THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPHINOEIELH, LANE COUNTY. OKKOON. T ill HHÌ m Y, A K iU H T 25, 1932 I \\ KNTY NINTH YEAH NEW CASCADE Scout Troop On LEGION NAMES ftoorf Bridges BUS FARES CUT Asked in State kour-Day Trip MEET DELEGATES ON 60 ÛAÏ TRIAL ROAD PLANNED R oundup Q ueen ' County Chamber Members Sixteen Leave Springfield on Monday for Bohemia Mina Forest Service Seeks Funds Gossler, Dow, and Huntly to Request Proposed Struc­ Transportation Company Of­ tures Be Built of Wood Region; to Return Today fers 20 Tickets for 91.00; for Highway from Belknap Reprssont Post Number Old Rates Are Unchanged 40 at State Convention Springs to Clear Lake | Mlxteen members of the Hprlng Eight Hprlngfleld businessmen at­ field Boy Seoul troop left ttprlug WILL JOIN SANTIAM ROAD field Monday morning fur a tour- ila» outing al Bohemia mines on »Ivar. Olenn Marlin, scout- and Paul I'otter, assistant q compuuled the boys Frank Bur ew took them to'their camp vg Amo ’ boys attending tilt camp » l i t Wright, David Pri­ vai. Polly mlth. Lloyd Harris. Bonnie Fit. Mark Smith. Jl n i ­ ni I«- West, tnderaon. Busty Plan Work In Two Fiva Hour Shifts on Basis of Five Day t. let. Week Says Supervisor A new road from Itelknap Spring« up th« MiKmiiln river to II aourca at Clear l.ake 1« being ■ought by the forest «ervlce, ae- cording Io P. A Thoinpeon, super- vleor of the Cascade National for- set Fund» for thia road have been requeeled and when built will open up a section of the Cascade and Hantlatn forests now reached only by trails. The new rood will Join the San tlani road at Clear luike making loop trips possible for tourists and fisherm en II will also open up many summer home nites on the McKensle river north of Helknap Springs It Is egpected that some of the road will be built this year to serve the summer home sit« be­ ing surveyed near Helknap Springs The foreet service Is finishing ■even miles of road through Box canyon and Itoarlng river connect­ ing the South Fork McKensle and tlie North Fork Willamette this year. This road will make possible another loop trip through the heart of the forest Completion of the Skyline Trail Io he made possible through addi­ tional relief appropriation to the Cascade and Santlam national for­ est was announced yesterday by Mr Thompson The new trail will make It un necessary to follow the McKensle highway for nine miles, as at the present time. The Cascade will receive $200«, with which the trail will be built from Obsidian camp around the foot of Collier glacier, paal the Cinder cone and then north along the summit to the highway. The Santlam allotment will take It north from there around the east side of Belknap crater, the west aide of Mt Washington to Big Lake. Final location work fur the trail will be done this week, with a crew of ten under flee Wright to he sent out next week. Additional Instructions on work conditions and payment were also received yesterday. The men will work In two shifts of five hours each, from 7 a. m till noon and from 1 to « p. m, A five day week la also provided No men will be hired directly by the forest service. It being provided that all mu>t be chosen from the county court unemployment Hat. Roberts, Uve. . l-ujol«, F ran klin Vllra, Wendell Bartholomew. Ho­ lier! Brown and Donald Kendall. The boys will return to their homes today. DOUBLE EVENT OBSERVED HERE Walter N. Gossler, commander of the Bprlngfleld American legion post number 40, Dr. W. N. Dow. past commander, and Major M II Huntly, will represent the local legion post at the State convention to be held at Portland on Friday und Haturday. Beptember 9 and 10. It was decided here Friday at a special meeting held at the Com­ munity hall. J M 1 .arson, finance officer of the post. M A. Pohl, and H. K Maxey were chosen alternates. Plans for the monthly meeting and picnic of the Willamette Coun­ cil which was held at Riverside perk Bunday were outlined at the meeting by Mr. Gossler. Delegates to the state convention will probably remain In Portland over Bunday and be on hand for the opening of the National conven­ tion to be held there starting on Monday. Beptember II. Annual Baker Family Re­ FUNERAL SERVICES HELD union and 20th Wedding FOR OAKRIDGE RESIDENT — Anniversary Held Sunday A reunion which marked the gathering of the children of Mr and Mrs I. W Baker and the ob­ servance of the 20th wedding anni­ versary of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stevens was held here Bunday at the Baker home on East Main street. All of the six living daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Baker were pres­ ent. hut I wo sons, Hlley and Clair Baker who live In California, were unable to attend. The six daughters togelhnr with their families who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. R. J Wakley and Mrs. John (Iraham. all of Portland; Mrs. John Cooper. Klamath Falls; Mr, and Mrs. Charles Paris. Mareola; Mrs. Alva McPherson, and Mr. and Mrs Alex fltevens, Bpjrlngfleld Bunday also was the twentieth anniversary of the wedding of Mr and Mrs. Btevens They were mar­ ried here on August 21. at th* Christian church by Rev. Wlgmore, ■Ince deceased They have made their home here alnce they were married Mr Stevens operates Chic’s Feed Store on Went Main street. The out-of-town visitors returned to their homes Monday. Wilbur McPherson accompanied the Wak- ley family to Portland. Wife of E. T . Tem plem an Paaeea a t Hom e Laet T hursday; Is ■ orlad at Pleasant H ill Alice E Templeman. wife of E T Templeman of Oakridge, passed away at her home there laat Thurs­ day evening at the age of 59 years Alice E. Andrews was born In Ashland Canter. Michigan, on May 1, 1S73, and moved to Eugene In 1910. and was married to Mr Tem­ pleman on Beptember 2, 1913. mov­ ing to Oakridge at that time and making her home there ever elnce. Hhe la survived by her husband; her mother, Mra. Buale Andrew« of Fremont. Michigan; three alatera, Vera Andrews, Fremont, Michigan, Bylvla Burling. Tacoma. Washing­ ton. and Amy Rodgers of Alhambra. Michigan; and Charles Andrews of Fremont, and Arthur Andrews of Kansas City, Missouri. Funeral service« were held Bun­ day at 3 o'clock at the Pleasant HUI cemetery Dr. E. V Stivers of­ ficiated. and a quartet composed of Mildred Fleck. Lina Fleck. Mr» Grace Walker, and Mrs. Harkins sang. Pallbearers Included "Prank Che­ noweth, C. B McFarland. Earl Walker. Robert Dunning, Henry Cook, and John Singletary. Funeral arrangements were made by Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel In Springfield. REBEKAH LODGE NAMES COMMITTEES MONDAY SOME CATCH PLENTY Mrs. Nellie Pyne. Mra. Stella OTHERS ONLY FEW FISH Findley, anti Mlaa Doris Girard were named members of the pro­ gram committee of the Rebekah lodge for the month of Beptember at the meeting held here Monday evening Mrs Lily Klter. Mrs Mary Mnglll, and Mrs. t'larlne Putman were named on the communication committee . The skirt of a wedding dress worn by her mother 87 years ago was worn and exhibited by Mra. Grace lainaberry during the social program which followed the busi­ ness session Many other old clothes were worn and exhibited. Box lunchea were auctioned off by Lee Putman for the refreshments. Fishing generally wan not so very good according to reports of parties reluming thia week from various week-end trips. One party comprising William Tbs baseball championship of the Davis. H H Whitney, and I M Christian church was passed bark to the married men on Brallsln Peterson fished Bunday and Mon­ field Monday evening when these day above Oakridge and while they caught all they wanted to eat. yet men won their second victory over the members of the younger they did not make any great catches, they report. Friends class teem In a regular Dr. Milton V. Walker and Wil­ hard ball contest The game wag liam Rouse went further on to Buck called at the end of the fifth In­ Creek on a week-end trip over Fri­ ning because of darkness. The day, Saturday and Bunday, and score was 8-6. The third game was made neces­ caught a large number, although most of them were small fish sary when the Friends class, which Parties which went far up on the had challenged the ent*»e church to a game, came back in the second LEAGUERS HOLD SERVICE South Fork Saturday night also game of their series and severely reported very light catches. AND PICNIC AT GROVE defeated their elders after losing the first game. Sixteen members of the Epworth REV. POINDEXTER BACK Hntterles for the married men League of the Methodist church ol FROM ANNUAL SEMINAR were Bias and Squire«, and for the Springfield went to Cottage Grove Friends class, Everett and Freeman Rev. and Mrs. Dean C. Poindexter Bunday evening to conduct the Squlrea. evening service at the church In and Mm. Poindexter's slater, Mlaa that city. Miss Elisabeth Hughe« I Porter, of Chicago, returnel late DONALD FANDREM HAS was the speaker, and chose as her I Friday evening from Epworth BIRTHDAY PARTY FRIDAY subject. "What We Can Learn from : Heights. Washington, where (hey JesUN About Getting Along with had spent the past ten days at­ tending the annual seminar of min­ Mrs. Henry Fandreni entertulned People." a group of 14 little friends of her Following the service the Cottage isters and laymen of the Methodist son. Donald, at a party at her home Grove young people entertained church. Friday afternoon In honor of his with a watermelon feed and picnic Sixty ministers attended the sea slona. Fifty laymen were also pres­ fifth birthday anniversary, tintnes at the park for their vlnltorn. and refreshments were enjoyed by The Cottage Grove young people ent for the meeting. the little visitors. pnld a similar visit to the church The guests Included Mac Wilson. here the previous week. LOCAL GROUP ENJOYS Dillard Wright. Bob Moffitt, Ann STEAK FRY ON MONDAY Dossier, Jackie Barber, Patty Lou YOUTH'S NOSE BRUISED Tnmseth, Diane Beeson, Joan and A group of Springfield people of Dorothy Ward, Nadine Neet. JBck IN CRASH W ITH SWEEPER the Christian church drove out to Perkins, Edwin Bandgathe, Jean­ Paul Henry Lawrence, 12, suffer­ Swimmers' Delight Monday even­ nette Smith, and Shirley Fnndrem ed a broken nose Friday evening ing after the baseball game to en­ when the car driven hy Vern Cald­ joy a ateak fry. Those attending FRIENDS CLASS PLANS well of Waltervllle craahed Into n were Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murphy, PARTY FOR TONIGHT road sweeper which wm raining Mis Clara Jones, Mlaa Alta Man­ n large cloud of dust making visi­ ning. Miss Era Dell Murphy. Mlaa Members of the Friends clans of bility very poor. Tho car wan bad­ Hasel Murphy and Rev. and Mrs. the Christian church will he en­ ly damaged In the accident which Veltle Pruitt. tertained this evening by Miss occurred east of the city on the Dawn Church, a member, at the McKenxIe highway. AENEAS CLUB HOLDS home of her parents on East Main LAWN PARTY TUESDAY street. The affair will begin at 8 GIRL SCOUTS TO HOLD o'clock. Members of (he Aeneas club were BALL TITLE BACK IN HANDS OF MARRIED MEN OUTDOOR FEED TONIQHT entertained at a lawn party Tue»- COOKING CLUB MEETING The opening meeting of the fall day afternoon at the home of Mra. TO BE HELD FRIDAY for the Girl Scouts of Springfield N. W. Emery. Mra. L. K. PBge was The monthly meeting of the cook-| Ing club of the Christian church will be held Friday evening nt the home of Mrs. M A. Pohl on South Becond street. All members are urged to attend. la to» be held this evening begin­ ning with a picnic supper at the City Park at 6 o’clock. The glrla will meet at the home of Mlaa Eu­ nice Gerber at 861 E street at 6 o'clock and will hike to the park together. the hostess. Out-of-town guests for the affair were Mrs. Paul Scott of Ban Francisco, and Mlaa Ada Por­ ter of Chicago. Mra. Lawrence May will entertain for the club mem­ bers at her home at Thurston In Beptember. ¡V ft alter ville To Ask kor Cannery FALL BALLOT TO BE L 0 > AFFAIR Grange Members Name Com­ mittee to Urge Visit of Thirteen Measures to Be Put County Unit to that Area Before People for Final De­ cision in November Member i of the Waltervllle tended the monthly meetlug of the S A 1 F M r -F T c B r n i i r T i n w Grange want the comity portable U iM V n c O IT ii lUBABT Lane County Chamber of Com ■ ALEM GET S R EDUCTION cannery to be brought to Walter V ITA L IMPCMT merce which was hold at Hparka ville to be used In canning food ranch Thursday evening of last - Eugene Runs Shifted, Change supplies for their needy some time School Moving, Prohibition, week. They were John Anderson. ; in Springfield Schedule Is this fall. Efforts to bring this about Limitation of Voting, Bus John Pyle. W. A. Taylor. F. B Ham- ' Said to Be Considered I were launched there Friday evening Bill, and Others Thsre lln, Larson Wright, C. A. Hearts i at the regular meeting of the und H E Maxey. Regular patrons of the Eugene Grange It looks like another Ion« ballot Metnbprs of the County Cham­ Hprlngfleld bus line are now offered Melissa Parr, fuR-bhxxled Cayuse A committee comprising L. D. ■ In November. The advance copies ber went on record »«king the high­ the privilege of purchasing 6-cent Indian girl, has been choien Queen of way commission to request a fed­ bus tickets If they buy their tickets the Pendleton (Ore.) Roundup, Sep- Shroude, A. W. Fraxee, and Mrs. of tbe publicity pamphlet being pre- Tmnber 9, the second time in the his­ eral It F. C. loan for the construc­ In strips of 20 for $1.00. T hese strips tory of the event that an Indian girl C. W Allen, was appointed to in- pared by the Secretary of Mate veatlgate tbe probability of taking show that there will be 13 measures tion. of five bridges across the were placed on sale Wednesday has been named. the cannery to that locality The placed before the people for their > hanuela of the new coast highway |gnd may be obtained from the I upper McKenxIe country was not approval or rejection, aside from which are now crossed on ferries drivers, from the garage, or from i included In tbe county wide ache-; the candidates for the various par- They also- requested that ail Ure (he office at the Oregon hotel. dule of visits of the cannery which ties, and a goodly number of inde- gon bridges wherever possible be Rates on the line were not actu­ ' wan released last week. pendents. constructed of wood. ally lowered, however, as the old The cannery will make two visits Whether or not the number 1$ la Tbe Mate Highway t'ommlaslon 7-cent single fare still remains, as ■ to Springfield, the first time ou lucky or unlucky remains ta be at It« meeting Tuesday decided to does the fourfora-quarter atrip for ■ September 10, and again later on j seen. It is certain that It will be ask for $2,000.000 for tbe construc­ those who use but few tickets. I September 26. both for different groups or factions tion of bridges at Newport, Wald The entire reduction plan Is be­ --------------------- — J of people after the ballots have port. Florence, and Gardner. It de­ Annual Per Capita Expense of FUNERAL FOR MRS. McBEE counted. cided against tbe Inclusion of tbe ing m ade for a two months' period as an experiment, announced Reed Educating High School Stu- Coos Buy bridge In tbe request. TO BE THIS AFTERNOON ” Thl ballot wU1 contaln vont Lowest in County Plans for tbe celebration mara- and Lemon, owners of the bus ays , _______ I suree referred to tbe people by the ----------- Ing the completion of tbe Low Paas tern. If the lowered fare Increases _ , legislative assembly, three referred __ The per-caplta cost of educating Resident of Lowell P a a .« . A w ay at by tb p*laa“ hl«h«,r educe- The next meeting of the County lower fares. Salem bus rates were the lowest of the Big-Four high o’clock from the Lowell ce m etery !^ " approprUUon rep* “ ot >«**■ also put on the 20 for $1.00 basis schools of the county. Eugene, a Chamber will be held at Goldson creat,ira this week. class A high school with $102.16 with Rev. John Murphy, officiating blt'°" Rk,wfcof on September 16. h‘gher fe~ tOr b“a and tn,c,‘ Several changes In the rooting per student headed the list, and Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel of , ‘ate Water powar of the bos lines In Eugene were al­ Cottage Grove with $103.90. and Springfield will have charge of ar- ! hydroelectric enterprise, and lu- so made this week. Some change Junction City with $98.80 were next rangements . « rea e5hedale “y where except at Corvallis where January 24 1894 in Lane county If not In the entire I as follows: Half hour service the 8choo, movlBg All Song and Daughters of Mr. from 6:30 to 8:30 a. m. and from the figure was $92.48. North Bend They moved to Lowell m 1895 gtate was highest with a coat per student and have lived there since « * « i Many page. 1« the puhlietty pumph- and Mra. I. E. Murphy 4:30 to 6:30 p. m with hourly ser- of , lgQ 25 an„ Bend Recond She was a member of the Bible, ,et >re deToUd ar