PA O » TWO THE SPRINOFIEl.n N W S T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S Published E t e r i Thursday at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, hy T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R C S S H. E. MAXEY . Editor Km.trvd «« ncoaff else matter. February 24. 1*02. at the pox tontee» Springfield. Greg. m < MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE S1.T6 Three Months One Year lo Advance 11.00 SitialFi • CODV .......... THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, IM I MAM ! M A D E e TGW 67 &UBYM. AYRES Use Grease - SAVE PARTS Give your cur lunger life. Suve parla by regular ant, liberal use of oil and greaae. Reduce fuel conti*. Ride in oueakl ;*a” comfort, lad uh aervlce your car with high quality olla and greaaea. < íM' Sc fA R K F l she asked. short life, the girl had allowed hai F IF T E E N T H IN S T A L M E N T "Yes, madam- she seems thoro­ aelf to be bandied about, the victim C O M F O R T . . . . dsapita the hast xpvr County Official News, Diana, in love with a married ughly worn out." I calieri on Präsident Hoover the first of one and then of another. In •i. IV: nis Waterman. Is Rent to She bent a little lower over the vain, unsatisfying search for ®lber day. Outdoors the thermume T ill KBDAY, Al Gt S i IS, the country to recover her health. something real and lasting, but ter stood at 8S In the shade In the She (alia In love with Dr Dennis Diana. suppose she's —all right?" the there waa only pity in her heart PrealdenCs office It was a comfort Kathbone. whose wife. Rosalie, is a THE WORKING MAN AND HIS CAR hopeless lunatic. Torn between two asked uncertainly, now as ahe tried by every means ab*‘‘ ••sb-wlghl. That la one of the loves, Diana cannot decide until , The boast of many states of the union that they have Linda Waterman offers to divorce h JT* » • ’» •» -J '« « •'*•►««« in her power Io rouse Diana from reason why Mr. Hoover Is able to an automobile for each three, four or five citizens is doom­ Tier husband so he can marry Diana ” a' 1 ' ,,na stand up under hla heavy task and Quickly, wlih a unconsciousness, ed for a setback if the tederal government is going to in­ Dennis refuses to accept his free- faint feeling of discomfort as she her line dreadful of the maid* came presently, •dill keep In first rate physical con vade the gasoline tax field heretofore occupied by the dom. and Diana sends him away, remembered that once »« Coleman Lamp & Stove Co. W kkiiff, K« m . Cfcicap«, IH. STA N D A R D O IL COM RANY OF C A L IF O R N IA I A sk Philadelphia, Pa. Loa Angalaa, Calif. Y our D eai eh (1.x-z> . . ELICTKICITY I t THE CHEAPEST THIHO YOU BUY • •