T H E SFR IN O nV LD NEWS THURSDAY. AUGUST 2R, 1M2 Kalate ceased. Nutlc» 1« hereby glv«n lhal 111« NOTICB Goulet (20 00; AIlco b Peerce elfte Tel A Tel« Co. ( » M : Ore. DIBT No. 1*: AUGUST, 1 undersigned, All«'« M Beckwith aa OF FINAL SETTLEMENT (6 00; Roger W DeBusk *10.00. State Agricultural College *600 00: her Co. H T«; M. U A D VERTISING : Veterans of For­ K iril prix- In the second flight lb« Executrix of the K tale of Lea- Mrs. A. E Erickson (20 00; Mrs. W. E Ftnser A Co. (*.60; Cottage Dick Shlek H 61 NO TIC E la hereby given that tor I Iran Beckwith. dweaaed, filed W alter W Kdmixtou, Administrator of the Oak way golf tournament waa e ig n Wars *8 00; Eugene Morning Brl tow (lt.0 0 ; Mountain States Grove Sentinel *1.00; Cressey* DIBT. No. 11; T. H, The Springfield Power Co. *4 26; J. F Mathew* in Hi« office of Ih« County Clerk of the Katate of Jennie Kdmlelon, won Sunday afternoon by Andy News *141.36; 16 0«, Kugene Morning News *2 30 Shell Oil Co (16.M News *68.34; Eugene Register- uf ban« County. Orogon, her final ilec«aaed. haa filed In 111« County (6 00 Poole-Oray-Bartholomew Co S H E R IF F Oeo Canaday (111.(0; DI8T. No 1»; HUM Crook account aa auch executrix on Aug Court of the State of Oregon. In Rlchardaon when be defeated E Guard *11(68 »76.00; B K Wheeler »15 00. Mrs Wm Klslnger *80.60; Lloyd Howe her Co. »2.81; M. L. A G R IC U LTU R IST: Oregon Htate It. K. Rameey (21 00; W J. bichty ual 11,1*32; anil that on aalil date and for bane County, bla final re­ K. f'yne. runner-up. Thia la the (124.76; Oeo. F Houghton 8112.78 DI8T No. 14. Corl B. the County Court of the Stale of port aa auch admlnlatrator, and aecond tournament In which Rich jCcl.'ege *1,260 00 *10 00; F. M. Cashman Realty Co. E A. Holland 8111 78; A. 1. H ale ,38.14; Eqnlpment *131.(2; Oregon In and for th« County of that ten o’clock In the forenoon of ardaon has wln bis (1 gbt. Ile w lll! SHEWS’ K: Stella Wiikin (10.00; E M bee *2 60; Mrs. H. S vaarit (111.75; W. W EdmDton ’ Furman *14 40: Joe Lan* duly mail« and «ntered an Saturday, the 17th day of Septem­ »11700; Ague« O’Brien *11700; »10 00; Frank Deming »3 00; N A. 1*11176; K W Porter *111.7*' Wel *14 36; Fred Kelley »14 47; Chaa CRAZY CRYSTALS order In re «atate of beater Oren ber. 1(32, at the court room there­ lia"" third 1 hoh-e a l l'io prlzea of Berths Nee, *80 ater eatate of John J. Thomaa, deceaaed, which Ole Hueinueen and Meta (4 00; James Stevens ( I t 00; W. B Edith Baker ,12 00; Fred Beldler 461.36; Western Unton ,6 8 3 ; Crea- 226 33; V A. Yunck »34 *7; Dao Kugenu, ban« County, Oregon, haa Rasmussen were plaintiffs, and Kimball ,27.33; 1. W. Leonard (Iren Beckwith, deceased Irvin D. Cua,er ,12.00; seys »3.40; J. E. Woodard »1.00; ,23.09. I^tn Howard *23.84; F. B. haa filed her F ilia l Account In Thoniu« been fixed by the Court aa the time A. Roberts. Trustee, Patten *2.00; George Macsuley *14 20 the matter of aald eatate with the Thomas A Roberts and Mabel A. *4 00; Charles Morris *10 00; O W. Stella A Saunders *200; Anna O. City of Eugene »7 00; O. B. Pitcher Chenowath ,113.27; Clande Hebert for hearing any objectlona to aald 11 K HbATTKHY, Attorney for Baker ,2 00; Maggie Pixley »« 00. »5 30; J F McFarland »27.12; Hall »27 33, C A Hadley ,2 .N ; P. >. County Clerk of Ijin e County. Ore­ Roberta, hl» wife and N. A Griffis Htlngley *2.00. report, and the conaldcratton of the Executrix. »2.60; Lum Anderson (A IK-86 -H 18 16) gon. and an order haa been mad« were defendants, which execution CAHK OF POOR Mrs. J. C. Ken­ Maud Todd »6 00; Vale Parker A i*humway aume and the aettlement thereof. t vnn W h e e l» , e lle n 8 ,W ,h > W M ¡ W m ®>’ « h O n , l t . M ; Lynn Wheeler »2 SO. Nation- Ear| John |>M < 56; M Nation aril entered of record directing tbla and order of sale was to me direct nedy *2 00; Mrs. M M Stas *6 00; ,6 0 0 ; J. T. McMullen ,7.80; N. B .I2150; bynn AbTA K IN O . Executor. Poindexter al Police Officer ,12.60 , K n k c - t Dap- 1 f l a ln h lp k ln e e n 1 ,11.98; ,1 1 1 . O. n » notice and aettlng Monday, tbe 12th ed and commanded me to «ell the Mrs. M J Beckett *6 00; Jesse C. Mann »66 00. F. L (A 18-86— H 1-6-16) Ralph D Dickinson A. bytnati Palmer »6* 00; Ray man Co »7.16; Natron Printing Co SUMMONS day of September, 1*32, at the hour real property hereinafter described Jones (6 00; Mrs K A White ,6»,X>; Wixidruff »11.92, Wm. Habwrt »7.0«; C. A M Transfer Co 75c; Kalate of Henry F Hollenbeck, De­ of ten o’clock A. M for tbe hearing 86.00; C. B beep »«00; W H. Bower »60.00; Martin Foster »83 00; IN THE ECORNE JU STIC E of objection«, If any, to aald Ac­ to satisfy certain liens and charge« I Devan »6 00; Mrs. W C Harpole D. O. Fisher ,71 00; I^ee Dugan Eugene W ater Board »26 87; Port­ *4.47; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. ceaaed. In said decree specified, I will on *46.16; Shell 0,1 Co. »83.M. COURT FOR EUGKNK JU STIC E NOTICE count and to the Final aettlement Saturday the 17th day of Septem­ »6 00; W W. Lyons *6 00; Sarah ,86 00; Byron A Washbume »74.00; land Envelope Co. »7.31; Ed's Mar­ D I8T , No. 20: J. M Walknp D ISTR IC T, LANE CO UNTY, of aald «atate. ket »47.23; J. E. Carllle »14 46; o r F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T C. N. Bertelsen ,71 00; B B Jeans ber. 1*32, at tbe hour of 10:00 Wlgle ,8 00; Jesse Taylor *8.00; »225; H. N Henrlkaen »1.M; T. H. OKKOON. NO TIC K la hereby given that I.KORA H A R K IN S W H ITE S o'clock. A. M . at the southwest I Prank Mason *8 00; Mrs Hattie ,84.60; Christine Jensen *72 00; Woodson Bros. »1.9«; Coe Station­ Parks »19 74; Frank Bush *7.41; Koae M Hollenbeck. Admlnlatratrlx b. M Travia, Inc., a corporation. Admlnlatratrlx of the eatate ut door of the County Court House In | Bowers »8.00; Mrs. Mary Wilbur Maude D Rouse *72.00; benna C. ery Co »2.00; Howard Auto Co. Harry Bush »6 97; O. O. Thornton Plaintiff, -va- C. II. Ambroae. De­ uf the Relate of Henry F Hollen­ John J. Thomaa, deceaaed. Forrest Fisher (8.00; Ruth Ragan »7500; J. C. T ra ile r »7500; »76.31; State Ind Accident Com Eugene, U n s County, Oregon, offer; »4 97; C. b. Westrope *2 97; W. C. County »2.40. Dodds I »49 60 ; Multnomah W Higgins *74.00; Austin fendant. beck, deceaxed, haa filed In the (A 11-18 36— » 1-8) Hawk ,8 00; Mrs. E. C. Kull *8 00; for sale and sell at public auction Thornton *2.97; Ralph Roblnett County Court of the Htate of Ore­ To C. H Ambroae, Defendant. SLA U G H TER ED AN IM A LS: »3 34. for cash, subject to redemption as Mrs Nettie Baling *8.00; Nell Me 47.00 ; 8 C W right »45.00; James Layton ,65.00; Dale F Hawkins gon. In and for the County of luine. ' Harry R. Shearer »7.50; E. S. Tay- ttonald 18» 00; base Goff *8.00; provided by law, all of the right, In the Name of the Htate of DI8T. No. 32. Shell Oil Co. *31.7«. her final report aa auch admlnla I Oregon : You are hereby required NOTICE OF E H E R IF F8 SALE title and interest of the defendant Elizabeth P Chandler *8 00; Lain *83.50; Ray Hicks ,2 10; W illiam ; lor »6 58; Roy Baker »7 50; b Wag- REAL PROPERTY DIST. No. 24: Equipment *6.8*. b Haviland *2.10; Helen Knight ' ner »7.50; C. A. Peterson »7.50; C. of M a n i X ’ X ’^ . h dav I »nd « » p U ta t Gaddy ,10.00; Mrs. Peter A King NO TICK la hereby given that by In aald suit and of all parties claim- D I8T. No. 26: R. A. Babb Hard­ »11.40; O. B. Jacobson »5.00; Alice i(>r«‘ii• aboved-n virtue of an execution and order lag by. through or under them or *10.00; C. E Adams *10 00; Adda Chappelle *14 00; Carl W Robbins IH . Hartman »52 80; Elmer P H ar­ ware Co. »6.30; Fred Bmtgley *8.94. low »6998; Frank J Sly »7.50; J. Rlemenscbnelder *10.00; George snv nt them «Ince the 21s, day of titled action on or before the 12th of aale Issued nut of the Circuit D18T. No. 24; Inter-City Sand A room thereof, haa been by the »2 10; George A Duke *2.10; R b. ! day of September, 1*32, and If you court of tbe Htate of Oregon tor May. 1927. In or to the following Savage ,1000; Mrs. R. E Cox Kunz »89 36; W A Good »2.10; E Stout »22.50; Richard Hanna Gravel Co. 891.17; Shell Oil Co. Court fixed and appointed aa the ¡47.50 W E Quinn »15 00 *1000; Andrew Erickson ,10.00; described real property, to-wlt; fall to anawer, for want thereof, Ijin e County the 26th day of July, »7.43. time and place for bearing objec­ Beginning at a point In the Florence Armstrong *10.00; Grace Bertha Devaney »2.10; Loy W I SURVEYOR: O. E. Rose »21.00; the plaintiff will apply to the 1*32, upon and pursuant to a de­ DIST No. 27: A. E. Elllngsea Rowling »2.10 J. 8. Meltxner Pacific Tel A Telg Co. »11.20; Olive tion« to »aid report and fur the Bennett *10 00; Mrs. Susan Suttle Benjamin Davis and Wife Dona Court for Judgment agalnat you cree duly glveu and made by said *16.15; Fenton McClellan *1.49- final aettlement of the catate of | In , Ion l and Claim No. 45 In Town­ ,10 00; Henry Bolin *10 00; Frank »14.50, Harold Edblom »2 10; W alt R. Chamberlain »110.00; Helen F. beonard Starr »2.98; Lon Sweat the aum of Elghty-flve and no- Court the 26th day of July, 1*32, aald deceaaed ship 17, ftouth of Range 4. West Bullls »10 00; Flora Snyder »1*0«; er J. Green »2.10; C. E. bombard Burton »80.86; J. C. Ponsler Motor 88.94; Ellingsen Bros. *6.00; HOSE M HO LLENBECK, Ad 100 Dollar« ($86.00) with Intereet In a suit pending In which Mike Parrish *10.00; Mrs. »210; W T. Carroll »2 10; A. R Co. »552; Standard Oil Co. »4.00; Charles Anderson *2.98; Anderaon of the W illamette Meridian, Benjamin thereon at the rate of alx per cent Grell and Martha Grell were plain­ inlnlalralrtx found by running from a point Richard Cook »10 00. E b. Phares Lindsay »4.10; C. E Frost »6.20; Scott Jackson »4.00; Portland Blue Bros. $2.00; Charlie Vanderburg per annum from the 10th day of tiffs and Grace bee and others were KRANK it REID, Attorney for 4*1 8 feet north of the southwest ,10 00; Della Kllnk *10.00; Mallnda R. E. Morgan »2080; Anton John Print Co. *2 08; Morrts-Chevrolet >4.47. November. 1926, until paid, and for defendants, which execution and Admlnlatratrlx. corner of the Joseph Davla Dona­ Smith *10.00; Mrs. James Gearhart son »130; b. W Coiner »6 20; Co. *2.12; McGinty’s *1*.28; Kennel- reasonable attorney’« fee« of order of sale was to me directed DIST. No. 28: Wm. Kyle A Sone tion band Claim No. 48 and run­ »1000; B. 8. Nichols »12.00; W T. Donnell Allen »6.20; R Ix-Jenklns Ellls »5.00; O. H. Waggoner *21.00; Co. *2.30. Fifteen and no-100 Dollar« (»15 001, and commanded me to eell the real NOTICE TO CREDITORS »6.30; O. M. Bagley »6 20; Clarence Davis *12.00; Jennie Barnard Frank Hampton *4.00; Cressey« ning thence South 1946 6 feet to and for plalntlff'a roata and dis- property hereinafter described to DIST. No. 30 R. A. Babb Hard- center of road, thence South 89 ,12.00; Central Hotel *12.00; Ber­ Simon »2.10; Wm. L. Haviland ,9 6 0 ; P M Morse *555; Equip­ ware Co. *6.9*. satisfy certain liens and chargee In N O TIC E IS HER EBY G IV E N ; Ihurxementa herein Incurred. »2.10; Mrs. E McCarthy »2 10; J.J ment *11.29; Frank A. Tripp ,7.50; tha Blal* ,14.00; Edith McCune degrees 44 minutes East 3002.20 That W. II. McBeth haa beeu ap­ D I8 T No. 31: L. R. Tweedle Thia Summona la aerv«d upon ■aid decree, I will on Saturday feet; from aa,d beginning point *16.00; Frances Shields (lt.0 0 ; L. Gardiner »2.10; American Law Earl N. Thompson ,19.21; Harry ,43.12; Carl Holm *87.38; W. J. pointed admlnlatrator of the eatate | you by publication In the Spring the 27th day of August, 1*32, at the Book Co. *8.00; Koke-Chapman Co. Gerlach »11 22; W illiam Gerlach Helen Bushnell ,15.00; W. D. Calk­ run North 336 feet, thence South Davenport 870.84; Equipment of David Hoa» McBeth, duceaeed. I field New«, a newapaper uf general bour of one o'clock. P. M at the 89 degrees 44 minutes East 76 ins *16.00; C. E. Denney *15.00; R »18.00; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. »19 44; J. M McCausland 988.69; b. »90.28; A. Jensen >8.94; A. K. Row­ by the County Court of I^ine Couu circulation In Springfield, Oregon, south west door of tbe County Court »».»5, H M Sklpworth »12 00; N. Mathews *8.48. C. Shepard *16.00; M. S. Barker fee,, thence South 336 feet land 87.45; Archie Barns 86-78; ty. Oregon. All peraona having by virtue of an order made and en House In Kugene, bane County. TA X REBATE: J. M Keeler thence North 89 dmrrees 44 m in -1*16.00; E D. Lowell *16.00; Julius Thomas 9. Wells ,33.00; M E Mc­ claim« agallici aald eatate are re­ tered on the *th day of Auguat. Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Dermott ,13.50; Charles Newland »4 38; A. W Schwerlng »4.04; E. O. John Martin 86.96; Allen Rath utes West 76 feet to tbe place of I A. Grow *16.00; Mrs. Alice G. Allen »7.45; Alex Workman *4.47; C. C. quired to preeent them, with the 1*33, by the Honorable Dan John public auction for cash, subject to beginning, all situated In Sections W alter Baker ,16 00; A. W. Perkins »4.20; Richard N Appling »100 00; Robertson *20.52. proper voucher«, within atx month« aton, Justice of the Peace. In and redemption as provided by law, all T H IS T L E : Jess Gates { ¡ .4 ,% ^ * * ’ C. C. Pollock »45.00; Wes, Publish­ 18 and 14 Township 17 South 4 1 6 . 0 0 ; J. L. Kelley *15.00; Minnie fruiu the 4 ,h day of Augual, 1*32. for the Eugene Juatlce Dtatrlct, of tbe right, title and Intereet ol ing Co. *6.00; Railway Express Co.! Waldemar Christensen >23.28; Ira Í O. Smith *15 00; Chris V. Tolman West of the W illamette Meridian to the aald admlnlatrator at the law bane County, Oregon, the ftra, pub tbe defeudants In said suit and of *4.47; Burr LaBarr *5.96; H. H er­ Baker »70 55; E. E. Ross »78 09; W. bert ,2.98; S. Frazier ,8.98; Ed In loine County. Oregon, and con­ »15 00; Edith Hurd »15.00; Mrs H. »1.08. otri,«- of b I. Ray In lb« Miner ¡ I (cation of aald Summon« being on all parties claiming by, through or 1 Seales >58.20; Earl Adams >51.42; taining 6770 of an acre. b. Anderson *20.00; Mabel Oood- CORONER: J. H. H illiard »2.40; under them or any of them In or Davis 811.96; Frank Spencer *18.77; butldlug In Eugene, Oregon. the 11th day of Auguat. 1*22, and The aald premises being subject man *20 00; Netta Hartman *20.00; Otto Gilstrap *2.40; J. Ray Dawson F. M Chapman »4 00; F. D. Petxold ' Chas. M. Darting »22.36; M. Peter­ W. II. M cBETH. Admlnlatrator the laat publication on the Bth day to the following described reel pro­ «1.60: Charles E. Bales »23.61; 1 to an easement for roadway pur­ Good Samaritan Hospital ,93.86; »2.40; R. E. Forncrook *2.40; R. D. perty, to-wlt; of tbe eatate of David Ro»a M : of September. 1*3!. sen *59.96; Oliver Foeback *9.6«; bot seven In block five of poses over a atrip of land twenty Bertha E. Peery *25.00 ; 9. Winfrey Brown ,2.40; F L. Poindexter Frank Deming *11.10; Harold Gates: M. Archibald ,5 96; D. Mills *8.86. H e b . deceaaed. C. N. JOHNSTON. Attorney feet wide of, from either end o, *25.00; ban- County Chapter A. R. »2 40; J. H. M iller » 2 *0 ; Carl »2.25; J L Dahlin »24.00; Harry Packard's Addition to Eugene, b. b. KAY, Attorney for Eatate. DIST No. 33: Lester Lake 888-18; for Plalntirf U. 8 National aald premises. C. ,164.10; Western Clinical Labor­ Baker »1 60; C. H. Schooling »3.20: Bernhard, »4.00; B. O. 8nyder bane County. Oregon. (A «-11-16-86— B I ) Bank Bldg., Kugene. Oregon. Dated thia 18th day of August. atory *12.50; Korn Baking Co. G. W. Davis *8.50; C. V. Simon «79.38; Hugh Edwards *30.63: F. W. I «37 pg. jqeji Buchanan ,12 96* E. J. Dated this 27th day of July, 1*32. (A 11 -18-25— 9 18) -------- Ardls " - Deedon 84.20; E. C. Cole 820.84; A .J ™ - 1*32. *31.66; Eugene Fruit Growers Assn *15.60; E. D. Fnrrer *10.00; NOTICE TO CREDITORS H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. Mabe *21.64; Virgil Worden »4.84; R. Tolman »2.25; W . B Scott t H L. BOWN. Sheri,,. *1 00; N. Scott Jewett *1.30; F b. Hamilton *12.00. (J. 2*— A 4 11-18 25) Ed Wlnbegler 82.23; Grant Kirk »33.00; G. E Everson »35.40. NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN . NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By A E. HUbEG AARD, Deputy. Cook »1.40; W illiam Burke *10.00; CLERK : S. E. Skene 134.00; L. 1 74c; J F Dibble 84.84; J. L. Wal­ TREASU RER Mabel Palmer | That the underalgned have been REAL PROPERTY ,A 18-26— 8 1-8-16) Mtdgley Planing M ill Co. ,1.00; A. M Bryson »117.00; Eva L. Duck lace 82.23; Evert Kirk >2.23; Ralph NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE appointed Executrices of tbe ealatt <4 84; as* * Tnhn n i, Ralph Gray ,4 40; Williams Seit worth »108.00; Sibyl Westfall »80.00; Pacific Tel A Telg Co. NO TIC E la hereby given that by ‘ olaAn « ee ’ . iv «6 25; Stevens Typewriter Co ™ 1 ° UNDER FORECLOSURE and I-aat W ill and Teatament of virtue of an execution and ordei Service Store »8.28; S. O. 8. Imple­ »100.00; Grace M. L. Dawson NOTICE Dibble >1.49: David Olson *2.48; Auna Haynes, deceaaed. by tbe of sale laaued out of tbe Circuit ment A Hardware Co. 75c; Puritan ,108.00; Helen Sorensen »90 00; | »8 00; Grace Schiska »15.00; Cres­ Ralph Hooker >2.(1. Notice Is hereby given that, by O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T County Court of bane County, Ore­ Court of the State of Oregon for virtue of an execution Issued out T H E UNDERSIGNED, as Admin­ Drug Co. »15 33; Mrs. 1. J Estets Sara Allen »90 00: M. E. McDer-1 sey» »4.45. DIST. No. 34: A. C. Lake *3 59; V. S. LABOR BU REAU : F. L. L. b. bake *10.39; John Peteraon gon All peraona having clalma I-ane County tbe 26th day of July, of tbe Circuit Court at the Slate at istrator at the Estate of Peter Han­ ,10.00; Model Grocery ,48.42; E. mott »95 00; Ethel Thompson agalnat aald eatate are inquired to 1*32. upon and pursuant to a de­ Oregon, In and for bane County, son. deceased, has filed his Final W Findley »7.80; Elliott Imple­ >80.00; Patty Sylvers »90.00; Mabel Armitage »»0.00 *10.39; D. L. Montgomery 81.48; W IDOW S' PENSIONS: Grace L. preeent them with the propet cree duly given and made by said on the X7th day of July, 1*32, upon Account In said Estate with the ment A Seed Co. ,12.38; J. W. Henry »90 00: Pacific Tel A Telg Fred W illiams 81-«8; W. 8. Raseon voucher« to the underalgned at the Court the 26th day of July, 1*32. a decree of foreclosure rendered io County Clerk of bane County. Ore­ Quackenbush A Son *2.94; Moun Co. »17.10; The Barion Pen Co. Huffman »10.00; Mrs. E. L Zelwick i ,1.49; Dan Bevins 8L4*. law office« of Jamea K King. 410 In a suit pending therein In which »aid court on tbe same day In the gon. and the Honorable C. P. Barn­ tain States Power Co. *13.36; W illis »6.00; D. E. Yoran 20 00; Valley »10.00; Lizzie Adnev J10.00; blllle DIST. No. 38: 8. C. Harnden Miner Building, Kugene. lame The Pacific Savings A boon Asso­ suit of Ralph O. Marks against ard. County Judge In and for the H Small Feed Co. »1.30; Pioneer Printing Co. »3.45; Cresseys »2.95 Owen »10.00; Margie Bates »10.00: ' *4.46; Chas. Deming 8*c; Geo. Dan­ County. Oregon, within alx months ciation. a Washington corporation, George W. Starbuck and Mrs. County Court has made an Order Grocery »33.75; Chris A Charley’s CO UNTY CO URT: Mrs. Martha Gold a Viola Reed »10.00; Ida Kath-1 ielson 88c; Geo. L. Mast *7.29; _ »10.00; Clara 1 from tb« date of thla notice. >4.00; C. P. _______ Barnard ___ »3.50; | »rine Bartholomy waa plaintiff and Ida Weinstein and George W. Starbuck, husband and directing this Notice and appoint­ Market »1.60; Simmons Co. *15.64; Plathe Dated at Kugene. Oregon, thia others were defendants, which ex­ wife, for the sum of *243.66, the ing the County Court Room In the B K. Wheeler *15.00; Ernest Mabe Pacific Tel A Telg Co. »14.60:’ ciln , Fdith Vogt »10.00; Mollie Gordineer j Equipm ent ,16.11; Morris Chevro- v.v. 21th day of July, 1*32 Roy Robertson »10.00; ton Hurd »3 40; Pederson A Brown »10.00; Nora Moran »10.00; Fannie I ‘Cl DIST. ecution and order of «ale was to further sum of *60 attorney's fee Court House In Eugene, Oregon, as *20.00; No. 37; Union Oil Co W IN N IE Itt'S S E b b . me directed and commanded me to and Ibe costa and disbursements the place and the 16th day of Sept Crown Drug Co. *25.35; Western »3 05 Standard Oil Co. »20.00; E. j Stonehocker »10.00; Viva M iller »5.25; J. W. Mink »9.86; W alter L. PEARL S A TTE R FIE LD . E W yatt »1.51; Equipment »45.50; «10.00; L illie Tate »10.00; Jessie eell the real property hereinafter of suit, taxed and allowed aa *30.36; ember, 1932. at the hour o, 11 Union Co. *6.58; Flanerys Drug V IV IA N O LIVER . Executrices described to satisfy certain liens and commanding me. as sheriff of o'clock A M as the time for the Store »2.10; Stevenson's »2.25; Am­ J N. Chapman »4 00; O E Crow* Wells Nesbitt »10.00; Flossie Sim­ Taylor 393.34; Waldo W. Taylor »35.90; Elmah Brooks »8.94; Albert of tbe eatate and Last W ill and and charge« In said decree speci­ bane County, Oregon, to aell. In the hearing o, any objections to the erican Brush Co. *6.57; Valley »6.80 J. C. Ponsler Motor Co. mons »10.00; Barbara Stoddard Berkshire 88.94; Joe Graham 88.19; Teatament of Anna Haynea, De­ fied, I will on Saturday the 27th day manner provided by law tbe lands Final Account o, said Estate. »10 00: Cora E. M iller »10 00; Doris Pr'ntlng Co. »19.45; Branstetter 811.84. Albert Flnseth *158.76; bee Lewis ceaaed. COURT HO USE: Shell Oil Co. Ruth Gre-en »10 00; Edna Muriel »10.43; Eldon beep *16.89; Elmo of Auguat, 1*32, at the hour of one described In saxl decree to satisfy Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this Chapel , r (inn. Smith A Short (J. 18--A 4 11 18-36) Woodie »10 00; Nora Henderson »12.45; C. C. Pollock »44.74; J. B. »82.73; Irish Murphy Co »160.80: o'clock P. M at tbe southwest door «aid execution, with Intereet, and 16th dav of August. 1932. Summers 839.49; Carl Hard with of the County Court House In Eu­ the expenses of making such sale: JO HN L. MARSH. Administra­ Broadway Market *109.13; Irish Robertson »99 74; Eugene Robert­ «15.00; Cora Belle Grove »15.00; ,7.45; W. M. Summers *19.48; John Mary Hay »15.00; Erma O. Fuller son »74.74; D. D. Higgins »4.50; R Ca h Store *243.07: Safeway Store gene. luine County, Oregon, offer NOW TH E R E FO R E , In accord­ tor at the Estate of Peter Han­ Lewis 85.8«; A. G. Pope »14.90; Daisy Lewellyn *15.00; No. 169 »1*7.16; Tiffany-Davis Drug A. Babb Hardware Co. 81-85: Ford »15.00: for sale and aell at public auction ance with aald commanc I will on son. deceased bather Prindel *43.97; Harvey Co. *164.19; Lloyd Wade *4.25; Dr. Nelson M ill Co. »21.30; W hite-Mar Mary Papple »15 00; Ethel Amanda Peck *2.98; Ernest Shram 84.47; for caah. subject to redemption a« Saturday, the 27th day of August, IM M E I, A EVANS. Attorneys for W B bee »20 0«: b. D H uf, ,9 76; latt Co »4 46; Hall A Shumway Thurman »15.00; Metta Barrowcltff Lev, Berkshire 87.46; J. O. Mitchell provided by law. all of the right, 1*32 at one o'clock In the afternoon the Administrator. Pederson's Dairy »3.90; J. F. I.am- »7.75; City of Eugene »13.75; En »15 00: Ida Gran, »15.00; Alice E. 851.95; Charlie Keiser *1.49; Albert title and interest at the defendants at the Southwest or main entrance (A 18-28— 8 1-8-15) son 80c: Foshaw A Mason »6 99; gene W ater Board »102.99; Bra> Kau »15.00; Faye Elliott »15.00; Mav *2.98; H . L. Prindel >28.82. In aalil «tilt and of all parties claim­ to the County Courthouse tn Eugene, NOTICE TO CREDITORS »4.50; A E Haneon Co Hazel Haynes »15.00: Bertha Lock­ State Ind. Accident Com »11.08; b. Bro ing by. through or under them or Oregon; otter for »ale at public DIST. No. 39: Herman Schmitt JEWELER Notice Is hereby given that the L. I-amb's Grocery »3.39: Gray's »31.50: Hendershott’s Gun Store ett »15.00- Bertha Ben?on 817.50; ,23.32; Sam Horton *4.84; John any o, them. In or to the following suction and sell to the hlgheet bid­ Saflev »20.00; Lena described real property, to-wlt: der, for cash. In one tract, the lands undersigned Clara Fawver has been Feed A Seed Store »3.26; Kremmel 70c: State Ind. Accident Com »3.76. Margaret U c p a irtiiK a S |n !flttlly Horton 37.08; Ralph Schmitt 86.58; appointed administrator of the Bakerv 88.28; Rice's Grocery »2 57; D ISTR IC T A TTO R NEY: Pacific Cooley »20.00; Laura Caswell »20.00; E. Guthrie 96.33; Ray Yeoman Beginning at a point 61 feet In «aid decree described, to-wlt: S|nTt,Ktl«*ld. , »regoli The North half of the North­ estate of Ezra S Collins, by the Creswell Mercantile Co »2 32: The Tel A Telg Co. »12.70; Gladys F Lillie Simmon; Cole ,20.00; Dora »1.49; Ross Myers ,9.49; W alter North of the Southeast corner of west quarter and the Southwest County Court of Lane County. Ore- Groceteria »39.51: Dr. W. H. Chap­ Price »100.00: ' Engene V. Slattery «lice Boggs »20.00; Jessie M. Pal­ George *3.72; H arry Swartz 74«; Lot four (4) In Block nine (* ) fourth of tbe Northwest quartei i 6on. and all persons having claims man »35.00; Red Cross Drue Co »177.0«: Law yer’s Coop Publishing mer ,20.00; Bertha E. Peery »20.00; Ray Congdon *3.49; C. Bennlnger of that part of the City of Eu­ Karen Marie Hosford *20.00; Cora | »4.36; Jack Swartz *2.23; Ira Starr of Section 22 In Township 16 1 against said estate will present »3.99: Puritan Drug Co. >29.35; S. Co »1000; Alta King »6.36 gene, In la n e County. State of Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN D IS T R IC T HO M E AG ENT: Ore­ l.ois Mattison ,20 00; Ofa Sanders 74c: Joe Young »1.49. South. Range 1 West of the W il­ the same duly verified at the law M. Kerron »1.85; Dr. Peerv A Phet- Oregon, which waa donated to <20«0; Lulu May Bergman »20.00; N a tu ro p a th '« P h y e te 'e n lamette Meridian. 120 acres. In office of W hltjen Swafford. 202 T lf-jte p la re »10.00: Poole-Grav-Bartho gon State College »550.00. «aid bane County by Eugene F. DIST. No. 44: John Kommer D IS T R IC T SEALER: J. F. Jones F ’ hel Margaret Doran »20.00; Flos »3.59. I.ane County. Oregon; subject to fany Bldg., Eugene. Oregon, on or lomew Co. »50.00; Betel's Drug I'b o n e * I- J and Mary Skinner; and running «ie Christianson »20.00; Hllm a before six months from this date. Store »1.30; John Huhhard »8.40: |* 3 52 redemption, as by law provided. thence we«t 1(0 feet or to tbe DIST. No. 56: beaburg Garage Office Hour«: 1 to 6 P. M »20.00; Bertha V. Dated and fir-'t published August Wm. Kyle A Sons Co. »43 26; E. C. EM ERGENCY: Leo Decker Farnsworth II b. DOWN, Sheriff of bane alley; thence North along the *1.84; S. J. Godard 810.47; V irg il «lever »20.00; Alma Luc,lie Bus- 4. 1932. »50 00; Eldon W arner »2.80; Carson Hart Dairy »8.37: Irish Cash Store County, Oregon. 404 Fourth Street line of alley 3* feet; thence East Clover 84.47; B. F. Mtnney »26.18; CLARA FAW VER. Admlnlstra C. O. »79.14: Pacific Christian Hos­ A Carson »5.00; Leo Decker »40.00; sear »25.00: Lottie Moore »25.00; Frank Jones >4.78. (J. 28— A 4-11-18-26) 160 fee, to the Wea, line of W ll B'«tha W alker »25.00; Kathryn C. tor. Th. Groceteria »1.50; S. M Kerron pital »820..30; Irish Cash Store No lamella Street and thence South D1ST No. 54: Ben Brtgga >11.93; »25.00: Jennie Morgan W H IT T E N SW AFFORD. A t­ 12 »83 39: W illiams A Ottman >142.60; The Brand Saw Shop Nolan 39 fe»t to the place of beginning; I C IT A T IO N General Law Practice «27.21 • Graham’s »4.50; A R. Sneed ' »4.55; Marshal’s Body A Fender *25.00: Lucy C. Robbins »25.00; F Curtis. W alter A. J. Conrad, Lula John Mason, deceased, by the Coun­ Store »44.75; F A A. Market »6 50: »21.44; John Morefteld »4.47; Eu- «» 49: Donald Kelly »6 98: Jim King SPECIAL ROADS Page 164 of Vol. "D ” of Miscel­ l onrad, Haael Jarvis. C. C. Jarvis. ty Court of the State of Oregon for Olson’a Grocery »16 60: J F bam ! gene Fruit Growers Assn. $34.08. ' DIST. No. 1: Frank P. Briggs *1 49- Rnv Caster »8.48; I^stsr laneous Records of said County; Samuel D. Conrad, Henry Conrad. bane County, and has qualified as son »8.24: Mrs. John Adair «6 10: j EL E C T IO N : Thomas F. W right j »5.38; Ed Heacock »149; Marvin Sh»«,ds 81.49; Kenneth Long 96.98; FRANK A. DE PUE but subject to the rights of the Allie Conrad, and Carl Conrad, E. N Thomason 817.48: Arthur L. A T TO R N E Y AT LAW owners of the building adjoining heirs and also all other persons un rach Executor, and all persons hav­ Drurv A Drurv »24 86: McAtee’s I $3 9«: George E. Acheson »4.20: , Fountain »1.49 ing claims against said estate are «13.35- Merwin’s General Store Annn Dillard Huberd »75.00. The ( D IST No. 2: Jack Taylor »8.94; Roberts 35.49: W illiam Gerlach said lot on the North to use the J known; N O T A R Y P U B L IC hereby notified and requested to «< South half of said wall situated IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STA TE present the same, verified as re­ »17 48; Peder on’s Orocerv »12 65: 1 W illamette Press »25.00; Callahan’s ! s. F Anderson »8.19; J. W Pick D IST No. 69- Southern Pacific Sprlnqtlsld V. E. Grousbeek 818.16; Perltch’s I Furniture Co. »8.50-, R. A. Maltzan ett »7.45; Gerald Pickett »5.96; Sutton upon the Ixit or tract above des t)F OREGON, You are hereby com- quired by law, with the proper »184; Cottage Grove W ater System , »3.60; O. O. Meatrh »4.10; Fidelity Fred Orunlng »7.45; S. C. Lewis Co. »2R5.99: Celter A K reller »3 00- crlbed; also Including all their i mm,ded to appear In the County Oregon Building vouchers, to the said Executor at «7 45; H J. Seeke »7.45; W aiter M I, Fitch *14.20: Fred StoneUeld Eugene Steam Laundry Pencil Co. »15.00. right In and to the Boutl wall of ( ,iurt in and for Lane County. Ore the office of Calkins and Calkins, 83 69; Dick Steelbrooke «18 00- Link Lund »12 00: Lee Cal- F R U IT INSPECTO R: C. E. Stew­ Boone »9.96; said building extending beyond gOn, at the Court House In the city attorneys at law, In the Bank of «1.70: Golden Rule Grocery- »8-40; the line of tho above described of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, Commerce Building, In Eugene, Oeorge Shrull »3.73: Dorothea Ford art »14022; E. J. Loucks »54.86; $1.49; Peter Schulze »5.96; Joe rte- «13.40: Elmer Peterson 313.0«: Wakefield $10.47; Chas. Neal Enntoment «124.40- Shell Gil Co. »500: Gldrev A Saflev »1.25; John­ State Ind Accident Com. *1.65. lot and subject to the rights of within twenty-eight (28) days from , bane County, Oregon, within six »122 96- b. E. Barklow »18.80. H E A L T H O FFICE: Mrs. Minnlo «61.54: Equipment *143.25. the owner of the property adjoin­ the date of the first publication of months from the date of this notice. son A Noffslnger >12.57: Mrs. E. W DIST. No. 60: Jav Oldham 88.48. DIST. No. 3: W alter Price Inc. Scott 76c; Dr. Oeorge P. Edwards ing same on the South to use the this summons to show cause. If any Shelby »2.80; Creswell Cash A Date of first publication and date DtST No 81: T A. Breeden Houth wall of said building, a por exist, why an order of aale should of Notice August 11, 1932. Carry »4 91; Dwight E Kessev »4.75; Mrs. Kathryn Hicks *3.75; »2.95; Jack Reynolds 74c; R. E. «2 23; Onv virgin >2.23: Chester Mrs. Nettle J. Nell »2 50; Mrs. Mary HUI »10.77; Shell Oil Co $6.76. tlon of which stands on said not be made as prayed for In the W. W. CALKINS. Executor of »6.00: Shell Oil Co. $25 65: Occum- M Grav 75c- Mrs. Grace Dugal 75c. DIST No. 6 R. A Babb Hard­ n akes (3.83) Wallace Keeler »2 »8: above described tracL petition of the administrator for the the bast W ill and Testament oaugh Broa. »51.02; E. E. Smith Formerly Walker-Poole H E A L T H SERVICE: bane Coun­ ware Co. »364.36; A. E. Kraal H arrv Keeler 87.16: M. L. Fitch «4 95- A. F Barnett »10 00: Safe- Dated thia 27th day of July, 1832. sale of the following described real of John Mason. Deceased. Way Store 547 »86 86; Pay’n Taktt ty Health Unit »617.00; Callahan’s »38.75; Preston A Hales »2.65; F. «10 39- Nell Buchanan 815.68: Jack property belonging to the above en­ CA LK IN S A CALKINS, Attor­ H. L. BOW N. Sheriff. J. Damewood $87.96; C. M. Dame- Wed res 74c- Frank Jarvla «3.5»' V. 4143.11; Eugene Hosnltal »318 29: Furniture Co. *24.50. titled estate, to-wlt: neys for the Estate. H PK IN U FIELD (J. 28— A 4-11-18-26) EUGENIO— 11,I) IN D IG E N T SO LDIER: Mrs. wood »70.26: Road District No. 66 A. Hendrickson »4.99: J B. Barn- Ir'sh Self-Service Store »42.75: The I^ot numbered forty-six (A 11-18 88— 9 1-8) 228 Main slid Charneltnn, Haskell's »38 57; Hall's Fruits A Thomas R Follett »25.00; Mrs. 81.36; Rav Vincent >21.58; Marlon ford »2 98- Eonlnment 321.76. (46) of H. L. and T. B. Stewart's D IST No 64- Ralph Lynch 11.7». Produce »86.29: The Booth-Kelly Celia Messer *25.00; Henrik Peter Peabodv 814.90; Kenneth Brechtel Phone 62-J Telephone 723 plat of acreage lots, being a part 8UM M 0N8 SUM M ON* D IST No 66: Chas. Gold «8®««; of James Ebbert Jr. D. L. C. No, IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E ’ umber Co. »117.10: Irish Cash son *10.00; Henry G. Guild *10.00. $14.90; Arthur M iller $2262; Herb­ IN SA N E James D. Stewart ert Hooker $14.90; Elmer Lundeen G W Lambert 136.84: H. V. Jen- IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR LANE Store »73.82: The Walden Store 74, Notlf. 3314 In Township »300; W illiams General Store »5.00; Geo. P. Wlnchell »10.00; Me- $23.84: Albert Watkins $2.98: Vern­ U ns »41.07: Steve Jenkins «13.41: S T A T E O F OREOON FOR T H E COUNTY. Seventeen (17) South, Range Morràn A Washburne *103.35; Dr. on Gvorge »14 90: Dolph Dowdy Wm W alker »5.96: Victor Kraal CO U N TY O F LANK. Three (8) West of the W illam ­ CLELb L. ALFORD, Plaintiff, vs »3.62; A. J. Acheson »3.35: Acheson FLO REN CE M. ALFORD, Defend-' A Sons »10 40; W A. Taylor »74.86; B. F. Scalefe *10.00; Geo. P. Win »11.92; John Lewis 814 90: N. F. »24 3.7 Jame- R Kthbe 85.94- Ira JA M E8 W. W Y A T T . Plaintiff, vs. ette Meridian In bane County, ent Peter P. Colgaard »1.75: Mrs. John chell »5 00; E. L. Zimmerman Castle $5.96; Robert Howell »14.90; Bnrgeas «23.08: Joe Owen 829.80; V A L E T A M ILD R E D W Y A T T . De­ State of Oregon. Also; W W W alker 20 94 W I, 8»'lor fendant. All of lots numbered 18. 19, 80, To: Florence M. Alford, the above Nokes >8.00: James Christensen »5 00; A. O. W aller »10 00; Carl W. C. F. Dodds $2.98; Grover W atts »13 24: Isaiah Slayter A Sons Robbins »6.00; Oregon State Board «17.88; Dtek Watkins »17.88; Waldo «20 94- Adna H Slrnor «13.47: Earl named defendant. To: V A L E T A M ILD R E D W Y A T T , ant) 21 In Block numbered 3 of Watkins »17.88; G. W. Conklin Roberts »14.98: H arrv Oertach Valley View Addition to Spring- IN T H E NA M E O F T H E STATE 112.10: Hazen A Struckmeler »1 92: (of Control I1.S08J7, the above named defendant. Do Not Hide Your Eyee JU STIC E COURT; Dan John­ 817.88: Wm. Holland »17.88; Wee- «3 74- W illiam Gerlach »3 24- J. M. You F lltot, Mercantile Co. »31 81: Glen IN T H E NA M E OF T H E 9 T A T E field, bane County, Oregon, ac­ OF OREGON, G R EETIN G : »18.72; Eonlnment The New Ful-Vue glasses have OF OREGON, G REETINGS: You cording to the official plat there­ are hereby required to appear and wood Cash Orocerv *6 45- E W ston »157.35; J. E. Young $6.00; lev Frye »8 94; Raleigh Crooks McCausland high-up side bows, revealing eye ex­ are hereby required to appear and of In the office of the County anawer the complaint of the plain­ Scott’s Grocery »13.10: S’ urtevant's John L. Marsh »10.30; Henry Q. «16.39: Chas. Conners »8.94; John «’ 7 35- Shell 01, Co. »»2.37; R. A. Clerk or bane County, Oregon. tiff on file herein on or before four Grocery »4.37: Cltv W ater Works Keenev »1.60; George Beck »1.60; Cooper $8.94: Glen ’ ’ -nltti »8.94; Bnhh Hardware Co. 82.48: W. J. answer the complaint of the plaln- pression, clearing sldeway vision. Kolker's Grocery 88 61; J. J. Oodlove »1.60, Sidney Khan John Marsh »8 94; E. A. Cowden Rickert »2 67 I weeks from the date of the first »1.60: ! tiff on file herein on or before four Also; D IS T No. 67: 9nellstrom Bros. All of lots numbered eleven publication of this summons; or (or Snrlnsfleld Creamery Co. »4 80- A. *1.60: Runna Khan »1.60; Edmund $8.94; Jack Bowman »7.45; E. E. Ful-Vue glasses represent a long weeks from the date of thp first (11) and Twelve (13) of H. L. want thereof the plaintiff w ill take B. Cochran 81.9«: Mannagh’s Gro­ Doering *1.60; Helen Doerlng *1.60; Brown »8 94: Earl N. Thompson «12 06- Fred Smlglev 85.82: Tom publication of this summons; or advance In better looka and better W illiam Gerlach »3.24; Patrick »3.89- Frank Moore >4«l)0- Stewart and T. B. Stewart Plat Judgment against you and w ill ap­ cery »10.87; W alter Price Ine J. R. Spurgeon *1.60; A. E. Hanson «8 37; for want thereof the plaintiff will vision. No. 2 of Acreage lota, being a ply to the court for the relief pray­ »34.61; Dunham's >2106; John A. *1 60' A. W. Schneider *1.60; Clyde Equipment »8 89; Shell Oil Co. Equipment »198.40; E. Ro» 8m „h take Judgment against you and will «38.00: John Pederson 878.0«: Netl apply to the dourt for the relief subdivision of the Jat. Ebbert Jr. ed for In the complaint and for a Bosserman «9.00;; Underwood A Foster »1.60; Claire Larson »1.60; *24.04 D IS T R IC T No. 7: J. W. Baker Riichanar »88.00. You cannot afford to trifle with prayed for In the complaint and for Donation Lane Claim No. 74, In decree of absolute divorce from F lllott »1.00; D. R Henderson Cleo Higgins »1.60; Mrs. W. 8. Drake D IST No. 8«: Carl E. Burkett «18.49: H F. Shu’tz »1.70; Eugene $180, Mrs R. O. Hansen *1 6 0 : b. 85 38: Cal Baker »1.11. your eyesight. It's too Important a decree of absolute divorce from Township Seventeen, South you. D IST No. 8: W right A 8ons «8 80- Eqnlrment 818.13. This summons Is published once Farmer's Creamery *42.41: Baird’s E. Hodges »1.10; H attie S Gross Range Three West of the W il­ to your health, youthfulness and you. DIST No. 71: C. A. Davla >8.6«; lamette Meridian; said lots a week for four corsecutlve weeks «2 46; A. E Sharpe 89.49; Peter­ »1.10; R E. Coram »1.30; W. H. 812.75; C. I. Oorrle »33.54; Vernon This summons Is published once earning power. You may not need a week for four consecutive weeks eleven (11) and Twelve (18) con­ In the Springfield News, a weekly son’s Store »3 03: Eugene Amhu- Alexander »1.10; Eva J. McArthut Harper $1.49; Mode O. Hoselton C. J. Fowler >1.49 D IST No. 78: Nell Buchanan gla :aea, but seven out of ten peoplo In the Springfield News, a weekly tain one acre each of land, more newspaper publlahed at Springfield, ’anee Co. »30.50; Irish Cash Store »1.10- Mrs. Eric Johnson »1.10; H. »1199; C. E. Frampton *5.96; «2.40: Fred Langaton 825.41: John or l«ss, which la In bane County, Lane County, Oregon, by an order »24.91; Vmnhrev A Mackln »49.95- H. Wood $1.10; Blair T Alderman Equipment »26.00. do. newspaper published at Springfield, __ ___ _______ ______ »25 41; H O. Jack«on DIST No. H 9: _ R __ A. Babb Hard- Trunnell of the Hon. O. F. Sklpworth, Judge Charlotte H. Stein »15.00; F. W »110: W. T. Hibbard *1.10; Carl bane County, Oregon, by an order Oregon. It doesn't pay to skimp on the of the Hon. 0. F. Sklpworth, Judge W ITN ESS my h nd and the seal of this Court, made August 1st, Wendt »10.00; Mrs. R. R Ramsey R Baker *1.10; E. R. Spencer *1.10; ware *C o *54.51; W D. Olaspey <1 49: Lester flnangenburg »8.84 >16.00; C. B. Christensen 315.00; E R Spencer »1.10; O. H. Jones *«« «7; Eldred Glaspey »14.90; Dave nan Quaglia »3.49; Glen b'nebaugh of said Court affixed this 32nd d a y 1 1932. of this Court, made July 27, 1932. only eyes you will ever have. Henrv Korn »1.60; Claire Qiaspey 819 40; John Herndon * 3 « ; Fred Frazee »3.49: Equlp- Dated and first published this of July, A. D. 1932. Dated and first published this 4th Mrs. O. Huffman»12.7B; Mrs. L. E. »110 «33.15: H M Richey »7.45; J. C. ment »250.19: H. Fnrman *3.84; Rogers 810 00; Mrs. John Nokes barson »1.60. W. B. D ILLA R D , County Clerk, day of August, 1933. ! 28th day of July, 1932. J U V E N IL E COURT Van 9varve- n rom|ey JS,94: O. W Tilden »14.15; R, v Oeorte »38.87. By L. M. BRYSON, Dtp) ty. I FRAN K B. REID, Attorney for 38.00; J. R. Hendricks *16.00; John FRANK B. REID, Attorney for DR. ELLA MEADE D jst . No 83: Albert Nelaoa Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. M Durham »6.00; V G. A Lulu rad »2 10; John b. Marsh »57.73; K B Lawson »13.40; Hilbert Law Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Date of First Publication July 38th, SCHOOL S U P E R IN T E N D E N T : , on *14.90; Fred beppart *14.16; *].6O; H. E. Reed *8.79. Optometrist address Eugene, Oregon. Eugene, Oregon. Hoare *139.38; Iva A Clair Murdock 1833. DIBT. No. 88: Equipment ■u*ene 41 W eit 8th (A 4-11-1*16— R 1) (J 98— A 4-11-18-1») *89.88; Croaton Hoare *4.96; Dr. C a ren ce C. M offitt *170.8«; B. J. j. b . Palmer *8.94; C. A. Townsend (J. 88— A 6-1118-8») Business Directory Edw. G. Privat POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors New Ful-Vue Glasses