PAO « POUR T in s 8PRINOF1ELD NEWS C. E. INSTITUTE SPEUKERSNAMED Turkey Growers Program Is Set Annual Lane County Tour to Pe Held August 18. to Visit Four Leading Flocks TO PLAY AT FO .-McDONALD THURSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1982 ELECTRIC TESTER MAY [ Olympic« BE USED W ITH PEARS New Device to Measure Maturity Found by Research Man at Oregon State Sfyl à ’ 1 Double Bill Is Offered fans Another except unally good wrestling card 1 being lined up A farmer to succeed has long hud this week for Lane county fans by to be a "Jack of all trail s" from llerli Owen, Eugene promoter, at : economist to chemist, suit now he the county fairgrounds Frida» eve Problems of turkey grower and I will have to add a bit to Ills elec I lrival ability If a new device for Ulng at 8:30 o'clock how different farmers are meet ng Mr. Luther Stain, pastor of the ¡them will be discussed on the an­ ; le ting maturity of pears an Presbyterian church of Fresno Thia will he another double main nual t ane county turkey growers' I 'lottnced by the t 'regou Kxper men! Calif.. is to be the main speaker at event card with Cyclone Mackey tour which will be held on Thurs­ tallon comes Into g neral use. the Thirteenth Annual Oregon of (lalveaton, Texas, and Don Kill day. August IS. according to County Not so many years ago the col Christ an Endeavor summer con of Wichita, Kanaas, being assigned Agent O. 8. Fletcher who has co­ 1 lege research men look moat of ferenoe. which begins on Monde}' the closing match of the evening operated with the turkey project ihe guesa work out of picking pears evening, August 32. and closes the George "Wildcat" Pete and Jo« committee of the lame County by devlatcg a "mechanical thumb" following Sunday August Iurelll will be the opponents In Miss Loretta Turnbull, California, agrfculturl) council in arranging | by which the change in pressure 28, The conference is held at Tur three Iho first match. times feminine Intenutkmil ; needed to puncture the pear aa it for all Chri tian Eudeavorers speeiÜHiat champion, couldn't drive the event. Dr W T. Johnson, poul This Mackey fellow Is gaining try pathologist of the Oregon Agri­ I ap‘ reached maturity could bo men of the state, and other young peo­ fast enough to evade cupid, so this a large following among Ixtne cultural college, will take part In lured. This ha served well ever fall will marry R. B. Blythe. New ple, regardless of church affilia­ county (ana and la inaklug a cleat, York, former ; < rsonai representative the tour and discuss disea e con Scent* from "Bring Km Bark Alive" thrilling utlven- s m e. hut has its limitations, parti tion. of Colonel Ijndbergh I sweep of defeating all opponenta. trol problems The schedule for the lu re picture coming to Eox-Mi Donald T heatre in Eugene cularly in that it la of no use In The program of conference has It took him two evenings to con tour Is as follows: for three days beginning Sunday. measuring the changes that take as Its fundamental aim Chr.atian quer Pete, and he had but little 10:06 a. m.—L. F I.ongcov farm place In fruit during storage by Endeavor leadership training The difficulty later In winning from one mile north of Coburg. Narrag O lym pic G am es G ay W ith Color which It might be told when they mornings are given over to classes Walter Achlu. the Oriental wrest ansett turkeys. near the end of their storage life. on various lines. Afternoons are ter, 11:45 a. m —Joe. Kupeta farm As an Improvement on thia me agent in various kinds of recrea about five miles southwest of Go- clianlral (eater, James C, Moore, Donald Hill Is no set up as a Her«, girls. 1« the first Olympic m- tlon. shen. Eleven hundred Rronae tur­ formerly with the U. 8. department flunwed style a jockey red toleil wrestler, either, haying given Two Lecturaa Daily keys. of agriculture, began experimenting W t yacket- with an “offtcial" O lym ­ "Wildcat" Pete auch stiff compell seal properly placed and uuitc (he 18:15 p. m —Basket picnic dinner There are two lectures during Investigation of Willamette with an electrical device with which pic lion that It was finally decided to thing far epurtvsear now and durutg the day. one In the morning, given Park Facilities by Health at Riverview park hack of Skinners to measure the resistance to elec­ pit the two together again with tbs - UU. Ruffe. Eugene. Coffee will be fur- Officer Made This Week by Ur. Walter L. Myers of Eugene, tric current In pear tlaaue. He found champloushlp at atake. Both have ¡nished. on the subject, "Jesus in tbe Mo­ that this resistance changes mark­ contributed new life Io the sport Fallacious rumors which circula 3:00 p. m.—A. E. Cameron farm dern World.” The second lecture edly as the pears reach the proper Interest of the county and are ex­ .s In the evening and is to be given ted about Springfield and vicinity | four miles northwest of Irving stage for picking, and that It will pected to draw a large house Fri­ by Mr. Stein on the general theme. to the effect that the swimming Three hundred Bronte turkeys on also measure the progress of ma day. turlty In storage. The Adequate Christ." Mr. Stein pool at Willamette park was unfit extensive range. 1 ........... . 3:00 p m. —M. O. Nelson farm also gives the Bible studies whicb for use were rapped this week by Working as assistant hortlcultur- is the fir t class in tbe morning. Dr. R. C. Romig. county healty of­ one and one-balf miles northwest allat at the experiment station this Each day closes with a bonfire ficer. who visited tbe park and in of Junction City on west side Pa­ past year, Moore has continued his Daughter of Mr. and Mr«. meeting, at which Paul Brown, of spected all sanitary conditions. He cific highway. experiments In cooperation with Welby Steven« Married also took a sample of water from At each farm the owner will dis- 1x18 Angeles, is tbe leader. Medford pear growers who are to Larry Clamenaon the river at that place and will cuss his various turkey manage­ on (ht* Iieautlftil, Shady much Interested In the project Other leaders in the conference have a test made of it ment practices, such as hatching. Though handicapped by drouth In Unk« ut include Ross Gulley, Eugene, field Helen Reynolds, daughter of Mr. The rumor implied that drainage brooding, feeding, and disease and his field work last year. Moore has secretary, Oregon C. E. Union, and from a septic tank was being run parasite control. All interested par- carried his Investigations to the nnd Mrs Welby Htevens of route 2. dean of the conference; Viola Og­ into the river just above the swim ties are Invited to take part In the point where a preliminary report Springfield, was married to Larry den. Portland. 9tale C. E. secret­ ming pool. The investigation made tour. has been published as an experi­ Clemenson of Medford Saturday. LOW ALL-DAY PRICES ary; Hulda Anderson, Le Grande, this week proved that tbe septic ment station bulletin. August 6, The ceremony was per­ dean of girls; Elcy Walker. Fore it tank was fully 70 feet from the Special Monthly Rates Moore has perfected an electrical formed by Itev. Ernest Whitesmith, Grove, business manager; Wilma river, and that none of the over device which gives accurate read­ pastor of the Unitarian church, at Auk About Them Eddy, Corvallis, assistant business flow ever reached the river. ings with pears, while It Is compact the church parsonage. manager; Mrs. Ross Guiley, Eu­ enough to be easily portable for use gene; Vesta Orrick, Eugene; Helen throughout an orchard dtstrlot SIGHTS YOU'VE NEVER SEEN I McClay, Oregon City; Glenna Steph­ DINNER GROUP GATHERS . THRILLS Flags of all nations, whose teams are competing in the Olympics at ens, Eugene; and Edgar Hoover. AT FANDREM HOME FRI. Los Angeles, flutter from the flagstaffs as the games get under way. Photos KNOW NI three of the U. S. girl swimmers. Mainson, Rawls and Hoffman— Oregon C. E. president, Portland Defeat of Wm. Moyer by show MANY MASON JARS FOR and the great Paavo NtWmi. "Phantom Finn,’* all champions , . and a Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fandrem en-: Ralph DeMott is Greatest lection of the flagstaffs and a part of the crowd. CANNING ARE RECEIVED tertained at their home Friday Surprise of Tournament TO ADVERTISE PRODUCTS evening lor members of their din­ A total of 230 Ball Mason fruit AT LEGION CONVENTION ner club. Tbe guests enjoyed a Ralph DeMott's victory of two PIONEER "NIGHT CLUBS" MILLS NOW DOWN TO Jars to be used In the Four-H can swim in the Willamette river be-1 19 PERCENT CAPACITY nlng schools starting next week, NO PLACE FOR SISSIES: up over William Moyer in th,« Baker—Baker county farm pro­ fore dinner and dancing after­ championship (light at the Oakway and by those entering the Interna­ ducts will be represented In the wards. The guests were Mr. and Seattle. Wash.—A total of 321 golf tournament last week-end Men Were Really Men, Had to Be tional Canning contest, were re­ displays to be maintained in all Mrs. W’alter Gossler. Mr. and Mrs. to Get In Early Honky Tonky, mills reporting to the West Coast proved the greatest surprise of the ceived Monday by the county Club the principal Portland hotels during C. F. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford , Lumbermen's association for the According to Records entire tournament to date. Moyer Leader from the International Can­ the coming American Legion na Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Larson ----------- week ending July 30 operated at had been leading with one up at the ning contest board. The first of tionai convention. The county Wright and Mr and Mrs. Laur­ Hollywood, accustomed to swank 19.2 per cent of capacity, as com­ end of the first nine holes. these canning schools will be held agent is working with a committee ence Moffitt. Elmer Pyne and Donald Toomb supper club" where ,he mu ic '• pared to 18.8 per cent of capacity at McMorran and Washburne store of the lacoi chamber of commerce for the previous week and 39.4 per both lost their matches in the first swe*‘' and low' an<1 ,he "«ht 8oft Io Eugene un August IS. in assembling uch display mater­ DOROTHY GIESE INJURES (light. Pyne being defeated bv Dick has ,earned what nl*ht li,e 18 llk* cent for tbe same week last year. ials. An information booth for tour­ where men are men During the week 211 of these plants Son is Born— Mr. and Mrs. Ira V. SHOULDER AT PLAY ^Oler, and Toomb by L. E. Green­ "Hell's Bells." a notorious honky were reported as down and 110 as ist travel will also lie maintained wood. Lee of Uakrldge are the parents of here for visitors cominp over the operating. Dorothy Giese, small daughter o f : Both Toomb and Pyne then drop- tonk of California's more virile a baby son born to them at the old Oregon Trail. Current new business of 216 where year8' was reconstructed as a set Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Giese of the P«d to the second flight Eugene hospital on Monday. Aug­ ting for "Vanishing Frontier," identical mills was 41.5 per cent ust 8. 1932. Gold Star Auto camp in West Pyne succeeded In defeating ! story of Old California, starring over production. This group re­ Springfield sustained a broken Grover Richardson, SIX ATTEND BREAKFAST I —ohnny Mack Brown, and featur­ ported production approximately Vida Man Her« -- Gene Goff of shoulder Monday afternoon when -------------------------- ing Evalyn Knapp. Zasu Pitts, Ray­ one-half million feet more than tbe OF STATE MISSION BODY she fell while playing with a large FEWER LAMBS RAISED; Vida was a business visitor In mond Hatton and J. Farrell Mac previous week. Shipments for the Springfield Tuesday. Springfield was represented by beach ball. She received medical HAY, HONEY PRICES FALL : Donald. And Hollywood gasped week were 32.4 per cent over pro­ six'persons' a t~ b e ~ annual" sta"te "care at the office of * ,ocal phya‘- duction. " when it learned what the "good old hreakfast of the Mission Society of c*aD- Fewer lambs are being raised in days" were like In "Hell”s Bells Thurston Inventories, as reported by 144 the Chri church held in Eu- "* the 13 western range states than Much of the action of "The Van mills decreased 10,992 M feet from RKO RADIO PICTURS Mrs. O. L. Clement Is at Stayton tm e Tuesday morning. Those at Leave for Seattle— Mr. and Mrs for the past two years, according to ishing Frontier" coming to the Fox tbe week ending July 23 and are tending from this city were Mrs. Wade Paddock left Sunday tor Seat- figures reviewed by the market McDonald tomorrow and Saturday 22.7 per cent less than at this time caring for her new granddaughter Sun., M on., Tues. Marie Ruth Basl, who weighed 7 Vfc Ren Hollister. Mrs. Vcltie Pruitt, tie where they will visit for a few news office of the Oregon State col- ¡s get in the vicinity of "Hell's last year. Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Mrs. A. P. Sev- days. Mr. Paddock was expected to lege extension service. The 1932 Bells," and the woman owner of the Unfilled orders increa-ed 3,174. pounds and Is the daughter of Mr. trson and daughter Edna, and Mrs. ¡return this week, but his wife will lamb crop in these states is about honky-tonk has an important part 000 feet from the previous week and Mrs. Ben Basl. tl 6 (> « » l \ l < <»A S» Thurston baseball team won W. C. Rebhan. 13 per cent under 1931, and about in the action. The story of the pic New export business received dur remain for an extended visit. 4 per cent below the 1930 crop ture deals with a Robin-Hood type Ing the week was 4.260.000 feet over Westfir team last Sunday by This year's crop is still larger than Of bandit, who robs the rich to aid more than the volume reported foi one point at Westfir. I .T 4 Mr. Schaffer of Eugene and the 1929 lamb production by about the poor, but who, when he Is con the previous week. New domestic 1,400,000 head. vinced Justice will be done, is cargo orders were 13.678.000 feet grandson Clayton Schaffer from The poor range and feed sltua- ready and willing to Join the side over the previous week, new rail Cheyenne, Wyoming, were at John tion that existed last fall and win- of Justice. business decreased 654,000 feet, Edmlston's Monday watching the ter is blamed for the reduction _____________ ___ while the local trade increased 1,- threshing machine work Clayton Ibis year as it resulted in heavy T |Q E R T H p VILLIAN OF 660,000 feet from the previous Schaffer belongs to the airplane losses of ewes and lambs during VILLIAN U f Springfield, Oregon corps In Cheyenne. week's business. he winter and early spring. This ‘BRING ’EM BACK ALIVE Mrs. Tralln from Portland and Continued lower production and .summer, however, ranges are hold- ----------- unsatisfactory values have forced Mrs. Marvin Jackson and Mrs ing up better than for several years frank Buck, author, adventurer higher asking prices by mills during Jeppe Jenson from Eugene were In in the west, and as a result lambs anfl wild animal maestro whose the past week. Thia. It Is believed, Thurton Wednesday In the Inter­ have not been forced out of pro- /4 fall to answer, for want thereof 50c and 75c Bra«Hiere«, each 25c the prospects are for a good yield. 9ery too many times to try to keep acres of ground from Mrs. Geo. the plaintiff will apply to the Bo«« of the Road Overall« 89c Court for Judgment against you Demand is reported inactive and ; track of. Newman for a permanent plcnlt Bo«« of the Road Corduroy Pant« $1.98 so far prices are no better and "Bring ’Em Back Alive," directed grounds where they will hold fami­ In the sum of Elghty-flve and no- 100 Dollars (385.00) with Interest $3.50 Men’« Dreg« Pant« $1.98 sometimes lower than last year. In- by Clyde E. Elliott, comes to the ly reunion picnics. Last September thereon at the rate of six per cent $1.00 Men'« Plain Color Broadcloth Shirt 49c dicatlons are that the plains area F°» McDonald theatre Sunday for 13th they held their first family per annum from the 10th day of $1.00 Men’« B. V. I), style Union Suit 39c November, 1925, until paid, and for and most of the clover belt will | three days. picnic. 50c Boy’« Work Shirt 29c reasonable attorney’s fees of have a good crop of honey. I -------------------------- J. A. Phelps Is building a new Fifteen and no-100 Dollars (316.00), $1.00 Men’s Union Suit«, Short. Sleeve«, long leg«, 49c ---------------------- —■ At Triangle Lake—Mr. and Mrs. barn at his ranch at Pleasant Hill, and for plaintiff’s costs and dis­ Men’« Dre«« I lose, Pair jOc bursements herein Incurred. Nurse Return«—Miss Annls Mc- SIg Moe spent Sunday at Triangle The Lewis mill above Dexter 1s SOe Men's I landkerchlel'H, colored border 05c This Summons Is served upon Gookln returned to Springfield ' Lake. operating 4 days a week. The Guls- you by publication In the Spring- $3.50 Men'« Work Shoe« $1.85 Tuesday evening after having spent tlna mill operated two days last field News, a newspaper of general $5.00 Men’« Dre«« Shoe« and Oxford« $2.98 several days at Forest Grove visit­ To Move Soon—H. O. Becker and week. circulation In Springfield, Oregon, $3.50, $5.00 Ladle«’ Sport and Dre«« Shorn $1.98 ing with her sister, Mrs. J. A. En­ family will leave Monday for Oak­ by virtue of an order made and en­ Blanket« Greatly Reduced. tered on the 9th day of August, schede. Her sister Is here visiting land, California, where they will Creswell Girls Here—Miss Wil 1932, by the Honorable Dan John­ for a few days. make their home. loughby Howe and Marjorie Howe ston, Justice of thb Peace, In and Every Purchase is Guaranteed to Be Standard of Creswell are visiting at the for the Eugene Justice District, High Grade Merchandise. Mission Meet Postponed j California People Visit—Mr and home of their aunt, Mrs. Fred Louk. Lane County, Oregon, the first pub llcatlon of said Summons being on The monthly meeting of the Bap Mrs. W. H. Jones and fanlly of the 11th day of Au«ust, 1932, and list Missionary society of the Bap- California are spending a lew days Carrier on Vacation— John Nice, the last publication on the 8th day tlst church which was to have been here at the home of Mr. and Mrs carrier on route 1, Is taking a four- of September, 1932. C. N. JOHNSTON, Attorney held Tuesday was postponed until Don Mcekins, Mr. nnd Mrs Jones day vacation this week. LeRoy for Plaintiff. U. 8. National next month It was announced here owned the Midway Auto park be­ Nice Is carrying the mall during THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD Bank Bid«., Eugene, Oregon. Monday. fore moving to California. his absence. (A 11-U-M— 8 1-3) - Fta«no Paator to Lead Thir­ teenth Annual Outing at Turner Week of Aug. 22 Wafer Rumor Is Branded babe Helen Reynolds Married Aug. 6 GOLF OAKWAY Golfers Drop Oakway Matches BRING CM ÆACK AVIVÉ e'MIHISAIII Irish-Murphy Co. LOYALTY and ECONOMY M id -S u m m e r Clearance Sale -Qf- Fulop’s Dept Store Flour Flour Fulop’s Dept. Store __ /