Fish on River Friday Mr and atcli Whether the ilt«|Miiilttim id vising the moving of the heavy Mrs Morris Morton and Mrs oven which Is built up of close thia elee’rlc power Is Io rest with Esther Monaco fished on Blue river the stale of Ne» York or with the fitting bricks and powdered as Friday Federal «overnuieiil la a question besfos. Published Ever»' Thureday at which Is not answered In the treaty. Sprlngfteld. ta n a County, Oregon. by Soma Broader Objsetlons T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS Another ground of erlllv’lsni Is H. E. MAXEY. Editor______________ that under the treaty the Canadian! goveruiuent will have to spend only Rnterod aa aecoad c la » matter. February M. 1*03, at the poatofftee. S iiitiiiic r Him ' I r her«' gttd your POitiph'xloit w on l It'l about one-atath as much money a* Springfield, O r e g o n ______________________ ,voti forget It It rem liH l* v«»ti If you «r” going «»of lu the Vnlted States, and. that alm ost, M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E the Run and the wind mid Rtirf. you must provide fo r *&&.oot>.t>oti of Amerieau funds will One Year to Advance >1-78 Three Months .......... - ...... - 7Sc have to be spent for Canadian mu U h welfare. ' Diana tore hit hand» from ahout I \ltrails »lie felt as if la” ■ i • |H leriala, engineers aud labor, while Six Months — ______- - »LB» sin gle ..................... U Thirteenth Instalment her i aratetl hi so complete! iroiu \l;«d Thia store I r specially iweparetl lo supply you» I I lie cotta ,- that it >< <> 4 there will be uo eompenaatlug ea "It's too late,” she said again, and (Sis ling Sanv • yeeM eirl. in lo»» « u h County Official Newspaper it »lie tild novel reallv lu te I e»a peiidttures by Canada tor Aiuerlean ; then, breathlessly. “Don't make me __aaU XV»t«rmon. • m iiu r - l m « n . Im auty uldR fo r Hummer. tin e. and at ther ti e» it seem it aa labor or materials a « « r e u « co U s » m • “'J >• •’ •>« •» J}* hate you. Dennis.” to m e n » * '« ’ under the cor» »” t'* h u m id THURSDAY, AUGUST «. l»»2 He stood up, his face convulsed with ■I »lie » i e just in I mull n m.'.i’» ”g « k o Bvsa n»«r i*« rottoao wooer Those are only sumplea ol the Ske And» ket»elf («Hina in Wire agitation, hut now she no longer pitied tune lor some miracle Io happen • -d doetoi. but »till « S M tn b«'kl h en ni»- him would give h e i 1» '» th* happiu» » o»p thing» that are being said about ihi N A T IO N A L COW ARDICE she was only conscious of that __ L inds. Oenm«' w lt« . tell» k«t tkol which .»he I ngiil. trsiaty as negotiated Huek ol all ol i oBoiod D ewni, » iln-orer but ke would sick, ashamed feeling that was almost T o o ur mind the excessive use of force to eject the She li al heard nothing ■>( Ratli' ne Iheae criticism s there la a much i A sotovt it; ke would have felt com iwllrd to phi steal. — m Ilia n s . Diana'» k'v» In t Doetoi Rath bonus arm y from W ashington, D. C.. was uncalled fo r and since ln> 1 « 'ei : t- e letter to vvl„ it He went on pleading, imploring, to asts tempered hy |ewk>u«v ot a woman id broader baae lor the real fight an atrocious violation o f hum an rights, brought about by- nomad Rooolte. who H i» ’ ’n the doeto» a reminding her of all they had been she had vvnt.en a do en twent. against ratification tsasa A t loot R at»tuna tin-la thot be is to one another—all they would yet he. pile» .it-..I destroyed them all. excited c ity com m issioners o f the capital c ity who made Aotfty but ke cunlat What was the use of writing to "»J in ' lore ’ with Pions. . ;z ■ Diana put « her ■»■ « hands aweasjyv » over ’ ' » • ovi her vmj. ears. Thia baae la the growing belle' false representations to the president, as to the g ra v ity of She felt that it wa, more than »he him He would not answer. | that a tl-fool water-way. IftOO miles ■ , » i a a ... .1 ,^ u.,, II a K * « . . ila* » *lk .I !.* ...--— bar hiiatwnd had been killed in the war. Rut could bear. she felt a» if he were try- Miss Starling had departed tor the danger. W arm w eather d rivin g m akfR m any demanda on S m i l e was kopalewaly insane. Dlsns snd ing to strip her naked instead of trying pilgrimage to Normandy with buy long, would not acroiiipltah the pur Granted th a t the so-called bonus arm y m ay have been kathbona port, and a letter come» from A u nt pose which It Is Intended to serve, yo u r car. You need good gasoline and oil and a|»eclal S b .lw y n c a llin t D iana back to London occupying otherwise vacant governm ent property th e ir namely that of making Diana travel al the slow speed to which doubtful value. Yet there was not one constructive word was like some live creature waiting w eather dessert, W ere al wavs ready w ith a cone or She said at last, brokenly: had ' « * . h« r » l‘»»«»anl rivers and canals limit navigation, said about it either at the Chicago conventions o r in con­ to pounce upon her directly she was “If you onlv knew how you’re hurt- »*'" hirr arrival, of the sea beating lu other words, the shipping Indus I a freezer fu ll. off her guard and tear her in pieces. ing me.” ¡against a gigantic rock. gress No nation w ith abundant na tu ra l resources can ex­ try has developed while the Ht -j She opened the gate and greeted pect thousands o f its citizens to starve in the streets peace­ He misunderstood that, eagerly The Creature had shed a_few trarj Waterman with a smile. Lawrence deep water way project j ably. N or can any nation rely on its arm y to continue to , “You’re an early bird.” she said grasping it as a sign that he was to when the said good-bye to Diana. has stood still. I She went to Paris yes- admit defeat; he and Diana had quar- I London a couple of days, navigation lu the upper lakes, from guod light. T h e Coleman S p o il- essential in business as it is in religion. W hen folks believe terday momit<." relied to often before, and she bad!, “His name is Anthoogr Jevoca, she L ila Lantern ei-d Camp S lov, “She didn't; she was at Palmeiro's always been sorry. Soon—»-morrow , informed Diana “Apparently he and Buffalo to Duluth, ends early In th a t things can be done, they usually find a way to do them , w ill dell vet ** rigui now “ , , last sight, and wa had quite a little or the next day—there would come Linda Waterman have known one an- December, when the insurance com­ when they do not believe that any th in g they can do w ill a n y wb«rw an d any lim e I talk together.“ a letter from her Ha knew so well, “‘6 « »«» years.” panies on vessels facing the on | do any good, e ffo rt ceases. She was quick to see the sadden what its contents would be I married man?" Diana asked coming Ice. Navigation uever opens ( T h e Instant L ig h tin g C ole­ W hat has happened is th a t fa ith in Am erica and in our saspidon in his eyes. Her last night there, she received a * ’**J?U* much interest. m a n 9 p o rt-L iie Lantern le email again before March or April, so i “It was Iinda who nude you change I letter from Dr. Rathbone. I "** wlA b“ wlth r*li,h cerned, the proposed deep water­ Diana nodded. only J tbe., yel givee up lo 15« w ill econim ic conditions im prove. ht tells me you are returning to i “ “ »>mg a man to a I urn way would he out of commission ' He stared at her for a candlepower of puie w hite llgba London on Wednesday, »here dtvoece is tdaeiday w m cam l,tK„ P " “ » •her. he broke out: There is no lack o f money in A m e rica ; the lack has been for from three to four months every j f o e . then then. < ^ ' 7 J0* ’6« 1 we do oos meet .gam U before * *h* « « P y i e s g l e e t g lo b e p r o te c t! “I've told you again and again that in confidence in investm ents. Too m any people were stung year. m antle . , , mekee It en Indooe ecu cannot pay any attention to what w d it b unlikely, we in g that dur “Ferhaps he didn't want to divorce by speculative schemes in the guise of investm ents, to en­ Linda says. She is a jealous woman." And as a (Inal argument against end ouidout light. ing the next few days I shall be her." Diana said. courage them to put money they have since accum ulated “Oh, no ; she's not in the least jealous very busy, I want to impress upon “Well, he is fret at last, poor mao,“ the proposal, It is pointed out that ol you or of me, if that is wliat you you to take great care of yourself her aunt went oo “She died about two every Important canal. Including I in to anything but the soundest and m ost proved enterprises. ■scan,” Diana said calmly “I am not' and not to ovartas your strength I B u t now money is beginning to come out. M . lj _n i- j v - in. months ago. when the Watermans were the Sues Canal, the Manchester j at all sure. Dennis, that you don't am afraid tins wfll reed rather like |m , IUW K the next thing Canal, the Panama Canal and the real!- like her a great deal better than ! a homily, but you must put ,t «town I , wl|, u , h>, thrr, We were interested to see the report o f the savings she likes you.” to my poor powers of expression I divorct thite •• CAMP STOVES Chicago Drainage Canal, coal from bank deposits in the United States fo r the past few years. “I don't understand what you mean. rather than to any other cause I | She 1 original estim ates contemplated m illio n Americans have more than 28 thousand m illio n d ol­ take it from me it is not the truth." bright ude and believe that life is different Coleman Lam p Slovee are “Isn’t it ? Not when she said that very largely what we choose to make ! rliana and Mrs. Gladwyn were dto- The eetlmate for the United States m iniature gee ranges that give lars in this fo rm of reserve alone, an average o f more than she had offered to divorce you and real In e ta n t-g u cooking a-1 vice» it, in spite of disappointments and , ,ng at the Fosters' that night, share of the St. Lawrence d e e p ; $500 each! Most o f this money w ill not be easily lured in to that you had refused? I think it is L ig h t Instantly J net tike gas . . . sacrifice. I am preaching to myself Diana had only consented to go Un­ water-ways Is 12611,000.000. It Is speculation, but m uch o f it w ill go in to new homes, in to fte truth, Dennis.” no preheeling. Cook real meals as much as to you, teeing that we dCT extreme pressure She dislike« more likely, its opponents say, to small business enterprises, in to a thousand other solid and He took a step towards her. in an eppetiiing w ay . . . any­ both have to learn our lessons in the Mrs. Foster: she was a “climber** of cost half or three-quarters of a toll- j same hard school. “It’s a damned lie, Diana. You thing you w ent any way you productive investm ents as soon as the re tu rn o f confidence the most flagrant type who shamelessly know I’ve told you scores of tim es, went It. E veryth ing is bitll’-ln. “If I were an eloquent man there “collected celebrities.” and who scan­ lion b«*fore we are through with It. becomes th orough ly m a n ife s t________ that I would give anything I possess Folds up like a Bull case with it so much I could say, but I know dalized them as toon as they had left Interest charge, on thin InveMment SODtL Ne. «a-Rx«, Fri<« gg.i everything stowed Inside. If only she would give me my free­ you will understand. Keep a brave her house at three percent might ea.lly run to °* " ’ dom.” heart, and keep well. Good night Jonas had written her that Rath- DIG T H E FLO R ID A C AN AL once again. Diana. COLEM AN LAMP A N D STOVE C O M PA N Y Diana smiled faintly. bom’s house was up for sale, and fifteen million or even twenty five “I know you have.” she agreed. “Yours ever, Donald was going to live in America. million dollar, a year. FICMrrA. KAHS. . CMICAaO. ILL FMILAOiLFMlA, FA. . LO« A N SILC t. CAUF. It seems to us th a t this is the tim e o f all tim es to begin “But llxil is the damned lie—not what “D onald R athronb ." Diana permitted herself one moment Anyway, whatever the merit» of digging th a t deep-water canal across the neck of the F lorida Linda said.” “P. S. I have added the post­ of anguish She saw the dull colour rise slowly script you spoke alwiut on the other “Oh, God, I can’t bear it any long­ the treaty, it le certain that one ot peninsula. W hile we are preparing to build the St. Lawrence HtSq the bitterewt controveraie». perhapa side." to his face, and she turned her eyes er,” she said aloud. deep-waterway along our northern border a t a cost o f 258 — — — — — — •way. Diana turned the __________ page with a _____ hand She greeted her hostess with a the bitterest «Ince the Treaty o f ; m illio n dollars, it looks to us as if we should not w ait to put She felt sick and ashamed; not for that trembled; her heart seemed to be vague smile and discovered her aunt Verealllee wa» rejected by the w n I ~ a lot more money and men at w ork in the South, also. her own sake, but for his. She had turned to water, and there was a mist comfortably seated in a big chair with ate In 1#1*. 1» on the cards for the ' once thought this man so splendid; 1 hefore her eyes so that for a little a large cocktail and a plate of caviare The Florida canal defin ite ly comes in the class o f self- next Reaiton. there had been a time when she w ould » bile she could hardly make out the at her elbow have given him everything she pos- last words he •—* had --------- written liq uidatin g public w orks fo r w hich the R econstruction F in ­ Diana looked around the room with­ They were: out interest. The same old crowd one T O N N A G E O F T R U C K S ance C orporation is authorized to lend its 3,800,000,000 of •ested—body and soul—and it hurt her unspeakably to knew that he was io “I Itn t one/ oj I liv* on tt. always met everywhere. Diana spoke resources. It w ill cost. A rm y engineers estim ate, about unworthy—even of her! the told her­ W hat cate it (hit to ttuah or talk to one or two of them and refuted a C O M P A R E D T O R A IL W A Y S $200.000,000. T h a t is a sm all sum as m oney is counted in about» self whimsically. cocktail. People were still arriving, ..... / lo te you." After a moment she looked at him these days. It w ill take several years to com plete it, but a starchy footman announcing their Coat of Building and Maintaining •gain : in the last few minutes he names at the door in stentorian tones. when it is finished it w ill save so m uch tim e and m oney fo i CHAPTER XX Necessary Highways Would seemed in some unaccountable way to "Sir William and Lady Marley.” Diana's maid Anna drew the cur- ships plying between G u lf ports and the A tla n tic seaboard Be Prohlbltlove have lost stature—to have grown ordi-1 tains back with a sharp little rattle. Lady Marley had been a chorus girl, th a t it w ill pay fo r itself in to lls in a few years. and there had been a violent love af­ •“ ¡L . i. l - j • to»»*ng in the morning light. a 4 t ’ l T ,W“y' *Le L**1*’ aga,n wai in L“ * ”» wi’h Mr, fair with a minor prince to her credit A fleet of 8,260.000 ftve-ton The Panama Canal last year, in spite o f depressed - And I B shall never run back any developed . more. . . Gladwyn, ------- „ „ as a . that ,„„7 lady had uvvempefi before she caught old Sir William oc trucks would be necessary to move foreign trade, earned $12,000,000 above the cost o f opera­ D®“ 1’ L , • sciatic jain and at the same moment ,h*’ brink of ,he Rravi an• 1 at Tlctory 1 Opposition is developing from the were the nation forced to rely upon ----------- — --- --------- still In session. I state of New York from two or the highways alone for commercial R E A L L Y K N E W T H E FACTS, you would A candidate fo r the state senate in M ultnom ah county in a week all of that has changed i hree dlf, ftrent ang|eH There Intercourse.” As chairman of the Foreign A f buy an electric refrigerator at once. Tha food spent $4780 In the prim ary election and s till has the gen­ the , reaty wh,th allo. Railroads given either reasonably fairs committee of the senate. Sen There Is no public project against eral election to go through. Is the job w o rth it? laving alone will pay for the refrigerator to «ay ........ ..............................many shafts of crltlclam | r