra. Bert Weaver. Malsan of Springfield and Florence —--------------------------- J Cleveland of Klamath Falls obtain- ed the last of the week with Miss Mildred McNown. NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING I ed a marriage license at the ot- M r and Mrs Zara Potter, who of Final Account and Petition for ' flee of the countv clerk on Satur­ F,n