P A G I FOTO THURSDAY; JULY 28, 1H32 THR SPRINOFIRLD NEWS Ill at Ham«— Mr, M eil- Castce ts re- lied to lie III nt her II line Texas Cyclone Uopçr WiP’onette rs Khrman Glustlna. Mr». C. To Meet Pete K. ^ Jordan anil Mr». J V I*b dp» of V i i i t o r fro m L o w e ll W F Hill i f Lowell was a visitor III S| rliu field on Tuesday. Pleasant Hill and Mr». A. <’ Miller Main Event Ends in Double of G« sb~" left W Iteaday by auto- Knock-Out Friday: “Wdd- mobile for the Lane County Mine to be he’d a! Mothers camp meet cat’’ G^ts Decision THEATRE PLANS THREE CONTESTS SATURDAY A Chrrry Queen Pie Eeatert, Cowboy Cost urn- 1. m d Lariet Throwing Will Adm t Children to Show SAND SWEEPS OVER MIX FILM LOCATION I nlvorntil Pici wit* ('nr|u*i m I I oh v»*r\ iii ' mi I y I oni imi »•iiilr»* of moth m plcturc cam< tp and record illV «qiiiptlMMi when a raging mu ml torin all hui hui hu Ita "Ktd«<*< of my on th » Ari 1 V ill« ' ' Ili’ Ih’Mrl the production T« n Mix. a whh* 1 finully multa U upp arane i t Ih Pox M iHmnh 1 theatre today WUM f iiih I to ('all In .n u t ■tut unirti to i»lav nil of Ih » co wtmy mid proa- pect« r know It■d»e that years of ae timi oMirt’i let! ve bini tu UK lit him («i mui ervla«* MIICCCM »fully the res cue 1if company Mini » q i l i p i l i e n l West erti alar faahloo«! Th gullll masks for DirtM im Al Kiigoll. I« o I n Wltaon, Kr«*il Kohler miu ! Ih” mom b» r of the east ami o ttic i technical slaff. and then set about removing all to .afetv by meuns of sic,Is and horses No motor car was capable of coming within 20 miles of their local lou Ill at Home Mr». liauk lao'hc ci W. F. liauk In W -f S i. lngfielil W ho Is the Inst pie . nil i" boy 1» II at her home. or girl lu Lane i-onuiy, Muntrer Florence the Girl Scout carni Ray W Joue». of the Fox M*'l*<>nnld Vielt in Mountain»— Mr, anil Mi; Jack Doane ta au uffi-rlng with an Tv-o wreatlara both kaockvd out wants to know a ’ d will try to find llenry Fardrem anil Deswle Boiler and no one to award the decision infection on his right knee cause,! f tills champion Sahu-day no n nt spent the week-end al the Wilson to was the plight last Friday night by running a rusty nail Into his (13:301 in from of the M Donald cabin on Home Creek ol Vern Harrington, referee at the knee several days ago while help where he will conduct a pie > allng Lane county fairgrounds outdoor Inn saw wood. H»a Minor O oerstlor— Ml“- Minn conical The winner of tills conic I lard featuring Don Hill o' Wichita The ladlee of the Cloverdale clul 1'i'erson underwent a minor opera will be paid ope dollar and ull enl- Kansas, here for a return engage entertained the ladles of the Pleas I. n at the Pad I'h i'itian h o; I- rams will be admitted In the mat­ tnent with George "Wildcat " Pete act Hill club at the dub house a inee free to sec Tom Mix's latest t i l l on Wedue tlav morning Both fell outside of the ropes and Cloverdale Thursday afternoon. / western thrlller "The llldcrs of X On Camping Trip— I. E. I»onk- were knocked unconsclou when one act play "An Did Fashioned I k a i h Valley." Another fealurw ■ and daughter. Jure, left Wednes­ fhelr heads struck the hard ground School" was given by the member for the trays and girls for Saturday day for Hie upper McKenile valley matinee will he a Beat riresaed Pete recovered first and thus won of the Cloverdale club after which M iu Carolyn llarrard, ljutiing. to »pend a week camming. the decision without taking a fall, refreshments were served Many cowboy or girl" contest. The Me Mifh, queen of the Michigan tTerry that is unless each had one to his attractive and beautiful quilts, Fasti'wl at Traverse. Mich., i> shown Returns from California — Lea Donuld will pny the winner of thh credit, after one hour and 20 min some made by the club and others liere with the huge cherry pie «ht Hosserman and Delbert M.lchcli contest one dollar—then during the! hiked and presented Io President utea. by individual- were on display and returned Tuesday from a short matinee the rope pinners will have 1 Hoover Walter Achlu took the deciding much admired. their ‘i n ” tor on the stage « 1 1 1 ' ' d ip to Sacramento. California. fall from Pat Reagan In a special A family reunion was held Sun M. they will he given an opportun event. He won the only fall of the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Climb Peak Monday— Mrs. K T tty Io show their " s tu ff by the % 45 minute event in 30 minutes and Stone at Pleasant Hill Their four Pei'klra. Mr» W C. Wright and way of a rope spinning contest for Retired the last 15 minutes were unproduc- daughters. Mrs Falle and Mrs. Mr. mid Mrn Ihivr W»’MV<»r ur i three children Teddy. Peggy and which the winner will receive one Dn July I a lolal of 154 employees tIVe of falls. Copeland of Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Scott, climber Ca He Rock Monday dollar. Every boy and girl In l.au< r,v* 1 ,row PKA'ket. California. Iasi o f i h » I' S liepariment of Agricul­ A lanky lad from Texas state. Bird of Corvallts and another from County may enter either one or all " ,,,,* n' wel condition of (he trees slid both national champions, diving and swimming. i Saturday. sour stomach and gas. Adlerika is Crystal Baughman is home after lory. Madlaon. Wla.. and the Lake ? hura,on returning home Iasi Ban ground cover White lightning oc­ far better. One dose will rid . ou of taking a six weeks summer course day. curs during “dry" thunderstorms Returns to Ashland— Mrs H T States forest experiment station are bowel poisons which cause gas and .Monmoutb Mrs. Henry lluggcn of Long und Is a much dreaded source of bad sleep. Flanery’s Drug Store. . .. . , . . _ Mitchell who has been visiting re- conducting experim ents In the for- - The Helping Hand club of Trent laUvea here for a few daye left esta to determine the cause of bird's ‘ Wrach. I alifornla. .topped over for forest fires. NOTICE TO CREDITORS met with Mrs lrv,n Bor,hiek last Saturday for her home at Ashland eyo figure and whether or not It 8 ''I*11 w*11’ Hr. and Mrs. Jenkln NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. Wednesday and worked on quilts. can lie reproduced. Preliminary ex 0,1 way *” l ’“0“'la That the undersigned have been Those present were Mrs. W. L Lraburg Man Here— Frank Miu- Visitor from Waltervlllo— Mrs. A. Visit Wednesday — Mr. and Mrs. Miss Florence Platt from Califor a n ^ i l t t W mUandeST ! (Tm >n ta*f Whee,er Mrs c la ' , ° n Kimball. n ie of Leaburg was a b uslnes; visi- Vern Stewart of Natron were visi K Jennings of W alterville was a perlnieuts, so far undertaken by these two agencies, consist of grail nia 1» spending her annual vacti • in« wi*t « (Whwv iMigimt Anna Haynes, deceased, “ y the Mrs Arthur Rice’ Mrs Bin Dal1’ tor in Springfield on Monday. tors in Springfield on Monday. b uslnes; visitor In Springfield on Ing trees. If the experim ents are tlun here with her parents and Saturday. County Court of Lane County. Ore- Mrs. Lewis West. Mrs. Frank Kim- TODAY A TOMORROW successful, highly figured trees may other relative«. Visits Father—Mr. and Mrs. Roy gon. All persons having claims hall. M r . Lee Cruxan. Mrs. Berry vis,tor Monday— William White possibly be grown under favorable — ■ Visita Father — Mr. and Ml against said estate are required to Maunev Mrs A1 Higgins Mrs ot "'alterville was a visitor In McCracken are visiting at the home n X i o ™ e uW „ d e r s i X d P. t X ™ ton Mrs Palm. Mrs. B ohartand Springfield on Monday. Weaver of Crockett. California, arc conditions at a rapid rate and in GOVERNMENT OFFERS of his father. T, C. McCracken. here this week visiting with Mrs. sufficient quantities to sattafy the taw offices of James K. King. 410 Mrs Borthick. The next meetitng Goes t0 Portland— Frank Tuhy CIVIL SERVICE JOBS Monmouth Man Here - Perry w eaver's father. A. W Weaver future demand for quality bird’s eyr Miner Building. Eugene. Lane will be August 3 with \fr s. Lee left Saturday for Portland where Huntington of Monmouth was a ,„,ar Thu„ , on veneer. County. Oregon, within six months Cruzan he will spend a week transacting guest at the Springfield hotel on Although many theories have Thr•‘•, C,*H 8 *r’ ,<* >,ba ar*' now from the date of this notice. ar* . T business. Dated at Eugene. Oregon. this Friday. Portland People Visit— Mr and been advanced to explain the cause | 28th day of July. 1932 GOOD KITCHEN LIGHT Mrs. K,l Quirk of Portland visited of bird's eye figure In wtwid. on •eg n te lv e d by the manager of tbe California People Here— Mr. and WINNIE RUSSELL. C ollect. Bounty— W. B. Patten of Sprln||f,eld the hom. of Mr V H. Civil Service district, Seattle IMPORTANT ELEMENT Mrs. Dowell of Oakland, California, Culp Creek collected a 32 county and Mrs ,, j Bartholomew , hypothesis has yet been advanced PEARL SATTERFIELD. which satisfactorily explains this Wes.iitigton. on and before Aug VIVIAN OLIVER. Executrices ar • spending a week at the Wilson bounty at the office of the county Tuesday u«l IS of the estate and Last Will and A survey made recently through unique phenomenon. The presence clerk Saturday for one bobcat. Testament of Anna Haynes, De­ i out the nation shows that the light cabin on Horse Creek. The positions available Include of adventitious buds In the Inner ceased. D rive, to Salem— Mr. and Mrs. ing In the average kitchen is en Mrs. Paul Leaves for Ranch bark is the explanation most gen- roud maintenance foreman, senior co rv a lli. People H e r » - Mr and Jll|lu, , nd f>mUy mo|()red (J. 28—A 4-11-18-25» and Tony in """""«'"nt L and | tirely inadequate. It is reported that Brattain left Tuesday for Paisley In Mrs Everett Wilkinson of Corvallis Sa|pm Sun, „ v Mr Kul<)p h>(| fnj)| erally advanced. It Is sometimes ar gued that the work of woodpeck ' »' la 'or » ■ »“« I more than three-fourths of all Eastern Oregon to visit with her spent the week-end here visiting or,.hardM near , hat r ||y NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ers and sapsuckers causes •birds ‘* " er ' WW •• UNDER FORECLOSURE kitchens are poorly lighted, caus- husband and son, Tom. They oper with friends near Camp Creek ,B hereb> given ing eye strain and headaches and ate a ranch near Imkevlew. eyes" to result. Other luvestlgator» 1,1 ' " r“ Guests Visit— Mis Elinor t'amp- virtue of an execution Issued out . . . . . , , C olleet. Bounty - George Me be„ and M,gs Mar„ re| alnloll advance the hypothesis that the I««*"""' O r e ^ ’in"“ ° / ,h e o '“ * ° f Z m T d.sngree- P iren tr_ T((m , ^ by Caule, of Mabel collected a county Sacramento. California, are gueels figure is an inheritable character * *’ ** ,Or ""“ '" nal employment Oregon, in and for Lane County, able. ,Or p"rl0'1" of fr,,m ‘hr—'I on the 27th day of July, 1982. upon In line with a national effort now o i Ur da ' e lt and Ge,,rge Lusby bounty of 34 on one adult female at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L K istlc. However, the forest products I a decree of foreclosure reudered in ’ Dnder way , o ,iBhten ho„sework ° ‘ Corbett' arrived in iipringfield coyote at the office of the county I Age. laboratory discounts all the above ” Those | aid court on the same day In the - SInndai to spend a week visiting clerk on Friday. explanations and seem s to altach , » h ' - ' « ‘r v l . „ r . satisfactory w llh suit of Ralph G. Marks against ‘ nd ,mpro' e llvin< conditions gen . J* Daughter ia Born— Mr. and Mrs he eligible und r,-employe,I In uc George W. Starbuck and Mrs. j «-rally. local electric dealers are tea lth th r par T M ' dn 1 * significance to the observation that Plan Coast Outing— Dr. and Mrs. William Burgess of Dexter are the c e d in g sea so n « . George W. Starbuck, husband and ; tu-ing the « c w "kitchen daylight' *'i' L usbj' A Super-Thriller of the bird's eye figure appears to oc­ M. V Walker and family leave to- . 8re„tl| of „ baby daughter Further Information regarding r*rthei0r8umeo f U3M 0a tt*or4ney6s of fixtures. The^e new Kil„ R, ttler_ Mrs. W P. Sheri cur in trees that have 1 > « m m i crowded the Weit. day for Florence to spend the week lb tn , „ , be,r home „„ w . dn„ ,day or for some other reason suppres­ these positions can lie obtained | and the costa and disbursements un ts are Priced at unbelievably low daE o f pan creek killed a rattle- end visiting with the B astard, j ujy »0 1932 sed In their rate of growth. Their from W aller N Gossler at the of suit, taxed and allowed as 330.85; Prices and can be immediately in s„ake In their back yard Friday family. Springfield posloffice. and commanding me. as sheriff of stalled without additional wiring or afternoon witb a shotgun. The efforts at determining the cause of I Guests Expected— Mr. and Mrs Seaside People Stop — Mr. ami , j mannerOprovldede bOy ' l l w8ih e'lan d s aI"° presence of the snake ,n ,h e >ard Sun. - Mon. A Tttes. E. Scott of Salem are expected this beautiful figure In wood, as M r«. Charles Allpn of Seasid > wer» described in said decree to satisfy 1181 ln ’ “e bedroom or bath where w;ls discovered by a pet cat. here today to spend the balance of well ns their attempt to reproduce THREE COLFERS QUALIFY LIONEL vi itors in Spring! eld Sunday after . ... . . . . said execution, with interest, and ,hey g,¥e maximum efficiency at H 7 the week visiting at the home of It. will be watched with keen In IN OAKWAY TOURNAMENT BARRYMORE the expenses of making such sale; a lew cost. Many local housewives Truck Tire Found— c Davis, ol coon enroute home after visiting in . , . . ,, „ " their son in-Iaw and daughter. Mr terest. NOW,,™ E R E F O R E . in accord- have already installed this new type Ninth and K streets reported find- Cottage Grove. „ . „ .. . . . and -Mrs. W. H. Adrian. William Moyer. Elmer I'yne. uud In S^tarday the 27th d i y V A u ™ “ ° f fU ,ure ln fhelr k“ chens and are ‘“ K a trtIlk tire on the Camp Creek H o m . fro m H o ^ l t a l <' E M ,... Daughter Born— Mr. and Mrs. H 'Washington Masquerade' Former Resident Visits — Mrs ter of W alterville has returned to for ,,la4.VJ 1932 at one o’clock in the afternoon now enjoying the convenience and road and deliver it to the |((UrI)|| , K. William of W est Springfield are i Grace Male and her sister. M th . Springfield from the Pacific Christ men, nnw ,,.,lnK bel(, at the Southwest or main entrance atisfaction of a properly lighted rightful owner if said person calls oakw ay i the parents of a baby daughter born to the County Courthouse in Eugene, workroom. at his home. Greater than Free Soul' William Beals, were vl Itor* In Ian hospital where he underwent cn Crosby and Helen a <” '»nobfl" accident at Eleventh drove north over the new coast COast. the date of the first publication of P^neM. both of Springfield; Harold i 8 "'1 E> a» k"" «"reels Eugene. Sat- highway to Waldport and returned , » 1 this cummons to show cause, If any Taylor. Eugene, and Doris Craft. uri^a > morning when car driven by home over the Alsea highway to exist, why an order of sale should McCleary, Washington; Ivan Al- her and Jesse Newell of Glide. Ore- Corvallis and Springfield. Tourist 38 P[a7Pd for ,n ‘bp ford and Ethel Saunders, both of 8 ° n’ collided- Both ears were dam- traffic was very light on both the sale of the following V a V ib ed ^ ea l Eu«pnp: William Hinton, Eugene, ( aKed Mr- « » d e was slightly In- coast and Alsea highways, says Mr. Goodman. property belonging to the above en !"«d Minnie Tidball, Veneta; How- l ur0d- titled estate, to.wjt; nrd Cox and Alice Doney, both of I ~ The Lot numbered forty-six 446, of H. L. ami T. B. Stewart's Drove. J lat of acreage lots, being a part of James Ebbert Jr. I). L. C. No. 8UMM0N8 74. Notif. 3314 in Township IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE S venleen (171 South, Range STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Three (3) West of the Wiliam COUNTY OF LANE. ette Meridian In Lane County. JAMES W. WYATT. Plaintiff, vs. State of Oregon. Also; VALETA MILDRED WYATT, De- All of lots numbered 18. 19. 20. fendant. and 21 In Block numbered 2 of To: VALETA MILDRED WYATT. Valley View Addition to Spring- the above named defendant, field. Lane Countv. Oregon. 93- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE cording to the official plat there-¡OF OREGON. GREETINGS: You of ln the office of the County are hereby required to appear and Clerk of Lane County, Oregon answer the complaint of the plain-1 Also; tiff on file herein on or before four All of lots numbered el^Yen weeks from the date of the first (11) and Twelve 412» of H. L publication of this summons; or Stewart and T. B. Stewart Plat I for want thereof the plaintiff will No. 2 of Acreage lot», being a take Judgment against you and will subdivision of the Jas. Ebbert Jr. apply to the Court for the relief If you cannot use tw o pair of shoes b rin g a Donation Lane Claim No. 74, in prayed for In the complaint and for friend and each get a pair at ju st h a lf the o rig in a l Township Seventeen, South a decree of absolute divorce from price. Range Three W est of the W il­ you. lam ette Meridian; said lots This summons Is publirhed once eleven (11) and Twelve (12) con­ a week for four consecutive weeks tain one acre each of land, more ln the Springfield News, a weekly or less, which Is ln Lane County, newspaper published at Springfield. Oregon Lane County, Oregon, by an order 2 P r. fo r £ 1 . 0 0 WITNESS my h nd and the s e a l! of the Hon. G. F. Sklpworth, Judge of said Court affixed this 22nd day of this Court, made July 27, 1932. of July, A. D. 1932. Dated and first published this W. B. DILLARD. Coun’y Clerk 28th day of July, 1932. By L. M. BRYSON. Deputy. FRANK B. REID. Attorney for 933 Willamette, Eugene, Ore. HARDWARE FURNITURE — RADIOS — PAINT Date of First Publication July 28th. Plaintiff. Post Office Address: ttu . Eugene. Oregon. (J. 39—A 4-11-13-26) (J. 28—A 4-11-18-25) G O L F OAKWAY BUSTER BROWN 2 for 1 Shoe Sale - Now Philco Radio New Models H a v e J u s t A r r iv e d ...DROP IN AND SEE THEM... S ilk M e s h H o s e Buster Brown Shoe Store Wright & Sons the grot cry line w ith q u a lity tnerchandiHe o f know n value. O ur peraonal guarantee I h hack o f all groceries wc ,ell. We «ire a ht m e owned store em ploying local p, ople and buying local produce. When yon trade here you help yo tira e lf and the c o m m u n ity an well. Large 25c Can Vienna Sausage 10c Large Oregon Italian Prunes 5 Lb» 1 9 c 5 Oz. Can Shrimp 10c A Wonderful New Soap Powder None Better 40 Oz. Pkg. 29c 1 Pound Jars Macaroni Salad 19c Large 14 Oz. Bottle Tomato Catsup 2 fo r 2 5 c Jell Powder All Flavors 5c Blue Stem F lo u r Hard Wheat 49 Lbs. £ 1 .0 5 M c K enzie blend 49 Lbs. 8 9 C