THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS RPItlNGPIBLD, IxANE COUNTY. ORBOO-VTHURSDAY. AUGUST I, 1932 TWENTY-NINTH YEAH IN IELLS FOR OWES FOB NEEDY URGED 10 on M i™ , 7 . AGED M Picnic Sunday SIDRI OF FIFE 4-H CLUB SEI PRESERVE FOOD M'KENZIE OILING Aeelatanoe Now Offered in Canning of Surplue Sup­ plies for Winter Use Arrival of First Carload of Asphalt Expected in Spring- field In Near Future TRANSIENTS CUT WOOD J All Groups of Willamette Val­ ley and Central Oregon to Hard Work and Varied Ex­ Leader« Choose September 8, 9. and 10 as Day« for Meet at Lott Creek periences Make Life of 95 County-Wide Exhibit Year Man Interesting Hpelicer Butte slid Itediiiond ell i a “" merit» of the I. 1». <1. F. lodge l-ane county’s Four-H Club fair Wslk pg six miles to work each i Joint hosts M unds, s' a pic morning, spending the entire day and entertalnineot «111 be held on il O, ull Odd Fellows anil uffill- culling wood and then walking the Thursday, Friday and Saturday. alt q snlxalloris of the W lllam et same six miles home again la un­ Heptember 8, 9 and 10 It was an Rod Croaa and County Both Offer Containara for Food; te Exchange Is Encouragad ,st Lost and Central Oregon at usual. In these days of automobiles • ranch on the Upper Mr and congealed highways which 1 tway. K n«i lead everywhere, but when a man uf R. I a «t Cross will not be able to do much for need, fuoilll«-«* In Bprlngfleld and other communities nest winter if thee« people do not start work at once und accumulate logxthnr ua much surplus fruits and vegeluhle und other food supplies as possible at this tint« Miss l*h ,Ills Hartaog. Ited Cross worker for this portion I'tiHonn having eamp tables und lie lives on south Hecoud slicet of I .one count,, told members of „ r«.»|de„t of till city the I.loll« dub Friday noon Io ad chairs are urged Io bring these w i t h . , , , , ,,UM them as there will be a shortage for the past year. He Is uow 95 dressing them on the work which Ib a t day. yerrs old aiuj Is living with Ills the Ited Cross Is doing. second wife who Is 78 years old II Dulles of a Ited Cross worker has one son, I*. A. Street who liven are naturally very varied, said Miss east of Springfield, and a grand­ llarixog Thia person must InvestlJ son one year old gate all types of condition« and do HATCHERY GETS STORAGE ROOM Mr. Mtreet was horn in London. the beat possible to Improve un­ desirable conditions when th e, sp Kngland on April 2. 1838. and ram • to the United Stale with bis par pear This Includes relief. Juvenile ! (roubles, domestic sffalrs, Rinses, ents when he was one year old care of ihe poor, and m an, others. In 1X3». His father. Berry Mtreet Hed Cross worker« are now urs Salmon to Be Kept in Cold hud been n leather tanner In Eng­ Storage at Hatchery; la land. but the fam ily moved to a Ing all needy people, or those who farm In Iowa when they earn«, to m a, find themselves at the mere, Economy Move the United States They lived of charily nest winter, to store A new cold storage plant to be |iere for some years before going away at leas! kt; quarts of fruits and vegetables for u family of four used In Ihe preservation of salmon, ou to Missouri where they both persons. They also stipulate that carcass for fish food purposes labelled a certain number uf these Jars being constructed uow at the aisle The spirit of adventure and an hall tie filled with tomatoes which hatchery at Vida. urge to travel overcame the young are very necessary for growing The new storage room will eli­ Mr. Mtreet while his father farmed children minate the necessity uf hauling the In Iowa ao he set out for the Okla- A county cgitnery la being placed { « I mon from the flah racks where ¡horna country, at that time a terrl- In operation this week and all kinds th e, are caught to Kugene for freez­ tory under the domination of the of foods can he preserved there. ing and storage and then transport­ Indiana. Here he became a good Tin can containers will be furnish­ ing them back again to the hatch­ friend of the Cherokee Indian« and ed the Individual on a percentage ery for feeding during the year. wa given employment herding eat basis, whereby the Individual will Offlclala of Ihe hatebery think that tic by Bob Laxton. Cherokee chief. (Iv e to the county a few filled cans the use of thia new freezing room leaving this adventuresome for each group of empty ones do at the hatchery will bring about a country he returned to Missouri naled. This same plan Is being fol­ saving sufficient to pay the coat of and later to Kansas where he lived lowed by Ihe Red Cro«a In the dis of ihe new construction work with until coming to Springfield a year trlbutloo of mason Jara which are In a period of three years. ago Here be spends most of his available for those who are unable Each year at this season several time ruttliig anil selling wood to the to purchase them. t tons of salmon are taken from the Public. He canvasses district« seek There Is always an abundance of river at the rack« at Hendricks Ing orders for the fir and maple food supplies In thia county at thia bridge and the eggs taken to the wood which he sella and find« peo­ time of the year and moat persons hatchery where they are hatched ple very friendly although they are can obtain quantities of frulta or and the flah raised until released. inof able to purchase very much vegetables In exchange for labor or The carcass of these flah during wood rlgbt now. other method« of barter, declared previous years have been taken to Mr Street ha« lived through xev .Miss Hartaog If tbey have an un­ Kugene where they have beau eral period» of depreealnn and usually large amount of one com­ froxen and then placed In storage I thinks that th l. Is the worst one modity they are urged to can that being hauled to the hatebery as of all. not because of actual effect. Item and later the surplus cau be th e , are needed to feed the young | but because It has lasted longer traded for flab or other products flah. 'than Ihe others. The panic during with others In other sections where the Cleveland administration was a surplus of another commodity I had. but It lasted only a short eglats. while, he recalled. Fuel was also mentioned by the When asked how Ihe world treat­ peaker u« being u necessary Item ed him he replied that he had al­ Io procure now during the d r , sum ways managed to get along, al­ mer months though at time« It was hard. Be The steam cooker which has been truthful and honest of purpose and built h , the county Is being used In Kugene back of Skinner’s butte D e ta ile d R e p o r t o f S w im m in g w,,, a, wuya manage to get along this week. An expert canning oper­ Instruction Not Filed Yet; somehow, he soya ator fs nt the cooker all times and Many Persons Learn As an indication of the friendly will travel with It when n schedule manner In which the public meets of visits, which Miss Gertrude I. Junior and senior Red Cross life , hls aged man lb , 8 w riter was Skew home demonstration agent, living award« were won Saturday atopped on the street recently and I now preparing Is released read a letter which he had Katallahment of n large municipal by eight boys and two girls at the asked woodpile and the dlstrihutInn ol conclusion of the tau day 111 «true rece,Ted ttnd could net read, hav h,H K|a . SOe at home. The tickets among merchants to be tlon period given at W lllu n iette, ,„ K given transient* who apply for food park by Hal Hatton to a group of letter was sent from a woman In Eugene whom Mr. Street had call­ was suggested as n means of over­ more than 160 persons. Senior awards wore won by ed on In regard to wood early this coming thin problem by Miss lla r i­ Minions, Charles Mteele. summer, and she had written him xog Such a plan was established Henry Clarence Cnudell, and Donald at this time telling him that she nt Florence with splendid results. flawke. These swimmers will re­ was now ready to order several ceive beautiful bronze emblems de­ cords of wood If he would come to MRS. POLLARD HEADS signating their ability as well as a certain office soon. FOREIGN MISSION CROUP round felt badge- to be attached to their swimming suits. GERALD KABLER WEDS Selection of Mrs. W. H . Pollard Those pasHftig the Junior tests lo head the Foreign Mission soci­ Maturday morning were Henry Cox, HARRIET DUER JULY 27 ety of Ihe Methodist church as Harry Malhy, Carl Stevenson. Doris Announcement of the wedding president for the coming year was Marie Roblnaon, and Faye llolver .made Tuesday when a regular meet son. They will al«o receive Hward« of Harried Duer of Sutherlin to Gerald O. Kahler of Pleasant H ill Ing was held at Ihe home of Mrs. for their swimming suit«. N. W. Emery. Mrs. A. B. Van Val- A class of 25 young people parti­ on July 27 was made this week. zah will be the new vice-president; cipated In the training for Ihe varl- The ceremony was performed In Mrs. L. K. Page, treasurer; Mrs. P. ouh testa required to pass the two Eugene. Mr. Kahler la the aon of Mr. and J. Bartholomew, recording secre­ examinations. tary; and Mrs. Wm. Q. Hughes, The list of people who learned to Mr«. T. F. Kahler and 1» a graduate of Pleasant H ill high «chool where secretary. awlm and a complete report of the An Impromptu program on mis­ awlmmlng work has not been turn he was very act've In athletlca. sion work was held Tuesday It ed over to the Red Croas yet bv Mr He la also a graduate of Monmouth normal and has been teaching two was decided to open the mite boxes Hatton. years at Yoncalla. He will teach nt the next meeting. thia year at Philomath. FAMILY REUNION HELD Mr. and Mrs. Kahler have gone to HOP PICKING PRICES AT FANDREM HOME 1*ortland where they w ill mnke ARE SET BY GROWERS their home until fall. A family reunion for members of Hop picker« In Linn and Lane the Boiler fam ily was held Munday counties will receive 75 cents per at the Henry Fandrem home south PIONEERS THEM E OF 100 pounds and yard men will get of Springfield. A covered dl«h din­ ARETANIA DISCUSSION from |1.50 to 22 50 per day this sea­ ner was served outdoors under the A discussion of pioneers wa« the son It was announced In Eugene troea at noon and the afternoon following a meeting of hop growers was spent swimming and In other feature of the study meeting of Ar- of the two counties. Picking of activities. Those present were Mary etanla guild of the Baptist church early hops will probably begin J. Boiler, Dessle Boiler, Mr. and which was held at the home of Mrs. about August 26. Late hops will be Mrs. Sam Watson, aud fam ily of Norton Pengra with Miss Jean H ill as hostess Tuesday evening. Miss picked around September 6. Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. W ill Boiler Ruth Carlton- was the leader of the and family of Four Oaks commun­ were discussion. Refreshments GIRLS MISSION GROUP ity, Mr«. Anna Sandgathe and fam­ served to 20. HAS OUTING MONDAY ily of Mohawk, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and family of Springfield Members of the Otrls Missionary and Mr. and Mra. Henry Fandrem GRANDSON BORN TO society of the Christian church held THURSTON RESIDENTS Portland Man Fishes Here their regular monthly business The birth of s son to Mr. and Charles Strong, brother of Mrs. and study meeting nt the City park Monday under the direction of W. K. Burnell spent the week-end Mrs. I.lnn Endicott of Thurston at Pearl Helterbrnnd. Miss Uldlne here from Portland and went on the Pacific Christian hospital In Qartln and Mrs. D. B. Murphy, ad­ a flatting trip on the upper South Eugene on Monday, August 1. 1932 visor of the girls attended the Fork of the McKenzie Sunday with made Mr and Mra. John Endicott, meeting. Marshmallows were toast­ a group uf local bualneaa men. Lim it and Mr Fred Russell grandparents ed after the meeting over an open catchea were brought back by moat This is the only child of Mr. and Mra. U n a Endicott. of the anglers. an open lira. SWIM AWARDS EARNED BY TEN James J. (Gene) Tuoney, retired undefeated heavyweight champion, c I ug prevailed upon to enter the political arena as a candidate for coi.«icssman-at-large or senatorial toga on the Democratic ticket in Connecticut at the November elec­ tion« Both Roosevelt and Nations Chairman Farley favor his makinf |I k tace. FATHER OF CUT PEOPLE PISSES any paid amusements on the I grounds. It Is the intention of those’ backing the exhibition to make the fair an educational arfair and they will direct most of their efforts Parent of Mrs. Girard and O. along this line, they state. H. Jarrett Dies at Cot­ Special emphasis wll be placed on exhibits and regular classes In tage Grove Saturday stock Judging and home economics Stephen H. Jarrett. 88, father of work will be conducted by experts O. H. Jarrett of this city died at during the days of the fair. hl« home at Cottage Grove Satur day morning. He was born In Eng­ land In 1844 and lived In Oregon since 1887. Besides his son he leaves six daughters. Mrs. Minnie Girard, ot Springfield; Mr Ada Childs and _______ Mr«. Sophie Holland both of Call fornta; Fanny Hefting and Mrs. Members of Club Offer to Llbb). DobbJna both of Washington; LIONS OFFER AID TO PARK TRINGLE and Mrs. Jennie Calloway of Port- He is also survived by 11 j grandchildren and 8 great grand- Improvement of the trintigle a t 1 children, the Weal approach of the Spring Purera, gerv|ce. were held at the field bridge again seems to be a }.Gf,!pek. vestigate the possibility of dispos has a new eagle design on the back Ing their absence. A regular meeting of the group Ing of the old arch over the former side supplementing the old fam iliar will be held at the Armory this road to the old dismantled bridge. one where the feet are sprawled to evening at 8 o’clock. The chamber would be glad to give ARETANIA GUILD HAS both sides. It to any one who wishes to remove MEETING ON TUESDAY Official Bo.-rd Meets It. There is some good lumber and ! The official board meeting ot the Members of the Aretania guild of DOCTOR HONORED W ITH lighting fixtures in the arch. The chamber expressed Its sym- i the Baptist church held their re­ BIRTHDAY DINNER HERE Methodist church was held In the church parlors Tuesday evening. pathy to the W estfir community J gular meeting Tuesday evening at club In the death of W illiam Far ! the home of Mrs. Norton Pengra Honoring the birthday ot her son.; Routine church problems were dis­ rlns, superintendent of the Western I starting at 7:45 o'clock. Miss Jean Dr. Harold Peery. Mrs. M. M. Peery cussed. H ill was hostess in charge of the entertained at her home Tuesday Lumber co. Returns from Coast evening with a birthday dinner for m eetins. Mrs. Dessle Mellons aud daugh­ nine. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. Baby Daughter Born Goitre Operation— H arl McPher Peery, Mr. and Mra. Roll Morris of ter, Melba, returned Tuesday from Mr. and Mr«. Charles Bell of Jasper are the parents of a baby son underwent an operation for g o l-1 Detroit. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Smith the coast beaches where they have daughter born to them at their tre at the Eugene hospital Wednes- j and Joan Cox of Portland, De Etta been visiting for tbe pa^t two weeks. day morning. ; Robnett. and the boateea. home Wedneaday, August 3, 1222. CHAMBER BACKS PARK IMPROVEMENT MOVE SCHOOLS OPE» SEPTEMBER 19 CONTRACTOR HERE TUES. nounced Tuesday following a meet Ing of club leaders attending the annual Four-H picnic at Riverside park. The club workers exhibition takes the place of the regular coun­ ty fair which was put off for one year us an economy measure. Ad mission to the club exhibition will be free to all. Members of the Four-H clubs will hold a large down-town parad<- on Friday, and It la expected that l.nn<- PotaoEB grange will assist with the fair by mean of additional exhibits and entertainment from the various communities of the county. All concessions and booths at the I fair will be taken care of by club members and their leaders. Complete programs of entertain I nient will also be worked out by - eiub members, but there w ill not tie* Accept Part of Responsi­ bility of Upkeep ’■ T PICNIC PUNNED BY P O U M E N Second Annual Outing for Lane Poultrymen Sot for Riverside Park Aug. 15 Program for the second annual Lane County Poultrymen’« picnic to be held at Dtlly’s Riverside park on the Coast Fork of the W illam et­ te river east of Goshen. Sunday. August 14. was announced today by O. S. Fletcher, member of the executive committee In charge of the picnic. The purpose of the picnic Is to offer entertainment and recreation and an opportunity to get together and discuss their individual pro blems as well as have a good time. Every person In Lane county who is interested In the poultry industry 1« invited to attend. A large basket dinner w ill be en­ joyed at noon. Ice cream and coffee will be furnished. The afternoon w ill be divided be­ tween a program of educational talks and sport events. H. E. Coeby, extension poultryman of the Ore­ gon State college; E. L. Martindale, manager of the produce department of Swift and Company; and O. 8. Fletcher, Lane connty agricultural agent, w ill give the addressee on timely poultry topics. The sport events will include a baseball game between team« re- pre enting the Eugene branch of Swift and company and the Eugene branch of the Pacific Cooperative Poultry Producers. Committees named for the an­ nual outing are as follows: Executive. O. S. Fletcher, R. M. Ferry, Jay Scott, P. A. Gent. Sports. Jay Scott. P. A. Gent. Kenneth Nielsen. Coffee and Ice cream, Al Hoff­ man. Ball game. Dan Earle. Herbert Cochran. MEETING CALLED FOR N. O. W. COMMITTEE A meeting of the committee work­ ing on plana for the entertainment and reception to be held by the Springfield Neighbors of Woodcraft next week when they are to enter­ tain members from Coburg, Walter- vltle, and Creswell has been called for Friday evening at the home of Mrs. W. A. Taylor, chairman, at 2 o’clock. Parents of Girl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fswver of Trent are the parents of a baby daughter born to them at the Paci­ fic Christian hospital In Eugene on Wednesday, August 3. 1982. Leave Today for Portland Mrs. L. K. Page and two nieces. Miss Margaret Simon and Eleanor Campbell, both of California, sad Miss Edna Platt w ill leave DM*dlmsa^ 8se» * 8ss