THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-NINTH YEAH CHURCH GROUP HAS FINE RECORD Christian Church Finances Good and Work Progress­ ing Board Members Hear ATTENDANCE IS ______ LARGE Highway Oiling Hkor/t Moves bast For Vice-President All But Short Stretch to Be Completed This Fall is An­ nouncement Wednesday Oiling of ull of lb« McKenzie lll,l,w “ > to McK“B,,e •»Hdg« with iho exception of »llKhtly le a than Rev. Pruitt Given Indefinite ”7 b‘" w,,,n »"• c » z* »1 completed thl» year Service Call by Congrega- „ waM .............. yei,t„rday by tion Which He Accepts Raymond Walsh, rnaident highway engineer, No. SI Z l CHURCH SEIFLES BALLPROWESS Back In The Ring N. 0. W. STAGES PARTY AT HALL Sunday School Class Unable to Live Up to Challenge, I Another Game Maybe Large Delegation of Visitors From Creswell, Coburg and Walterville Attend Like true aporlatueii of old, the young men and older men of the , Christian church a-aembled on the athletic field at Uraltain school Monday evening to settle a dispute 1 once for all. The ending was dif­ ferent. however, because In spite J sine* I I Maurer, S< .«list can­ of the decisive defeat by one group Miriam A. “Ma" Ferguson cd didate lor Vtce-Preitdeot, with Nor- over the other there waa rumbl- Texas is back in the political ring : x . 2 r “. V h ’ ■ X ’ s u s r ; - - « - again, leading all six opponents foe Wsthmgton last week He addressed future wbeu both teams could be the Democratic gubernatorial nomi­ nation This is her third attempt ts meeting st the Auditorium completely staffed. •un» di-i - ’ .-l for renomination m a> later the Bonus Army ie camp IVjii, ami again in 1928 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ It seems that s group of young fellows at the Christian church Sunday school who bold member ship In the Friends class, resented implications mat they were not so good as baseball players and re­ taliated by Inviting the entire church organisation to select team from the remaining material si to detest them. And this Is Just Preservation of Food by what they did to the tune ot 7-16 Public Library to Be Shut for Needy Urged, Cost is Only a In an bonest-to-goodneaa six Inning Week Beginning August 15. Few Cane of Products hard baseball game. Opens on Saturday PROBE SOUGHT Committee Named to Plan Spacial Program for Upper Publio Service Commieeloner McKenzie Residents to Be Aaked to Investigate Mountain State Company Members of the Hprlngfleld Lioua Last night was a gala night at tbe c,ub and Ulelr friend* held their Neighbors of Woodcraft meeting at ’,wcond Picnic at Wlllametts park NEW RATES WANTED ihe I. O. O. F. hall when large dele Wednesday evening. Unfavorable gâtions from the lodges at Crea we“ tt“ ’r conditions again prevailed, Comparison of f u gan« and well, Coburg, and W alterville at- bu* “ lar Co- tbl8 Gme, aud by H. O. D lb-; thy Girard; Dutch girl, Ray Stev bie® la8t »<”>0». John Pyle and' ♦3.00. Metered service It la believed would be almost sure to raise the ens; bathing heautiee-1900, Alice John Henderer were in charge. rates. Doane, 1*32, Barbara Adams;! There will be no weekly meeting- r-eople of Springfield have been Gypsy fortune teller, Glenn S to ne;! “ f the club Friday of this week, flag »alute, Richardson twins and The picnic taking the place of theI *tow in signing this petition as many ot them feel that they are Billy Burnett. : regular noon meeting. Linn Stone and old man Depre» A t the meeting last week a com- pay .ng a just rate for these two services now, and in moat ln- slon, and C. A. Swart«, as the army, mittee consisting of I. M. Peterson,) taucea are obtaining water ser- provided much humor for the event. C. F Barber and John F Ket»l> , . . J ’ — — — •- The army finally succeeding in was appointed to make plan, for a" th T J m e “ ^ r X e 1’' “ “ “ “ Vary encouraging reports of the ... of the Christian church w a r . I ., Z ° Work wb,tb ‘" ■ BU r rlday la prograaalug more rapid ly than hud buun ex putted, a atrwtch monthly tnaetlng of the I'hurt'll I from Hendrick, bridge to George Marx atore at W alterville waa given church financial condition to be un the aecond coat Friday and Hatur- usually good for thia season of the tiay, leaving ubout 8 mile* of thia year with only two small bills Ok standing and with the pa tor’s sal I partially completed atretch to be oiled. ary paid to date. I Shipment of the wrong car of oil Attendance at the church - and inudv It noceaaary to ahlft the lllble achool thia summer has been scene of operations to the uew por­ about (0 above the average per tion of the highway as heavier oil Sunday last summer. Out of the en was received than could be used tire ISO lllble schools of the Christ­ for tbo top surfadug. Thu crew ian Brotherhood In tbe state of begun ul a point a short distance Oregon the Uprlngfleld lllble school above lilllatrom brothers camp and finds a place among the first 11 oiled the stretch to Nimrod before for tbe mouths of June. July, and returning to complete the lower tbe first week In Augunl section. Veltle Pruitt, pitching (or the Some time ago the Church Board Only a small number of needy The llllt-tro m surfacing crews Springfield's public library will pick-up teem, astonished many of extended a call to the pastor to persons took advantage of the port­ are busy now trying to prepare as his parlsbooers by his ability to be cloaed for one week beginning serve Indefinitely as pastor, Tues­ much of tbe highway for oiling us able County Cannery to preserve toss tbe ball, over, around and August 16, and will reopen Satur­ day evening an acceptance of this they possibly can before the oiling food supplies for the winter use above, both home base and the bat­ day. August 20. after the comple­ call was given by the pastor In the crew completes their work. They Tuesday when the equipment was ter. Utber members of the teams tion of renovation work now being form of a report of his work for expect to have everything except stationed In West Springfield at did themselves noble also. Everett carried on. It was announced thia the past ten months, and a general the Eugetie-Bprlngfleld Auto camp tbe one short stretch ready. Squires bad some difficulty In week by Mra. David Sallaman. libr­ plan of program for the future with Beets, beans, and rhubarb were routing ole man depression. special program some time at pitching for the Friends and turn arian. a special emphasis upon service the principal commodities canned A grand finale march was follow- which the latest motion pictures I A ew rd ‘n« 10 W- K Burnell, man­ ed the Job over to Lloyd Mattison No books will be loaned out thia and evangelism. at that time Efforts will be made to finish. week, but all who have books ed by refreshments In the dining taken by Dr. W . C. Rebhan, Veltle a* er Ot * * * , for U»e upkeep of the tri- mately 660 cubic feet of water. was disclosed Munday evening The body was recovered at *.3 0 the county and put Into a live steam ' L'esday afternoon at 2 o'clock fro m ! an l,lne88 of two weeks. angle at the west approach to the Most of the local people are recelv- when hla will waa filed for probate p ni. by W. A. Cochran. Cheater cooker for a short while. The cans,' The Springfield fire truck has the Branstetter Simon chapel In! He wfc! h” " 1 ,D Barmorcambe. ‘ Spr‘n8f>eld bridge If there was no (m g service o» a (tea rate of |1 M Alice ••ye. Vancouver, It ('., a niece, been taken out of the city limits Taylor, and Ben Snyder, residents are then sealed and cooked In Lancaster, England, on December casb outlaJ' required. Members of per month with an additional and Alice L. Hogue, his housekeep­ pressure cooker uutll done. They I iour , *me8 to ald ,n putting out Eugene. Interiueut was made In the 16, 1844. He came to the United VBrioU8 cirlc »rganixations have charge of $3.00 for each lot irriga­ of that vicinity. I. O. O. F. cemetery at Coburg. er also each will receive $1,000. The Mr. Clark Is survived by his are removed and stamped and flrea ut VttrloUB kinds since thè or- States when be was 25 but re a88Ured the council that they will ted regardless of the volume of balance of (be estate Is to become mother, Mrs. Alphretta Clark of taken home. The county takes two del' of the ,ndu8lrlal Accident Com turned to his native country a few as8‘8t ln 1,16 upkeep of this area water consumed. The Eugene the property of the Board of For­ mission withdrawing protection for • FOLLOWING JESUS” West Springfield, with whom he year« later and remained there un-l*f tbe H i«bway Commission w ill lm- W ater Board refused to provide out of each 12 for the eign Missions of the Methodist had been visiting; three sisters of the equipment, thus establishing flremen outalde of the city limits any water service (or a flat rate SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC m * a8 37 when he again re- prove ,l- church. l88U* d The order has later and three brothers. Clarence, A l­ a quantity of food available for dis- charge. The city does not have a fund out ------------- turned to the United States and W. W. Calkins, Eugene attorney, bert, Alice and Wilma all of West trlbullon this winter to needy per beeD re,88ued Providing protection Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach on to Kansas where he operated large of which to pay persons who assist One (actor in comparison of was named as administrator, and within an area five miles of the the subject, "Following Jesus” at farms for several years prior to law enforcement officers by report­ Springfield; Charles of White Sal­ „ons. charges in the two cities is that ln Darwin Bristow, Mae Glbaon, and The Red Cross Is warning faml- C,t'* llm,ta mon. and Mrs. Elvey Bebee. route the morning services at the Christ- coming to Lane county where he ing crimes and law violations ex Eugene the service is furnished by Marie O'Neill were named apprais­ 3. Eugene. lies, however, to put up as much The first and most threatening lan church Sunday. There will be settled on Bear Creek near Cres cept in such cases where there Is tgx-free equipment to a group ers of tbe estate. Funeral services were held Mon­ food as possible now, because that (,re t0 which the department res special music. The Christian En well. He later bought the old Davis a special reward offered, it was de­ where the density of population la day afternoon at 2 o'clock from the organlxation will not be able to Ported was that at W alterville deavor meets at 7 o'clock and the place at the we t end of the old cided at the council meeting. many time* greater than in Spring- TWO INJURED TRYING TO Poole-Gray Bartholomew chapel In ssslst those who allow food which wklch destroyed a farm home, a evening service starts at 8 o'clock. highway bridge and made this his No successor has been named field. It is roughly estimated that PASS CARS ON HIGHWAY Springfield. Rev. Frank 8. Clemo. could be preserved, to be wasted lodge hall and store building, and The topic for this service w ill be home until his death. yet to take the place of O. H. Jar­ the power company directly and or f Id a led and Interment was made during the summer. Tbe Red Cross a rkurch. The Eugene fire depart "Christian Freedom." There will He is survived by one niece, Mrs. rett resigned. through employees pays one-tourth Chester Himmons and Clyde Fos­ at I^aurel Grove cemetery. and the county is spending quite “>ent wax asked first to assist at be special music and congregation­ Alice Mason Pye of Vancouver, B. of the local taxes which would ter were seriously Injured last Sun­ bit of money for the necessary ,h *8 flre - but refused to go without al singing. C„ and by many relatives In Eng­ have to be assessed against the in­ LANE COUNTY DAY AT day afternoon when their car struck canning equipment and containers insurance protection. land. dividual property owners under loo-e gravel and turned over while CHURCH MEMBERS CUT now In an effort to enable people August 1, a run was made to the BOY SCOUTS PLAN FOR STATE FAIR IS SEPT. 26 other conditions. Funeral services were held on attempting to pass another car near WOOD FOR WINTER FUEL to take care of themselves as much McPherson farm northwest of Monday at 9 a. m. from the Poole- Another (actor is that the Spring- FALL WORK TUESDAY Gray-Bartholomew chapel. Rev. Judkins point on tbe Pacific high­ Monday. September 26. will be as possible without financial as Springfield to put out a stubble fire field water is pumped from five way They are at the Pacific Christ­ Methodist Men Inaugurate Pioneer sistance during the winter. ¡caused by sparks from a tractor Lane county day at the State fair Dean C. Poindexter was the offici­ wells, clorinated and filtered right Plans for the fall work of the ina hospital In Eugene. Methods In Securing Supply No damage was done here. ating pastor, and the body was at Salem this year it was decided here in town. This requires a lessei Springfield Boy Scout troop were Hlinmon'a parents were also In Tuesday evening at a county-wide • of Cordwood for Church ass Six/ aw-we-s.«. « I Thur8day la8t weel1 Hugh Joliff, shipped to the Portland Cremator io vestment and such water can be volved In an accident at the same meeting ot community organisa­ MAN . ATTEND BAPTIST fire chief, took the truck out to the discussed here Tuesday evening at turn. produced cheaper than If It were the regular troop meeting held at tlme Sunday They were riding to PICNIC ON TUESDAY | Bomlb when he fell from a horse which he MEETING IS FRIDAY athletic events including horse the Eugene W ater Board charges on the McKenale. Rill Itnywnrd the Hughes home Monday afternoon 7 ft cents with a tax free p lant tab s Sunday school class. Twenty- mpnta a, Creek ranrh 8und was riding. He was brought to shoes and foot races. brought Kd. Farrell. Harvard track at a farewell party for the Misses At the present time Springfield The regular monthly business one were present and enjoyed an R. H . J „ „ „ , grandmaster of the Springfield to have the Injury coach, and Harry Hillman, Darth Elinor Campbell and Mnrgaret Sim­ and social meeting of the Progres­ is paying a minimum of $1.00 for evening of games and music. Re- o . O. F. for Oregon and Chas. P. treated. mouth coach from the Olympic mons of Sacramento, California, 12 kilowatt hours while Eugene sive 22 d rill team of Juanita Re­ ,a U th‘ | Poole, grand warden, were the prin­ CHARTER MEMBERS OF gamae to his home In Lane county who have been visiting with their evening. bekah lodge will be held at the 1. patrons of the W ater Board pay cipal speakers. Stunts and game« HOME MISSION MEETING IO. O. F. hall Friday evening st to spend several days fishing for aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. REBEKAHS HONORED 75 cents for 10 kilowatt hours as a were enjoyed by those present. redsldes and rainbow trout. The Page. The two girls left Tuesday ¡7:30. Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, leader, re­ minimum base. A comparison of LOWELL DEPOT TO BE AT CHURCH TUESDAY Mrs. Alice Doane and Maggie the average fam ily bill ln the two three have been members of the for their home. quests that all members be present. CLOSED AUGUST 19 POULTRYMEN ATTEND Premier, both charter members of cities would be difficult as the rate staff at Loa Angeles. The monthly meeting of the Juanita Rebekah lodge were honor­ structures In both cities are differ­ ANNUAL CONVENTION Home Mission society of the Meth IUKA CIRCLE TAKES The Southern Pacific depot at ed by their fellow lodge members ent. Eugene charges one rate for MRS. DRURY HOSTESS SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS odist church was held ln the church Monday evening at a social and NEW MEMBER AT MEET Lowell and four others In Oregon Many Lane county poultrymen parlots Tuesday with Mrs. Ida FOR ROYAL NEIGHBORS program following the regular all domestic purposes, while In HAS OUTINO TH IS WEEK will be closed on August 1$. They Springfield the rate Is divided and O. 8. Fletcher, county agrlcul Gants in charge. Mrs. H. P. Batch­ Mrs. Grace Lansberry wag Ini­ are at Beaverton, Gervais, Shedd, meeting. Mrs. Stella Eaton and Mrs. R. L. Drury was hostess at into various classifications for vari­ Members of the Jolly Junior Sun­ tiated Into Iuka Circle, ladles of and Yamhill. Iotck of the necessary tural agent, will participate In the elder lead the devotfonals. Mrs. Stella Findley entertained ous types of equipment. her home Wednesday afternoon at day school class of the Methodist the O. A. R. at the monthly meet- business was cited as the reason ninth annual convention of the with a ! kit, "A Backyard Visit.” 2:30 for members of the Royal church under the direction of their ng of the group at the Armory for the closing order given by the state poultrymen being held at Cor­ Visits Daughter The per capita consumption of vallis today and Friday. A varied Neighbors of America. This was the leader. Mra. W illis Bertsch, left Thursday evening. Mrs. E. H. Turner and grandson, water in Springfield Is said to be Refreshments Oregon Public Utilities commission. program of speakers and demon­ Robert James Strand, of Olympia, regular monthly meeting. Monday evening for Fall Creek pic­ for the group were enjoyed at the REBEKAH SOCIAL IS from 20 to 40 per cent higher than strations has been arranged for the Washington, nic grounds where they will spend Eggimann parlors following the have arrived In In most towns the same slae. Dur­ O. E. S. GROUP PICNIC PLANNED FOR MONDAY meeting. the week camping. Springfield to visit with Mr. and ing the hot weather last week business meeting. Visit Crater Lake IS POSTPONED MONDAY Mrs. H. E. Maxey. Mrs. Turner la Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bartholomew The monthly social meeting of nearly a million gallons a day waa Visiting Mother Homs from Hospital the mother of Mrs. Maxey. and Dr. and Mrs. Rollln McIntyre Juanita Rebekah lodge will be held pumped Boston Man Here The picnic of the Past Matrons Mrs. Frances Bartlett Scott and Harl McPherson was discharged of Eugene returned to their homes at the lodge hall following the busi­ Eddie Carol of Boston arrived ln club of Cascade chapter, O. B. B. daughter of San Frandeco, are here from tbe Eugene hospital Wednes­ Springfield Tuesday to spend some Leaves for Washington — Mrs. late Monday evening after a trip ness meeting next Monday. The Returns from l e r n i — Mlsa A u day. He underwent an operation time visiting at the H. E. Gerber which was to have been held on now visiting st the home of Mrs. W alter C. Darr left Tuesday fot over the McKenzie pass to Bend, social committee for this month In­ Bid well. Mrs. Margaret Keajrgtt. Monday was postponed until later Scott's mother, Mrs. Nettle E. Bart there last week for a goitre. Port Orchard, Washington, for an Crater Lake, Oregon Cave*, and cludes Blanche Davis, Cora Hinson, and Earl Luckey returned Tuesday home. In tbe month. ML extended visit. Crescent City, California. and Edith Cox evening (root Bun FEW MAKE USE CLOSES FOR ORE WEEK COBURG n v MKSOR RIES A! HOME