TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. AUOVHT 4. 1»32 N O T IC I OF H E A R IN G ON FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T f New Discovery Reaches Cause of Stomach Cas T O W N A N D V IC IN IT Y Presents Plan to Collect War Debts NO TIC E IM HER EBY G IV E N : llr Carl found that poisons In the That the underalgned. aa executurs at the Lost W ill and Teatauient ol C I’l'K It bowel cause stomach gas. _ L John H. Perry. New York newt-1 Ilia simple remedy Adlerlka washes Itoea L. Sai ha, deceased, have filed TWO INJURED WHEN R'edeport Man H e r. - J a m .. W Bnd P“ bl" b* r - »«»•» H a s P la n to Displace T a x out the upper bowel, bringing out Visits In Oakridge—W illiam Cox their account for the final aettle .... ... ____ ______ - i . i , » . i - properties In stales throughout the all gas Flattery's Drug Htore AUTO TURNS OVER nieiil of raid decedent'« a»tate In «pent Bunday visiting In Oakridge. Reed of Reedsport waa a visitor In nation, presents an original plan to the CouLty Court of la n e County, Fpringfleld on Tue dsy. displace— Income. Inheritance and t regun, and that Heturilajl. the Minor Operatlen Dale Daniel« Forest Nam e Changed Mr and Mrs. Charles Sellants of 13th day of August. 1,32. at the Lsaburg Man Here — W illiam nuisance tax. The plan la already In order to prevent confusion underwent a minor operation Mon­ Springfield were severely injured Court Room of aald Court In the Ovlnyton of Lraburg was a bust receiving the serious consideration , Sunday afternoon when their auto­ K o li MAI.K— Fine view lot. WH County Court House, lit Eugene at with the Crater Lake National day morning. I nrss vl Itor In Springfield on Tues­ f various national and Internation­ mobile »truck looee gravel and lamette Holghto, ,160 00. ’Form«. l««n o'clock In the forenoon, has I ’ark. President Hoover on July , F ish on River— Mr. and Mrs day al leaders. »kidded, turning over agalnat an Telephuila 2016 W Eugeni« J2* l i e o n fixed by aald Court as the t hunged the name of the Crater lay Nott spent Hunday fishing on time and place for bearing objec­ National Forest tothe Rogue River Mr Perry proposes that war debt I bank ment near Sparks ranch on Woodburn People Hors — Mrs. tions thereto, and for the settle­ nations pay Uncle Sam what they National Foreet. This forest Is Io­ he McKensle river. , the McKensle highway. Both were N O T IC I TO CREDITORS ment thereof. Etbel Hopkins and sons, Alton and I cut and brulaeit about their heads cs’ »d In Southern Oregon with Vida Man Here — Audrey Don- Delmar of Woodburn were boro owe with alcoholic beverages Inas­ Nolle« la hurvby given that the FRED FIHK, much aa they have no cash. He pro ind »boulders heuilquurters at Medford. obo of Vida was a visitor hi Hpring- last week-end visiting at the V. J. underalgnml Gladys J. Walkor haa G ILB ER T ZACIIKH. Executors duces figures which shows how the Passing motorists removed the been appointed by the County 'ii-lil Friday afternoon. of the Last W ill amt Testament Daniels home. United States would thus net four Court at la n e County. Oregon, by i two from their car taking them to of Rose L. Hacba. deceased NOTICE Visiters Saturday— Mr. and Mrs. Its order dated Julie 27tb. 1,32. aa j RAY, Attorney for M tale Î the resort ranch where Dr. E. L. OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Visit from Eastern Oregon— Rev. billion dollars with which to lift tax administratrix of the estate ol (J 14 21 28— A 4-11) J. M Tipton of Camp Creak wars and Mrs. F. B. Bailey of Prairie burdens; eliminate bootlegging and Zimmerman was summoned from Notice Is hereby given that Frank hl« i'ii H W alker, «1.« cased All pur II Hamlin, administrator of the es visitors In Springfield on Saturday. City, Oregon, are visiting at the Its evils; release hoarded money; the Boy Scout camp to give first BOSS having claims against aald S8 late of Cresslda W. Hamlin, de­ NOTICK OF S H ER IFF'S SALE restore respect for law; and, great­ aid. He sent the victim» to the home of his brother. J. F. Bailey, late are hereby notified to present W altorvllle Resident Here Mrs. ceased. has filed his final account REAL PROPERTY ly aid in restoring International the same, duly verified, Io the said Pacific Christian hospital for fur­ In the County Court of Lane County, T. McQulon of W altarvllls was a near Garden Way. admlnlHtratrlx. at the office of Fred NOTICE Is hereby given that by Oregon, and that said court has set trade. ther treatment. visitor In Springfield Saturday. S. Hniltli attorney at law, 4464 virtu« of an execution and order of a the time and place for the final Visiting Here — Jimmie Yale of The Perry Plan Miner Building. Eugene, Oregon, salt- Issued out of the Circuit Court settlement of said estate Saturday, Lost Creek Is spending a few days In outlining his plan Mr. Perry Leaburg Man Hare— W alter Car within six mlnths from the date of of the State of Oregon for Lane August 20th, 1,32. at 10 O’clock In In Springfield receiving medical said: MANY ATTEND PICNIC the first publication of thia notice I ’liiinty the gth day of July, 1,32. lh<- forenoon of said day at the « d'r*cted Schools of this type have proven LOW ALL-DAY PRICES Visit at Corvallis— Mr. and Mra. have been visiting for the past ten ing manner: For the next five popular with the club members be­ the West line of Agate Avenue, * nd commanded me to sell the reel NO TIC E 18 HEREBY O IVEN. If extended south, as said Agate Property hereinafter described to Edward Prlvat and son, David, days. year» or so these foreign nations Special Monthly Rates cause they have the opportunity of That the undersigned have been Avenue Is platted and laid out | n »atlsfy certain liens and charges In drove to Corvallis Sunday to visit can, and doubtless would be willing appointed Executrices of the estate . Gross' Addition to the City of Eu “ l d d * " ee’ ' actually putting into practice the Visits on Coast — C. A. Swarta to pay ua two billion dollars annual­ Ask About Them and l-ast W ill and Testament of : gene. Lane County. Oregon, and ¡be 2,tb day of. Auguat. 1932, at the friends Their son will remain for spent Tuesday and Wednesday on ly In alcoholic beverage«— Great things they are being taught. Anna Haynes, deceased, by the two hundred seven and 01 lOtha bour un’ “ cl° c*- £ M •» ,he one week. the coast calling on frleuds In the Britain with IU Whiskies, Gin and County Court of Lane County, Ore i <207.1) feet south of the south i •outhw e.t door of the County Court goti All persona having claims Ashland People Here— Mr. and various communities. Mr. Swarta Ales— France with Ito Champagne line of 33rd Street, as the same »{«“• • •» « « * « • • . Lane County. against said estate are required to ; Is platted and laid out In Gross j Or*« on' ° " t r f?r »nd sell at Mrs George Crapaey of Ashland la seeking election aa sheriff in the aud Wines— Italy with Ito Ver­ present them with the propel J Addition to the City of Eugene. l’ubllc »“ct,on ,or ‘'ash. subject to arrived here Saturday to spend a November general election. vouchers to the undersigned at the ■ lame County. Oregon, run thence mouth and W in es - Germany with i law office« of James K King. 410 , South one hundred tWentyqilx o' It» Light Wine» and Beer»— Spain » tie and InUrsst ol few days visiting with Mrs. Rosa Returns from Camp— Mtas Eu­ Mu..« Building. Eugene. LSBB and 9 1011.« (I2 « » l feet, thence j “>« d«f«ndant. In said suit and of Montgomery. nice Gerber returned Monday from with Ito Sherry— Cuba with Ito Bac- County. Oregon, wllhiu six months Weal forty-five (46) feet, thence! sll parties claiming by. through or from the date of this notice. Drive to Junction City— Mr. and Camp Cleawox on the coast where cardi, etc., etc. North one hundred twenty six u,,der ' betn or •»> of theni ln ° r COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT AND Dated at Eugene. Oregon, this Net Profit and Effectiveness and ,-lOths (126») feet, thence to (he following described real pro­ Mrs. Enoch Stuart drove to Junc­ she has been serving as nurse dur­ ¡¡silt day of July. 1,32 ECONOMICAL “The U. S. Government under a East forty-five (46) feet to the perty, to-wlt: tion City Sunday. Mra. Stuart's ing the annual Girl Scout camp W IN N IE R l SHELL. Lot seven In block five of place of beginning, In Eugene, dispensary system similar to the uncle, A. J. K lie r passed away there period PEARL S A T T E R F IE L D . Rooms: $1.50 with ba;h; $1.00 without bath Packard's Addition to Eugene, Lane County, Oregon Canadian System could sell these V IV IA N O LIVER . Executrices Lane County, Oregon. Saturday evening. . . . , . . u i . . . w i l l and Dated «>»•• l l, h d»Y of JulF- 1832 At W estfir Sunday— Mr. and Mra. of the estate and Last W ill and „ , beverages at 2 H times the pur­ We Welcome You to Portland Dated this 27th day of July. 1,32 H. L. BOWN. Sheriff. Testament of Anna Haynes. De­ Vialta Parente — Misa Lucille o. b . Murphy, Miss Clara Jones, chase price, approximately five bil­ H L. BOW N. Sheriff. (J 14 21 28— A 4 11) ceased. (J 28— A 4-11-1826) W. F. WALKER. Mgr. Richmond spent the week-end here Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Murphy of Eu- lions of dollars. The cost of trans­ (J 28— A 4 11 18 26) Portland, Oregon from Portland visiting at the home gene. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan portation, insurance, haulage and 3rd and Main St. NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’ S SALE NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’S SALE of her parent«. Mr and Mrs. Sam and daughters. Bobby and Joy, and distribution would probably be REAL PROPERTY UNDER FORECLOSURE Mrs. Ernest .Miller spent Sunday at around 20 percent, or one billion NOTICE OF F IN A L HEA RING NO TIC E Is hereby given that by Richmond Notice is hereby given that, by Notice Is hereby given that Han» virtue of an execution and ordet . _ W e a tflr. dollars, leaving four billion dollars virtue of an execution Issued out Visits In Portland— I M Peter Bertelsen. administrator of the «"■ > of sale Issued out of the Circuit net revenue to the U. S. Govern- of the Circuit Court of the State of lu te of Harry B. Manville, has filed Court of the Htate of Oregon for won. city recorder, and family, spent Guests Visit Mr. and Mrs. Gu) In the county court, his final ac­ Lane Couuty the 26th day of July, Oregon, In and for Lane County, the week end In Portland transact-1 uabrlel have as guests this week meut, which would do the tallow­ count as such administrator, and 1932, upon and pursuant to a de­ ou the 27th day of July, 1932, upon ing business. They went to Portland Mrs. Gabriel's aunt, Mrs. Edith ing. that the court has fixed ten o'clock cree duly given and made by said a decree of foreclosure rendered In 1— Eliminate the income, inherl uid court on the same day lu the Friday and returned Monday Anderson and three children. Char­ Court the 26th day of July. 1932. A. M of Friday. Aug 1», 1,32. at tance and 'nuisance' taxes. the chambers of the Court In the lu a ault peudlng therein In which suit of Ralph Q. Marks against lotte, W infield, and Winchell of 2— It would eliminate bootlegging, Music Tsaeher Leaves — Mrs court-house In the city of Eugene. The Pacific Havings a Loan Asso­ George W. Starbuck and Mrs. Illinois, and Mrs. Gabriel’s mother and the racketeering resulting Oiegon, as the time and place when ciation, a Washington corporation, George W Starbuck, husband and Tuttle Fenton and her daughter. and brother, Mra. Roy Slocum and said account shall come on for ex­ waa plaintiff and Ida Weinstein and wife, for the sum of ,243.66. the Clarice, have gone to the Rogue therefrom. amination and allowance. All per­ others were defendants, which ex­ further sum of ,60 attorney's fee River for a week and will return Robert Slocum of Portland. 3— It would bring out the hun­ sons desiring to object to the same ecution and order of sale was to and the costa and disbursements dreds of millions of dollars now may appear at said time and place me directed and commanded me to of ault. taxed and allowed aa ,30.86; to Springfield on August 6. FOUR-H RADIO PROGRAMS held and hoarded by bootleggers sell the real property hereinafter and commanding me. as sheriff of and be heard. Returns from Burne— M - Ann HANS B ER TELSEN. Admr. described to satisfy certain liens Ixme County, Oregon, to sell. In the TO BE ON AIR WEEKLY and allied Industries who have It in and charges In aald decree speci­ manner provided by law the lands Hid well returned this w e , f r o m 8. D A LLEN . Attorney for hiding for fear of government de­ described In said decree to satisfy fied. I will on Saturday (lie 27th day Estate. Burns where she has been visiting | Annoum.enl. nt of a series of tection. of August, 1,32. ul lli<- hour of one , b M execution, with Interest, and (Ju 31-38— A 6-11- ) 4— The elimination of these Il­ o'clock P. M at the southwest door the expenses of making such sale: at the home of Mr, and Mrs < lar weegjy programs to be broadcast NOW TH E R E FO R E , In accord­ ence Luckey. over radio station KOAC at Cor­ legal profits would prevent further of the County Court House In Eu­ ance with said command, I will on gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer Teacher Visito — Glenn Martin, vallis each Monday night from 8 undermining of law and order in for sale and sell at public auction Saturday, the 27th day of August, 1932 at one o'clock In the afternoon manual training Instructor in the to 8:30 o'clock was announced this our national, state and city govern­ for cash, subject to redemption as We Planned the Biggest provided by law. all of the right, at the Southwest or main entrance high school, was a visitor In Spring- week. These programs will be in­ ments. Value $1.00 Day in History title and Interest of the defendants to the County Courthouse la Eugene. field on Saturday. W ith his father structional in nature and will cover 6— Greatly aid in restoring Inter­ In said stilt and of all parties claim­ Oregon; offer for sale at public the different types of work carried Many Items Were Normal Values national trade. JEW ELER ing by. through or under them or auction and sell to the hlgheet bid­ he has been spending two weeks on by the club members. Members "Such a program would last until Repairing it Specially from $1.50 to $2.00 any of them. In or to the following der. for rash, In one tract, the lands at Kltaon springs. In said decree described, to-wlt: are urged to listen In os timely the 18th Amendment is repealed, described real property, to-wlt: Springfield, Oregon The North half of the North­ Guests Arrive— Mr. and Mrs. C. suggestions will be given then to and with sufficient time to allow Beginning at a point 61 feet west quarter and (he Southwest North of the Southeast corner of written information for the proper manufacture and ag­ fourth of the Northwest quartet W. Ramsey of Goldendale. Wash supplement Lot four (4) In Block nine ( , ) I ing of alcoholic beverages in this of Section 22 In Township 16 Ington. and Mrs. Mae Waggoner that they receive. of that part of the City of Eu­ Dr JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN South. Range 1 West of the W il­ and two sons. Kenneth and Lowell, The first program was broadcast country. The manufacturing of our | gene, In Lane County. State of Naturopathie Physician FRIDAY — SATURDAY — MONDAY lamette Meridian, 120 scree. In of Coquille are guests now at the August 1 with H. C Seymour, state own light wines and beers need not Oregon, which was donated to Lane County, Oregon; subject to Phone 91-J home of Mrs. Ada McPherson said I-ane County by Eugene F. club leader, Helen Cowgill, assist­ be delayed by thia program, and the redemption, as by law provided. and Mary Skinner; and running office Hours: 1 to 6 P. M ant. and I. R. Jones, dairy depart­ state and city would be accorded II I. BOWN. Sheriff of Lane Leave for Coast — Mrs. Elva thence west 160 feet nr to the County. Oregon. ment, as speakers. 406 Fourth Street the right to impose an additional alloy; thence North along the Adams and son. Oliver, left Sun (J. 28— A 4-11-1826) The program for Monday night. tax tar the purpose of lightening 968 line of alley 3» feet; thence East day for Heceta Head where they 160 feet to the West line of W ll August 8, will be as follows: state and city taxes. C IT A T IO N will spend two weeks visiting with Wi I lametta lumette Street and thence South General Law l*ractlce “4-H Members Prevent, Fires” Of course, this program would 3» feet to the place of beginning; IN T H E CO UNTY COURT OF T H E Mrs. Adam's sister. Mrs. C. B. w ill be the subject of a talk by W. J. not apply to those States which pro­ STA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E also all their Interest In and to I. M. PETERSON Herman. CO UN TY OF LANE. Gilmore, head of the agricultural hibit the manufacture or sale ot the North H alf of the brick wall Altorneyat-laiw along the North line of said lot In In the M atter of the Estate of Store Entered— The Vids 8tore engineering department. Much In­ alcoholic beverages.— They would City Hall Building Nancy C. Conrad, deceased. accordance with the party wall operated by Roy H. Rayne was en­ terest has been shown by 4-H mem­ be permitted to remain in the agreement executed by C. W. TO Della Jones, R. L. Jones, Sher­ S p rin g fie ld , O regon man Conrad. Rose Curtis. W llllsm tered sòme time Thursday night of bers In this now activity for them clutches of the bootlegging indus­ Young with Spencer Butte Lodge Number 9. 1. O. O. F., executed Curtis. W alter A. J. Conrad, Lulu last week by persons who broke a which has been sponsored by the try.” Aug. 21, 1889 and recorded on Conrad. Haxel Jarvis. C. C. Jarvis. window. Nothing was missing from State Fire Marshalls' office. In this Page 154 of Vol. "D ” of Miscel­ Samuel D. Conrad. Henry Conrad, the stock« according to the owner. activity members hare been assist­ FRANK A. DE PUE CANNING SCHOOLS FOR laneous Records of said County; AUI p Conrad, and Carl Conrad, A TTO R N EY A T LAW ing In cutting down the huge loss but subject to the rights of the heirs and also all other persons un­ CLUB MEMBERS PLANNED Drive New Highway— Mr. and NOTARY PUBLIC due to fires on Oregon farms each owners of the building adjoining known : IN T H E NAM E O F T H E STATE Mrs. W alter Scott. Jean Scott, year. Members become acquaint­ said lot on the North to use the Four-H to Conduct Three Instruc­ Sutton Springfield South half of said wall situated OF OREGON, You are hereby com­ Ralph Cole, and Mrs. Meda Catch­ ed with means and methods of fire tion Meetings in Lane Coun­ Building Oregon upon the Lot or tract above dea manded to appear In the County ing drove to Yachats and returned prevention. Professor Gilmore will ty, Reports Loader crlbed; also Including all their Court In and for Lane County. Ore­ to Springfield over the new coast tell about the work of the club rlxht In and to the South wall of gon. at the Court House In the city Profits Sacrificed on Hundreds of Items of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, highway by way of Florence Sun­ Three one-day canning schools aald building extending beyond members and the results expected the line of the above described within twenty-eight (28) days from day. tar all Lane county club members to Make More Friends from their activity. lot and subject to the right« of the date of the first publication of have been announced for Lane Home Economics club members this summons to show cause. If any the owner of the property adjoin­ T hirteen great, factories co-operated with 10,000 California People Hare— Mr. and ing same on the South to use the exist, why an order of sale should Mrs. S. B. Sneed arrived here last w ill be interested In a talk by Helen County Club members by R. C. Rexall stores to help you save with safety during this not be made as prayed for In the Kuehner, county club agent. South wall of raid building, a por Cowgill, asst, state club leader, great sale. There is no middle m an in the Rexall plan. tlon of which stands on said petition of the administrator for the week-end from Martines. California “ Preparing the Exhibits for Can­ Mis» Helen Cowgill, assistant Formerly Walker-Poole sale of the following described real to visit with his mother. Mrs. Eve­ Because of this and because of the huge volume of above described tra c t ning and Cooking Club Projects." state club leader. In charge ot girls’ property belonging to the above en­ business done by the 10.000 Rexall Drug stores you get lyn Sneed and with his sister and Dated this 27th day of July, 1932. titled estate, to- Ful-Vue Glasses Buy this for 59c MI-31 SOLUTION Get Any One of These FREE! s F la n e r y ’s D r u g S to r e