THURSDAY, AUGUST 11. 1932 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS N O T IC I OF HEARING ON FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE IH IIEKEBY NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OIVEN: That the undersigned, as executors ot the l.aat W ill and Testament ot Hue* L. Mach«, deceased, have filed their account for the final aettle ment of aalil decedent'* estate In the County Court of lain« County, Oregon, and that Maturday, the 13th day of August. 1932, at the Court Koom of »aid Court In the « H A X Ï ('RYHTALM Ph. 1704 County Court House. In Eugene at 30 E. 7th — 32 W. Mil Eugen« len o'clock In the forenoon, ha* lieeu fixed by said Court a* the F u ll MALIC- Flue view lut, Wtl- time and place for bearing objec lam ette Heights, «18E.M, T e rm s . I e lei hone 241X W Eugene. J 28 tor. (A t u - i i n - » I) N O T IC I TO CREDITOR! NOTICE 18 HEREBY UIVEN That W. H. Mclieth haa been ap­ pointed administrator of the estate of David Roes McBeth, deceased, by the County Court of Lane Coun­ ty, Oregon All persons having claims against said estate are re­ quired to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six month* from the 4th day of August, IMS. to the said administrator at the law office of L. L. Ray In the Miner building In Eugene. Oregon. W. >1. M cB E T II. Administrator of the estate of David Ross Me- Beth, deceased L. L. RAY. Attorney for Estate (A 4-11-18-28— 9. 1) N O T IC I TO CREDITOR! NO TIC E IB HER EBY G IVEN . That the undersigned have been appointed Executrices of the estate and Last W ill and Testament of Anna Haynes, deceased, by (he County Court of Lane County. Ore­ gon All persons having claims agt^nst said estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at ths law offices of James K King. 410 Miner Building. Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this 28th day ot July. 1032 W IN N IE RUSSELL, PEARL S A T T E R F IE L D . V IV IA N O LIV E R . Executrices of the estate and Last W ill and Testament of Anna Haynes, De­ ceased. |J. Ill— A 4-11-18-26) N O T IC I OF F IN A L HEA RING Notice la hereby given that Hana Bertelsen, administrator of the as tale of H arry B Manville, haa filed In the county court, hl* final ac <»unt as sucb administrator, and that the court has rtxed tan o’clock A. M. of Friday, Aug. 1». 1111. at the chamber* of the Court In the court house In the city of Eugene. Ot egon, as the time and place when said account shall come on for ex amination and allowance. All per sons desiring to object to the same utay appear at aald time and place and be heard. IIA N 8 B ER TELSEN. Admr S. D A LLEN . Attorney for Estate (Ju 81-88— A 4-11 ) Business Directory Edw. G. Privat JEWEI-KR Itepalrlng a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN Naturopathie Physician Phons 01-J Office Honrs: 1 to I P. M. 4M Fourth Street O n e ra i Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attcrney-et-l-aw Pity Hall Building Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield Sutton Building Oregon POOLE• GRAY BARTHOLOMEW Funeral Directors Formerly Walker-Poole EU O EN E— 11th S P R IN G F IE L D and Charnelton, SIB Main Telephone 7X8 Phone 02-J and ,or ’•‘U* FRED FISK. N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R ! Notice I* hereby given that the undersigned Clara Fawver has been appointed administrator ot the estate of Earn 8. Collins, by the Cuuuty Court of l-ane County, Ore EBB, *ud all persona having claims against said estate will proseul the same duly verified at the law office of W hitten Swafford. 202 T lf fany Bldg., Eugene, Oregon, on or before six months from this date Dated and first published August 4. 1031. CLARA FAW VKK, Admlnlstra W H IT T E N WWAFFtJRD, At- lorney for estate. i G ILB ER T Z A t'H ER , Executors of ihe Last W ill and Teetameut of Rose L. Sachs, deceased L. L. ItAY, Attorney for Estate. (J 14-21-28— A 4-11) NOTICE OP S H E R IF F ! BALE REAL PROPERTY NO TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and order of tale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon tor Lano County the Sth day of July, 1032. upon and pursuant to a decree duly given and made by said Court th<- Sth day of July, 1*82, In a suit pend lug therein In which The Pacific Savings A Loan Association was plaintiff and Ida M Hoge, G. L. Brown and Lucy E. Brown were defendants, which execution and order of sale was to me directed end commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy certain lien* and chargee In said deer»« specified. I will on Satur­ day ths 13th day of August, 1*32, at the hours of one o'clock. P. M at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eugene, Lane Coun­ ty. Oregon, offer for sale and sell nt public auction for cash, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In aald suit and of all parties claiming by, through or under them or any of them In or to the following described real property, to-wlt: Begluulng at a point on* bund red elghty-nlne (IS *) feet west of the West Una of Agate Avenue, If extended south, as said Agate Avenue Is platted and laid out In Gross' Addition to the City of Eu gene, Lane County, Oregon, and two hundred seven and 01-10tha (207.1) feet south of the south line of 23rd 9treet, as (he same Is platted and laid out In Gross Addition to the City of Eugene, l-ane County, Oregon, run thence Mouth one hundred twenty-six and *-10ths (128.0) feet, thence West forty-five (46) feet, thence North one hundred twenly-eix and 0-10ths (124.*) feet, thence East forty-five (46) feet to the place of beginning, In Eugene, Lane County. Oregon. Dated thia 12th day of July, 1*32. H. L BOWN. Sheriff (J 14-21-28— A 4-11) NO TIC E OF S H E R IF F ’ S SALE REAL PROPERTY N O TIC E Is hereby given that by virtue of an execution and ordet of sale Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for l-ane County the 26th day of July, 1*32. upon and pursuant to a de­ cree duly given and made by aald Court the 26th day of July. 1*32. In a suit pending therein In which The i*aclflc Saving» A Loan Asso­ ciation, a Washington corporation, was plaintiff and Ida Weinstein and others were defendants, which ex­ ecution and order of sale was to me directed and commanded me to sell the real property hereinafter described to satisfy certain Ilona and charges In aald decree speci­ fied. I will on Maturday the 27th day of August, 1*32, at the hour of one o'clock P. M at the southwest door of the County Court House In Eu gene, l-ane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction for cash, subject to redemption a« provided by law. all of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In said suit and of all parties claim­ ing by. through or under them or any of them. In or to the following described real property, to-wlt: Beginning at a point 61 feet North of the Southeast corner of 1-ot four (4) In Block nine (>) of that part of the City of Eu­ gene, In Lane County, State of Oregon, which was donated to aald I-ane County by Eugene F. and Mary Skinner; and running thence west 140 feet or to the alley; thence North along the line of alley 3* feet; thence East 140 feet to the West line of W II lamette Street and thence South 3* feet to the place of beginning; also all their Interest In and to the North H alf of the brick wall along the North line of said lot In accordance with the party wall agreement executed by C. W Young with Spencer Butte Lodge Number *, I. O. O. F „ executed Aug. 21, 1889 and recorded on Page 164 of Vol. "D" of Miscel­ laneous Records of said County; but subject to Liu rights nt the owners of the building adjoining ■aid lot on the North to use the South half of aald wall situated upon the Lot or tract above des crlbed; also Including nil their right In and to the South wall ot ■aid building extending beyond the li2-s of the above described lot and subject to the rights of the owner of the property adjoin Ing Rams on the South to use the South wall ot aald building, a por lion ot which stands on aald above described tra c t Dated this 27th day of July, 1932. H. L. BOW N, Sheriff. (J. >8— A 4-11-18-26) Ful-Vue Glasses Do N e t Hide Your Eyee The New Ful-Vue glasses have high-up aide bows, revealing eye ex­ pression. clearing tideway vision. Ful-Vue glasses represent a long advance In better looks and better vision. You cannot afford to trifle with your eyesight. I t ’s too Important to your health, youthfulness and earning power. You may not need gla sea, but seven out of ten people do. It doesn't pay to skimp on the only eyes you w ill ever have. DR. ELLA MEADE Optometrist 41 Went Eth NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER FORECLOSURE Notice la hereby given that, by virtue of an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lu and for Lane County, on the 37th day of July, 1*32, upon x decree of foreclosure rendered In ^ald court on the same day In the suit of Ralph G. Marks against George W. Starbuck and Mrs. George W. Starbuck, husband and wife, for tbe sum of 3343.66, the further sum of *60 attorney's fee and the costs and disbursements of suit, taxed xnd allowed as *30.86; and commanding me. as sheriff of l-ane County, Oregon, to sell, In tbe manner provided by law tbe lands described In said decree to satisfy said execution, with Interest, xnd the expenses of making auch sale: NOW T H ER EFO R E. In accord sure with said command, I will on Maturday, the 37th day of August, 1*32 at one o'clock in the afternoon at the Southwest or main entrance to tbe County Courthouse In Eugene, Oregon; offer for sale at public auction and sell to tbe highest bid der, for cash. In one tract, the lands In said decree described, to-wlt; Tbe North half of the North­ west quarter and the Southwest fourth of tbe Northwest quartet of Section 22 In Township 16 South. Range 1 West of the W il­ lamette Meridian. 120 acres. In 1-ane County, Oregon; subject to redemption, as by law provided H L. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon. (J. 28— A 4-11-18-26) CITATION S T A T E O F OREGON FOR T H E C O U N TY O F LANE. JAMES W. W Y A T T , Plaintiff, va. VA LB TA M ILD R E D W Y A T T , De­ fendant. To: V A L E T A M IL D R E D W Y A T T, the above named defendant. IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S TA TE O F OREGON, O R E B TIN O S : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain­ tiff on file herein on or before four weoka from the date of the first publication of this summons; or for want thereof the plaintiff w ill take Judgment agalnat you aud w ill apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint and for a decree of ahsolute divorce from you. This summons Is published once a week for four consecutive weeks In the Springfield News, a weekly newspaper published at Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by an order of the Hon. O. F. Sktpworth, Judge of this Court, made July 37, 1033. Dated and first published this 28th day of July, 1032. FRAN K B. REID, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address; Eugene, Oregon. (J. IS—A 4-11-18-28) (J. SS—▲ 4-11-18-88) IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E RRIGATED LAND 10 BE VIEWED ' »i n — n i Benefits of E n tra Tonsil Operation — John Porter Week-end in Portland — F ra n k uuderwant an operation for tonsils Lombard spent the week-end la Portland. W ater to Friday Be Seen on Two-Day Wil- lam ette Valley Trip Farmer Hare— M J Weller, o fl Fish on McKsnxi* — Mike Lea- mute 1, was a business visitor leathers pent Munday fishing on the McKenzIe river. Springfield Monday. How Irrigation la serving In western Oregon to cut down pro- Oakridge Man Here Ed Clark ductlon costa of dairy and other ° f Oakridge was a business v.sltor products and frequently raise qual­ in Springfield on Maturday. ity as well, will be viewed by tb o.« Roseburg Man Here — Charles who make Ihe third annual Wiliam Norton of Roseburg la Visiting at ette Valley Irrigation tour scherl- NOTICE the home of his uncle, Harry W hit­ OF FINAL SETTLEMENT uled for August 18 and 1». Plans ney thia week. Notice Is hereby given that Frank are now completed lor this trip II llam lln, administrator of tbs es­ Take Coast Vacation — Mrs. W which is sponsored Jointly by tbe tate ot Creaalda W. Hamlin, de­ ceased. has filed his final account Irrigation committee ot the Oregon K. Hamell and daughter. Barbara, In (be County Court of Lan* County, reclamation congress and tbe Ore­ left Maturday morning for Newport Oregon, and that said court haa set gon Htate college extenaion ser­ where they will spend two weeks a* the time and place tor tba final vice. • settlement or said as tats Saturday, Return from Oakridge— Mr. and The tour Is open to farmers, busi­ August 20th, 1*32, at 10 O’clock In Mrs. Otto Morton and Ueorge An­ the forenoon of said day at the ness men. bankers or any others Ifi- County Court room In the Court tereated In this new phase of agri­ derson returner! Friday evening from a visit at Oukrldge. house In Eugene, Oregon, where all pei sons Interested may appear at cultural development In this sec­ Hosts at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. ■aid lime and file objections. It tion. Tbe trip will start at Port­ any they have. land and end at Eugene, with D. B. Murphy had as their dinner FRANK B H A M L IN . Adminis­ everyone free to Join at uny point guests Munday Mr. and Mrs. Roland trator. where most convenient and drop E. Mosbler and Miss Uldine Gar- I. M PETERSON. Attorney for out whenever necessary, says A r­ tin. Estate. (Ju 21-28— A 4-11-18) thur King, extension soils special- Son Born— Mr. and Mrs. Ted let, who will be In charge. Harper are the parents of a baby Visit Lana County August 10 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE REAL PROPERTY Those leaving from Portland will son born to tbem at their home on route 1. Springfield. Friday NO TIC E le hereby given that by ■tart Thursday morning at 8; 30 virtue of an execution xnd order o'clock from Broadway and Mtark morning. August 6. 1*32. of sale Issued out of the Circuit streets, going at once to Hillsboro Salem People V ie lt — Mr. and Court of the State of Oregon for lo Join the Washington county Mrs. Kenneth Wilson of Salem l-ane County the 26th day of July. 1*32. upon and pursuant to a de party under County Agent Cyrus. were guests here overnight Friday tree duly given and made by said After visiting two or three places „ , he home of M r Wllaon „ Court the 261b day of July, 1*32. between there and the west end of j mothfcr. Mra. Gertrude Wilson In a suit pending In which Mike tbe county, the party will go to Me Grell and Martha Orel! were plain­ Visiter from Bend— Dale Moxley tiffs and Grace Lee and others were Minnvllle where the chamber of; defendants, which execution and Commerce Is preparing another all- i of Bend spent the week-end here order of sale was to me directed Irrigated products dinner. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and commanded me to sell the real County Agent W hite will head Jollff. He is a nephew of Mrs. property hereinafter described to satisfy certain llena and charges In the party for some visits to success-1 Jollff. aald decree, I will on Saturday ful Irrigation projects in that coun Doctor’s W ife Leavsa— Mrs. R. the 27th day of August, 1*32. at the ty, Including the new community hour of one o'clock. P. M. at the gravity system that extends across P. Mortensen and son, Joel Cow­ southwest door of the County Court den. left Monday for tbelr home at from Polk county into „ .. . .. House In Eugene, Lane County, „ the . , line ,, . Medford after spending the week I . . . . Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Yamhill near Sheridan. end here with relative«. public auction for cash, subject to Several stops will be made in i redemption a« provided by law. all Polk county under the leadership Guests at Hotel— G. W. Driscoll, of the right, title and Interest of the defendants In aald suit and of of County Age» Beck before the of Boring. California, I. Q. Etzel. all parties claiming by, through or party goes on to Corvallis for the Salem. Oregon, and D. Shelton of under them or any of them in or night. Friday mornirg will be de­ McMinnville were guest; at the to tbe following described reel pro­ voted to Inspection of the Irriga­ Springfield hotel on Friday. perty, to-wlt; Lot seven In block five of tion trials on the experiment sta­ Returns from Coast— Mrs F. ri. Packard's Addition to Eugene, tion. some of which have been car Flattery and children, Dorothy and I-ane County, Oregon. rled ou for 25 year«. Dated this 27th day of Jnly, 1*32 Just before noon tbe party will Richard, returned Munday from H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. continue to Eugene where County New«x,rt *»>ere they have spent a (J. 28— A 4-11-18-26) Agent Fletcher will guide them on week's vacation. IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT OF T H E STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E CO UNTY OF LANE. In the M atter of the Estate of Nancy C. Conrad, deceased. TO Della Jones. R. L. Jones, Sher­ man Conrad. Rose Curtis, W illiam ('m ils , W alter A. J. Conrad. Lulu Conrad. H atel Jarvis. C. C. Jarvis, Samuel D. Conrad. Henry Conrad, Allle Conrad, and Carl Conrad heirs and also all other persons un known: IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby com inandtMl to appear In the County Court In and for Lane County. Ore­ gon, at the Court House In the city of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the first publication of this summons to show cause, If any exist, why an order of sale should not be made as prayed for In the petition ot the administrator for the sale of the following described real property belonging to the above en­ titled estnte, to-git: The Lot numbered forty-six (48) of H. L. and T. B. Stewart's plat of acreage lota, being a part of James Ebbert Jr. D. L. C. No. 74, Notlf. 3314 tn Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Three (3) West of the W illam ­ ette Meridian In Lane County, State of Oregon. Also; AU of lots numbered 18, 10, 30, and 31 In Block numbered 2 of Valley View Addition to Spring- field. Lane County, Oregon, ac­ cording to the official plat there­ of in the office of the County Clerk of Lane County, Oregon. Also; All of lota numbered eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of H. L. Stewart and T. B. Stewart Plat No. 2 of Acreage lota, being a subdivision of the Jaa. Ebbert Jr. Donation Lane Claim No. 74, In Township Seventeen, South Range Three West of the W il­ lamette Meridian; said lota eleven (11) and Twelve (12) con­ tain one acre each ot land, more or leas, which l i In Lane County, Oregon. W ITN ESS my h nd and tht seal of aald Court affixed this 22nd day of July, A. D. 1082. W. B. D IL LA R D , County Clerk. By L. M. BRY8ON, Deprty. Date of First Publication July 28th, 11*2. SUMMONS New Notice la hereby given that the undersigned administratrix or the ■state of John J. Thomas, deceased, has filed her Final Account In the matter of eald estate with the Cuuuty Clerk of Lane County, Ore­ gon, and an order haa been made and eniered of record directing this notice and setting Monday, the 12th day of September. 1*32. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. for the hearing of objections. If any. to said Ac count and to the Final settlement of said estate. LKORA H A R K IN S W H ITE S Administratrix of the estate of John J. Thomas, deceased (A 11-18 26— » J.g) RADIO KOAC ANNOUNCES HOMEMAKER PROGRAM a tour of Inspection of a number of irrlgaied truck farms The number of stops has been greatly reduced from the number visited last >e»r. in order that a better Idea may be had of a few typical Irrigation sys tema. It is estimated that Irrigation has Increased 50 per cent In Weet em Oregon thl past year despite shortage of money for Improve- menta. REDUCED 30 POUNDS NEVER FELT BETTER Site W ay to Lost Fat Take the case of Mias Madelone Crowley, for Instance, who lives In L ittle Rock. Ark. Just read her letter: "I have used Kruschen Salts for one year— when I started I weighed 140 pounds — now I weigh 110 pounds and never felt better In mv life." That's the big reason a host ot men and women take Kruschen to lose weight—as the fat goes you gain In health—skin clears— eves grow bright—activity replaces In­ dolence. Take one-half teaspoonful ot Kruschen In a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast— cut down on fatty meats, potatoes and sweets— a Jar of Kruschen that costs but a trifle laats 4 weeks—get It at any drugstore in the world— but for your health's sake demand and get Kruschen Salts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. W. W Calkins, has been duly appointed Executor of the Last W ill and Testament of John Mason, deceased, by the Coun­ ty Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County, and has qualified as such Executor, and all persons hav­ ing claims against said estate are hereby notified and requested to present the same, verified as re­ quired by law. with the proper vouchers, to the said Executor at the office of Calkins and Calkins, attorneys at law. In the Bank of Commerce Building. In Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Date of first publication and date of Notice August 11. 1932. W. W. CALKINS. Executor of the Last W ill and Testament of John Mason, Deceased. CA LK IN S & CA LK IN S. Attor­ neys for the Estate. (A 11-18-26— 9 1-8) SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. C L B L L L. ALFORD. Plaintiff, vs. FLO REN CE M. ALFOKD, Defend- ent To: Florence M. Alford, the above named defendant. IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE OF OREGON. G R EETIN G : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ot the plain­ tiff on file herein on or before four weeks from the date of the first publication ot this summons; or for thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against you and will ap- . ly to the court for the relief pray­ ed for In the complaint and for a decree ot absolute divorce from you. This summons Is published once a week for four consecutive weeks In the Springfield News, a weekly newspaper published at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by an order of the Hon. Q. F. Sklpworth, Judge of this Court, made August 1st, 1032. Dated and first published this 4th day of August, 1032. FRAN K B. REID, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residence and P. O. address Eugene, Oregon. <▲ 4-11-12-28— ft 1) Cu«at for Week— Mias Marguer lie (artw rlg h t of Wendilng la a guest this week at the borne of Miss Maxine Snodgrass. Sweet Home Folk Her« — Mr •nd Mrs. George Gerber of Sweet Home spend tbe weekend here visiting at tbe H. E. Gerber home Visits Mother— Mrs. Lulu Lester of Portland la visiting here thia week with her mother, Mrs. Mary Magill. Portlander's Vacation Here— Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morrison of Portland are spending the week at the W right cabin ou Horse creek near McKenzie bridge. A ’ Homemakers' T hrift Hour" la ths latest feature arranged parti­ cularly for housewives, which has already been started over the state college radio station. KOAC. Thl* I* a dally feature given from 2 to 3 o'clock except Saturday when It Is given from *:30 to 10:30 oclock In the forenoon. This hoar Is being conducted by Mrs. Mary L ittle Thomas, graduate of the college and former home demonstration agent In California, now on the staff part time and do­ ing graduate work In home econ­ omics at Oregon State. She was one of tbe first to broadcast home economics material over tbe col­ lege station before going to Cali­ fornia. Methods of food preservation such aa canning, drying, salting, curing, storage and Jam and Jelly making will be Included in tbe scope of the material to be given. She will also discuss planning and preparation of low cost meals, short cuts tn house work, planting and care of fall gardens, and field reports of emergency relief work be ng carried on in the state. Klamath People Here— Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Emery of Klamath Falls were visitors in Springfield This program, In fact, la closely on Monday. Mr. Emery teaches In allied with the work of the food the southeastern Oregon city. committee of the state relief coun­ Attends Birthday Party— Mrs. J cil and la designed to further the M. I-araon and two sons motored to work of the committee, though It Junction City Monday to atteBd a is broad enough in acope to Inter­ birthday party held In honor ot est all homemakers, believe those her grandmother. Mrs. Prank Nel­ In charge. son who Is 84. Thirty-four persons Other members of the college were present. taff will appear from time to time the violation to the rangers. B»el Beckham took the blame, was triad at Port Orford and fined 111. From the Cascade forest, Oregon, comes a report of two men who left their campfire not put out Water was poured on the fire, the men aald. but after doing thia they pat the coffaa pot bach on to heap the coffee warm for other campers. They were fined 810 and coeta. EXHIBITIONS SUBJECT OF FOUR-H BROADCAST The regular Monday night radio program for 4-H club members over KOAC from 8:00 to 8:30 August IS. will contain Instruction foi poultry and livestock members. 4-H News from Over the State, a regular feature of the program will contain news Items of Interest to all club members and leaders. A. G. Lunn, Head of the Poultry department. Oregon Btata college, will talk to poultry club members on Preparing Poultry for F a in and Exhibits. Mr. Lunn will explain to the clubbers the practices and methods that club members should use In selectlpg and preparing the irds for exhibit. Fitting and Training Hogs for Sale and Show Ring, w ill be the subject of a talk by A. W. Oliver of the Animal Husbandry depart­ ment to the pig club memben. Many club members not having radios are meeting at the homes of their leaders and friends to lis­ ten to th u e programs, some clubs are holding meetings during the clubbers radio hour. Visit at Foley Springs — B. A. on thia hour under Mrs. Thomas' Washburne and daughter, Mrs. direction. The topics will be kept Drive to California — Delbert Helen M artin of San Francisco, and timely as the season advances. Mitchell and A. J. Davis drove to his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. Turlock, California over the week­ and Mrs. Claude Washburne of end. They returned on Tuesday. MANY CAMPING PEOPLE Junction City spent the week-end CARELESS W ITH FIRES at Foley Springs. Visits Daughter— Mrs. Harry M Stewart is visiting with her sister at St. Helens. Oregon. She will also spend some time with bet daughter, Mrs. Theran Sausser, In Portland and will be gone for about three weeks before returning to Springfield. Leave for California— Mr. and Mrs. James Hammock of Riverside left Monday for their home after having spent some time here visit­ ing with ner mother. Mrs. Harl McPherson. Miss Lennice Oh Isen of Eugene, a daughter ot Mrs. Hammock, returned to California p)an vacation Trip — Mr. aud with them. M„ Car, olaon left Tuesday for Portland where they will be Joined Washington People Vieit — Mr. by Mra Ru ae|, Olgon thelr daugh. and Mrs. J. M. Sherlll and son. A. tw in-law. on a vacation trip up R. Sherili of Mt. Vernon. Wash­ the Washington coast. ington were guests here Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Guard Reporter Vacations — Taylor. Mr. Sherlll and Mr. Taylor Betty Aun MacDuff. Springfield re- were in business together tn Rose­ ! f« rte r for the Register-Guard, Is burg some years ago and the Sher- spending a week's vacation at Oak .11 family were on their way to ridge with her brother who is em­ that city for a short visit. ployed with the telephone division Doctor Has Guest»—Dr. and Mrs. of the Cascade forest service. Milton V. W alker had as their Mrets Mother — Mrs. Dean C. guests over the week-end. Dr. and Poindexter wrn to Portland Satur- Mrs W illiam Cone of Portland and day to meet her mother. Mr . Susie . Dr. Cone's father, mother and sle- Por,er of Ch,ca«°- wh° «Uylng ter of Campbell. Mi aourl. The lat- at the Poindexter home during 1 ter three have been visiting In their absence at the Ministerial Portland and have started back by _ _ __ meeting at Epworth Heights at motor to their home where the Tacoma elder Mr. Cone is a practicing phy­ sician. Fortner Resident Visits — R. H Reed of Santa Clara, a former real- RED FRONT STORE GETS dent of Springfield was here Mon­ NEW PAINT COVERING day visiting with friends. He has Ju t returned from California and The front and signs of the Red was accompanied back by his son ; and W hite store operated by Mr. who has gone to Marshfield to | and Mrs. H. O. Dibblee was given make his home. a new coat of paint this week. Various Offenses Against Safety of National Forcata Cltey By Regional O fficer IVÄo Said Depression? Four prospectors and four school teachers In the Siskiyou national forest have been arrested and fined for violation of federal or state fire laws. Is the report Just received by regional forester C. J. Buck. Joseph Jensen, prospector. Klam. ath Falla, became lost from his party in Del Norte county, Calif., built a signal tire and left It un- extlngulahed. The fire spread, cov­ ering 3.000 acres, with damages and suppression costs of 04,000. There's no depression in Jenson was arrested and taken to Crescent City where he was fined appetites since snappy 310.00. days are here again. Lee Uerber, prospector, Ulahe, Oregon, threw away a cigarette which wasn’t out. He was arrest­ ed. tried at Agnesa. Oregon, and fined. S a tis fy t h e fa m ily 's c r a v in g W illiam Bryant, prospector, Port Orford, Oregon, burned brush tn fo r d e lic io u s ro a sts, s te a k s , the closed season without a permit. c h o p s, e tc ., w ith — His fire got away and coat 33300 to put out. Bryant was arrested, tried at M yrtle Point, Oregon, and fined 326 and coats. Robert H. Smith, prospector, Gold Beach, Oregon, left his camp fire unextinguished and unattend­ ed while he looked for gold. He was areeted, taken o Mule Creek and fined 326. Buel Beckham. Don Beckham, Paul Luy and Francis Neff, teach­ ers, all of Bandon, Oregon, spent their vacation near Illahe on the Rogue River but apparently did not know enough to put out their E. C. STUART, Prop. campfire. The forest rangers were 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 away at the time. Local settlers re­ quested tbe teachers to put out their campfires and later reported ▼ ▼ r Our Quality Meats 1 ▼ Independent Meat Co.