The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 18, 1932, Image 1

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    8W *
■ H U W O r a U ) , I ^ N K CO U N TY , O R E G O N .
Oiling Workers
l o Blue River
I lir itS Ù A V , AI G l S T
U n cle Sam 's Great O lym pic C ham pions
Í -
Vida-Nimrod Section Surfac­
ing is Completed; Only Five Special Meeting of Springfield
and One-Half Miles Left
Legion Group Celled Friday
at Community Hell
Wlirk of applying the secoud coat
Entire County to Suffer in
Event University le Moved
Says Assessor Keeney
inadequate Housing Facilities
at Corvallis Certain to Re-
quire Appropriation
A sub tautlal Increase lu taxation
coupled with a decreased advantage
t for
o r earning
w e r o ln e I ta
s a i m
ollM W la
n u i l l r - l «.I
la t predicted
for all of Lane county If lb Zc ..
Mcl'berson bill seeking to mo
University to Corvallis by itei F.
Keeney, county assessor, In an open
letter addressed to the laapayers
of the county thia week.
The letter follows:
"Taking the s»sensed valuation
of Lane county and Its several sub-
munlclpalltles for the year lkm and
the tales resulting as a basis for
computation lo determine the prob­
able Increase In taxes that will re-
ult In the event of the University of
Oregon being removed to Corvallis
as sponsored by the Zoru-McPher-
ton bill my findings are:
1. I l Is a conservative estimate
that there will result a depreciation
of IV per cent of the assessed val­
uation of property of Lane County,
outside of Eugene, through Its re­
moval from the tax roll.
A special mealing of tha Spring-
field American 1-eglun post number
cr, w w,„ Boy# ,o 40 has bean called at tha Commun
Ity hall Friday evening, August 10,
niuw River where they win put
for the purpose of electing dele-
<•" the second coat on the stretch
gales and alternates to the state
above that place Later they will be
convention to be held at Portland
back down the valley to pul on the i Hentcmber # sod " 'to
first coat of oil on the V i d a N l m . Wad
, was an-
W aller N.
rod section
Goesler, post commauder.
Rurfaclng of the Vlda-NImrod
The Springfield post Is entitled
section In preparation for oiling
to two delegates and two alternates
was completed last week by Hills
at Ih» alata meeting. Ufficiai dele­
from brothers. Marsbrield contract­
gates to represent the i u t e at tha
ors. They are now getting ready to
National convention also at Port­
start work surfacing the five and
land on September 11-16 w ill be
one-half mile stretch from Doyle
chosen at tha earlier session.
HUI to Vida This latter will pro­
Calling of a spécial meeting for
bably not be oiled this year.
this purpose was neoessary be­
cause the local post did not name
official delegates before taxing
their summer recess. Regular post
meetings will be held again In Sep
I Mill will b« completed thia after-
PICNIC SUNDAi Library Opens
Representatives of All Poetg
in Willamette Croup Will
Gather at Ri vereide Park
The last meeting of the Wiliam
ette Council of the American Legion
3 Eugene's depreciation In like
before the etate and national con
manner with that of the outside
vent Inna baa been set for River­
portlou of the county can safely
side park east of Uoahen thia Bun
be estimated at a lose of S3 1-8 per
day according to a communication
cent from the tax roll.
received here this week from Ro­
J The estimated losses to the bert Fromm, district commander
tax roll would not materially. If In
This will be a picnic meeting with
any sense, result In a lessening ot each group bringing their own pic
tax requirements.
nlc dinners Coffee, cream, anger
"Therefore, It follows that there and Ice-cream will be furnished by
must result a most substantial In­ the Eugene post.
crease In taxation coupled with a
The district commauder asks
lessening of advantages for earn­ that a delegate from each post
ing tax money.
bring a proxy from the Btxte Con­
"The Increase by inis, my estima­ vention delegatee of that post, and
tion, are shown as follows: For •f two-thirds of the voting strength
stale and county purposes all pro '°F
district Is present the Conn
party of the county would be sub ' 1*1 wU1 start considering the eelec
Ject to an Increase In taxes of *4 50 1110,1 at “ naw district commander
on each *1.000 assessed valuation
over that of 1(31.
"Tha Increase for School District
No 4 (Eugene) would be (7.30 per
each 31,000 aasasaed valuation
Troop M em bers to Leave Monday
while In like manner the Increase lo
for Bohemia M ine D istrict
Eugene's city tax would be (8.30
Decided H ere Tuesday
per 11.000 assessed valuation, the
whole representing the lots] In
Springfield Boy Scouts will leave
crease of (30 40 on each *1.000 as
Monday, August 32. for the Row
sessed valuation In the city of Eu
river country near the Bohemia
gene. "
mine» where they will spend a four-
HEN F. K E E N E Y , County
day outing It waa decided here
Tuesday evening at the regular
The certainty that millions of dol
M r. would have lo be expended I
, r ° ° P Ol‘ " n
___ _ _
| Marlin of Creswell scoutmaster.
to avert a state disgrace In the
waa present and la expected to ac­
housing of students at Corvallis
company the boys on their outing.
If the Zorn-McPherson bill to move
Twelve of the 14 hoys comprising
the University of Oregon to Corval
the local troop have signed for the
Ila Is passed at the polls In Nov
ember, la shown try figures from
the State Board of Higher Kduca-
tlon relative to housing facilities I WALTER VILLE COUPLE
Doors Saturday
Renovation of Building and
Repairing and Aaaembling
of Books Under Way
In Road Contest
Daily Events of Four-H Exhi­
bition Listed by County
Club Leader Kuehner
iof oil on lho McKenxle highway sec-
lor from Hendricks bridge to Lkryln
No. 32
Dominating the Olymptc Gam« at Los Angeles, Uncle Sam's athletes
shattered world and Olympic records in event alter event Here are shown
a t super-champions in the track and held events, sons and daughters of
which the nattoo it proud. Photos show— L e ft: Ralf Metcalf. Chicago who
•uished second to Eddie Tolan, Detroit, right, in the 100 and 2 » meter
dashes, right (center figure) : Mildred “Babe" Didrikson, Texas, who woo
two firsts and world records in the javelin throw and 80-meter hurdles
fur women; Bottom, le ft: The Olympic Champion (10 events), the
DucatMon: Jamas A. Bausch, Kansas C ity, right Bill Car, Pine BlufiL
in the heart-breaking 400-meur dash.
Auto Park« Given Mention for
Improvements in Roadside Construction of Toil Bridges
Beautification Drive
on Coaet Highway Major
Second prixe of (76 was won by ' Pr°blam Before Members
; The first draft of the program for Lane county in the Memory Gar­
j the annual Four H fair to be held dens Highway Improvement asso- SENTIMENT
I at the la n e county fairgrounds on iatlou contest sponsored as a p arti
, September «. 8 and 10, taking the of the Bamuei H ili state highway1 Cheshire Road Celebration,
• place of 'he regular county exposi- beautification contest according to
and “Lane Day” at State
F » ir
tloa. was released this week by R Mrs Jessie Honeyman. chairman
of the roadside beautification com
° < ra m Tonight
I C. Kuehner. county club leader.
Club leaders plan to make the m iuee of the Oregon Federation of, The upper McKenxle country will
Four-H fair a three day school of Garden clubs. First prixe of 3126 be host tonight at the monthly
special Instruction as well as a was won by Jackson county, and meeting of the Lane County r a .m -
place for the 2600 club members in 'he cay of Oswego won third prixe ber of Commerce when the mem­
Lane county to exhibit and com
bers of that organisation gather for
pare their work. The program of
Special mention In the contest tbelr customary dinner at Sparks
special etfcicational events will be was given to the Cabin City, G o l d / ancb at « 30 o'clock. Approximate
Issued later
.Star, and Log Cabin auto camps *Y 40 representatives from nearly
Judges for the different club pro­ for their work In beautifying the a11 «Mto and community organise-
jects will Include prominent breed­ grounds and buildings about their ' *lona In the county are ««parted to
ers. specialists In crops and live­ premises.
> attend..
stock, and home economic experts
The highway Improvement con-! Whether or not Lane county
The judges w ill be prepared not '»•st will be continued again n e x t! wanta to devote her share of the
only to Judge and explain to the year, and efforts are being made Rell* f Finance corporation funds
cluobers the reasons for placings. to ecure prizes to be offered the I wh,ch
be available for constrnc-
I but will also conduct special in­
countles or cities making the great-1 tlon work here as a result of the
eet showing of improvement.
huge appropriation made by con»
The dates for the various exhi­
ress In June, to the construction of
bits as announced by Mr. Kuehner
bridges across the rivers and bays
; are as follows:
on the Coast highway will probably
Thursday. September 8: Placing
be decided tonight as this is to be
of ribbons on sewing, home making
one of the major topics of discus­
: and canning exhibits; judging of
icooking exhibits; county-wide meet­
Construction of the five bridges
ing of Home Economics club mem­
where the ferries now operate at
bers with special program; explana­
Newport, Waldport, Florence, Gar-
tion of placings of borne economics
dner- “ d Coos Bay would eliminate
exhibits by the judge.
Crops projects; Judging of flower Hand Shop Used in Attempt- ;a11 ,errles ot thla highway in Ore-
gon. The bridges would be toll
ing Entry Into Drug Store
exhibit«; judging of crops and gar
bridges for some time, this method
den exhibits; Instruction in crops
Judging; crops judging contest I Ul“ ng 100,3 • “ »««•> irom the E. E .I ’* .* " * take” to flnance th« >°*n re-
, Judging of horticultural exhibits.
Fra« * rick second hand store, would qU red tO bulW the bridgea
The doors of tha Springfield pub­
lic library will open again Saturday
at 2 o'clock after being closed for
one week while the building has
been renovated and the hooka re­ Girl« of Methodist Church Al- Portable Unit Will Be Brought! “ »»»«* p ro le « .: instruction *h J *
U te Saturday night at-
8e" ,1“ ent of ,he en,lrp conn-
a s -n t__ d i
-r •
livestock Judging; livestock luds-1 teu,pted to Force entry to the rest ; ty ‘ “ wards the expenditure of this
ready Making Plana for a I to Springfield Twice; Com- . ¡ng contest
1 ’ ° f the Keteis drug .to re by drilling
tor such purpose rather
Members of the Library Board
2-Week Trip Next Year j
plete Schedule Given
Forestry projects; judging of for- a 8erlc8 of hotes iBto tbe door panel than U8e 11 t ° r the road building
have spent considerable time at the
library thia week cleaning up the
jestry exhibits; forestry motion pic 1 wbere tbe> believed the lock to be! Program will be sought tonight by
I-ane county's portable cannery ¡ . turoa, cooperation
motion State
pic i i ° n
_ tbe ln8,de _
. - i u«<
-------- — Chamber
The Jolly Junior class of the
of Oregon
The discovery was I v Earl
H ln - „ County
entire building, wiping the walla
made Sunday morning when Keteis dent- a resident of Cushman,
and ceilings, and in going over the Methodist Sundsy school spent a will make its first visit to Spring- Board of Forestry.
books which have needed repair­ very enjoyable camp last week on field to aid In the preservation of
Handicraft: Judging of band! I came down t0 °P *n bi8 »tore. E. E. an active supporter of the bridge
upper Fall «week About 20 people foods for needy people on Septem- craft exhibits.
ing and rebinding.
j Eraederlck also discovered Sunday plan.
The catalogue of the library was apent ail or a part of the week her 10 and 12. and will return again
Friday. September 8; Home eco ‘DOniinK that bi» Pl“ te of business
Seek Commission Support
on September 28 for two more days nomic demonstration ; instruction bad been entered.
also brought up to date during the there.
Hfll is a member of the Oregon
to a complete schedule
Those attending Included Jo Lena accordlng
closing. There are still many books
of movements for the
!*“ i udkln< P0 “ 1^ : poultry Judging! Tbe would-be burglars had drill- Coast Highway association which
out. however, which should haw I ’utman. Bernice Bumes. Deixires which was issued this wuek to M ta s
1 Judglng ° f rabb“ 8 : JudtfnZ
f ’ « bo>es Into the door of the voted at its last meeting at W ald­
been returned to the Library last Castile. Jean Louk. La Moyne Gertrude Skow. Lane county home 1*1 ,iTeB,^ k exh,b” 8: dalr>’ < *‘ U ., d^ g 8tore '
an ° ld rusty brace port recently to ask the highway
week It was announced thia week. Black. Florence May. Marie Robin­ demonstration agent, who to direct- ’ * eP' a" d1 hO<" : d ,iry ' ores,ry pro “
( ' 1bO,f! of ’ bich wer® left commission that the federal loan
These hooks are public property son. Jeanlne Withers, Louisa Cow­
be used to build the bridges.
Ing the activities of the unit In co ‘ T / 7
’i 0’ '
' H H L
and are needed from time to tlm< den, Lnclle Davis. Fay Holverson, operation with the countv court and , 8*lrt " rd“ y' » * » * « * *
Charging a toll of 26 cents per
ir ' ^ ene<i a“ d fled'
by stundenta sod others who uae Edna June Yarnell, Edna Vest. Mar- •yMef officers
18tock and cr°P * demonstration con- A
dropped at the bottom auto per bridge, or an average of
garet Kiser, Flora and l-eona Ber
the library it la said.
*1.25 for the group of bridges on
¡of the door.
’ tests ; Dollar Dinner contest.
An average of 500 cans of food
Regular hours for the library are tsch and Mr. and Mrs W llils Ber-
Tools were taken from the second the basis of an average of 400 cars
have been canned dally since the !
from 2 to 6 In the afternoon, and l »ch
hand store after
they -----------------
had removed - daily would
, require 16 years to re-
from 7 to 8 In the evening on Mon-
There were so many sports to small canning' plant began work
F O R F A L L A C T I V I T Y part oi the rear door Panel. 9ev-
y tbe ° “ n 8ayg ,he 81u‘ 1* ’ Oar-
U k
A L I I V I T Y eral
)n the
Florence paper, which while seeing
day. Wednesday and Saturday of participate in that there was not a three weeks ago. The county col­
each week.
| dull moment during the week the lects two cans out of each doxen (
much merit to the plan wonders if
F irst M eeting of County Council were removed and a box of 40-70
girls report. They enjoyed fishing. for the use of the equipment, and
Held w ith Picnic a t River-
1 rifIe cartridges w ere carried to the such move will not tend to give the
new highway the reputation among
CLUB WORKERS TO LEARN ' boating, biking, and hors« shoe for the cans which are provided.
view P ark Wednesday
, back room
where they
were evl-
tourists as the toll road of Oregon
The complete schedule for the
dently forgotten.
Each evening two or three girls balance of the season is as follows:
Can Borrow 46 Millions
Various phases of the Parent-1 This is the second attempt which
Preparation of exbibiti will be I condnP“ ‘d •
surprise campfire
Eugene. Augu t 18 and 18; Cres Teacher association work including has been made to enter the drug to horro’w1^ 01 Ore8° n
high as 45 millions
the general theme of the weekly ! party Tbe »tace and Ppo« pam was well. August 20; Cottage Grove.
a consideration of the work to be | store. A similar attempt having
of dollars from the reconstruction
radio broadcast to be heard over i kep‘ recre* unl11 ®v«“ 'ng when the August 22. 23 and 24; McGill's farm
carried out this year were con been made shortly after the new
station KOAC at Corvallto on Mon ' group wa8 led t0 • ,ar<* campfire Junction City, August 25; Junction sidered yesterday at a covered dish building was occupied. That time fund if it cares to do so. The cost
dey night. August 83. at 8 o'clock ! aom* bpau,|ful location The girls City. August 2«. 27; Santa Clara luncheon held at Riverview park a pane of glass was removed and of the bridges are estimated In the
The flret radio ta t* w ill be given | 8,n< aong8' p l,yed <ame8 and bad and River Road. August 28; Cottage at 12:30 at the call of Mrs. G. H an inside door removed from its neighborhood of 33.000.000.
A special meeting of the road
by Professor A. O. Bouquet, of the 18tunU «Ft««- which they discussed Grove. August 30. 31, September 1. Good, county chairman of the P.-T hinges before the culprits got cold
committee of the County Chemhor
vegetable gardening department, on | g lrl* Proble,n8
! fuet and retreated without molest-
2, and 3; Coburg, September 5; Fall A. Council.
will be held at Eugene at four
the subject. "Selecting and proper-1 8unda? morning the class held Its Creek. Lowell. September « and 7;
Reports on the national conven ing anything in the store,
on the Corvallis campus.
o'clock today to consider this pro­
MARRIED 25 YEARS Ing the Vegetables for Exhibit.”
I re«u l,r Sunday school in tbe open Marcola. September 8 and 9; tlon held ln Minneapolis In June
— ------------------------
position. Members of the committee
The housing capacity at Corval
Helen Cowgill, assistant state Bacb g,rl gaTe 8 n ’ e “»‘uute talk
were given by Mrs. H. R. Emer B IG G E R R E G I S T E R A T ID M
Ils for the first term of the last j Mr and Mrs. A. K Jennings of club leader, w ill discuaa the pre- ° “ the top,ra ' My ,dea of * " ldeal Springfield. September 10. 12, 2«. son.
headed by J. Ed Turnbnll of Eugene
chairman of the Hoepitality
H ttilb T E R A T IO N
school year was 248k students W altervllle were honored Bunday st Deration of sewing exhibits for fair j cbum and "My Idea of an Ideal and 27; Oakridge-Westfir. Septem
SOUGHT BY CO. CLERK are: A. E. Gertmonte, W estfir; H
ber 18, 14; Meredith farm. Willi- committee of the Council. Mrs. Em
This figure Include« both state • picnic held at the 8torment picnic exhibition.
E. Maxey. Springfield; Angus Gib­
Mr. Bert ac h discussed glllespie. September 15; Elmira. erson attended a meeting in Port
owned dormitories and student «round by a group of 60 of their
son. Junction City; J. S. H I*«, of
The program w ill cloee with a *^b* ,,ro°F w « Have of the Reality
September 1«. 17; Florence, Sept­
owned fraternities and sororities Friends on the occasion of their sll-
Gold^on; Frank Harlow. Eugene;
broadcast of club newt from over °* ®°d-
ember 18; September 20. open date; on the National convention given gi8tered voters in Lane county at
Durlng (be same term 1774 students ver wedding anniversary,
the state.
| Tb8 Klrl8 are already planning I-orane. September 21; Crow. Sept­ by Mrs. Brice, state president Sug tbe e,ection tbl8 Fall is being C. W . Allen. Vida; B. F. Mlnney.
were living in these quarters leav-
A number of the guest« who at
Vida; C. Croner, Oakridge; and
another week's outing next sum
ember 22; Leaburg. September 23; ge tions of the new president were aouFbt now by W . B. Dillard, coun-
Ing only 734 actual vacancies tended their wedding 26 years ago
J. C. Ponsler. Florence.
' mer so successful was thl.t one
Thera wars also 13«! students were present Sundsy for the annt IUKA INSTALLATION 18
Cooperation with the Low Pass
of the new local work was dis Tuesda>' ln company with Ben F.
September 28. 29. 30, October 1
crowded Into Corvallis homes, ac »*r»ary. Among these were Mr. and
Keeney, assessor, making plans for Community club in preparing for
counting for the total enrollmenl Mrs J. H. Devor, Joe Devor, Mrs.
Springfield people who attended rCKi8tp»G°n of voters, and distribut the dedication of the completeo
Installation of newly elected of |
of 3037 students in attendance Fall Everett Weartn, Mrs. Lydia Mc-
were Mrs. Lee Putman, vice-presi i,,g campaign literature against the east section of the Cheshire rood
term. There would have been a Nutt.. Mrs. Frank Page, and O. L. fleers of Iuka Circle number 87,
will also be taken up at the meet­
SERVICE AT M. E. CHURCH dent of the county council. Mrs. i Zorn McPherson school measure.
room shortage of 637 students If 8t«cy. Following the basket dinner Ladle: Auxiliary of the G. A. R. I Announcement of the opening of
Pratt Holverson. member of the
Tho8e * 'bo have not registered ing according to E. C. Harlan.
all had applied.
tb* Party attended a ball game at will be held at the Armory this ,be annual fall term at the Eugene
Members of the Epworth Leagues
County Chamber secretary.
program committee. Mrs.
Jack yel may nOw do 80 at tbe City
evening at 8 o'clock.
Business college was made here of the Springfield and Cottage
Kidder Hall Condemned
I W altervllle In a body.
Plans for Lane county day at the
Sherman, new secretary of the lo- Hal1 A11 necessary blanks and re-
Mrs. Grace Lansberry w ill sue- ,b' 8 week by A. E. Roberts, presl Grove Methodist churches had
The enrollment at the University
cal unit, and Mrs D. C. Ogilvie <lulrcmeuts are available there. I. State fair at Salem on Monday.
ceed Mrs. Pearl Knowler as secre- dent °F the school. First classes will charge of the evening aervlcee at
for the same term was 2870 stu I THREE ATTEND ANNUAL
p ub licly director for the
county -M •'e'erson. city recorder, reglster- September 26. the opening day of
the Springfield church Sunday Council.
dent«. If the University was moved
S P A N IS H V F T D r i l M I O K l tsry, and Mrs. Knowler w ill retain he held on Monday. August 29
I ed 305 voters before the primary the exposition, will be placed before
to Corvallis between 2000 to 2600'
5PAN |SH VET REUNION only the office of treasurer. Mrs.
W ith a return of business sett evening In the absence of Rev.
election. This did not include the the county body and each commu­
additional students would be seek I M r. and Mrg M „ H u |lt,y und Olive Wlckum becomes patriotic v l,y there Is certain to be a big Dean C. Poindexter, pastor, who Is
many who were already registered. nity or district ln the county will
in 'tructor succeeding Mrs. Vsr I demand for properly trained bust attending a Bible Institute meeting LEAGUE MEMBERS WILL
be asked to contribute something
ing bousing facilities th ere This M . A . Poh| RpeIlt the w w kpn d
non I-andedon. while Mrs. Stalls j »>«"• people, says Mr. Roberts.
to the program or activities of the
In Washington. The Cottage Qrove
would mean that approximately portend where , hey , tter,ded the
young people directed the service,
6000 student« would have to »»« annual reunion of Oregon veterans Lewis takes the place of Clara Pal-
Members of the Springfield Ep­ IS SUBJECT FOR SERMON
and Sprlngfletld league member«
housed on s campus that a present who served during the Spsntoh- lel as conductress. The two outgo- 1 BOSTON MAN LEAVES'
Ing officers have moved out of
who attended the conference at worth League w ill leave here at 6
can only take care of 2384, since American war In the Philippines town.
o'clock Sunday evening for Cottage ’ Members of the Christian church HIGHWAY WORKERS STAY
Buttle lake recently reported on
Kidder Hall, women's dormitory The annua,
la hPld Bt
Grove where they w ill have charge wiU hear their pastor, Veltie Pruitt,
Mrs. M yrtle Egglmann, past de­
the work accomplished there.
built In 1888, has been ordered Laurelhurst park each August
A farewell party was held at the
of the evening service, paying a re- Preach on the subject "The Church
abandoned by the state board, de- They retunted to Sprngfleld Mon- partment president, w ill probably city park Monday evening for Eddie
A number of the men working on
turn visit for the one made here ° f Today" at the morning service
be the Installing officer.
creasing the total facilities by 106. day evening.
the highway east of Springfield are
Carroll of Boston. Mass., who has MISSION WORKER TO BE
Another angle that would Incite
staying at the Springfield hotel this
I be* n Tla,tlng at the H. E. Gerber TEACHER AT BIBLE MEET Leaguers. Miss Elizabeth Hughes I nish special music,
a m ilitant campaign for additional I o i i p p i v ftp u c rt r n n e c
home for aeveraI day«. He left
will have charge of the program for
The Christian Endeavor will meet week. Those registered there now
facilities on the Corvallis campus
K fc U i ' K O S 5
HOLD YOUNQ FOLK MEET Tuesday on the return trip to his
Miss H attie Mitchell, sister of the evening.
at 7 p. m. and the evening service are I. C. Johnson. Frank Bently, G.
on the part of Oregon mothers Is |
H. Clymer, Glen Clymer and Chas.
home. About 16 friends attended the Mrs. D. B. Murphy, left Monday for
----------------------------- will begin at 8 o'clock. Congrega-
the fact that there are at present
Plans for a short outing period picnic party.
singing, special musical
only enough accommodations for
A 8b|Pment °F 12B 48-pound sacks for young people of the Christian
Mr. Carroll made a visit to the be one of the instructors at a young
1 numbers, and an evangelistic ser­
780 women students.
of flour ,Or dlalr>butlon among the
church la the near future are being I coast last summer also
people's conference being held at
mon by the pastor w ill feature the MAKE DOCK REPAIRS
Women Lead at University
poor Pe°P|* of thl8 ▼•«nlty was re formulated this week by Veltto
Camp Seabeck.
evening meeting.
The curricula of the University e* lTed haPP Wednesday and was
Pruitt and other church w o r k e r s REBEKAH SOCIAL HELD
She spoke at the Scotts Mills
attracts a larger number of women dlTld"d «mong the local merchants,
Guistlna Lumber company was i
It Is expected that a large number
Reconstruction of the dock over
than do the courses of a more tech-
Flour In milled In Portland from
of the young people w ill be able
AT HALL ON MONDAY the work which is being done on severely Injured Monday when he ELECTRIC STORM SETS
the mllirace just Inside the main
nlcal nature at Oregon Slate col- wboal furnished by the Federal to attend a three or fonr day outing
was thrown through the windshield
the mission fields of the Belgian
lege, which means that If the I Farm Board and *• Put ln t0 8P«ctal
entrance at the Booth-Kelly lumber
Monthly social meeting of Juan
of an automobile. His face and
— — —■
to be held at some place to be
school moving bill la passed th e re l*ack8 de8lgnaF1»« the purpose for chosen later. A Bible study period I l,a R«bekah lodg«" was held at the Congo In Africa where she has been neck were badly lacerated. No de-
At least 10 small forest fires in company plant here Is now under
would be a combined registration wblcb •• 18 Intended. The flour will will be held dally and considerable *' ° - ° - F hal1 Monday evening stationed for some time.
tails of the accident could be learn- j the Cascade forest near Oakridge way. New timbers and supports
of about 2600 women for which ac I be me,ed out to Individual families time w ill be devoted to outdoor T ra,f,c «ame» a" d stunts were the
ed other than that he had been were discovered this week follow are being placed. A temporary drive
commodatlons would be available on ordsr °F the Red Croes worker In ports and other forms of recrea- theni’ oi the evening with refresh CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR
thrown through the windshield.
, ing the heavy electrical storm of around the side of the time office
tor lees than 1000. Thus the re-1,b l* p ,r t oi the oountry
has been provided.
I mente consisting of gasoline and
------------------------------Sunday evening. Most of these
8outh Dakota People Here
Fires were believed to have been!
tires (coffee and doughnuts) served
. T ° m’ n WOU d be ' atl0» 'w °> "d b0 to rob many of the
M r and Mrs. Schambers and caui ed by the lightning according THUMB MASHED WHEN
forced to live In town, remote from Rtste'n worthiest students of mean, MARCOLA MAN INJURED
I * * flllln< st,tlon Mrg Blanch# Young people of the Christian
church held an outdoor meeting at ch'ldren of Mowbridge, South Da- to Forester Steele, deputy forester. |
administrative supervision— a situ«- nf employment In order that they
W ITH HOT WATER FRIDAY I Cox were the members of the en Springfield park Sunday afternoon kota, left Thursday for their home There were no fires reported In j
tlon that mothers of the state would „„„h , rPmaln ln achooI Th# tWQ
at 5 o'clock. Miss Mina Peterson after spending two weeks here the Sluslaw section.
. tertalnment committee.
demand remedied Immediately, and towns, Eugene and Corvallis, have
Jimmie W right, young son of Mr.
Fred Jones of Marcola suffered a
and Miss Dawn Church had charge. vkdtlng with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
at a large expense to the state for a combined population of 27000 per-
and Mrs. L. A. Wright of rout« 1,
badly scalded leg from his hip to I
Man Injures To«
Miss Peterson led ln a discussion Worswick on the Lorane highway.
new women's dormitories.
Go to Portland— Mrs. Roy Petltt Eugene, sustained a badly
sons on which the students, 70 per his ankle Friday evening when a i Mike Dutcher painfully Injured a
of the subject, "Nature," and Veltie and whit Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson and her father and mother, Mr. and thumb Saturday when his
Aside from the housing problem cent of whom are wholly or partial­
large imount of steam escaped i toe on his foot Saturday while work Pruitt gave a short talk. Merton
the bill would create, there Is also ly self-supporting, can under the
In Springfield. Mrs. Schambers is a Mi». Hansen of Redmond, stopped came caught In a feed clu»
r at
from a boiler which he was working Ing on the J. T. Moore place near Fere bee sang a solo. The entire
the fact that to crowd 6000 students present set-up draw on for jobs In
brother of Mr. Worswick. Her hus- here (or a short while Monday be- his home. He was given
with. H a was brought to Springfield Springfield. A wagon tongue fell on group returned in time for the even­ band operates a group of service | fore going on to Portland to visit care at tbe office of a
Into Corvallto, a town of 7000 popn- order to secure their ednoetlon.
tor medical treatment.
| hto foot causiti« the lajury
ing eervlca at the church.
stations In South Dakota.
I at the home of Mrs. P e tltt
i physician.
PREPARING OF EXH IB ITS| i,lon5 ,rlth ae’ eral 8Wlm"