THURSDAY. AUOU8T 4. 1H I THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR S M O N OF CAMPS IS FOLD I Engineer Retire* ] CROP SURPLUS IS LESS NOW I Predict Controversy O ver St. L a w rc n c ^ ^ e a ty IMPORT TAX ON LUMBFR ORDERED COLLECTED four Stars On Iritlav Matches Customs Officials. Told to Collect *1.00 Per Thousand Board Foot Rouqh Lum ber Achlu and Cyclon« Muck«/ Got Main Event; Pete and Seattle Wash \ug 4 Informa Wheat Carry Over and Hogs lion from Washington. I* •' Reagan on Special Event Necessary Regulations Out­ Reduced; Labor Supply Con­ volved here by the We** t'i.i-1 lined for Camp Parties Lane county wrestling funs are Lumbermen's ussoclnt on. it;»* ca tinues Double Demand By Health Officer being offered two top noli h that the United Stales t'n tom ' World wheal supplies available matches on the card to !>** held nt Bureau Is directing all collec'nrs Io Kulea for the establishment and I’uring the summer and fall months tin (aliatoumts hrlilay ol thia week assess a duty of on** dollar a th. ic management of aafe ramp« In expected Io be considerably according io announcement mail* and on Canadian lumbar, whether place, where several persons are to mailer than a year ago. saya a by Herb Owen, promoter rough or drenará. pending formal j congregate for any length of time W m . B. Mayo, lo r a quarter cco- narket report of the O. 3. C. exten Waller Achlu will get the next and final action by officials This power cngincei w ith H e n ry were outlined thia week by Dr. 4on service. The carryover Is opportunity to meet Cyclone Ma- action, according Io the assoc til on. Ford, announces his retirem ent, Frederick Striker, state health of­ the company, effective September -mailer and the new crop less than key of Galveston, Texas In Ihe means that one dollar a thousand ficer. The inatructlon« are given in H e it do yearn old. last year in the northern hemis­ main event, he I two out of three board feel duly will now he paid oil an effort to prevent communicable phere. (alls with a lime limit of 2 hours. all rough lumber formerly free v e in diseases from developing and houses, and to a less extent bunk Production is expected to be Mackey wins tin right Io utiolher lug from Canada; with the lumber V. S. Secrvtarv of State, Henry 1. Stinuon, right, and Canadian Min­ apreading. and appllea to water sup­ houses, shall he regularly insisted -mailer in Europie as well as lu ister Wm. I). Herridgv left, are here shown signing the St. Lawre e match here as a result of Ills spec uhject to an additional excise lax plies. living quarter«, toilet faclli- upon. North America, according to the re­ Treaty, ihc estimated $4W.lXk>.i»’l> seaway, I.real l.akvs-St. Lawrence river tacular victory lust week over as levied by the last congress of tlea, and dtaposal of gabage. (P) The supply of water for the port. Production In the whole to ocean. It is already predicted that this treaty will face bitter senatorial George "Wildcat' Pel.* hi n ruse »3 00 per thousand hoard feet, mak opposition at ths next session ol congress The instructions are as follows: ramp shall be carefully decided northern hemisphere Is now expect­ Ing total custom's charges of 44 no Achlu lias not In« n wrestling very (al All camps must be establish upon, and If the camp is to remain ed to be around 200,000.000 bushels COMING TO M • ’'ONALD SUNDAY per thouannil board feet much lately stiil has been keeping ed ujon dry. well-drained ground. several weeks, the water shall be less than a year ago and carryover lilmself lit condition o il Ihe golf The additional duly of »1.00 per (b) Any natural sink holes or col­ provided from an absolutely un­ about 15.000.000 bushels smaller. thousand on rough lumber 10 lx* Im courses lection of pools of water shall be contaminated source. "Practically all of the reduction posed by thia Cualom's hun-au or­ The vanquished Pete ami Pat artificially drained and filled when (q) All sick persons, from what in the prospective supplies of wheat der, la In retaliation of t h e :l per Iti agan of Wyoming will he the the camp is first established. soevei vaust. shall be isolated from tbe northern hemisphere is ac- cent special exvl e lax on all lum other wre tiers on the Friday card <«•> The general scheme of the the remainder of the crew imme counted for in the United States,” I Jimmy Koaa. Herculean batsman They will upon Ihe enlertulnnieul ber Imported from the United relations of the structure of the diately. ul the Philadelphia Athletics, it being the circular slates. "The winter i Statea announced July 13 by the picked bv buehall critics as the man with u 45 minute special event. ramp shall be as follows Stable tr) All persons engaged In thei wbeat crop In this country is so Canadian government. Under lit*' who will make the fans forget the Don l l l l l defeated Benny W ilson, and kitchen should be al the op- care of the premises and handling sbort that the total wheat supply provisions of the 1930 tariff act mighty Babe Ruth. When he pounded also of Texas. In the special event I-oaite ends of the camp and separ­ of food, particularly cooks and j# expecte Eating houses should be next have suffered from typhoid fever wheat crop than last year." SUNDAY SERMON TOPIC greas during Ihe recent session to the kitchen, and beyond the eat­ within recent years. • • • placed a »3.00 excise duty on all ing houses should come the bunk "Are You Related to Christ?" Bunk houses shall be raised The government pig crop report lumber coming Into the United 'WHAT IS CHRIST TO ME?' houses, and between the bunk at least two feet from the ground, as of June 1 which was released Statea the effective duly on rough CHURCH THEME SUNDAY will he the topic of Ihe sermon at houses and the stables, the toilets shall have suitable roof ventilation, on July 12 indicated that 7 per cent the Chrlsllau church Sunday morn lumber wa thereafter »3.00 nud on for the men in the camp. so that each person shall have at fewer spring pigs were saved this finished lumber »4.00 per thousand Itev I lean C Poindexter, pastor ilig, Rev. Veltle Pruitt will preach, (el The use of the toilets for th? least 3.000 cubic feet of fre h air yaar jn (be United States than In board feet. The Canadian govern of Ihe .Methodist church has an .uni tlie choir will slug as a special men shall be made obligatory and per hour and shall be so housed j 1#3l gay# the college report Farm ment. because of the new American uotinced (hat he will preach on Hie number, "The Hem of His Garment" instant discharge of any employes that their sleeping quarters will er< a|so reported intentions to far- , excise tax on (hinadlan lumber subject, What Is Christ to Me?" by George F Root polluting the soil must be rigidly give them a minimum of 500 cubic row approximately the same num- Endeavor meets at 7 o'clock and Ja n et Gaynor anti C harles Farrell In a scene from 'The issued an order imposing a three at the morning service Sunday at enforced to make such rule effec­ feet of air space per man Bunk ber of sows frOD1 Jun,. j per cent special excise tax on all 11 o'clock. The evening service the evening service atarta at 8 First Year,” Fox picture, whl ch comes to the McDonald tive. houses shall be adequately heated ,,mber j lumber when coming from the will atari al 7:30 and will close o'clock with a apedal musical pro theatre Sunday for a three days. (f) A small temporary incinera­ and roof, walls and floors shall be ,n jbe eleven western states there United Statea. This tax Includes promptly at 8:15. The message will gram Including cuugrrgatlonal sing tor shall he constructed near the weather-tight. Bunk houses, in- was a of 10 per cent In rough lumber formerly free and be "The Expulsive Power of a Ing. duel by Mr. and Mrs. D. II FOOTBALL PICTURE AT stable«. Incinerators capable of do­ eluding bunks, bedding, cuspidors, spring pigs. Idaho reported a de GAYNOR GETS NATURAL the effect Is to nullify Ihe exemp­ Great Affection." The young peo­ Murphv, and other number« The ing effective work can be con­ etc., shall be kept scrupulously i creass, oj jg per cent, hut an in­ REX TODAY. TOMORROW tion on rough lumber from Canada ple will meet at ihe church for the paslor will give another of Ills ROLE IN “FIRST YEAR' structed for an exceedingly small clean and free from contamination. creaae of 4 per cent was reported when imported into the United 7 30 service when they will assist evangelistic sermons. No artificialities of manners, Entire Film Centers Around Fam States as written Into the 1930 with Ihe music At 8:15 they will sum of money. lt> Bunk houses, bath houses, ,n Ore(;o!1 ln Washingtou and Call- ous Derby Day Activities garb or speech were affected by (g) There must be. in camps of drying rooms, latrines, mess halls. : (oruia Charles Pools Rotter tariff act. Rough lumber will now. go In cars to some outdoor beauty at Yale University 100 men or more, one employe meat houses, kitchens, and other1 A decrease of 14 per cent in fall Janet Gaynor for her role in "The Charles 1* i'oole. partner In Ihe by this Customs instruction be duti­ slut where Miss Myrna Bartholo­ whose particular duty -hall be act­ buildings in any permanent camp („row ings »a reported in the First Year." In which both she and able at »1.00 a thousand and subject mew will lead a meeting of Ills Poole - Gray • Bartholomew funeral "Derby Day" at Yale is one ot ing as scavenger and garbage col­ shall be connected by suitable western states. Idaho was down 20 Charles Farrell appear as a normal also to the excise tax of »3.00 a Epworth League In a study uf "The homes In Eugene and Mprlngfleld lector. walks made of lumber, cement, cin- per eent Washington 10 per cent, young American couple deeply en the many colorful celebration.- used thousand, or the same total duty God of Nature". Rev. Poindexter Is reported Io be greatly Improved as pari of Ramon Novarro's new