THVKSDAY. AÜOVHT 18. 1982 THE SPRINOFIBLD NEWS NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT NOTICE OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y H A Z Y t'tlY H T A l.H au H!. 7th — 3S W Nth Ph. 1704 KII ■»41« COLLEGE OFFERS PLANS OF O. 9 C. «00 HEN HOUSE A Ifc'W leaflet glVltlK .let Hilt'll pinna and specifications (nr con strurtlng the (>. H (' too hen laying house linn Just been pulill he.l by tbe »late culleg. a> bul letln Nu. 447 Thin In the Initial of u aerie» at poultry hnua» construe lion bullntlna which» ill roe Ilona (or building rang« anil brood- ar hou-ca and an egg storage room Any of these may ba hail (re.' direct (mm iha college or (mm any county agent. H IS WILL H I OREGON'S BEST Lane County Court 810663; M . L. I Notice la hereby given that the Richardson »> Notice la hereby given that the undaralgnod, Alice M Beckwith *a 1218*. Fred August. 1932 the Executrix of the E late of (/ea­ undersigned adm inistratrix of the Elmer Paterson •V G ENERA L ROADS »164 40; Lae ter OruH lleckwlth, dneeaaed. filed estate of Joint J. Thomas, deceased, In the office of the County Clerk hits filed Iter Final Account In HRIDOE: W right ft Son. 24.48;. Johnson _ _ ________ 879 8«: of I ana County, Oregon her final l be matter of aald eatate with the Richard Hays 94.72; Lou Robinson ; *13 00; Equipment 86.421.91 Drive* to Roeeburg B. (>. Smith 1 Drive tq Corvallis— Mr and Mrs County Clerk of Lane County. Ore- account aa auch executrix on Aug »13 02; A. C. Striker 8149 76; Hills Peterson 3114«. L. M made a business trip to Koseburg | Edward Privet motored to Corval-1 gon, mid uu order haa been made „ . ( reek Lumber Co 9630.94; Smith A 1 3H 6.04; f a r t Holm 1X33 44; 1. R uat 12.1937; and the* cq aa'd da Ila Sunday to «pend the day vlaltl I and entered of record directing this , rrtdaj' the County Court of the H’at ! Many Restaurants to Feature w “ tkln» 216.32; Walters Bin. hong Twecdle 2175 on. In te rc ity Sand A c , » . Product* All A ll Using Lumber Preston In and for the County of notice and Retting Monday, the 12th ! W altervllle People Here— T. W with friend Their son. Da: State L„.'ìbl r Co Cu 814 74; J W Quacken Gravel Co. 9671 82; Harry Bwuson ■lay at September, 1932. at the hour turned with them. He hai Lane duly made and entered an Son 9157 26; Annie Lively 364.78; Carl B. Burkett 8311,04; Pure Special Menu Card O rn e y of W aitervllie was a visitor of ten o'clock A. M. for the hearing 86 00; Grays Feed ft Seed Store ,r°t> Culvert A Mfg. Co. 2340.71- order In re eatate of Leater Oren spending several week« ther i 93.00; Hathaway Motor Co. 91.36; i M iller Sorensen 369.90; B. M. San- lleckwlth deceaand, aettlna the of objection«, If any, to aald Ac­ n Springfield on Friday. "Come and gat It!" J. C. Ponsler Motor Co. 23.71; Gib- born 944.90; Ralph Paterson 940 41- ‘line for the hearing upon thr aald count and to the Final settlement Visiting at Tacoma— Ml»» Nettie Susine«« Visitor— Arthur Easton final account to be had before the of aald estate. The old fam iliar call to 'chow ' !®n Molor Co »2-77l Marshall', i Gardner Frye 339 9«; W. If . Tate Stuart, daughter of Mr and Mrs. I.EG ItA H A IIK IN S W H IT E S aeld county court at the hour of will not be missing during tbe Am ‘ ’ »2 » » •f W altervllle waa a business visi­ Administratrix of the eatate of E. C. Stuart, la spending the second ..le a n Legion National Coeventlee I Garage 96.sf; R^A^BeM TSSnlwaM Taylor In 0(1 o'clock, A M September III 923 94; A l b e r t ____ tor In Springfield on Friday. John J. Thomas, deceased. 1932. and directing that notice of week of her vacation at Tacoma 363 34; Elmo Summers 37.4«; W. M. IA 11-18 26— 9 1-8» an Id hearing be publlahed aa re Mitchell w. mneaen Leaburg Resident Hare — Mrs. visiting with relatives. Sbe ts em In Portland In September for bun- iCo. 3404.24; Tiffany-Davis Drug Co. Summers 314.39; J. O. gry legionnaire« and other visitors 95c; M ' Uhamberlaln 32.76; 311.93; Luther Prtndel qulred by law; and notice la hereby ndel I9S.1I; ployed at the First National Bank «.'baríes fa r te r of Leaburg was a »«. e « w . « « -« • .J J U -J » Stuart Myer« 334.34; A. O. Pope given that, If any peraon ha any NO TICE in Eugene. visitor In Springfield on Friday. 311.92; Ira Putman 39 61; E. 7 objection to the aald final account OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T product« through a special menu Garroutte 83282.88; Pederson A Korn 24 61; J«e C a b s 'M U ftl ___ he ahnll file auch objectlnna In writ Notice la hereby given that Frank Aurora Man Here— W M Boecbe Mo»«« Family to Wsndling— card which will be used by every Brown 24 68 ; 8. B. Flnegan 273.41,. Ham W lltae 94.61; Glen Wlltse Ing In aald probate proceeding, on or before the time aet for the aald B. Ilam llu, admlnlatrator at the ea of Aurora wua a buslne « visitor In Wade Paddock moved the Gary Ural class restaurant and hotel In A ' 7^ke 87.18; L. L, Lake 930.78; 20.61; H. Hicks 90.61; Roy Irvin tale of L'reaalda W. Hamlin, de- Worth family property from Mon- ’ he state All Oregon products will J°**n .375.69; D. L. Mont- 3*61; Totn Forctim 90.70; Dick hearing.» ccaaed, haa filed bla final account Springfield on Friday. s i;; ALICE M BECKWITH. Kxacu In the County Court of Lane County, trig of the Eatate of Leater Oregon, und that said court haa aet Guest at Hotel— O. G. Thorpe ol Worth la to be principal of the taurant usd hotel dining room pro i 81 85; T. H. Parka 27.18; Wm. Kiv ' H. M. Peterson 363.86; M P eter Oren Beckwith, decoaaed a. (be lime and place for tbe dual Aurora wan a guest at tbe Spring Wendling school this year. prletora In every city In the stole e,t ♦>-«•; D L. Brunson 91.99 Herb ’ «n 2144.89; Oliver Fosback 930 39; II K HLATTEHY. Attorney for settlement of aald estate Saturday, field hotel on Friday evening. have promised to serve nothing liat ? C'n *ri Teal *1-49; I Oeo. Hammond 811-91; Ores Ham Executrix. August 20th. 1832, at 10 O'clock In .a« ... v » » « o u t | N Bugh 23. R g H)1) J711 mond 819.13; Cy Frasier 330.31- the highenit quality products In all Budd Kompp 947.14; Henry Plronl | Wm. Rosa 93.33; Oeo. Ready 910.43- the forenoon of aald day at tbe Camp Creak Man Hera— A lbert County Court room in the Court­ Simmons of Camp Creek was agrlcultural commodities from 841.89; W p. Sorensen 8149.75; O. N. L. Austin 876.39; Loyd Kneapar house In Eugene, Oregon, where all which Oregon ha« become world E- Cox 399 75; C. O. McBee |99.76; 331.29; Henry Erickson 360.19; Jo» visitor In »prlngfleld on Saturday. SUMMON* persona Interested may appear at ■stale o( llenry F. Hollenbeck, De­ famous F *<- Brown 986.32; Jess Bailor i Releenhuber 834.82; Robert Kneap- ceased. P leto ri.i i . »1»- 374.75; A. M Perlnl 817 43; H arry er 35 9«; John Tice 3149; M erl IN THE EUG ENE JU STIC E auiiJ tim e and (He objections, If Return from Bsacb Trip— Major any they have. P ictorial Legion Menu Garman 117.43; Dick Garman Austin 369.92; L. W. Newcomb N O T IC t COURT FOB EUG ENE JU STIC E ► HANK B. H A M L IN . Adminis­ M. B. Huntly returned Friday from Realizing that the visit of over 317.43; M iller Sorensen 989.86; E . ! 366.59: Leevarn Austin 902.79; OF FIN A L BC TTLCM CNT DISTRICT, LANE COUNTY, trator. an outing at Hoosevelt beach. NO TIC E la hereby given that 75.000 Legionnaire« la a moat for- M- Sanborn 967.35; Ralph Peterson Homer Austin 911-92; W illiam Wal- OREGON. Knao M Hollenbeck. Administratrix L. M Travis, Inc . a corporation. 1. M t'k lT E R B o N . A tto rn ey for ------------- tunate time to Impress these rep- V t * 0 ' . « B«r.dneL ^ 2 " “ i 56 M ; W M P e ,t Ho,e»»I>P>« » » « I Estate. Visit Frlsnde— M r and M r.. H. F. »» , . . P Tate 336 83; F. M. Brown 39.48; I Dean More 37.46; H arry Hardcas- of (be Eatato o( Henry F. Hollen­ Plaintiff, -va- C H Ambrose. De (Ju 21-28— A 4-11-18» Continuation of Research ' “»«"tatlvea of every state the sup- Simmons Co 3*8.60; George A H a l-; Ge 313.41; Sam Holeaapple 98.93; beck. decenaed. has (lied In the Nielsen uf Portland were here F ri­ fondant County Court at the (Mate of Ore­ Poultry Work D a m n n d e d h v er,or <’ “»,,t ’r ,n d hen 0,1 8 u t e In d u strial; »26.91; H. O. Jackson 96.N ; H arry 1« preparing a pictorial | Accident CommiaMon 373.73 i Castle 379.77; Fred Fraxee 98.79; (oronoo* of Saturday, the 17th day to appear and answer the complaint NO TIC E Is hereby given that by uf Portland arrived here Sunday to Determination to fight If neces vM tors E Q U IP M E N T : R. A. Babb Hard- '^ n jiu a g lla 38.72; Barrell Moody of September. 1932. at the court filed agalnat you In the nbove-en virtue of an execution and order visit with her slater. Mrs. W alter aary for continuation of p o u ltry . m^nu card ’rh,ch » « I « h a re I. a « rtci> lt..r.i « . *.»«, h J . whether they come by train or by ware Co. 3130 97; Mrs H. N. Hunt- * 8-72: G>«n Llnebaugh 916.9«; W. room thereof, haa been by the titled action on or before the 12th of sale laaued out of the Circuit Goaaler. « b a r. In agricultural research war auto „ eTery ,,atln)! p,ace (J> , he ington 3217.89; Pacific Tel. A Telg i Hameraley 313.61; Bert Castor Court (lied and appointed an the day of September, 1932, and If you Court ot tbe State of Oregon (or fall to answer, for want thereof, time and place (or hearlug objec Lane County tbe 26tb day of July, Has M ino r O peration— M rs. F. E repeatedly expressed by the Oregon g|al(. Th{, transcontinental rail- 0 ® 311.15; Tromp A McKinley I W3.41; Lester Spangenburg 311.99; Ilona to «aid report and (or the the plaintiff will apply to the 1932, upon and pursuant to a de­ Wilmot of Eugene underwent a Poultrymen'a association at the „ . . a . , 810.50; Edwin Tullar 9149 75; A. A. | ' laude Abercrombie 914.90; Lo- roads are using a form of this sug-, M erlin 3149.76; R. H. Smith I * * " Tedford 328.40; C. N. Land (Inal aettlement u( the eatate of Court for Judgment agalnat you cree duly given and made by aald ninth annual poultrymen'a conven­ minor operation bore Saturday In the sum of Elghty-flve and no- »aid decenaed ( ourl the 26tb day of July, 1932, geated menu card and are featuring »144.76; C. E. Van Osdol 3124.76; 34.47; A. B. Smith 93.99; J. D. Coa- tion at Oregon State college. The Oregon products on their entire ROSE M HO LLENBECK. Ad inu Dollars (2X6.00) with Interest In a suit pending In which Mike morning. Worden 986.22; Earl Luckey i ,e,)o 336.76; John Costello 839.01; thereon at the rate of alx per cent Urell and Martha Grell were plain­ program consisted mostly of bear­ mlulatratrlx. ,„ u ,. Ant» " y y s ; SSSE Visits Daughter — M rs. K atie ing results of recent experimental per annum from the 10th day of tiffs and Grace Lee and others were FRANK it REID, Attorney (or ... . . . ¡373 46; Creswell Garage »19.35; A. November. 1926. until paid, and for defendants, which eaecutlon and Brumette is visiting at the home of entering the state at any of Its B Hamloth »2.50; S B Ftnegan Ellis Richardson 936.71; Melvin In­ Adm inlatratrlx reaxonnble attorney’s fees of order of uale was to me directed her daughter, Mrs. O. A. Thompson work carried on for the Industry main highways will be greeted at »2.50; Slnslaw Motor Transport Co. man 835.78; O. W. H ill »36.78; since the last meeting two years Fifteen and no-100 Dollars (916.001. and commanded me to sell the real NOTICK TO C R E D IT O R * the first meal with an attractive 36.09; Aid Reduction Sales Co. Combs Bolden »36.79; Joe Portei ago. and for plaintiff's costa and dla- property hereinafter described to at Santa Clara this week. Charles Porter 332.73; menu which, besides carrying a 1310 92; Fred Langston 312.00; 836.76; NO TIC E IB HEREBY G IVEN buraementa herein Incurred satisfy certain llena and charges In O w... . u ! Northwest Freight Transport Co. Charles Nichols 333.52; Jim Nich­ Moat former officers were re­ commodity locating To Visit Brothers — Mrs. Arne That W. H. McBeth baa been ap­ map of the >6 22. Lowen Tedford »47.84; John ols 335.76; Charles Fowler 323.84; Thia Rummona Is served upon aald decree, I will on Saturday pointed admlnlatrator of the eatate you by publication In the »prlng- the 27th day of Auguat, 1932, at the Net on left Saturday for Chehalis, elected, Fred Cockrell of Milwaukie state, also gives a brief description ' Trnnnell 82.99; Fred Langston Joe Fowler »89.10; O. F. Monroe of David Koaa McBeth, decenaed. field News, a newspaper of general huur of one o'clock, P. M at the Washington, to visit her brothers. remaining as president; J. R. Rus- W alter Pickens 936.70; of the finest of Oregon's products 82.99; Mallory Logging Equipment 38.19; by the County Court of Lane Coun circulation In Springfield. Oregon, southwest door of the County Court sell, Corvallis, as vice president; W on’t Advance Prices ! Co- »> 46; L A 8now Co. »120.24; George Lindy 335.70; Clair Sutton ty, Oregon All peraona having by virtue of an order made and en­ House In Eugene, Lane County, She expects to be gone ten days. Fvtra ■-«do h»««»« ta ni. A- C- Haag Co. »17.25; Woodbury A 319.37; Warren 8nrcamp 891.41; and Lloyd Lee of Salem ae one of clalma agalnat aald eatate are re­ tered on the 8th day of Auguat, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Extra g.ade butter. Ice cold milk, Co $95.38; R. a . Babb Hardware Glen Scrofe »93.34; W arren Boring Washington Man Hero— Frank the directors. F. L. Knowlton ot quired to preaent them, with the 1932, by tbe Honorable Dan John public auction for cash, subject to high quality Oregon cheese. lusc-'Co. »48.01; J. E. Haseltine A Co. »93.36; L. H. Porter 993.3«; W alter proper vouchera, within alx monlha aton, Justice of the Peace, In and redemption aa provided by law, all Thygenaen of Everett, Washington, the experiment station staff suc­ lous Oregon ¡-mues, choice Oregon 349.93; Model Grocery A Market Dennis »30352; R. Clarkson 835.78; from the 4th day of Auguat, 11*32. for the Eugene Justice District, of the right, title and Intereat of la a visitor at tbe H. O. Dlbblet ceed' H. E. Cosby, extension spe­ lamb and beef, famous Oregon »15®: Morris-Chevrolet Co. »4.69; Ray Thomas »17.88; Giles Fowler to the aald admlnlatrator at the law Lane County, Oregon, the first pub the defendant* In said suit and of borne «nd » « in ..,, - j n-, . a ». u Veltum A Clow Mfg. Co. 36.31; »86.16; M. L. Wallace 824.93; Mary cialist, as secretary-treasurer, and no«» office of L. L. Kay In the Miner llcatlon of aald Summons being on ail parties claiming by. through or pears and walnuts, ripe, red-cheek- Geor|,e A H a|ton »37 80; Hathaway J. Taylor 313.75; Mrs. Dena Rich­ building In Eugene. Oregon. the l lt h day of August, 1932. and under them or any of them in or Vacation on Coast— Dr. and Mrs. G. M Leslie. Tigard, la a new di­ ed Oregon apples of the highest Motor Co. »2.40; John W. Conaway ardson 34.00; T. K. Bown »6.21; W. H McBETII. Admlnlatrator tbe last publication on the 8th day to the following described real pro­ W. N. D o * and fam ily and Mr. and rector. Close to 300 attended the quality w ill be served by every »13.50; Eugene Storage Battery Co. Frank Deming »11.77; Engene Eat­ of the eatate of David Ho a Me- of September. 1932, perty, to-wit: meeting. restaurant and cafe during the 72c; M ark C. Sanderson Co. »5.00; on »4.28; C. E. Duckworth 830.73, Clifford Wilson and family spent Hetll, decenaed. Siuslaw Motor Transport Co. 88c; <’ ■ N. JO HNSTO N, Attorney Lot «even in block five of The association voted to main­ L. L. KAY. Attorney for Eatate. month of September. Legionnaires Danner's Service Station »10.65; Eugene Concrete Pipe Co. 94.75; for Plaintiff U. 8 National Packard'« Addition to Eugene, tbe week-end on an outing at lake m _■ , a _ a , Austin-We tern Road Machinery (A 4-11-1* 26— 9. 1) tain a strong legislative committee will riait all parts of the state and co. »46.18; J. W. Quackenbush A Tw in Oaks Lumber Co. 96c; Harley Hank Bldg., Eugene. Oregon. Lane County, Oregon. Tackenltcb. (A 11-18 26— 9 1-8) Dated thia 27th day of July, 1932. to preaent the needs of the Industry local committees, constating of a! Son »21.00; Woodson Bros. »13.63; Furman »117.-60; John Morefleld NOTICE TO CREDITORS Carrier Takas Vacation— Orson In maintaining experimental work, businessman, a farm er and the Unlon Oil Co. »103.25; Miller-San­ 32.98; H arry Lee »2.98; Jack Han­ II. L. BOW N. Sheriff. (J. 28— A 4-11-18-26» NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE Vaugbn. city mall carrier, took his particularly with poultry diseases, county agent, in most counties are ford Tractor Co. 399.48; Simmons sen 32.23; A. L. Douglas 32.98; C. A. Wellborn »2.98; W. E. Bradford That the undersigned have been REAL PRO PERTY two day« vacat.on for August on saying this and related investiga now calling on dining room proprie- Co. 32.50; J. E. Woodson 346.80; »2.98; W Gallagher 32.98; D. F. appointed Executrices of the estate Triangle Lumber Co. »12.22; Ore- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE NO TIC E la hereby given that by Monday and Tuesday of this week. tlons are vital to the Oregon poul- tors to secure their active coopera- = gon Machinery Co. 349.71; Colum Cronin »2.98; Duane Haley »2.98; and Itost W ill and Testament of virtue of an execution and ordet UNDER FORECLOSURE Hla substitute waa Leroy Nico. Anna Haynes, deceased, by the tlon In presenting the very beat of bia Steel Casting Co. »38.40; How- J. R. Clark 82.98; John Simmons trymen. of sale laaued out of the Circuit Notice Is hereby given that, by County Court of l-ane County, Ore o r , ,« « '. c= « . f t C £ 32.98; B. E. Phillips 81.49; R. W. Seek Dog Loss Aid Court of the State of Oregon for virtue of an execution Issued out O rr »2.98; M. P. Hoover 92.98; M. D rive to Scotts Mill«— Ml a Clara gon All persona having clalma Lane County the 25th day of July, products. A change In the present sheep- of the Circuit Court of tbe »tote of Jonee and Miss Hattie Mitchell against aald estate are tequlred to Wilson »6.65; Mrs. D. D. Conley G. Bailey 32.98; C. P. Roe »2.98; Pledges have been secured from 39 80; Nordling Parts Co. 331.41; G. w H Prose 32.98; Adolph Frankie preaent them with the propel 1932, upon and pursuant to a de­ Oregon, In and (or Lane County, drove to Scotia Mills Sunday. MI sb killing dog law was advanced cree duly given and made by said on the 27tb day of July, 1932, upon vouchera to the uuderalgned at the which would Include poultry under these firms not to make any in G. Thorpe »112.25; E. O. Palmer !» s * * : C. H. -3°hn"on 82.98; Royal Mitchell Hpoke three times while 2r,,n “Vu of Ju,y. 1932. a decree of foreclosure rendered In $99 75; Ted George »89.75; C. E . ' £?Ten 32-98'■ .7 ™ " Harwood »1.48; law office« of James K King. 410 its benefits. Large losses are now crease In prices while the state In a ault pending therein In which aid court on the sume day In the there. Davis »74.75; Roy Ewing 874.75; k G,?°.’?S a C« l Ck .Mtti--i Building. Eugene. Itone The Pacific Savings A Loan Asso­ huh of Ralph G. Marks against sustained at time -- rrom stray dogs. playa host to Legionnaires and their Earl Ewing »59.75; Frank Jarvis $2 98; Hobart Campbell »8.94; Glen County, Oregon, within alx monlha ciation, a Washington corporation, George W. Starbuck and Mrs $94.29; Alvin W itham $83.79; C. R. I Montgomery »8 94; George Larson Plays at Corvallis — W illiam It was said. families from all over the country, from the date of thia notlea. M iller $60.19; Curtis Wilson »12.24; * 4-47' '*7 v' Dated at Eugene. Oregon, thia was plaintiff and Ida Weinstein and Ouorge W. Starbuck, husband and Moyer went to Corvallis Sunday to so. "Come and get IL Legionnaires, Losses from theft, on the other othera were defendants, which ex­ wife, for tbe sum of 9243.64, the Jack Hodges »27 65; A. F Willson ThomP?°® * \ ® * 18' AI * hUT *7J * ? * - 28th day of July. 1932 ecution and order of «ale was to further sum of 860 attorney's fee play golf with tbe Cottage Grove band, have beta reduced to a mini­ It's ready for you." $49 69; Jack Hodges $10.46; T Roy [ erts $96.07; Adna H Sigmor »60.12; WINNIE RUSSELL, me directed and commanded me to and tbe costs and disbursements team of whlcb he b> a former mem­ mum by the working of the "gaso­ Smith $16.20: W. H Moyer »2.98; EIb« L Signor »127.4«; V. D. PEARL S A T T E R F IE L D , sell the real property hereinafter of suit, taxed and allowed as 930.86; ber. V IV IA N O LIVER . Executrices line cowboy" law and the new EXTRA STAMP ON LETTER Ray George 330.26; George W, Fogle $22.91; Earl Roberts $119.54; described to aatlsfy certain liens and commanding me. as sheriff of ■if the eatate and Last W ill and 312.41; 1. S. Hansen 39.18; Harry Gerlach »59.84; W illiam Ger­ MAKES SLIGHT INCREASE Crane Camp at Salt Croak — Mr. and state police system. President Cock Testament of Annu Haynes, De­ and charges In said decree speci­ Lane County, Oregon, to sell. In the Elmah Brooks 87.45; Elmo Sum­ lach »25.92; M. L. High »3.19; L. fied. I will on Saturday the 27th day manner provided by law tbe lands ell reported »•> much better has mers »7.45; Ben Shirley 95.97; N. Mathews 380.5«; Shell Oil Co. ci awed. of August, 1932. at tbe hour of one described In said decree to satisfy Mrs. N. L. Pollard and bla mother, this sltuat or become that the as­ The Extra one cent required to Jack Shrum »14.35; Claire Parks $329.12; Standard Oil Co. 928.20; (J. 2 8 - A 411-18-26) o’clock P. M at the southwest door nuid execution, with Intereat, and Mrs. Alma Pollard, spent tbe week­ mail a letter since the new law be-'37.84; George Tolman $7.84; V. A. Jack Hodges 315.12; Ralph King of the County Court House In Eu­ the expenses of making sucb sale: end camping and fishing on Salt sociation voted to discontinue its * * ’, ^ tan.d,a,r?, 2 “ »107 76; A. E. Davis 9101.02; Ray affiliation with the private detec­ came effective does not seem to gene, Ia n » County, Oregon, offer NOW TH E R E FO R E . In accord­ Creek. hovax WAalln 1 « . to ak CO. $61.35, Shell Oil CO. $1,123.8$, Worden »4.79; Milton Fitch »42.85; for sale and sell at public auction ance with said command, I will on tive agency dealt with for several have greatly Incrased th revenues D D ColJley $M M . w)lson Jack Shrum 367.42; V. A. Hendrick­ for cash, subject to redemption as Saturday, tbe 27th day of August son $99.79; Guy Colby $43.41; E. L. Former Resident Here — Mrs years. The old association "yellow of the local postoffice for the month 1 $75.83. provided by law. all of the right, 1932 at one o'clock In the afternoon Mathews $19.74; Roy Fitch $8.98. Clara Fawver, resident of Spring tag plan" Is being continued, how of July according to F. B. H am lin.' M A IN T E N A N C E : 1. H. Moss; title and Interest of the defendants at the Southwest or main entrance postmaster. The total volume of $1.00; Eugene Sand & Gravel Co. In said suit and of all parties claim­ to the County Courthouse Io Eugene, field for many years, was a visitor ever. NO TICE TO C R E D IT O R * ing by, through or under them or Oregon; offer for sale at public here Thursday afternoon of last In a review of the present status sales for the month of July this 1 $26.28; Ray George $4.48; J«ck JEW ELER Notice is hereby given that the Hodges $18.30; E. Roy Smith 35.19; !" or ,o the follow,n8 auction 'and sell to the highest bid- week. of the industry In Oregon, H. E year was only about 310 greater John Pederson $5.19; Frank Jarvis undersigned Clara Fawver has been Itt palriiiK a Specialty described real property, to w it: der, for ,.aaht one tract. landa Cosby declared that one of the than for the same period last year. »10.77; Claire Parks »49.38; George appointed administrator of the Visits Relative»— Elmer Platt of Beginning at a point 61 feet In said decree described, to-wit; most dangerous tendencies Is that The enforcement of this law has Tolman »49.38; Ray Worden 338.74; estate of Exra S. Collins, by the Springfield, Oregon North of the Southeast corner of The North half of the North­ Grants Paas was in Springfield on toward "chicks at chewing gum caused many persons to write few- Jack Shrum $7.97; Nell Buchanan County Court of Lane County, Ore­ Lot four (4) In Block nine ( 9 1 west quarter and the Southwest gon. and all persons having c la im s of that part of the City of Bu-I fourth of the Northwest quartet Sunday to visit with his sisters price«" where nrae hatcherymen er letters and to take statem ents!»51 ^ CurtU Wi,9on * 38 10;- C R against said estate w ill present M iller $2.98;L. Doughty $40.38; Glen gene. In Lane County, State of I of Section 22 In Township 16 Mrs. W illiam Rouse. Mrs. Pratt are acceding to buyers' demands and other mailing pieces direct to Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Montgomery $2.98; Albert Cary the same duly verified at the law Oregon, which was donated to I South. Range 1 West of the W il­ Holverson. Mias Edna Platt, and Naturopathic Physician for cheap chicks by lowering breed the person for whom they are in­ $1.49; W. H. Moyer $22.42; E. L. office of W hitten Swafford, 202 T if­ said I-ane County by Eugene F. I lamette Meridian, 120 acres. In his brother. Charles Platt. Mathews $34.10; 9. P. W are 32.98; fany Bldg.. Eugene, Oregon, on or Phone 81-J Ing standards. This, said Cosby, will tended. and Mary »klnner; and running Lane County, Oregon; subject to Roy Fttch $43.63; C. H. Johnson before six months from this date. thence west 180 feet or to the j redemption, as by law provided. Drive to Coast— Mr. and Mrs. ruin the industry If persisted in. Office Houra: 1 to 6 P. M. Dated and flr*t published August __ $5.21; O. Howard $3.72; Geo. Mast alley; thence North along the! H L BOWN, Sheriff of Lane John E. Nice and daughters, Doro­ The following people from this RADIO DISTURBANCE $8.97; S. C. Hamden $8.97; District 4. 1932. 408 Fourth Street line of alley 39 feet; thence East County. Oregon. CLARA F A W VER , Admlnlstra thy and Delores, and eons Bob and vicinity registered at the conven SOURCE IS UNCOVERED No 36 »175°: Equipment $496.88. 160 feet to the West line of W ll (J. 28—A 4-11-18-261 t tor. EM ERG ENCY: R. C. W hite Merle, and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Nice tlon: D. Crabtree. Springfield; H lamette Street and thence South W H IT T E N 9W A FFO R D , At­ $10.00; Alvin Carlson 74c; O. H. E. Phetteplace and C. J. Peerce, 39 feet to the place of beginning; ; C IT A T IO N Electric wiring at the planning spent the week-end on an outing O-neral l.uw Practice torney for estate Howard 74c; C. E. Etchler $8.72; Springfield; R. A. Templeton, Lo­ mill in north Springfield was found t nd IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT O F T H E on tbe coast at Florence. (A 4-11-18-25— 9. 1) Forest Francisco $3.72; V. C. Mow- the North H alf of the brick w a ll, I. M. PETERSON S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E well. and Mra. Ernest Shrenk of to be the cause of much of tbe radio reader $50.26; Ben Bunch $19.37; along the North line of said lot In CO UN TY OF LANE Scio Man Hero— P. H. McDonald Goshen. Attorney «1-l.iw NOTICE TO CREDITORS Interference which bothered local Lloyd Grimshaw »11.92; Lester Ctr- accordance with the party wall In tbe M atter of the Estate of Notice Is hereby given that the of Scio was a visitor at the home City Hall Building people according to W. H. Adrian, S,1® $14-90: F. H. » I5414: agreement executed by C. W. Nancy C. Conrad, deceased i . j. , Elm er Boardman 33.72; Frank undersigned, W . W . Calkins, has Young with Spencer Butte Lodge TO Della Jone«, R. L. Jones, Sher­ of Mrs. M. M. Peery the first of Bprlnyfleld. Oregon local radio dealer, who Investigated Worthington »4.47; Eugene Con­ been duly appointed Executor of Number 9. I. O. O. F., executed man Conrad, Rose Curtis, W illiam the week. Mr. McDonald did some HOW ONE WOMAN LOST this source of electric disturbance crete Pipe Co. »16.20; Claire Parks the Last W ill and Testament of p i L f a i 8/ ’v . nr,C7 ^ I Curtis, W alter A. J. Conrad, Lulu repairing at tbe home of Mrs $13.47; George Tolman $13.47; John Mason, deceased, by the Coun­ 20 POUNDS OF FAT and checked It. 1 \° ' fo iir a d , Haxel Jarvis, C. C. Jarvis, Peery. a elster-ln-law. Equipment »78.00; Adna H. Signor ty Court of tho State of Oregon tor The cause of a large number of FRANK A. DE PUE m ««»wue! D. Conrad, Henry Conrad. $2.24; V. D. Fogle $7.49; J. M. Mc­ Lane County, and haa qualified aa C °w »a . »»J Carl Conrad, A TTO R N EY AT LAW Grandson Visit»— James Mont­ Lost Her Prominent Hip* — utber disturbing noises in radio sets Causland $2.74; State Ind. Accident ,uch Executor, and all persons hav­ owners of the building adjoining helm and also all other persons un NO TARY PUBLIC gomery. grandson of Mrg. Rosa Double Chin — Sluggishness have been located In and around Commission $401.54; T. J. Sweany ing claims against said estate are snld lot on the North to use the known: hereby notified and requested to Springfield recently by Mr. Adrian $44.90. South half of said wnll situated IN T H E NAM E OF T H E S T A T E Montgomery, was a visitor here tbe Springfield Sutton upon the Lot or tract above ties OF OREGON, You are hereby com first of the week with his father, R IG H T O F W A Y : Cecil E. P it­ present the same, verified aa re­ Gained Physical V ig o r— Oregon Building crlbed; also Including all their munded to appear in the County ney $145.25; W. J. Meyers $5.98; quired by law, with the proper A Sbapley Figure TEACHER INSTITUTE right In and to the Soutl well of Court In and for Lane County, Ore­ Fred C. Montgomery. The two came Guy Colby $4.99; Equipment $2.00. vouchers, to the said Executor at office of Calkins and Calkins, said building extending beyond gon, at the Court House In the city up from Corvallis Sunday and re DATES ARE ADVANCED O IL IN G : Hills Service Station the If you're fat— first remove the the line ot the above described of Eugene, Lnne County, Oregon, turned again on Tuesday morning cause! $10.81; Standard Oil Co. $208.37; attorneys at law. In the Bank of Commerce Building, In Eugene, lot and subject to the rights of within twenty-eight (28) days from Dates for the annual fall lnstl- i Southern Pacific Co. $122.71; Ore- Lane County, Oregon, within six Take one half teaspoonful ot the owner of the property adjoin­ the date of the first publication of gon El. Co. $226.58; Eugene Sand Leave tor Coquille— Mrs. Jess Kruschen Salts In a glass of hot ing same on the South to use the this summons to show cause. If any Catrow left Friday for her home at water in the morning. To hasten re­ tute of teachers of Lane county & Gravel Co. $1,050:00; Associated months from the date of this notice. Date of first publication and date South wall of aald building, a por exist, why an order of sale should sults go lightly on fatty meats, pota­ have been advanced two weeks to Oil Co. $378.47; W estern Sand & of Notice August 11, 1932. October 6 and 7 It was announced Gravel Co. $160.00; W illam ette lion of which stands on said not be made as prayed for In the Coquille after visiting with rela toes. cream and pastries— In W. W. CALKINS. Executor of tlvee here for some time. She was weeks get on the scales and note this week by Laurence M offitt, as Hotel $5.00; Stanley’s Restaurant above described tract. petition of the administrator for the Formerly W ulker-I’oole the Last W ill and Testament accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. sistant county superintendent. The $7.15. Dated this 37th day of July, 1932. sale of the following described real how many pounds of fat have van of John Mason. Deceased. “ sessions w ill be held at the Wood M A R K E T ROADS property belonging to the above en Merle Caateel. and her niece, Mies lehod. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. CALKINS ft CA LK IN S, A tto r­ EUG ENE— llt h SP R IN G F IE L D Notice also that you have gained row Wilson Junior high school. The M A IN T E N A N C E : Forcla * Larson neys for the Estate. titled estate, to-wit: (J. 38— A 4-11-18-26) Claudle Moore. In energy— your skin Is clearer— The Lot numbered forty-six (A 11-18-26— 9 1-8) and Chnrnelton, 228 Main earlier date was made necessary »13.28; M. L. W allace $5.82: Dale Klnstlev 93c: Charles Klnatlev 93c; (46) of H. L. and T. B. Stewart’s Phons Operators Vacation— Mrs you feel younger in body— Krus­ Telephone 723 I'bone 62 J because C. A. Howard, state super­ plat of acreage lots, being a part Frank Tlbbett returned to her chen w ill give any fat person a Joy­ Dtck Shlck $2.41: O. E Sinclair SUM MONS SUM M ON* ous surprise. intendent. had a conflicting engage­ «149; N. Bush $29R; R E H ill IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE of James Ebbert Jr. D. L. C. No. duties ae operator at the local tele­ IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E But be sure It ’s Kruschen— your 74, Notlf. 3314 In Township »10.77- Fred Smigley $18.83; Cleo ment on the original days set. STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E Smlglev 74c; B. F. Dtess $1.49; Seventeen (17) South. Range phone office Monday following a health comes first—and S A F E T Y COUNTY. CO U N TY O F LANE. first Is tbe Kruschen promise. Three (3) West of the W illam ­ vacation trip on the coast. Mrs. T F. Hills $5.21: Chas. Lewis CLELL L. ALFORD, Plaintiff, va. JAMES W. W Y A T T , Plaintiff, vs. PIONEER REUNION SET Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts ette Meridian In Lane County, Zells Cantrell and her mother, Mrs. «5 21: H J Lavne $1 30; H W right FLO RENCE M. ALFORD, Defead- V A L E T A M IL D R E D W Y A T T . De­ from any leading druggist any­ State of Oregon. Also; ent FOR ZUMWALT FAMILY 33.72. Clara Barnes, left Monday for Port­ fendant. where In America (lasts 4 weeks) All of lots numbered 18, I t , 30, BRIDGE; O. E. Cox »14.58; I To: Florence M. Alford, the above To: V A L E T A M IL D R E D W Y A T T , land to spend a two week vacation and the cost Is but a trifle. nnd 21 In Block numbered 2 of named defendant. The annual reunion of the Solo­ W alters-Bushong Lumber Co. «1.30; the nbove named defendant. Do Not Hide Your Eyas Valley View Addition to Spring- period In Portland and on the coast. J H McCntchan «10 00; M. A IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E IN T H E N A M E OF T H E »T A T E mon Zumwalt fam ily, early settlers field. Lane County, Oregon, ay- The New Ful-Vue glanses have NOTICE Chamberlain »10.00; Peter P. Col- OF OREGON, G R E E T IN G : Y e * OF OREGON, G R EETIN G S: You cording to the official plat there­ of this county, w ill be held at the easrd »16 35- R A. Bnhb Hardware are hereby required to appear OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Leaves for Ohio— Miss Ann Bid- high-up side bowe, revealing eye ex- are hereby required to appear and of In the office of the Connty T H E UNDERSIG NED, aa Admin Stafford school house Sunday. Aug­ Co. $516.73; Sneltstrom Bros answer the complaint of the well left Saturday for Columbus, proeslon, clearing sideway vision. answer the complaint of the plain­ Clerk of Lane County, Oregon. Istrator of the Estate of Peter Han­ «1.050.17- Budd Komnn »65.10; tiff on file herein on or before four tiff on file herein on or before four Ohio, to visit with her brother and son, deceased, has filed hts Final ust 21, according to announcement Also; t ’ e n r v Pironi »57 85: Jack Hodres weeks from the date of the first Ful-Vue gluseeH represent a long weeke from the date of the first All of lots numbered eleven sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. David Account In said Estate with the made this week. All members of »7.18- Peecv Patterson »27 93: Gen­ publication of this summons; or for advance In better looks and better publication of this summons; or (11) and Twelve (12) of H. L. Bldwell. She will return the latter County Clerk of Lane County, Ore­ the clan are asked to bring old era! Bridge «182 59: V. D. Fogle want thereof the plaintiff will take for want thereof the plaintiff will Stewart and T. B. Stewart Plat vision. gon. and the Honorable C. P. Barn­ photos and pioneer relics which «26 93: Triangle T.umher Co. »45.90; Judgment against you and w ill ap- tnke Judgment against you and will No. 2 of Acreage lots, being a part of October. David Bldwell Is a ard, County Judge In and for the can be exhibited for the younger M. J Thomn=on «49.85. to the court for the relief pray­ subdivision of the Jas. Ebbert Jr. professor at the University of Ohio. County Court has made an Order You cannot afford to trifle with apply to the Court for the relief EMERGENCY; D E Ynrnn P ed for in the complaint and for a members of the several families. prayed for In the complaint and for Donation Lane Claim No. 74, In He and his wife visited on the directing this Notice and appoint­ M. »5.00; Enulntnen* «227 50; E decree of absolute divorce from your eyesight. It's too Important a decree of absolute divorce from Township Seventeen, South roast last summer. ing the County Court Room In the Rov Smith »45 12- Nell Buchanan you. to your health, youthfulness and you. Range Three West of the W il­ Court House In Eugene, Oregon, as BAPTIST YOUNG FOLK This summons is published once «3168; Carl E Burkett »3168; This summons Is published once earning power. You may not need lamette Meridian; said lota Ennlnment «41.28; Net, Buchanan a week for four consecetive weeks California People Hare— Mr. and the place and the 16th day of Sept­ a week for four consecutive weeks SWIM, PICNIC FRIDAY «14.40- Adolnh Frankie «1.49: Ho­ in tho Springfield News, a weekly eleven (11) and Twelve (12) con­ gla sea, hut seven out of ten people ember. 1932. at the hour of 11 In the Springfield Nows, n weekly tain one acre each of land, more Mrs. E. 8. Bulltlngton of Loa An­ o’clock A. M. as the time for the bart Camnhell »1 49: Glen Mont newspuper published at Springfield, do. newspaper published at Springfield, or less, which Is In Lane County, geles who have been visiting at the hearing of any objections to the Young people of the Baptist gomerv »1 49 Lane County, Oregon, by an order Lane County, Oregon, by an order Oregon. C. H. Gary home In West Spring- Final Account of said Estate. NEW CONSTRUCTION Kalher of the Hon. O. F. Sklpwortb, Judge It doesn’t pay to skimp on the of the Hon. O. F. Skip worth, Judge church held a swimming party and W IT N E S S my h nd and the seal field leit tor their home thia week. of this Court, made Auguat let, Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this only eyes you will ever have. watermelon feed at W illamette Ine Morse »27 37: Eldon Kraal of this Court, made July 27, 1932. of said Court affixed thia 22nd day 18th day of August. 1932. «60 78; Southern Pacific Co. »2.- 1922. Mrs. Bulllngton’s mother. Mra. Dated nnd first published this of July. A. D. 1932. park Friday evening. A large num­ JO HN L. MARSH, Administra­ Dated and (tret published this 4th 781.14; Nell Buchanan »9.60; F. A. 28th day of July, 1932. W. B. D ILLA R D . County Clerk. Derick, of Boise. Idaho, whom they tor of the Estate of Peter Han­ ber were present for the activities Moore »43 60: Kenneth Barrett day of August, IMS. DR. ELLA MEADE FRANK P REID, Attorney for By L. M BRYSON, Deprty. met while In Idaho left with them FRANK B. REID, Attorney tor son. deceased. which were arranged under the di­ «102 00: J 9 Woodard «4 00: Yel­ Plaintiff. Post Office Address; Date of First Publication July Stth, Plaintiff, Residence and F. O. Optomstrlst for the south. Mr. Bulllngton Is de­ IM M E L A EVANS. Attorneys for rection of Mrs. Jerv> Adams, so­ low Ftr Lumber Co. »37.96: Inter- Eugene, Oregon. 1983. address Eugene, Oregon. Ute Administrator. 41 West Sth Eugen« City Sand ft Gravel Co. »61.60; Jav puty coroner of Loa Aagolea county. (J. IS—A 4-11-1S-IS) cial promoter, of the society. (J. IS—A 4-11-1S-M) (A 1M E —8 1-8-15* (A 4-11-1*-!*- «I t> Oldham 9110-M; W- J- Davenport Business Directory Edw. G. Privat POOLE - GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors New Ful-Vue Glasses (A 18-26- H 14-16» ■ BREEHING FOR [