R. M R DIES; FUNERAL TODAY I National Eemy W inner [ Roeco« Conklin Harper, 4« pa s- »•d away at hl» home at 63s Eighth street Springfield. Wednesday morning, August 17, after an ex­ tended illness He had been a resi­ dent of Springfield for the past two months, coming here from Pay­ ette, Idaho, where he had lived for tw o years. Mr. Harper was born at Mt. Car mel, Illinois, on January IS, 1SS6. and lived there until he was about Betty Ann Troy, Kw>car-uW 22 years old when he moved to school girt of Stamford. Conn, was Oklahoma. the national winner of the t.w g * He married Mis Harriett Woods WashmgtKi Bicentennial easay con­ of Jasper, Arkansas, on March 9. test m which more than a million and girts competed throughout 1926. and spent considerable time boys the U S On her trip to Washmg- traveling for a large implement ton, - D C - , - Betty ----- .--------— presented — with . a special guM medal by PiesnJent manufacturing company. Hoover He leaves his widow, Harriett Harper, a daughter, Harriett Ellon, age 4; two brothers, Dr. Charles PUBLIC GETS INVITATION Harper, Raton. New Mexico, and FOR IRRIGATION TOUR W. H. Harper. St. Louis. Missouri The Interested general public la He also leaves three sisters. Mrs John Galagher of O'Neil. Nebraska invited to take part In all or part Mrs. C. M. Lunger. Seattle. Wash­ of the Third Annual Western Ore­ ington. and Miss Lora Harper. St. gon Irrigation tour betng sponsored in the Willamette valley today and Lonta, Missouri. He belonged to the 1. O. O. F. tomorrow by the extension service of Oregon State Agricultural col- lodge at Oklahoma. City. i lege and the Oregon Reclamation Funeral services are to be held ' congress committee on Willamette this afternoon front the Poole-Qray- Bartholomew chapel in Springfield ! Valley Irrigation. 1 Full details and schedule can be at 2:30 o'clock. Rev Milton S. obtained at the office of O. S. Weber, pastor of the Presbyterian Fletcher, county agent. The tour church in Eugene will officiate and started in Portland this morning interment will be made at Laurel and will wend Its way to McMinn­ Grove cemetery. ville for dinner and on to Corval­ lis for the night. Friday morning the tour will EPWORTH LEAGUES HAVE visit the State college experiment PICNIC HERE ON TUESDAY station and come to Eugene for Epworth Leagues of the Spring luncheon at the Eugene hotel. The field and Cottage Grove Methodist afternoon will be given over to In­ churches held a Joint picnic here spections of irrigation as it is being Tuesday evening at Swimmer's De­ carried on at the Chase Gardens, light park. Twenty-one attended the J. O. Holt farm and at James from Cottage Grove and two from Gardens on Goodpasture island. Coburg. Miss Doris Myers was in Visits Unde—Harry Norton of charge of the arrangements. Sutherlin was here Tuesday to visit with his uncle, W. H. Whitney. Visiting Parents — Mrs. Georgia NEW MOTOR PURCHASED Griffis Morgan arrived here Tues­ FOR POWERED GLIDER day from Brownsville to spend a A new motor has been purchased few days visiting at the home of for the Aeronca powered glider at her moshier. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. the Springfield School of Flying Moshier. Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. airport it was announced this week. The motor has arrived and will be Elmer Jones of Dexter are the par­ installed and the ship ready for ents of a baby daughter born to use soon. The old motor had been them at the Eugene hospital on used for a long time and Jim Mac- Monday, August 15, 1932. Visits Aunt — Miss Mary Elisa­ maniman did not care to chance an beth Whitney went to Roseburg on accident with it. Monday to visit with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Norton. REV. POINDEXTER TO Visitors from Portland— Mrs. H. A. Smith and her daughter. Johan, PREACH HERE SUNDAY of Portland, are visiting here this Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, pastor week at the home of Mrs. Walter of the Methodist church will preach Scott. Wisconsin Resident Here— Mrs here Sunday morning and evening it was announced today. Rev. and Jennie Barnes of Hixton, Wiscon Mrs. Poindexter have been at Ep­ sin arrived here Wednesday to visit worth Heights between Tacoma and friends and relatives. Visit at Bend—Mr. and Mrs. Ro­ Seattle for the past ten days at­ tending a ministerial conference. bert Sears and family are -pending They are expected to return to a few days visiting relatives at Bend. Springfield Friday even 1 ng. Irish-Murphy Co. Springfield, Oregon SOAP W HITE WONDER. 10 for ............... ..... 25c 5c 21c 4 ’/aC 1-LB. BARS W HITE or BROWN SOAP WONDER FOAM. Per Package NAPTHA SOAP, Per Bar ...................... Sweet Chocolate GUITTARIXB Theatre tú Give Away Cow, Calf I— Jubilee Week which Is being cele­ brated this week at the Fox-McDon­ ald theatre in Eugene will have a glorious finish in that 'he man egement has arranged a snecial r To­ ft ram for Saturday night that ts some thing special for every pion eer resident in Lane counly. Saturday evening at 8 o'clock there will be a pioneer contest and the couple who appear on the stage and are adjudged the hea' dressed pioneer couple will be presented a real live row from the ranch of Cal Young. This cow has Just come fresh and gave birth to a heifer calf Sunday morning and manager Ray W. Jone of the Fox McDonald states he will throw the calf in for good measure. Any one may enter this contest. All you have to do ts to appear at the Fox-McDonald theatre dressed In pioneer clothes —the older the better. As a special fmiture tor the ladies there will bi an old dress contest tor them and the one wearing the oldest best dress on the stage will be awarded a prise of $5. The audience will be Judges for both contests. The cow has been tuberculosis tested and found perfect and according to Cal. Young is a splendid milker. If you wear pioneer clothes come prepared to take bossey and her chtld home The photoplay attraction tor Fri­ day and Saturday will feature George Bancroft and Wynne Gibson in "Lady K- Gent" roarously funny human interest story that Is said to be the finest picture ever made by Mr. Bancroft. At 11 o'clock P. M. there will be a revival of Gary Cooper's stirring drama of the old west entitled "Fighting Caravans” in which there are many compelling scenes of the hardships suffered by the pioneers crossing the plains are shown. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday will bring Marion Davies and Rob­ ert M mtgoniery to the Fox-McDon aid screen in "Blondie of the Fol­ lies." a striking musical hit with much color. Wednesday and Thurs­ day "The Painted Lady" will hold forth on the Fox-McDonald screen. This has Spencer Tracy as the star. Depot Agent Back—Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson have returned from their vacation trip up the Wash- irgton coast and Mr. Olson will soon resume his duties at the S. P. depot. j McKenzie Valley The Cottage Grove baseball team, went home victorious Sunday. The score being 8 to 6 in their favor. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Jennings, had as guests Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jennings, and Mrs. Miles Wicks of Eugene, and Rich­ ard Wicks of Dorena. Miss Evelyn Hansen was a pati­ ent at the hospital last week where she had her tonsils removed. The Waltervllle Grange hopes to be able to make a date with the portable cannery to visit the Walt- erville community. L. D. Shrode is appointed chairman of the com­ mittee to receive donation- for the cannery. A number of the neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Scott, congre­ gated at the Scott home and chari varied Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ross of Bend. Oregon. Mrs. Ross, as Miss Scott, once attended the Walter- vllle school. Mr. and Mrs. Huckens have re­ turned to their home at Yoncalla, after a visit with their son and family, of Deerhorn. Mrs. Emma Hager and daughter. Eunice, of Ashland, have been visiting friends and relatives in the Willamette and McKenzie val­ leys, the past week. ¡ ¡ m |g pflSTEO Wedding Told Here This Week FOR FfllDíY CARO i [ Secretary^of^om rngpce ¡ Angelin« Severeon end Herb­ Parelli Does Walk-Out on ert Cochran. Cottage Grove. Married on July 30 Owens; Wildcat and Cyclone to Wrestle for Belt Announcement of the wedding of Livestock Offered to Most Typically Dressed Pioneer Couple Saturday Night Short Tim« Resident of This City Leaves Wife and Small Daughter Her« Franklin W Fort. New Jersey, is president of the board of the newly Created Federal Home l i Rank He has just been appointed h> Presi- Ant Hoover There are four other Uxnitxrs of the board, two Repub- •can« vnd rwo Democrats Mr Fort was former member of the House of 8x2'-*_uuu»cs from New lenev FRIENDS CLASS BEATS OLDER MEN MONDAY Tables were reversed and scores were evened here Monday evening when Friends cla s of the Christ lea church met and defeated the members of the opposing team, which was recruited from the entire remainder of the congregation, by a score of 3 to 0. The Friends class, a group of youug unmarried people issued a challenge some time ago for a game and were trimmed 16-7 a week-ago Monday when the older men decided to to t the youngei group. A challenge for a second game brought victory. John Lynch tossed the ball and Freeman Squires re­ ceived for the challengers, and Rev, Pruitt pitched and Howard Pruitt received for the older men. The game was a full nine inning affair and was played on Brattain field. UNIQUE LIGHTNING STORM IS DAMAGING Lightning which flashed consist­ ently In this part of Lane county Sunday night did some unusual things for this country. James Henderson, farmer living near Marcóla reported that lightn­ ing had struck a tree on his farm and that the bolt had killed two of his milk cows who were stand­ ing nearby. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rice was thrown from his bed but was uninjured when a bolt of lightning struck his bed at their Willakenxie home. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the es­ tate of Anna Bohlman, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, his final ac­ count as such executor, and that the seventeenth day of September, 1932. at ten o’clock in the forenoon of said day. at the Court House at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, has been fixed by the Court as the time for hearing any objections to said report, and the consideration of the same and the settlement thereof. ALTA KING, Executor. (A 18-25—S 1-8-15) Estate of Jennie Edmlston, de­ ceased. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T NOTICE Is hereby given that Walter W. Edmlston, Administrator of the Estate of Jennie Edmlston, deceased, has filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Lane County, his final re­ port as such administrator, and that ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday, the 17th day of Septem­ ber, 1932. at the court room there­ of, has been by the court fixed and appointed as the time and place for hearing objections to said final report and for the final settlement of the estate of said deceased. WALTER W. EDMI9TON, Administrator. FRANK B REID, Attorney for Administrator. (A 18-25—S 1-8-16) Wrestling program» went flop >i l.an» county this week when thi announced match between George '•wildcat*' Pete and Joe Parolll blew up In a dispute over division of proceeds and Mr. Parelli did a walk-out on Herb Owens, match maker, who refused to consider hl» demands for a guarantee greater than the gross income lust week. Good news for the tans has final ly evolved front the mixed tangle \ vi r n toe term of a champ lonship match at the fairgrounds, this by the way, is to be the last outdoor card of the eaaon, and Pete has agreed to post his world's Junior middleweight bell in a match with Cyclone Mackey of Gal­ veston. Texas. Mackey was on the program this week for a match with l*v»t Reagan Pat has bean matched with Vasil Tsacoff, the Bulgarian, for the spe­ cial 45 minute event. Cyclone Mackey has already demonstrated his ability to I.ane county wrestling funs by winning all of his matches except one. that was with Don Hill. He already has a victory over Pete stowed away to his cred t. MRS. LAXTON HOSTESS FOR ROYAL NEIGHBORS Monthly meeting of the Royal Neighbors of America was held Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Sadie luixton. Routine bust ness was discussed by the mehi bers. AngellAe Severson, daughter of Mi . slid Mrs I' K. Severson o: Spring field. Io Herbert Cochrnn. son of It. Cochran of Cottage Grove wss announced here this week. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist personage at Kelso, Wn hlngton. on July 30. The couple plan to res do at 477 West Eighth Avenue In Eugene. Mrs. Cochran la a former student .it Springfield high school, gradual Ing a year ago. and was a member of the high school typwritlng team which competed in the state finals at Corvallis that year OAKRIDGE ROBBERY SUSPECTS RELEASED Two men who were arrested ou charges Involving them In the rob bery at Oakridge Sunday evening of the Charles Croner drug atore wore released Wednesday morning when they were brought before Dan Johtislou. Justice of the peace In Eugene 1-aek of sufficient evidence to hold them for the grand Jury was given aa the reason for the dis­ missal. Olymple Visitors Here Mr and Mrs. Hugh Errlngton and Mrs Joseph Errlngton stopped her« Tuesday to vlait Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swarts while enroute to their homes in the east. They have been attending the Olympic gutnee at Loa Angeles. ♦ • --------- ■ ♦ Thurston GRIFFIN BECOMES BIPTISFJSIO R Ordination Service Held at Dexter Church Wednesday; To Serve Church There Roy D. Chaghn. DetroJ resigned "to enter pel------ Mi U ia p m --------- is S2 years uM , sod t y long been a i i w u p a arms Q m « m »«I.» .rive industry me ODD ACCIDENT REPORTED NEAR THURSTON SUNDAY Mi iiud Mrs. C. C Miller of Na­ tron narrowly escaped erlous In­ jury Sunday when the automobile in which they were riding which wus being driven by Mrs. Miller. ■ lid backwards over the bridge mid turned over in the slough Just as one approaches the A. W Weaver farm. Mra. Miller had let the engine of the car die and was unable to atop the auto as it began uiovlug back wards. A lowered window provided a mean« of escape for the two occu­ pants who were uninjured. A group of men visiting at the Ray Baugh farm with their families rushed to the scene of the accident and turn­ ed the car back on Ita four wheels. Only a broken window and a bent fender on the car gave any Indira tlon of the accident. Mr and Mrs. John Price and Visitor Here — Miss Marjorie Pohl of Cornelius. Washington, 1» daughter, Mildred, and Mrs. Arch here this week visiting at the M. A. Shough and daughter. Petty, start­ ed for Elk. Wyoming last Friday Pohl home. for a ten days visit wtth Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Price and family Curtis N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F S SA L E NOTICE Is hereby given that by is employed in government work virtue of an execution and order of there. sale Issued out of the Circuit Court Ladles' Aid met with Mrs. Neeu of the State of Oregon for Lane ham Monday afternoon and finish­ Mr and Mrs. Garmlre and daugh­ County August 18, 1932. upon and ter. Betty, and Mr. and Mrs George pursuant to a decree duly given ed the quilt. Mrw. James Hill la planning to W. Keleay of Pleasant Hill are and made by said Court August 17. 1932. In a suit pending therein In leave for San Francisco the last spending a week's vacation touring which Ole Rasmussen and Meta of the week for a visit with her the coaat. Thia Is the first time Rasmussen were plaintiffs, and Thomas A. Roberts. Trustee. mother. Mr. Hill’s mother from Mrs. Kelaay has seen the ocean. Thomas A. Roberts and Mabel A. Washington arrived Wednesday to Mr and Mrs E. K. Kilpatrick of Roberts, hts wife and N A. Griffis keep house for him while his wife Philomath were week-end gurata at were defendants, which execution Is away. the Ijilrd home. They are spending and order of sale was to me direct Herold Baughman from Eugene Is thi week in the mountains fishing. ed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter described visiting relatives here this week Mr. and Mrs Ralph Laird and to satisfy certain liens and charges Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver and in said decree specified, I will on Family attended the Holland fam­ two chlldien spent the weekend at Salt Creek above Oakridge Saturday the 17th day of Septem­ ber, 1932. at the hour of 10:00 ily reunion at Wolf creek last Sun­ Stephen Dudley Tinker and John o'clock. A. M„ at the southwest day. Conlon of Redwood. California, door of the County Court House in Mrs. William Weavor is in Cres­ Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, offer well visiting her sister, Mrs. Della spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs E B Tinker for sale and sell at public auction for rash, subject to redemption as Herrington They were accompanied home by There was quite a number of Thomas Dudley Tinker who hat provided by law, all of the right, title and interest of the defendant friend ■ and relatives who gathered been visiting at the home of hts in said suit and of all parties claim at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray i uncle this summer. ing by. through or under them or any of them since the 21st day of Baugh last Sunday to pay honor to Mr. and Mrs. Andy Ulson and May. 1927. In or to the following Mrs. Dan Baugh, mother of Mr sons. Alvin and Robert, expert to described real property, to-wlt: Baugh, and James Calvert, father of Beginning at a point In the Mrs. Baugh. Mr. Calvert was 78 leave soon for a weeks vacation louring Washington Benjamin Davis anil Wife Dona tlon Land Claim No. 45 In Town years old Saturday, Mrs. Baugh was The Hills Creek Lumber baseball ship 17. South of Range 4. West 72 Thursday. Thia has become an team defeated the Thurston team of the Willamette Meridian, annual affair to have a dinner In found by running from a point their honor each year for several by a score of 9 io 3 at the Pleasanl Hill baseball grounds Sunday, Aug 481.8 feet north of the southwest corner of the Joseph Davis Dona­ years. ust 14. They will play Swimmers Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gray left Wed­ Delight team next Sunday at Swim tion Land Claim No. 48 and run­ ning thence South 1946 5 feet to nesday for Marshfield for a visit mei's Delight. center of road, thence South 89 with their daughter and husband Wayne Jordan entertained a num degrees 44 minutes East 3002.20 feet; from sa.d beginning point Mr. and Mrs. Karl Slmm her of hts friends at a 600 party Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hanson I last Saturday. Refreshments werej run North 335 feet, thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes East 76 motored up from 8t. Helens last I served to 10. feet, thence South 335 feet, Friday for the week-end thence North 89 degrees 44 min Mr. and Mrs. William Ruth utes West 75 feet to the place of beginning, all situated In Sections motored to Portland last Friday for 13 and 14 Township 17 South 4 the week-end. West of the Willamette Meridian In Lane County. Oregon, and con talning .5770 of an acre. *** - ---- 111* The said premises being subject O 'N IO K W IS T < t> A « * y I M I 4 I •* to an easement for roadway pur­ < ■ • poses over a strip of land twenty 8 T A R T 8 F R ID A Y feet wide off from either end of said premises. Dated this 18th day of August.- 1932. H. L. BOWN, Sheriff. By A. E. HULEGAARD, Deputy (A 18-25—S 1-8-15) Gordon C. Griffin yesterday was ordained a pastor In the Baptist church at special ordination cere­ monies held at Dexter He has been called to serve the congregation at that place. Examination of the candidate was held at 2 o'clock in the after noun by a council couipoeed uf Hev. G. 11. Braun. Veneta; Itev. R. R. Mulholland. Roseburg; Itev Wm, Taylor, and Itev. Keuneth Tobias. Springfield, Rev. D. B. Baker, Bu gene; Percival Rust, clerk of the Eugene church; Rev. E. A. G o lt burg, pastor of the Grant Park Bap tlsl church In Portland; and dal» gales from each of (he churches In tlila di trlct. Delegates from the Springfield church were Norton I'engra, Wilfred Cook and Mra. Win G. Taylor. A large community dtnuer was served by the ladles of the church at 9 30 for all those attending, and the ordination ceremony and eer moii was preached and administer ed by Itev. Gottburg at I o'clock. Many people werep resent for the evening service. Visiting Father—Mr. and Mrs. K K Block or Merced. Cellfornla. ar­ rived here Monday to visit with bet father, A. B. Senseny. Teacher* Leave — Miss Audrev McPherson and Miss Florence Howe of Bruwnsvllie leave today for Klamath Falls where they leech school. G O L F on B e a u tifu l, H h a d y U n ite at OAKW AY Upper Willamette i---- .. ■ e mot th e LOW ALL-DAY PR1CHH Special Monthly Rates Ank About Them ‘Lest You Forget’ Hualoees Cards (»etter Heads Office Forme Hand HUla Statement« Blotter* Envelope* Menus, etc. Tickets At The Willamette Press Office«: 119 K. Broadway, u i ,j The Worst Spot On the Road Tomoto Juice 1-LB. CANS 3 For 25C Tomatoes 36c V A L U E S P E C IA L THURSDAY, AVOUBT 11. 1»»» THK SPRINGFIELD NEW8 PAGI FOUR P R IC E 25c 2’/ 2. 3 for 29C POTATO CHIPS 2 for 5C FLOUR Buy you w in te r supply from our present stock of old flou r to in­ curs q uality bread. ggc .............. ........... ................... S 3 2 5 McKENZIE BLEND, 49-Lb. Bag Barrel Price BLUE BELL, Hard Wheat 49-Lb. Bag Barrel Price ............................. COLONIAL 89c 5 3 .4 0 Ranges BUILT IN OREO ON Kerr’s Sweet Pickles 27-Oz. GLASS JARS ....... a.......... ............. 23c Kerr’s Cane and Maple Syrup Quart Jugs, .................................................... Pint Ju g s ......................... .......... .................... — 35C 1 9c FOR OREGON HOMES Gary Cooper “FIGHTING CARAVANS” $49.50 to $110.00 WRIGHT & SONS